Genau wie seine himmlische Fortsetzung, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle zeichnet sich durch sein farbenfrohes taktisches Gameplay sowie sein Arsenal an amüsanten Waffen aus. Von Sci-Fi-Blastern über Gatling-Waffen bis hin zu explosiven Gummienten bringt Ubisoft jede Menge lustige, wirkungsvolle Waffen mit, die sie in ihrem Mario einsetzen können -fied gegen XCOM antreten Formel. Mit mehreren Charakteren, durch die man radeln muss – jeder mit seinen eigenen, unterschiedlichen Waffen – kann es eine entmutigende Aufgabe sein, sich in einem langen Kampf für die richtigen zu entscheiden.
Dieser Leitfaden dient als Blaupause für die besten Waffen des Spiels, die jeder Spieler verwenden kann. Es wird großartige Early-Game- und Budget-Optionen sowie die insgesamt stärksten Waffen der Spitzenklasse für jede hervorheben. Dazu gehören sowohl Primär- als auch Sekundärwaffen. Also für diejenigen, die sich vielleicht auf Sparks of Hope vorbereiten möchten Wenn Sie dieses Original von 2017 erkunden, finden Sie hier die besten Waffen in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle .

Wie zu erwarten, trägt der Hauptheld des Spiels die ziemlich vielseitige, wirkungsvolle Hauptwaffe. Blaster sind normalerweise gut auf mittlere und kurze Distanz, obwohl sie normalerweise gut abgerundet sind und in verschiedenen Szenarien zumindest einigermaßen effektiv sind.

- Bestes Budget - Zähne von Tanooki
- Fans des berühmten Super Mario Bros. 3 werden wahrscheinlich das ikonische Tanooki-Thema mit dieser Waffe wiedererkennen. Aber dieses Biest von einem Blaster zeichnet sich über sein cooles Motiv hinaus aus. Verursacht 95-105 Trefferschaden und solide 131 Honigschaden (Chance von 40 %), Dies kann ein großer Disruptor und ein offensives Monster in einem hitzigen Kampf sein. Sein Deckungsschaden steht auch auf mittel und hat eine anständige Reichweite von 10 Zellen.
- Kosten: 1.000 Münzen.
- Am besten insgesamt – Flanell Phenom
- Während es in Preis und Fähigkeiten mit dem Amboss vergleichbar ist, ist es im Allgemeinen sinnvoller, sich für das wirkungsvollere honigverursachende Phänomen zu entscheiden. Es verursacht satte 220–230 Trefferschaden und 271 Honigschaden (60 % Chance). Es ist eine vielseitige Waffe, die auf eine ziemlich große Reichweite funktioniert, mit mittlerem Deckungsschaden und einer Reichweite von 12 Zellen.
- Kosten: 1.700 Münzen.
Als Ergänzung zum Blaster entscheidet sich Mario auch für die charakteristischeren Hämmer als Nahkampfoption. Diese verursachen normalerweise eine Menge Flächenschaden. Dies geht jedoch auf Kosten einer Abklingzeit, einer begrenzten Reichweite und einem Mangel an Deckungsschaden.

- Bestes Budget - Hammerzeit
- Wenn es darum geht, das Beste für sein Geld zu bekommen, ist Hammer Time schwer zu schlagen. Dieser elegante goldene Hammer nagelt Feinde mit 165–175 Trefferschaden fest ergänzt durch viel Sprungschaden bei 219 (Chance von 40 %). Der Bereich erstreckt sich zwar nicht über 1 Zelle, hinaus es macht etwas mit einem etwas expansiveren 2-Zellen wett Schadensbereich. But it also stands out from the pack by inflicting an added 10% damage against those pesky mid-bosses.
- Cost: 1,030 coins.
- Best Overall - Sunset Slammer
- This aptly-named Slammer wallops targets with 375-385 Hit Damage, augmented by a solid 454 Honey damage (60% chance). Its range is 1 cell, though its area of damage stands at 3 cells.
- Cost: 1,700 coins.

