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Welche Charaktere gibt es in One Piece Treasure Cruise

One Piece Treasure Cruise ist ein ziemlich einfaches, aber süchtig machendes rundenbasiertes RPG. In diesem Spiel müssen Sie ein Team aus 6 Charakteren zusammenstellen und in die Schlacht ziehen. Während Sie durch das Spiel voranschreiten, werden Sie die Handlung durchlaufen, die mit der Handlung des ursprünglichen Mangas übereinstimmt, und auf bekannte Charaktere treffen.

Mit über 1000 Charakteren, die beschworen und in seinem Arsenal verwendet werden können, gilt dieses Spiel als eines der beliebtesten Gacha-Spiele. Und in diesem Artikel stellen wir eine vollständige Liste aller im Spiel verfügbaren Charaktere zur Verfügung.

Welche Charaktere gibt es in One Piece Treasure Cruise

Jeder der im Spiel verfügbaren Charaktere hat seine Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten. Und während Sie durch das Spiel voranschreiten, werden die Fähigkeiten der Charaktere, die Sie verwenden, wachsen. Und angesichts der Anzahl der Charaktere kann dieses Spiel ewig gespielt werden und ständig neue Kampferfahrung sammeln.

Vollständige Liste der One Piece Treasure Cruise-Charaktere:

  • Monkey D. Ruffy Gum-Gum-Pistole
  • Affe D. Ruffy
  • Monkey D. Luffy Gum-Gum Bazooka
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Gear 2
  • Roronoa Zorro
  • Roronoa Zoro Dreitausend Welten
  • Roronoa Zoro Pound Phoenix
  • Roronoa Zoro Ashura Ichibugin
  • Nami
  • Nami-Tornado-Tempo
  • Nami Mirage-Tempo
  • Nami Thunderbolt Tempo
  • Usopp
  • Usopp-Tabasco-Stern
  • Lysop Goldenes Pfund
  • Sogeking
  • Sanji
  • Schuss für plastische Chirurgie in Sanji
  • Chef Sanji Hot Rock Stew
  • Sanji Diable Jambe Flambe
  • Tony Tony Chopper
  • Tony Tony Chopper Heavy Point
  • Tony Tony Chopper Brain Point
  • Tony Tony Chopper Armpunkt
  • Tony Tony Chopper Horn Point
  • Tony Tony Chopper Guard Point
  • Higuma
  • Meister der nahen See
  • Eisenkeule Alvida
  • Eisenkeule Alvida Smooth-Smooth Fruit
  • Coby
  • Kabinenjunge Coby
  • Helmeppo
  • Kabinenjunge Helmeppo
  • Axthand Morgan
  • Mohji &Richie
  • Cabaji der Akrobat
  • Buggy
  • Buggy der Clown
  • Gaimon
  • Siam
  • Butchie
  • Eins-Zwei Django
  • Tanzender Django
  • Kapitän Kuro
  • Kuro der hundert Pläne
  • Yosaku
  • Johnny
  • Eiserne Faust Ganzkörper
  • Patty
  • Karne
  • Koch Zeff
  • Gin
  • Gin the Man-Demon
  • Perle
  • Feuerperle
  • Don Krieg
  • Don Krieg Giftgasbombe MH5
  • Nezumi
  • Mumoo
  • Choo
  • Kuroobi
  • Hatchan
  • Sechsschwert-Hachi
  • Arlong
  • Wütender Arlong-Hai auf Zahn
  • Tashigi
  • Tashigi Navy HQ Fähnrich
  • Raucher
  • Smoker der Weiße Jäger
  • Miss Mittwoch
  • Nefeltari Vivi
  • Prinzessin Vivi
  • Portgas D. Ace
  • Portgas D. Ace Flammenspiegel
  • Shanke
  • Rothaarige Shanks
  • Roter Raubpinguin
  • Blauer Raubpinguin
  • Grüner Raubpinguin
  • Gelber Raubpinguin
  • Schwarzer Raubpinguin
  • Regenbogen-Räuberpinguin
  • Roter Piratenpinguin
  • Blauer Piratenpinguin
  • Grüner Piratenpinguin
  • Gelber Piratenpinguin
  • Schwarzer Piratenpinguin
  • Roter Einsiedlerkrebs
  • Blauer Einsiedlerkrebs
  • Grüner Einsiedlerkrebs
  • Gelber Einsiedlerkrebs
  • Schwarzer Einsiedlerkrebs
  • Regenbogen-Einsiedlerkrebs
  • Rote gepanzerte Krabbe
  • Blauer Panzerkrebs
  • Grüne gepanzerte Krabbe
  • Gelbe gepanzerte Krabbe
  • Schwarze gepanzerte Krabbe
  • Rot gestreifter Drache
  • Blau gestreifter Drache
  • Grün gestreifter Drache
  • Gelb gestreifter Drache
  • Schwarz gestreifter Drache
  • Rote Schatzschildkröte
  • Blaue Schatzschildkröte
  • Grüne Schatzschildkröte
  • Gelbe Schatzschildkröte
  • Schwarze Schatzschildkröte
  • Rote Daimyo-Schildkröte
  • Blaue Daimyo-Schildkröte
  • Grüne Daimyo-Schildkröte
  • Gelbe Daimyo-Schildkröte
  • Schwarze Daimyo-Schildkröte
  • Seepony
  • Sea Colt
  • Seepferdchen
  • Seehengst
  • Schwertbandit
  • Pistol Bandit
  • Kämpfergruppe Cabin Boy Red Pirates
  • Kämpfergruppe Cabin Boy Blue Pirates
  • Kämpfergruppe Cabin Boy Green Pirates
  • Fighter Group Cabin Boy Yellow Pirates
  • Fighter Group Cabin Boy Black Pirates
  • Slasher-Gruppe Cabin Boy Red Pirates
  • Slasher-Gruppe Cabin Boy Blue Pirates
  • Slasher-Gruppe Cabin Boy Green Pirates
  • Slasher Group Cabin Boy Gelbe Piraten
  • Slasher-Gruppe Cabin Boy Black Pirates
  • Stürmergruppe Cabin Boy Red Pirates
  • Stürmergruppe Cabin Boy Blue Pirates
  • Stürmergruppe Cabin Boy Green Pirates
  • Striker Group Cabin Boy Yellow Pirates
  • Stürmergruppe Cabin Boy Black Pirates
  • Shooter-Gruppe Cabin Boy Red Pirates
  • Shooter-Gruppe Cabin Boy Blue Pirates
  • Shooter-Gruppe Cabin Boy Green Pirates
  • Shooter-Gruppe Cabin Boy Yellow Pirates
  • Shooter-Gruppe Cabin Boy Black Pirates
  • Kabinenjunge der Cannoneer
  • Kämpfergruppenbesatzung Rote Piraten
  • Kämpfergruppenbesatzung Blue Pirates
  • Fighter Group Crew Grüne Piraten
  • Kampfgruppenbesatzung Gelbe Piraten
  • Fighter Group Crew Black Pirates
  • Slasher Group Crew Rote Piraten
  • Slasher Group Crew Blaue Piraten
  • Slasher Group Crew Grüne Piraten
  • Slasher Group Crew Gelbe Piraten
  • Slasher Group Crew Schwarze Piraten
  • Stürmergruppe Crew Red Pirates
  • Stürmergruppe Crew Blue Pirates
  • Stürmergruppe Crew Green Pirates
  • Striker Group Crew Yellow Pirates
  • Stürmergruppe Crew Black Pirates
  • Shooter Group Crew Rote Piraten
  • Shooter Group Crew Blue Pirates
  • Shooter Group Crew Grüne Piraten
  • Shooter Group Crew Gelbe Piraten
  • Shooter Group Crew Black Pirates
  • Kanonier-Fähigkeit
  • Leibwächter, „Sonnenbrille“
  • Bärtiger Leibwächter
  • Knuckle-Punk Black Cat Pirates
  • Sabre Punk Black Cat Pirates
  • Hellebarde Punk Black Cat Pirates
  • Pistole Punk Black Cat Pirates
  • Cannoneer Punk Black Cat Pirates
  • Anführer der Kämpfergruppe
  • Anführer der Slasher-Gruppe
  • Stürmergruppenleiter
  • Schützengruppenleiter
  • Assassinenmeister
  • Karate Fishman Arlong Crewmitglied
  • Schwert Fishman Arlong Besatzungsmitglied
  • Spear Fishman Arlong Crewmitglied
  • Pistol Fishman Arlong Besatzungsmitglied
  • Knuckle Lehrling Navy
  • Sabre Apprentice Navy
  • Hellebardenlehrling Marine
  • Pistol Apprentice Navy
  • Kanonierlehrling Navy
  • Knuckle Seaman Navy
  • Sabre Seaman Navy
  • Hellebarde Seaman Navy
  • Pistol Seaman Navy
  • Cannoneer Seaman Navy
  • Rote Elder-Schildkröte
  • Blaue Elder-Schildkröte
  • Grüne Holunderschildkröte
  • Gelbe Elder-Schildkröte
  • Schwarze Elder-Schildkröte
  • Navy-Hauptquartier von Knuckle Ensign
  • Sabre Ensign Navy-Hauptquartier
  • Hellebard Ensign Navy HQ
  • Pistol Ensign Navy HQ
  • Bazooka Ensign Navy HQ
  • Mr. 5 Nez-Palm-Kanone
  • Mr. 5 Breeze-Atembombe
  • Fräulein Valentin
  • Miss Valentine 10.000-Kilo-Guillotine
  • Mr. 3
  • Mr. 3 Extra-Spezial-Kandelaber
  • Miss Goldenweek
  • Miss Goldenweek Colors Trap:Beruhigendes Grün
  • Mr. 2 Bon Clay
  • Mr. 2 Bon Clay Bombardier Arabeske
  • Miss All Sunday Baroque Works VP
  • Nico Robin
  • Mr. 9
  • Mr. 9 Heißblütige Fledermaus
  • Laboon
  • Laboon (Luffys Zeichnung)
  • Neptunischer Tintenfisch
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Kaugummi-Ballon
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Gear Dritter
  • Roronoa Zoro Streaming Wolfsschwerter
  • Roronoa Zoro Lion’s Song
  • Nami Fine Tempo
  • Nami-Glückspunsch
  • Usopp Lysop-Hammer
  • Usopp-Auswirkung
  • Mr. Prince Hammel Shot
  • Mr. Prinz-Veau-Schuss
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • Hawk Eyes Mihawk
  • Flüchtling Morgan
  • Doppelkreuzer-Django
  • Double Ironfist Fullbody
  • Hina
  • Schwarzer Käfig Hina
  • Mr. 8
  • Mr. 8 Igarappapa
  • Verpasse Montag
  • Miss Monday Superhuman Brass Knuckles
  • Knuckle Millions Barockwerke
  • Säbel Millionen Barockwerke
  • Millionen barocke Werke der Stangenwaffe
  • Pistol Millions Barockwerke
  • Bazooka Millionen barocke Werke
  • Knuckle Billions Barockwerke
  • Sabre Billions Barockwerke
  • Hellebarden-Milliarden-Barockwerke
  • Pistol Billions Baroque Works
  • Bazooka Billions Barockwerke
  • Choppermann
  • Tony Tony Chopper Pre-Rampage
  • Tony Tony Chopper nach dem Amoklauf
  • Marco
  • Marco der Phönix
  • Jozu
  • Diamant-Jozu
  • Vista
  • Flower Sword Vista
  • Izo
  • Steinschlosspistolen Izo
  • Blamenco
  • Blamenco der Hammer
  • Edward Newgate
  • Weißbart
  • Coby trainieren
  • Unteroffizier Coby
  • Helmeppo trainieren
  • Feldwebel Helmeppo
  • Regenbogen-Piratenpinguin
  • Regenbogengestreifter Drache
  • White Chase Smoker
  • Bewaffnete Kampfeinheit Rote Piraten
  • Bewaffnete Kampfeinheit Blue Pirates
  • Bewaffnete Kampfeinheit Grüne Piraten
  • Bewaffnete Kampfeinheit Gelbe Piraten
  • Bewaffnete Kampfeinheit Schwarze Piraten
  • Armed Slasher Unit Red Pirates
  • Armed Slasher Unit Blue Pirates
  • Armed Slasher Einheit Grüne Piraten
  • Armed Slasher Unit Yellow Pirates
  • Armed Slasher Unit Black Pirates
  • Bewaffnete Kampfeinheit Rote Piraten
  • Bewaffnete Stürmereinheit Blue Pirates
  • Armed Striker Unit Green Pirates
  • Armed Striker Unit Yellow Pirates
  • Bewaffnete Stürmereinheit Schwarze Piraten
  • Armed Shooter Unit Red Pirates
  • Armed Shooter Unit Blue Pirates
  • Armed Shooter Unit Green Pirates
  • Armed Shooter Unit Yellow Pirates
  • Armed Shooter Unit Black Pirates
  • Erfahrener Schütze
  • Mr. 13 &Ms. Friday The Pechvögel
  • Dorry
  • Broggy
  • Triceratops
  • Rex
  • Brontosaurus
  • Tsuru
  • Großartiger Berater Tsuru
  • Momonga
  • Onigumo
  • Rot plattierter Hummer
  • Blauer Hummer
  • Grün plattierter Hummer
  • Gelb plattierter Hummer
  • Schwarz plattierter Hummer
  • Affe D. Garp
  • Greif die Faust
  • Trafalgar-Gesetz
  • Trafalgar Law ROOM
  • Basil Hawkins
  • Basil Hawkins der Magier
  • Mörder
  • Soldatenkiller massakrieren
  • Urouge
  • Verrückter Mönch Urouge
  • Bepo
  • Bepo der Kampfkünstler
  • Kalifa
  • Schöne Sekretärin Kalifa
  • Paulie
  • Paulie Dock One Vorarbeiter/Mastspezialist
  • Rob Lucci
  • Rob Lucci Dock One Säger, Baumnagelspezialist
  • Kaku
  • Kaku Dock One Zimmereispezialist
  • Lulu
  • Wapol
  • Wapol-Haus
  • Dalton
  • Dalton-Bison
  • Schach
  • Kuromarimo
  • Schachmarimo
  • Dr. Kureha
  • Lapin
  • Lapin-Erwachsener
  • Franky
  • Zerleger Franky
  • Kiwi
  • Mozu
  • Kraken Surume
  • Krakenmonster des Nordens
  • Rotes Schweinefleisch
  • Blaues Juwelenporzellan
  • Grünes Juwelen-Schweinefleisch
  • Gelbes Schweinefleisch
  • Schwarzes Schweinefleisch
  • Rubinjuwelenbesetztes Schwein
  • Sapphire Jeweled Porc
  • Emerald Jeweled Porc
  • Topas-juwelenbesetztes Schwein
  • Amethyst Jeweled Porc
  • Eustas Kid
  • Kapitän Kid
  • Scratchmen-Apoo
  • Roar of the Sea Scratchmen Apoo
  • X-Erpel
  • Rote Flagge X Drake
  • Schmuck Bonney
  • Big Eater Schmuck Bonney
  • Capone Bege
  • Capone Gang Bege
  • Silver Rayleigh
  • Dunkler König Rayleigh
  • Riesige Slasher Red Pirates
  • Riesen-Shooter Blue Pirates
  • Riesenkrieger Grüne Piraten
  • Gigant Fighter Yellow Pirates
  • Giant Striker Black Pirates
  • Riesige Imperial Slasher Red Pirates
  • Riesiger imperialer Shooter Blue Pirates
  • Weibliche Riesige imperiale Krieger-grüne Piraten
  • Riesige Imperial Fighter Yellow Pirates
  • Riesige Imperial Striker Black Pirates
  • Seekatze
  • Kung-Fu-Dugong
  • Kung Fu Dugong Treuer Lehrling
  • Banana Gator
  • Sandora-Drache
  • Mr. 0 Geschäftsführer der Barockwerke
  • Herr Krokodil
  • Hogback
  • Doktor Hogback
  • Cindry
  • Victoria Cindry
  • Emporio Ivankov
  • Emporio Ivankov Queen of Kamabakka Queendom (im Ruhestand)
  • Perona
  • Geisterprinzessin Perona
  • Kumacy
  • Hundepinguin
  • Fräulein Frohe Weihnachten
  • Fräulein Merry Christmas Human Mole
  • Mr. 4
  • Mr. 4 und Lassoo the Dog-Gun
  • Fräulein Doppelfinger
  • Fräulein Doublefinger Human Spike
  • Mr. 1
  • Mr. 1 menschliches Schwert
  • Abschalom
  • Absalom vom Friedhof
  • Allgemeiner Zombie
  • Jigoro des Windes
  • Sir Crocodile Warlord of the Sea
  • Jinbe
  • Jinbe-Kriegsherr des Meeres
  • Bartholomäus Kuma
  • Bartholomäus Kuma Kriegsherr des Meeres
  • Gecko Moria
  • Gecko Moria Kriegsherr des Meeres
  • Boa Hancock
  • Boa Hancock, Kriegsherrin der Meere
  • Donquijote Doflamingo
  • Donquijote Doflamingo Kriegsherr des Meeres
  • Sanji – Parage Shot:Der Sturm
  • Monkey D. Luffy Gum-Gum Bazooka:Supremacy
  • Roronoa Zoro Three Thousand Worlds:The Final Stroke
  • Nami Mirage Tempo:Die Himmel
  • Bach
  • Summender Schwertkämpferbach
  • Ryuma
  • Masira
  • Schoujou
  • Montblanc Cricket
  • Südliche Vogel- und Waldbewohner
  • Bellamy
  • Bellamy die Hyäne
  • Sarquiss
  • Elizabeth
  • Karolina
  • Sanji Kamabakka Queendom Traditioneller Kampfstil
  • Sanji-Süßigkeit
  • Perona ~Süßigkeiten~
  • Perona ~Süßigkeiten~ Geisterprinzessin
  • Nefeltari Vivi ~Liebe~
  • Prinzessin Vivi ~Love~
  • Cowboy und Bourbon Jr. Supersonic Duck Squadron
  • Stomp und Ivan X Supersonic Duck Squadron
  • Zentauren- und Hikoichi-Überschallentengeschwader
  • Karoo
  • Captain Karoo und die Supersonic Duck Squadron
  • Marshall D. Lehren
  • Schwarzbart
  • Stroh
  • Twin-Blade Thatch
  • Namule
  • One-Hit-Namule
  • Rakuyo
  • Morgenstern Rakuyo
  • Fossa
  • Fossa das lodernde Katana
  • Curiel
  • Schwerer Artillerie-Curiel
  • Sengoku
  • Sengoku der Buddha
  • Galdino der kriminelle Mr. 3
  • Escapee Bentham Mr. 2 Bon Clay
  • Meister-Entfesselungskünstler Bentham Mr. 2 Bon Clay
  • Satori
  • Schura
  • Gedatsu
  • Braham
  • Yama
  • Skypiea Guard mit gelber weißer Baskenmütze
  • Schwarz-Weiß-Barett-Skypiea-Wache
  • Yellow White Beret Captain Skypiea Guard
  • Black White Beret Captain Skypiea Guard
  • Enerus Auserwählter:Red Guard Skypiea Enforcer
  • Enerus Auserwählter:Blue Guard Skypiea Enforcer
  • Enerus Auserwählter:Slypiea-Vollstrecker der Grünen Garde
  • Enerus Auserwählter:Yellow Guard Skypiea Enforcer
  • Enerus Auserwählter:Black Guard Skypiea Enforcer
  • Red Striker Skypiea Vollstrecker
  • Blue Striker Skypiea Enforcer
  • Grüner Streikender Slypiea-Vollstrecker
  • Gelber Streikender Skypiea-Vollstrecker
  • Black Striker Skypiea-Vollstrecker
  • Red Striker Elite Skypiea Enforcer
  • Blue Striker Elite Skypiea Vollstrecker
  • Grüner Stürmer-Elite-Skypiea-Vollstrecker
  • Yellow Striker Elite Skypiea Vollstrecker
  • Black Striker Elite Skypiea Vollstrecker
  • Roter nomadischer Shandian-Krieger
  • Blue Nomad Shandian Warrior
  • Grüner Nomade Shandian-Krieger
  • Red Nomad Adept Shandian Warrior
  • Blue Nomad Adept Shandian Warrior
  • Grüner Nomaden-Adept Shandian-Krieger
  • Gelber Jäger Shandian-Krieger
  • Shandian-Krieger der Schwarzen Jäger
  • Yellow Hunter Adept Shandian Warrior
  • Schwarzjäger-Adept Shandian-Krieger
  • Bellmere
  • Bellmere Nami und Nojikos Mutter
  • Kaja
  • Kaya Ein reiches junges Mädchen aus Sirup Village
  • Hotori und Kotori
  • Hotori und Kotori Skypiea Vice Head Enforcer
  • Portgas D. Ace Mt. Corvos Brüder 3
  • Portgas D. Ace Mt. Corvo’s Brothers 3, Cup of Sworn Brotherhood
  • Pelle
  • Pell Der Wächterfalke von Alabasta.
