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Handbuch zu Day R Survival Skills &Anleitung zum Freischalten der Schmiedekunst

Day R Survival bietet eine Vielzahl von Fähigkeiten, die Sie entwickeln können, um in der apokalyptischen Welt des Spiels zu überleben. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir dir den gesamten Day R Survival Skills Guide und wir verraten dir, wie du die Schmiedekunst freischaltest (da das frühe Spiel etwas verwirrend sein könnte, wenn du die Quests nicht machst).

Day R Survival Skills Guide wird sechs Kategorien enthalten, die alle jeder verfügbaren Fertigkeit entsprechen, die Sie entwickeln können. Diese Fähigkeiten sind:Überleben , Kochen , Chemie , Mechanik , Nähen und Schmiede .


Unter diese Kategorie fallen alle Fähigkeiten, die zum Überleben benötigt werden (aus dem Titel ziemlich offensichtlich). Sie werden lernen, wie Sie verschiedene Dinge herstellen, die zum Überleben benötigt werden, wie Feuer, Keller, Gewächshaus und später sogar ein Haus. Dies sind hauptsächlich Gebäude, die es dir ermöglichen, so lange wie möglich zu überleben.

Um die Überlebensfähigkeit zu trainieren und Erfahrung zu sammeln, können Sie Folgendes tun:einen menschlichen Körper oder ein Skelett begraben, viele Tage überleben und sich gesund halten (die Wunden heilen, zittern usw.). Wenn du länger überlebst, erhältst du in dieser Kategorie für jeden Tag, den du überlebt hast, Erfahrung. Je nach deiner Überlebensfähigkeit kannst du Folgendes herstellen:

Überlebensstufe 1:  Fackel, handgefertigter Speer, Hütte, Feuer

Überlebenslevel 2:  Feuerstein und Stahl, handgefertigte Nadel, handgefertigtes Floß, handgefertigte Angelrute

Überlebenslevel 3: Handgefertigter Primuskocher, Handgefertigtes Feuerzeug, Dose und Kerze, Wäscheständer

Überlebenslevel 4:  Unterstand (Gebäude), Ziehbrunnen (Gebäude)

Überlebenslevel 5:  Keller (Gebäude)

Überlebenslevel 6:  Gewächshaus (Gebäude), Wasserreiniger (Gebäude)

Überlebenslevel 7:  Holzhaus (Gebäude), Steinofen (Gebäude)

Überlebenslevel 8:  Backsteinhaus

Mein Vorschlag, um das Überleben zu verbessern schnell ist, schnell eine Schaufel herzustellen und Leichen zu begraben (oder sie einfach zu durchsuchen). Das ist der einfachste und schnellste Weg, den ich bisher gefunden habe, und er hat für mich ziemlich gut funktioniert.


Die wichtigste Fähigkeit, die im Grunde dafür sorgt, dass Sie wie ein Mensch leben. Die Kochfertigkeit ermöglicht es Ihnen, später eine Vielzahl von Sachen zuzubereiten, von Fladenbrot bis hin zu Gurken und Whisky. Dass.

Leveling up cooking is quite easy, since there are lots of ways to do this from the earliest levels. All you will need to do is to cook (basic enough). You will get exp for this skill by cooking pretty much anything that you kill, catch or find, such as pasta, fish and even dead rats. Depending on your level, this is what you can craft with each passing level:

Cooking level 1:  Pasta with ground beef, Mushroom pasta, Flatbread, Tailed rissole

Cooking level 2:  Mushroom soup, Ukha, Fat, Smoked fatback

Cooking level 3:  Salted meat, Salted fish, Rice bun, Meat rissole

Cooking level 4:  Pilaf, Mashed potatoes, Bread

Cooking level 5:  Shchi, Shashlik, Potato pancakes, Coulibiac

Cooking level 6:  Pickled tomatoes, Pickles, Pickled cabbage, Stew meat

Cooking level 7:  Apple compote, Apple cordial, Cabbage roll, Cake

Cooking level 8:  Moonshine, Homemade wine, Whiskey, Shawarma

The recipes for level 8 (except the obvious shawarma) come in a barrel and for some it takes a while to produce since it’s based on a fermentation process. My suggestions for leveling the cooking skill quickly would be these:early on, focus on gathering stuff to make a fire, and loot some intact houses or restaurants for some empty cans (or consume an intact can if you find).

The empty cans will help store your food and cook them in. You will also need to make a fire, but that’s super easy; just gather wood and you’re good. The next step is to kill as many rats as you can, gather their meat and cook it. For leveling up the skill it’s a great way. Also, if you can make a fishing rod and go fishing even better, since there are literally plenty of fish in the sea.

Chemistry skill

This skill is a little bit more advanced and will require you to put in a little bit of effort into making. It will later on provide you with medicine, which is great for healing wounds or other diseases that you will face. 

To level up chemistry skill, the best option is to craft all the recipes you have there. It’s not going to be that quick, but it is a skill that will later on come in handy (very much).

