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DOP 2:Walkthrough zum Löschen eines Teils


DOP 2 ist ein Puzzle- und Einzelspieler-Videospiel, das von SayGames für Mobilgeräte wie Android entwickelt wurde und iOS . Es ist die Fortsetzung von DOP:Draw One Part und bietet eine Reihe neuer Levels und herausfordernde Rätsel, die es zu lösen gilt. Um ein Rätsel zu lösen, muss der Spieler ein Teil entfernen. Das Spiel scheint einfach zu spielen, aber schwer zu meistern. Mit der intuitiven Steuerung können Sie Ihren Finger über den Bildschirm ziehen, um einen bestimmten Teil der Zeichnung zu löschen und zu sehen, was sich dahinter verbirgt.

Ähnlich wie das Vergrößerungsglas eines Detektivs übernimmt Ihr Radiergummi eine wichtige Rolle, um die verborgenen Geheimnisse hinter den Kulissen zu lüften. Kurz gesagt, das Spiel ist voller Überraschungen und niemand weiß, was er unter der Oberfläche entdecken wird. Hier ist eine DOP 2:Delete One Part Walkthrough Guide um Ihnen zu helfen, alle Ebenen abzuschließen. Klicken Sie auf die folgenden Links, um unsere Löschgeschichte zu lesen , Gehirnwäsche und Brain Up Walkthroughs.

Herausfordernde Denksportaufgaben

Wie oben erwähnt, scheint das Spiel einfach zu spielen, aber schwer zu meistern. Sie müssen nichts tun, außer Ihren Finger zu ziehen, um einen Teil zu löschen. Um Lösungen für alle DOP 2-Stufen zu finden, müssen Sie Ihr Denken über den Tellerrand hinausziehen. Es gibt Hunderte von lustigen Levels und jedes hat ein einzigartiges Rätsel, das es zu lösen gilt. Versuchen Sie beim Spielen des Spiels, unerwartete Tricks zu entdecken, die sich hinter jedem Bild verbergen.

DOP 2 Walkthrough Guide

Stürzen Sie sich in das einfache und unterhaltsame Gameplay, indem Sie mit Ihrem Finger über den Bildschirm wischen, um bestimmte Teile der Zeichnung zu löschen und zu entwirren, was sich darunter befindet. Das Spiel erfordert, dass Sie Hunderte von Levels voller Denksportaufgaben untersuchen, und kein Level gleicht dem anderen. Jedes Level ist so konzipiert, dass es Ihr Gehirn dazu anregt, ein Problem auf eine neue Art und Weise zu lösen. Für die Lösung der ersten 50 Level lesen Sie unser DOP 2:Delete One Part Anleitung Anleitung.

DOP 2 Level 1 Lösung – Rasiere mich!

Das erste Level dreht sich um einen Mann mit einem riesigen Bart. Es ist ein Tutorial-Level und das Spiel selbst wird den Bereich hervorheben, den Sie entfernen müssen, um es abzuschließen.

DOP 2 Level 2 Lösung – Machen Sie die Blume glücklich

Im zweiten Level von DOP 2 können Sie sehen, dass die Blume stirbt, und Ihre Aufgabe ist es, eine Lösung zu finden, um sie glücklich zu machen. Das Entfernen der Wolke kann Ihnen helfen, das Eis zu schmelzen und der Blume Wasser zuzuführen.

DOP 2 Level 3 Lösung – Wo ist das Geld?

Denken Sie über den Tellerrand hinaus, um die Antwort auf die Frage „Wo ist das Geld“ zu finden. Ziehen Sie Ihren Finger, um die Schließfachtür auf Ihrer linken Seite zu entfernen, um viel Bargeld zu finden.

DOP 2 Level 4 Lösung – Beschwöre einen Dschinn

Es gibt eine schmutzige Lampe und Sie müssen den Staub mit Ihrer Löschkraft entfernen. Es wird dir auch helfen, einen Dschinn zu beschwören.

DOP 2 Level 5 Lösung – Was macht er?

Das Spiel zeigt ein Bild eines Tieres, das seine Hände ins Wasser steckt und Kleidung zu beobachten scheint. Ziehen Sie Ihren Finger über das Wasser, um zu sehen, was das Tier tut.

DOP 2 Level 6 Lösung – Finden Sie einen Rocker

Wenn Sie Level 6 erreichen, zeigt Ihnen das Spiel ein Bild eines britischen Soldaten, fordert Sie jedoch auf, einen Rocker (Rockstar) zu finden. Löschen Sie die Uniform des Soldaten, um einen anderen Charakter auszugraben.