  • Chaka
  • Chaka Der Wächterschakal von Alabasta
  • Sir Crocodile, the Strongest Prisoner Mr. 0, Ex-Barock-Werksleiter
  • Sir Crocodile, der stärkste Gefangene Ex-Seven Warlords-Mitglied
  • Daz Bones, Verurteilter Mr. 1
  • Sabo Mt. Corvos Brüder 3
  • Sabo Mt. Corvo’s Brothers 3, Cup of Sworn Brotherhood
  • Shanks schwarz gekleideter Rotschopf
  • Schwarz gekleideter Kaiser von Shanks
  • Nico Robin Kirschblüten fallen
  • Nico Robin Kirschblüten in voller Blüte
  • Bach-Kirschblüten-Haar
  • Bach-Kirschblüten-Melodie
  • Nami-Blütenwolke
  • Nami-Blütenklima
  • Domino
  • Domino treibt den stellvertretenden Leiter des Gefängniswärters nieder
  • Ohm
  • Nola-Riesenschlange
  • Wyper
  • Wyper-Nachkomme des großen Kriegers Calgara
  • Eneru
  • Kami Eneru
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Mt. Corvos Brüder 3
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Mt. Corvo’s Brothers 3, Cup of Sworn Brotherhood
  • Sadie
  • Sadie Impel Down Chief Jailer
  • Minorhinoceros
  • Minokoala
  • Mantikor
  • Basilisk
  • Veranda
  • Capote
  • Hamburg
  • Gurken
  • Großes Brötchen
  • Fuchs
  • Der Silberfuchs Fuchs
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Davy Back Fight:Afro
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Davy Back Fight:Kampf
  • Usopp Davy Back Fight:Cornerman
  • Tony Tony Chopper Davy Rückenkampf:Maske
  • Aokiji
  • Aokiji-Eismann
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Voyage Log:Strohhutpiraten
  • Monkey D. Ruffy Voyage Dream:Piratenkönig
  • Roronoa Zoro Voyage Log:Strohhutpiraten
  • Roronoa Zoro Voyage Dream:Meister-Schwertkämpfer
  • Genbou
  • Kamakiri
  • Raki
  • Aisa
  • Nojiko
  • Nojiko Namis Schwester
  • Krokus
  • Crocus Twin Cape Leuchtturmwärter
  • Koza
  • Anführer der Koza-Rebellen
  • Purpurrote Hime-Schildkröte
  • Azurblaue Hime-Schildkröte
  • Jade-Hime-Schildkröte
  • Amber Hime-Schildkröte
  • Onyx-Hime-Schildkröte
  • Tony Tony Chopper Voyage Log:Strohhutpiraten
  • Tony Tony Chopper Voyage Dream:Großartiger Doktor
  • Buggy-Piratenlehrling
  • Buggy Roger Pirates
  • Shanks-Piratenlehrling
  • Shanks Roger Pirates
  • Eneru 200,000,000 Volt Amaru
  • Eneru, Lightning Incarnate 200,000,000 Volt Amaru
  • Sanji Voyage Log:Straw Hat Pirates
  • Sanji Voyage Dream:All Blue
  • Pirate Zeff
  • Red-Leg Zeff Cook Pirates Captain
  • Gangster Patty
  • Gangster Carne
  • Hiking Bear
  • Purinpurin
  • Brook Voyage Log:Straw Hat Pirates
  • Brook Voyage Dream:Promised Meeting
  • Zambai
  • Demolisher Axeman
  • Demolisher Spearman
  • Demolisher Gunner
  • Street Punk:Brawler Red Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Brawler Green Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Blade Blue Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Blade Red Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Bullet Green Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Bullet Yellow Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Nails Yellow Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Nails Black Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Gatling Black Bounty Hunter
  • Street Punk:Gatling Blue Bounty Hunter
  • Tilestone
  • Franky Franky Family
  • Kaku Cipher Pol
  • Kaku:Six Powers Cipher Pol
  • Rob Lucci Cipher Pol
  • Rob Lucci:Six Powers Cipher Pol
  • Doma
  • Bohemian Knight Doma
  • DeCalvan Brothers
  • DeCalvan Brothers Brothers’ Bond
  • Squard
  • Maelstrom Spider Squard
  • Whitey Bay
  • Ice Witch Whitey Bay
  • Little Oars Jr.
  • Little Oars Jr. Charging!
  • Marco Whitebeard 1st Div. Commander
  • Marco the Phoenix Whitebeard 1st Div. Commander
  • Nami Voyage Log:Straw Hat Pirates
  • Nami Voyage Dream:World Map
  • Usopp Voyage Log:Straw Hat Pirates
  • Usopp Voyage Dream:Brave Sea Warrior
  • Sabo
  • Sabo Revolutionary Army
  • Koala
  • Koala Revolutionary Army
  • Hack
  • Hack Revolutionary Army
  • Emporio Ivankov New Kama Karate Master
  • Emporio Ivankov Revolutionary Army
  • Inazuma
  • Inazuma Revolutionary Army
  • Nico Robin Voyage Log:Straw Hat Pirates
  • Nico Robin Voyage Dream:100-Year Void
  • Naginata Corporal Navy HQ
  • Rifle Corporal Navy HQ
  • Saber Corporal Navy HQ
  • Bazooka Corporal Navy HQ
  • Knuckle Corporal Navy HQ
  • Naginata Major Navy HQ
  • Rifle Major Navy HQ
  • Saber Major Navy HQ
  • Bazooka Major Navy HQ
  • Knuckle Major Navy HQ
  • Oimo
  • Kashii
  • Watchdog Unit of the Law
  • Righteous Juror
  • Three-Headed Baskerville
  • Blueno Cipher Pol
  • Blueno:Six Powers Cipher Pol
  • Nico Robin Devil Child
  • Nico Robin Straw Hat Pirate
  • Franky Voyage Log:Straw Hat Pirates
  • Franky Voyage Dream:Ship of the Seven Seas
  • Nefeltari Vivi Voyage Log:Princess of Alabasta
  • Nefeltari Vivi Voyage Dream:Queen of the Pirates
  • Monkey D. Luffy Halloween Monster
  • Usopp Lying Wolf
  • Franky Frankenstein
  • Nami Jackie ‘o Lantern
  • Tony Tony Chopper Lil’ Vampire
  • Roronoa Zoro Jack the Ripper
  • Nico Robin Devil Girl
  • Sanji Ghost Knight
  • Brook Cowardly Skeleton
  • Trafalgar Law Holy Night Gentleman
  • Trafalgar Law Holy Night Nobleman
  • Jewelry Bonney Ravenous Spoiled Santa
  • Jewelry Bonney Ravenous Greedy Santa
  • Portgas D. Ace Black Clad Flame Fist
  • Portgas D. Ace Black Clad Division Commander
  • Dracule Mihawk Warlord of the Sea
  • Hawk Eyes Mihawk World’s Strongest Swordsman
  • Sir Crocodile:Logia Warlord of the Sea
  • Sir Crocodile:Logia Ex-Warlord of the Sea
  • Usopp-un
  • Usopp-un Hercules’ Student
  • Kalifa Cipher Pol
  • Kalifa:Six Powers Cipher Pol
  • Jabra Cipher Pol
  • Jabra:Six Powers Cipher Pol
  • Fukuro Cipher Pol
  • Fukuro:Six Powers Cipher Pol
  • Kumadori Cipher Pol
  • Kumadori:Six Powers Cipher Pol
  • Kaku:Beastman Ox-Ox Fruit, Model:Giraffe
  • Lucci:Beastman Cat-Cat Fruit, Model:Leopard
  • Spandam
  • Franky Straw Hat Pirates
  • Camie
  • Camie Takoyaki Shop Clerk
  • Pappagu
  • Hatchan Takoyaki Shop Manager
  • Rob Lucci CP9 Dark Justice
  • Rob Lucci CP9’s Strongest
  • Kaku CP9 Dark Justice
  • Kaku CP9’s Strongest
  • Kalifa CP9 Dark Justice
  • Kalifa CP9’s Strongest
  • Jabra CP9 Dark Justice
  • Jabra CP9’s Strongest
  • Blueno CP9’s Strongest
  • Blueno CP9 Dark Justice
  • Fukuro CP9 Dark Justice
  • Fukuro CP9’s Strongest
  • Kumadori CP9 Dark Justice
  • Kumadori CP9’s Strongest
  • Arlong the Pirate
  • Arlong Sun Pirates
  • Kuroobi Sun Pirates
  • Choo Sun Pirates
  • Heracles-un
  • Heracles-un Hero of the Forest
  • Nefeltari Vivi Princess of Alabasta Kingdom
  • Nefeltari Vivi Sand-Sand Band Sub-Leader
  • Koza Alabasta Citizen
  • Koza Sand-Sand Band Leader
  • Nefeltari Cobra King of Alabasta Kingdom
  • Blazing General Zombie
  • Sneaky General Zombie
  • Powerful General Zombie
  • Heartful Wild Zombie
  • Brainy Wild Zombie
  • Tricky Wild Zombie
  • Egotistical Soldier Zombie
  • Hate-Filled Soldier Zombie
  • Crafty Soldier Zombie
  • Speedy Soldier Zombie
  • Strong Soldier Zombie
  • Gecko Moria Thriller Bark Ruler
  • Gecko Moria Thriller Bark Demon
  • Bear Skin Rug
  • Taralan
  • Cerberus
  • Calgara
  • Calgara Great Shandia Warrior
  • Mont Blanc Noland
  • Mont Blanc Noland Lvneel Kingdom Explorer
  • Caesar Clown
  • Master Caesar
  • Vergo
  • Vergo Donquixote Pirates
  • Monet
  • Monet Donquixote Pirates
  • Baby 5
  • Baby 5 Donquixote Pirates
  • Buffalo
  • Buffalo Donquixote Pirates
  • Ganfor
  • Ganfor Sky Knight
  • Pierre
  • Conis
  • Conis Skypiea Girl
  • Iron Mask Duval
  • Duval Flying Fish Riders Leader
  • Duval Rosy Life Riders Leader
  • Donquixote Doflamingo Donquixote Pirates
  • Heavenly Demon Doflamingo
  • Sugar
  • Sugar Donquixote Pirates
  • Senor Pink
  • Senor Pink Donquixote Pirates
  • Trebol
  • Trebol Donquixote Pirates
  • Giolla
  • Giolla Donquixote Pirates
  • Lao G.
