Das Farmen von Mobs in Minecraft kann eine großartige Möglichkeit sein, mit wenig Aufwand riesige Mengen an Ressourcen zu sammeln, abgesehen von der Mühe, die natürlich für den Aufbau der Farm aufgewendet wird.
Die meisten Farmen verlassen sich auf die Laichmechanismen von Mobs, obwohl andere Farmen Mob-Spawner verwenden, die in Dungeons und verlassenen Minenschächten zu finden sind. Feindliche Mobs spawnen nur im Dunkeln, also müssen wir einen großen, dunklen Raum schaffen, in dem sie spawnen können. Wir müssen dann auch einen Weg finden, all diese Mobs zu einem bestimmten Punkt zu transportieren, wo wir sie töten und die Beute einsammeln können.
Farmen können sich in Größe, Design und Tötungsmechanismen stark unterscheiden, aber die meisten haben die gleichen grundlegenden Schritte gemeinsam. Spawnen, Transportieren, Töten und Sammeln.
Wir brauchen zuerst unsere Mobs, um zu spawnen. Die Art und Weise, wie dies geschieht, hängt von der Art des Mobs ab, den Sie farmen möchten. Feindliche Mobs in der Oberwelt spawnen im Dunkeln, während Flammen hauptsächlich von Spawnern spawnen. In der Oberwelt sind auch andere Spawner verfügbar, die dir helfen könnten, 1 bestimmten Mob zu farmen.
Um Mobs zum Spawnen zu bringen, muss es immer dunkel sein, auch wenn Sie einen Spawner verwenden. Also beginnen wir damit, einen dunklen Raum zu schaffen, entweder um einen Spawner herum oder irgendwo für sich. Achte darauf, den Raum zu beleuchten, während du baust, oder spiele im Peacul-Modus, um zu verhindern, dass Monster spawnen und dich angreifen.
Die Größe des Raums spielt keine große Rolle, aber denken Sie daran, dass Mobs nur erscheinen und erscheinen bleiben, wenn sie sich innerhalb von 128 Blöcken um den Spieler befinden. Denken Sie also daran, wenn Sie entscheiden, wie groß und, was noch wichtiger ist, wie weit entfernt sind Ihre Basis, die Sie bauen werden.
Sie können auch die Höhe einschränken, aber es müssen mindestens 2 Blöcke sein, damit Mobs spawnen können, einschließlich Spinnen. Endermen erscheinen nur, wenn der Raum mindestens 3 Blocks hoch ist, also könntest du diese möglicherweise herausfiltern, indem du den Raum nur 2 Blocks hoch machst.
Es ist möglich, mehrere Ebenen zu erstellen, wodurch Sie viel mehr Arten von Mobs in einem Bereich farmen können. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass passive Mobs selten spawnen, nachdem der Chunk, in dem Sie sich befinden, generiert wurde. Es lohnt sich also kaum, einen solchen Spawning-Raum für passive Mobs zu schaffen. Das Züchten ist viel einfacher und schneller.
Sobald Sie den Laichraum erstellt haben, ist es an der Zeit, ein Transportsystem zu erstellen. Auch dies hängt stark von der Art der Farm ab, die Sie erstellen, und der Größe Ihres Farns. Mobs wandern nur umher, wenn sich der Spieler innerhalb von 32 Blöcken um dieses Monster befindet. Wenn der Spieler weiter entfernt ist, bleibt der Mob einfach stehen, obwohl er durch Kolben, Wasser und andere Methoden bewegt werden kann.
Die Transportsysteme ermöglichen es uns, alle Mobs an einem einzigen Ort zu sammeln, wo sie entweder vom Spieler oder von einem automatisierten System getötet werden können.
Die meisten Menschen benutzen ein Kanalsystem, um die Mobs zu einem zentralen Punkt in der Mitte zu transportieren. Dies ist die einfachste Methode und erfordert nicht viel Planung, obwohl Sie einige Dinge beachten müssen.
Das Wasser fließt bis zu 8 Blocks von seiner Quelle entfernt, sodass die Kanäle jeden 8. Block abgesenkt werden müssen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Wasser weiter fließt. Dies ist im Allgemeinen kein allzu großes Problem, besonders wenn Sie gerade Kanäle erstellen, aber es ist etwas, das Sie im Hinterkopf behalten sollten.

Mobs will also float in water, so you might want to plan the part where your canals meet first. While mobs will generally flow with the water current, mobs will often get stuck if they have to go through a single hole in the floor leading to the collection part of our trap. So make sure the mobs can fall down by either creating bigger holes or by preventing the water from flowing into that hole, either by placing signs on the sides of the hole or by making sure the water has to flow 9 blocks to reach it.


