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20 beste Hunde-Pokémon in Pokémon GO (Liste 2022)

Sie sagen, dass Hunde die besten Freunde des Menschen sind, und in der Pokémon-Welt gilt dieses Sprichwort auch für Hunde-Pokémon. Hunde-Pokémon sind zwar nicht unbedingt ein Pokémon-Typ, aber seit dem allerersten Pokémon-Spiel vorhanden, wobei Arcanine das beste Beispiel ist. Sogar im Pokémon-Anime und in den Spielen werden Sie treue Hunde sehen, die zu ihren Meistern halten, von Team Magma-Rekruten und ihren Hunden bis hin zu Officer Jenny und ihrem Growlithe. Hier ist unsere Liste aller Hunde-Pokémon, denen du derzeit in Pokémon Go begegnen kannst!

Lesen Sie auch:20 Pokémon Go-ähnliche Spiele zum Spielen

In diesem Artikel

  1. Unsere Liste der Hunde-Pokémon von Pokémon Go
    1. Entei
    2. Lilipup
    3. Arkanin
    4. Suicune
    5. Lucario
    6. Stoutland
    7. Hundom
    8. Growlithe
    9. Hundour
    10. Absolut
    11. Riolu
    12. Raikou
    13. Luxus
    14. Herdier
    15. Manectric
    16. Granbull
    17. Shinx
    18. Elektriker
    19. Luxio
    20. Snubbull
  2. Abschließende Anmerkungen

Unsere Liste der Hunde-Pokémon von Pokémon Go:

Da dies eher eine umfassende Liste der Hunde-Pokémon von Pokémon Go als eine Rangliste ist, konzentrieren wir uns etwas mehr auf die Ästhetik und das Design jedes Pokémon und unsere Meinung dazu. Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass wir Pokémon-Kampfstatistiken außer Acht lassen, also werden wir einige Faktoren wie maximale Kampfkraft (CP), Basisstatistiken und Pokémon-Typ einbeziehen.

Da es mehr als ein paar Hunde-Pokémon gibt, die aus Evolutionsbäumen stammen, listen wir alle Evolutionen auf und ordnen sie unabhängig voneinander, anstatt nur eine auszuwählen. Abgesehen davon werden wir nicht über „Schatten“-Pokémon oder besondere kostümierte Event-Pokémon berichten.

Lesen Sie auch:Tipps und Tricks zu Pokémon Go

1. Entei

Maximale Kampfkraft (CP):  3.473
Basisstatistik: Angriff – 235, Verteidigung – 171, Ausdauer – 251
Pokémon-Typen: Primärer Typ – Feuer
Mögliche Entwicklungen: Keine

Entei bildet ein Trio mit dem Wasser-Typ Suicune und dem Elektro-Typ Raikou als den drei legendären Hunde-Pokémon. Entei, ein Pokémon der zweiten Generation, hat eine tragische Hintergrundgeschichte über die Rückkehr von den Toten, bevor ihm von Ho-Oh Kräfte verliehen wurden. Zufälligerweise hat Entei den stärksten CP auf dieser Liste und ist die Verkörperung eines starken Feuer-Pokémon, das jeder Trainer in seinem Team haben sollte.

2. Liliput

Maximale Kampfkraft (CP): 915
Basisstatistik: Angriff – 107, Verteidigung – 86, Ausdauer – 111
Pokémon-Typen: Primärer Typ – Normal
Mögliche Entwicklungen: Entwicklung zu Herdier und Stoutland

Lillipup ist eines der süßesten Hunde-Pokémon aller Zeiten, das Teil der fünften Generation ist. Es entwickelt sich zu Herdier mit 25 Bonbons. Lillipup basiert wahrscheinlich auf dem Yorkshire Terrier und ist bekannt dafür, in Spielen und Anime intelligent und mutig zu sein. Dies, obwohl sie ziemlich schwach sind, da sie nur Welpen sind. Aufgrund seines niedlichen Aussehens und seines zukünftigen Entwicklungspotenzials ist Lillipup unsere zweite Wahl.

