Ein guter Charakter in Genshin Impact reicht nicht aus, um viel Schaden anzurichten, sie brauchen einen guten Build, und das bedeutet relevante Waffen. Um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihre Charaktere gut auszurüsten, haben wir diese Stufenliste der besten Waffen in Genshin Impact geschrieben :Bogen, Katalysator, Hastwaffe, Einhandschwert und Zweihandschwert. Unser Ranking wird dir sagen, wie du sie bekommst, wen du mit ihnen ausrüstest, welche Rolle du spielen sollst, ihre sekundären Werte usw.
Inhalt Aussicht- 1)Die Kriterien für die Auswahl der besten Waffen in Genshin Impact
- 1.1)Sekundärwaffenstatistik in Genshin Impact
- 1.2) Waffenhaftung in Genshin Impact
- 2) Rangliste der besten Bögen in Genshin Impact
- 2.1) Polarstern:einer der besten Bögen in Genshin Impact
- 2.2)Ailes de la Voûte d'Azur:ein großer Anstieg der kritischen Rate
- 2.3)Amos-Bogen:der beste Bogen zur Verstärkung normaler Angriffe
- 2.4) Ultimativer Seufzer:eine Waffe zur Unterstützung
- 2.5)Donnerimpuls:Yoimiyas charakteristische Waffe
- 2.6)Letzte Saite:einer der besten 4-Sterne-Bögen in Genshin Impact
- 2.7)Der Ritualbogen:ein 4-Sterne-Bogen, ideal für Sub-DPS, Unterstützung und Heiler
- 3)Stufenliste der besten Einhandschwerter in Genshin Impact
- 3.1)Primordial Jade Cutter:das vielseitigste Schwert
- 3.2)Slice-and-Dice-Reflektion:Ayakas charakteristische Waffe
- 3.3)Der Eid der Freiheit:Kazuhas charakteristische Waffe
- 3.4) Schwarzes Schwert:die Waffe des Schlachtfelds
- 3.5)Ritualschwert:eines der besten 4-Sterne-Schwerter
- 3.6)Schwert von Favonius:Die Waffe für Supporter und Sub-DPS
- 4) Rangliste der besten Waffen in Genshin Impact:Zweihandschwerter
- 4.1)Wolf Death:ein Claymore für DPS
- 4.2)Pride of the Azure Vault:das beste Zweihandschwert für Sub-DPS
- 4.3)Die charakteristische Waffe von Redhorn Stonethresher Arataki Itto
- 4.4)Drachenknochen:die Waffe des Schlachtfelds
- 4.5)Schwertfisch-Prototyp:ein ausgezeichnetes Zweihandschwert, das vom Schmied hergestellt werden kann
- 4.6)Ritual Swordfish:ein zweihändiges Schwert für Sub-DPS und Unterstützung
- 5) Rangliste der besten Waffen von Genshin Impact
- 5.1) Homa-Stab:eine der besten Hast-Waffen in Genshin Impact
- 5.2)Geflügelter Jade-Speer:ein mächtiger und vielseitiger Speer
- 5.3)Reaper's Light:die charakteristische Waffe des Raiden Shogun
- 5.4)Azure Vault Bank:eine Lanze, die für eine große Anzahl von Charakteren geeignet ist
- 5.5) "The Grip":die beste Free-to-Play-Hast-Waffe in Genshin Impact
- 6)Tier-Liste der besten Katalysatoren
- 6.1)Der Atlas des Azurgewölbes:einer der besten Katalysatoren von Genshin Impact
- 6.2)Der Ursprung der Vier Winde:ein Katalysator für DPS
- 6.3) Solar Pearl:der Katalysator des Battle Pass
- 6.4)Wanderer-Bewegung:der beste Free-to-Play-Katalysator von Genshin Impact
- 6.5)Geschichte der Drachenjäger:der beste Katalysator für Unterstützungen
Die Kriterien für die Auswahl der besten Waffen in Genshin Impact