  • Lao G. Donquixote Pirates
  • Jerry
  • Jerry Cipher Pol
  • T-Bone
  • Ship Cutter T-Bone Marine Captain
  • Machvise
  • Machvise Donquixote Pirates
  • Gladius
  • Gladius Donquixote Pirates
  • Violett
  • Violet Donquixote Pirates
  • Dellinger
  • Dellinger Donquixote Pirates
  • Diamante
  • Diamante Donquixote Pirates
  • Corazon Donquixote Pirates
  • Donquixote Rocinante
  • Monkey D. Luffy In the Wake of an Endless Dream – Straw Hat Pirates
  • Monkey D. Luffy A Vow in the Great Age of Pirates – Pirate King
  • Nero
  • Nero Cipher Pol
  • Wanze
  • Wanze Cipher Pol
  • Roronoa Zoro Gloom Island Swordsman
  • Roronoa Zoro Master Swordsman Disciple
  • Nico Robin Tequila Wolf Prisoner
  • Nico Robin Flame of the Revolution
  • Tony Tony Chopper Birdie Kingdom Peace Broker
  • Chopper Mask Defender of Peace
  • Sanji Kamabakka Kingdom Escapee
  • Sanji Chef of Love
  • Brook Demon King of Hungeria
  • Brook Bone to Be Wild
  • Horo Horo Ghost
  • Perona Thriller Bark Demon
  • Perona Giant Ghost Princess
  • Doctor Hogback Thriller Bark Demon
  • Absalom of the Graveyard Thriller Bark Demon
  • Oars Special Zombie
  • Gecko Moria Shadows’ Asgard
  • Don Chin Jao
  • Don Chin Jao Kano Kingdom Gang
  • Blue Gilly
  • Blue Gilly Jiaokungdo Fighter
  • Bobby and Kelly Funk
  • Funk Brothers Mogaro Kingdom Assassin
  • Hajrudin
  • Hajrudin Pirate Mercenary
  • Abdullah and Jeet
  • Abdullah and Jeet Ex-Bounty Hunter
  • Bartolomeo
  • Man-Eating Bartolomeo
  • Breed
  • Breed Pet-Pet Fruit User
  • Kung Fu Dugong Sea Animal Pirates
  • Sea Lapahn Sea Animal Pirates
  • Octopus Boxer Sea Animal Pirates
  • Brook Gentlemanly Skeleton
  • Brook Straw Hat Pirates
  • Dalmatian Marine Vice Admiral
  • Schu
  • Onigumo Marine Vice Admiral
  • Momonga Marine Vice Admiral
  • Berry Good
  • Strawberry Marine Vice Admiral
  • Ricky
  • Ricky Mystery Swordsman
  • Löwe
  • Leo Tontatta Corps Leader
  • Mansherry
  • Mansherry Tontatta Princess
  • Kyros
  • Kyros Ex-Riku Royal Army Commander
  • Don Sai
  • Don Sai Kano Kingdom Gang
  • Fujitora
  • Issho
  • Angel in White Nami Wedding
  • Goddess in White Nami Wedding
  • Lola Thriller Bark Bride
  • Loveseeking Lola Thriller Bark Bride
  • Risky Brothers
  • Tom Tom’s Workers
  • Legendary Shipwright Tom Tom’s Workers
  • Cutty Flam Tom’s Workers
  • Iceburg Tom’s Workers
  • Tyrant Bartholomew Kuma
  • Tyrant Bartholomew Kuma Government Human Weapon
  • Wapol of Tin
  • Slimmed-Down Wapol
  • Robson
  • Chopper’s Snow Day
  • Gyaro
  • Macro
  • Tansui
  • Quick-Draw Gunman Blue Bodyguard
  • Scheming Gunman Black Bodyguard
  • Technical Gunman Green Bodyguard
  • Quick-Strike Gunman Blue Bodyguard
  • Strong-Arm Gunman Red Bodyguard
  • Bold Gunman Yellow Bodyguard
  • Saint Charlos
  • Saint Roswald
  • Saint Shalria
  • Eustass Kid Supernova
  • Trafalgar Law Supernova
  • Pacifista PX-1
  • Pacifista PX-2
  • Pacifista PX-3
  • Pacifista PX-4
  • Pacifista PX-5
  • Sentomaru
  • Sentomaru Marine Science Unit Commander
  • Count Butler
  • Count Butler King’s Power
  • President Heaby
  • General Hotdog
  • Zephyr
  • Zephyr Neo Marines Leader
  • Ain
  • Ain Neo Marines Vice Admiral
  • Shuraiya Bascud
  • Shuraiya Bascud Pirate Executioner
  • Gasparde
  • Gasparde Gasparde Pirates
  • Needless
  • Shiki the Golden Lion
  • Shiki the Golden Lion Golden Lion Pirates
  • Boa Sandersonia
  • Boa Sandersonia Kuja Pirates
  • Boa Marigold
  • Boa Marigold Kuja Pirates
  • Marguerite Female Warrior
  • Marguerite Kuja Warrior
  • Kikyo
  • Gloriosa
  • Destructive Archer Kuja Warrior
  • Sneaky Archer Kuja Warrior
  • Wise Swordswoman Kuja Warrior
  • Bright Swordswoman Kuja Warrior
  • Proficient Fighter Kuja Warrior
  • Nimble Fighter Kuja Warrior
  • Aphelandra
  • Dr. Indigo
  • Dr. Indigo Golden Lion Pirates
  • Commander Scarlet
  • Commander Scarlet Golden Lion Pirates
  • Billy
  • Cavendish
  • White Knight Cavendish
  • Suleiman
  • Suleiman the Beheader
  • Orlumbus
  • Orlumbus Massacre Ruler
  • Dagama
  • Dagama Prodence Kingdom Tactician
  • Elizabello II
  • Elizabello II King of Prodence
  • Ideo
  • Ideo Destruction Cannon
  • Nami Rejuvenated Navigator
  • Nami Mischievous Tavern Idol
  • Nico Robin Rejuvenated Archaeologist
  • Nico Robin Fetching Tavern Dancer
  • Chopper Rejuvenated Doctor
  • Baccarat
  • Baccarat Gran Tesoro Concierge
  • Dice
  • Dice Gran Tesoro Dealer
  • Mr. Tanaka
  • Mr. Tanaka Gran Tesoro Security
  • Blugori
  • Uniformed Suppressor Jailor
  • Uniformed Emergency Jailor
  • Uniformed Perimeter Jailor
  • Contemplative Guard
  • All-Action Guard
  • Minotaur
  • Minozebra
  • Sphinx
  • Saldeath Chief Guard
  • Army Wolf
  • Under Warden Hannyabal
  • Under Warden Hannyabal Undersea Prison, Impel Down
  • Chief Warden Magellan
  • Chief Warden Magellan Undersea Prison, Impel Down
  • Gild. Tesoro
  • Gild. Tesoro Gold Ship Casino King
  • Carina
  • Carina Gold Ship Songstress
  • Boa Hancock Kuja Pirates Captain
  • Empress Boa Hancock Kuja Pirates Captain
  • Marguerite
  • Marguerite Guardian Warrior
  • Sweetpea
  • Hannyabal
  • Hannyabal Impel Down Under-Warden
  • Saldeath
  • Sentomaru Naval HQ Fleet Officer
  • Sentomaru the Axe Naval HQ Fleet Officer
  • Smoker Navy Grand Line 5th Branch
  • Smoker G-5 Vice Admiral
  • Tashigi Navy Grand Line 5th Branch
  • Tashigi G-5 Captain
  • Maynard Naval HQ Vice Admiral
  • Maynard the Pursuer Naval HQ Vice Admiral
  • Bastille Naval HQ Vice Admiral
  • Shark-Slicer Bastille Naval HQ Vice Admiral
  • Kizaru Navy HQ Powerhouse
  • Bastille
  • Yamakaji
  • Hina Black Cage Corps
  • Smoker Naval HQ Commodore
  • Dracule Mihawk Hawk-Eye
  • Kizaru Naval HQ Admiral
  • Marco Collar in the Autumn Wind
  • Marco Buzzed and Rumpled
  • Ace Twilight Wayside
  • Ace Moonlight Gloss
  • Rakuyo Whitebeard’s Seventh Division Commander
  • Fossa Whitebeard’s Fifteenth Division Commander
  • Curiel Whitebeard’s Tenth Division Commander
  • Thatch Whitebeard’s Fourth Division Commander
  • Izo Whitebeard’s Sixteenth Division Commander
  • Blamenco Whitebeard’s Sixth Division Commander
  • Namule Whitebeard’s Eighth Division Commander
  • John Giant
  • Aokiji Navy HQ Admiral
  • Garp Navy HQ Vice Admiral
  • Sengoku Navy HQ Fleet Admiral
  • Akainu Navy HQ Admiral
  • Kizaru
  • Kizaru:Man of Light
  • Bepo Heart Pirates
  • Bepo the Martial Artist Heart Pirates
  • Shachi &Penguin Heart Pirates
    Jean Bart
  • Jean Bart Heart Pirates
  • Emporio Ivankov Queen of the Miracle Garden
  • Inazuma Maiden of the Secret Garden
  • Inazuma Maiden Planning Change
  • Emporio Ivankov Queen of the Secret Garden
  • Akainu
  • Akainu Magma Man
  • Nico Olvia
  • Nico Olvia Ohara Archaeologist
  • Jaguar D. Saul
  • Jaguar D. Saul Navy Vice Admiral
  • Nico Robin Girl from Ohara
  • Sabo Dragon Claws
  • Sabo Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff
  • Fukuro World Government Spy Group
  • Jabra World Government Spy Group
  • Blueno World Government Spy Group
  • Kumadori World Government Spy Group
  • Peepley Lulu – Galley-La Company Dock One Foreman
  • Marshall D. Teach Blackbeard Pirate Captain
  • Blackbeard Blackbeard Pirate Captain
  • Lafitte
  • Demon Sheriff Lafitte
  • Van Ogre
  • Supersonic Van Ogre
  • Jesus Burgess
  • Champion Jesus Burgess
  • Shiryu
  • Shiryu of the Rain
  • Doc Q
  • Death God Doc Q
  • Akainu Navy HQ Powerhouse
  • Sakazuki
  • Petty Officer Coby Grand Line Sailor
  • Petty Officer Coby Hero of the Navy’s Student
  • Monkey D. Garp Navy HQ Vice Admiral
  • Garp the Fist Navy HQ Vice Admiral
  • Tsuru Navy HQ Vice Admiral
  • Great Advisor Tsuru Navy HQ Vice Admiral
  • Momonga Monster-Slaying Master General
  • Navy HQ Vice Admiral Momonga Monster-Slaying Master General
  • Onigumo Eight-Swords Style Fighter
  • Navy HQ Vice Admiral Onigumo Eight-Swords Style Fighter
  • Yorki
  • Calico Yorki
  • Brook Rumbar Pirates
  • Musical Swordsman Brook Rumbar Pirates
  • Laboon Rumbar Pirates
  • Demalo Black &Chocolat Impostor Straw Hat Pirates
  • Cocoa &Stray Fox Impostor Straw Hat Pirates
  • Manjaro &Drip Impostor Straw Hat Pirates
  • Mounblutain &Turco Impostor Straw Hat Pirates
  • Impostor Straw Hat Pirates
  • Gairam World Pirates
  • Sebastian World Pirates
  • Nightin World Pirates
  • Koala Fish-Man Karate Assistant
  • Koala Revolutionary and Fish-Man Karate Assistant
  • Hack Fish-Man Karate Master
  • Hack Revolutionary and Fish-Man Karate Master
  • Maelstrom Spider Squard Whitebeard Pirates Family
  • DeCalvan Brothers Whitebeard Pirates Family
  • Pica
  • Pica Donquixote Pirates
  • Curly Dadan
  • Porchemy
  • Bluejam
  • Jinbe Fish-Man Pirate Captain
  • Heracles-un Bandit Forest Master Teacher
  • Birdie Kingdom Roc
  • Humandrill
  • Haredas
  • Longarm Kingdom Tribesman
  • Tequila Wolf Guard
  • Emporio Ivankov Queen of New Kama Land
  • Silvers Rayleigh Pirate King Crewman
  • Sentomaru Wall of Sabaody
  • Demalo Black
  • Rainbow Armor Crab
  • Buffalo Donquixote Family Member
  • Baby 5 Spider Miles Girl
  • Baby 5 Donquixote Family Member
  • Trafalgar Law Spider Miles Boy
  • Trafalgar Law Donquixote Family Member
  • Buggy the Clown Captain of the Buggy Pirates
  • Captain Buggy
  • Usopp Straw Hat Pirates:Reunited
  • Usopp Straw Hat Pirates:Born Again
  • Nico Robin Straw Hat Pirates:Reunited
  • Nico Robin Straw Hat Pirates:Born Again
  • Brook Straw Hat Pirates:Reunited
  • Brook Straw Hat Pirates:Born Again
  • Tony Tony Chopper:Limb Boost Straw Hat Pirates:Reunited
  • Tony Tony Chopper:Monster Point Straw Hat Pirates:Born Again
  • Roronoa Zoro Straw Hat Pirates:Reunited
  • Roronoa Zoro Straw Hat Pirates:Born Again
  • Prisoner:Buggy
  • Prisoner:Buggy the Clown Prison Break Alliance
  • Escaped Prisoner:Galdino
  • Escaped Prisoner:Galdino Prison Break Alliance
  • Monkey D. Luffy Star of Hope
  • Nightmare Luffy Warrior of Hope
  • Leo – Tontatta Tonta Corps
  • Leo the Warrior – Tontatta Tonta Corps
  • Wicka
  • Gancho
  • Hody Jones – New Fish-Man Pirates Executive
  • Hody Jones – Fish-Man District Spirit
  • Hyouzou – New Fish-Man Pirates
  • Hyouzou – Fish-Man District Spirit
  • Ikaros Much – New Fish-Man Pirates
  • Ikaros Much – Fish-Man District Spirit
  • Daruma – New Fish-Man Pirates
  • Daruma – Fish-Man District Spirit
  • Zeo – New Fish-Man Pirates
  • Zeo – Fish-Man District Spirit
  • Dosun – New Fish-Man Pirates
  • Dosun – Fish-Man District Spirit
  • Spiked-Club Punk – Fish-Man District Outlaw
  • Spiked-Club Speedster – Fish-Man District Outlaw
  • Spiked-Club Expert – Fish-Man District Outlaw
  • Sure-Fire Cannoneer – Fish-Man District Outlaw
  • Dead-Eye Cannoneer – Fish-Man District Outlaw
  • Red Ammo Knight – Sturdy Security Officer
  • Blue Ammo Knight – Clever Security Officer
  • Green Ammo Knight – Intelligent Security Officer
  • Caribou
  • Coribou
  • Hammond
  • Vander Decken IX
  • Hody Jones
  • Hody Jones – Awakened
  • Mansherry – Chief Tonta’s Daughter
  • Mansherry – Princess, Kingdom of Tontatta
  • Cub
  • Bian
  • Baby 5 – Inflatable Dolphin
  • Baby 5 – Dolphin Rider
  • Boa Hancock – Beachside Empress
  • Boa Hancock – Love-Smitten Empress
  • Koala – Beach Angel
  • Koala – Paradise Goddess
  • Pekoms
  • Pekoms – Big Mom Pirates
  • Baron Tamago
  • Baron Tamago – Big Mom Pirates
  • Toy Soldier
  • Toy Soldier – Thunder Soldier
  • Rebecca – Blood of the Surviving Royals
  • Rebecca – Blood of the Pursued Royals
  • Tashigi – Chambres
  • Tashigi:Sea-Prism Club – Chambres
  • Smoker – Chambres
  • Smoker:Autumn Rain – Chambres
  • “Surgeon of Death” Trafalgar Law – Joker-Tracking Heart
  • “Warlord of the Sea” Trafalgar Law – Joker-Tracking Heart
  • Princess Shirahoshi
  • Princess Shirahoshi – Ryugu Kingdom Royal Princess
  • Neptune
  • Neptune – King of the Ryugu Kingdom
  • Fukaboshi
  • Fukaboshi – Prince of the Ryugu Kingdom
  • Caribou – Captain of the Caribou Pirates
  • Wet-Haired Caribou – Captain of the Caribou Pirates
  • Vander Decken IX – Demon Ship Captain
  • Vander Decken IX – Flying Pirates Captain
  • Madam Sharley
  • Madam Sharley – Fortune Teller
  • Cavendish – Captain of the Beautiful Pirates
  • White Knight Cavendish – Captain of the Beautiful Pirates
  • Sabo – Flame-Flame Fruit Wielder
  • Sanji – Wild Pirate
  • Sanji – World Explorer
  • Sir Crocodile – General of Sand
  • Mr. 3 – Conniving Musician
  • Mr. 2 Bon Clay – Uncertain Samurai
  • Sai – Happosui Army
  • Sai – 13th Leader of the Happosui Army
  • Boo – Happosui Army
  • Jean Ango
  • Sengoku – Cunning Officer
  • Buddha Sengoku – Cunning Officer
  • Lonz
  • Kaiser Mustache
  • Marguerite – Amazon Lily Archer
  • Marguerite – Kuja Haki User
  • Kanjuro
  • Evening Shower Kanjuro
  • Kin’emon
  • Foxfire Kin’emon
  • Dogstorm
  • Dogstorm:King of the Day
  • Wanda
  • Wanda:Kingsbird
  • Shishilian
  • Full-Power Shishilian
  • Kin’emon – Wano Country Samurai
  • Foxfire Kin’emon – Wano Country Samurai
  • Momonosuke
  • Momonosuke – Wano Country Child
  • Bellamy the Hyena – Former Captain of the Bellamy Pirates
  • Bellamy the Hyena – The Bullet of Dressrosa
  • Eustass Kid – In the Wake of an Endless Dream:Kid Pirates
  • Eustass Kid – A Vow in the Great Age of Pirates:Pirate King
  • Magellan
  • Magellan – Jail Chief Warden
  • Cat Viper
  • Cat Viper:King of the Night
