Im heutigen Artikel werden wir alle Spies in Disguise-Tipps und -Cheats behandeln, die wir bisher gesammelt haben, und sie mit Ihnen teilen, damit Sie in jedem einzelnen Spiel so lange wie möglich laufen können!
Dies ist ein endloses Laufspiel, in dem Ihre Reflexe getestet werden, auch Ihr schnelles Denken und vergessen wir nicht die schnelle Entscheidungsfindung, die Sie haben müssen! Wenn Sie also schnelle Finger haben und sich nicht so schnell verlieren, wenn es darum geht, schnelle Entscheidungen zu treffen, dann werden Sie wahrscheinlich eine wirklich tolle Zeit beim Spielen des Spiels haben!
Aber da ich nicht so bin, versuche ich mit allen Mitteln besser zu werden – und wenn das auch bei dir der Fall ist, dann bist du hier genau richtig! Vergeuden wir also keine Sekunde mehr und tauchen gleich in die Spies in Disguise:Agents on the Run Tipps und Tricks ein gleich hier unten!
Übung macht den Meister
Sie werden das Spiel besser verstehen, wenn Sie es weiter spielen und sich daran gewöhnen, wie es funktioniert. Ich würde vorschlagen, dass Sie Ihr Bestes tun, um zu lernen, wie schnell sich Ihr Held beim Wischen nach links und rechts bewegt, damit Sie genau wissen, wann Sie dies tun müssen, um Hindernissen auszuweichen.
Sie sollten auch alle Arten von Hindernissen lernen, oder zumindest die meisten davon. Das liegt daran, dass einige nur vermieden werden können, indem man ihnen vollständig ausweicht. Daher ist es besser zu wissen, wie man sich jedem einzelnen von ihnen nähert.
Das Beste, was Sie tun können, ist, sie durch Versuch und Irrtum auszuprobieren! Das ist richtig – Sie sollten randalieren und versuchen, sie alle gleich am Anfang zu testen, damit Sie wissen, was Sie um sie herum tun können und was nicht. Auch, welche Ihrer Fähigkeiten funktionieren und welche nicht, wenn Sie damit umgehen.
Ich schlage vor, dass Sie das so früh wie möglich im Spiel tun, denn auf diese Weise können Sie später im Spiel sehen, welche Sie vermeiden können, wenn Sie kurz davor sind, einen neuen Highscore zu erreichen!

Sammle viele Münzen ein
Wenn Sie laufen, sollten Sie versuchen, Ihre Route so zu gestalten, dass auf dem Weg so viele Münzen wie möglich gesammelt werden. Zum Beispiel sollten Sie nicht auf die Bahnen gehen, die keine Münzen haben, weil Sie dann im Grunde nur um Distanz laufen.
Indem Sie mehr Münzen sammeln, können Sie Aktentaschen voller Waren kaufen, mit denen Sie Ihre Charaktere verbessern oder sogar mehr Charaktere erhalten können. I would suggest that you try to go on the high areas whenever possible because those are more danger-free than the ground areas.
Don’t risk dying for coins!
OK, now we went to cover another thing which you might be wondering:is it worth dying / restarting the progress over a few coins? And the answer to that, is simply no . You should never put coins above the stage progress because you will not accomplish anything.
What you can do, is you can intentionally hit an object if you have gathered enough coins to buy something that you want, or to make an upgrade that you wanted which will help you advance further, but otherwise no.
Just think about it this way:The more you progress, the more coins you will collect – so it’s not worth dying after you’ve collected 5 coins and try to farm it over and over again.
Always try to pick up the special items
On the stages there will often be on the ground various items such as briefcases, boosts and so on. You should try to pick these up whenever you have the chance because that way you will get either some extra loot from the stage (if you pick a briefcase you can get some extra items / coins) or you can get boosts to make the stage easier (for example the item which clears all the obstacles in front of you leaving but the coins).
Prioritize the briefcases
Because the briefcases are a super good item you should try to always go for them whenever you see them, even if you risk dying. Of course, if you are about to set a new high score, it might not necessarily be worth it, but that’s up to you.
For now just make sure that you try to put them on your watchlist and try to get as many as possible from every stage. They can contain along coins, some of the useful items which you need to upgrade your spies’ skills.