The choice of weapons in Genshin Impact depends above all on the role of your character . Is he a DPS, a sub-DPS or a healer?
Secondary weapons statistics in Genshin Impact
Each type of weapon, in addition to increasing the ATK of the equipped character, has a secondary stat . This can be ATK, DMG physical, DMG CRIT, CRIT hit, elemental control, energy recharge, DEF or HP.
For a character whose damage is calculated according to his ATK, you will need a weapon with ATK, hit or critical damage bonuses.
Conversely, a healer or a character summoning shields (depending on his HP) will need a maximum of health points.
You are advised to look carefully at the skills of your characters and on which statistics they are based:ATK DEF or HP?
Passive weapons in Genshin Impact
Each weapon has a passive that will allow you to do more damage in a specific situation, recharge your energy faster, etc.
You can increase the bonus of passives by refining your weapon or by sacrificing an identical weapon to increase its rank (up to a maximum of 5).
Tier list of the best bows in Genshin Impact
The bows of Genshin Impact have been ranked in this Tier list of the best weapons. This ranking is obviously subjective and rather general. You can also find more details below the table on the best bows.
Name of the weapon | Rarität | Secondary statistics | Role | Obtaining | Rank |
Skyward Harp | 5 ★ | TRC rate | DPS / Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | SS |
Amos' Bow | 5 ★ | ATK | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Elegy for the End | 5 ★ | Energy recharging | Unterstützung | Invocation | SS |
Thundering Pulse | 5 ★ | DMG CRIT | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Polar star | 5 ★ | TRC rate | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Aqua Simulacra | 5 ★ | DMG CRIT | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | S |
The Stringless | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | S |
Sacrificial Bow | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support / Healer | Invocation | S |
Rost | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | A |
The Viridescent Hunt | 4 ★ | TRC rate | DPS | Kampfpass | A |
Hamayumi | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Blacksmith | A |
Blackcliff Warbow | 4 ★ | DMG CRIT | DPS | Exchange shop | A |
Fading Twilight | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Event | A |
Mouun's Moon | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | A |
Prototype Crescent | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Blacksmith | A |
Mitternachts Waltz | 4 ★ | Physical damage bonus | DPS | Invocation | A |
Alley Hunter | 4 ★ | ATK | Sub-DPS / support | Invocation | A |
Favonius Warbow | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / support | Invocation | B |
Windblume Ode | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS | Event | B |
Royal Bow | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Exchange shop | B |
Compound bow | 4 ★ | Physical damage bonus | DPS | Blacksmith | B |
Sharpshooter's Oath | 3 ★ | DMG CRIT | DPS | Invocation | B |
Slingshot | 3 ★ | TRC rate | DPS | Invocation | B |
Raven bow | 3 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS | Invocation | C |
Recurve Bow | 3 ★ | PV | Support (healer) | Invocation | C |
Messenger | 3 ★ | DMG CRIT | ATK | Invocation | C |
Polar star:one of the best bows in Genshin Impact

The Polar Star (5 ★) is one of the best weapons on Genshin Impact. In addition to greatly increasing the CRIT rate of your characters, its passive boosts the damage of the elemental skill and elemental rampage by 12%. The ATK is then increased. The bow is ideal for DPS such as Ganyu , Tartaglia and Yoimiya . It will also serve sub-DPS such as Fischl and Venti to increase the damage of their elemental attacks.
Skyward Harp:a big critical rate gain

Skyward Harp (5 ★) also gives you a significant CRIT rate bonus. Its passive increases DMG CRIT by 20% and gives your attacks a 60% chance to inflict an area attack that deals 125% damage from ATK.
It will be one of the best weapon choices for many characters:Fischl , Amber , Kujou Sara , Aloy , Tartaglia , Yoimiya , Venti or Ganyu .
Amos' Bow:the best bow for boosting normal attacks

Amos' Bow (5 ★) is made for DPS such as Yoimiya und Ganyu , who perform many normal attacks. Their attack will be significantly increased, as will the damage of their normal and charged attacks.
Elegy for the End:a weapon for supports

