Pokémon Legends:Arceus wurde letzten Monat nach viel Fanfare und Hype veröffentlicht. Es ist der neuste Teil der Pokémon-Serie und nimmt eine ganz andere Wendung als seine Vorgänger, was Storytelling und Spielmechanik angeht.
Das Spiel findet in der alten Hisui-Region statt, die schließlich zum heutigen Sinnoh werden würde. Das Kämpfen und Fangen von Pokémon unterscheidet sich drastisch, da Kämpfe in der Oberwelt statt rundenbasierter Instanzkämpfe stattfinden, wie es bisher der Grundpfeiler der Serie war.
Pokémon Legends:Arceus führt Spieler in den weltweit ersten Pokédex ein und es wird ihre Aufgabe, ihn zu vervollständigen! Dazu ist umfassendes Wissen über alle Pokémon im Land Hisui erforderlich. Um diese Aufgabe zu erleichtern, haben wir die Liste aller verfügbaren Pokémon (die uns bekannt sind) in der Hisui-Region zusammengestellt!
Vollständige Pokémon-Liste
Pokédex-Nummer | Name | Typ |
1 | Rowlet | Gras/Fliegen |
2 | Dartrix | Gras/Fliegen |
3 | Decidueye | Gras/Kampf |
4 | Cyndaquil | Feuer |
5 | Quilava | Feuer |
6 | Typhlosion | Feuer/Geist |
7 | Oshawott | Wasser |
8 | Dewott | Wasser |
9 | Samurott | Wasser/Dunkel |
10 | Bidoof | Normal |
11 | Bibarel | Normal/Wasser |
12 | Starly | Normal/Fliegend |
13 | Staravia | Normal/Fliegend |
14 | Staraptor | Normal/Fliegend |
15 | Shinx | Elektrisch |
16 | Luxio | Elektrisch |
17 | Luxus | Elektrisch |
18 | Wurmple | Fehler |
19 | Silcoon | Fehler |
20 | Schön | Fehler/Fliegen |
21 | Cascoon | Fehler |
22 | Dustox | Fehler/Gift |
23 | Ponyta | Feuer |
24 | Rapidash | Feuer |
25 | Eevee | Normal |
26 | Vaporeon | Wasser |
27 | Jolteon | Elektrisch |
28 | Flareon | Feuer |
29 | Spion | Psychisch |
30 | Umbreon | Dunkel |
31 | Leafeon | Gras |
32 | Glaceon | Ice |
33 | Sylveon | Fairy |
34 | Zubat | Poison/Flying |
35 | Golbat | Poison/Flying |
36 | Crobat | Poison/Flying |
37 | Drifloon | Ghost/Flying |
38 | Drifblim | Ghost/Flying |
39 | Kricketot | Bug |
40 | Kricketune | Bug |
41 | Buizel | Water |
42 | Floatzel | Water |
43 | Burmy | Bug |
44 | Wormadam | Bug/Grass |
45 | Mothim | Bug/Flying |
46 | Geodude | Rock/Ground |
47 | Graveler | Rock/Ground |
48 | Golem | Rock/Ground |
49 | Stantler | Normal |
50 | Wyrdeer | Normal/Psychic |
51 | Munchlax | Normal |
52 | Snorlax | Normal |
53 | Paras | Bug/Grass |
54 | Parasect | Bug/Grass |
55 | Pichu | Electric |
56 | Pikachu | Electric |
57 | Raichu | Electric |
58 | Abra | Psychic |
59 | Kadabra | Psychic |
60 | Alakazam | Psychic |
61 | Chimchar | Fire |
62 | Monferno | Fire/Fighting |
63 | Infernape | Fire/Fighting |
64 | Buneary | Normal |
65 | Lopunny | Normal |
66 | Cherubi | Grass |
67 | Cherrim | Grass |
68 | Psyduck | Water |
69 | Golduck | Water |
70 | Combee | Bug/Flying |
71 | Vespiquen | Bug/Flying |
72 | Scyther | Bug/Flying |
73 | Scizor | Bug/Steel |
74 | Kleavor | Bug/Rock |
75 | Heracross | Bug/Fighting |