Chemistry level 1:  Coal, Charcoal pile, Activated charcoal, Sterile bandage

Chemistry level 2:  Bone glue, Sulfur, Saltpeter, Gunpowder

Chemistry level 3:  Soap, Alcohol, Tanning mixture, Sulfatanide

Chemistry level 4:  Sulfuric acid, Tratodonide, Tidocycline, Kazotein

Chemistry level 5:  Car battery, Flemincillin, Lidiacide-34

Chemistry level 6:  Prokozol, Chlorcystamine, Protozepam

Chemistry level 7:  Plastic explosives, Rocket fuel

Chemistry level 8:  Chemistry lab, Primer

Chemistry level 9:  Metocaine, Bryocarm

Chemistry level 10:  Aqua vitae, Alphacelone

Getting to level 10 is not going to be easy, but it will pay off since the Alphacelone is a medicine that can cure anything. My tips for leveling this up is by starting with tons and tons of coal. After you’ve made a truckload of coal, you can try making Activated charcoal or even Charcoal piles.

Mechanics skill

This skill is the primary skill you will need for end-game, and that is because it will allow you to obtain and use the vehicles (you can check our article about the best vehicle in the game). It’s mandatory to start leveling this quickly, as it has way more levels that you can train than all the other skills. Sie sind wie folgt:

Mechanics level 1:  Standard crossbow, Crossbow bolt, Flint axe, Flint knife

Mechanics level 2:  Handmade pistol, Lead bullet, Lead, Bicycle

Mechanics level 3:  Makarov handgun, Pistol ammo, Handmade bulletproof vest, Bicycle with cart

Mechanics level 4:  Improved crossbow, Molotov cocktail, Motorized raft, Motorized cart

Mechanics level 5:  Handmade shotgun, Handmade cartridge, Gunpowder grenade

Mechanics level 6:  Nagant revolver, Revolver ammo, Motorcycle

Mechanics level 7: Generator, Welder, ZAZ-968, Workbench

Mechanics level 8:  Heavy crossbow, Iron bolt, VAZ-2101 (vehicle)

Mechanics level 9:  Assault rifle AK-74, AK-74 ammo, GAZ-24 (vehicle)

Mechanics level 10:  Mosin-Nagant rifle, Rifle ammo, UAZ-469 (vehicle)

Mechanics level 11:  SVD (gun), RPK-74 (gun), UAZ-452 (vehicle)

Mechanics level 12: PKM (gun), Handmade rocket launcher, Handmade rocket, ZIL-130 (vehicle)

Mechanics level 13:  KamAZ (vehicle), BRDM-2 (vehicle)

Mechanics level 14:  Electric car, T-72 (vehicle), Mi-24 (helicopter)

Well, quite interesting all the things you can craft by leveling this up, but what I suggest you need to focus on in regards of leveling mechanics up are these:early on break down everything that you find, from broken cars to broken bicycles. Also, don’t forget to craft the tools that you, need as well as a weapon (and bullets).

Sewing skill

Not the manliest of skills, but everyone needs to know how to fix a hole in that torn sock, right? Well, this skill is not just about that, but also about making useful stuff for later on in the game, such as a cool leather jacket. Or a backpack. The things you can acquire from leveling sewing up are:

Sewing level 1:  Wrapping cloth for body, Wrapping cloth for legs, Wrapping cloth for feet, Wrapping cloth for arms, Wrapping cloth for head, Dust mask, Sack, Cloth

Sewing level 2:  Handmade shirt, Handmade pants, Handmade boots, Handmade gloves, Handmade bandanna, Homemade respirator, Knapsack, Threads

Sewing level 3:  Highway jacket, Highway pants, Highway boots, Highway gloves, Highway flap hat, Rucksack

Sewing level 4:  Wood Sprite camouflage cloak, Tent, Prepared skin

Sewing level 5:  Leather jacket, Leather pants, Leather boots, Leather gloves, Leather hat, Leather cloak, Tourist backpack, Sewing machine

To train this early on, I suggest looting every building you find that has clothes, and tearing them all apart. This is a great way to quickly level up sewing , and once you’ve gathered all the materials, start crafting some useful armors and such for extra defense.

Blacksmithing skill

This is the skill that will make you basically super strong and greatly increase your survival chances due to the strong items you can obtain from it:iron suits, iron tools, pot, anything that is durable and useful. 

Blacksmithing level 1:  Forge chimney, Bellows, Iron axe, Nails

Blacksmithing level 2:  Iron knife, Iron crowbar, Iron shovel, Iron pipe

Blacksmithing level 3: Iron needle, Barrel, Can, Wire

Blacksmithing level 4:  Iron helmet, Iron breastplate, Iron gloves, Iron leg armor, Iron boots, Iron tools, Iron pot, Hand mill

Blacksmithing level 5:  Steelmaking furnace, Steel axe, Steel crowbar, Steel shovel

Blacksmithing level 6:  Steel tools, Steel knife, Steel needle, Hacksaw

Blacksmithing level 7:  Steel helmet, Steel breastplate, Steel gloves, Steel leg armor, Steel boots, Steel pot

This skill is unlockable once you visit Tula. It might take a while to get there, but the effort is worth it. What I suggest you do here is using Ignat’s furnace, since it doesn’t need coal. Also, in order to make the most out of this, craft the Bellows as soon as you have all the materials gathered.

To level up quickly the blacksmithing skill, spam crafting Iron pipes. Gather all the materials you need first, and then start crafting them since that’s the best (cheap and fast) way to gather exp here.

These would conclude our article about Day R Survival Skills Guide and the way to unlock blacksmithing. We hope you have learned a few tips along the way, and the ways to level those skills up quickly. If you have any other suggestions and tips on leveling the skills fast, leave them down in the comments below!
