Skyrim ist ein Spiel, von dem jeder Spieler mindestens einmal gehört hat. Es ist eines der besten Spiele auf dem Markt und hat sich in der Spieleszene einen Namen gemacht. Das Spiel ist jedoch noch nicht für Mobilgeräte verfügbar. Daher gibt es Spiele wie Skyrim, die existieren, um die Lücke zu füllen.
In diesem Artikel werden wir die besten Handyspiele auflisten, die eine Ähnlichkeit mit dem beliebten Computerspiel haben. Während Spielerlebnisse sehr unterschiedlich sind, bieten Handyspiele wie Skyrim Ihnen ein ähnliches Erlebnis.
Was ist Skyrim?

The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim wurde ursprünglich 2011 veröffentlicht und ist ein Action-Rollenspiel, in dem Spieler die offene Welt von Skyrim frei durchstreifen können. Diese Umgebung umfasst unter anderem alles von Dungeons, Höhlen, Städten und sogar der Wildnis. Die Handlung des Spiels selbst spielt etwa 200 Jahre nach den Ereignissen von Oblivion. In diesem Spiel müssen die Spieler einen Drachen namens Alduin der Weltenfresser besiegen, der droht, die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, zu zerstören.
In Skyrim haben die Spieler die Möglichkeit, ihre Charaktere vollständig anzupassen und zu entwickeln. Während des gesamten Spiels müssen die Spieler die Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten ihres Charakters verbessern, um aufzusteigen. Sie müssen die erforderliche Erfahrung und Charakterstufe erreichen, um problemlos durch das Spiel zu kommen. Spieler haben jedoch die Möglichkeit, die Handlung und Quests des Spiels auf unbestimmte Zeit zu verschieben, wenn sie dies wünschen. Dies gibt ihnen die Möglichkeit, ihren Charakter weiterzuentwickeln, um die Hauptquests zu bestehen.
The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim ist der fünfte Teil der The Elder Scrolls-Reihe. Es ist derzeit auf PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One und Nintendo Switch spielbar.
Spiele wie Skyrim:Die besten mobilen Alternativen
Hier sind ohne weiteres einige der besten Spiele wie Skyrim, die Sie auf Android und iOS spielen können. Diese Liste ist nicht in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge angeordnet und enthält Spiele, die kostenlos, kostenlos und kostenpflichtig sind.
The Elder Scrolls:Klingen

Gibt es einen besseren Weg, diese Liste von Handyspielen wie Skyrim mit seinem Spin-off The Elder Scrolls:Blades zu beginnen? Blades wurde von Bethesda entwickelt und ist ein Action-Rollenspiel, das als Spin-off der The Elder Scrolls-Reihe entstand. Wenn Sie ein Fan der Franchise sind, kommt die Geschichte von Blade direkt nach The Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion und geht den Ereignissen von The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim voraus. Es erinnert an ein klassisches Dungeon-Crawl-Spiel, bei dem die Spieler auf der Suche sind, der Champion ihrer Stadt zu werden und ihre Größe wiederherzustellen. Dies ist ein actiongeladenes Spiel mit einer Vielzahl von Quests, anpassbaren Charakteren und großartigen Kampfsystemen, in denen Sie sogar einen Freund in einem PvP-Kampf herausfordern können.
Black Desert Mobile

Black Desert ist ein plattformübergreifendes MMORPG, das einem Open-World-Spiel wie Skyrim am nächsten kommt. Das Spiel ermöglicht es den Spielern, eine grenzenlose Welt zu erkunden, in der sie ihr Lager aufbauen und erweitern können. Das Spiel bietet eine immersive Welt, in der Spieler in unvergleichliche Kämpfe mit verschiedenen Bossen und Monstern eintreten können, um aufzusteigen. Abgesehen von seiner riesigen offenen Welt macht es auch seine extreme Charakteranpassung Skyrim ziemlich ähnlich.

