Fire Emblem Heroes ist ein Strategie-Rollenspiel und Teil der langjährigen Fire Emblem-Reihe. Das 2017 veröffentlichte Spin-off hat eine riesige Anhängerschaft gewonnen und wurde 2020 sogar als Nintendos umsatzstärkstes Handyspiel bezeichnet. Zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens sind in Fire Emblem Heroes fast 700 Einheiten (oder Helden) erhältlich, und mit dieser schieren Zahl entscheiden Sie, welche diejenigen sind es wert, erhöht zu werden, und das Aufsteigen kann schwierig sein. Machen Sie sich jedoch keine Sorgen, denn wir präsentieren Ihnen eine Fire Emblem Heroes-Rangliste, um Ihnen zu helfen. Finde die besten Fire Emblem-Helden für jede Farbe, ihre Attacken und Waffentypen sowie ihre Stärken in unserem praktischen Leitfaden heraus.
Lesen Sie auch:Raid Shadow Legends Rangliste und Tricks, um das Spiel zu gewinnen
In diesem Artikel
- Wie werden die Charaktere in Fire Emblem Heroes kategorisiert?
- Erklärung der Stufenliste von Fire Emblem Heroes
- Stufenliste der Fire Emblem Heroes:Blaue Helden
- SS-Stufe
- S-Stufe
- Eine Ebene
- B-Stufe
- C-Stufe
- Stufenliste der Fire Emblem Heroes:Rote Helden
- SS-Stufe
- S-Stufe
- Eine Ebene
- B-Stufe
- C-Stufe
- Stufenliste der Fire Emblem Heroes:Grüne Helden
- SS-Stufe
- S-Stufe
- Eine Ebene
- B-Stufe
- C-Stufe
- Stufenliste der Fire Emblem Heroes:Farblose Helden
- SS-Stufe
- S-Stufe
- Eine Ebene
- B-Stufe
- C-Stufe
Wie werden die Charaktere in Fire Emblem Heroes kategorisiert?
Jeder Held in Fire Emblem Heroes ist an die Art der Waffe gebunden, die er trägt. Im Spiel gibt es drei Hauptfarben der Einheiten, die jeden Waffentyp voneinander unterscheiden:Blau, Rot und Grün; zusammen bilden sie das legendäre Waffendreieck-System des Spiels. Aber außerhalb dieser drei Hauptfarben gibt es noch einen anderen Waffentyp:Farblos. Helden, die farblose Waffen verwenden, haben keine Farbnachteile und sind stark gegen bestimmte Bewegungsarten.
Fire Emblem Heroes-Stufenliste erklärt
Wie in den meisten taktischen Rollenspielen können die Einheiten in Fire Emblem Heroes mithilfe von Ranglisten eingestuft werden. In unserer Rangliste der Fire Emblem Heroes stufen wir jeden Helden nach der Effektivität seiner Fähigkeiten und seiner allgemeinen Kampfleistung ein. Ganz oben auf unserer Liste stehen die SS-Tier-Helden und ganz unten die C-Tier-Helden. Je höher in der Stufe ein Held ist, desto stärker ist er und desto effektiver ist er in Kämpfen und Quests. Wir werden jede Stufe weiter unten ausführlicher besprechen.
SS-Einheiten sind die mächtigsten Einheiten in Fire Emblem Heroes. Dies sind die Einheiten, die Sie in harten Schlachten einsetzen sollten, da sie den größten Schaden austeilen und einstecken können. Darüber hinaus verfügen sie in der Regel über einzigartige und mächtige Fähigkeiten und Waffen, sodass sie nicht viel Hilfe von unterstützenden Verbündeten benötigen.
Obwohl sie nicht so mächtig sind wie SS-Einheiten, verfügen S-Tier-Helden dennoch über unglaubliche Fähigkeiten, die dir bei Kämpfen und Quests helfen werden. Sie sind sehr wertvolle Mitglieder eines Teams, da sie normalerweise gegen häufige Bedrohungen im Spiel resistent sind. Wenn du in sie investierst und sie mit den richtigen Einheiten verbündest, können sie sogar so stark sein wie SS-Helden.
Eine Stufe
Ihre Statistiken sind vielleicht nicht so beeindruckend wie die in den höheren Stufen, aber viele A-Tier-Helden haben Zugang zu mächtigen Fähigkeiten und Assists, die sie zu wertvollen Ergänzungen für ein Team machen. Mit der richtigen Unterstützung können sie dich zum Sieg führen.
Einheiten aus der Mitte des Rudels bilden die B-Stufe unserer Fire Emblem Heroes-Stufenliste. Trotzdem können sie in den richtigen Händen immer noch einen ziemlichen Schlag einstecken. Viele B-Tier-Helden haben keine spezialisierten Statistikzuweisungen und können Feinde oft nicht alleine abwehren. Sie bieten jedoch Nischenfähigkeiten, die in bestimmten heiklen Situationen nützlich sein können. Zusätzliche Fusionen, viele Ressourceninvestitionen und die richtige Unterstützung werden einem B-Tier-Helden helfen, genauso effektiv zu sein wie höherrangige Einheiten.
C-Tier-Helden haben passable Fähigkeiten, die Sie gegen bestimmte Feinde einsetzen können. Ihr unterdurchschnittliches Kampfpotential macht es jedoch unwahrscheinlicher, dass sie während der Schlachten viel beitragen. Sie sind nicht völlig nutzlos, aber sie haben deutlichere Schwächen als Helden in höheren Stufen. Sie müssen viel in sie investieren, damit sie eine Bereicherung für Ihr Team sind.
Fire Emblem Heroes-Stufenliste:Blaue Helden
An erster Stelle in unserer Rangliste der Fire Emblem Heroes stehen die blauen Helden, die einen Vorteil gegenüber den roten Helden haben. Sie können roten Einheiten erheblichen Schaden zufügen, selbst wenn sie niedrigere Werte oder weniger starke Fähigkeiten haben. Allerdings sind sie schwach gegen grüne Helden.

Hero | Waffen- und Bewegungsarten | Stärken |
Brave Hector | Lanze/Gepanzert | - Beeindruckende und ausgewogene Statistiken
- Besitzt Maltet, eine mächtige Waffe, die gegen rüstungswirksame Angriffe resistent ist. Maltet gewährt Brave Hector auch die Neutralisierung des Malus und erlaubt ihm, jedem Gegner -6 Atk/Def zuzufügen.
- Besitzt Ostian Counter, eine viel mächtigere Version von Distant Counter
Pirate Surtr | Lanze/Gepanzert | - Sea-Sear Axe reduziert den ersten Treffer eines Feindes, wenn sie ihn verdoppeln, schwächt den Angriff und die Verteidigung eines Feindes und beschleunigt die Abklingzeit seiner Superkraft
- Optimierte und ausgewogene Statline
- Surtrs Potent debufft den Gegner, der ihm am nächsten steht, und gewährt ihm ein Bonus-Array
Legendäres Tiki | Blauer Hauch/Armored | - Überlegene Werte
- Göttlicher Nebel lässt den legendären Tiki-Gegenangriff aus jeder Entfernung zu und ist effektiv gegen Dracheneinheiten
- Ihre einzigartige C-Fähigkeit, With Everyone!, stärkt die Verteidigung von ihr und ihren Verbündeten
Fallen Corrin (männlich) | Blauer Atem/Infanterie | - Verursacht hohen Schaden und kann dank seiner beeindruckenden Statline zahlreichen Angriffen standhalten
- Brutal Breath, seine persönliche Waffe, verbessert seine Gesamtwerte und verleiht ihm einen Schutzeffekt
- Besitzt Null Follow-up, was verhindert, dass Feinde Follow-up-Angriffe ausführen
Legendary Chrom | Blauer Bogen/Infanterie | - Beeindruckende Basiswerte für Angriff und Verteidigung (42 bzw. 34)
- Randgríðr, seine exklusive Waffe, gibt ihm +3 ANG und lässt ihn -6 ANG/Def austeilen, wenn sein Gegner bei voller HP ist
- Besitzt die Fertigkeit To Change Fate!, die ihm und seinem Gefährten +6 ANG verleiht
Legendary Dimitri | Lance/Infantry | - Sky-high Attack and Speed stats
- His exclusive weapon, Areadbhar, grants him +5 Atk/Spd/Def/Res and reduces damage inflicted on him depending on his Speed.
