Weitere The Witcher 3-Anleitungen:
- Vollständiger Leistungs-/Trophäen-Leitfaden.
- Leitfaden für ruckelfreies, reibungsloses Gameplay.
- Geheime Truhe außerhalb der Karte in White Orchard.
- Kampfleitfaden (einige nützliche Tipps).
- Leitfaden für Gwent-Kartensammler.
- Todesmarsch-Komplettlösung.
- Nützliche Tipps und Tricks.
In dieser Anleitung zeige ich Ihnen alle Cheats, die Sie möglicherweise in der Witcher 3:Wild Hunt-Konsole ausführen können. Und ich werde Ihnen auch alle Artikelcodes zeigen.
Konsole aktivieren
- Navigieren Sie zu – The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt> bin> config> base.
- Suchen Sie – general.ini-Datei.
- Mit Notepad öffnen.
- Fügen Sie unter [Allgemein] Folgendes hinzu:DBGConsoleOn=true.
- Speichern und schließen Sie die Datei.
- Betreten Sie das Spiel und drücken Sie die Tilde-Taste (~), um die Konsole zu öffnen.
Alternativ können Sie die Konsole mit Mods wie Debug Console Enabler v1.31
installierenStellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die neueste Version von Microsoft Redistributable x64 installiert haben. Es ist erforderlich, damit der Mod richtig funktioniert.
Das Extrahieren der Debug-Konsole ergibt einen Ordner und eine Datei. (der Plugins-Ordner und dsound.dll) Platzieren Sie beide Dateien in SteamFolder> steamapps> common> The Witcher 3> bin> x64.
Alle möglichen Cheats
Bevor wir beginnen, öffnen Sie die Konsole, indem Sie die Tilde-Taste (~) drücken, und geben Sie dann den gewünschten Cheat ein.
- Gott – Unbesiegbarkeit aktivieren.
- Heil mich – Fülle Geralts HP-Leiste auf.
- ciri – Wechsle den Spielercharakter zu Ciri.
- geralt – Spielercharakter auf Geralt zurücksetzen.
- setlevel(#) – Legt Ihr Spielerlevel fest. Beispiel:setlevel(15)
- levelup – Erhöhe die Spielerstufe um 1.
- addexp(#) – Fügt eine bestimmte Menge an Erfahrungspunkten hinzu. Beispiel:addexp(25000)
- Lernfertigkeit (Fähigkeit) – Erlernt eine bestimmte Fertigkeit. Beispiel:learnskill(sword_s3) Die erneute Eingabe des Befehls erhöht die Fertigkeitsstufe.
- wie ein Boss – Dies ist ein Umschaltbefehl (erneutes Eintippen schaltet ihn aus). Wenn der Likeaboss-Modus aktiviert ist, beträgt der gesamte von Ihnen verursachte Schaden 40 % der maximalen Gesundheitsstufe des Empfängers. Wenn der NPC, dem du Schaden zufügst, eine maximale Gesundheit von 10.000 hat, würdest du bei aktiviertem Modus mit jedem Treffer 4.000 Schaden verursachen.
- Katze(1) – Aktiviert die Nachtsicht.
- Katze(0) – Deaktiviert die Nachtsicht.
- betrunken(1) – Aktiviert den Betrunken-Modus.
- betrunken(0) – Deaktiviert den Betrunken-Modus.
- setbeard(1) – Lässt Geralt einen Bart wachsen.
- rasieren – Entfernt Geralts Gesichtsbehaarung.
- Meerestattoo(1) – Ermöglicht das Speichern von Tattoos aus Witcher 2.
- Meerestattoo(0) – Entfernt das Tattoo aus dem Speichern von Witcher 2.
- additem(name,#) – Fügt bestimmte Gegenstände zum Inventar hinzu. Beispiel:additem(Bear Armor 1,3) Die Angabe der Itemmenge ist optional.
