
WinWing ist ein brillant süchtig machendes Bullet-Hell-Spiel mit RPG-Elementen (und sogar untätigen). Sie zerstören Welle um Welle von Feinden, rüsten Ihr Schiff auf, schalten neue Waffen frei und besiegen immer schwierigere Feinde. Mit anderen Worten, extrem lustig.
Und wir sind hier, um dabei zu helfen, dass es noch mehr Spaß macht, indem wir einen vollständigen WinWing-Leitfaden teilen, der perfekt für Anfänger ist:Tipps und Tricks, um ein besseres Spiel zu spielen, die richtige Ausrüstung und Upgrades zu erhalten und jede Stufe mit all ihren Wellen so schnell wie möglich zu schlagen .
Hier sind ohne weiteres die Winwing-Tipps und Anleitungen von Touch Tap Play!
Wählen Sie Ihre bevorzugte Kontrollmethode
Das erste, worüber Sie sich in diesem Spiel entscheiden müssen, ist, wie Sie Ihr Schiff steuern möchten. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten zur Auswahl:

Die erste (standardmäßig ausgewählt) ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Schiff zu steuern, indem Sie Ihren Finger irgendwo auf dem Display halten und bewegen.
Die zweite ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Schiff mit einer Art Tap-Mechanik zu steuern. Immer wenn Sie irgendwo auf den Bildschirm tippen, bewegt sich das Schiff dorthin. Wenn Sie den Finger immer auf dem Bildschirm lassen, funktioniert es genauso wie bei Methode #1.
Ich persönlich finde die zweite Methode etwas verwirrender und schwieriger zu verwenden, also bleibe ich bei der Standardmethode. Aber Sie sollten beide ausprobieren und sehen, was für Sie am besten funktioniert:Je besser Sie Ihr Schiff unter Kontrolle haben, desto besser werden Sie in allen Missionen abschneiden.
(Diese Winwing-Anleitung wurde ursprünglich auf Touch Tap Play veröffentlicht)
Bleiben Sie am unteren Rand des Bildschirms
Während Sie beim Spielen völlige Freiheit in Bezug auf die Bewegung Ihres Schiffes haben, ist es am besten, sich an der unteren Seite des Bildschirms zu halten. Das ist der Bereich, der Ihnen die besten Möglichkeiten bietet, feindlichem Beschuss auszuweichen.
Du musst nicht ganz unten sein – du brauchst noch etwas Spielraum – sondern irgendwo im unteren Viertel des Bildschirms. Bewegen Sie sich einfach und ducken Sie sich durch die Kugeln und andere Hindernisse, und Sie werden (meistens) in Ordnung sein.

Der Punkt hier ist, dass Sie so viel Abstand wie möglich zwischen Ihr Schiff und das feindliche Feuer bringen müssen, um den ankommenden Kugeln genug Zeit zu geben, sich so weit zu teilen, dass Sie sich tatsächlich durchquetschen können.
Es gibt jedoch zwei Ausnahmen von dieser Regel oder besser gesagt zwei besondere Situationen, in denen sich die Regeln ein wenig ändern.
Ausnahme #1
Lerne, feindliches Feuer oder Schiffe zu zeichnen. Dies kann am unteren Rand des Bildschirms erfolgen (und sollte dort erfolgen).
Mein Vorschlag ist, bei größeren Wellen von Feinden einfach in die linke oder rechte Ecke zu gehen. Die meisten Schiffe zielen auf diesen Bereich, was Ihnen etwas Luft zum Atmen und mehr Platz zum Navigieren gibt, während Sie sie ausschalten.
Ausnahme #2
Bewegen Sie sich in die Nähe feindlicher Schiffe, wenn Sie die Kurzstrecken-Boosts aktiviert haben. Außerdem müssen Sie sich vom unteren Bildschirmrand fernhalten, wenn Sie es mit vielen Schiffen zu tun haben, die sich bewegen und Ihnen folgen. In diesem Fall müssen Sie ständig unterwegs sein, um am Leben zu bleiben.
Nehmen Sie einen Feind nach dem anderen an

Du musst dich konzentrieren, um so viele Feinde so schnell wie möglich loszuwerden. This means taking them out one by one rather than splitting your damage between them all.
You will have homing missiles and wingmen and other help anyway to deal constant damage, but learn to concentrate your main fire on a single enemy until they are out.
This is essential especially when you are dealing with waves containing multiple enemies that will fill up the screen with bullets in no time.
The game Winwing has a ton of those and you have to start learning which are more difficult to beat than others.
You shouldn’t necessarily focus on those though. An enemy with tons of health requires more time concentrating fire upon it. Better take out the lower health ships first to give you some breathing room, then focus on the tanks.
But no matter which ships you decide to target first – easy to take out or more difficult ones – the golden rule of thumb is that of taking them out one at a time.
Grab the right upgrades
In WinWing, you level up your ship during each run as well. You do so by collecting crystals dropped by ships when you complete each wave. When you have enough crystals, you gain a level – to a maximum of 10.
When you gain a level, you have to choose one special ability or trait out of three random options that you receive. Being able to choose the best ones will make the difference between beating all waves and losing.

