Wussten Sie, dass Sie und Ihre Freunde zusammen iMessage-Spiele spielen können, während Sie chatten? Abgesehen von der Verwendung von Emoji-Apps und Stickerpaketen können iMessage-Benutzer auch rundenbasierte Spiele in einem Chatroom spielen. Mit der App Store-Erweiterung in der Messaging-App von Apple können Sie kompatible Spiele auswählen, die Sie installieren und folglich spielen können. Aber es gibt einen Haken, iMessage-Spiele sind nur auf iPhones mit iOS 10 und höher verfügbar. Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass iMessage nicht funktioniert, nur weil Sie keine Spiele sehen, müssen Sie möglicherweise ein Betriebssystem-Update herunterladen.
In diesem Artikel listen wir unsere liebsten und einige der besten iMessage-Spiele auf. Aber vorher zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie iMessage-Spiele installieren und in Ihren Chatrooms starten.
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In diesem Artikel
- Was sind iMessage-Spiele?
- So installieren Sie ein iMessage-Spiel
- Wie man ein iMessage-Spiel spielt
- Die 16 besten iMessage-Spiele zum Spielen
- Wildtaube
- Mr. Putten
- 8-Ball-Pool
- Yahtzee mit Buddies
- Cobi-Pfeile
- Cobi Hoops 2
- Wörter für iMessage
- Piktogramm
- Los geht's!
- Buchstabenkühlschrank
- Cobi-Darts
- Qiktionary
- Schachmatt!
- Wahrheit Wahrheit Lüge
- Vier in einer Reihe
- Zieh eins
- iMessage-Spiel-FAQs
- Wie geht es weiter?
Was sind iMessage-Spiele?
Also, zunächst einmal, was sind iMessage-Spiele? Wie Apple-Benutzer wahrscheinlich wissen, ist iMessage vollgepackt mit Funktionen und eine der besten Möglichkeiten, mit Ihren Freunden in iMessage-Gruppen zu chatten, solange sie sich auch auf Apple-Geräten befinden. iMessage-Spiele hingegen sind eine oft vergessene Funktion der App, die erstmals in iOS 10 eingeführt wurde. Mit dieser Funktion können Sie und eine Gruppe Ihrer Freunde ein Drittanbieterspiel direkt in der iMessage-App spielen und gleichzeitig chatten. Einfach und leicht zu spielen, sind iMessage-Spiele eine gute Möglichkeit, sich mit Ihrer Familie und Ihren Freunden zu verbünden und zu spielen.
Während diese Spiele normalerweise Multiplayer-Spiele sind, könnten Sie sich stattdessen auch dafür entscheiden, diese Spiele alleine zu spielen. Sie können diese iMessage-Spiele über eine spezielle iMessage-Version des Apple App Store herunterladen und erhalten.
So installieren Sie iMessage-Spiele

The first thing you should do when trying to install an iMessage game is to make sure that your iOS and iMessage apps are updated to the latest versions available for your device. While this guide will work on almost any iPhone running on iOS 10 and up, do note that there are some slight menu and setting differences between the different iOS and iMessage versions.
- Launch iMessage and create a new conversation or go to an existing one.
- Click on the Apple App Store icon either on the ribbon or beside the camera icon.
- Wait for the Apple App Store pop-up to appear. This version of the App Store is specifically for iMessage-compatible apps and covers a wide range from stickers to iMessage games.
- Search and choose the game you want to install and press “Get” or the price tag to buy it.
- Wait for it to finish installing.
How to Play iMessage Games

Once you install an iMessage game, it will be available on your app list across all your conversations. You only have to install an iMessage game once and you can use it to challenge different friends in different chatrooms. To initiate a game on the messaging app, you would have to do the following.
- Go to an iMessage conversation or create a new one.
- Click on the iMessage game’s icon on the selection ribbon above the keyboard. You may need to scroll going to the left if you have several iMessage games.
- Start the game and it will be delivered like a normal message. Wait for your friend to play.
- When your friend completes their turn, you will get a new message with a preview of their action. Take your turn and the cycle goes on until there’s a winner.
The 16 Best iMessage Games To Play
You now know how to install and start iMessage games. So, let us move on to which games are actually worth it to install onto your iOS device. Here is our list of the best iMessage games to play:
1. Game Pigeon

Entwickler: Vitalii Zlotskii
Price: Free with in-app purchases
The first game on the list is Game Pigeon, which was developed by Vitalii Zlotskii. It’s little different compared to the other iMessage games on this list. Game Pigeon is not just a single game; it’s a varied collection of 24 fun games. These 24 games are 8-Ball, Mini Golf, Basketball, Cup Pong, Archery, Darts, Tanks, Sea Battle, Anagrams, Mancala, Knockout, Shuffleboard, Chess, Checkers, Four in a Row, Gomoku, Reversi, 20 Questions, Dots and Boxes, 9-Ball, Word Hunt, Word Bites, Filler, and Crazy 8.
Although individually, each game is far simpler and a bit cruder than some of the stand-alone games on this list. But altogether, Game Pigeon is the very best iMessage game. This game enjoys immense popularity, with many downloading the game, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. For us, Game Pigeon is a must-have for those that want to try out iMessage games.
2. Mr. Putt