- addmoney(#) – Fügt eine bestimmte Menge an Kronen hinzu. Beispiel:addmoney(100000)
- Geld entfernen (#) – Entfernt eine bestimmte Anzahl von Kronen. Beispiel:Geld entfernen (5)
- addkeys – Gibt dir alle Schlüssel, die du brauchst, um alle Türen zu öffnen.
- spawn(name,#) – Spawnt eine bestimmte Anzahl von NPCs. Beispiel:spawn(bear_grizzly,50)
- killall – Töte alle im Kampf verwickelten Feinde.
- makeitrain – Stürmisches Wetter umschalten.
- Stoprain – Verhindert das Fallen von Regen.
- nach Novigrad fahren – Sofort schnell nach Novigrad reisen.
- gotoSkellige – Sofortige Schnellreise zu den Skellige-Inseln.
- zuKaerMorhen – Reise sofort schnell nach Kaer Morhen.
- gotoProlog – Reise sofort per Schnellreise nach White Orchard.
- gotoPrologWinter – Reise sofort per Schnellreise nach White Orchard.
- showAllFT(1) – Entdecke alle Wegweiser.
- zeigePins(1) – Entdecke alle Kartensymbole und Gebiete.
- secretgwint – Spielen Sie sofort irgendwo eine Runde Gwent.
- winGwint(#) – Gewinnen Sie das aktuelle Gwent-Spiel mit einer bestimmten Anzahl von Machtpunkten.
- addwintcards – Fügt deinem Deck eine von jeder Gwent-Karte hinzu.
- additem(card,#) – Fügt die angegebene Anzahl gewünschter Gwent-Karten hinzu. Beispiel:additem(gwint_card_werewolf,10)
Um einen Gegenstand zu spawnen, geben Sie Folgendes ein:
- additem('name')
Wobei „Name“ der Artikelcode ist. Beispiel:
- additem(‘Bärenhose 3’)
- additem(‘Zwergensilberschwert 1’)
- additem(‘Zwergensilberschwert 2’)
- additem(‘Zwergenschwert 1’)
- additem(‘Zwergenschwert 2’)
- additem(‘Elfensilberschwert 1’)
- additem(‘Elfensilberschwert 2’)
- additem(‘Gnomisches Silberschwert 1’)
- additem(‘Gnomisches Silberschwert 2’)
- additem(‘Gnomisches Schwert 1’)
- additem(‘Gnomisches Schwert 2’)
- additem(‘Inquisitorschwert 1’)
- additem(‘Inquisitor-Schwert 2’)
- additem(‘Langes Metallschwert’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardisches Schwert 1’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardisches Schwert 2’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardisches Schwert drei’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardisches Schwert vier’)
- additem(‘Niemandslandschwert 1 q2’)
- additem(‘Niemandsland-Schwert 1’)
- additem(‘Niemandsland-Schwert 2’)
- additem(‘No Mans Land sword three’)
- additem(‘No Mans Land sword four’)
- additem(‘Novigraadan-Schwert 1’)
- additem(‘Novigraadan-Schwert 2’)
- additem(‘Novigraadan-Schwert drei’)
- additem(‘Novigraadan-Schwert vier’)
- additem(‘Rosty Nilfgaardian sword’)
- additem(‘Rusty No Mans Land sword’)
- additem(‘Rosty Novigraadan sword’)
- additem(‘Rusty Skellige sword’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael-Schwert 1’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael-Schwert 2’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael-Schwert drei’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael-Schwert vier’)
- additem(‘Brief Metal Sword’)
- additem(‘Kurzschwert 1’)
- additem(‘Kurzschwert 2’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert 1’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert 2’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert drei’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert vier’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert 5’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert 6’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert 7’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert Acht’)
- additem(‘Skellig-Schwert 1’)
- additem(‘Skellig-Schwert 2’)
- additem(‘Skellig-Schwert vier’)
- additem(‘sq304 Novigraadan sword four’)
- additem(‘Wild Hunt sword 1’)
- additem(‘Wild Hunt sword 2’)
- additem(‘Wild Hunt sword three’)
- additem('Wild Hunt sword four')
- additem(‘Witcher Silver Sword’)
- additem(‘Picket-Schwert’)
- additem(‘Armbrust der Bärenfakultät’)
- additem(‘Armbrust 1’)
- additem(‘Armbrust 2’)
- additem(‘Armbrust drei’)
- additem(‘Armbrust vier’)
- additem(‘Armbrust 5’)
- additem(‘Armbrust 6’)
- additem(‘Armbrust 7’)
- additem(‘Armbrust q206’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty Crossbow’)
- additem('Abarad')
- additem(‘Addandeith’)
- additem('Aerondight')
- additem('Anathema')
- additem(‘Angivare’)
- additem('Anth')
- additem('Arainne')
- additem(‘Arbitrator’)
- additem(‘Ardaenye’)
- additem('Ashrun')
- additem('Azurwrath')
- additem('Barbersurgeon')
- additem(‘Beannshie’)
- additem('Blackunicorn')