- Atrocity, his unique B skill, gives him an Attack boost and debuffs enemies with full HP in an AoE
Nótt | Lance/Infantry | - Incredibly high Attack and Speed stats
- Possesses Hrímfaxi, a weapon that allows Nótt’s allies to move an extra space
- Great as a mixed-phase hero, thanks to her Distant Counter and Speed-based damage reduction
- Moon Twin-Wing, Nótt’s exclusive B skill, equips her with the Dodge effect and deals -5 Atk/Spd on her enemies
New Year Alfonse | Blue Tome/Infantry | - Base stats total (BST) is at 185
- Possesses Duo Skill, which grants him -2 Special cooldown
- His A skill, Close Counter, enables him to counterattack from any range
- Open the Future, his unique Special, is especially powerful in Aether Raids
Seiros | Blue Breath/Infantry | - High Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Mirror Impact and Aurora Breath grants Seiros +12 Atk and +10 Res, guarantees a follow-up attack from her and enables her to block follow-up attacks
- Dragon Wall, her B skill, grants her Resistance-based damage reduction in both player and enemy phases
Brave Eirika | Lance/Cavalry | - Impressive Attack and Speed stats
- Blinding Reginleif grants her an arsenal of offensive and defensive effects
- Her A Skill, Surge Sparrow, grants her +7 Atk/Spd when she initiates attacks
S Tier

Hero | Weapon and Move Types | Strengths |
Forsyth | Lance/Armored | - Impressive HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Sol Lance allows Forsyth to gain back 10 HP whenever he hits a foe
- Bold Fighter 3 ensures a follow-up attack from Forsyth when he initiates combat
Winter Nino | Blue Tome/Armored | - Superior Speed stat
- Tannenbit+ allows her to gain back 5 HP every time she attacks
- Bold Fighter guarantees a follow-up attack from her and grants her +1 Special cooldown
Hardin | Lance/Armored | - Gradivus lets Hardin deal counterattacks regardless of the enemy’s range. When refined, it gives Hardin +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res and restores his HP.
- Possesses Bold Fighter
- Brazen Def/Res, his A skill, grants him +7 Def/Res when his HP falls below 80%
Ophelia | Blue Tome/Infantry | - Impressive Attack stat
- Missiletainn speeds up the charging of Ophelia’s Specials and helps her activate high-cooldown skills more quickly
- Can buff up multiple allies, thanks to Rally Up Atk+
Nils | Blue Breath/Infantry | - Well-balanced statline
- When Play is activated, Frost Breath reduces all the stats of a nearby enemy by 4 points at the beginning of a turn
- Infantry Pulse speeds up the cooldown of infantry heroes at the beginning of a turn
Nailah | Blue Beast/Infantry | - Excellent Speed stat
- Null C-Disrupt 3 nullifies effects that block Nailah from dealing with counterattacks
- Wolf Queen Fang grants Nailah Special cooldown reduction and +10 pure damage on Special triggers
Kris (Female) | Lance/Infantry | - Impressive Attack and Speed stats
- Doesn’t have a lot of competition
- Spear of Shadow accelerates Special cooldown, deals -5 Atk/Spd/Def when the enemy makes the first move or is at full HP, and nullifies Kris’s debuffs
Ullr | Blue Bow/Infantry | - Excellent Attack and Speed stats
- Gets +6 Atk/Spd and a guaranteed follow-up attack when Ullr initiates combat
- Holy Yewfelle cancels out Attack and Speed penalties and effects that slow her Special cooldown
Duo Ephraim | Lance/Infantry | - Duo status grants a movement buff to Duo Ephraim and his nearby Infantry and Armored allies
- Reginleif deals significant damage to armored and cavalry foes
- Lull Atk/Def 3 cancels his enemies’ active bonuses and deals -3 Atk/Def to them
Brave Lucina | Lance/Infantry | - Solid Attack and Speed stats
- Geirskögul grants +3 Atk/Spd to allies within two spaces
- Drive Spd 2 boosts nearby allies’ Speed by 3 points during combat
A Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Valentine’s Rudolf | Lance/Armored | - Superior Attack stat
- Possesses Thorn Lance, which debuffs an enemy’s Attack and Defense capabilities and blocks their follow-up attacks
- Armored status boosts his BST and grants him access to Fighter skills and special buffs
Winter Hilda | Lance/Armored | - Incredibly versatile
- Exceptionally high BST of 184
- The armored status grants Winter Hilda access to Fighter skills and a BST boost
- If an ally is nearby, Candy Cane+ gives her +5 Atk/Def and delays her enemy’s Special cooldown charge
Ronan | Blue Bow/Infantry | - Impressive base Resistance stat
- Indignant Bow gives Ronan +6 Atk and deals -6 Atk to a foe if they have full HP or initiate the attack
- Infantry status grants him access to Null C-Disrupt, Special Spiral, and other powerful skills
Apotheosis Anna | Lance/Infantry | - Solid overall stats
- Apotheosis Spear grants Apotheosis Anna +3 Spd and +5 Atk/Spd if her enemy’s HP is at least 75%
- Joint Drive Spd boosts her and her allies’ Speed by 4 points as long as they’re within two spaces of one another
Soiree Berkut | Lance/Infantry | - Great all-around stats
- Verðandi grants Soiree Berkut +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res
- Has access to alternative lances
Fjorm | Lance/Infantry | - Leiptr allows Fjorm to perform counterattacks from any range. When refined, it grants her +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res
- Ice Mirror II grants her damage reduction and adds whatever was reduced to her next attack
- Atk/Def Unity boosts her Atk/Def by 5 points and turns Atk/Def penalties into bonuses
New Year Velouria | Blue Beast/Infantry | - Solid HP, Attack, Speed, and Defense stats
- Renewed Fang allows New Year Velouria to be paired with a wide range of support units and significantly debuffs an enemy’s Attack and Speed stats
- Possesses Null Follow-up 3
Jorge | Blue Bow/Infantry | - Excellent and well-balanced BST
- Daniel-made Bow grants +5 Atk to nearby allies and deals -5 Atk to nearby enemies
- Atk Opening 3 grants +6 Atk to the ally with the highest Atk stat
Winter Felix | Blue Bow/Infantry | - Solid Attack and Speed stats
- Reindeer Bow+ grants Winter Felix +5 Atk/Def and slows the enemy’s Special cooldown charge by 1 count
- Archer status extends his reach
Petrine | Lance/Cavalry | - Solid Attack and Speed stats
- Flame Lance is strong against beast heroes and deals -5 Spd/Res to enemies if Petrine’s HP isn’t below 50%
- Cavalry status provides her with flexible mobility and grants her access to exclusive buffs
B Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Halloween Niles | Blue Bow/Armored | - Impressive Attack and Speed stats
- Fortify Armor grants +6 Def/Res to adjacent armored heroes
- Armored status gives Halloween Niles access to powerful skills, like Bold Fighter and Special Fighter
Winter Ephraim | Lance/Armored | - High HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- Festive Siegmund boosts all of Winter Ephraim’s stats by 4 points if he’s not beside any ally when combat starts
- Bold Fighter 3 guarantees a follow-up attack when he attacks first and speeds up his Special cooldown charge
Halloween Ilyana | Blue Tome/Armored | - Solid Attack stat
- Incredibly versatile, thanks to her well-balanced stats and access to Fighter skills
- Spooky Censer+ boosts all of her stats by 3 points
Gwendolyn | Lance/Armored | - High BST makes her a great choice for free-to-play gamers
- Impressive HP and Defense stats
- Her exclusive weapon, Weighted Lance, can be paired with a wide range of B-slot skills
Valentine’s Lyn | Blue Tome/Armored | - Atk/Spd Bond 3 grants Valentine’s Lyn +5 Atk/Spd if she’s side-by-side with an ally
- Blue Gift+ nullifies bonuses of ranged foes
- Armored March 3 improves her and her armored allies’ mobility
Kjelle | Lance/Armored | - High HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- A great mixed tank candidate, especially if she uses Barrier Lance
- Bold Fighter guarantees a follow-up attack from her when she initiates combat
Fallen Delthea | Blue Tome/Infantry | - Solid base Attack and Speed stats
- Death boosts all of her stats by 4 points in both enemy and player phases
- Even Atk Wave grants her and all her adjacent allies +6 Atk every other turn
Rafiel | Blue Beast/Infantry | - Status as a refresher-assist buff hero makes him a great support partner for powerful units like Reinhardt or Caineghis
- Groom’s Wing speeds up his support partner’s Special cooldown by 1 count
- Ward Beast grants nearby beast allies +4 Def/Res
Legendary Lucina | Blue Bow/Infantry | - Solid Attack and Speed stats
- Thögn grants Legendary Lucina +3 Spd and +4 Atk/Spd/Res/Def if she makes the first move
- Future Vision improves Legendary Lucina’s and her allies’ mobility
Ishtar | Blue Tome/Infantry | - Mjölnir and Swift Sparrow 2 grants Ishtar +10 Spd when she initiates combat during the player phase
- Her Infantry status means she can access exclusive skills like Time’s Pulse, Null C-Disrupt, and Lull skills.