The Elegy for the End (5 ★) is one of Genshin Impact 's best arcs for supporting characters:Fischl , Diona , Venti , Kujou Sara , Gorou , etc. It increases energy recharge, elemental control and damage from ATK.
Thundering pulse:Yoimiya's signature weapon

Thunder Pulse (5 ★) is the signature arc of Yoimiya . You will also be able to equip it to characters such as Tartaglia und Ganyu who perform normal attacks. Their attack and critical damage will be greatly increased.
The Stringless:one of the best 4-star bows in Genshin impact

The Stringless (4 ★) confers an elemental mastery bonus and increases elemental skills. These characteristics make this weapon ideal for sub-DPS / support. Your elemental reactions will be even more devastating.
Sacrificial Bow:a 4-star bow ideal for sub-DPS, support and healers

Sacrificial Bow (4 ★) is for characters in the support role (Diona, Gorou, Venti, etc.). It increases their energy recharge and gives a chance to reset the recharge time of elemental attacks every 30 seconds.
Tier List of the best one-handed swords in Genshin Impact
The RPG offers a wide range of one-handed swords that can be obtained through summonses, the smithy, the swap shop or during limited time events. We've ranked them in this Tier list of the best weapons of Genshin Impact according to their features, passives, roles, etc.
Rarität | Secondary statistics | Role | Obtaining | Rank | |
Primordial Jade Cutter | 5 ★ | Crit rate | DPS / Sub-DPS / healer | Invocation | SS |
Mistsplitter Reforged | 5 ★ | DMG Crit | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Haran Geppaku Futsu | 5 ★ | Rate crit | DPS | Invocation | SS |
Freedom-Sworn | 5 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | SS |
Summit Shaper | 5 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | S |
Aquila Favonia | 5 ★ | Bonus from DMG | DPS | Invocation | S |
Skyward Blade | 5 ★ | Energy recharging | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | S |
The Black Sword | 4 ★ | TRC rate | DPS | Kampfpass | S |
Sacrificial Sword | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | S |
Blackcliff Longsword | 4 ★ | DMG Crit | DPS | Shop | A |
Favonius Sword | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | A |
Lion's Roar | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | A |
Harbinger of Dawn | 3 ★ | DMG Crit | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | A |
Prototype Rancour | 4 ★ | Physical damage bonus | DPS | Forge | A |
Amenoma Kageuchi | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS / Sub-DPS | Forge | A |
The Alley Flash | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS | Invocation | A |
Festering Desire | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS | Event | A |
Iron Sting | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | B |
The Flute | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | B |
Cinnabar spindle | 4 ★ | DEF | Sub-DPS | Event | B |
Royal Longsword | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Exchange shop | B |
Skyrider Sword | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | B |
Sword of Descension | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Playstation Event | C |
Traveler's Handy Sword | 3 ★ | DEF | Unterstützung | Invocation | C |
Fillet Blade | 3 ★ | ATK | ATK | Invocation | C |
Dark Iron Sword | 3 ★ | Basic mastery | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | C |
Cool Steel | 3 ★ | ATK | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | C |
Primordial Jade Cutter:the most versatile sword

The Primordial Jade Cutter (5 ★) dominates the Tier list of the best weapons on Genshin Impact due to its versatility. The one-handed sword increases your characters' CRIT, HP and ATK based on their max HP. You will be able to equip it on many characters:Keqing, Xingqiu, Bennett, Jean Albedo, Ayaka, Kazuha, etc.
Mistsplitter Reforged:Ayaka's signature weapon

The Mistsplitter Reforged (5 ★) is the signature weapon ofAyaka . In addition to greatly increasing the DMG Crit, your elemental attacks will do much more damage. You can equip it on any swordsman whose attacks are primarily elemental, such as Xingqiu orAyato .
Freedom-Sworn:Kazuha's signature weapon

The Freedom-Sworn (5 ★) , the signature weapon of Kazuha , focuses on elemental control and elemental reactions. These allow you to boost your ATK. In addition to Kazuha, you can equip the sword on Ayaka, Xingqiu, Ayato, Kaeya, etc.
The Black Sword:the weapon of the battlefield

