Wenn Sie Ihren Pokedex in New Pokemon Snap vervollständigen möchten, kann es hilfreich sein, eine Liste aller Pokémon im Spiel zu haben Sie können angeben, welche Sie haben und welche nicht.
Du fragst dich, wie voll dein Pokedex ist und welches Pokémon du vermisst? Hier ist eine Liste aller Pokémon, die in New Pokemon Snap gefunden wurden!
Neues Pokémon Snap | Liste aller Pokémon
Insgesamt gibt es 214 Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap . Diese Zahl umfasst reguläre Pokémon, die in den 24 verschiedenen Kursen des Spiels zu finden sind – wie in unserem vorherigen Leitfaden beschrieben – sowie spezielle Illumina-Pokémon, die Sie an Illumina-Spots fotografieren werden.
Unten haben wir alle 214 Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap zusammen mit den Fundorten aufgelistet.
Alle Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap
#1 | Vivillon | Florio Nature Park (Tag) |
#2 | Pichu | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#3 | Grookey | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#4 | Scorbunny | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#5 | Bouffalant | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#6 | Pidgeot | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#7 | Tangrowth | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#8 | Emolga | Naturpark Florio (Tag) |
#9 | Wurmple | Naturpark Florio (Tag) |
#10 | Murkrow | Naturpark Florio (Nacht) |
#11 | Caterpie | Naturpark Florio (Nacht) |
#12 | Heracross | Naturpark Florio (Tag) |
#13 | Pinsir | Naturpark Florio (Nacht) |
#14 | Dodrio | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#15 | Ducklett | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#16 | Schwanna | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#17 | Bidoof | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#18 | Schwanz | Naturpark Florio (Tag) |
#19 | Torterra | Naturpark Florio (Nacht) |
#20 | Magikarp | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#21 | Hoothoot | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht) |
#22 | Comfey | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Illumina Spot) |
#23 | Florges | Naturpark Florio (Tag) |
#24 | Combee | Naturpark Florio (Nacht) |
#25 | Vespiquen | Naturpark Florio (Nacht) |
#26 | Sylveon | Naturpark Florio (Nacht) |
#27 | Shaymin | Naturpark Florio (Tag, Nacht, Illumina Spot) |
#28 | Meganium | Naturpark Florio (Illumina Spot) |
#29 | Eevee | Florio Nature Park (Illumina Spot) |
#30 | Pikachu | Forschungscamp |
#31 | Cuttief | Forschungscamp |
#32 | Bunnelby | Forschungscamp |
#33 | Stoutland | Forschungscamp |
#34 | Starly | Forschungscamp |
#35 | Mauzi | Forschungscamp |
#36 | Audino | Forschungscamp |
#37 | Ratte | Forschungscamp |
#38 | Müll | Forschungscamp |
#39 | Sudowoodo | Forschungscamp |
#40 | Dedenne | Forschungscamp |
#41 | Aipom | Founja-Dschungel (Tag) |
#42 | Bounsüß | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#43 | Metapod | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#44 | Schön | Founja-Dschungel (Tag) |
#45 | Arbok | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#46 | Yanmega | Founja-Dschungel (Nacht) |
#47 | Pikipek | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#48 | Tukanone | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#49 | Ariados | Founja-Dschungel (Nacht) |
#50 | Morelull | Founja-Dschungel (Nacht) |
#51 | Löschen | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#52 | Venusaurier | Founja-Dschungel (Tag) |
#53 | Liepard | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#54 | Wooper | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#55 | Quagsire | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#56 | Swampert | Founja-Dschungel (Nacht) |
#57 | Ledian | Founja-Dschungel (Nacht) |
#58 | Schluchz | Founja-Dschungel (Tag) |
#59 | Leafeon | Founja-Dschungel (Tag, Nacht) |
#60 | Miau | Founja-Dschungel (Nacht) |
#61 | Trevenant | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#62 | Espurr | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#63 | Umschichtigkeit | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#64 | Kecleon | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#65 | Hirsch | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#66 | Sägebock | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#67 | Unfezant | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#68 | Drampa | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#69 | Pancham | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#70 | Bulbasaurus | Woanders Wald (Wald, Illumina Spot) |
#71 | Server | Woanders Wald (Wald, Illumina Spot) |