- Odd Atk Wave grants +6 Atk to Ishtar and her allies if it’s an odd-numbered turn
C Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Picnic Lukas | Lance/Armored | - Solid HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- Luncheon Lance boosts Picnic Lukas’s Attack and Defense stats by 4 points when he’s attacked
- Armored status grants him access to exclusive Fighter skills like Vengeful Fighter and Bold Fighter
Valbar | Lance/Armored | - High HP and base Defense stats
- Can attack twice if he initiates an attack, thanks to Brave Lance+
- Has access to a wide array of weapons, including Vanguard, Berkut’s Lance, and Casa Blanca
Effie | Lance/Armored | - High base Attack stat
- Makes up for poor mobility by having access to skills like Slick Fighter and Bold Fighter
- If her HP is at least 50%, Wary Fighter 3 blocks her and her enemy from performing follow-up attacks. This doesn’t pose as a disadvantage to her since she can deal significant damage even without follow-up attacks
Winter Robin | Lance/Armored | - Solid Speed stat at Level 40
- If his HP falls below 80%, Brazen Atk/Spd 3 boosts Winter Robin’s Attack and Speed stats by 7 points
- If Winter Robin is next to Armored units, Armor March 3 boosts his and his Armored allies’ mobility
Ylgr | Blue Dagger/Infantry | - Decent HP, Attack, and Speed stats
- Sylgr boosts Ylgr’s Speed stat by 4 points if her enemy’s Speed is lower
- Possesses enough magical and physical bulk to withstand an enemy attack
Ninian | Blue Breath/Infantry | - Can perform well as a support hero in an all-dragon ensemble, thanks to her access to Fortify Dragons
- Fortify Dragons also boosts the Defense and Resistance stats of dragon heroes by 6 points
- Light Breath+ boosts the Defense and Resistance stats of adjacent allies by 4 points after Ninian makes an attack
Linde | Blue Tome/Infantry | - Solid Attack and Speed stats at Level 40
- Aura allows adjacent allies to gain back 5 HP whenever Linde initiates an attack
Lute | Blue Tome/Infantry | - Impressive raw Attack stat
- When upgraded, Weirding Tome can reduce an enemy’s Speed and Resistance
- Rally Atk/Res boosts an ally’s Atk/Res by 3 points
Kliff | Blue Tome/Infantry | - Solid Speed, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Sagittae grants Kliff +5 Atk/Spd/Def/Res if his enemy’s Attack stat is significantly higher than his
- Chill Spd reduces the Speed stat of the fastest enemy by 7 points
Tailtiu | Blue Tome/Infantry | - Decent HP, Attack, and Speed stats
- Tome of Thoron gives Tailtiu +10 pure damage and accelerates her Special cooldown every time her Special is activated
- Rally Spd/Res improves an ally’s stats
Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List:Red Heroes
Next on our Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List are Red Heroes. Heroes of this type are effective against Green heroes. Be wary of matching them up against Blue heroes, though, as they can deal fatal damage to them.
SS Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Spring Idunn | Red Breath/Armored | - High HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Duo Skill grants her and an ally +6 Def/Res and blocks skills that damage Armored and Dragon units
- Zephyr Breath nullifies penalties from foes, deals -6 Atk, and blocks her enemies’ follow-up attacks
Idunn | Red breath/Armored | - Extraordinary physical and magical bulk
- Demonic Breath grants Idunn +3 Def and deals significant damage to Armored heroes
- Blocks Aversa’s attempts to deal penalties and buffs
Fallen Ike | Sword/Infantry | - High Speed stat and physical and magical bulk
- Chaos Ragnell, his exclusive weapon, has built-in Distant Counter and nullifies debuffs from enemies
- Darting Breath increases his Speed stat by 4 points and reduces his Special cooldown period if his enemy initiates combat
Winter Altina | Sword/Infantry | - High Attack and Resistance stats
- Ragnell Alondite has Distant Counter built-in and allows Winter Alina to strike her enemy twice
- Atk/Res Unity gives her a +5 Atk/Res boost and turns Atk/Res penalties into bonuses if she’s within two spaces of an ally
Fallen Julia | Red Tome/Infantry | - High Attack and Resistance stats
- Dark Scripture deals a -6 Atk/Res debuff to her enemies and grants her a guaranteed follow-up attack, as long as her foe doesn’t have a weapon that’s strong against Dragon units
- Light and Dark cancels out her enemy’s bonuses and debuffs all of their stats by 2 points
Brave Lysithea | Red Tome/Infantry | - Solid HP, Attack, and Speed stats
- If Brave Lysithea is anywhere below full HP and initiates an attack, Dark Spikes T allows her to strike twice before her foe gets the chance to attack
- Lull Spd/Res 3 deals -3 Spd/Res to an enemy and nullifies their Spd/Res bonuses
Sothis | Red Breath/Infantry | - Extraordinary Speed stat
- Sublime Surge cancels out anti-Dragon bonuses from enemies and allows Sothis to counterattack regardless of range
- Atk/Spd Solo 3 increases her Attack and Speed stats by 6 points, provided that she isn’t next to any allies
Reginn | Sword/Cavalry | - Impressive Speed stat
- Lyngheiðr increases Reginn’s Attack and Speed stats by 6 points and reduces damage from her enemy’s first hit by 30%
- Having Reginn on your raiding party in an Aether Raid grants you an additional Astra Mythic hero to your offense team
Legendary Lilina | Red Tome/Cavalry | - Superior Attack and Resistance stats
- Possesses Gifted Magic, an AoE nuke that allows Legendary Lilina to deal massive damage to multiple foes at a time
- Sabotage Res deals -7 Res to enemies if their Res is at least 3 points lower
Valentine’s Líf | Red Tome/Cavalry | - High base Attack stat
- Þjálfi, Valentine’s Líf’s exclusive weapon, grants him guaranteed follow-up attacks, allows him to bypass damage reduction partially, and boosts his stats during combat
- Fatal Smoke 3 inflicts Deep Wounds to multiple enemies and prevents them from healing during combat and even afterward
S Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Valentine’s Henriette | Red Tome/Armored | - High BST and well-balanced stats
- Comes with Unity Blooms, which provides Valentine’s Henriette with extra bulk, power, and healing capabilities
- Armored status gives her access to powerful exclusive skills, like Save skills and Bold Fighter
Halloween Myrrh | Red Breath/Armored | - High HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- Armored and Dragonstone user status allows Halloween Myrrh to receive buffs exclusive to her weapon and movement types, like Fortify Dragons and Ward Armor
- Spirit Breath ensures that she can make a follow-up attack if her Defense stat is higher than her foe’s
Halloween Hector | Sword/Armored | - High HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- Halloween Hector’s Duo Skill lets him inflict 20 damage to enemies if they’re within three columns from him
- Can easily fend off physical attacks
Mareeta | Sword/Infantry | - Impressive Attack and Speed stats
- PRF weapon boosts Mareeta’s combat stats, follow-up attacks, and Special acceleration
- Mareeta’s Sword has built-in Null Follow-up, which means it can nullify guaranteed enemy follow-up attacks and debuffs that block Mareeta’s follow-ups
Lysithea | Red Tome/Infantry | - Solid base Attack and Speed stats
- Hades Ω accelerates her Special cooldown and grants her +6 Atk in-combat
- Lull Spd/Res deals -3 Spd/Res to an enemy and cancels out their Spd/Res bonuses
Plumeria | Red Tome/Flying | - High HP, Attack, and Resistance stats