Eternium ist ein Spiel, das klassischen Rollenspielen nachempfunden ist. Es ist ein innovatives Actionspiel, das sowohl online als auch offline gespielt werden kann. Es bietet den Spielern zwar nicht so viele Anpassungsmöglichkeiten wie Skyrim, aber sie können immer noch auswählen, unter welche Klasse ihr Charakter fallen soll.
Abgesehen von seiner relativ erfrischenden Handlung bietet das Spiel eine riesige offene Welt, die Spieler erkunden können, um gegen Bosse zu kämpfen und Beute zu sammeln. Schalte verschiedene Prüfungen frei, während du aufsteigst, und erhalte sogar die Chance, das Champion-Level freizuschalten, das unbegrenzte und stetige Status-Upgrades für all deine Helden bringt. Eternium is a game that will truly give fans of classic RPGs a blast from the past.
Icewind Dale:Enhanced Edition

If you’re a fan of both Dungeons &Dragons and Skyrim, Icewind Dale is the game for you. The game was originally released in 2000, but this enhanced version allows more players to experience the epic tale that is yet to be uncovered. The game is great for action fans as it is combat-heavy and even allows you to connect with your friends for co-op adventures.
You can purchase the game from the Play Store and Apple Store for 9.99 USD. Not a bad price for a game that offers a mixture of great content, graphics, and gameplay. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t support Chrome OS devices.

Planescape:Torment is another classic game that’s similar to Skyrim. The original game was released in 1999 and has since made its claim as one of the best Dungeons &Dragons games available in the market. Planescape takes place in the city of Sigil where you’ll uncover more than just the destiny of the main character. The game boasts a rich plotline that’s accompanied by great graphics, a steady combat system, and a lot of things to discover as you go and progress through the game.
Planescape:Torment is available for both Android and iOS at 9.99 USD. The game doesn’t support Chrome OS devices.
Eternity Warriors 2

A war rages on and it’s the player’s task to cleanse the world of a demon army who threatens to destroy the balance. Players will enjoy the game’s HD visuals and fluid real-time combat. Further, you can play the game online and offline, which means that you can access epic boss fights, melee combat, and a world that you’ll be free to explore. The game is easy to play; however, you can opt to make in-app purchases if you feel the need to. Unfortunately, the game can be buggy at times, which might be a problem for some players.
Baldur’s Gate II:Enhanced Edition

Baldur’s Gate II was originally released in 1998 but has been enhanced to be played on mobile platforms. The game is your standard Dungeons &Dragons game where you can create your hero, recruit allies, and explore an amazing open world. There, players will have to battle their way through evil forces and discover the truth that the world holds for them.
Unfortunately, the game is not free to play and costs 9.99 USD. However, many players of the game have commented that the game might not be great to play on mobile as they have encountered issues with the map and the overall gameplay. The game is still worth a try as it might just be the closest thing that you’ll get to Skyrim.
Legend of Grimrock

If you’re looking for a classic dungeon crawling game that’s like Skyrim, Legend of Grimrock is the game for you. The game will appeal to everyone as it has modern gameplay with classic execution. It brings back memories of old-school challenges that are combined with real-time combat and grid-based movement. Players will be able to customize their characters, explore a massive network of tunnels, and try to survive in the perilous Mt. Grimrock.
Legend of Grimrock, unfortunately, is only available for iOS devices. You will also have to purchase it for 4.99 USD to enjoy the game.
Banner Saga 2

On this list of games, Banner Saga 2 might not be as similar to Skyrim as the other games, but it is an epic RPG that is worth playing. Aside from having amazing visuals, it also has an emotional storyline that will not only test your wits but also your combat skills.
It’s a struggle for survival in Banner Saga 2 and you will need to make decisions that will make or break you. As the game is inspired by Viking Mythology, you can expect that it might not have the same world-building as Skyrim — rather, it has a Viking adventure where your civilization’s survival is in your very hands.
Lords of the Fallen