Precision Rifles
Luigi's main weapon of choice is the Precision Rifle, which usually excels in sniping and picking off foes from long range. However, they aren't as useful during close-range skirmishes.

- Best Budget - Hog Wild
- True to its name, this pig-like rifle can really add a wild, disruptive element to a fight with its Bounce abilities and extra perks. It deals 65-75 Hit damage, but supplements this with 98 Bounce damage (30% chance) and boasts an expansive range of 15 cells. It's also effective in its bonus Bounce chance to the common foe, the Ziggies, bringing an added 30%.
- Cost: 720 coins.
- Best Overall - Up Close And Personal
- This sleek, sci-fi-themed rifle is a damage machine, cranking out 270-280 Hit damage, 330 Ink damage (60% chance), and gives a welcomed boost during mid-bosses, dealing an extra 10% damage against those beasts. Players can also take advantage of its extended range of 17 cells and medium Cover damage, picking off foes all over the map with ease.
- Cost: 2,050 coins.
Acting as something of an extra, automated fighter on the battlefield, Luigi's Sentries are quite handy as a secondary weapon. Not only do they add extra firepower, but they can also hunt down and explode on targets when clashing with them.

- Best Budget - Barn Burner
- While modest looking in its wooden design, this budget sentry can be deceptively strong and disruptive. It deals 80-90 Hit damage, though it can also target and knock enemies around with 117 Bounce damage (30% chance). It is laced with 150 HP and boasts a 6-cell move range.
- Cost: 7,00 coins.
- Best Overall - Attack From The Future 2
- This futuristic sentry can send its targets into next week with its massive power. It boasts a 315-325 Hit damage, as well as 384 Bounce damage (60% chance). Not only this, but it's also mobile and versatile—with medium Cover damage, a range of 15 cells, 300 HP, and a sentry move range of 8 cells.
- Cost: 1,700 coins.

Packing a punch at a close range, Peach's area-of-effect shotguns help to balance out the long-range precision of Luigi's rifles. But while Peach is typically more effective for close-up scuffles, some of her shotguns can also be effective at medium range.

- Best Budget - Royal Rabbid
- This product of royalty comes at a pretty decent price given its abilities. It serves up 140-150 Hit damage and can shake things up with 188 Burn damage (40% chance). It boasts a 7-cell range and medium Cover damage. But players can also take advantage of skirmishes with Valkyries, as the Royal Rabbid tacks on another 30% chance of Burn against them.
- Cost: 1,030 coins.
- Best Overall - Zebra Muscle
- This offensive beast can simply dominate the battlefield with its Hit damage of 315-325, 384 Burn damage (60% chance), and a rather extensive range of 9 cells, with medium Cover damage. While Peach's Battlin Bill is comparable (aside from its Freeze damage), it's generally more effective to send enemies scurrying about with Burn damage.
- Cost: 1,700 coins.
While they may appear to be rather cute rubber ducks, players shouldn't disregard these deceptively impactful grenades. These secondary weapons add even more area-of-effect prowess for Peach and can be effective in tossing from the safety of cover. But like the spread of her shotguns, they run the risk of dealing friendly fire with companions in range.

- Best Budget - Defalcating Dandy
- These sleek, mechanical duck explosives deal 70-80 Hit damage, augmented with 110 Freeze damage (40% chance), and have a useful bonus of adding 20% damage against healing Supporter enemy types. This can help stifle the survivalist packs of Rabbid foes, while also making headway offensively. The Dandy also boasts a range of 10 cells, a 2-cell area of damage, and medium Cover range.
- Cost: 1,030 coins.
- Best Overall - Cock-A-Doodle-Kaboom
- This grenade is truly a blast. With Hit damage of 165-175, Burn damage of 207 (60% chance), and 4 cell area of damage, the Kaboom can be a real force of nature in battle. It is handy in various situations, with its 10-cell range and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 1,700 coins.

Yoshi's primary weapon takes the form of the ever-satisfying gatling guns called Rumblebangs. They're designed to deal swift, potent damage, as they unleash bursts of shots at one target.