- Sweet Dreams refreshes a target ally’s actions, boosts all of their stats by 3 points, and reduces all nearby enemies’ stats by 4 points
- Flower of Plenty boosts nearby allies’ Attack and Resistance stats by 3 points
Duo Eirika | Sword/Infantry | - Blade of Renais boosts Duo Eirika’s Attack, Speed, Defense, and Resistance stats by 5 points if she initiates an attack during the player phase or if an ally is nearby during an enemy phase
- Distant Foil lets Duo Eirika perform counterattacks from any range after taking a physical hit
- Joint Drive Spd gives Eirika and her nearby allies a +4 Speed boost during combat
Hoshidan Summer Micaiah | Red Tome/Infantry | - Well-balanced stats
- Dance allows Hoshidan Summer Micaiah to refresh a target ally’s actions
- Dawn Suzu inflicts extra damage on cavalry and armored heroes
Kiria | Red Tome/Infantry | - High Attack and Resistance stats
- Mirage Rod increases Kiria’s Attack stat by 3 points and inflicts -6 Atk/Res to nearby foes
- Atk/Res Solo grants her +6 Atk/Res if she isn’t next to an ally
Shannan | Sword/Infantry | - High HP, Attack, and Defense stat
- Balmung increases all of Shannan’s stats by 5 points and cancels out debuffs from enemies if they initiate an attack or they’re at full HP
- Steady Posture boosts his Spd/Def by 6 points and grants him the Guard effect if his enemy initiates an attack
A Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Valentine’s Ike | Sword/Armored | - Excellent Attack and Speed stats
- Can counterattack foes from any distance, thanks to Distant Counter
- Special Fighter 3 boosts his Special cooldown charge by 1 point
Picnic Flora | Red Dagger/Armored | - Possesses Sæhrímnir, which grants Picnic Flora +3 Atk, deals -7 Def/Res on her enemy, and is effective against Beast heroes
- Bold Fighter 3 guarantees a follow-up attack from Picnic Flora if she initiates an attack
- Armor March 3 allows her and other Armored heroes adjacent to her to move one extra space during a turn
Arden | Sword/Armored | - Almost impossible to OHKO with a physical attack because of his incredibly high HP and Defense stats
- Follow-up Ring guarantees a follow-up attack from Arden regardless of what his enemy’s weapon or Speed stat is
- Drive Def boosts his allies’ Defense stats by 3 points if they’re within two spaces from him
Ayra | Sword/Infantry | - High Speed stat and her exclusive weapon (Ayra’s Blade) allow her to perform a follow-up attack on most heroes without the need for merges
- When upgraded, Ayra’s Blade accelerates her Special trigger and immunizes her from Guard effects
- Infantry status grants her access to powerful skills like Spurn, Time’s Pulse, and Null Follow-up, making her versatile
Ryoma | Sword/Infantry | - Raijinto has Distant Counter built in, boosts his Atk/Spd/Def/Res by 4 points, and grants him Null Follow-up 3 when refined
- Decent Attack and Speed stats allow him to execute powerful follow-up attacks
- Astra boosts the damage Ryoma deals by 150%
Midori | Red Bow/Infantry | - Incredibly high base Attack stat
- Close Foil grants Midori +5 Atk/Def every time a physical foe initiates combat and allows her to counterattack physical hits from any range
- Spendthrift Bow boosts her Attack stat by 7 points while reducing her enemy’s Attack stat by 7 points
Igrene | Red Bow/Infantry | - Solid Attack and Speed stats
- Powerful against Flying heroes
- Guardian’s Bow deals -5 Atk/Spd/Def to an enemy if Igrene’s Speed is higher
Byleth (Female) | Sword/Infantry | - High Attack and Speed stats
- Creator Sword has Null Follow-up built in and blocks enemy skills that speed up or slow down a Special’s cooldown
- Ruptured Sky increases damage dealt with a dragon or beast foe by 40%
Young Marth | Sword/Infantry | - High HP, Defense, and Resistance stats with decent physical and magical bulk
- Rapier boosts Young Marth’s Speed by 3 points, is strong against Cavalry and Armored heroes, and grants him Vantage
- Spd/Def Oath 3 boosts his Speed and Defense stats by 5 points when he’s next to an ally
Iago | Red Tome/Infantry | - Solid HP, Attack, and Resistance stats with respectable magical bulk
- Iago’s Tome debuffs opponents with lower HP
- Atk Opening 3 grants an ally +6 Atk, provided that they have the highest Attack stat on the team
B Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Winter Tharja | Red Tome/Armored | - High Defense and Resistance stats
- Possesses Bold Fighter and Vengeful Fighter, which allows Winter Tharja to execute follow-up attacks on different phases and speeds up her Special cooldown charge
- Close Counter allows her to perform counterattacks regardless of range
Winter Zephiel | Sword/Armored | - Incredibly high HP, Defense, and Resistance stats with a solid Attack stat
- Bellringer+ allows Winter Zephiel to gain back 5 HP every time he attacks
- Vengeful Fighter grants him guaranteed follow-up hits and speeds up his Special cooldown charge
Zelgius | Sword/Armored | - Excellent HP and Defense stats
- Alondite allows Zelgius to execute counterattacks from any distance
- Armored status gives him access to powerful skills like Vengeful Fighter, Bold Fighter, and the new Savior skills
Black Knight | Sword/Armored | - Solid HP, Attack, Speed, and Defense stats
- Black Luna reduces an enemy’s Defense stat by 80%, making Black Knight strong even against Blue heroes
- Steady Stance 3 boosts his Defense stat by 6 points when his enemy initiates an attack
Itsuki | Sword/Infantry | - Incredibly high base Attack stat
- Mirage Falchion boosts Itsuki’s Atk/Def during combat and is strong against dragon enemies
- Drive Def boosts nearby allies’ Defense by 3 points
Keaton | Red Beast/Infantry | - Excellent base Attack stat and physical bulk
- Wolfskin Fang allows Keaton to attack twice
- Special Spiral 3 speeds up his Special cooldown by 2 counts when his Special is triggered
Ninja Zihark | Sword/Infantry | - High base Speed stat, which makes scoring follow-ups very easy for Ninja Zihark
- Spd/Def Gap grants +5 Spd/Def to the ally that has the highest Spd/Def stats
- Ninja Katana+ allows him to score two strikes at once if he makes the first attack
Astram | Sword/Infantry | - Solid HP, Attack, Speed, and Defense stats
- Mercurius boosts all of Astrams’ and his physical allies’ stats by 4 points if his HP is at least 50%
- Wrath 3 reduces his Special cooldown time and gives him +10 pure damage
Brigid | Red Bow/Infantry | - Helm Bow+ deals -5 Spd/Def to foes if Brigid starts off combat without any adjacent allies
- Steady Impact blocks enemies’ follow-ups and gives her +7 Spd and +10 Def if she makes the first attack
- Pulse Smoke 3 slows down enemies’ Special cooldown
Legendary Roy | Sword/Infantry | - Solid Speed and Defense stats
- Dragonbird has Distant Counter built in and is effective against Dragon foes
- Legendary status allows Legendary Roy to grant +3 HP to allies that use Fire Blessing if it’s Fire Season
C Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Zephiel | Sword/Armored | - Solid HP and Defense stats with a decent base Attack stat that can still be boosted if invested in
- Wary Fighter 3 blocks Zephiel and his enemy from performing follow-ups if his HP is at least 50%. This is not a disadvantage for him since he doesn’t need follow-up attacks to inflict damage
- Eckesachs deals -4 Def to nearby enemies at the beginning of a turn
Draug | Sword/Armored | - High Defense stat at Level 40 even without using Dragonflowers or merges