#72 | Anwendung | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#73 | Vorsicht | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#74 | Gardevoir | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#75 | Neuntaler | Woanders Wald (Wald, Illumina Spot) |
#76 | Viele | Woanders Wald (Wald, Illumina Spot) |
#77 | Spion | Woanders Wald (Wald, Illumina Spot) |
#78 | Celebi | Woanders Wald (Wald) |
#79 | Milotic | Wald anderswo (Illumina Spot) |
#80 | Wingull | Blushing Beach (Tag) |
#81 | Exeggutor | Blushing Beach (Tag, Nacht) |
#82 | Crabrawler | Blushing Beach (Tag) |
#83 | Driftblim | Blushing Beach (Nacht) |
#84 | Zangoose | Blushing Beach (Nacht) |
#85 | Seviper | Blushing Beach (Nacht) |
#86 | Bellosom | Blushing Beach (Tag) |
#87 | Inkay | Blushing Beach (Tag, Nacht) |
#88 | Pyukumuku | Blushing Beach (Tag, Nacht) |
#89 | Machamp | Blushing Beach (Tag) |
#90 | Stunfisk | Blushing Beach (Tag, Nacht) |
#91 | Oktillerie | Blushing Beach (Tag, Nacht) |
#92 | Corsola | Blushing Beach (Tag, Nacht) |
#93 | Finneon | Blushing Beach (Tag) |
#94 | Klemml | Blushing Beach (Nacht) |
#95 | Primarina | Maricopia-Riff (Abend) |
#96 | Raichu – Alola-Form | Blushing Beach (Tag, Nacht) |
#97 | Sandgast | Blushing Beach (Nacht) |
#98 | Sharpedo | Maricopia-Riff (Tag) |
#99 | Squirtle | Maricopia Reef (Tag) |
#100 | Blastoise | Blushing Beach (Tag) |
#101 | Lapras | Maricopia Reef (Tag, Nacht) |
#102 | Mantine | Maricopia-Riff (Tag, Abend) |
#103 | Pelipper | Maricopia-Riff (Tag) |
#104 | Wailord | Maricopia-Riff (Tag, Nacht) |
#105 | Mareanie | Maricopia-Riff (Tag, Abend) |
#106 | Vaporeon | Maricopia-Riff (Abend) |
#107 | Manaphy | Maricopia-Riff (Abend) |
#108 | Luvdisk | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch, Illumina-Spot) |
#109 | Alomomolen | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#110 | Wailmer | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch, Illumina-Spot) |
#111 | Cradly | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#112 | Lumineon | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#113 | Qwilfish | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#114 | Clawitzer | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#115 | Tentacruel | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#116 | Chinchou | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#117 | Lanturn | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#118 | Starmie | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#119 | Schnickschnack | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#120 | Golisopode | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#121 | Lugia | Lentaler Meeresboden (unterseeisch) |
#122 | Wishishi | Lentaler Meeresboden (Illumina Spot) |
#123 | Skorupi | Sweltering Sands (Tag, Nacht) |
#124 | Kaknee | Sweltering Sands (Tag, Nacht) |
#125 | Sandspitzmaus | Sweltering Sands (Nacht) |
#126 | Falle | Sweltering Sands (Tag, Nacht) |
#127 | Flygon | Sweltering Sands (Day, Night) |
#128 | Kangaskhan | Sweltering Sands (Night) |
#129 | Mandibuzz | Sweltering Sands (Day, Night) |
#130 | Minior | Sweltering Sands (Night) |
#131 | Silicobra | Sweltering Sands (Night) |
#132 | Torchic | Sweltering Sands (Day) |
#133 | Heliolisk | Sweltering Sands (Day) |
#134 | Lycanroc | Sweltering Sands (Day, Night) |
#135 | Hippowdon | Sweltering Sands (Day, Night) |
#136 | Tyranitar | Sweltering Sands (Day, Night) |
#137 | Onix | Sweltering Sands (Day, Night) |
#138 | Altaria | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#139 | Shinx | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#140 | Luxray | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#141 | Talonflame | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#142 | Monferno | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano, Illumina Spot) |
#143 | Aerodactyl | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#144 | Tyrantrum | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#145 | Graveler | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#146 | Archeops | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano, Illumina Spot) |
#147 | Slugma | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#148 | Torkoal | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#149 | Charmander | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#150 | Charizard | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#151 | Typhlosion | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#152 | Flareon | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#153 | Ho-Oh | Fireflow Volcano (Volcano) |
#154 | Volcarona | Fireflow Volcano (Illumina Spot) |
#155 | Furret | Shiver Snowfields (Day) |
#156 | Cubchoo | Shiver Snowfields (Day) |
#157 | Beartic | Shiver Snowfields (Day) |