Lords of the Fallen is a 3D RPG where you have to create the ultimate warrior to battle and survive against dangerous challenges and gothic monsters. The combat system utilizes swipe control, which means that you will need to be quick and alert to defeat your enemies. When talking about mobile games like Skyrim, this is one that is significantly different from others as it explores darker themes in a forsaken monastery.
The game, unfortunately, is not free to play and you will need to purchase it. It is worth 11.99 USD on both Android and iOS.
Celtic Heroes

Celtic Heroes is a 3D MMORPG with a stunning open world where an epic journey awaits its players. You have the freedom to create your characters, master your skills, and even team up with other players to complete quests and protect the lands of Dal Riata from evil forces.
While it doesn’t have the same open-world appeal and customization as Skyrim, it’s still worth playing for its stunning graphics, different types of battle modes, and clash with other clans for supremacy.
Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is a Japanese gacha RPG that’s been taking the internet by storm since its release in September 2020. It is set in the fictional world of Teyvat where the main character (referred to as the Traveler) is to seek answers from seven elemental gods to find their lost sibling.
Genshin Impact features rich graphics that are accompanied by an engaging plot and a massive open world that’s teeming with all types of monsters and loot. However, as it is a Japanese RPG, you can expect that the game also relies heavily on its gacha system, which might not be appealing for other gamers. This fairly new fantasy RPG takes this spot on games like Skyrim for its noteworthy plot, customizable characters, and its vast open-world that is just waiting to be explored.
Dragon Quest VIII

The eighth installment of the Dragon Quest series takes players on a journey in a stunning 3D world. Players and their allies will be going on an adventure through a world where they will have to save the kingdom from the wrongdoings of an evil magician.
Dragon Quest VIII is one of the games like Skyrim that will be just as exciting on a mobile platform. The downside of it all is that Dragon Quest VIII is not free to play and is priced at 19.99 USD. Regardless, the game is still a great one to try out if you’re looking for an easy-to-play RPG that is like Skyrim.
Titan Quest

Fans of Skyrim and Mythology will love Titan Quest. Play as a hero that will lay waste to the fugitive titans who will stop at nothing to destroy the Earth. Fight against different legendary monsters, and save the world from destruction. Characters are highly customizable and the huge open-world will allow players to explore ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, Greece, and China.
Titan Quest is priced at 6.99 USD on iOS and 7.99 USD on Android. While it’s a game that’s worth the try, it’s still worth looking at your other options before settling on a game to purchase.
Exiled Kingdoms

Exiled Kingdoms allows players to explore a unique open world. Inspired by other RPGs from the past decades, Exiled Kingdoms boasts a challenging environment where you can play different paths to develop your character. Characters in this game are highly customizable and you can equip them as much as you want to help you overcome the horde of monsters that will come your way.
The game has a free and paid version. With the free version, you can only choose from two character classes (Warrior or Rogue) and play through 30 areas. It gives players around 30 hours of gameplay. The paid version costs 4 USD and will unlock around 135 areas for 120+ hours of gameplay. The paid version also unlocks more classes and the permadeath feature.
Iron Blade:Medieval Legends

Iron Blade comes from the same developers as Asphalt 8 and promises an amazing plot that’s accompanied by stunning graphics in a fantasy open world. Iron Blade is your typical Medieval Tale that’s made better with the presence of epic warriors, PvP challenges, and the opportunity to go head-to-head with a demonic army. It’s a deep dungeon-crawling RPG that will surely give you an experience that is similar to Skyrim.
Dungeon Hunter 5

Play as a bounty hunter in Dungeon Hunter 5 where you’ll experience one of the best dungeon crawl games in the market today. Not only does the game have an amazing storyline and graphics, but it also has the option to customize your legendary hero with over 900 pieces of weaponry.
Dungeon Hunter 5 also allows you to engage with other players, build guilds, and challenge each other in PvP battle modes. The game is a great way to explore an open world with co-op elements so you can make your teams stronger.
Dungeon Chronicle