- Stalwart Sword inflicts -6 Atk on incoming enemies and, when refined, gives Draug a conditional Atk/Def boost and immunity to debuffs
- Armored status grants him access to powerful Fighter skills and a BST boost
Sanaki | Red Tome/Infantry | - Hone Atk 3 grants +4 Atk to Sanaki’s adjacent allies at the start of a turn
- Cymbeline grants +4 Atk to adjacent allies when Sanaki attacks
- Triangle Adept 3 increases her Attack stat by 20% if she’s fighting Green heroes
Rutger | Sword/Infantry | - Solid HP, Attack, and Speed stats
- Slaying Edge+ speeds up Rutger’s Special trigger by 1 count
- Atk/Def Bond 3 boosts his Attack and Defense by 5 points if he’s next to an ally
Garon | Red Breath/Infantry | - Solid Defense and Resistance stats with decent HP
- Breath of Blight blocks bonus damage from Divine Naga, Breath of Fog, and other anti-Dragon weapons
- Panic Ploy 3 turns enemies’ stat boosts into stat penalties
Bridal Oboro | Sword/Infantry | - Solid Attack and Defense stats
- Pledged Blade+ boosts Bridal Oboro’s Attack and Defense stats by 4 points and slows down an enemy’s Special cooldown charge every time they attack
- Odd Pulse 3 slows down a foe’s Special cooldown
Bantu | Red Breath/Infantry | - High base HP and solid Defense stat at Level 40
- Fierce Stance 3 boosts Bantu’s Attack stat by 6 points during combat
- His Dragon status means he can access powerful Dragon Breath skills
Masked Marth | Sword/Infantry | - Great Attack and Speed stats at Level 40
- Doesn’t take much to build if you’ve previously collected all free copies of Masked Marth
- Falchion inflicts 1.5x damage on Dragon heroes and allows Masked Marth to gain back 10 HP every odd-numbered turn
Hubert | Red Tome/Infantry | - High Attack stat
- Rauðrfox+ deals -4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res to Hubert’s enemy when he makes the first move
- Inf. Hexblade gives +2 Atk/Spd to nearby Infantry allies
New Year Anna | Red Bow/Infantry | - High Speed and Resistance stats
- Atk/Spd Gap boosts an ally’s Atk/Spd by 5 points if they have the highest total Attack and Speed on the team
- Fortune Bow deals -5 Def/Res to an enemy
Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List:Green Heroes
Green units complete the Weapon Triangle system. They deal significant damage to Blue heroes even if they have lower stats. However, avoid using them in battles against Red units since these are their weakness.
SS Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Valentine’s Gustav | Axe/Armored | - Incredibly high HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Loyalist Axe speeds up Valentine’s Gustav’s Special, deals -6 Atk/Def to foes in-combat, and grants him damage reduction
Surtr | Axe/Armored | - Outstanding HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats with excellent mixed bulk
- Sinmara boosts Surtr’s Defense stat and decreases a nearby enemy’s HP by 20 points at the start of a turn
- If he starts a turn near an enemy, Surtr’s Menace increases all of his stats by 4 points and debuffs his foes’ stats by 4 points
Winter Sothis | Green Breath/Armored | - Solid overall stats, especially her Speed and Resistance
- Snow’s Grave blocks the effects of anti-Dragon bonuses and increases all of Winter Sothis’s stats by 5 points if her HP is above 50%
- Special Fighter speeds up her Special cooldown charge and slows down her enemy’s cooldown charge if her HP is above 50%
Brave Ephraim | Axe/Armored | - Incredibly high Attack and Defense stats
- Garm guarantees a follow-up attack from Brave Ephraim if he has Rally, Hone, or a similar skill activated
- Special Fighter speeds up his Special cooldown charge while slowing down that of his foe
Legendary Edelgard | Axe/Armored | - Superior Attack stat with strong HP, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Amyr boosts Legendary Edelgard’s Attack stat by 3 points and deals -6 Atk/Def to her foe if she isn’t next to any allies
- Raging storm gives her another action if she makes the first attack and if she doesn’t have adjacent allies
Nagi | Green Breath/Armored | - Outstanding HP, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Ethereal Breath is effective against dragon foes and colorless enemies that usually don’t have weaknesses
- Distant Counter allows her to counterattack regardless of range
Thrasir | Green Tome/Infantry | - Excellent Speed and Resistance stats
- Ífingr is strong against Dragon foes, boosts Thrasir’s stats by 4 points, and blocks an enemy’s follow-up attack
- Killing Intent deals -5 Spd/Res on an enemy and lets her perform a follow-up attack before they can counterattack
Shamir | Green Bow/Infantry | - Solid Attack and Speed stats
- Survivalist Bow boosts Shamir’s Atk/Spd by 6 points and blocks counterattacks if Shamir isn’t next to an ally and if the enemy’s HP is at least 80%
- Atk/Spd Solo 4 boosts her Atk/Spd by 7 points if she isn’t next to an ally
Valentine’s Alm | Axe/Infantry | - Solid Attack, Speed, and Defense stats
- Scepter of Love grants Valentine’s Alm +3 Spd and boosts his Atk
- Duo Skill boosts his Atk/Spd by 6 points, lets him gain back 30 HP, and blocks penalties targeted at him and his nearby allies
Brave Ike | Axe/Infantry | - Excellent HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- Has access to a wide range of B slots like Null C-Disrupt and Special Spiral
- If Brave Ike is receiving continuous attacks, Urvan reduces damage received starting from the second attack by 80%
S Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Mamori | Axe/Armored | - Outstanding HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Mirage Axe grants Mamori +6 Def/Res and blocks an enemy’s follow-up attack
- Vengeful Fighter guarantees a follow-up hit from her and speeds up her Special cooldown charge
Fallen Robin (Male) | Green Breath/Armored | - High HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Expiration has Distant Counter built in
- Ward Dragons boosts his Dragon allies’ Def/Res by 4 points
Winter Fae | Green Breath/Armored | - Glittering Breath+ gives Winter Fae adaptive damage and a Def/Res buff depending on how many nearby allies she has
- Def/Res Bond 3 boosts her Def/Res by 5 points if she’s next to an ally
- Vengeful Fighter guarantees a follow-up attack from her if she has at least 50% HP and the enemy makes the first move
Picnic Felicia | Axe/Armored | - High HP, Speed, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Eldhrímnir is strong against beast foes and boosts Picnic Felicia’s Speed by 3 points
- Special Fighter 3 speeds up her Special cooldown charge and while slowing down her foe’s Special cooldown charge
Brave Edelgard | Axe/Armored | - Superior BST, HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Flower Hauteclere improves Brave Edelgard’s mobility
- Can counterattack any magic attack from any range, thanks to Distant Ward
Pent | Green Tome/Infantry | - Solid Attack, Speed, and Resistance stats
- Tome of Reglay speeds up the Special cooldown of Pent’s nearby allies
- Infantry status grants him access to powerful skills like Time’s Pulse and Lull Atk/Res
Bridal Nailah | Infantry | - Superior Speed stat
- Bride’s Fang deals -5 Atk/Spd/Def to an enemy that has at least 75% HP
- Swift Sparrow 3 grants her +6 Atk and +7 Spd when Bridal Nailah makes the first attack
Legendary Celica | Green Beast/Infantry | - Strong offensive capabilities
- Saintly Seraphim grants Legendary Celica +3 Spd and inflicts damage that’s equal to 25% of her enemy’s Resistance
- Possesses Soul of Zofia, which is a combination of Desperation 3 and Null Follow-up 3