You can get The Black Sword (4 ★) through the battle pass. The one-handed sword rivals the 5-star swords. It gives you a CRIT rate bonus and its passive increases the damage of normal and charged attacks by 20%, while restoring your HP on critical hits. It is therefore suitable for all your DPS.
Sacrificial Sword:one of the best 4-star swords

The Sacrificial Sword (4 ★) embodies one of the best weapon choices in Genshin Impact for all supporting characters:your energy recharge will be greatly increased and you will have a chance to reset your elemental attack. It is especially recommended for Xingqiu, Bennett, Qiqi, etc.
Favonius Sword:the weapon for supports and sub-DPS

Your character lacks energy recharge? Well, the Favonius Sword (4 ★) should fix that. As a bonus, your critical hits have a chance to generate elemental particles. You can assign it to your supports and sub-DPS (the Traveller, Bennett, Kazuha, Qiqi, etc.)
Tier list of the best weapons in Genshin Impact :two-handed swords
We continue our Tier list of the best weapons of Genshin Impact with the two-handed swords . With our ranking, you'll know which claymores to choose first to wreak havoc in the abyss with Eula, Diluc, Itto, Noëlle, etc.
Name of the weapon | Rarität | Secondary statistics | Role | Obtaining | Rank |
Wolf's Gravestone | 5 ★ | ATK | DPS / Sub-DPS / Support / | Invocation | SS |
Skyward Pride | 5 ★ | Energy recharging | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Redhorn Stonethresher | 5 ★ | DMG CRIT | DPS | Invocation | SS |
Song of Broken Pines | 5 ★ | Physical damage | DPS | Invocation | SS |
Serpent Spine | 4 ★ | RATE Crit | DPS | Kampfpass | SS |
Favonius Greatsword | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | S |
Sacrificial Greatsword | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | S |
Prototype Archaic | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Forge | S |
The Unforged | 5 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | A |
Whiteblind | 4 ★ | DEF | DPS | Forge | A |
Katsuragikiri Nagamasa | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS | Forge | A |
Luxurious Sea-Lord | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS / Sub-DPS | Event | A |
Akuoumaru | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | A |
Blackcliff Slasher | 4 ★ | DMG Crit | DPS | Exchange shop | A |
Snow-Tombed Starsilver | 4 ★ | Physical damage bonus | DPS | Invocation | A |
Skyrider Greatsword | 3 ★ | Physical damage bonus | DPS | Invocation | A |
Rainslasher | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS | Invocation | B |
The Bell | 4 ★ | PV | Support / DPS | Invocation | B |
Lithic Blade | 4 ★ | ATK | Sub-DPS | Invocation | B |
Royal Greatsword | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | B |
Bloodtainted Greatsword | 3 ★ | Basic mastery | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | C |
Debate Club | 3 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | C |
Ferrous Shadow | 3 ★ | PV | Unterstützung | Invocation | C |
White Iron Greatsword | 3 ★ | DEF | DPS | Invocation | C |
Wolf's Gravestone:a claymore made for DPS

Besides having a cool name, the Wolf's Gravestone (5 ★) offers a huge bonus of ATK. You even boost the ATK of your entire team when you hit enemies with less than 30% of their HP. You can give it to Diluc, Beidou, Eula, Itto, etc.
Skyward Pride:the best two-handed sword for sub-DPS

Skyward Pride (5 ★) will give you less ATK, but a significant boost in energy recharge particularly valuable for DPS and sub-DPS with expensive elemental rampage. Your characters' damage is also increased. After an elemental rampage, normal and charged attacks will generate a void tear inflicting 80% ATK.
Redhorn Stonethresher Arataki Itto's signature weapon

Do your heroes' skills rely on defence rather than attack? In this case, we recommend the two-handed sword Redhorn Stonethresher (5 ★). The passive increases normal and charged attacks, but also DEF. This is the signature weapon ofArataki Itto . It will also be suitable for Noëlle Xinyan usw.
Serpent Spine:the weapon of the battlefield