  • Pedro
  • Treetop Pedro
  • Karotte
  • Carrot:Kingsbird
  • Kanjuro – Wano Kingdom Samurai
  • Evening Shower Kanjuro – Wano Kingdom Samurai
  • Raizo
  • Raizo of the Mist
  • Violet – Dancer Girl
  • Violet – Pursued Girl
  • Sanji – Ladies’ Man Incognito
  • Sanji – Escort to the Next Town
  • Sentomaru – Sailor
  • Sentomaru the Axe – Sailor
  • Lip “Service” Doughty
  • “Gashed” Albion
  • Usoland
  • God Usopp
  • Silvers Rayleigh – Straw Hat Pirates Contributor
  • Silvers Rayleigh – Straw Hat Pirates Conspirator
  • Duval – Straw Hat Pirates Contributor
  • Duval – Straw Hat Pirates Conspirator
  • Heracles – Straw Hat Pirates Contributor
  • Heracles – Straw Hat Pirates Conspirator
  • Perona – Straw Hat Pirates Contributor
  • Perona – Straw Hat Pirates Conspirator
  • Elizabeth – Straw Hat Pirates Contributor
  • Elizabeth – Straw Hat Pirates Conspirator
  • Captain Usopp – The Great Adventure of Usopp the Man, Ch. 2
  • Megalo &Shirahoshi
  • Ganfor – Previous “Kami”
  • Ganfor – Kami of Skypiea
  • Suleiman the Beheader – Class-A War Criminal:Dias Naval Battle
  • Byrnndi World
  • Byrnndi World – World Pirates Captain
  • Fisher Tiger – Sun Pirates Captain
  • Fisher Tiger
  • Rebecca:Lovely Monster Cat
  • Rebecca:Lovely Monster Cat – Halloween Night Masquerade
  • Sugar:Little Succubus
  • Sugar:Little Succubus – Halloween Night Masquerade
  • Corazon:Royal Vampire
  • Corazon:Royal Vampire – Halloween Night Masquerade
  • Wadatsumi
  • Zeo
  • Ikaros
  • Hyouzou
  • Daruma
  • Dosun
  • Hody Jones – Rampage
  • Buggy – Cheerful Performer
  • Assassin of the West Blue
  • Jinbe – Warrior Shark
  • Haruta – Whitebeard’s Twelfth Division Commander
  • Speed Jil – Whitebeard’s Fourteenth Division Commander
  • Atmos – Whitebeard’s Thirteenth Division Commander
  • Kingdew – Whitebeard’s Eleventh Division Commander
  • Rob Lucci – World Government Monster
  • Lucci:Beastman – World Government Monster
  • Curly Dadan – Mt. Corvo Bandit
  • Curly Dadan – Dadan Family Boss
  • Dogura
  • Portgas D. Ace – Hidden Demon Child
  • Kalifa:Glamorous Mummy
  • Kalifa:Glamorous Mummy – Halloween Night Masquerade
  • Bartolomeo:Full Moon Wolf
  • Bartolomeo:Full Moon Wolf – Halloween Night Masquerade
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Heavy Gong:Beast
  • Usopp – Pepper Sauce Star:Strike
  • Nico Robin – Cien Fleurs Wing:Flower
  • T-Bone – Captain:Navy Headquarters
  • Gladius – Rupture-Man
  • Gladius – Pica Army
  • Orlumbus – Yonta Maria Fleet Commodore
  • Orlumbus the Savage Surmounter – Yonta Maria Fleet Commodore
  • Dark King Rayleigh – First Mate of the Roger Pirates
  • Silvers Rayleigh – First Mate of the Roger Pirates
  • Magellan – Prison Ruler
  • Magellan – Hell’s Ruler
  • Jinbe – Prisoner of Eternal Hell
  • Jinbe – Warlord in Hell
  • Emporio Ivankov – New Kama Land Prisoner
  • Emporio Ivankov – Revolutionary in Hell
  • Hannyabal – Ruler’s Right-Hand Man
  • Hannyabal – Ruler’s Right-Hand Man (For Now)
  • Mr. 2 Bon Clay – Prisoner of Starvation Hell
  • Mr. 2 Bon Clay – A Friend in Hell
  • Roronoa Zoro – Paper Umbrella Swordsman
  • Roronoa Zoro – Swordsman in the Rain
  • Sabo:Neo – Dragon Claws
  • Sabo:Neo – Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff
  • Corazon – Rain, Rain, Go Away
  • Corazon – Disappearing Raindrops
  • Soul King
  • Soul King Brook – Pirate
  • Longarm Kingdom Tribesman – Soul King’s Manager
  • Boa Hancock – Straw Hat Luffy’s Contributor
  • Boa Hancock – Straw Hat Luffy’s Conspirator
  • Boa Sandersonia – Straw Hat Luffy’s Contributor
  • Boa Sandersonia – Straw Hat Luffy’s Conspirator
  • Boa Marigold – Straw Hat Luffy’s Contributor
  • Boa Marigold – Straw Hat Luffy’s Conspirator
  • Marguerite – Straw Hat Luffy’s Contributor
  • Marguerite – Straw Hat Luffy’s Conspirator
  • Bepo – Straw Hat Luffy’s Contributor
  • Bepo – Straw Hat Luffy’s Conspirator
  • Ideo – XXX-Rank Boxer
  • Destruction Cannon Ideo – XXX-Rank Boxer
  • Marco – Whitebeard Pirates
  • Marco:Flames of Revival – Whitebeard Pirates
  • Aokiji – “Duel” Opponent
  • Aokiji – “Duel” Victor
  • The Fighting King, Elizabello II
  • The Fighting King, Elizabello II – Kingdom of Prodence
  • Dagama the Tactician
  • Dagama the Tactician – Kingdom of Prodence
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Monkey D. Luffy – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Nico Robin – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Nico Robin – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Usopp – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Usopp – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Franky – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Franky – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Punk Hazard Gas-Mask Sentry [STR]
  • Punk Hazard Gas-Mask Sentry [QCK]
  • Punk Hazard Gas-Mask Sentry [DEX]
  • Punk Hazard Gas-Mask Sentry [INT]
  • Punk Hazard Gas-Mask Sentry [PSY]
  • Iron-Legged Centaur – Punk Hazard Sentry Squad Member
  • Speedster Centaur – Punk Hazard Sentry Squad Member
  • Nimble-Footed Centaur – Punk Hazard Sentry Squad Member
  • Dragon – Punk Hazard Inhabitant
  • Rock &Scotch
  • Brownbeard – Punk Hazard Sentry “Boss”
  • Caesar Clown – Ex-Government Scientist
  • Master Caesar – Ex-Government Scientist
  • Bamboo Demon Vergo
  • Bamboo Demon Vergo – Top Donquixote Family Officer
  • Kami Eneru – Arch-Enemies of an Endless Dream
  • Kami Eneru – Battles of the Great Era of Piracy:Endless Varse
  • Bartholomew Kuma – Arch-Enemies of an Endless Dream
  • Bartholomew Kuma – Battles of the Great Era of Piracy:A Crew Annihilated
  • Rob Lucci – Arch-Enemies of an Endless Dream
  • Rob Lucci – Battles of the Great Era of Piracy:Dark Justice
  • Mr. 0 – Arch-Enemies of an Endless Dream
  • Mr. 0 – Battles of the Great Era of Piracy:Utopia
  • Gecko Moria – Arch-Enemies of an Endless Dream
  • Gecko Moria – Battles of the Great Era of Piracy:Strongest Underlings
  • Kizaru – Emissary from the Sacred Land
  • Kizaru – Sojourner from the Sacred Land
  • Kizaru:Neo
  • Kizaru:Neo – Man of Light
  • Luffy’s Winter Island Adventure
  • Trafalgar Law – Punk Hazard Resident
  • Trafalgar Law – Second Savior
  • Monet – Snow-Snow Fruit Woman
  • Thunder Lord McGuy
  • Shiryu – Blackbeard Pirates
  • Shiryu of the Rain – Blackbeard Pirates
  • Akainu – Paramount War Firestarter
  • Akainu – Paramount War Hellfire
  • Shirahoshi
  • Shirahoshi – Ryugu Kingdom Royal Princess
  • Ryuboshi
  • Mamboshi
  • Roronoa Zoro – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Roronoa Zoro – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Sanji – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Sanji – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Nami – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Nami – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Brook – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Brook – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Celebrate 20th Anniversary Cruise
  • Tony Tony Chopper – 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure
  • Fujitora – Navy HQ Powerhouse
  • Fujitora:Gravity Blade – Navy HQ Powerhouse
  • Dogstorm – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Dogstorm:King of the Day – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Hajrudin – Elbaph “New Generation” Warrior
  • Hajrudin the Pirate Mercenary – Elbaph “New Generation” Warrior
  • Rob Lucci “Life Return” – CP9’s Strongest
  • Sanji – Third Son, Vinsmoke Family
  • Sanji – Prince, Kingdom of Germa
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Gear Four:Bounceman
  • Lafitte – Blackbeard Pirates
  • Van Ogre – Blackbeard Pirates
  • Doc Q – Blackbeard Pirates
  • Hyouzou – Fish-Man Pirate Bodyguard
  • Daruma – Deep-Sea Fish-Man
  • Dosun – Deep-Sea Fish-Man
  • Machvise – Super-Weight-Man
  • Machvise – Diamante Officer
  • Cat Viper – Whale Forest Guardian
  • Cat Viper:King of the Night – Whale Forest Guardian
  • Baby 5 – Divine Attire
  • Baby 5 – Whimsical Kimono
  • Rob Lucci – Beckoning Kimono
  • Rob Lucci – Silken Seam
  • Monet – Snow Personified
  • Vergo – Navy G-5 Base Leader
  • Caesar Clown – King of the Land of the Dead
  • Vegapunk Dragon (Small)
  • Buffalo – Donquixote Pirates Fighter
  • Baby 5 – Donquixote Pirates Servant/Assassin
  • Kuzan – Ex-Naval HQ Top Force
  • Giolla – Art-Woman
  • Giolla – Trebol Army
  • Brook – Psychedelic Art
  • Smoker – Wild Lone Wolf
  • Smoker – Isolated Lone Wolf
  • Hina – Graceful Honor Student
  • Hina – Polite Honor Student
  • Tashigi – Kendo Daredevil
  • Tashigi – Dreaming Kendo Girl
  • Boa Hancock – Girl Warrior
  • Boa Hancock – Princess’s Glance
  • Trafalgar Law – Boy from Flevance
  • Trafalgar Law – Boy Driven by Destiny
  • Rebecca – Parasol Rhythm
  • Rebecca – Rainbow Melody
  • Madam Sharley – Owner of the Mermaid Cafe
  • Camie – Mermaid Cafe
  • Pappagu – The Criminal Brand President/Superstar Designer
  • Shishilian – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Full-Power Shishilian – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Diamante – Flapping Flag Man
  • Diamante – Top Donquixote Family Officer
  • Vinsmoke Sanji
  • Vinsmoke Sanji – Germa Kingdom
  • Fighting Fish
  • Don Chin Jao – Chin Jao Family
  • Hajrudin – Giant Mercenary
  • Fujitora – Navy HQ Admiral
  • Spartan
  • Donquixote Pirate Crew – Low-Level Fighter
  • Donquixote Pirate Crew – Low-Level Berserker
  • Donquixote Pirate Crew – Low-Level Specialist
  • Donquixote Pirate Crew – Low-Level Scout
  • Donquixote Pirate Crew – Low-Level Spy
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Straw Hat-Heart Pirate Alliance
  • Eustass Kid – Supernova of the South Blue
  • Captain Kid – Supernova of the South Blue
  • Wire
  • Heat
  • Lucy – Corrida Coliseum C-Block Mystery Gladiator
  • Lucy – Corrida Coliseum C-Block Up-and-Comer
  • Kyros – Undefeated Gladiator
  • Kyros – Riku Royal Army Commander
  • Portgas D. Ace – Darkness-Slaying Sun
  • Red-Haired Shanks – Emperor
  • Trafalgar Law – People of the “D”
  • Lucy – Star of Corrida Coliseum
  • Lucy – Victor of the Corrida Coliseum
  • Mr. Diamante – Hero of Corrida Coliseum
  • Diamante – Dressrosa King’s Family
  • Jesus Burgess – Corrida Coliseum A-Block Champion
  • Jesus Burgess – Assassin in the Birdcage
  • Cavendish – Corrida Coliseum D-Block White Horse
  • Cavendish – Rebel in the Birdcage
  • Bartolomeo – Corrida Coliseum B-Block Cannibal
  • Bartolomeo – Rebel in the Birdcage
  • Koala – Undercover Revolutionary
  • King Neptune, The Sea God
  • King Neptune, The Sea God – King of the Ryugu Kingdom
  • Fukaboshi – Neptune Brothers First Son
  • Fukaboshi – Three Strongest Royal Soldiers
  • Ben Beckman – Red-Hair Pirates First Mate
  • Ben Beckman – Red-Hair Emperor’s Right-Hand Man
  • Koala – Under the Cherry Trees
  • Koala – Cherry Lips
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Big Dreams in a Small Flask
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Spring View on Winter Island
  • Sugar – Hobby-Hobby Fruit User
  • Sugar – Trebol Army Leader
  • Trebol – Stick-Stick Fruit User
  • Trebol – Top Donquixote Family Officer
  • Dellinger – Fighting-Fish Blood Heir
  • Dellinger – Diamante Fighter
  • Lao G. – Geo-Fist User
  • Lao G. – Diamante Officer
  • Hody Jones – Rampaging “Holy Warrior”
  • “Buddha” Sengoku – Supreme Commander of the Navy
  • General Franky
  • General Franky – Iron Pirate
  • Roronoa Zoro – East Blue Pirate
  • Roronoa Zoro – East Blue Master Swordsman
  • Buggy the Clown – Unbeatable Chop-Chop Man
  • Captain Buggy – Unbeatable Chop-Chop Man
  • Dracule Mihawk – The Man Who Sits Atop the World’s Swordsmen
  • Hawk Eyes Mihawk – The Man Who Sits Atop the World’s Swordsmen
  • Monkey D. Garp – Hero of the Navy
  • Garp the Fist – Hero of the Navy
  • Blue Gilly, Longleg Tribe
  • Blue Gilly, Longleg Tribe – Jiaokungdo Martial Artist
  • The Funk Brothers, Assassins
  • Abdullah and Jeet – Hardened Criminals
  • Vinsmoke Judge
  • Vinsmoke Judge – Science Military Germa 66
  • Vinsmoke Reiju
  • Vinsmoke Reiju – Science Military Germa 66
  • Vinsmoke Ichiji
  • Vinsmoke Ichiji – Science Military Germa 66
  • Vinsmoke Niji
  • Vinsmoke Niji – Science Military Germa 66
  • Vinsmoke Yonji
  • Vinsmoke Yonji – Science Military Germa 66
  • Rebecca
  • Byrnndi World – More-More Fruit User
  • Byrnndi World – World Destroyer
  • Akainu:Neo
  • Akainu:Neo – Magma Man
  • “Samurai” Kin’emon
  • “Samurai” Foxfire Kin’emon
  • Gin – Battle Commander of the Pirate Armada
  • Raizo – Wano Country Ninja
  • Raizo of the Mist – Wano Country Ninja
  • Squard – Traitorous Son
  • Whirl Spider Squard – Traitorous Son
  • Akainu – Trembling Calamity
  • Sakazuki – Trembling Calamity
  • Edward Newgate – Whitebeard Pirates Captain
  • Whitebeard – Whitebeard Pirates Captain
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – Country’s Future Hanging by a Thread
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – Plot to Destroy the World
  • Wanda – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Wanda:Kingsbird – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Carrot – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Carrot:Kingsbird – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Leo – Brave and Gallant Dwarf