Yarne | Green Beast/Cavalry | - Solid Attack stat
- Odd Spd Wave boosts Yarne’s and his adjacent allies’ Speed by 6 points during odd-numbered turns
- Bunny Fang is effective against Cavalry enemies and grants him a passive +3 Speed boost
Freyja | Green Beast/Cavalry | - Exceptional Speed stat
- Nightmare Horn has a built-in Distant Counter and grants Freyja Speed-based damage reduction
- Binding Necklace grants her +2 Atk/Spd/Def/Res and deals -2 Atk/Spd/Def/Res to the enemy
A Tier

Heroes | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Legendary Hector | Axe/Armored | - Great HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- Thunder Armads prevents foes from attacking Legendary Hector twice in one round
- Ostia’s Pulse speeds up his allies’ Special cooldown at the start of the first turn
Flame Emperor | Axe/Armored | - Incredibly high HP with solid Attack and Defense stats
- Guard Axe+ slows down a foe’s Special cooldown charge
- Bracing Stance 2 grants Flame Emperor +4 Def/Res when the enemy makes the first move
Valentine’s Alfonse | Green Tome/Armored | - Solid Defense stat
- If an ally is nearby, Amity Blooms+ deals -5 Atk/Res to an enemy and allows Valentine’s Alfonse to regain 4 HP if he scores attacks
- Bold Fighter 3 guarantees a follow-up attack from him
Valentine’s Hector | Axe/Armored | - High HP and Defense stats
- Berserk Armads speeds up Valentine’s Hector’s Special trigger cooldown and grants him special +10 damage
- Distant Counter enables him to counterattack from any distance
Winter Jaffar | Green Dagger/Armored | - Solid offense capabilities
- Minty Cane+ allows Winter Jaffar to gain back 5 HP when he scores an attack
- Def/Res Bond 3 grants him +5 Def/Ref if he’s next to an ally
Lewyn | Green Tome/Infantry | - Solid Speed stat
- Forseti lets Lewyn execute a follow-up attack before the foe counterattacks
- Swift Sparrow 2 and Odd Atk Wave 3 grants him a total of +10 Atk and +4 Spd during odd-numbered turns
Dieck | Axe/Infantry | - Solid Attack and Defense stats
- Tiger-Roar Axe gives Dieck a conditional +5 Atk/Spd/Def/Res boost
- Threat Atk/Def 3 grants him +5 Atk/Def and deals -5 Atk/Def to nearby enemies
Asbel | Green Tome/Infantry | - Outstanding Speed stat
- Grafcalibur is strong against Flying units, speeds up his Special trigger, and boosts all of Asbel’s stats by 5 points if he initiates combat
- Null Follow-up 3 blocks enemy follow-ups and effects that prevent Asbel from making follow-up attacks
Charlotte | Axe/Infantry | - Incredibly high Attack and Speed stats
- Frenzy 3 grants Charlotte Speed-based damage reduction
- Time’s Pulse 3 and Special trigger acceleration from Fair-Fury Axe allows her to quickly activate Glimmer
Osian | Axe/Infantry | - Solid and well-balanced overall stats
- If Osian’s HP is at least 50%, Vogue enables him to counterattack ranged opponents
- Mirror Stance boosts his Atk/Res by 6 points when attacked
B Tier

Heroes | Move and Weapon Type | Strengths |
Hector | Axe/Armored | - Distant Counter enables Hector to counterattack from any range
- Armads grants him guaranteed follow-up hits when his HP is at least 80% when attacked
- Goad Armor boosts his nearby Armored allies’ Atk/Spd by 4 points
Halloween Kagero | Green Dagger/Armored | - Solid HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Bold Fighter 3 guarantees follow-up hits from Halloween Kagero if she initiates combat
- Even Atk wave boosts her and her adjacent allies’ Atk by 6 points during even-numbered turns
Amelia | Axe/Armored | - Solid HP, Attack, Speed, and Defense stats
- Armored March 3 improves Amelia’s and an adjacent Armored ally’s mobility
- Earth Boost 3 boosts her Def if her foe’s HP is lower by 3 points
Sheena | Axe/Armored | - High HP, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Crimson Axe and Killer Axe+ speeds up Sheena’s Special cooldown
- Svallin Shield nullifies anti-Armor damage
Valentine’s Greil | Axe/Armored | - Solid defense capabilities
- Faithful Axe+ boosts his stats by 3 points if he’s next to an ally
- Armor March 3 improves Valentine’s Greil and his adjacent allies’ mobility
Hawkeye | Axe/Infantry | - High HP, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Can use Lull Atk/Def and another B slot skill simultaneously
- Guardian’s Axe and Killer Axe+ speeds up his Special cooldown
Linus | Axe/Infantry | - Great overall stats (except for Resistance)
- Basilikos speeds up Linus’s Special cooldown
- Brazen Atk/Spd grants him +7 Atk/Spd if his HP is less than 80%
Groom Hinata | Axe/Infantry | - Impressive HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- Huge Fan+ boosts his Atk/Def by 4 points and accelerates his Special trigger
- Atk/Def Bond 3 grants him +5 Atk/Def if he’s next to an ally
Nino | Green Tome/Infantry | - Solid Attack, Speed, and Resistance stats
- Upgrading Iris’ Tome grants Nino and her allies an Attack boost on even-numbered turns
- Draw Back can move her and her allies out of harm’s way
Rhajat | Green Tome/Infantry | - Decent Attack and Speed stats
- Obsessive Curse is effective against Cavalry heroes and deals -5 Spd/Res to nearby enemies
- Infantry status gives her access to powerful skills like Null Follow-up
C Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Lugh | Green Tome/Infantry | - Solid Attack, Speed, and Resistance stats
- Can effectively run a wide range of builds
- Rally Up Res+ boosts allies’ Resistance by 6 points
Summer Ylgr | Axe/Infantry | - Solid and well-balanced stats
- Shoreline Rake gives Summer Ylgr a conditional 4-point Atk/Def boost
- Flashing Blade makes it easy for her to trigger Specials
Helbindi | Axe/Infantry | - Solid overall stats (except for Speed)
- Býleistr boosts Helbindi’s and her adjacent allies’ Atk/Spd/Def/Res by 4 points
- Guard 3 slows down an enemy’s Special cooldown charge
Libra | Axe/Infantry | - Decent overall stats
- Wo Gùn+ inflicts +10 damage when Libra’s Special is activated
- Renewal 3 allows him to gain back 10 HP
Rinkah | Axe/Infantry | - Great Speed and Defense stats
- Rinkah’s Club boosts her Special cooldown and grants her +5 Atk/Def if she isn’t at full HP
- Distant Foil enables her to counterattack physical hits from any range
Ross | Axe/Infantry | - High Hp and base Attack stats
- Fire Boost 3 gives Ross a conditional 6-point Atk boost
- Fairly easy to obtain
Echidna | Axe/Infantry | - Decent overall stats
- Drive Atk 2 buffs nearby allies’ Atk by 3 points
- Rearguard+ grants Echidna +7 Def is the foe makes the first hit
Arthur | Axe/Infantry | - Solid defenses
- Emerald Axe can practically annihilate Blue foes
- Lancebreaker guarantees a follow-up attack from him when battling against lance units
Summer Elise | Green Tome/Infantry | - Solid Attack, Speed, and Resistance stats
- Rally Atk/Res buffs an ally’s Atk/Res by 3 points
- G Tome Valor grants 2x SP to all Green tome units
Performing Inigo | Green Tome/Infantry | - Dance refreshes the actions of a target ally
- Dancer’s Ring allows adjacent allies to regain HP when he initiates combat
- Gale Dance 3 grants +4 Spd to an ally
Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List:Colorless Heroes
Colorless units in Fire Emblem Heroes are special since they exist outside the Weapon Triangle system. Thus, you can use them in battles without worrying about whether they’re weak or strong against their opponent’s color type. With Colorless heroes, you’ll need to pay attention to your unit’s weapon as this dictates what movement type or weapon they’re weak against.