Also note that some mobs, like skeletons and zombies, have an AI system which prevents them from walking off the sides of blocks if the fall is too deep. This means they might not fall into your canal, which is the hole point of this transportation system. To counter this, place signs on the edges of the canals, without blocking the water. The mobs consider signs as blocks they can walk on, so they’ll try to walk across them, but they will instead fall into the canals. But don’t worry too much about it, as long as the fall isn’t higher than 2 blocks, the mobs will fall down.
As mentioned, mobs will not move when you’re too far away from them, so they will not walk into the canals. This means we have to find a different solution for those cases.
Waterfalls offer such a solution. By creating togglable waterfalls using pistons, we can poor water on the platforms with mobs, which will push them into the canals, or any other transportation system you’ve made.
Creating this system isn’t too difficult, all you do is connect a bunch of pistons to a single lever with redstone, though depending on the size of your farm, this system could become huge. But even huge systems aren’t too difficult to make. Make sure to test your system by placing a few torches on every platform where water has to fall, all the torches should be flushed away after you’ve tested your system, as torches break when water flows against it.
Once we’ve collected all the mobs in 1 place, it’s time to kill them. This can be done in various ways, but it’s important to note that some items can only drop if the monsters are killed by the player, like spider eggs.
No matter the system you choose, you’ll always have to collect the loot, which can either be done by walking to this collection point or by creating another (water) transportation system which takes your loot directly to your house.
Manual Killing, Experience Farms
Killing the mobs yourself is easy, but it can take quite a long time, especially if there are a lot of mobs. This means it’s a lot easier to hurt the mobs in some other way before you have to hit them. The easiest way to do this is by dropping them from a height.
By making the mobs fall from a height you can control the amount of health they’ll have left. Fall damage is done when a mob falls more than 3 blocks down. Every block length beyond those 3 blocks will cause half a heart of damage, so a skeleton would have to fall 22 blocks to be left with half a heart of health, which means it can then be killed with your fists.
This is also very useful to save on weapon durability. If you’ve built your farm in such a way you can’t make them fall, try adding a water elevator to make the mobs float up, before then dropping them down again. This is created by placing signs and blocks of water in a 2×2 grid. Make sure the signs and water blocks are placed diagonally and alternate as you go up.
You could also harm the mobs in other ways, like cacti, lava or arrow firing dispensers. But all of these could potentially kill the mob, which isn’t what we’re after in a manual setup, as this means we don’t get the special drops.
This is also the only way to get experience orbs, which is another reason why the fall and punch system works best.
Automatic Killing
There are numerous ways to kill the mobs automatically, without destroying the drops. Some will work better than others, though all of them are quite easy to build.
Fall damage is one of the best ways, as it’s quite easy to set up and you can quite easily calculate how high you have to build for a specific mob to die.
This is also a perfect way to ensure all drops reach you, as some methods could destroy part of the drops.
Lava is probably one of the fastest ways, as it deals the most damage. You can make the mobs get stuck in lava with their faces by making them flow into stairs, which hold the lava up above the water and collection part. The mobs will be forced into the ladder by the water, which means they’ll climb the ladder into the lava and die. The drops will fall into the water, which will then transport it to your collection point.
Note that lava could potentially destroy some of the drops, though it’s generally not much of an issue, as more mobs will come and die to drop their loot.
Cacti can also be used, but they’re often more destructive towards the drops than lava is.
They also have the disadvantage of having to be placed on sand, which can then prevent some items from dropping into water or any other collection system you’ve made.
Pistons are a good alternative to kill monsters without losing any of the drops. By crushing the mobs with blocks on pistons, the mobs will get stuck in those blocks and suffocate, the drops can then be transported or picked up. Note that mobs will not suffocate if they get stuck in a piston arm, so make sure the piston arm is pushing a block, rather than using the piston arm itself to do the crushing.
Daylight can be used to kill skeletons and zombies, though this means you can only kill them during the day and you have to transport them to a part that’s outside. You will also be unable to kill other mobs with this, so they could plug the collection area.
Final Notes
It’s important to know mobs will not spawn beyond a height of 128, so don’t bother building anything beyond that level.
You can filter some of the mobs that are collected by making different sized holes. Spiders can fit through 1 block high gaps, which means they can be taken out seperately. Zombies and skeletons will die in daylight, so by making your farm transport the mobs through a part that is exposed to daylight, skeletons and zombies can be killed, while leaving the creepers and other other mob you didn’t filter. This is a great way to farm a large amount of creepers, as you can filter out spider as well, because they don’t fit through 1 block wide gaps.
Note that there’s a cap on how many mobs can spawn, which depends on the amount of chunks are available for spawning. In single player the cap is 79 for hostile mobs, but this can be higher in multiplayer servers if the players are spread out. This means it’s best to kill all the mobs you chose not to collect, as they will take up potential spawning spots.
If you want to farm endermen, make sure to build your farm out of blocks they cannot pick up, like slabs. Otherwise you risk a defective farm when an enderman picks up the wrong block.