- Best Budget - Crossfire Castle
- Most of Yoshi's weapons are on the pricey side, but when it comes to relatively cheap, earlier-game options, it's tough to beat the Crossfire Castle. Not only does it inflict a solid 155-285 Hit damage, but it also deals 342 Ink damage (30% chance). Ink is highly effective in that foes will be blinded and unable to attack for the next round. It boasts a range of 11 cells and medium Cover damage .
- Cost: 1,000 coins.
- Best Overall - Prey Of Kitsune
- Referring to a wise, paranormal fox from Japanese folklore, this gatling gun is quite legendary in its own right. It's laced with 190-340 Hit damage and 401 Ink damage (30% chance) for starters. In addition, it adds another 30% chance for Ink damage against the large baddies known as Bucklers. It has a fairly long range of 12 cells and deals medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 1,700 coins.
Adding to Yoshi's explosive arsenal are the Rockets; large and impactful secondary weapons that deal long-range damage. Added to this power is its area-of-effect damage, which can handle crowd control and reach foes even when crouched behind cover.

- Best Budget - Direly Dulcet Doomsayer
- Despite its old-time gramophone design, this launcher is state-of-the-art when it comes to its power. It wallops targets with 125-135 Hit damage, an added 174 Ink damage (60% chance) and has a long range of 15 cells. Its area of damage extends to 4 cells, and its Cover damage is medium.
- Cost: 1,500 coins.
- Best Overall - Sixty-Watt Swat
- This launcher can really light up a battlefield, with Hit damage of 175-185, added 218 Freeze damage (60% chance), and a long range of 15 cells. It's particularly effective against those tough mid-boss fights, as it deals an extra 10% damage against them. Its area of damage reaches 4 cells, and its Cover damage is medium.
- Cost: 2,050 coins.
Rabbid Mario


- Best Budget - Prickly Persuader
- This spike-laced Boomshot can pierce right through the enemy's defenses with its sheer power and helpful Stone abilities—which essentially renders a foe useless for a turn. Along with dealing 90-100 Hit damage, this weapon inflicts 130 Stone damage (40% chance), and this increases to 70% when clashing with Bucklers. It has a respectable range of 7 cells and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 830 coins.
- Best Overall - Kite Commando
- Despite its less-than-intimidating kite theme, this Boomshot really soars in terms of its strength and added perks. It inflicts 325-335 Hit damage, but most significantly, saps baddies for 395 Vamp damage (60% chance). This is especially great in battle as it yields the dual effect of dealing damage and restoring health to Rabbid Mario. Added to this is an extra 10% damage against mid-bosses, an average range of 9 cells, and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 2,050 coins.
Melee Hammers

- Best Budget - Baleful Bad-Ender
- This cool steampunk-themed hammer can really be a game-changer, with 105-115 Hit damage, 160 Vamp damage (40% chance), and even more firepower against Bucklers, dealing an added 20% damage against them. Its range is a close 1 cell, but its area of damage covers 2 cells.
- Cost: 830 coins.
- Best Overall - Thwomper Stomper
- Much like the enemy from which it's modeled, the Thwomper Stomper can bring a swift and devastating offensive to a fight. It's equipped with a solid 375-385 Hit damage and 454 Stone damage (60% chance). It has just a 1-cell range, but a 3-cell area of damage to extend its might.
- Cost: 1,700 coins.
Rabbid Luigi

Despite their peculiar name, these weapons essentially serve as a variant of Blasters laced with elemental effects. As such, many of these guns can really make a difference during a prolonged fight.

- Best Budget - Blastberry Swirl
- Rabbid Luigi players can get plenty of bang for their buck with this sweet candy-themed weapon. It inflicts 55-65 Hit damage, along with 85 Vamp damage (60% chance). The already high chance increases an extra 30% when clashing with Bucklers. It boasts a medium range of 10 cells and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 830 coins.
- Best Overall - Round Shield Shocker
- Players will find this and the similarly potent "Gag Me With a Spoon" comparable, but in the end the Stone-inflicting Bworb wins out. With so much damage dealt, plus the stifling Stone effect, the Shocker is a truly devastating, disrupting weapon. It deals 185-195 Hit damage, 230 Stone damage (100% chance), has a 12-cell range, and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 1,700 coins.