3. Arkanin

Max Kampfkraft (CP): 3.029
Basisstatistik: Angriff – 227, Verteidigung – 166, Ausdauer – 207
Pokémon-Typen: Primärer Typ – Feuer
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Growlithe

A mainstay of the Pokémon series and the 59th in the original 151-member Pokédex, Arcanine has been the archetypal dog Pokémon for most fans. Aside from its praiseworthy looks and the nostalgia, Arcanine has been present in almost every Pokémon media to be made, from Pokémon Generations movie to the Pokémon Black and White 2 anime. The focus on looks doesn’t mean Arcanine is a weak Pokémon, though. With a CP of 3,029, it’s easily one of the powerhouses of most fire-type teams.

4. Suicune

Max Combat Power (CP): 2,983
Base Stats: Attack – 180, Defense – 235, Stamina – 225
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Water
Possible Evolutions: None

The water-type legendary dog, Suicune, played a big part in the Pokémon series. A member of the second generation, Suicune was the featured Pokémon in Pokémon Crystal’s box art and storyline. Though slightly weaker than Raikou in terms of CP, Suicune is the fourth on our list due to its importance in the series and its status as a legendary Pokémon.

5. Lucario

Max Combat Power (CP): 2,703
Base Stats: Attack – 236, Defense – 144, Stamina – 172
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Fighting; Secondary Type – Steel
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Riolu

One of the most popular Pokémon ever, Lucario has the looks and feel of a superhero. A combined fighting and steel type, Lucario is resistant to most Pokémon types like grass, ice, rock, and even dragon type. It does, however, take double the damage against fire, ground, and, ironically, fighting type. Lucario is a worthy addition to any party and can counter most that come its way.

6. Stoutland

Max Combat Power (CP): 2,827
Base Stats: Attack – 206, Defense – 182, Stamina – 198
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Normal
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Herdier

Stoutland is the final evolution of the Lillipup evolutionary line. It had a big splash with viewers and gamers when it dropped in the anime and the games. An impact almost as large as its whiskers if we had to judge. Game-wise, Stoutland shares a max CP of 2,827 with Mr. Rime, the final evolution of Mr. Mime. A moderately high max CP and fairly easy to obtain, Stoutland is sixth on this list.

7. Houndoom

Max Combat Power (CP): 2,635
Base Stats: Attack – 224, Defense – 144, Stamina – 181
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Dark; Secondary Type – Fire
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Houndoor

Houndoom is one of the more evil-looking dog Pokémon due to the skull-like mark on its chest. With a distinctively devilish color palette of black and red along with horn-like ears, Houndoom really puts the “doom” in its name. With a modest CP of 2,635, a dual dark and fire type, and a possible mega evolution to Mega Houndoom, Houndoom is one of the higher ranking mid-tier Pokémon in the game. It was released as part of the second generation and debuted in Pokémon Gold and Silver.

8. Growlithe

Max Combat Power (CP): 1,243
Base Stats: Attack – 136, Defense – 93, Stamina – 146
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Fire
Possible Evolutions: Evolves into Arcanine

Growlithe is a series regular from the first-ever game. When someone said fire Pokémon, it was either Charmander or Growlithe. The very image of a loyal and obedient dog, you’ll find at least one Growlithe in the party of a police officer. CP-wise, Growlithe pales in comparison to most other Pokémon, but 1,243 ranks it high enough to be a lower mid-tier Pokémon. Its saving grace, however, is that Growlithe needs only 50 candies to evolve into an Arcanine.

9. Houndour

Max Combat Power (CP): 1,234
Base Stats: Attack – 152, Defense – 83, Stamina – 128
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Dark; Secondary Type – Fire
Possible Evolutions: Evolves into Houndoom

A very similar Pokémon to Growlithe, Houndour serves as the evil foil to Growlithe’s good. It’s a little appropriate to find Houndour in the hands of Team Rocket since it’s a dual dark-fire type Pokémon. While it has nine CP under Growlithe’s 1,243, Houndour is ninth on this list due to its dual types and its 50 candy evolution to Houndoom.