- additem(‘Bladeofys’)
- additem(‘Bloedeaedd’)
- additem(‘Blutschwert’)
- additem('Breathofthenorth')
- additem(‘Caerme’)
- additem(‘Caroline’)
- additem('Käseschneider')
- additem(‘Cleaver’)
- additem('Dancer')
- additem('Tagesstern')
- additem(‘Deargdeith’)
- additem(‘Deireadh’)
- additem('Deithwen')
- additem(‘Devine’)
- additem(‘Dyaebl’)
- additem('Schicksal')
- additem(‘Forgottenvransword’)
- additem(‘Gloryofthenorth’)
- additem(‘Gwesto’)
- additem(‘Gwyhyr’)
- additem(‘Gynvael’)
- additem(‘Gynvaelaedd’)
- additem('Harpy')
- additem(‘Harvall’)
- additem(‘Havcaaren’)
- additem('Headtaker')
- additem(‘Hjalmar_Short_Steel_Sword’)
- additem('Inis')
- additem(‘Karabela’)
- additem(‘Loathen’)
- additem(‘Longclaw’)
- additem('Lune')
- additem(‘Mondklinge’)
- additem('Trauernde')
- additem(‘Naevdeseidhe’)
- additem('Unterhändler')
- additem(‘Princessxenthiasword’)
- additem(‘Reachofthedamned’)
- additem(‘Robustswordofdolblathanna’)
- additem(‘Roseofaelirenn’)
- additem('Tlareg')
- additem('Torlara')
- additem(‘Torzirael’)
- additem('Ultimatum')
- additem('Jungfrau')
- additem('Vynbleidd')
- additem('Weeper')
- additem(‘WitcherSilverWolf’)
- additem('Wolf')
- additem(‘Zerrikanterment’)
Hergestellte Waffen:
- additem(‘Arbitrator_crafted_Stats’)
- additem(‘Beannshie_crafted_Stats’)
- additem(‘Silberschwert der Bärenfakultät 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Faculty silver sword 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Faculty silver sword three’)
- additem(‘Bear Faculty silver sword’)
- additem(‘Bear Faculty metal sword 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Faculty metal sword 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Faculty metal sword three’)
- additem(‘Bear Faculty metal sword’)
- additem(‘Blackunicorn’)
- additem(‘Dwarven silver sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Dwarven silver sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Dwarven sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Dwarven sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Elven silver sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Elven silver sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gnomish silver sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gnomish silver sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gnomish sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gnomish sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Faculty silver sword 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Faculty silver sword 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Faculty silver sword three’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Faculty silver sword’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Faculty metal sword 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Faculty metal sword 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Faculty metal sword three’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Faculty metal sword’)
- additem(‘Harpy’)
- additem(‘Inquisitor sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Inquisitor sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Longclaw’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty silver sword 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty silver sword 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty silver sword three’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty silver sword’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty metal sword 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty metal sword 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty metal sword three’)
- additem(‘Lynx Faculty metal sword’)
- additem(‘Negotiator’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardian sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardian sword 4_crafted’)
- additem(‘No Mans Land sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘No Mans Land sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘No Mans Land sword 3_crafted’)
- additem(‘No Mans Land sword 4_crafted’)
- additem(‘Novigraadan sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Novigraadan sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Novigraadan sword 3_crafted’)
- additem(‘Novigraadan sword 4_crafted’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael sword 3_crafted’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael sword 4_crafted’)
