Hast du gerade Infinity Kingdom entdeckt und möchtest dein Königreich erobern? Diese Quest ist für Sie erreichbar, indem Sie diesem Leitfaden für Infinity Kingdom folgen, um loszulegen . Ich gebe dir viele Tipps, wie du schnell vorankommst und Ratschläge, wie du so manchen Anfängerfehler vermeidest. Fangen wir an!
Inhalt Aussicht- 1)Schließen Sie sich bei Infinity Kingdom von Anfang an einer Allianz an
- 2) Optimieren Sie die Verwendung von Boosts, Edelsteinen und VIP-Punkten
- 3)Das profitabelste Paket zum Starten von Infinity Kingdom
- 4)Die Karte:Ruinen, Ernten und Schlachten
- 4.1)PvP- und PvE-Kämpfe
- 4.2) Ressourcen auf der Karte sammeln
- 4.3) Die Erkundung und Ruinen von Infinity Kingdom
- 5)Spielen auf einem PC und mit mehreren Konten gleichzeitig
- 6)Die Unsterblichen (Helden)
- 7)Gebäude und Truppen
- 8)Quests, Events und Belohnungen
- 9)Bonus dieses Guides Infinity Kingdom:TP Level 7, werde Springer
Bei Infinity Kingdom von Anfang an einer Allianz beitreten
Vielleicht möchtest du das nicht tun und möchtest das Spiel lieber auf eigene Faust entdecken, aber das ist einer der besten Tipps, die ich dir geben kann, um schnell Fortschritte bei Infinity Kingdom zu machen . Einer Allianz beitreten ermöglicht es Ihnen, andere Mitglieder um Hilfe zu bitten und so Ihre Gebäude sehr schnell voranzubringen. Vor allem am Anfang, da Gebäude recht schnell zu bauen sind. Du sparst Boosts und dein Level steigt sehr schnell.

Gut zu wissen, du kannst nur einer Allianz mit demselben Königreich wie du beitreten . Ebenso können Allianzen nur Allianzen aus demselben Königreich als Verbündete haben. Das endgültige Ziel eines Königreichs (und damit aller Allianzen, aus denen es besteht) wird es sein, das Herz der Welt zu erobern.

Optimieren Sie die Verwendung von Boosts, Edelsteinen und VIP-Punkten
Die richtige Verwendung Ihrer Boosts und Edelsteine am Anfang des Spiels lässt dich sehr schnell aufleveln. Darüber hinaus vermeiden Sie durch die Auswahl Ihrer Ziele und die Bestimmung Ihrer Bedürfnisse die Verschwendung Ihrer Ressourcen.
Zu Beginn des Spiels sollten Sie nicht zögern, Ihre Boosts zu nutzen um Ihre Strukturen, Truppen und Ihr allgemeines Niveau schnell zu erhöhen. Achten Sie darauf, keine Gebäude zu bauen oder zu erweitern, die in der Hauptmission nicht benötigt werden. Dies führt dazu, dass Sie unnötig Boosts verlieren und Sie werden sehr schnell stecken bleiben. Warte auch ein paar Sekunden / Minuten, bis deine Allianzmitglieder Zeit haben, dir zu helfen. Dadurch sparen Sie viele Boosts!

Der zweite Rat, den ich Ihnen geben kann, betrifft Edelsteine. Sie sollten sie nur verwenden, um zu kaufen:
- VIP-Punkte das gibt Ihnen nicht zu vernachlässigende Privilegien (Kontoaufwertungen);
- Boosts um deine Gebäude schneller zu bauen;
- das Tag-6-Paket was 3000 Edelsteine kostet. Ich rate Ihnen, bis Tag 6 mit dieser Anzahl an Edelsteinen auf Lager zu sparen;
- x2 Wünsche pro Tag (10 Edelsteine), um auf 15 Wünsche zu kommen und das 3. Geschenk der Göttin freizuschalten. Nach meinen Berechnungen sparen Sie ca. 70% Im Vergleich zum Kauf dieser Ressourcen ist es also sehr profitabel. Der Wunschbrunnen wird freigeschaltet, wenn dein Schloss Level 10 ist .

Vergessen Sie nicht, die VIP-Punkte zu verwenden, die Sie in Ihrem Inventar haben! Es hat keinen Sinn, sie aufzubewahren 🙂
Das profitabelste Paket, um mit Infinity Kingdom zu beginnen
If you want to support the developers of Infinity Kingdom or if you usually spend a few euros on the games you play, don't miss out on this pack! This pack will give you a real boost to your progress. This is the Head Start pack available in the special packs.

This pack will allow you to unlock a construction queue for your buildings as well as other bonuses. In addition to this, you will unlock the First Recharge pack which contains :
- 1 free legendary immortal:Merlin (water);
- 3 Philosopher's stones;
- 10 scrolls of medium exp;
- 100 VIP points;
- 100 gems.