SS Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Veronica | Staff/Cavalry | - Hliðskjálf, Veronica’s personal weapon, blocks a foe’s counterattack, reduces foes’ stats by 2 points, and grants Veronica and her nearby allies a significant buff
- Windfire Balm+ boosts her allies’ Atk/Spd by 6 points
Fallen Corrin (Female) | Colorless Breath/Infantry | - Solid and well-balanced stats
- Savage Breath boosts her overall stats in both enemy and player phases
- Atk/Spd Solo grants her +6 Atk/Spd if she isn’t next to any allies
Valentine’s Faye | Bow/Armored | - Impressive HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Budding Bow grants her +4 Atk/Def and blocks an enemy’s follow-up attack when she initiates an attack
- Possesses Armor March 3 by default
Caineghis | Colorless Beast/Armored | - Excellent HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- Lion King Fang boosts Caineghis’s stats during the enemy phase and grants him access to various powerful A skills
- Distant Def 4 grants him an 8-point Def/Res bonus when a ranged enemy makes the first move
Legendary Leif | Bow/Cavalry | - Great Attack stat that can be boosted thanks to Legendary Leif’s Attack Superasset
- Meisterbogen lets him attack twice in a row
- Njörun’s Zeal is easy to trigger and grants him an extra action
Ninja Lyn | Dagger/Infantry | - Superior Speed stat with solid HP, Attack, and Resistance stats
- Duo Skill boosts Ninja Lyn’s Arena score
- Tailwind Shuriken allows her to score two consecutive strikes if she makes the first attack
Fallen Edelgard | Colorless Beast/Armored | - Superior HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance stats
- When transformed, Twin-Crest Power grants Fallen Edelgard +2 Atk and lets her counterattack regardless of range
- Armored Wall grants her damage reduction and allows her to regain HP after combat
Winter Marth | Bow/Armored | - Great overall stats
- Duo Skill boosts the stats of nearby Flying/Armored heroes by 3 points
- Tanngrisnir boosts Winter Marth’s stats by 3 points if he has a bonus
Bridal Micaiah | Colorless Tome/Flying | - Duo Skill debuffs enemies’ Def/Res by 7 points and grants allies with Dominance
- Joyful Vows boosts Bridal Micaiah’s Atk/Res by 6 points and is strong against Armored and Cavalry foes
- Atk/Res Oath 3 grants her +5 Atk/Res if she’s next to an ally
Legendary Corrin (Female) | Colorless Breath/Infantry | - High BST and well-balanced overall stats
- If the foe initiates combat, Primordial Breath boosts Legendary Corrin’s stats by 5 points and grants her +1 Special cooldown charge
- Negating Fang grants her damage reduction
S Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Fallen Tiki (Young) | Colorless Breath/Armored | - Solid overall stats
- Razing Breath allows Fallen Tiki to counterattack from any distance and is strong against Dragon units
- Special Fighter speeds up her Special cooldown while slowing down her enemy’s Special cooldown
Legendary Alm | Bow/Infantry | - Solid overall stats (except for Resistance)
- Luna Arc inflicts additional damage to a foe when Legendary Alm initiates combat
- Lunar Flash can permeate a foe’s defenses
Flayn | Staff/Flying | - Great Attack and Resistance stats
- Caduceus Staff grants damage reduction to Flayn’s allies
- Rescue+ heals an ally and works as a movement-assist skill as well
Leila | Dagger/Infantry | - Excellent Speed stat with solid HP, Attack, and Resistance stats
- Constant Dagger boosts Leila’s offenses, blocks enemy counterattacks, and allows her and her support partner to swap places
- Atk/Def Ruse 3 and Rally Atk/Spd+ grant +6 Atk/Spd to an ally and deals -5 Atk/Def to foes
Mila | Colorless Breath/Infantry | - Excellent Defense and Resistance stats
- Nurturing Breath boosts surrounding allies’ stats by 2 points
- Mila’s Turnwheel blocks foes from using or receiving assist-type weapons
Pirate Tibarn | Colorless Beast/Flying | - Sky-Pirate Claw grants Pirate Tibarn +5 Atk and deals -5 Atk on an enemy, speeds up his Special trigger, and guarantees a follow-up from him
- Dive-Bomb 3 allows him to strike twice in a row
- Improved mobility thanks to Galeforce
Bernadetta | Bow/Cavalry | - Persecution Bow has built-in Desperation
- Atk/Spd 4 combined with Persecution Bow boosts Bernadetta’s Atk/Spd by 12 points
- Lull Spd/Def deals -3 Spd/Def on an enemy and cancels out their Spd/Def bonuses
Eleonora | Bow/Infantry | - Solid HP, Attack, and Speed stats
- Mirage Longbow grants Eleonora +3 Spd and prevents the enemy from counterattacking if her Speed is higher than her enemy’s
- Atk/Spd Push 4 boosts her Atk/Spd by 7 points if her HP is at least 25%
Leila | Dagger/Infantry | - Excellent Speed stat
- Constant Dagger blocks an enemy from counterattacking if an ally is nearby and buffs Leila’s Atk/Spd when she initiates combat
- Atk/Def Ruse 3 and Rally Atk/Spd+ buffs an ally’s Atk/Spd and debuffs a foe’s Atk/Def
Brave Camilla | Staff/Flying | - Solid Speed stat
- Sanngriðr boosts Brave Camilla’s offenses, debuffs a foe’s Def/Res, and has a built-in Gravity effect
- Atk/Spd Push 4 boosts her Atk/Spd by 7 points when her HP is at least 25%
A Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Duma | Colorless Breath/Armored | - High HP and Attack stats
- Upheaval inflicts -7 damage to enemies during the first turn
- Bold Fighter guarantees a follow-up hit from Duma
Bow Hinoka | Bow/Flying | - Warrior Princess grants +3 Atk to nearby allies and can easily take down Armored and Flying units
- Atk/Spd Bond 3 grants +5 Spd to Bow Hinoka
- Flier Formation 3 improves her mobility
Halloween Jakob | Bow/Armored | - Excellent defense capabilities
- Wary Fighter 3 disables follow-up attacks from Halloween Jakob and his foe. This isn’t a disadvantage to him since he can deal damage even without follow-ups.