  • Leo the Warrior – Brave and Gallant Dwarf
  • Kin’emon:Neo
  • Foxfire Kin’emon:Neo
  • Luffy’s Break Time
  • Luffy’s Tea Party
  • Chopper’s Break Time
  • Chopper’s Tea Party
  • Sanji’s Break Time
  • Sanji’s Tea Party
  • Arlong – Arlong Pirates Captain
  • Saw-Tooth Arlong – Arlong Pirates Captain
  • Blenheim – Whitebeard’s Ninth Division Commander
  • Bartolomeo – Captain of the Barto Club Pirates
  • Man-Eating Bartolomeo – Captain of the Barto Club Pirates
  • Hawk Eyes Mihawk – Black Blade:Night
  • Zoro the Pirate Hunter – Straw Hat Pirates:Born Again
  • Fujitora – The International Military Draft’s New Admiral
  • Issho – New Naval HQ’s Strongest
  • Trafalgar Law – In the Wake of an Endless Dream:Heart Pirates
  • Trafalgar Law – A Vow in the Great Age of Pirates:Freedom
  • Tyrant Bartholomew Kuma:Neo – Government Human Weapon
  • Tyrant Bartholomew Kuma:Neo
  • Brook’s Break Time
  • Brook’s Tea Party
  • King Riku
  • Riku Doldo III
  • Tank Lepanto
  • Scarlet
  • Silvers Rayleigh – Old Man Watching Over the New Age
  • Dark King Rayleigh – Old Man Watching Over the New Age
  • Nico Robin – Accomplice of the Revolution
  • Nico Robin – Slicing Winds Captor
  • Gladius – Blast to Capture Slicing Winds
  • Gladius – Blast to Capture Slicing Winds
  • Cavendish – White Night
  • Cavendish – White Christmas Knight
  • Caribou – Next-Generation Supernova
  • Wet-Haired Caribou – Next-Generation Supernova
  • Coribou – Next-Generation Supernova
  • Blood Splatter Coribou – Next-Generation Supernova
  • Foxy – Donut Race Meddler
  • Foxy – Coward in Combat
  • Porche – Flower Cheerleaders
  • Porche – Cutie Baton User
  • Killer:Neo – Kid Pirates
  • Massacre Soldier Killer:Neo – Kid Pirates
  • Senor Pink – Donquixote Family Fighter Brigade
  • Sugar – Donquixote Family Special Powers Team
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – Donquixote Family Boss
  • Heavenly Demon Doflamingo – Donquixote Family Boss
  • Scratchmen Apoo – Supernova
  • “Roar of the Sea” Scratchmen Apoo – Supernova
  • “Red Flag” X Drake – Supernova
  • X Drake – Supernova
  • Coby – Supply Ship Officer
  • Coby – Navy HQ Captain
  • Pica – Dressrosa King’s Family
  • Pica – Top Donquixote Family Officer
  • Senor Pink – Dressrosa King’s Family
  • Senor Pink – Watchdog of the Underworld
  • Sugar – Dressrosa King’s Family
  • Sugar – Donquixote Family’s Key Figure
  • Trebol – Dressrosa King’s Family
  • Trebol – Special Officer’s Guardian
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – Current King of Dressrosa
  • Heavenly Demon Doflamingo – Ruler of the Birdcage
  • Man-Eating Bartolomeo – Straw Hat Pirate Fleet:Sons’ Cups
  • Sanji – Pirate with Stage Outfit
  • Sanji – Prince with Stage Outfit
  • Senor Pink – Free Swimmer
  • Senor Pink – Real Man’s Fight
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Enemy of the Gods
  • Monkey D. Luffy:Gear Four – Enemy of the Gods
  • Eneru – Skypiea’s One and Only Kami
  • Kami Eneru – Skypiea’s One and Only Kami
  • Gedatsu – Vassal of Skypiea
  • “Sky Boss” Gedatsu – Vassal of Skypiea
  • Eneru:Neo – 200,000,000 Volt Amaru
  • Eneru, Lightning Incarnate:Neo – 200,000,000 Volt Amaru
  • Urouge – Supernova
  • “Mad Monk” Urouge – Supernova
  • Basil Hawkins – Supernova
  • “Magician” Basil Hawkins – Supernova
  • Franky – Straw Hat Pirates’ Secret Weapon
  • Franky – Super Weapon from a Future Land
  • Marshall D. Teach – The Darkness that Challenges the Sun
  • Blackbeard – The Darkness that Challenges the Sun
  • Thatch – Dual-Wielding Swordsman Clutching Darkness
  • Twin-Blade Thatch – Soul Mourned by Flame
  • Portgas D. Ace – Flame for a Fallen Soul
  • Fire Fist Ace – Flame for a Fallen Soul
  • Perona – Ruins of the Muggy Kingdom
  • Ghost Princess Perona – Ruins of the Muggy Kingdom
  • Dracule Mihawk – Ruins of the Muggy Kingdom
  • Hawk Eyes Mihawk – Ruins of the Muggy Kingdom
  • Nico Robin – Void Century Archaeologist
  • Nico Robin – Successor to the Will of Ohara
  • Koala – Be My Valentine
  • Koala – You’re My Valentine
  • Nami – Be My Valentine
  • Nami – You’re My Valentine
  • Carrot – Be My Valentine
  • Carrot – You’re My Valentine
  • Shirahoshi – Be My Valentine
  • Shirahoshi – You’re My Valentine
  • Sir Crocodile – After the Dream of Utopia
  • Caesar Clown – Lord of Gas
  • Master Caesar – Lord of Gas
  • Boa Sandersonia – Runaway Slave
  • Boa Marigold – Runaway Slave
  • Boa Hancock – Runaway Slave
  • Boa Sandersonia – Kuja Warrior
  • Boa Sandersonia – Second Gorgon Sister
  • Boa Marigold – Kuja Warrior
  • Boa Marigold – Third Gorgon Sister
  • Pedro – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Treetop Pedro – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Boa Hancock – Be My Valentine
  • Boa Hancock – You’re My Valentine
  • Miss Valentine – Be My Valentine
  • Miss Valentine – You’re My Valentine
  • Sabo – Bitter Refinement
  • Sabo – Sweet Dignity
  • Vinsmoke Reiju – Germa Resurrection Plan
  • Vinsmoke Reiju – Germa Resurrection Plan:Masterpiece
  • Vinsmoke Sanji – Germa Resurrection Plan
  • Vinsmoke Sanji – Germa Resurrection Plan:Failure
  • Basil Hawkins – Stoic Fortune Teller
  • Basil Hawkins the Magician – Practitioner of Curses
  • X Drake:Neo – Drake Pirates
  • Red Flag X Drake:Neo – Drake Pirates
  • Oars – Reborn Legend
  • Devil Oars – Reborn Legend
  • Doctor Hogback – Zombie Artist
  • Marco – Protector of His Will
  • Marco the Phoenix – Protector of His Will
  • Little Oars Jr. – Breaking Through the Barricade
  • “Charging!” Little Oars Jr. – Breaking Through the Barricade
  • Monkey D. Garp – Steadfast Vice Admiral
  • Garp the Fist – Suffering Hero
  • Coby – Vigilance Stretched Thin
  • Petty Officer Coby – The Decision to Fight
  • Knight of the Sea Jinbe – Straw Hat Luffy’s Conspirator
  • Trafalgar Law – Former Warlord of the Sea
  • Little Oars Jr. – Whitebeard Pirates Family
  • “Charging!” Little Oars Jr. – Whitebeard Pirates Family
  • Silvers Rayleigh – Master of Haki
  • Dark King Rayleigh – Master of Haki
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Kung Fu Training
  • Monkey D. Luffy – To Become a True Kung Fu Master
  • Jewelry Bonney – Supernova
  • Big Eater Jewelry Bonney – Supernova
  • Capone Bege – Supernova
  • Capone Gang Bege – Supernova
  • Nami – Summer Excitement
  • Nami – Summer Adventure
  • Pica – Stone-Assimilation Man
  • Pica – Stone Giant
  • Shark-Slicer Bastille
  • Headcracker Doll
  • Kuween
  • Shanks – Emperor Who Rewards Courage
  • Red-Haired Shanks – Emperor Who Will Change the World’s Fate
  • Bartholomew Kuma – Warlord Who Crushes Hope
  • Bartholomew Kuma – The Promised Tyrant
  • Monet – Woman Who Attacks the Weak
  • Monet – Snow Woman Who Challenges a Wild Beast
  • Rob Lucci – Dark Justice-Upholding Weapon
  • Rob Lucci – Dark Justice-Abiding Beast
  • Vander Decken IX – Deep-Sea Pirate
  • Vander Decken IX – To My Beloved Princess
  • Wadatsumi – Crewmember of the Flying Pirates
  • Wadatsumi, the Giant Monk – Crewmember of the Flying Pirates
  • Diamante:Neo – Flapping Flag Man
  • Diamante:Neo – Top Donquixote Family Officer
  • Marco – Whitebeard’s “Son”
  • Marco the Phoenix – Whitebeard’s “Son”
  • Vista – Whitebeard’s “Son”
  • Flower Sword Vista – Whitebeard’s “Son”
  • Jewelry Bonney – New World Challenger
  • Big Eater Jewelry Bonney – Captive Supernova
  • Shanks – Pirate with a Straw Hat
  • Red-Haired Shanks – Pirate with a Straw Hat
  • Makino
  • Makino – Tavern Proprietor
  • Mr. 5 – Human Dynamite
  • Mr. 5 – Officer Agent, Baroque Works
  • Mr. Store
  • Jesus Burgess – Blackbeard Pirates
  • Borsalino – Navy HQ Powerhouse
  • Buggy the Genius Jester
  • Akainu – Fateful Struggle to the Death
  • Sakazuki – Fateful Struggle to the Death
  • Aokiji – Fateful Struggle to the Death
  • Kuzan – Fateful Struggle to the Death
  • Hina – Prison that Prevents Rescue
  • Black Cage Hina – Prison that Prevents Rescue
  • Sengoku – One Who Leads the Way to Victory
  • Buddha Sengoku – One Who Leads the Way to Victory
  • Brannew – Information for Justice
  • Brannew – Arguing Against Absolute Justice
  • Luffy &Ace – Battlefield Reunion
  • Luffy &Ace – High Seas’ Pirate
  • Boa Hancock – Beautiful Snake Princess
  • “Empress” Boa Hancock – Beautiful Snake Princess
  • Edward Newgate – Memories from Before the Great Era of Piracy
  • “Whitebeard” Edward Newgate – Memories from Before the Great Era of Piracy
  • Ben Beckman – Harbor Town Pirate
  • Lucky Roux – Harbor Town Pirate
  • Yasopp – Harbor Town Pirate
  • Koala – Corruption-Hunting Revolutionary
  • Koala – Corruption-Exposing Revolutionary
  • Monkey D. Luffy – I Can’t Eat Any More
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Gear Four:Tankman
  • Ben Beckman – Light-Stopping Gun Barrel
  • Ben Beckman – Light-Threatening Gun Barrel
  • Scratchmen Apoo – Light-Shaking Sound
  • “Roar of the Sea” Scratchmen Apoo – Light-Shaking Sound
  • Kizaru – Lightspeed Chaser
  • Kizaru – Turbulent Flash
  • Neptune – Great Knight of the Sea
  • King Neptune, The Sea God – Great Knight of the Sea
  • Don Krieg – Admiral of the Pirate Armada
  • Don Krieg – East Blue Overlord
  • Charlotte Katakuri
  • Charlotte Katakuri – Big Mom Pirates Sweet 3
  • Charlotte Brulee
  • Charlotte Brulee – Big Mom Pirates
  • Charlotte Amande
  • Charlotte Amande – Big Mom Pirates
  • Bobbin
  • Bobbin – Big Mom Pirates
  • Charlotte Oven
  • Charlotte Oven – Big Mom Pirates
  • Charlotte Brulee – Brulee’s Forces
  • Randolph – Brulee’s Forces
  • Aristocroc – Brulee’s Forces
  • Diesel – Brulee’s Forces
  • Gecko Moria – Nightmare of Shadows
  • Gecko Moria – Undead Army Leader
  • Monkey D. Garp – Pirate King’s Arch-Nemesis
  • Garp the Fist – Pirate King’s Arch-Nemesis
  • Emporio Ivankov – New Kama:A New Human
  • Emporio Ivankov – God of Queens
  • Jozu – Sand-Proof Diamond
  • Diamond Jozu – Sandstorm-Resistant Diamond
  • Mr. 1 – The Blade that Creates Utopia
  • Sir Crocodile – Thirst-Inducing Escapee
  • Sir Crocodile – Thirst-Inducing Pirate
  • Vinsmoke Ichiji – Germa Resurrection Plan:Masterpiece
  • Vinsmoke Niji – Germa Resurrection Plan:Masterpiece
  • Vinsmoke Yonji – Germa Resurrection Plan:Masterpiece
  • “Garuda” Vinsmoke Judge – Science Military Germa 66
  • “Poison Pink” Vinsmoke Reiju – Science Military Germa 66
  • “Sparking Red” Vinsmoke Ichiji – Science Military Germa 66
  • “Electric Blue” Vinsmoke Niji – Science Military Germa 66
  • “Winch Green” Vinsmoke Yonji – Science Military Germa 66
  • Bohemian Knight Doma – Whitebeard Pirate Family
  • Charlotte Opera
  • Charlotte Opera – Big Mom Pirates
  • Mr. Diamante
  • Mr. Diamante – Victory-Hindering Enemy
  • Rebecca – Beautiful Gladiator Wishing for Power
  • Rebecca – “The Princess Who Never Was” Aiming for Victory
  • Pica:Neo
  • Pica:Neo – Donquixote Pirates
  • Magellan – Judgment of Hell
  • Pekoms – Former Mokomo Dukedom Resident
  • Pekoms – Returning Home
  • Zeff – Baratie Owner
  • Zeff – The Ferocious Fighting Cooks’ Caretaker
  • Charlotte Pudding – Deceitful Tears
  • Charlotte Pudding – Wicked Woman
  • Baron Tamago – Gentlemanly Knight
  • Baron Tamago – Pedro’s Arch-Rival
  • Vinsmoke Sanji – Germa Kingdom’s Sacrifice
  • Vinsmoke Sanji – Germa Kingdom’s Savior
  • Charlotte Cracker
  • Thousand-Armed Cracker
  • Dogstorm – Mokomo Dukedom’s Greatest Warrior
  • Dogstorm:King of the Day – Mokomo Dukedom’s Greatest Warrior
  • Shishilian – Mokomo Dukedom’s Dogstorm Musketeers Captain
  • Full-Power Shishilian – Mokomo Dukedom’s Dogstorm Musketeers Captain
  • Shirahoshi – Deep Sea Mermaid
  • Shirahoshi – Midsummer Mermaid
  • Jack
  • Jack the Drought
  • Baby 5 – Crush on Sai
  • Baby 5 – Proposal from Sai
  • Sai – Man Who Fights Baby 5
  • Sai – Don Who Makes a Vow to Baby 5
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Sanji – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Nami – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Franky – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Usopp – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Straw Hat Luffy – Straw Hat Pirates Captain
  • Straw Hat Luffy – The Hope of Dressrosa
  • Marshall D. Teach – Traitor of the World Government
  • Blackbeard – Eye of the Storm Heralding a New Era
  • Fleet Admiral Sakazuki
  • Fleet Admiral Sakazuki – Supreme Commander of the Navy
  • Eustass Kid – Emperor-Seeking Worst Generation
  • Eustass Kid – Red-Hair-Seeking Worst Generation
  • Dalton – Drum Island Civilian Guard
  • ChoBro
  • Sweets Country ChoBro
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Gum-Gum Power’s Potential
  • Straw Hat Luffy – Gum-Gum Power’s Potential
  • Nami – Navigator Mapping the World
  • Nami – Cat Burglar Conning the World
  • Carrot – Cute Rabbit in the Forest of Sweets
  • Carrot – Rabbit in the Forest of Sweets
  • Brook – Whole Cake Chateau Intruder
  • Soul King Brook – Whole Cake Chateau Intruder
  • Pedro – Soul King’s Ally
  • Pedro – Soul King’s Friend
  • Roronoa Zoro – Swordsman Cutting Through the New World
  • Roronoa Zoro – Master Swordsman Felling the New World
  • Roronoa Zoro – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Brook – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Nico Robin – Let’s Go to the Pirate Festival!