As the title suggests, Dungeon Chronicle is yet another dungeon crawl game that is perfect for those who love to get loot on their games. It’s free to play and has a lot of loot that you can grind for. Dungeon Chronicle has unlimited levels with enemies that will increase in difficulty as you progress through the game.
Evil Lands

There are endless games like Skyrim in the market and Evil Lands is one of them. Players are to take on the role of a hero and fight different kinds of monsters in this fantasy RPG. It has a vast open-world that features dungeon-like forests and other magical environments. It’s more fun and challenging with its Co-Op and PvP features that allow you to play with your friends. Additionally, the graphics are beautiful and won’t leave you unimpressed. It has full-on character customization and various maps that you can take for a spin!
Broadsword:Age of Chivalry

Broadsword:Age of Chivalry is an action and strategy game that’s set in the Middle Ages. Here, players have to command an army and special hero units to win the war. Uniquely enough, the game’s combat system is turn-based, which makes it entirely different from Skyrim altogether. However, it’s a game like Skyrim that you ought to play for its great gameplay, engaging plot, and world-building elements. Unfortunately, many players complain that the game becomes unplayable after a while and they are obliged to make purchases to progress through it.
Why Is Skyrim So Popular?
Despite being almost nine years old, Skyrim is still widely popular and is well-loved by many gamers. For some, the game has even changed the RPG scene and became a pioneer in the open-world genre. When it was first released in 2011, Skyrim was at the top of its game and offered many things that other games of the time didn’t, which easily propelled the game to great heights.
Skyrim has been continuously released and remade over the years. Each version has its charm to it and the game’s continuous growth is one of the reasons why many gamers still love the game to this day.
But of course, that’s not the only reason. Here are three more reasons why Skyrim remains popular to this day.
Boundless Lore
Lore is an important element to any RPG and Skyrim has one that’s unique and bound to pique anyone’s interests. As an installment to The Elder Scrolls series, the game is already backed up by extensive lore, but it doesn’t rely on the series’ general lore alone. Skyrim adds another layer to the lore that players can uncover as they play through the game’s main and side quests.
Epic Customization
Sky’s the limit when it comes to customizing your Skyrim character. You can be whatever you want; may it be a mage, an orc, or even an anthropomorphic creature. Apart from looks, you can also dive into combinations of weapons, spells, and shouts that will help you get through Skyrim’s massive world. Customization is one of the main reasons why many gamers keep on coming back to the game and why many still love the game to this day.
Massive World
Skyrim and many of the games like it adapt an open-world game model. While this might not appeal to gamers because many open-world games do not provide as much content as it should, Skyrim doesn’t possess such a problem. Skyrim’s open-world will always keep you entertained and it will always lead to discoveries. Exploring the game will bring you to new heights and places that will keep you wanting more.
Will Skyrim Ever Come to Mobile?
Despite its popularity and demand, there has been no news as to when or if Skyrim will come to mobile platforms. Many fans of the franchise speculate that the main reason why the game won’t be on mobile is because of the processors.
Skyrim is a game that demands a lot from hardware and processors. As such, it will be hard to lower them to mobile standards without ruining the game’s overall quality. Still, with today’s technology, fans can only hope that the game will soon see a mobile release. Until then, they will have to settle with playing mobile games like Skyrim while waiting for the actual game to arrive on mobile – whenever that will be.
While these games might not have the same exact experience as Skyrim, they are still worth the try. These games are the closest that gamers will get to the experience of playing the popular game on their phones. Despite not having the same elements that many have come to love about Skyrim, these games are unique in their own way and provide noteworthy gaming experiences if you play them more often. Ultimately, mobile games like Skyrim are worth exploring because they not only offer a new experience, but they are individually unique and who knows, you might just find a new favorite game in the process.