- additem(‘Brief sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Brief sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Silver sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Silver sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Silver sword 3_crafted’)
- additem(‘Silver sword 4_crafted’)
- additem(‘Silver sword 5_crafted’)
- additem(‘Silver sword 6_crafted’)
- additem(‘Silver sword 7_crafted’)
- additem(‘Skellige sword 1_crafted’)
- additem(‘Skellige sword 2_crafted’)
- additem(‘Skellige sword 3_crafted’)
- additem(‘Skellige sword 4_crafted’)
- additem(‘q402 Skellige sword three’) – Winter’s Blade
- additem(‘Viper Faculty silver sword’)
- additem(‘Viper Faculty metal sword’)
- additem(‘Weeper’)
NPC Weapons:
- additem(‘Bandit Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Bandit Defend 02’)
- additem(‘Bandit Defend 03’)
- additem(‘Bandit Defend 04’)
- additem(‘Baron Guard Defend 01’)
- additem(‘bow_01’)
- additem(‘bow_02’)
- additem(‘bow_elven_01’)
- additem(‘Caranthil Employees Damaged’)
- additem(‘Caranthil Employees’)
- additem(‘crossbow_01’)
- additem(‘Imlerith Mace’)
- additem(‘Imlerith Defend’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaard Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaard Defend 02’)
- additem(‘Novigrad Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Novigrad Defend 02’)
- additem(‘NPC Cyprian♥nson sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Dandelion Brief Metal Sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Eredin Sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Hjalmar_Short_Steel_Sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Inquisitor sword 1’)
- additem(‘NPC Nilfgaardian sword 1’)
- additem(‘NPC Nilfgaardian sword 2’)
- additem(‘NPC Nilfgaardian sword three’)
- additem(‘NPC Nilfgaardian sword four’)
- additem(‘NPC No Mans Land sword 1 q2’)
- additem(‘NPC No Mans Land sword 1’)
- additem(‘NPC No Mans Land sword 2’)
- additem(‘NPC No Mans Land sword three’)
- additem(‘NPC No Mans Land sword four’)
- additem(‘NPC Novigraadan sword 1’)
- additem(‘NPC Novigraadan sword 2’)
- additem(‘NPC Novigraadan sword three’)
- additem(‘NPC Novigraadan sword four’)
- additem(‘NPC q402 Skellige sword three’)
- additem(‘NPC Rusty Nilfgaardian sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Rusty No Mans Land sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Rusty Novigraadan sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Rusty Skellige sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Scoiatael sword 1’)
- additem(‘NPC Scoiatael sword 2’)
- additem(‘NPC Scoiatael sword three’)
- additem(‘NPC Scoiatael sword four’)
- additem(‘NPC Brief sword 1’)
- additem(‘NPC Brief sword 2’)
- additem(‘NPC Skellige sword 1’)
- additem(‘NPC Skellige sword 2’)
- additem(‘NPC Skellige sword three’)
- additem(‘NPC Skellige sword four’)
- additem(‘NPC Vesemir Silver Sword q403 improve’)
- additem(‘NPC Vesemir Silver Sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Vesemir Metal Sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Wildhunt sword 2’)
- additem(‘NPC Witcher Silver Sword q403 improve’)
- additem(‘NPC Witcher Silver Sword’)
- additem(‘NPC Witcher Metal Sword’)
- additem(‘Q1_axe1h_mq2024_spirit’)
- additem(‘Q1_axe1h’)
- additem(‘Q1_Axe2h’)
- additem(‘Q1_brokenSpear’)
- additem(‘Q1_cleaver1h’)
- additem(‘Q1_club1h’)
- additem(‘Q1_Guisarme2h’)
- additem(‘Q1_Halberd2h’)
- additem(‘Q1_Hammer2h’)
- additem(‘Q1_mace1h’)
- additem(‘Q1_Mage_Staff2h’)
- additem(‘Q1_pickaxe1h’)
- additem(‘Q1_Pitchfork2h’)
- additem(‘Q1_Shield’)
- additem(‘Q1_Spear2h’)
- additem(‘Q1_ZoltanAxe2h’)
- additem(‘Q2_axe1h’)
- additem(‘Q2_Axe2h’)
- additem(‘Q2_cleaver1h’)
- additem(‘Q2_Guisarme2h’)
- additem(‘Q2_Halberd2h’)
- additem(‘Q2_Hammer2h’)
- additem(‘Q2_mace1h’)
- additem(‘Q2_Mage_Staff2h’)
- additem(‘Q2_Spear2h’)
- additem(‘Q3_DwarvenAxe2h’)
- additem(‘Q3_DwarvenHammer2h’)
- additem(‘Q3_Mage_Staff2h’)
- additem(‘q505 crafted sword’)
- additem(‘Redanian Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Skellige Brokvar Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Skellige Craite Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Skellige Dimun Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Skellige Drummond Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Skellige Heymaey Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Skellige Tuiseach Defend 01’)