  • Sanji – Celebrate the Long Cruise
  • Sanji – Celebrate the Exciting Cruise
  • Vinsmoke Reiju – Celebrate the Long Cruise
  • Vinsmoke Reiju – Celebrate the Exciting Cruise
  • Charlotte Linlin
  • Charlotte Linlin – Great Pirate “Big Mom”
  • Tashigi – Smoker’s Right Hand
  • Tashigi – Haki-Wielding Swordswoman
  • Boa Hancock:Neo – Kuja Pirates Captain
  • Empress Boa Hancock:Neo – Kuja Pirates Captain
  • Trebol – The Heavenly Demon’s Strategist
  • Jesus Burgess – Brawny Power-User-Hunting Captain
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – “Joker”
  • The Cat Viper
  • The Cat Viper – Guardian of the Whale Forest
  • Roddy – Whale Forest Guardian
  • BB – Whale Forest Guardian
  • Kami Eneru – Ascent to the Endless Varse
  • Killer – Linchpin of the Alliance
  • Massacre Soldier Killer – Linchpin of the Alliance
  • Sanji – Hollow Groom
  • Sanji – Until Death Do Us Part
  • Pudding – False Bride
  • Pudding – Until Death Do Us Part
  • Cora – Law’s Sympathizer
  • Boa Hancock – Marineford at War:Pirate Empress
  • Boa Hancock – Marineford in Chaos:Pirate Empress
  • Dracule Mihawk – Marineford at War:Master Swordsman
  • Hawk Eyes Mihawk – Marineford in Chaos:Master Swordsman
  • Kizaru – Marineford at War:Admiral
  • Borsalino – Marineford in Chaos:Admiral
  • Strawberry – Marineford at War:Vice Admiral
  • Strawberry – Marineford in Chaos:Vice Admiral
  • Whitebeard &Marco – Paramount War Frontline
  • Whitebeard &Marco – Paramount War Fierce Battle
  • Blackbeard – Warlord of the Sea
  • Blackbeard – Former Warlord of the Sea
  • Eneru – Divine Providence of Skypiea
  • Kami Eneru – Divine Providence of Skypiea
  • Duke Dogstorm
  • Duke Dogstorm – Mokomo Dukedom
  • Whitebeard – Great Pirate Who Created an Age
  • Whitebeard – Voiceless Rage
  • Charlotte Linlin – Queen of Totto Land
  • Big Mom – Emperor
  • Big Mom – Emperor Suffering from Hunger Pangs
  • Soul King Brook – Promise to a Friend
  • Soul King Brook – Soul’s Special Live Performance
  • Charlotte Smoothie
  • General Smoothie – Big Mom Pirates
  • Charlotte Perospero
  • Perospero – Eldest Son of the Charlotte Family
  • Charlotte Cracker – Knight of Biscuits
  • General Cracker – Big Mom Pirates
  • Charlotte Daifuku
  • Daifuku – Third Son of the Charlotte Family
  • Nefeltari Vivi – Vivi’s Adventure
  • Nefeltari Vivi – Princess Coming of Age
  • Capone “Gang” Bege – Big Mom Pirate Family Member
  • Jack – Emperor Kaido’s Right-Hand Man
  • Pound
  • Pound – Father of Lola and Chiffon
  • Kingbaum
  • Homies
  • Dracule Mihawk – Master Swordsman
  • Portgas D. Ace – Spade Pirates
  • Higuma – Wanted Man
  • Higuma – Leader of the Mountain Bandits
  • Shanks – Toast to the New Era
  • Red-Haired Shanks – Toast to the New Era
  • Baron Tamago – Knight of the Big Mom Pirates
  • Viscount Hiyoko – Knight of the Big Mom Pirates
  • Count Niwatori – Knight of the Big Mom Pirates
  • Sengoku – Navy HQ Admiral
  • Buddha Sengoku – Navy HQ Admiral
  • Jinbe – Sun Pirates Captain
  • Knight of the Sea Jinbe – Sun Pirates Captain
  • Aladdin – Sun Pirates Former Ship Doctor
  • Aladdin – Sun Pirates First Mate
  • Charlotte Praline
  • Charlotte Praline – 21st Daughter of the Charlotte Family
  • Wadatsumi – Sea Spirit
  • Wadatsumi, the Giant Monk – Sea Spirit
  • Hatchan – Fish-Man District Ruffian
  • Hatchan – Opening of the Feast
  • Camie – Mermaid Cafe Waitress
  • Camie – Straw Hat Pirate Sympathizer
  • Hody Jones – The Hatred in the Fish-Man District
  • Hody Jones – A Monster Born from His Environment
  • Vinsmoke Judge – King of Germa
  • “Garuda” Vinsmoke Judge – King of Germa
  • Buggy – Warlord of the Sea
  • Buggy the Genius Jester – Warlord of the Sea
  • Vivi – Little Witch:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Vivi – Princess Witch:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Sanji – Secret Son of the Vinsmoke Family
  • Franky – Cyborg Built to Realize the Dreams of Every Man
  • Moria – Shadowy Lantern:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Rayleigh – Demon Lord:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Perona – Ghost Nurse:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Hancock – Sexy Bat:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Hancock – Love-Love Bat:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Katakuri – Big Frankenstein:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Katakuri – Greedy Frankenstein:Midnight Halloween Parade
  • Charlotte Oven – Minister of Baking
  • Charlotte Oven – Fourth Son of the Charlotte Family
  • Ryuma – General Zombie Samurai
  • Master Swordsman Ryuma – General Zombie Samurai
  • Capone “Gang” Bege – Big Mom Pirate Family Member:Fighter “Rook”
  • Capone “Gang” Bege – Collaborator in the Emperor Assassination Plan
  • Charlotte Chiffon – Bege’s Wife
  • Charlotte Chiffon – Collaborator in the Emperor Assassination Plan
  • Gastino – Gangster
  • Gastino – Collaborator in the Emperor Assassination Plan
  • “Phantom Gun” Vito – Firetank Pirates
  • “Phantom Gun” Vito – Collaborator in the Emperor Assassination Plan
  • Gotti – Firetank Pirates
  • Gotti – Collaborator in the Emperor Assassination Plan
  • Charlotte Amande – Third Daughter of the Charlotte Family
  • Charlotte Amande – The Mad Moiselle
  • Bobbin – The Disposer
  • Usoland – Hero of the Tontattas
  • Usoland – Leader of Operation S.O.P.
  • “Garuda” Vinsmoke Judge
  • Vinsmoke Yonji – Fourth Son, Vinsmoke Family
  • Vinsmoke Niji – Second Son, Vinsmoke Family
  • Makino – Kindness for the Three Brothers
  • Tsuru – Watchful Great Advisor
  • Conis – Angel Unafraid of Judgment
  • Sabo – Determination to Protect a Brother
  • Iceburg – Encouraging Senior Disciple
  • Vinsmoke Judge – Head of the Vinsmoke Family
  • Vinsmoke Judge – Germa 66 Generalissimo
  • Mother Carmel
  • Mother Carmel – Mother of the House of Lambs
  • Hajrudin – Young Giant Warrior
  • Streusen – Cook-Cook Fruit User
  • Sanji – Departure from the Vinsmokes
  • Cavendish – Gentleman of White Day
  • Cavendish – Daydream of White Day
  • Sanji – Springtime Porter
  • Sanji – Handmade Memento
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Gear Four:Snakeman
  • Charlotte Katakuri – Serious Battle
  • Charlotte Katakuri – A Man’s Battle
  • Charlotte Flampe
  • Charlotte Flampe – President of the Katakuri Fan Club and Kamikaze Captain
  • Charlotte Montd’Or
  • Charlotte Montd’Or – Minister of Cheese &19th Son of the Charlotte Family
  • Gourmet Knight Streusen
  • Gourmet Knight Streusen – Big Mom Pirates, Head Chef
  • Dogstorm – Feast of Reconciliation
  • Cat Viper – Feast of Reconciliation
  • Dogstorm &Cat Viper – Clashing Kings
  • Dogstorm &Cat Viper – Antagonistic Kings of Day and Night
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Jumping Point
  • Ikaros Much – Deep-Sea Fish-Man Pirate
  • Ikaros Much – Rebel Fish-Man Pirate
  • Kaido
  • Kaido, King of the Beasts
  • Eustass Kid – Problematic Pirate Alliance
  • Basil Hawkins – Problematic Pirate Alliance
  • Scratchmen Apoo – Problematic Pirate Alliance
  • Pedro – Former Captain of the Nox Pirates
  • Treetop Pedro – Former Captain of the Nox Pirates
  • Charlotte Compote – Minister of Fruit
  • Charlotte Perospero – Minister of Candy
  • Mascarpone and Joscarpone
  • Stussy – Queen of the Pleasure District
  • Stussy – CP-AIGIS 0
  • Charlotte Opera – Fifth Son of the Charlotte Family
  • Charlotte Opera – Minister of Cream
  • Charlotte Bavarois
  • Charlotte Bavarois – Big Mom Pirates
  • Charlotte Galette
  • Charlotte Galette – Big Mom Pirates
  • Carrot – Mink Tribe’s True Form
  • Carrot – Wondrous White Sulong
  • Wanda:Kingsbird – Welcoming the Saviors
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Holy Night Reindeer
  • Nico Robin – Christmas Surprise
  • Cat Viper – King of the Holy Night
  • Sora – Warm Smile
  • Vinsmoke Ichiji – Germa Kingdom Eldest Son
  • Vinsmoke Ichiji – Germa 66 Crimson Flash
  • Vinsmoke Niji – Germa Kingdom Second Son
  • Vinsmoke Niji – Germa 66 Azure Spark
  • Vinsmoke Yonji – Germa Kingdom Fourth Son
  • Vinsmoke Yonji – Germa 66 Jade Arm
  • Vinsmoke Reiju – Germa Kingdom Eldest Daughter
  • Vinsmoke Reiju – Germa 66 Peach Poisonous Fang
  • Sanji &Judge – Destiny of Father and Son
  • Sanji &Judge – Parting of Father and Son
  • Charlotte Pudding – Devilish Swimsuit
  • Charlotte Pudding – Summer Sweets
  • Princess Shirahoshi – Promise of Reunion
  • Charlotte Cracker – General Who Manipulates Biscuit Warriors
  • Charlotte Cracker – Thousand-Armed Attacks
  • Jinbe – Tea Party Intruder
  • Pound – Blessing for a Daughter
  • Franky – Stag Beetle Robot
  • Franky – Franky Tank
  • Rebecca – Lively Summer Girl
  • Rebecca – Beach Sunflowers
  • Dagama – Tactician’s Orders
  • Orlumbus – Grand Fleet Commodore Dignity
  • Cavendish – Beautiful Captain Gathering Popularity
  • Cavendish – Beautiful Captain Fulfilling the Demands of Fame
  • Suleiman – Passenger of the Beautiful Pirates
  • Bartolomeo &Cavendish – Bickering Rebels
  • Bartolomeo &Cavendish – Man-Eater and Nobleman Fighting Together
  • Ideo – Two-Time Champion of the New World Central MMA League
  • Destruction Cannon Ideo – Two-Time Champion of the New World Central MMA League
  • Hajrudin – Spear of Elbaph
  • Hajrudin the Pirate Mercenary – Spear of Elbaph
  • Elizabello II – King’s Fist Smashing a Giant Arm
  • The Fighting King, Elizabello II – King’s Fist Smashing a Giant Arm
  • Sai – Don Winning the Heart of Baby 5
  • Sai – Don Repaying a Debt to His Crew
  • Corazon – Plan to Save Law
  • Trafalgar Law – 13 Year Wait
  • Dracule Mihawk – Strongest Master in the World
  • Dracule Mihawk – Secret Teachings of the Master Swordsman
  • Roronoa Zoro – Strongest Swordsman’s Pupil
  • Roronoa Zoro – A Glimpse of a Master Swordsman
  • Mr. 1 – Human Sword Assassin
  • Mr. 1 – Baroque Works’ Assassin
  • Hyouzou – Steroid and Booze Junkie
  • Hyouzou – Junkie’s Awakening
  • Kaku – CP9’s Greatest Swordsman
  • Kaku – Giraffe Swordsman
  • Ryuma – Zombie General Swordsman
  • Ryuma – Legendary Samurai
  • Charlotte Pudding – Flip-Flopping Emotions
  • Charlotte Pudding – Memory Flashback
  • Kin’emon – Servant of the Kozuki Clan
  • Kin’emon – Tattoo of the Kozuki Clan Crest
  • Charlotte Oven – Red-Hot Encirclement Blocking the Path of Retreat
  • Mystoms – Mysterious Masked Man Helping the Escape
  • Charlotte Daifuku – Big Mom Pirates
  • Charlotte Daifuku – Puff-Puff Fruit Lampman
  • Helmeppo – Navy HQ Sergeant
  • Helmeppo, Friend to Courage – Navy HQ Sergeant
  • Magellan – Venom-Venom Fruit User
  • Jail Chief Warden Magellan – Venom-Venom Fruit User
  • Usopp &Chopper – Ex-Weakling Duo
  • Luffy &Law – Those Who Destroy the Facade of Peace
  • Luffy &Law – Miracle-Making Generation
  • Zeus &Prometheus &Big Mom – Those With Souls on Another Level
  • Zeus &Prometheus &Big Mom – The Leaders of the Land of Souls
  • Portgas D. Ace – Celebrate the Long Cruise
  • Portgas D. Ace – Celebrate the Wonderful Cruise
  • Perona – Celebrate the Long Cruise
  • Perona – Celebrate the Wonderful Cruise
  • Mr. 0 &Miss All Sunday – Leaders of Baroque Works
  • Mr. 0 &Miss All Sunday – Rulers of the Desert
  • Lucci &Kaku – Users of Unimaginable Techniques
  • Lucci &Kaku – CP9:Enforcers of Dark Justice
  • Ivankov &Bon Clay – Impel Down’s New Kama
  • Ivankov &Bon Clay – New Kama Cheering for a Miracle
  • Smoker &Tashigi – G-5’s Commanders
  • Smoker &Tashigi – G-5’s Trusted Commanders
  • ChoBro &Carrot – In the Mirro-World
  • Doflamingo &Trebol – Those Who Create a Facade of Peace
  • Doflamingo &Trebol – Those Who Pull the Strings Behind Dressrosa
  • Sengoku – Fatherly Buddha
  • Rockstar
  • Yasopp – Red-Hair Pirates Officer
  • Lucky Roux – Red-Hair Pirates Officer
  • Nami – Cat Burglar Swindling the New World
  • Boa Hancock – Straw Hat Luffy’s Supporter
  • Kaido – Supreme Commander of the Animal Kingdom Pirates
  • Kaido – The Strongest Creature Alive
  • Jack – In Control of Kuri
  • Jack – Town-Menacing Duel
  • Holdem
  • Holdem – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Headliner
  • Speed
  • Speed – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Headliner
  • Whitebeard – End of the Long Journey
  • Evening Shower Kanjuro – Samurai from 20 Years in the Past
  • Raizo of the Mist – Ninja from 20 Years in the Past
  • Foxfire Kin’emon – Samurai from 20 Years in the Past
  • Basil Hawkins – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Headliner
  • Basil Hawkins the Magician – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Headliner
  • Condoriano
  • Law &Chopper – Dynamic Doctor Duo
  • Local Sea Monster – Man-Eating Monster
  • Buggy – An Unlikely Alliance
  • Sir Crocodile – Behind the Unlikely Alliance
  • Ace:Flame Wolf – Happy Halloween!
  • Ace:Trickster Flame Wolf – Happy Halloween!
  • Koala:Devilish Red Riding Hood – Happy Halloween!
  • Koala:Charitable Red Riding Hood – Happy Halloween!
  • Reiju:Bride of Halloween Night – Happy Halloween!
  • Reiju:Bride of Halloween – Happy Halloween!
  • Doflamingo:Halloween Night Walker – Happy Halloween!
  • Luffy:Demon Lord – Happy Halloween!
  • Luffy:Halloween Night Demon Lord – Happy Halloween!
  • Charlotte Galette – Army of Vengeance
  • Charlotte Galette – Minister of Butter
  • Charlotte Poire
  • Montd’Or – Bookkeeper
  • Sabo:Grim Reaper – Happy Halloween!
  • Sabo:Halloween Scythe-Wielding Grim Reaper – Happy Halloween!
  • Oars – Moria’s Servant
  • Devil Oars – Moria’s Servant
  • Katakuri – Strongest of the Sweet 3 Generals
  • Nico Robin – Umbrella Under a Shower of Stars
  • Nami:Orange Witch – Happy Halloween!
  • Nami:Halloween Night Orange Witch – Happy Halloween!