- Can run a wide range of builds
Julian | Dagger/Infantry | - Caltrop Dagger+ is powerful against Cavalry foes
- Can counterattack physical hits from any range thanks to Caltrop Dagger+
- Lull Atk/Spd deals -3 Atk/Spd to an enemy and cancels out Atk/Spd enemy bonuses
Eir | Dagger/Flying | - Solid Speed and Resistance stats
- Lyfjaberg grants Eir +4 Atk/Spd and blocks a follow-up from her foe
- Sparkling Boost heals the ally with the most damage at the beginning of every turn
Groom Saul | Staff/Cavalry | - Solid Speed and Resistance stats
- Observant Staff grants Saul +6 Atk/Spd/Def/Res and nullifies enemy bonuses in-combat
- C Duel Cavalry 4 increases your overall Arena score
Summer Leonie | Bow/Cavalry | - Excellent Speed stat with solid HP, Attack, and Defense stats
- Sunflower Bow+ grants Leonie +5 Def, transfers enemy bonuses to her, and blocks enemy buffs
- Atk/Spd Push 3 boosts her Atk/Spd by 5 points
Winter Cecilia | Dagger/Armored | - Atk/Res Bond 3 grants Winter Cecilia +5 Atk/Def if she’s next to an ally
- Def Ploy 3 debuffs enemies’ Defense stats
- Goodie Boot+ boosts her Def/Res
Brave Lyn | Bow/Cavalry | - Can attack from afar and move three spaces in one turn
- Sacae’s Blessing allows Brave Lyn to attack a Sword, Axe, or Lance unit and not risk being counterattacked
- Mulagir neutralizes bonuses of magic foes
Bridal Fjorm | Staff/Flying | - Gjallarbrú blocks foes from using or receiving assists
- Can easily heal allies
- Wrathful Staff combined with Dazzling Staff blocks counterattacks when Bridal Fjorm initiates combat
B Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Leanne | Colorless Beast/Flying | - Solid Speed and Resistance stats
- Sing allows Leanne’s ally to take an extra action
- Heron Wing grants her an extra move
Velouria | Colorless Beast/Infantry | - Decent and well-balanced stats
- Wolfpup Fang speeds up Velouria’s and an ally’s Special cooldown
- Ward Beasts increases Beast allies’ Def/Res by 4 points
Legault | Dagger/Infantry | - Solid Speed stat
- The Cleaner+ adds enemy bonuses to Legault’s Attack
- Atk Tactic 3 grants a conditional boost to nearby allies’ Attack stats
Hoshidan Summer Xander | Dagger/Infantry | - Dance allows Hoshidan Summer Xander to refresh an ally’s actions
- Dusk Uchiwa+ is effective against Cavalry foes
- Close Counter allows him to counterattack regardless of distance
Kagero | Dagger/Infantry | - Solid base Attack stat
- Poison Dagger+ can take down Infantry foes
- Warding Blow 3 boosts Kagero’s Res by 6 points
Kronya | Dagger/Infantry | - High HP and Speed stats
- If the enemy isn’t at full HP, Athame grants Kronya +5 Atk/Spd and allows her to counterattack before her foe attacks
- Infantry status means she has a free B slot
Summer Dorothea | Dagger/Infantry | - Solid Attack, Speed, and Resistance stats
- Using Dance on an ally triggers Atk Cantrip 3, which deals -7 Atk to nearby foes
- Hidden Thorns+ boosts Summer Dorothea’s Atk/Res by +5 and lets her gain back 7 HP
New Year Selkie | Colorless Beast/Cavalry | - Distant Ward grants New Year Selkie +5 Atk/Res and enables her to counterattack a magic hit from any distance
- New Foxkit Fang conditionally boosts her damage during combat
- Sabotage Spd debuffs foes’ Speed stats
Bridal Louise | Bow/Cavalry | - Decent Attack and Speed stats
- Boquet Bow+ boosts her Atk/Spd by 4 points
- Hone Cavalry boosts adjacent allies’ Atk/Spd by 6 points
Gangrel | Dagger/Infantry | - Solid HP and Speed stats
- Levin Dagger boosts Gangrel’s stats by 4 points and deals -7 Def/Res to multiple foes
- Chill Atk debuffs a foe’s Attack stat
C Tier

Hero | Move and Weapon Types | Strengths |
Jakob | Dagger/Infantry | - Jakob’s Tray debuffs an enemy’s stats by 4 points
- Renewal 3 allows Jakob to regain 10 HP every other turn
- Can run a wide variety of builds
Loki | Staff/Infantry | - Thökk conditionally limits the movement of ranged enemies
- Odd Atk Wave 3 boosts Loki’s and his adjacent allies’ Attack stats by 6 points
- Every time he heals an ally, Earthwater Balm+ boosts his allies’ Def/Res by 6 points
New Year Laevatein | Staff/Cavalry | - Decent Attack and Defense stats
- Access to Dazzling and Wrathful Staff allows New Year Laevatein to effectively debuff foes and inflict magic damage
- Cavalry status grants her strong mobility
Tethys | Dagger/Infantry | - Dance allows Tethys to refresh an ally’s actions
- The Cleaner+ adds enemy bonuses to Tethys’s Attack
- Spd/Res Bond boosts her Spd/Res by 5 points when she’s next to an ally
Chad | Dagger/Infantry | - Solid HP and Speed stats
- Rogue Dagger+ debuffs an enemy’s Def/Res by -5 points while boosting Chad’s Def/Res by the same amount
- Escape Route 3 enables Chad to warp next to an ally
Clarine | Staff/Cavalry | - Cavalry status allows Clarine to move three spaces at once
- Fear+ deals -7 Atk to multiple foes
- Swift-Winds Balm buffs allies’ Speed stats when she heals an ally
Ethlyn | Staff/Cavalry | - Heavenly Light restores allies’ HP
- Live to Serve 3 allows Ethlyn to heal herself every time she applies Physic+
- Fear+ debuffs foes’ Attack stats by 7 points
Forrest | Staff/Cavalry | - High Resistance stat
- Res Ploy debuffs opponents with lower Res
- Physic+ allows him to heal allies
Fallen Takumi | Bow/Infantry | - Skadi deals 7 damage to surrounding foes for two turns
- Skadi’s refine boosts Fallen Takumi’s Atk/Spd by 5 points
- Fury 3 boosts his stats by 3 points
Brady | Staff/Infantry | - Decent HP
- Atk/Res Push 3 boosts his Atk/Res by 5 points if he’s at full HP
- Infantry Rush 3 grants Heavy Sword 3 to all nearby Infantry allies
Final Thoughts
There are hundreds and hundreds of characters to obtain in Fire Emblem Heroes, but not all of them will ensure your victory in battles. Hopefully, our Fire Emblem Heroes tier list has helped you decide which ones you should look out for and invest in.
Want to know the best heroes in AFK Arena? Check out our AFK Arena Tier List!