Entwickler: Jonah Witcig
Price: Kostenlos
The second iMessage game on this list is Mr. Putt. This game is a fun applet that lets you play nine-hole golf with a friend. Although a bit more arcade-like than a true golf experience, this game offers four different golf courses to choose from:frost, blaze, retro, and nebula. Each of the four has its unique challenges and layouts that you have to think about to solve.
Mr. Putt requires you to have your device updated to at least iOS 11 to play this game. There have also been reports that the game bugs out for some players who are on iOS 12, although this does not seem to be consistent. Overall, though, if you want a fun time-waster, Mr. Putt is definitely one of the games to look at!
Also read:Best Golf Games For Mobile
3. 8 Ball Pool

Entwickler: Miniclip.com
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Who does not want to have a short game of pool now and again? 8 Ball Pool gives you and your friends that opportunity! The third game in this iMessage game list gives you hours and hours of fun as you sink balls one after another. You can play by yourself or play with your iMessage friends through the iMessage app. 8 Ball Pool also installs a standalone version of itself once you install it for iMessage.
Both versions of the game do require a few requirements, though. First, the game requires you to be online to play. Second, to play multiplayer tournaments, you have to have an online account on either Miniclip.com or a linked Facebook account.
4. Yahtzee with Buddies With Dice

Entwickler: Scropely Inc.
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Yahtzee — a family favorite board game, now on your phone and compatible with iMessage. You and your friends can play this classic game through several game modes like Yahtzee Survivor, Yahtzee Solitaire, Yahtzee Bingo, or Yahtzee Stars. Aside from that, you can also play in single-player or challenge the world through its multiplayer tournaments.
While it is a solid game, hence it is ranked fourth in our iMessage games list, you should know that this game has a full suite of microtransactions that adds a lot of value to the game. These in-app purchases include rolls, combo packs, tokens, and the monthly Prize Pass subscription that adds even more goodies. Even if you are not into shelling out money for the game, Yahtzee still gives you a lot of bonding time with your family and friends!
Also See:Top 20 Board Games For Mobile
5. Cobi Arrows

Entwickler: Cobra Mobile Limited
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Our fifth iMessage game is Cobi Arrows, a game from the Cobi series of Apple App Store games. A fun archery game at its core, Cobi Arrows has several modes that remind us of county fairs. Aside from that, the game also has a decent simulation of distance and wind factors that can change how you aim and shoot your bow.
The game’s modes include a shooting gallery, field shooting, and forest targeting, among other modes. The game also features 22 different target challenges like watermelon targeting and pop-up timed shots. While the base game is fun by itself, you might want to buy the $1.99 in-game purchase to unlock all the game modes and some extra bonuses like characters.
6. Cobi Hoops 2

Entwickler: Cobra Mobile Limited
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Cobi Hoops 2 comes in as our sixth choice for the best iMessage game. Adding more challenge to the game, it fixes the repetitive gameplay of the previous Cobi Hoops. Instead of one main game mode, Cobi Hoops 2 adds a puzzle-solving element where players have to score all the baskets while overcoming barriers. Each level gets more difficult, so players have to plan out how to throw the ball.
7. Words for iMessage

Entwickler: Appgrammers LLC
Price: Free with in-app purchases
The Apple App Store’s number one game in the puzzle category, Words for iMessage is a mix between Words with Friends and Scrabble, along with its own twists to the rules. While somewhat complicated at first, it is easy to understand once you have played a round or two. One of the best iMessage games to play with your mates, this game does not just help you pass the time — it might also help your vocabulary.
A game with infinite replayability, Words for iMessage is exclusively only for iMessage. Moreover, it can only be played with a maximum of two players. While a bit limited due to that two-player restriction, the game is pretty fun, especially for those who want to flex their dictionary knowledge. This game also has a one-time $9.99 in-game purchase to get rid of ads, make the dictionary validation feature quicker, and allow viewing of the letter tile bag.
8. Pictoword:Fun Word Quiz Games

Entwickler: Kooapps
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Another brain-teasing word iMessage game, Pictoword is a good iMessage game to have. Compared to the Scrabble-like Words for iMessage, Pictoword instead has players guess code words from the two pictures presented to them.
While it has a simple premise, the game has several difficulty modes that go from easy to hard as pictures of landmarks, objects, and other items are presented. Thankfully, though, the game does not have a timer, and you and your friend can take your time even with the hardest Pictowords. The game also has a standard app and Apple Watch version available that basically plays the same way without having the iMessage compatibility.
Also See:Best Free Brain Games
9. Let’s Puck It!

