Die heutigen Tipps und Tricks zu Might &Magic:Chess Royale bieten Ihnen eine vollständige Anleitung zum Spiel, die Ihnen hilft, die Kernmechaniken zu verstehen, aber auch einige fortgeschrittenere Strategien, die Ihnen zum Sieg verhelfen.
Ich war anfangs etwas verwirrt, als ich in Might &Magic:Chess Royale einstieg:keine Tutorials und stattdessen direkt PvP. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, was ich tun sollte, was die Truppen tun, und obwohl ich in der Vergangenheit ähnliche Spiele gespielt hatte, war es frustrierend.
Der heutige Leitfaden soll sowohl denen helfen, die gerade erst anfangen und sich gleichermaßen verwirrt fühlen, als auch den Spielern, die mehrere oder mehr Schlachten hinter sich haben. Kommen wir also zu den Tipps und Cheats zu Might &Magic:Chess Royale weiter unten!
Die ersten Einheiten, die Sie kaufen, sind sehr wichtig

Wenn Sie ein neues Spiel starten, können Sie nur zwei Einheiten in die Schlacht schicken. Diese beiden Einheiten bilden die Grundlage für Ihr gesamtes Spiel und sind äußerst wichtig. Stellen Sie also sicher, dass Sie die richtigen auswählen!
Es ist viel Glück im Spiel, aber Sie sollten immer nach einigen Einheiten suchen, die Ihnen einen sofortigen Vorteil verschaffen. Im Moment sind die Heiler extrem überwältigt (oder nützlich). Wenn du das Spiel also mit einer Dryade beginnen kannst, ist das wirklich gut.
Andere großartige Einheiten für den Anfang sind die Valkyrie, die Justicar und die Troglodite. Versuchen Sie, zwei Einheiten zu bekommen, die auf lange Sicht leicht zu starten sind, Ihnen aber den ersten Sieg bringen und eine solide Grundlage für die Zukunft legen.
Verkaufen Sie Ihre Einheiten!
Früher kaufte ich viele billige Truppen in der Hoffnung, dass mir die Shop-Aktualisierung einige Optionen geben würde, um zu entscheiden, was ich upgraden und worauf ich mich konzentrieren sollte. Ich erkannte, dass das Konzept gut war, aber es in die Praxis umzusetzen, war schlecht.
Eine äußerst wichtige Sache, die Sie beachten sollten, ist, dass Sie Ihre Einheiten für etwas Geld verkaufen können – nur wenige Leute nutzen dies derzeit, und es ist in der Tat ein Vorteil!

Ich sage das, weil Sie die Einheiten für genau den Betrag verkaufen, von dem Sie sie gekauft haben:1 Goldeinheit wird also für 1 verkauft, 2 für 2 und so weiter.
Das bedeutet, dass Sie meiner Strategie folgen und in der ersten Runde mehr Einheiten kaufen können, als Sie benötigen, um dann in der zweiten Runde zu sehen, was Sie behalten und was nicht. Dies erfordert eine etwas schnelle Bewegung in deinem zweiten Zug und funktioniert nicht immer garantiert, aber du solltest es immer versuchen!
So spielen Sie Ihre ersten beiden Züge
Ich sage immer wieder, dass der erste Zug der wichtigste ist, also schlage ich vor, wie er jedes Mal ablaufen sollte:
– Kaufe 2-4 Einheiten:entweder bis du nur noch 1 Münze übrig hast oder 0, wenn du gute Möglichkeiten hast. Wenn Sie bei 1 Münze bleiben, aktualisieren Sie den Shop, um Ihren nächsten Schritt besser zu planen.
– Platziere zwei Einheiten auf dem Spielfeld – deine besten. A combo between a Justicar and Dryad is ideal, but if you don’t have them, place the best two you have, planning already for your third addition.
– Ideally, you win the first battle to start with good mood. This also means that you have a solid duo to build upon. Now it’s time to prepare for round two.
– Refresh the shop if you haven’t done so already and purchase units that will help you toward merging now or in the future. DO NOT refresh the store again