  • Arlong – Ruler of Coco Village
  • Miss Doublefinger – Battle in the Alley Behind Medi Assembly Hall
  • Kalifa – Bubble Master
  • Shanks – The Approaching Promised Time
  • Red-Haired Shanks – The Approaching Promised Time
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Fifth Emperor
  • Eustass Kid – Unyielding Loser
  • Capone “Gang” Bege – Gang’s Way of Life
  • Magellan – All-Consuming Master of Poison
  • Magellan – He Who Sends Souls to Hell
  • Caesar Clown – False God of Salvation
  • Master Caesar – False God of Salvation
  • Komurasaki
  • Komurasaki the Oiran
  • Onami
  • Onami – Newbie Kunoichi
  • Otama
  • Otama – Girl from Amigasa Village
  • Okiku
  • Okiku – Samurai
  • Carrot – Will-Bearing Sulong
  • Otsuru
  • Kin’emon – Watchful Samurai
  • Napping Kyoshiro
  • Orobi
  • Orobi – Geisha
  • Kozuki Momonosuke
  • Chopperemon
  • Chopperemon – Ninja
  • Bonekichi
  • Bonekichi – Ghost
  • Coby &Helmeppo – Shining Rookies of Navy HQ
  • Monet – White Christmas Party
  • Shirahoshi – White Christmas Party
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Long-Awaited Christmas
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Long-Awaited Present
  • Wapol – Holy Night Ruckus
  • Kureha &Hiriluk – Famed Doctors of Drum Island
  • Charlotte Brulee – Little Sister Taking Care of Her Brother
  • Franosuke – Breaking News! Wanted Poster of Luffytaro
  • Orobi – Breaking News! Wanted Poster of Luffytaro
  • Usohachi – Breaking News! Wanted Poster of Luffytaro
  • Zorojuro – Breaking News! Wanted Poster of Luffytaro
  • Luffytaro &Zorojuro – Land of Wano Visitor
  • Luffytaro &Zorojuro – Land of Wano Savior
  • Sangoro
  • Soba Mask
  • Franosuke
  • Franosuke – Carpenter
  • Usohachi
  • Usohachi – Toad-Oil Salesman
  • Carrot – Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance
  • Carrot:Kingsbird – Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance
  • Okiku – Teahouse Waitress
  • Okiku – Teahouse Beauty
  • Shutenmaru – Chief, Atamayama Thieves Brigade
  • Sabo:Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff – The True Identity of Flame-Flame Fruit Winner Lucy
  • Otama – Bestest Birthday Ever
  • Otsuru – Teahouse Owner
  • Tenguyama Hitetsu
  • Sangoro – Special Soba
  • Trafalgar Law – Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance
  • Eustass Kid – The Shining Stars of the Prison Yard
  • Basil Hawkins – He Who Follows the Powerful
  • X Drake – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Tobi Roppo
  • Marco &Ace – Dual Flames of the Whitebeard Pirates
  • Sengoku:Neo – Navy HQ Fleet Admiral
  • Akainu – Critical Moment of an Era
  • Underground Alias, Joker – Donquixote Doflamingo
  • Underground Broker, Joker – Donquixote Doflamingo
  • Violet – Princess of Betrayal
  • Corazon – Six Months of Grief
  • Perona – Watchful Princess
  • Perona – Attentive Princess
  • Nami &Robin – The Lovely Ladies of the Straw Hat Crew
  • Nami &Robin – Break Time for the Lovely Ladies
  • Charlotte Pudding – Love and Determination
  • Charlotte Pudding – Love and Separation
  • Tashigi – Captain’s Kindness Towards Children
  • Lady Alvida – The Clown’s Partner
  • Lady Alvida – The Genius Jester’s Partner
  • Carrot – Bath Time Wonderland
  • Big Eater Jewelry Bonney – Captain of the Bonney Pirates
  • Mansherry – Dande-Donor Request
  • Sugar – Defeating the Hero
  • Baby 5 – The Arms-Arms Fruit’s Full-Body Weapon
  • Rebecca &Viola – Princesses of Dressrosa
  • Trafalgar Law – Alliance to Change the Land of Wano
  • Trafalgar Law – Alliance to Liberate the Land of Wano
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Alliance to Challenge the Dragon
  • Sabo – Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff in Kimono
  • Sabo – Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff as a Samurai
  • Arlong Pirates – Invaders of the East Blue
  • Arlong Pirates – Pirates of the Superior Race
  • Red-Hair Pirates – Pirates Making Merry at the Feast
  • Red-Hair Pirates – Pirates Fighting for Their Friends
  • Krieg &Gin – Survivors From the Grand Line
  • Krieg &Gin – Rulers of the East Blue
  • Klahadore &Django – Secret Assassination Plot
  • Kuro &Django – Captains of the Black Cat Pirates
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Dawn of Adventure
  • Roronoa Zoro – Number 1, the Promise Keeper
  • Usopp – Number 3, the Village Protector
  • Sanji – Number 4, Searching for the Miracle Sea
  • Nami – Number 2, the Seeker of Aid
  • Buggy Pirates – Clowns Seeking Great Treasure
  • Marco the Phoenix – Blue-Flamed Mythical Beast
  • Komurasaki – Oiran with the Kitsune Mask
  • Straw Hat Pirates – Youths Embarking on a Dream
  • Miss All Sunday – Flower-Flower Fruit User
  • Mr. 0 – Duel in the Underground Temple
  • Unluckies
  • Cipher Pol
  • Cipher Pol
  • Mihawk &Perona – Residents of the Ruins of the Muggy Kingdom
  • Mihawk &Perona – Rulers of the Ruins of the Muggy Kingdom
  • Silvers Rayleigh – Guidance for a New Era
  • Dark King Rayleigh – Guidance for a New Era
  • Emporio Ivankov – The Cook’s Many Trials
  • Emporio Ivankov – The Cook’s Natural Enemy
  • Heracles – Glinston’s Open Air Classroom
  • Heracles – Glinston Forest’s Hero
  • Bartholomew Kuma – Rampage on Sabaody Archipelago
  • Bartholomew Kuma – Protecting the Ship on Sabaody Archipelago
  • Jinbe – Battle Between Wounded Allies
  • Shirahoshi – Commitment to Protecting an Island
  • Lucy – Corrida Coliseum Finals Battle Royale
  • Big Mom – Grieving Emperor
  • “Garuda” Vinsmoke Judge:Neo
  • Vander Decken IX – Proof of a Twisted Love
  • Hody Jones – Coup d’Etat of Betrayal
  • Camie – Many Friends
  • Nami – Celebrate the Astonishing Cruise
  • Otama – Bonding with Komachiyo
  • Diamond Jozu – Ice-Shattering Diamond
  • Cat Viper – Stubborn King of the Night
  • Marshall D. Teach – Emperor
  • Charlotte Katakuri – Future-Reading Haki
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – Soaring Demon
  • Eneru – Merciless Lightning
  • Kami Eneru – Merciless Lightning
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Future-Confronting Bullet
  • Sabo – Brotherly Bond
  • Sabo – Fiery Bond
  • Trafalgar Law – Life’s Meaning
  • Trafalgar Law – Life’s Desire
  • Boa Hancock – Affection for Straw Hat Luffy
  • Boa Hancock – Dedication to Straw Hat Luffy
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – Hope-Crushing Heavenly Demon
  • Charlotte Katakuri – Future-Controlling Haki
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Celebrate the Astonishing Cruise
  • Blackbeard – Emperor
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Future-Surpassing Python
  • Dogstorm – Reunion Duel
  • Borsalino – Mighty Flash
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Celebrate the Astonishing Cruise
  • Carrot – Awakened True Nature:Sulong
  • Fujitora – Flame-Cutting Gravity
  • Kaido – Deity Who Protects the Land
  • Kaido:Neo – Deity Who Protects the Land
  • Mr. 0 – Combat With No Rules
  • König
  • Cavendish – Beautiful Noble of the Coliseum
  • Fleet Admiral Sakazuki – Evil-Burning Justice
  • Flames of Anger Burning
  • Luffy &Hancock – Alliance Formed for the Sake of Training
  • Sandersonia &Marigold – The Snake-Snake Fruit Sisters
  • Marguerite – Straw Hat Luffy’s Savior
  • Grandma Nyon
  • Belo Betty – During the Revolutionary Army Strategy Meeting Break
  • Koala – During the Revolutionary Army Strategy Meeting Break
  • Basil Hawkins – Subordinate to the Dragon
  • Basil Hawkins the Magician – Subordinate to the Dragon
  • Eustass Kid – Dragon-Challenging Young Captain
  • Eustass Kid – Dragon-Challenging Magnetic Captain
  • X Drake – Former Drake Pirates
  • “Red Flag” X Drake – Former Drake Pirates
  • Page One
  • Page One – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Tobi Roppo
  • Garp the Fist – Grandfather of the Future King of the Pirates
  • Soba Mask – Phantom of the Germa 66
  • Toko – Girl from the Capital
  • Kyoshiro – Mercy Towards the Guilty
  • Gyukimaru
  • Okiku – Teahouse Girl with a Secret
  • Zorojuro – Straw-Splitting Sword
  • Rob Lucci – Penetrating Dark Justice
  • Portgas D. Ace – Strength of Unyielding Flames
  • Big Mom – Angry Emperor
  • Charlotte Katakuri – General Barring the Way
  • Charlotte Perospero – Lick-Lick Fruit Candyman
  • Sugar – Shocked Creator of Toys
  • Sugar – Queen of Toys
  • Smoker – Sailor with an Unwavering Sense of Justice
  • Smoker the White Hunter – Sailor with an Unwavering Sense of Justice
  • Caesar Clown – Gas-Gas Fruit User
  • Master Caesar – Gas-Gas Fruit User
  • Jewelry Bonney – Worst Generation in Hiding
  • Big Eater Jewelry Bonney – Worst Generation in Hiding
  • Emporio Ivankov – Engineer of the Human Body
  • Emporio Ivankov – Miraculous Engineer of the Human Body
  • “Dark King” Silvers Rayleigh – Old Soldier Watching Over the Next Generation
  • Blackbeard – Darkness Writhing in Hell
  • Bartholomew Kuma – Willingly Taking on Hell
  • Gecko Moria – Nightmare of 1,000 Shadows
  • Gyukimaru on Bandit’s Bridge
  • Stussy – Behind-the-Scenes Dark Justice
  • Vinsmoke Reiju – The Science Military’s True Worth
  • Vinsmoke Ichiji – The Science Military’s True Worth
  • Vinsmoke Niji – The Science Military’s True Worth
  • Vinsmoke Yonji – The Science Military’s True Worth
  • Boa Hancock – Time Off on the Beach
  • Boa Hancock – Vacation on the Evening Beach
  • Rebecca – Royal Time Off
  • Rebecca – Royal Vacation
  • Nico Robin – Time Off in the Shade
  • Nico Robin – Nighttime Vacation on the Beach
  • Viola – Royal Time Off
  • Viola – Royal Vacation
  • Charlotte Pudding – Charlotte Family Vacation
  • Charlotte Linlin – Charlotte Family Vacation
  • Whitebeard – At the Top, but Not on the Throne
  • Charlotte Flampe – Charlotte Family Vacation
  • Knight of the Sea Jinbe – Return of the Ritual Cup
  • Alvida – Elegantly Enjoying the Festival
  • Buggy – Flashily Enjoying the Festival
  • Hatchan – Takoyaki Shop Manager:Neo
  • Kami Eneru – Deity Seeking the World of Dreams
  • Orochi
  • Kaku – CP-AIGIS 0
  • Conis – The Girl Who Defies a God
  • Calgara &Noland – Ringing the Bell of Promise
  • Nefeltari Vivi – Princess at the Summer Festival
  • Nefeltari Vivi – Princess Enjoying the Summer Festival
  • Perona – Ghost Princess at the Summer Festival
  • Perona – Ghost Princess Enjoying the Summer Festival
  • Nami &Sanji – Cheery Summer Festival
  • Orobi &Bonekichi – Straw Hats Undercover
  • Sangoro &Franosuke – Straw Hats Undercover
  • Zorojuro &Chopperemon – Straw Hats Undercover
  • Onami &Usohachi – Straw Hats Undercover
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Number 5, His Heart Healed
  • Nico Robin – Number 6, Her Wish Shouted Aloud
  • Sakazuki – Uncompromised Determination and Justice
  • Akainu – Uncompromised Determination and Justice
  • Kozuki Oden
  • Kozuki Oden – Heir to the Shogun of Wano
  • Gol D. Roger
  • Gol D. Roger – Captain of the Roger Pirates
  • Dogstorm – Country-Protecting King of the Day
  • Dogstorm – Drought-Repelling King of the Day
  • Kaido – Creature Who Rules the Animal Kingdom
  • Cat Viper – Country-Protecting King of the Night
  • Cat Viper – Drought-Repelling King of the Night
  • Crocus – Lighthouse Keeper
  • Crocus – Waiting at the Cape to Fulfill a Promise
  • Rayleigh – Old Soldier at the Auction House
  • Dark King Rayleigh – Unexpected Ambush
  • Buggy – Menace of Orange Town
  • Shanks – Pirate Who Protects His Friends
  • Edward Newgate – Great Pirate
  • Moria &Perona – Beginning of the Nightmare
  • Mihawk:Lord of the Night – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Mihawk:Lord of the Never-Ending Night – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Law:Midnight Doctor – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Law:Midnight Lord – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Hancock:Midnight Party – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Hancock:Queen of the Midnight Party – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Buggy:Mischievous Jester – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Buggy:Mischievous Jester of Terror – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Shanks:Moon Knight – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Shanks:Moon Knight King – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Beckman:Evening Respite – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Yasopp:Sharpshooter in the Night – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Crocodile:Ruler of the Night – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Robin:Sweet Night – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Page One – Rampaging Spinosaurus
  • Kid:Banquet of Fear – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Oars – Destructive Power of the Continent Puller
  • Sanji:Halloween Dinner – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Chiffon:Sweet Mother – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Big Mom:Sweet Halloween Night – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Pudding:Sweet Witch – Happy Spooky Halloween!
  • Okiku – The Masked Swordswoman
  • ChoBro – A Delicious World of Cake
  • Carrot – A Wonderland of Cake
  • Soul King Brook – A Musician Who Fights With Soul
  • Luffy &Sanji – One-Sided Duel
  • Luffy &Sanji – A Joint Struggle Underpinned by Trust
  • Nami – Farewell Slap
  • Nami – A Welcoming Embrace
  • Capone Bege – Invitation to the Tea Party
  • Capone “Gang” Bege – Assassination Plot at the Tea Party
  • Capone “Gang” Bege – Immovable Fortress
  • Usoland – The Sniper’s Path
  • Sweet 3 Generals – Big Mom’s Children
  • Sweet 3 Generals – Big Mom’s Powerful Children
  • Perospero – Troublesome Candy
  • Pedro – Feud from Five Years Ago
  • Charlotte Custard – Sweet Party!
  • Germa 66 – Science Military
  • Germa 66 – Science Military Seeking Revenge
  • Katakuri – The Final Battle
  • Big Mom – Emperor on the Hunt
  • Flampe – Disdain for a Gross Brother
  • Perospero – Surviving the Explosion
  • Count Niwatori – Feud from Five Years Ago
  • Mystoms – Mystery Savior
  • Aladdin – Last Bastion
  • Jinbe – Attack From the Sea
  • Sakazuki &Borsalino – Strength of the Most Powerful
  • Petty Officer Coby:Neo
  • Sengoku – Former Navy HQ Fleet Admiral
  • Franky – The Greatest Transformation of All Time
  • Leo &Wicca &Cub
  • Kaido VS Big Mom – Emperors in Conflict
  • Kaido VS Big Mom – The Two Threats
  • King – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Lead Performer
  • King the Wildfire – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Lead Performer
  • Queen – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Lead Performer
  • Queen the Plague – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Lead Performer
  • Jack – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Lead Performer
  • Jack the Drought – Animal Kingdom Pirates, Lead Performer
  • Onami &Shinobu – Two Charming Kunoichi
  • Otama – Meal Served to a Benefactor
  • Luffytaro – Prisoners’ Hope
  • Old Man Hyo
  • Dobon – Excavation Labor Camp Vice Warden
  • Eustass Kid – Unyielding Prisoner
  • Drake – An Ancient Threat
  • Blackbeard – World Usurping Power
  • Hitokiri Kamazo
  • Trafalgar Law – Troubles Ahead
  • Bepo &Shachi &Penguin
  • Zorojuro – Three-Sword Style Ronin
  • Caesar Clown – Master of Experiments
  • Charlotte Daifuku – Summoning the Genie
  • Shutenmaru – Samurai Who Lost the Chance for a Meaningful Death
  • Gecko Moria – Lord of Shadows
  • Coby – White Christmas Night
  • Hina – Dazzling Night
  • Vivi &Rebecca – Joyous Dinner Party
  • Vivi &Rebecca – Joyous White Christmas
  • Shirahoshi &Mansherry – Blissful Gift Exchange
  • Shirahoshi &Mansherry – Christmas Tree Decorated by Two
  • Neptune – Santa Claus Getting Ready
  • Neptune – Fully-Prepared Santa Claus
  • Leo – Warrior Anticipating the Party
  • Leo – Warrior Watching Over the Party
  • Franosuke – Carpenter Supporting the Soba Cook
  • Basil Hawkins – Foretelling the Future
  • Monkey D. Garp – An Indulgent Christmas
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Delinquent Kids’ Christmas
  • Ace – Delinquent Kids’ Christmas
  • Sabo – Delinquent Kids’ Christmas
  • Franky – Number 7, the Wish Fulfiller
  • Brook – Number 8, the Promise Keeper
  • Mariejois Guard Soldier
  • Peachbeard
  • Stelly – King of Goa
  • Rob Lucci – CP Agent Performing his Duties
  • Roronoa Zoro – Cage-Escaping Black Blade
  • Sanji &Pudding – Exciting Collaboration
  • Sanji &Pudding – Done! A Special Cake!