The paid version of the battle pass allows you to get your hands on one of the best two-handed swords on Genshin Impact :Serpent Spine (4 ★) . It will suit all DPS thanks to its CRIT rate boost. Damage dealt can be increased by up to 30% at Refinement Rank 1. In return, you will take more damage.
Prototype Archaic:an excellent two-handed sword to be made by the blacksmith

On the free-to-play side, we recommend the Prototype Archaic (4 ★) . The claymore confers a bonus of ATK and normal and charged attacks have a 50% chance to cause 240% more DMG when they hit (every 15 seconds).
Sacrificial Greatsword:a two-handed sword for sub-DPS and support

Sacrificial Greatsword (4 ★) is for sub-DPS and supporting characters. The two-handed sword increases energy recharge and gives elemental skills a 40% chance (at level 1) to reset their cooldown when hitting enemies, once every 30 seconds. Our advice is to equip it on Beidou, Chongyun, Sayu, etc.
Tier List of the best polearms in Genshin Impact
Spearmen are not left out thanks to a wide choice of polearms . But not all weapons are created equal. This Tier list of the best hast weapons from Genshin Impact will help you to sort out your weapons.
Name of the weapon | Rarität | Secondary statistics | Role | Obtaining | Rank |
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear | 5 ★ | TRC rate | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Engulfing Lightning | 5 ★ | Energy recharging | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Staff of Homa | 5 ★ | DMG CRIT | DPS / Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | SS |
Skyward Spine | 5 ★ | Energy recharging | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Calamity Queller | 5 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | S |
Vortex Vanquisher | 5 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | S |
"The Catch" | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS | Fishing | S |
Deathmatch | 4 ★ | TRC rate | DPS / Sub-DPS | Kampfpass | S |
Favonius Lance | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | S |
Wavebreaker's Fin | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | A |
Blackcliff Pole | 4 ★ | DMG CRIT | DPS | Invocation | A |
Lithic Spear | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | A |
Kitain Cross Spear | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS | Invocation | A |
Dragon's Bane | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS / DPS | Invocation | A |
Black Tassel | 3 ★ | PV | Unterstützung | Invocation | A |
Royal Spear | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Exchange shop | B |
Crescent Pike | 4 ★ | Physical damage | DPS | Invocation | B |
Prototype Starglitter | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | DPS / Sub-DPS | Forge | B |
Dragonspine Spear | 4 ★ | Bonus from DMG | DPS | Forge | B |
Halberd | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | C |
White Tassel | 4 ★ | TRC rate | DPS | Invocation | C |
Staff of Homa:one of the best polearms in Genshin Impact

For many characters, starting with Hu Tao , the Staff of Homa (5 ★) will be the best weapon. It increases DMG crit, HP and ATK.
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear:a powerful and versatile spear

Equally versatile, the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear (5 ★) , the signature weapon of Xiao increases critical rate. Thanks to its passive, enemies hit give you a bonus of ATK. This is greater if you have a shield.
Engulfing Lightning:the signature weapon of the Raiden Shogun

The Engulfing Lightning (5 ★) is the best weapon for the Raiden Shogun . It is also used by all characters who need to have a lot of energy to recharge their batteries:Yun Jin , Thomas , Rosalia , Xiangling , Zhongli etc. The passive increases ATK to 28% of the energy recharge exceeding 100%.
Skyward Spine:a lance suitable for a large number of characters

Skyward Spine (5 ★) also grants an energy recharge bonus with its secondary stat. Its passive increases the critical rate and speed of ATK. Normal attacks can also generate additional damage. This hast weapon is suitable for Xiao , Xiangling Hu Tao , Rosalia or Shenhe .
"The Catch":the best free-to-play polearm in Genshin Impact