10. Absol

Max Combat Power (CP): 2,526
Base Stats: Attack – 246, Defense – 120, Stamina – 163
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Dark
Possible Evolutions: None

A rather gloomy-looking Pokémon, Absol is also called the “disaster Pokémon.” Based on the aesthetics, however, Absol would probably be that tall, dark, and mysterious character in an old film noir movie. Strength-wise, a CP of 2,526 places Absol between the middle rungs of mid-tier Pokémon.


Max Combat Power (CP): 993
Base Stats: Attack – 127, Defense – 78, Stamina – 120
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Fighting; Secondary Type – Steel
Possible Evolutions: Evolves into Lucario

Riolu, the base form of Lucario, is one of the few “baby Pokémon” in Pokémon Go. Riolu is mainly known for its evolution but enjoys some popularity with fans. You can clearly see this with a one-hour anime special dedicated to this Pokémon. Gameplay-wise, however, with just 993 CP, Riolu is clearly on the lower tier. Riolu is 11th on this list because you can evolve Lucario from it with 50 candy.

12. Raikou

Max Combat Power (CP): 3,452
Base Stats: Attack – 241, Defense – 195, Stamina – 207
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Electric
Possible Evolutions: None

Raikou first appeared on Pokémon Go on August 31, 2017, along with the other two legendary dog Pokémon. Although it looks a lot like a tiger with its black stripes on a mostly yellow body, Raikou is a dog Pokémon. Although it has a strong CP of 3,452, Raikou is the last of the three legendaries to chart on our list due to his aesthetics. We still haven’t figured out if the fur flowing from his head is a mane or just hair after all!

13. Luxray

Max Combat Power (CP): 2,888
Base Stats: Attack – 232, Defense – 156, Stamina – 190
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Electric
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Luxio

Luxray has a color palette of mostly black with hints of blue and yellow to round it out. It is one of the more aesthetically pleasing Pokémon in the game, although it always seems to have a frown on its face. Regardless of what it looks like, it has a CP of 2,888 and can easily take on a majority of the other Pokémon in the game.

14. Herdier

Max Combat Power (CP): 1,583
Base Stats: Attack – 145, Defense – 126, Stamina – 163
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Normal
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Lillipup; Evolves into Stoutland

The second evolution of Lillipup and just 100 candies away from Stoutland, Herdier is a good Pokémon to have. Although it looks like a Yorkshire Terrier with a sizable mustache, Herdier is an excellent transitional Pokémon for players wanting more mid-tier companions. It may not be as strong as Arcanine or as versatile as Lucario, but Herdier would be alright till you get stronger fighters.

15. Manectric

Max Combat Power (CP): 2,340
Base Stats: Attack – 215, Defense – 127, Stamina – 172
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Electric
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Electrike

A Pokémon with a lot of potential, Manectric evolves from Electrike with 50 candy. Although it looks like it has a monkey-like face, it is a dog Pokémon. CP-wise, Manectric is in the lower part of the mid-tier with just 2,340 CP. But, it does have a mega evolution to Mega Manectric that ups its CP to a whopping 3,580!

16. Granbull

Max Combat Power (CP): 2,552
Base Stats: Attack – 212, Defense – 131, Stamina – 207
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Fairy
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Snubbull

A literal bulldog, Granbull is one of the rare fairy-type Pokémon. Bright pink and quite timid, Granbull is not a Pokémon you’d want to anger. In terms of ability, Granbull is a decent mid-tier fighter with resistance to fighting, bug, dark, and dragon-type Pokémon. Due to how easy it is to obtain from Snubbull, you probably want to keep Granbull in your team till you get more of those 3,000+ CP heavy hitters.

