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Die lustigsten Charaktere in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact ist ein Gacha-Spiel und daher sind seine Charaktere dort, wo das Geld ist. Genshins Charakterdesigns sind tadellos und je mehr Updates kommen, desto cooler werden sie. Einige Charaktere haben nicht nur Charakterdesigns, sondern auch Funktionen, die sie in anderen Situationen als im Kampf sehr nützlich machen. Auch im Kampf brillieren sie durch ihr einzigartiges Gameplay. Spieler mit diesen Charakteren werden aufgrund des Spaßfaktors normalerweise nie müde von ihren Fähigkeiten.

Der folgende Artikel ist einzigartig und subjektiv. Wir haben die Charaktere in ihre verschiedenen Kategorien eingeteilt, je nachdem, was ihnen Spaß macht.

Einzigartige mechanische Charaktere in Genshin Impact

Unter Einzigartige Mechanik haben wir Charaktere aufgelistet, die etwas im Allgemeinen Einzigartiges tun können und daher großartige Optionen für diejenigen sind, die ihren Spielstil ändern und etwas anderes erleben möchten. Während einige davon Meta-Einheiten sind, erfüllen sie normalerweise eine hervorragende, praktische und beständige Overworld-Funktion, die sie trotz ihrer hohen Schadens- oder Reaktionszahlen zum Vergnügen macht.


Beidous Parade- oder „Full Counter“-Mechanik war für den größten Teil des Spiels einzigartig. Es ist wahr, dass wir kürzlich Yun Jin und Candace bekommen haben, aber Beidou gilt immer noch als der beste Benutzer der Kontermechanik. Die Gründe dafür sind – sie ist Elektro und sie kann bequem in jede Rolle passen. Beidou kann als Haupt-DPS, Sub-DPS oder sogar Reaktionsunterstützung eingesetzt werden und das macht sie zu einer erstaunlichen Einheit.


Keqing war aufgrund ihrer E-Skill-Teleportationsfähigkeit immer eine lustige Einheit. Ihr Burst war auch lange Zeit einer der coolsten und auffälligsten Bursts im Spiel. Ihre Teleportationsfähigkeit ist auch während der Erkundung praktisch, da Sie diese schwierigen Orte relativ einfach erreichen können. Mit der Einführung von Dendro ist sie endlich sogar mächtig genug geworden, um es mit Größen wie Diluc aufzunehmen.

Kaedehara Kazuha

Kazuhas Fähigkeit, seine E-Fertigkeit in der Luft zu nutzen, um hochzuschweben, macht ihn zu einer erstaunlichen Einheit für Erkundungen. Obwohl er für seinen Meta-Wert von unschätzbarem Wert ist, macht ihn die Tatsache, dass er auch gelegentlich zum Spaß eingesetzt werden kann, zu einer so großartigen Einheit. Sein Burst ist auch einer der schönsten Bursts im Spiel.


Venti war seit seinem Outing immer ein Teil der Meta. Die Crowd Control (CC)-Fähigkeit seines Bursts bleibt unübertroffen, aber was ihn zu einem großartigen Teamkollegen macht, ist seine Fähigkeit, mit seinem E Luftströme zu erzeugen, wo immer er steht, und so Ihrer Gruppe zu helfen, diese schwierigen Stellen zu erreichen.


Sayu is underrated and even with the Dendro update and minor buff to her viability, she’s still an overlooked unit. Her rolling mechanic was the first alternate sprint mechanic in the game other than underground elemental sprints like that of Ayaka or Mona. Using Sayu with Kaeya, Xiangling and Barbara or Beidou makes her such a blast on the battlefield.


Jean’s ability to knock and stagger even giant elites makes her one of a kind. Her kit is also very powerful and versatile. Her E skill however is why most people love playing her. You can’t just resist the urge to yeet enemies off a cliff when they are just chilling around.


Albedo’s E-skill elevator is another mechanic that lets you reach difficult spaces. Using a lift in the middle of battle is a novelty and players can’t get enough of it. It also helps he’s easy to build and play and does decent off-screen damage.