DOP 2 Level 7 Lösung – Verwenden Sie Ihre Vorstellungskraft

In Level 7 können Sie einen Jungen sehen, der vor einem Spiegel steht. Löschen Sie den Spiegel, um die Fantasie des Jungen zu sehen.

DOP 2 Level 8 Lösung – Helfen Sie mit, ein Selfie zu machen

Ein Mann aus der Steinzeit versucht ein Selfie zu machen, hat aber leider keine Kamera. Sie sollten ihm helfen, ein Selfie zu machen, aber wie? Löschen Sie den Stein, um ein Mobiltelefon zu entwirren.

DOP 2 Level 9 Solution – What’s with the Biker

It seems a man is riding a bike on the backside of the wooden wall. You are invited to reveal the truth behind the wall. Drag your finger across the wall to see what the man is doing there.

DOP 2 Level 10 Solution – Who Stole a watermelon?

At this level, your goal is to be a cop and investigate the scene to capture a thief who has stolen watermelons. Drag your finger across the woman’s pink shirt to unravel the watermelons.

DOP 2 Level 11 Solution – Remove the lenses

A cute girl is standing ahead of you, asking for your help to remove her lenses. Surely, it can be done by dragging your finger across her eyes to erase the makeup.

DOP 2 Level 12 Solution – Prevent the Ejection

A boy is trying to take a pic of his friend, but the screen goes red. You must find a solution to prevent ejection. Drag your finger across the red screen to solve the puzzle.

DOP 2 Level 13 Solution – Make a Surgery

It’s time to be a doctor and do surgery as a bringer. The game features three different tools, but you have to use your erasing power to delete one part for the completion of the puzzle. Find a line amidst the bringer and delete that part to solve the puzzle.

DOP 2 Level 14 Solution – Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

A mirror is hidden with a cloth because of that a woman can’t see herself in the mirror. Erase the cloth to see how the woman looks like.

DOP 2 Level 15 Solution – Adjust the Focus

The game displays a camera in a boy’s hand with a blurred screen. Drag your finger across the blurred screen to make it clear.

DOP 2 Level 16 Solution – Find a Christmas tree

It doesn’t seem after looking that the game has featured any tree in the given scene, but removing the back of the beast may help you unravel trees.

DOP 2 Level 17 Solution – Amuse the Builder

A man is standing on the road trying to dig, but the game tasks you with finding a builder. Delete the machine to unravel a builder.

DOP 2 Level 18 Solution – Fulfill her Dream

A lady is washing clothes while reading a book. She seems upset and needs someone’s help to make her dreams true. Remove the washing machine’s cover to turn it into a flight mirror.

DOP 2 Level 19 Solution – Help the Bus to Drive Through

There is a tunnel and the game features a double-decker bus that can’t go through the tunnel. Remove the tunnel won’t bring any solution to your puzzle. Try to delete the second floor of the bus.

DOP 2 Level 20 Solution – Where is the Alien?

The next Level of DOP 2 takes place in the space environment where your goal is to find out an alien. Lots of planets and stars are floating behind the astronaut and you can complete the puzzle by removing the astronaut’s suit.

DOP 2 Level 21 Solution – Get Rid of the Smell

A snake is close to its death because of a smell coming out of a man’s socks. You must save the snake by getting rid of the smell. Delete the sock using your erasing power or dragging your finger across the socks.

DOP 2 Level 22 Solution – Help them watch the Football

There is no TV, then how you help a man watch the football match. Delete the curtains to unravel a TV and let a man watch a football match.

DOP 2 Level 23 Solution – Why is it so heavy?

A man doesn’t know why the luggage is heavy. You must help him find out the reason behind the scene. Remove the green cloth to find what is available in the luggage.

DOP 2 Level 24 Solution – Make her Cry

A boy is purposing a girl holding a ring box, but your goal is to make the girl cry. Remove the box to unravel an onion.

DOP 2 Level 25 Solution – Who doesn’t need a cone?

The game asks you a question to answer who doesn’t need a cone. Remove the cone of the man to answer the question.

DOP 2 Level 26 Solution – Save the Bullfighter

A bull is in an angry mood and won’t leave the bullfighter alive if you don’t jump to help him. Delete the red cloth using rubber to save a fighter.

DOP 2 Level 27 Solution – Find his Shield

How a warrior could without his shield? Therefore, you must investigate the scene to find out a shield hidden anywhere. Drag your finger across the food plate to discover a shield.

DOP 2 Level 28 Solution – Help to turn on the game Console

Once again, a man from a stone age is available on your screen. This time, he needs your help to play a video game on the PS5 console. You must delete a stone carrying out by a man to turn it into a gaming controller.