#158 | Mightyena | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#159 | Weavile | Shiver Snowfields (Day) |
#160 | Braviary | Shiver Snowfields (Day) |
#161 | Swinub | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#162 | Mamoswine | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#163 | Skarmory | Shiver Snowfields (Day) |
#164 | Sandslash – Alolan Form | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#165 | Abomasnow | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#166 | Vulpix – Alolan Form | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#167 | Delibird | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#168 | Snom | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#169 | Frosmoth | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#170 | Crabominable | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#171 | Snorunt | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#172 | Glalie | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#173 | Froslass | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#174 | Jynx | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#175 | Spheal | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#176 | Piplup | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#177 | Vanilluxe | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#178 | Avalugg | Shiver Snowfields (Day, Night) |
#179 | Dewgong | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#180 | Aurorus | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#181 | Glaceon | Shiver Snowfields (Day) |
#182 | Suicune | Shiver Snowfields (Night) |
#183 | Crobat | Outway Cave (Cave, Illumina Spot) |
#184 | Joltik | Outway Cave (Cave, Illumina Spot) |
#185 | Geodude | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#186 | Carbink | Outway Cave (Cave, Illumina Spot) |
#187 | Gengar | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#188 | Noibat | Outway Cave (Cave, Illumina Spot) |
#189 | Pumpkaboo | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#190 | Croagunk | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#191 | Drifloon | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#192 | Clefairy | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#193 | Sableye | Outway Cave (Cave, Illumina Spot) |
#194 | Rampardos | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#195 | Hydreigon | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#196 | Goodra | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#197 | Mawile | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#198 | Jolteon | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#199 | Diancie | Outway Cave (Cave) |
#200 | Steelix | Outway Cave (Illumina Spot) |
#201 | Houndoom | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins) |
#202 | Eldegoss | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins, Illumina Spot) |
#203 | Natu | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins) |
#204 | Absol | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins) |
#205 | Sandalit | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins) |
#206 | Noivern | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins, Illumina Spot) |
#207 | Woobat | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins, Illumina Spot) |
#208 | Sigilyph | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins, Illumina Spot) |
#209 | Beheeyem | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins) |
#210 | Golurk | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins) |
#211 | Chandelure | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins, Illumina Spot) |
#212 | Umbreon | Ruins of Remembrance (Illumina Spot) |
#213 | Jirachi | Ruins of Remembrance (Ruins) |
#214 | Xerneas | Ruins of Remembrance (Illumina Spot) |
Keep in mind that if you want to 100% your Pokedex, you’ll need to take four different photos of each Pokemon at ratings from 1 to 4 stars. To do this, knowing how to access things like alternate routes in various courses can be extremely helpful.
You can also reference your Photodex, select the “Map” tab, select the course you want to view for example Florio Nature Park (Day), and then you’ll be able to see the course route and where the Pokemon you’ve spotted are found.
This can help you prepare for your next run, especially if there are one or two Pokemon you’re interested in taking a better picture of, and it’s also just interesting to take a look at as you fill out your Pokedex.
Related:New Pokemon Snap | How to Get Behind the Waterfall
And there you have it, all of the Pokemon available in New Pokemon Snap. How many have you found so far? Lassen Sie es uns auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen wie Facebook und Twitter wissen!