Don't have any 5-star spears? Then why not do a little fishing and get yourself "The Catch" (4 ★) ? The spear boosts your energy recharge as well as your elemental rampage damage and CRIT rate.
Tier list of the best catalysts
We now let you discover our Tier list of the best catalysts of Genshin Impact to help your mages perform in the abyss.
Name of the weapon | Rarität | Secondary statistics | Role | Obtaining | Rank |
Skyward Atlas | 5 ★ | ATK | DPS / sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds | 5 ★ | TRC rate | DPS | Invocation | SS |
The Widsith | 4 ★ | Critical damage | DPS / sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers | 3 ★ | PV | Unterstützung | Invocation | SS |
Kagura's Verity | 5 ★ | DMG CRIT | Sub-DPS | Invocation | SS |
Solar Pearl | 4 ★ | TRC rate | DPS / sub-DPS | Kampfpass | S |
Sacrificial Fragments | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | S |
Everlasting Moonglow | 5 ★ | PV | Support / DPS | Invocation | S |
Memory of Dust | 5 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | A |
Dodoco Tales | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Event | A |
Mappa Mare | 4 ★ | Basic mastery | Unterstützung | Forge | S |
Prototype Amber | 4 ★ | PV | Support (care) | Forge | A |
Oathsworn Eye | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Event | A |
Favonius Codex | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | A |
Hakushin Ring | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Blacksmith | A |
Blackcliff Agate | 4 ★ | DPS | DPS | Exchange shop | A |
Eye of perception | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | B |
Wine and song | 4 ★ | Energy recharging | DPS | Invocation | B |
Royal Grimoire | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Invocation | B |
Frostbearer | 4 ★ | ATK | DPS | Forge | B |
Emerald Orb | 3 ★ | Basic mastery | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | C |
Magic guide | 3 ★ | Basic mastery | DPS / Sub-DPS | Invocation | C |
Otherworldly Story | 3 ★ | Energy recharging | Sub-DPS / Support | Invocation | C |
Twin Nephrite | 3 ★ | TRC rate | TRC rate | Invocation | C |
The Skyward Atlas:one of the best catalysts of Genshin Impact

The Skyward Atlas (5 ★) is one of the best catalysts on Genshin impact, which is why it dominates this ranking. It brings a lot of ATK, but also a bonus of elemental damage. Not only that, but normal attacks can generate an attack with 160% DMG of ATK. It is an excellent choice of weapon for DPS such as Klee, Yanfei, Ningguang, Yae Miko, etc.
The Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds :a catalyst for DPS

Equally excellent, the Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds (5 ★) grants you a large critical rate bonus, while increasing your movement speed by 10%, as well as an 8% elemental DMG bonus every 4 seconds (cumulative 4 times) when the character fights. We advise you to equip this weapon on DPS staying a maximum of time on the active post.
Solar pearl:the catalyst of the battle pass

Solar Pearl (4 ★) , the catalyst of the battle pass, also increases the CRIT rate of the equipped character. Thanks to its passive, normal attacks boost the DMG of elemental skills by 20% for 6 seconds. And elemental skills boost normal attacks in the same way.
The Widsith:the best free-to-play catalyst of Genshin Impact

The Widsith (4 ★) makes a very good catalyst choice for many characters (DPS and sub-DPS):Lisa, Sucrose, Mona, Yanfei, Yae Miko. It increases their critical damage and a melody is played when the character is deployed. This can increase ATK by 60%, elemental damage by 48% or elemental mastery by 240 points.
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers:the best catalyst for media

Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (3 ★) is among the best weapons of Genshin Impact. The Catalyst is ideal for supporting characters such as Sucrose, Kokomi, Mona, Barbara, Lisa, etc. In addition to increasing their HP, when you switch to another character, that character will have their ATK boosted by 20% (at level 1). The effect can be activated every 20 seconds.

That's it for this Tier list of the best weapons of Genshin Impact. Our ranking is of course subjective. If you are looking for the best weapon for a particular character, please feel free to take a look at our detailed guides.
Once you've got your hands on the right weapon, all you have to do is equip it and level it up, or even refine it to increase its features. You can also check out our tips and tricks for perfecting your characters' equipment in our guide to the best artefacts.