76 | Mime Jr. | Psychic/Fairy |
77 | Mr. Pantomime | Psychic/Fairy |
78 | Aipom | Normal |
79 | Ambipom | Normal |
80 | Magikarp | Water |
81 | Gyarados | Water/Flying |
82 | Shellos | Water |
83 | Gastrodon | Water/Ground |
84 | Qwilfish | Dark/Poison |
85 | Overqwil | Dark/Poison |
86 | Happiny | Normal |
87 | Chansey | Normal |
88 | Blissey | Normal |
89 | Budew | Grass/Poison |
90 | Roselia | Grass/Poison |
91 | Roserade | Grass/Poison |
92 | Carnivine | Grass |
93 | Petilil | Grass |
94 | Lilligant | Grass/Fighting |
95 | Tangela | Grass |
96 | Tangrowth | Grass |
97 | Barboach | Water/Ground |
98 | Whiscash | Water/Ground |
99 | Croagunk | Poison/Fighting |
100 | Toxicroak | Poison/Fighting |
101 | Ralts | Psychic/Fairy |
102 | Kirlia | Psychic/Fairy |
103 | Gardevoir | Psychic/Fairy |
104 | Gallade | Psychic/Fairy |
105 | Yanma | Bug/Flying |
106 | Yanmega | Bug/Flying |
107 | Hippopotas | Ground |
108 | Hippowdon | Ground |
109 | Pachirisu | Electric |
110 | Stunky | Poison/Dark |
111 | Skuntank | Poison/Dark |
112 | Teddiursa | Normal |
113 | Ursaring | Normal |
114 | Ursaluna | Normal/Ground |
115 | Goomy | Dragon |
116 | Sliggoo | Dragon/Steel |
117 | Goodra | Dragon/Steel |
118 | Onix | Rock/Ground |
119 | Steelix | Steel/Ground |
120 | Rhyhorn | Rock/Ground |
121 | Rhydon | Rock/Ground |
122 | Rhyperior | Rock/Ground |
123 | Bonsly | Rock |
124 | Sudowoodo | Rock |
125 | Lickitung | Normal |
126 | Lickilicky | Normal |
127 | Togepi | Fairy |
128 | Togetic | Fairy/Flying |
129 | Togekiss | Fairy/Flying |
130 | Turtwig | Grass |
131 | Grotle | Grass |
132 | Torterra | Grass/Ground |
133 | Porygon | Normal |
134 | Porygon2 | Normal |
135 | Porygon-Z | Normal |
136 | Gastly | Ghost/Poison |
137 | Haunter | Ghost/Poison |
138 | Gengar | Ghost/Poison |
139 | Spiritomb | Ghost/Dark |
140 | Murkrow | Dark/Flying |
141 | Honchkrow | Dark/Flying |
142 | Unown | Psychic |
143 | Spheal | Ice/Water |
144 | Sealeo | Ice/Water |
145 | Walrein | Ice/Water |
146 | Remoraid | Water |
147 | Octillery | Water |
148 | Skorupi | Poison/Bug |
149 | Drapion | Poison/Dark |
150 | Growlithe | Fire/Rock |
151 | Arcanine | Fire/Rock |
152 | Glameow | Normal |
153 | Purugly | Normal |
154 | Machop | Fighting |
155 | Machoke | Fighting |
156 | Machamp | Fighting |
157 | Chatot | Normal/Flying |
158 | Duskull | Ghost |
159 | Dusclops | Ghost |
160 | Dusknoir | Ghost |
161 | Piplup | Water |
162 | Prinplup | Water |
163 | Empoleon | Water/Steel |
164 | Mantyke | Water/Flying |
165 | Mantine | Water/Flying |
166 | Basculin | Water |
167 | Basculegion | Water/Ghost |
168 | Vulpix | Fire |
169 | Ninetales | Fire |
170 | Tentacool | Water |
171 | Tentacruel | Water/Poison |
172 | Finneon | Water |
173 | Lumineon | Water |
174 | Magby | Fire |
175 | Magmar | Fire |
176 | Magmortar | Fire |
177 | Magnemite | Electric/Steel |
178 | Magneton | Electric/Steel |