Learn all the characters &their skills
In the game there are three characters, but they each have 2 forms, which come with a different set of skills. So it is important that you try to learn them because they will be super useful.
Also, try to remember that if the starting character Walter Beckett has a coin sucker skill, it doesn’t mean that Agency Walter has it too or that all the other characters have it! So it’s important that you read their skills and learn them before you use them.
Use the characters’ skills whenever you have the chance
As I previously mentioned, the skills are there to help you out in the game. So if Walter Beckett has a coin sucker, you should make sure that you use it as often as possible to help you gather all the coins around.
Mein Tipp hier:
In my opinion if you are looking to gather a ton of coins at the very beginning of the game, then you should try to play with Walter Beckett because of his skill. His Coin Sucker 3000 is a great skill which will let you suck in all the coins around you for 4 seconds straight at first level.
You should try to do this whenever his skill is off cooldown (it has a 30 seconds cooldown) because it will help you finish the stages with quite a lot of coins. Also, when you gather enough materials you should upgrade this skill because it will add to the timer of the skill – instead of 4 seconds, it will be 6 seconds of coins sucking!

Unlock and upgrade the characters’ skills
Because each character has a different set of skills, you should try and read them beforehand as I mentioned above. Along with their active skills, they also have passive skills which will help you play for longer.
You can unlock character passive skills by gathering the needed materials and those skills will activate automatically when starting a new game. The passives can be anything, so you should try to unlock the one that you will find most useful first, and then try to obtain the materials for the second one.
Also, with each skill upgraded, it will start costing more and more, so try not to waste all of your coins on chests if you already have the materials necessary for upgrades. Try to save them because at some point it will start asking for ridiculous amounts of coins!
Claim free 1000 Coins!
After you finish playing a run, if you see a button in the bottom side of the screen that lets you collect 1000 Coins, then you should definitely take advantage of it because those 1000 Coins are extremely valuable!
If you accept the option you will have to watch an advertisement and that will only take a few seconds – 30 seconds at most. So it’s definitely worth it because to gather 1000 Coins it will take longer to play than 30 seconds.
Double your rewards
Sometimes you will get an option to double your rewards – that reward can be a briefcase or anything else. If you want to get double the rewards, then all you have to do is watch an ad! If you don’t mind spending a few seconds for this, then it’s up to you. However, it is defiitely worth it and I suggest you do it.

Check out the daily deals
If you head on to the Shop menu in the bottom right corner of the screen, you will see in the very first tab a couple of sections which can give you some pretty good deals. These are the options:
– Daily Deals :These offers will refresh every single day and they will give you some useful items at a pretty low price, in coins. Because they refresh on a daily basis, you should make sure that you check them out every day and if you see something that you need to upgrade your heroes, you buy it right away.
– Free Deals :This section will offer you three types of offers – the first one will be a free briefcase which you can claim every few hours in game. The second option will let you watch an advertisement to receive free Coins, and the last one will show you some in game offers which you can complete to receive Gems.
If you are a f2p player you might want to look into the third one which gives you free Gems, but pay attention to their requests! You want to look for the offers which are completely free!
Do your quests every day
Every single day you will have a few daily tasks that you can complete and receive useful rewards, such as free Gems and Lance Sterling shards! The quests are pretty easy to complete, so if you have the time to play, you should try to do them.
– Daily tasks: These quests will reset every day, so if you haven’t completed all of them within the day, the progress will be reset on the following day. That’s why it is best if you complete all of them and claim that last shard.
– Daily login rewards: The daily login rewards are a little different. They will give you rewards for simply logging in to the game without having to do anything else. Even if you don’t have the time to do your daily tasks, then just log in and claim these because on day 30 you will receive 10x Lance Sterling fragments which will let you get the hero!
– Achievements: These are a one-time-only claim, and they are tasks which will stay there until you complete them. You can claim some pretty good rewards from those, so try to quickly give them a read and see what they ask you to do because you can try to rush to complete some if you want a specific reward.

These would be all of our Spies in Disguise:Agents on the Run tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game tips or have some strategies that you would like to share with us? Lassen Sie sie im Kommentarbereich unten!