Merlin will help you greatly in your early days. He will be a pillar for your first water composition and will make you win your PVE fights quite easily.
For even more rewards, I recommend downloading the game via Huawei's Game Center, which will give you access to additional exclusive rewards on Infinity Kingdom and many other advantages.
The map:Ruins, crops and fighting
It can be a bit confusing on such a large map. This can also cause you to make some bad decisions in the early game, but don't worry, this guide on Infinity Kingdom is here to help you out.
PvP and PvE combat
First of all, I advise you not to attack other players to get a good start in Infinity Kingdom. Even if it is very tempting when you see a defenseless prey, it is not a good idea because your protection barrier will be broken.

This will leave you at the mercy of stronger opponents who can raid your garrisons. I advise you to rush the 30,000 of power at least (and to be above the average of the players around you) before attacking.
However, when it comes to gnomes and bosses, show no mercy! ⚔ This will allow you to get equipment, experience and to increase your equipment.
Collecting resources on the map
Very quickly, you have to send your units to collect resources on the map . But you will have many packs in your inventory and will run out of very few resources in the first few days, so don't focus too much on this at the beginning of the game. There is no need to neglect harvesting completely, as it keeps your troops busy when you leave the game.

Stone and iron are the resources you will miss the most during your climb. Therefore, give preference to these during your farm sessions.
The exploration and ruins ofInfinity Kingdom
Exploring the map and finding the ruins is very important. Even if the process is repetitive and time-consuming, you absolutely must do it. Here's a little tip:you don't have to scour the map looking for every ruin because we've put together a little guide to the ruins Infinity Kingdom with a complete list of all their coordinates to make it easier für dich! Isn't life great?
Playing on a PC and with multiple accounts at the same time
Infinity Kingdom is a graphically beautiful mobile game and it would be a shame not to enjoy it. If you have a phone that struggles to cope with it, or if you want to save your battery , you can download Infinity Kingdom on PC!
This system also has other advantages as it allows you to set up a multi-instance of Infinity Kingdom . This is ideal if you are a big farmer! You can play on several accounts at the same time and build a real empire on your own.

The Immortals (heroes)
Immortals will lead your troops into battle. They each have an attribute that can form bonuses when deployed with Immortals of the same attribute . The number of bonuses depends on the number of Immortals of the same attribute in your formation.

The easiest way to start on Infinity Kingdom is to make a team of 4 water Immortals and the water dragon. This is the element where you normally have the most Immortals at the beginning of the game.
Good to know about the attributes:
- Water wins against Fire;
- Fire wins against Wind;
- Wind wins against Lightning;
- Lightning wins against Earth;
- Earth wins against Water;
- Shadow wins on all previous elements;
- The Celestial wins against Shadow.
Obviously, you will have to increase your Immortals and make them wear equipment . I advise you to increase only the Immortals you use and to increase your equipment by level (+5, +10, +15,...).
Finally, never use your philosopher's stones to summon immortals 1 by 1. Be patient and wait until you have 9 of them to get 1 free summoning each time!
Buildings and troops
Infinity Kingdom is no exception. As with most mobile strategy games, you mainly need to level up your castle (which is the most important building) to unlock new aspects of the game and train your troops .
You must build the buildings needed to increase the level of your castle or to advance the chapters of the story. Don't dwell on the others at this stage of the game.

Regarding the troops in Infinity Kingdom, you have to create as many as possible from the beginning. The goal will be to increase your technologies in number and power as quickly as possible to improve your troops .

Quests, events and rewards
For a fast and efficient progression, don't forget to finish all the quests which will give you very nice rewards . When a server opens on Infinity Kingdom, you will have a series of events waiting for your participation that will really boost your progress. So don't miss out.
Even though you are an outsider by nature, as I said above, you have to follow the quests as much as possible to advance in the chapters. If you want to upgrade all your buildings or do things outside of those quests, you'll be slowed down very quickly and fall behind the other players. It's all about optimising your progress.
Bonus of this guide Infinity Kingdom :TP level 7, become a jumper
If you like over-optimisation, this last trick will please you! After level 8, it will no longer be possible to teleport to another server with your castle. The server jump technique consists of raising an account to castle level 7 and then increasing all your buildings to the maximum and optimising your immortals to the highest level.

Once you have done this, simply wait for a new server to open on Infinity Kingdom and then teleport your castle to this new server. This will give you a huge head start on all other players who start the game on that server. 😎
And that's it, this Infinity Kingdom guide to getting started is coming to an end. I hope you found it useful and please feel free to share your own tips in the comments to help beginners. Have a good conquest! 🔥