179 | Magnezone | Electric/Steel |
180 | Bronzor | Steel/Psychic |
181 | Bronzong | Steel/Psychic |
182 | Elekid | Electric |
183 | Electabuzz | Electric |
184 | Electivire | Electric |
185 | Gligar | Ground/Flying |
186 | Gliscor | Ground/Flying |
187 | Gible | Dragon/Ground |
188 | Gabite | Dragon/Ground |
189 | Garchomp | Dragon/Ground |
190 | Nosepass | Rock |
191 | Probopass | Rock/Steel |
192 | Voltorb | Electric/Grass |
193 | Electrode | Electric/Grass |
194 | Rotom | Electric/Ghost |
195 | Chingling | Psychic |
196 | Chimecho | Psychic |
197 | Misdreavus | Ghost |
198 | Mismagius | Ghost |
199 | Cleffa | Fairy |
200 | Clefairy | Fairy |
201 | Clefable | Fairy |
202 | Sneasel | Poison/Fighting |
203 | Sneasler | Poison/Fighting |
204 | Weavile | Dark/Ice |
205 | Snorunt | Ice |
206 | Glalie | Ice |
207 | Froslass | Ice/Ghost |
208 | Cranidos | Rock |
209 | Rampardos | Rock |
210 | Shieldon | Rock |
211 | Bastiodon | Rock/Steel |
212 | Swinub | Ice/Ground |
213 | Piloswine | Ice/Ground |
214 | Mamoswine | Ice/Ground |
215 | Bergmite | Ice/ |
216 | Avalugg | Ice/Rock |
217 | Snover | Grass/Ice |
218 | Abomasnow | Grass/Ice |
219 | Zorua | Normal/Ghost |
220 | Zoroark | Normal/Ghost |
221 | Rufflet | Normal/Flying |
222 | Braviary | Psychic/Flying |
223 | Riolu | Fighting |
224 | Lucario | Fighting/Steek |
225 | Uxie | Psychic |
226 | Mesprit | Psychic |
227 | Azelf | Psychic |
228 | Heatran | Fire/Steel |
229 | Regigigas | Normal |
230 | Cresselia | Psychic |
231 | Thundurus | Electric/Flying |
232 | Tornadus | Flying |
233 | Landorus | Ground/Flying |
234 | Enamorus | Fairy/Flying |
235 | Dialga | Steel/Dragon |
236 | Palkia | Water/Dragon |
237 | Giratina | Ghost/Dragon |
238 | Arceus | Normal |
239 | Phione | Water |
240 | Manaphy | Water |
241 | Shaymin | Grass |
242 | Darkrai | Dark |
Capturing all the Pokémon in this game is no easy task, just like in the previous games of the franchise. But the difference here is that capturing the Pokémon is not enough to complete Pokédex entries. Players will also have to finish tasks for an entire entry in the Pokédex before it is marked as complete.

Observant players have noticed that even though Hisui is technically ancient Sinnoh, not all of the Pokémon in this game are from Sinnoh. Pokémon from different regions have had their origins in Hisui but migrated over to the other regions as the years passed.
Their different forms also indicate that they have adapted to different regions in various ways. The Hisuian forms of several Pokémon are drastically different when compared to their non-Hisuian forms. This makes for a new battling experience for players due to the massive styles clash in comparison to the older games.
Is this everything you were looking for? Let us know! As always, we will keep you updated if there are any new Pokémon being released in Pokémon Legends:Arceus!