DOP 2 Level 29 Solution – Help Listen to the Music

There is a woman who needs your help to listen to the music, but his headphones are almost damaged. Erase the wire to make it wireless air-pods.

DOP 2 Level 30 Solution – Find the Monster

On a plate, the game bread, and an egg. Delete a part to solve the puzzle and the part is a slice of meat below the egg.

DOP 2 Level 31 Solution – Who Built the Birdhouse?

DOP 2 Level 31 comes with a question about a birdhouse and it asks you to find out who built it. Erase the birdhouse to unravel a person who built it.

DOP 2 Level 32 Solution – Find the Werewolf

The game features two characters; one of them is a werewolf and your ultimate goal is to find out that person as soon as possible. There is a moon covered with clouds, remove the clouds to turn the man into a werewolf.

DOP 2 Level 33 Solution – Turn on the Console

A granny is trying to play a video game on a console, but the TV is turned off or its screen is out of order. Delete the screen to bring the TV to life and let the granny play a video game.

DOP 2 Level 34 Solution – Find a Globefish

Your goal is to find out a globefish using your power of deleting objects. Drag your finger across the green plant to reveal a globefish.

DOP 2 Level 35 Solution – Let the Balloons Go

A half-dead man is holding three balloons and your goal is to find a way to release the balloon. Erase the hand of the zombie to let the balloons go, along with the zombie’s hand.

DOP 2 Level 36 Solution – Eat the Honey

A man is wearing a bee helmet and holding a pot full of honey. Your goal is to help bees eat honey. To do so, you have to delete the bee helmet.

DOP 2 Level 37 Solution – The wife is hiding something

Level 37 revolves around a detective and his wife who is trying to hide something. The game features shoes behind the door to make you fool, but removing the rug may help you unravel a black catsuit.

DOP 2 Level 38 Solution – Frighten the Fox

The game displays you a fox hidden behind a small hut. You should find a way to frighten the wolf and drive it out from there. Bring your eraser close to the hut to delete it and reveal a dog.

DOP 2 Level 39 Solution – Scare the Girl

Although the game features a ghost in the air, it won’t scare the girl. You have to think about going out of the box and deal with a box kept upside down. Delete the box to let a joker come out suddenly to scare the girl.

DOP 2 Level 40 Solution – Modernize it

The woman is cleaning her home using the old vacuum cleaner machine. Your job is to help her modernize the machine. Therefore, remove the upper part of the machine, including the plug to make it modern.

DOP 2 Level 41 Solution – What is Lumberjack hiding?

Erase the man’s cloth to discover something unexpected to solve the puzzle of DOP 2 Level 41.

DOP 2 Level 42 Solution – What did the tattoo master draw?

Delete the soap foam to unravel a painting of a lion on the man’s arm.

DOP 2 Level 43 Solution – What is he hiding?

Read the question carefully to get the answer. Delete the bushes ahead of the old man to discover what he is hiding.

DOP 2 Level 44 Solution – What is she hiding?

Removing the vacuum cleaner drum may reveal that the woman is hiding popcorn in its tank.

DOP 2 Level 45 Solution – Find the Treasure

To lead the ship to its destination, you have to remove the path from stone to the ship using your eraser.

DOP 2 Level 46 Solution – Set them free

Remove the braces to set the teeth free.

DOP 2 Level 47 Solution – Create a Pretty Case

DOP 2 Level 47 tasks you to make a pretty case for a mobile phone. It can be only done by merely deleting the old case.

DOP 2 Level 48 Solution – Improve the Eyesight

There is an old lady whose eyesight is a bit weak. You must help to make her eyesight strong. Remove the dust from the glasses to clear her vision.

DOP 2 Level 49 Solution – Find a Skate Park for them

Three ants await you to help them by providing a skate park, but there is only a piece of watermelon. Remove the red part of the watermelon to turn it into a skate park.

DOP 2 Level 50 Solution – Have Breakfast in Bed

The fiftieth level of DOP 2 tasks you to enjoy a breakfast in bed, but how? Try to remove the half blanket of the boy’s side to solve the puzzle.


DOP 2:Delete One Part comes with fun-filled gameplay where deletion of one part is compulsory for the completion of a puzzle. Dozens of puzzles are featured and each one comes with a unique task, although the mechanics are the same. The game includes fabulous animations and a beautiful cast of characters. Dragging your finger across a particular object may remove it from the screen to display you what it hides behind it. The walkthrough of the First 50 DOP 2 Game has been completed and will keep updating our list regularly.