  • Charlotte Chiffon – For My Family, With Love
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Becoming the Miracle Cure
  • Nico Robin – Blooming Beauty
  • Bege &Pez – A Night to Enjoy With My Boy
  • Cavendish – Nobleman of Love
  • Bartolomeo – Worth Risking One’s Life For
  • Hiyori – Mysterious Beauty
  • Otoko – Girl on the Run
  • Hawkins – Plan-Sabotaging Headliner
  • Lucy – Unexpected Champion
  • Trafalgar Law – Trapped Heart
  • Toy Soldier &Rebecca
  • Eneru – Kami Who Controls Through Fear
  • Zorojuro – Swordsman Missing a Katana
  • Zorojuro – Fearsome Ronin
  • Kaido – Imposing Emperor
  • Kaido – Destructive Club
  • Kamazo
  • Hitokiri Kamazo – Assassin of Orochi
  • Gyukimaru – Warrior-Monk Waiting for an Opening
  • Gyukimaru – Warrior-Monk Reminiscing
  • Kami Eneru – Overwhelming Power of the Kami
  • Olin – Emperor with Amnesia
  • Sangoro – Beauty Before One’s Very Eyes
  • Franosuke – Beauty Before One’s Very Eyes
  • Usohachi – Beauty Before One’s Very Eyes
  • Chopperemon – Shocking Encounter
  • Otama – Unrelenting Advance
  • Komurasaki – Graceful Beauty
  • Queen – Rampaging Brachiosaurus
  • Onami &Orobi – Brave Women in Wano
  • Carrot – Carrot-Carrying Rabbit
  • King – Incoming Pteranodon
  • Perospero – Candy Entering Enemy Territory
  • “Samurai” Foxfire Kin’emon:Neo
  • Charlotte Montd’Or – Totto Land’s Forces of Rage:Neo
  • Boa Hancock – Pursued Former Seven Warlords of the Sea
  • Buggy – Pursued Former Seven Warlords of the Sea
  • Dracule Mihawk – Pursued Former Seven Warlords of the Sea
  • Edward Weevil – Pursued Former Seven Warlords of the Sea
  • Luffytaro – Prepared to Die
  • X Drake – Allosaurus’ Power
  • Bonekichi – The Ghostly Skeletal Apparition
  • Sanji – Joy-Giving Wedding Cake
  • Hawk Eyes Mihawk – Teachings of the Greatest Swordsman in the World
  • Ace VS Akainu – Fire and Magma
  • Ace VS Akainu – Clashing Explosion
  • Jozu – Diamond Body
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Rookie Joining the Fray
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Saving His Older Brother
  • Aokiji – Navy HQ Admiral’s Composure
  • Kuzan – Quake-Hindering Ice
  • Sengoku – Last Bastion
  • Buddha Sengoku – Cunning Officer on the Move
  • Diamond Jozu – Withstanding the World’s Strongest Slash
  • Mr. 1 &Miss Doublefinger
  • Mr. 3 &Miss Goldenweek
  • Mr. 4 &Miss Merry Christmas
  • Mr. 5 &Miss Valentine
  • Luffy &Ace – Brothers in Battle
  • Kizaru – Justice Confronting Evil
  • Monkey D. Garp – Between Evil and Justice
  • Onigumo – Justice Confronting Evil
  • Kawamatsu the Kappa
  • Whitebeard – Raging Monster
  • Crocodile – Sand Entering the Battlefield
  • Hannyabal – Pride of the Under Warden
  • Onami – Alluring Ninja
  • Marco – Dancing Blue Flame
  • Nami – Mind of a Cook
  • Tony Tony Chopper – Mind of a Shipwright
  • Franky – Mind of a Navigator
  • Sanji – Mind of a Ship Doctor
  • Shiryu – Traitorous Head Jailer
  • San Juan Wolf
  • Vergo – Returning Fear
  • Rebecca – Dance Initiate
  • Nefeltari Vivi – Dance Initiate
  • Nefeltari Vivi – Dancing Princess
  • Portgas D. Ace – Detective on the Case
  • Portgas D. Ace – Scorching Detective
  • Marco – Detective on the Case
  • Marco – Blue-Flamed Detective
  • Koala – Treasure-Hunting Bandit
  • Koala – Brilliant Bandit in the Shadows
  • Sabo – Treasure-Hunting Bandit
  • Sabo – Dynamic Head-On Bandit
  • Lafitte – Fifth Ship Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates
  • Shiryu – Second Ship Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates
  • Van Ogre – Unmatched Sniper
  • Doc Q – Lucky Man
  • Firetank Pirates – Familial Bonds
  • Firetank Pirates – Gang Protecting His Family
  • Vinsmoke Judge – Electrifying Garuda
  • Brook – Soul King’s Hidden Strength
  • Charlotte Cracker – Terror of Infinite Biscuits
  • Charlotte Katakuri – Overwhelming Power of Mochi
  • Jewelry Bonney – Big Eater Joining the Fray
  • Jewelry Bonney – Full Control of Age
  • Basil Hawkins – Worst Generation’s Alliance Talks
  • X Drake – Red Flag Remembering the Past
  • Cavendish – Elegant Swordsman on a White Horse
  • Bartolomeo – Bull Charging Towards His Dream
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Inherited Flame
  • Rebecca – Dancing Daughter of a Hero
  • Scratchmen Apoo – Worst Generation’s Alliance Talks
  • Smoker – Striking a Warlord of the Sea
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Captain Carrying On His Brother’s Will
  • Nami – Navigator Who Manipulates the Weather
  • Shinobu – Companion on the Path of Thorns
  • Urouge – Battles With the Sweet Generals
  • Kaido &Big Mom – Worst Alliance Ever
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Pirate Within the Storm
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Competing Captains
  • Trafalgar Law – Pirate Within the Storm
  • Trafalgar Law – Competing Captains
  • Eustass Kid – Pirate Within the Storm
  • Eustass “Captain” Kid – Competing Captains
  • Killer – Pirate Within the Storm
  • Roronoa Zoro – Pirate Within the Storm
  • Jinbe – Straw Hat Pirates’ Helmsman
  • Shirahoshi – Celebrate the Fabulous Cruise
  • Rebecca – Celebrate the Fabulous Cruise
  • Reiju – Celebrate the Fabulous Cruise
  • Koala – Celebrate the Fabulous Cruise
  • Kuja Pirates
  • Kuja Pirates – Hardened Female Pirates
  • Ace &Sabo – Brothers in Kimono
  • Ace &Sabo – Raging Flame and Dragon
  • Komurasaki – Oiran’s Finale
  • Whitebeard VS Shanks – Discussion of the Emperors
  • Whitebeard VS Shanks – Broken Negotiation
  • Marco – Flame of Passion and Healing
  • Marco – Sky Soaring Phoenix
  • Ben Beckman – First Mate’s Repose
  • Vista – Advancing Flower Sword
  • Rockstar – Red-Hair Pirates (Newcomer)
  • Blackbeard – Duel at Banaro Island
  • Dracule Mihawk – Engaging the Fleet
  • General Cracker – True Identity of the Hardened Warrior
  • Dark King Rayleigh – Evenly Matched Battle
  • Charlotte Smoothie – Sweet Party!
  • Charlotte Flampe – Sweet Party!
  • Charlotte Brulee – Sweet Party!
  • Sanji – MUGIWARA 56
  • Sanji – Blue Suit Cook
  • Roronoa Zoro – MUGIWARA 56
  • Monkey D. Luffy – MUGIWARA 56
  • Tony Tony Chopper – MUGIWARA 56
  • Nami – MUGIWARA 56
  • Germa 66 – True Power of Science
  • Brook – MUGIWARA 56
  • Nico Robin – MUGIWARA 56
  • Usopp – MUGIWARA 56
  • Franky – MUGIWARA 56
  • King – Soaring Pteranodon
  • King the Wildfire – Soaring Pteranodon
  • Queen – Super Heavyweight Class Brachiosaurus
  • Queen the Plague – Super Heavyweight Class Brachiosaurus
  • Kurozumi Kanjuro – Traitorous Samurai
  • Orochi – Imperturbable Shogun
  • Denjiro – Overrated Samurai
  • Ashura Doji – Akazaya Samurai
  • Yamato
  • Sasaki – Tobi Roppo Assembled
  • Ulti &Page One
  • Ulti &Page One – Engaging a Dangerous Opponent
  • Black Maria – Tobi Roppo Assembled
  • Who’s-Who – Tobi Roppo Assembled
  • Gaban
  • Drake – Tobi Roppo Assembled
  • Yamato – Son of Kaido
  • Charlotte Oven – Burning Will
  • Ryuma – Resurrected Samurai of Wano
  • Helmeppo – Stunning Swords Play
  • Kikunojo – Akazaya Samurai
  • Raizo – Akazaya Samurai
  • Kaido – Intercepting Dragon
  • Kawamatsu – Akazaya Samurai
  • Monkey D. Luffy – Straw Hat in Disguise
  • Robin:Halloween Avatar of the Night – Night of Halloween
  • Jinbe – Helmsman in Disguise
  • Toki &Momonosuke &Hiyori
  • Toki &Momonosuke &Hiyori – Entrusted Future
  • Kin’emon – Confronting the Betrayer
  • Jack – Rampaging Drought
  • Jack the Drought – Trampling Disaster
  • Olin – Emperor in Preparation
  • Olin the Oiran
  • Rebecca:Halloween Sweets Party – Night of Halloween
  • Toy Soldier:Neo – Thunder Soldier
  • Buggy’s Delivery
  • Straw Hat Pirates – ONE PIECE 1000 LOGS
  • Reiju – Summer Night Vacation
  • Reiju – Poolside Butterfly at Night
  • Vivi – Summer Night Vacation
  • Vivi – Poolside Flower at Night
  • Belo Betty – Summer Night Vacation
  • Koala – Summer Night Vacation
  • Sabo – Inherited Red Flame
  • Master Caesar – Monstrous Scientist
  • Kizaru – A Light Shining Over Absolute Justice
  • Borsalino – A Light Shining Over Absolute Justice
  • Gecko Moria – Man who Controls the Shadows
  • Sir Crocodile – Sand of Dehydration
  • Monkey D. Luffy – The One to Defeat the Dragon
  • Rob Lucci – CP-0 on Guard Duty
  • Rob Lucci – Full-Force Blow
  • Stussy – CP-0 on Guard Duty
  • Hancock:Flirtatious Halloween – Night of Halloween
  • Hancock:Sweet Flirtatious Halloween – Night of Halloween
  • Perona:Halloween Princess – Night of Halloween
  • Perona:Halloween Ghost Princess – Night of Halloween
  • Shirahoshi:Ocean Halloween Party – Night of Halloween
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – Clash of the Color of Conqueror
  • Donquixote Doflamingo – Condemnation of the God
  • Charlotte Katakuri – Taking Head-On Against the Mighty Foe
  • Charlotte Katakuri – Decisive Strike
  • Hody Jones – Threat of the Fish-Man
  • Caesar Clown – No Oxygen Hell
  • Bonney:Halloween Buffet Banquet – Night of Halloween
  • Soba Mask – Vanishing Warrior
  • Shinobu &Momonosuke – Death-Risking Rescue
  • Robin &Jinbe – Steadfast Duo
  • Robin &Jinbe – Archaeologist and Helmsman
  • Nami &Usopp – Preparation for a Grand Battle
  • Nami &Usopp – Climate Control and Sniping Combined
  • Kaido &Lead Performers – Animal Kingdom Pirates
  • Kaido &Lead Performers – Greatest Army in the World
  • Orochi – Irate Shogun
  • Kaku – CP-0 on Guard Duty
  • Tashigi – Captain Watching the Summer Festival
  • Makino – Proprietor Running the Summer Festival
  • Hina – Black Cage Watching the Summer Festival
  • Stussy – Elegant CP Agent Enjoying the Summer Festival
  • Gecko Moria – Fierce Fight Until Dawn
  • Hyogoro the Flower
  • Mr. 2 Bon Clay – Kama Twirling Through Hell
  • Prisoner:Buggy the Clown:Neo – Prison Break Alliance
  • Emporio Ivankov – New Kama Shining in Hell
  • Don Krieg – Responding with Brute Force
  • Krieg Pirates
  • Zorojuro &Sangoro
  • Shanks &Buggy
  • Rayleigh &Gaban
  • Roger &Newgate – Clash of the Mighty
  • Luffy &Straw Hat Pirates – Start of a Full-Scale War
  • Kozuki Oden – Samurai Challenging the Dragon
  • Portgas D. Ace – Waiting on the High Seas
  • Admiral Sengoku – Cunning Officer Upholding Justice in the Great Era of Piracy
  • Bartholomew Kuma – All Repelling Paws
  • Streusen – Chef Who Leads a Life of Fluff
  • Smoothie – Sweet General Blocking the Path
  • Arlong – Threat of Fish-Men
  • Bartholomew Kuma – Destination of the Repel
  • Coby – Young Man Rising Through the Ranks
  • Ohm – Fierce Aerial Fight
  • Roronoa Zoro – Swordsman in Disguise
  • Sanji – Cook in Disguise
  • Nami – Navigator in Disguise
  • Brook – Musician in Disguise
  • Karasu:Halloween Crow – Night of Halloween
  • Morley:Zombie-Filled Halloween Night – Night of Halloween
  • Koala:Halloween Night Party – Night of Halloween
  • Koala:Rowdy Halloween Party – Night of Halloween
  • Sir Crocodile – He Who Forgives Everything
  • Sir Crocodile – Ruler of the Kingdom of Sand
  • Rob Lucci – Six Powers Taken to the Extreme
  • Kin’emon – With His Liege
  • Denjiro – With His Liege
  • Otsuru – Waitress
  • Dracule Mihawk – Unreachable Strength
  • Nico Robin – Archeologist in Disguise
  • Chopper &Usopp – Ship Doctor and Sniper in Disguise
  • Franky – Shipwright in Disguise
  • Viola:Halloween Dance Party – Night of Halloween
  • Buggy – Battle at Orange Town
  • Captain Kuro of the Thousand Plans – Battle on the Hill
  • Marshall D. Teach – Rising to the Seat of Emperor
  • Blackbeard – Threat of Darkness and Tremors
  • Groggy Monsters
  • Mr. 2 Bon Clay – Friend of the Straw Hats
  • Caesar Clown – Ruler of the Land of the Dead
  • Emporio Ivankov – Surprising Entrance
  • Wapol – True Power of the Munch-Munch Fruit
  • Tashigi – Furious Captain
  • Kami Eneru – Omnipotent Kami of Lightning
  • Portgas D. Ace – Memories of the Land of Wano
  • Sabo – Cups of the Three Brothers
  • Marco – Azure Bird Arriving in Wano
  • Dogstorm – Flash in the Moonlit Night
  • Cat Viper – Vicious Sulong in the Moonlight
  • Roddy &BB – Guardian Sulongs
  • Dogstorm Three Musketeers – Guardian Sulongs
  • Dalton – Raging Bison
  • Jack – Dragon-Defending Drought
  • Queen – Terrifying Ice Oni