Entwickler: Little Labs Inc.
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Another exclusively iMessage game, Let’s Puck It! has a fun idea behind it. You and your sibling argue over who should do a chore you both hate. Neither of you can convince the other to do it, so what now? Let’s Puck It! and just play the fun Pong-like game to settle the argument once and for all. Amusingly, the game actually lets you input the punishment for losing the round into the app itself and shows it throughout the game and after someone wins the match.
While it is only the seventh game in our list, if we had to decide which game was decidedly made specifically for iMessage users, it’s probably this one.
10. Letter Fridge

Entwickler: Candywriter LLC
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Letter Fridge is a fun iMessage game that combines the crosswords of Sunday papers and the cute visuals of your family fridge’s door. While this game has both iMessage and standalone app versions, the iMessage version is simpler and forgoes the crossword aspect of the game. The iMessage Letter Fridge, instead, presents the available letters to you and your friend as you both try to make as many words from them as possible. The winner, of course, is the one that finds the most words.
Although depreciated compared to its standalone counterpart, Letter Fridge for iMessage is still as fun as it could be and stands as the tenth game in our list.
11. Cobi Darts

Entwickler: Cobra Mobile Limited
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Next on the list is another Cobi sports series game, but this time it focuses on darts. While it does have a standalone version, the iMessage game version of Cobi Darts is virtually the same. The game is pretty straightforward with two main dart rule sets, 501 and 301 point rules which you and your friends can choose from. Aside from that, the game also has several modes like 3 dart master, 3 dart finish, and round the clock that both of you could use instead.
Overall, it is another fun Cobi game based on darts with the same attention to detail as the other games in the series.
12. Qiktionary

Entwickler: Four Letter Works
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Qikitionary is a fun word and trivia game from the technical minds behind the hit UK comedy trivia show QI. The creator of the show explains this game as an amusing mix between Boggle, Scrabble, and Only Connect, where you solve word clues and get rewarded with interesting trivia.
While we consider this as one of the best games on this list of iMessage games, it got pushed out of the top 10 ranking since it requires a subscription to actually maximize the gaming experience. Starting at $3.99 per month, it does give you a lot of things to play, like its 25+ word pack backlog, unlimited simultaneous multiplayer games, and new word packs monthly.
This game also requires users to have at least iOS 12 installed and Mac users to have MacOS 11 or a computer with an Apple M1 chip installed.
13. Checkmate!

Entwickler: BorderLeap
Price: $0.99
The Apple App Store’s number one strategy game for iMessage is Checkmate! As you might have guessed, this game is an electronic version of classic chess. Although a paid game, it is more than well worth the less than $1 price due to the amount of replayability you can get out of it. There is not a lot to say about this since it uses the standard chess rules and applies them in-game.
What is different about this app is that you can play multiple matches between different people using different Apple devices. For example, you can play against two different people at the same time by using an iPhone and an iPad at the same time. Those that want to do that should note that this game requires your device to be on iOS 11 or later.
14. Truth Truth Lie

Entwickler: Magnate Interactive Ltd.
Price: Free with in-app purchases
An interesting online variation of the Truth or Dare game, Truth Truth Lie has two modes to choose from — video and text only. Both modes have you and your friends tell two truths and one lie. The two of you then try to guess which of the three is the lie. As obvious from the mode names, the video mode has you record your three options as short selfie-like videos, while the text-only mode lets you write it onto the applet instead.
15. Tic Tac Toe Game for iMessage

Entwickler: Daru Limited
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Of course, what game platform does not have the school classic Tic Tac Toe? There is not a lot to say about this game since it is just Tic Tac Toe that you can play with your friends on iMessage. That said, Tic Tac Toe game for iMessage was created in time for the iOS 10 release and, while it is kept updated, it’s a bit clunky with new iOS versions. While you do now need iOS 12 to play the game, it sometimes has bugs that prevent the game from working properly. If you can get it to work, though, it lets you and your mates play a nice game of Tic Tac Toe.
16. Draw One

Entwickler: Yomba Limited
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Last on this list of iMessage games is Draw One, a game that has similar ideas to Pictoword. Rather than using two words to guess a different word, you and your game partner must instead draw and guess each other’s work. While a pretty fun game, especially if you are not that good at drawing, it does have one big design flaw, especially for those who do not use dark mode for their phones. This is because the game sometimes uses white letters for the keyboard, and it blends into the white background, making it barely readable.
iMessage Game FAQs
Before we finish, here are a few frequently asked questions about iMessage games that we will answer for you:
Are iMessage Games Free?
Most iMessage games are actually offered for free and have in-app purchases instead. However, other games, like Checkmate!, require you to pay in order for you to access the game.
Can I Play iMessage Games on Singleplayer?
Some iMessage games allow you to play by yourself, although most do require you to have a friend as an opponent.
Can I Play iMessage Games Without Going Through iMessage?
No — iMessage games require the social element of iMessage to work. However, most games do have standalone app versions that have similar or better quality and mechanics than its iMessage version.
What Next?
There you have the best iMessage games you can play with family and friends! We hope you found at least one of them to play. If you haven’t, or want a more single-player experience, you might want to look into the Apple Arcade.
We do not just cover gaming topics since we also have a few technical self-help support articles as well. A few of these like “What to do if your iPhone is not receiving texts,” “How to know if someone blocked your number,” and “Not getting notifications on iPhone” is useful for those who do not want to spend too much to have the Apple technicians check it out for you.