While it is difficult to tell you to follow a specific path due to the randomness of the rewards, here are a few pointers to consider:
- early on, focus boosts that increase attack power.
- getting one-two missiles is always helpful
- try to have at least one pick of a recovery trait (one that restores health after defeating enemy ships)
Some traits are extremely useful and should be accepted whenever you find them – for example, the extra Wingman. If you have two equipped, this will actually give you two extra ones which will be insanely valuable.
The other way around, we usually have the boost that restores a chunk of health. Since this is not a long term, passive type of boost, it’s better to pick something else, unless you are extremely low on health and/or you don’t have a health booster yet.
You will have a lot of time to pick and choose and decide which upgrades work best for you and which should be focused on to help you get all the way to the end.
Save resources for Merchant encounters
When you beat a wave and defeat a boss, you also automatically earn a special crystal. These add up as you go up the stages and can be spent every now and then when you meet the Merchant.
During a level, you will meet the Merchant a few times (and usually when you beat the level also). Each new meeting will result in better items being offered (but also more expensive).

Therefore, it is a good strategy to try and hold onto your crystals for as long as possible and buy the higher value items.
The catch is that you must be certain that your ship will survive until the next meeting with the Merchant. Chances are, that if you just started a new level, you won’t get extremely far. Try to estimate how far you will get and make purchases accordingly.
Because if your ship is wrecked before beating the final wave, you will no longer get a Merchant meeting and all those crystals will be lost!
Learn the attack patterns
Is goes specifically for boss battles, but is helpful for all types of enemies.
Each ship in WinWing has a particular way of attacking. Learning these patterns gives you a massive advantage and helps you defeat them easily.
Just stay calm and learn to squeeze through the tons of bullets that fill the screen:you will always a nook to squeeze through without being hit. If not, you’d better have that reflective shield equipped!
Invest in Talent upgrades first
When it comes to spending your coins and materials earned during the levels, you can invest them in either upgrading your Talents or Equipment. You should focus on the former.
Talents ar unlocked as your ship levels up, so you will definitely never get the chance to overpay or get too far ahead (as is the case of equipment). Even more, Talents usually give you way bigger boosts that upgrading equipment does – especially when you unlock them.
For this reason, it’s best to invest in your Talents first and then, if you have extra money and resources, your equipment.

Fuse and upgrade equipment
But with so many items to equip, which ones to upgrade first? There’s no easy answer here, because it all depends on the type of equipment you have – and all of that is randomly rewarded to you.
You should first look at equipment you can actually fuse:if you have three identical bits of equipment, you can fuse them into one higher rarity item. That is always beter than the base materials, so you have your starting point here.
But apart from that, you will need to balance coin spending with your ship’s performance.
Especially early on, you shouldn’t rush to upgrade all your equipment like crazy because you will soon have much better items to equip and you won’t get that money back!
At the same time, if you’re starting to find it very difficult to beat the waves of enemies, that’s a clear sign that you should invest in upgrading your equipment.
Always start with the items that you think you’ll keep equipped longer and instead on focusing on maxing out a single piece of equipment, it’s best to evenly level them all up. This way, you won’t lose a lot of coins if you find a better piece of equioment to replace one you already have.
Upgrade Your Ship

You can switch ships if you have enough resources to do so. And you will want to do this sooner rather than later, as better ships give you better stats and make it easier for you to win.
In terms of getting new ships, you will receive the second one – the Screching Hawk as a daily reward, while you can buy the third one – Comet – for 200,000 regular coins. Each of these ships is better than your starting one, giving you increased attack and a special feat.
But what you should aim to unlock – by hoarding green gems aka the premium currency – is the first A-rarity ship, the Gold. This one costs 1,000 Gems (which you will get sooner rather than later for free), has a much better base attack than the starting ship and earns you 20% more coin, making upgrades a lot more affordable.
Of course, if you can pay some real life money, you can choose a better ship, including the final one, Grey, which has two extra Lasers (but can only be purchased with real money).
One thing is clear, though:don’t level up your starting ship, Thunder Knight, more than you have to! You will get much better ships relatively fast.
Play as much as possible
Even if you can’t fully beat a level, you will still get all rewards that you have collected until your ship was destroyed. This means that a bit of grinding is required in order to improve your ship and stand a better chance next time.
Try to do as well as possible each time you play, learning the attack patterns of your ships, perfecting your moves and experimenting with boosts until you know exactly which work best for your play style.
These are, for now, our tips and tricks for Winwing on mobile. You have additional questions – or maybe some strategies of your own to share, don’t hesitate to let us know by commenting below.