– Now, depending on what luck you had with your first two shop draws, you will either want to invest more in units or purchase XP with coins and send a third troop on the battlefield. I usually purchase the extra XP at the end of the round, but it’s essential to get it now.
– Finally, sell the units you don’t need and build on the ones you already have and are planning to use long term. At this point, you could also wait for the third round and get a shop refresh then to see what units you should sell.
Pay attention to synergies
These are extremely important, because they can give you major bonuses. Some are easier to get than others (requiring fewer units of the same type) and some are better than the others.
In my opinion, you should try and build a squad around Necropolis or Dungeon units if you want the race synergy, as you will have a ton more chances at winning the battle. You do need 3 units of that type, which might be a stretch early on.
Easier to obtain early on are the synergies that initially require 1 or 2 units. The easiest to get is the Dragon – you only need one dragon type unit (like the Hydra) on the battlefield in order to get +40 mana to nearby units.
Spirits and warriors are the best 2-unit synergies in my opinion, the former reducing all enemy armor by 3, and the latter giving all your warriors +10% damage.

Evolve your on-field units
I already mentioned this, but I have to say it again:you have to star up your units on the field in order to remain competitive in the later stages.
A lower number of units on the field, but with higher star counts will always beat +1 or even +2 regular units. They get major boosts from starring up, and you should aim to get 2 star units.
In order to star up to two stars one unit, you need three units of the same type. The same rule goes for getting a 3-star unit, which is extremely difficult to get and not realistic in most battles.
Deck building strategies
With 25 troops available in the game and so few spots on the field, you can follow all sorts of strategies when it comes to building your deck. Most likely, the direction you will follow will be directed by your first two rounds, as afterwards is really difficult to make major changes.
From what I’ve seen, you don’t really need a tank in order to survive. A combination of more damage-oriented troops is what you want to aim for and you shouldn’t shy away frmo building your low-star units. They are the easiest to get to 2 stars.
Of course, higher cost units – including tanks – are really good. I would never say no to a Cyclops or Archangel whenever given the chance to have one.

But you should mainly focus on damage dealing and eventually healing. If you start early with a Dryad or later on get access to a Zealot, these are good to have around – especially in 2 star forms.
Next, focus on getting the best units in the game right now:the Justicar is a cheap, solid option, the Valkyrie also is very useful… Mix supports with damage dealers and you should do better than your opponent.
You can buy XP with gold!
An interesting thing in Might &Magic:Chess Royale – one that took me a while to notice – is that you can buy XP points with gold. I already mentioned this in a tip above, but wanted to outline it as many people only read the headlines throughout the article.
While you shouldn’t make it a habit to purchase extra XP since those coins might be better used elsewhere, I do recommend investing in them once in the 2nd round in order to quickly get an extra level.
Afterwards, when you reach the top 50, you will have more coins to play with. Depending on the troops you already have on the field, it might be a good idea to buy a couple more XP points in order to be able to bring more units into the battle.
This will vary from game to game:always keep the money if you have the opportunity to star up your strongest units!
Don’t forget the spells!
You can also buy spells starting early in the game. You should always know what spells are available and decide if it’s worth purchasing and when.
For example, now when I am playing, the first set of spells are Cannon Fodder which gives common and uncommon units the chance to explode when killed, dealing magical damage when they do; the second spell is Brave Hearts, which gives a health bonus when fighting against more units than what you have.
These are not really worth investing in, in my opinion, but as they change ever now and then, you should check them out and decide which should be purchased. Don’t forget that Rare and Legendary spells also unlock if you remain alive for long enough in the game.
Other battle-strategies and tips

I will list some more or less random things below that I want to recommend, all of them helping you to get better in Might &Magic:Chess Royale:
– Keep an eye on the top performers in the game you’re in, looking at the top bar. This will help you prepare a bit in case you’re facing them (spell-wise only in most cases).
– Keep an eye on the battles as much as possible and try to see what works for your opponents and what doesn’t, to replicate this yourself. You can even spend some time waiting for the Fights to end and see what teams the top 10 (or at least the winner) had.
– The position of the troops on the battlefield is also important. The game suggest a spot for placing your units, but sometimes that’s not ideal. Experiment here a lot, as some effects from some units only affect a limited amount of tiles.
– Don’t forget to get rid of weaker units on the field. Those one-star troops will eventually have to be let go once you get better options available as you progress through the rounds and better units are given.
These would be, for now, our Might &Magic:Chess Royale tips and tricks. If you have additional advice to share with fellow players, don’t hesitate to do so by commenting below.