Yelan’s E-skill lets you travel even faster and longer than Sayu’s E. It also helps that Yelan is a meta unit who does tons of damage. Using her E skill almost feels like stopping time- and after she’s done weaving her string through enemy targets, she nukes them together in one spot which is also convenient.

Yae Miko

Yae Miko’s turrets can take down most enemies in the overworld except the bosses. Regardless, having this person on your team means you don’t have to engage against every single monster or enemy you come across and you can just set up her turrets and sit back as it obliterates enemies for you.


This category is just what it sounds like. These characters are fun because of their DPS abilities and insanely high single-target damage numbers. Players pull for them not only because they are meta but also because seeing big numbers on a screen is just very satisfying.

Kamisato Ayaka

Ayaka has the highest DPS output in the game so of course, she’s a top pick for this category. She also has the underground sprint mechanic which is also very fun.

Raiden Shogun

Raiden is one of the most broken units in the game and for good reason. Firstly, her E skill, once activated, gives your active character an electro halo in their back which just looks incredibly cool. Her burst is where the beauty truly lies and when she activates it, a majority of the content in the game just dies.

Childe (Tartaglia)

Childe’s weapon changes when he’s in his E-skill form. While this is cool and unique enough, his USP is reaction and damage. His kit also requires considerable skill to master so only those who are skilled and willing enough can master him.


Ganyu’s 2nd Level Charged Shots were one of a kind when they were released. She was the first broken unit in the game and she’s still a solid contender for the position.

Hu Tao

Hu Tao has one of the most fun personalities in the game. Just looking at her idles and hearing her attacks are cute enough to convince players to pull for her. Her real value lies in her ability to nuke enemies which comes in really useful in the Abyss where the enemies have high HP.


Eula is also similar to Hu Tao but here she’s physical. Eula is a physical DPS and the wait before her Lightfall Sword is like a thriller movie where players are hooked to their seats in utter anticipation of her nuke damage numbers.

Brain off Beatdown Characters

Players who are casual and just want to chill, turn their brains off and still do reliable and powerful DPS will find their best character picks here. The following characters have simple easy-to-use kits and thus offer a casual but powerful DPS that can be played without much thinking involved.


Xiao has one of the most if not the most unique playstyle in the game which just involves spamming Plunge attacks. He can also dash mid-air and it helps that he’s one of the strongest DPS in the game. Since he isn’t very reliant on reactions, his gameplay is very easy and simple even though he’s of the Anemo element.


Razor’s burst feels like a Jojo Stand and that is reason enough to play him. He’s one of the strongest 4-star DPS in the game and just like his vocabulary, he’s just that easy and simple to play. Even though Cyno has been called the 5-star Razor, Razor still has the nostalgia factor that keeps him in the game.

Arataki Itto

Itto is the strongest Geo DPS in the game and his playstyle is just bonking enemies as hard as you can. Since he’s Geo, you also don’t have to worry about reactions. His charismatic personality also helps pump up the player in battle.


Diluc is one of the first meta characters in the game due to his powerful DPS even as a Standard Banner 5-star. His Unga Bunga playstyle has come to garner many lovers who still main him to this day even though he’s outshined by several other DPS characters.

For our honourable mentions, we have characters who have some unique abilities or cool features but they aren’t very functional and or can’t be used consistently. Though some of these are meta characters, the parts of them that make them fun are usually locked behind their elemental bursts. Zhongli for example can petrify but only after using his burst and it doesn’t last long. Kokomi can float on water but only in her burst form which has a limited duration, considerable CD and even an energy cost. As for Fischl, you can play using Oz’s POV but only for a short duration and it can’t be used for overworld travel.

These characters, though fun, are limited and thus not consistent in the enjoyment factor even though they are all powerful meta characters. We also didn’t mention any of the newer characters as they are all new and exciting now but it remains to be seen if they stand the test of time.

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