- Best Budget - Bullenator
- This explosive rocket can really shake up the battlefield with its long-range and Burn abilities. It comes with 45-55 Hit damage as well as 72 Burn damage (40% chance). Its range extends to a whopping 15 cells, with a 2-cell area of damage, and its Cover damage is medium.
- Cost: 800 coins.
- Best Overall - Righteous Rocket
- Players will be making the right choice when equipping Rabbid Luigi with the Righteous Rocket. Its Hit damage stands at a sky-high 175-185, which is augmented with 218 Burn damage (60% chance), and an extra 10% damage against mid-bosses. Added to this is its great coverage; specifically a range of 15 cells, area of damage of 4 cells, and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 2,050 coins.
Rabbid Peach


- Best Budget - Brute
- Many of Rabbid Peach's Blasters excel in their Push abilities, but it's hard to argue the hindering qualities of the Honey elemental. The Brute is effective on this front, dealing 85 Honey damage (30% chance) in addition to its 55-65 Hit damage. As a useful bonus, another 30% chance of Honey is added when facing Smashers. It has a medium range of 10 cells, though low cover damage. Still, when out in the open, it's an effective, underrated gun.
- Cost: 720 coins.
- Best Overall - Lucky Devil
- This sinister gun can deal a wicked amount of damage; specifically 220-230 Hit damage, which is supplemented by 271 Honey damage (60% chance). It has a respectable range of 12 cells and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 1,700 coins.

- Best Budget - Buck
- This copper-laden sentry can really make an impact, especially when squaring off against mid-bosses (adding 10% damage when facing them). This is on top of its solid 140-150 Hit damage, and 188 Push damage (40% chance). The Buck excels when it comes to coverage and mobility, with a range of 15 cells, medium Cover damage, and a move range of 6 cells. Finally, it's laced with 200 HP. It's an impressive weapon given its price tag of under 1,100 coins.
- Cost: 1,030 coins.
- Best Overall - Iron Curtain
- A reference to the iconic superhero Iron Man, this ironclad sentry can truly be a game-saver. It inflicts some of the highest damage in the game at 325-335, along with 395 Push damage (60% chance), and an extra 10% damage against mid-bosses. It's a survivor and is highly mobile as well, with 300 HP, a range of 15 cells, medium Cover damage, 3 cell area of damage, and 8 cell move range.
- Cost: 2,050 coins.
Rabbid Yoshi


- Best Budget - Raster Blaster
- Like his Yoshi counterpart, this Rabbid's weapons are mostly steep in terms of price. However, this retro-themed gatling can do a lot for a (relative) little. It hits foes with 75-185 Hit damage, 241 Push damage (25% chance), and adds a 30% Push chance against Bucklers. It also boasts a medium range of 11 cells and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 1,150 coins.
- Best Overall - Kimono No No
- This elegant weapon is a true force of nature, dealing 200-350 Hit damage, and a whopping 413 Stone damage (40% chance). Mid-bosses particularly feel the hurt, as it inflicts an extra 10% damage against them. It has a medium range of 12 cells and medium Cover damage.
- Cost: 2,500 coins.

- Best Budget - Exalted Entropic Eggs
- This stylish duck has much going for it at a relatively cheap price. It inflicts 75-85 Hit damage, along with 115 Stone damage (50% chance). It can put an even greater dent when faced with teleporting Peek-a-Boos, as it adds 20% more damage when fighting them. It has a medium range of 10 cells, medium Cover damage, and a 3-cell area of damage.
- Cost: 1,150 coins.
- Best Overall - Sir Goldwain
- Inspired by a warrior of Arthurian legend, this explosive duck can also be a powerhouse on the battlefield. It's equipped with 165-175 Hit damage, which is bumped up 10% against mid-bosses. It can muscle its way through enemies, inflicting 207 Push damage (60% chance). Its range is expansive, boasting a 4-cell area of damage and a medium range of 10 cells.
- Cost: 1,750 coins.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is out now for the Nintendo Switch.