Hallo, spielst du Star Trek Fleet Command zu? Wir von JeuMobi liebe Management- und Konstruktionsspiele ! Vor allem, wenn dieses Spiel ein mobiles Spiel ist, das im Weltraum spielt! Dieses vom irischen Entwickler Digit Game Studios entwickelte Spiel basiert auf der berühmten Star Trek-Serie . Die Serie, in der wir Spock und Kirk an Bord der USS Enterprise folgen können! Das Handyspiel ist kostenlos und wurde 2018 veröffentlicht. Seitdem konnten viele Spieler die Galaxien erkunden und ihre eigenen Allianzen aufbauen! Dieses Spiel ist ein Multiplayer-Handyspiel und bietet wunderschöne Grafiken und ein rundenbasiertes Echtzeit-Kampfsystem.
In diesem Artikel beschreiben wir einige Tipps zu Star Trek Fleet Command um Ihnen beim Weiterkommen zu helfen! Besser werden ist möglich, und gewinnen ist das, was wir tun werden! Halt dich gut fest, denn wir werden den Weltraum erobern! 😆 🚀

Tipp Nr. 1:Verstehen Sie das Kampfsystem in Star Trek Fleet Befehl
Das Handyspiel Star Trek Fleet Command ist ein Management und Strategiespiel mit einem rundenbasierten Kampfsystem. In diesem Spiel müssen Sie Ihre Basis und Ihre Schiffe verwalten. Oft trittst du von Anfang an einer Allianz bei und stellst dich früh Feinden. Alle feindlichen Schiffe werden rot dargestellt. Ihre Verbündeten werden lila dargestellt und NPC-Schiffe blau.
Angriff auf Feinde und NPCs
Sie können Spieler angreifen und angegriffen werden! Tatsächlich ist kein Raumschiff vor Angriffen sicher! Aus diesem Grund raten wir Ihnen, Freunde zu finden, indem Sie einer Allianz beitreten. Einer Allianz beitreten bedeutet auch, eine geschützte Basis zu haben! Schließlich werden Ihre Verbündeten Ihre Basis nur schützen, wenn Sie sich in die Allianz investieren. Also nutze den Chat und erledige Missionen mit deinen Verbündeten!
Similarly, attack enemies and NPCs you don't want to support whenever you can! When you go on a quest, destroy red ships with a lower level than you. To do this, press the station of the selected ship to attack it. Each station has defence systems and the ships that are on the platform at the time of the attack can also defend it. Please note that when you attack an enemy player station, a peaceful shield is automatically activated . This shield prevents further attacks! This also applies to your station. But the shields have a limited duration . Strengthen yourself while this protection lasts!
The intricacies of attack in Star Trek Fleet Command
Note that you also cannot attack players whose operating module level is significantly higher or lower than yours. Of course, you can't attack your alliance partners' stations (we hope you didn't think of that)! This is a matter of common sense. You can only attack players when your operational module reaches a certain level. However, if you or your enemy isextracting resources , the ship can be attacked regardless of the level of the operational module.

Tip 2:Participate in events and collect daily rewards
In Star Trek Fleet Command, there are often time-limited events . These events allow you to earn rewards, resources and experience. That's why it's important to participate! Be aware that these events often take place simultaneously. So keep an eye out for them. To access the events, you can touch the associated icon at the top right of the screen. This button will display the objectives of the event as well as the duration. You will then be able to obtain many rare resources and rewards !
In this game you will also have daily objectives to complete . These objectives must be completed every day in order to earn as many rewards as possible! What's pretty cool is that many of these objectives will be in line with the regular main missions! 100 points scored on the daily objectives are needed to unlock 3 rewards treasures. Earning rewards is the best way to progress quickly in Star Trek Fleet Command !

There are also free treasures and chests that you can collect without even playing the game! You can collect a basic one every 10 minutes and a free one every 4 hours . Another chest is available every 24 hours and contains even more interesting rewards . 🚀
Disclaimer :We are against cheating in video games. That's why we won't give out codes to obtain currencies like Latinum in the game Star Trek Fleet Command.
Tip #3:Play Star Trek Fleet Command on PC
You know it! Management games are always more exciting on PC! That's why we recommend playing Star Trek Fleet Command on PC! 💡
Indeed, playing on PC will give you a better visibility and a better point of view for the management of your base! Download the emulator and install the game application directly on your computer! Then activate the Full HD resolution. Then increase the graphics as you wish and activate the automatic progress save!

With a mobile PC game, you get all the convenience of keyboard and mouse support for optimized mobile gaming. On your keyboard, we recommendassigning keys to quickly deploy your ships, alliance and map. This will save you time! The handy little extra, you can switch to your browser to search for tips and tricks on Star Trek Fleet Command ! This way, you can move through the game more quickly than on mobile.
Another small advantage of PC gaming is that you can sit on a gaming chair and avoid taking up storage on your smartphone! A space saver, but also a good way tosave your battery ! 🔋
Tip 4:What does it mean to have good ships and a good crew?
At the beginning of the game, you will only have access to one ship and will have little choice in officers. Let's face it, without proper ships, you won't get very far! Players and NPCs are always lurking in space, so you are vulnerable. You need to level up your ships and put a decent crew on them. That's the only way you'll be able to explore the galaxies safely!
Each ship has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some ships are better suited than others to certain enemies. For example, geological ships are designed for resource extraction and transportation. Battleships are designed for combat. Explorer ships are for exploration, so they have more endurance. Interceptors , on the other hand, are very fast and will be stronger in combat than explorers. It is therefore not advisable to use a geological ship in combat. Similarly, a battleship will not be particularly effective for exploration.
In order to have ships that stand up, you need to build them. For this you need plans ! The plans are to be collected with rewards and missions. These can be used to build ships if you have a high enough level for the type of ship. Some ships may require a fairly high level of science module, for example.

The officers
Before any expedition, you must assign a captain to the ship . Yes, you need pilots for your ships! To do this you will need to recruit officers using recruit tokens. These recruit tokens are obtained when you validate quests. Make sure you assign an officer whose own abilities match the ship's abilities. For example, Officer Gorkon would be perfect for an interceptor, as he is a member of the Klingon Abschnitte.

Tip #5:Use Speed Boosters to Win in Star Trek Fleet Command
Last but not least:use the speed boosters properly! Like in Warpath, Star Trek Fleet Command also has its own production and research acceleration system . As you need a lot of resources for buildings and ships, you also need to produce them! It's not enough to just go and do mining. Also, as you have few resources, use them wisely and keep the most valuable ones in your storage boxes .
Take time to produce your resources! This is an essential part of becoming strong in Star Trek Fleet Command . Don't forget that you can always turn to your alliance! If the alliance is active, allies will help you with your resources and can work together to produce them! This will allow you to not always be accelerating in the inventory.
Ask allies for help with productions and research lasting more than five minutes. Under five minutes, acceleration is free. Don't waste your time reducing a research or production of less than five minutes (or even five minutes and thirty seconds)! Plan your speed-ups according to your available resources so as not to waste your speed boosts.
If you're just starting out in the game, we recommend that you also read our Star Trek Fleet Command beginner's guide ! So please leave us a comment and share your own gaming experiences with us! Thanks for reading and enjoy your stay between star systems! 👨🚀