17. Shinx

Max Combat Power (CP): 876
Base Stats: Attack – 117, Defense – 64, Stamina – 128
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Electric
Possible Evolutions: Evolves to Luxio and Luxray

Although it has a name that reminds you of the Sphinx, Shinx couldn’t be any different. Mostly light blue with black hind legs and yellow markings, Shinx looks cute and upbeat. As it evolves, most of its body gets covered up by the black fur with each evolution. But strength-wise, Shinx isn’t much to look at with just 876 CP. You can evolve it into a Luxio with 25 candy, though. However, if you are new to the game, you’ll find Shinx a good addition to a starting team.

18. Electrike

Max Combat Power (CP): 965
Base Stats: Attack – 123, Defense – 78, Stamina – 120
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Electric
Possible Evolutions: Evolves into Manectric

This Pokémon is a bit boring to look at with a plain lime-green color with some “lightning bolt” marks in yellow. Electrike, however, is another Pokémon that’s good for starters. It has 965 CP, which is more than decent for a starting team. Veterans who have Electrike on their team usually have him there to get a Manectric after feeding Electrike 50 candies.

19. Luxio

Max Combat Power (CP): 1,486
Base Stats: Attack – 159, Defense – 95, Stamina – 155
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Electric
Possible Evolutions: Evolves from Shinx; Evolves into Luxray

A mediocre Pokémon in terms of looks and CP, Luxio is decidedly the transition between Shinx and Luxray. It won’t win you a lot of battles, but it won’t lose one easily either with its 1,486 CP. You’ll probably want to have a Luxio so you can feed it 100 candies and get a Luxray for your team.

20. Snubbull

Max Combat Power (CP): 1,237
Base Stats: Attack – 137, Defense – 85, Stamina – 155
Pokémon Types: Primary Type – Fairy
Possible Evolutions: Evolves into Grubbull

Snubbull is obviously based on the appearance of the pug dog breed. Due to this, most people are as divided in liking this Pokémon as they do the actual breed. Some like Snubbull for its “pugly” cuteness, while others just think it’s weird. Gameplay-wise, Snubbull is a 1,237 CP Pokémon that places it in a snug lower mid-tier ranking. It’s better to have some patience and slowly feed it 50 candy to get a Granbull.

Which Dog Pokémon Has the Highest CP?

And that finishes our list of best dog Pokémon. For those who are interested in actually knowing which of the dog Pokémon on our list ranked the highest in terms of combat potential and Max CP, here’s the top ten list:Raikou, Arcanine, Suicune, Luxray, Stoutland, Lucario, Houndoom, Granbull, Absol, and Manectric to close it out.

What About Eevee, Zigzagoon, &Others?

If you are wondering where Eevee and its “eevolutions” are, we considered whether Eevee was a cat or a dog. In the end, we decided to place it and its evolutions in the cat category instead. A similar classification also exempted Zigzagoon and its evolutions. Zigzagoon was inspired by the Japanese Raccoon Dog, an animal closer to badgers and actual raccoons than dogs.

We also exempted Mightyena and Poochyena since they are hyenas and not dogs. After a long debate on canids and foxes, we also decided that we’re not counting Ninetales, Delphox, and other fox-like Pokémon as dog types. Besides, aren’t our beloved pooches enough?

Final Notes

Although Pokémon Go has been out for a few years already, it still hasn’t gotten around to placing all the Pokémon for its many generations and titles into the game yet. We expect to see some of the newer and more popular dog Pokémon like Pokémon Sun and Moon’s Rockruff, Pokémon X and Y’s Furfrou, as well as Sword and Shield’s mascots Zacian and Zamazenta to eventually reach Pokémon Go.

If you have not downloaded Pokémon Go yet, you can get it on the App Store for iOS and Google Play Store for Android so you can start catching dog Pokémon. While you are at it, you may also want to check out the best electric-type Pokémon and the best grass-type Pokémon to catch in the game.

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