- additem(‘sq303_blunt_sword’)
- additem(‘Temeria Defend 01’)
- additem(‘Zireael Phantom Sword’)
- additem(‘Zireael Sword’)
Check Weapons:
- additem(‘Check Participant Override Sword’)
- additem(‘guisarme_test’)
- additem(‘axe_test’)
- additem(‘mace_test’)
- additem(‘dwarven_hammer_test’)
Armor IDs
Relic Armor:
- additem(‘Heavy armor 01r’)
- additem(‘Heavy armor 02r’)
- additem(‘Heavy armor 03r’)
- additem(‘Heavy armor 04r’)
- additem(‘Heavy armor 05r’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 01r’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 02r’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 03r’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 04r’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 06r’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 07r’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 08r’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 09r’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 01r’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 02r’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 03r’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 04r’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 05r’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 07r’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 10r’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 11r’)
- additem(‘Oathbreaker armor’)
- additem(‘q108 Medium armor 10 _Stats’)
- additem(‘Relic Heavy three armor’)
- additem(‘Shadaal armor’)
- additem(‘Shiadhal armor’)
- additem(‘Thyssen armor’)
- additem(‘Zireael armor’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor three’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor three’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor’)
- additem(‘Heavy armor 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy armor 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy armor 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy armor 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 05_crafted’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 06_crafted’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 07_crafted’)
- additem(‘Mild armor 08_crafted’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor three’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Medium armor 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Relic Heavy three crafted’)
- additem(‘Beginning Armor 1’)
- additem(‘Thyssen armor crafted’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves three’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves four’)
- additem(‘Gloves 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gloves 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gloves 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gloves 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves three’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves four’)
- additem(‘Heavy gloves 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy gloves 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy gloves 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy gloves 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves three’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves four’)
Armor and Wearable Pants:
- additem(‘Tub Towel Pants 01’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants three’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants four’)
- additem(‘Ciri pants 01’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants three’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants four’)
- additem(‘Heavy pants 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy pants 01’)
- additem(‘Heavy pants 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy pants 02’)
- additem(‘Heavy pants 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy pants 03’)
- additem(‘Heavy pants 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy pants 04’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants three’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants four’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardian Informal Pants’)
- additem(‘Pants 01 q2’)
- additem(‘Pants 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Pants 01’)
- additem(‘Pants 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Pants 02’)
- additem(‘Pants 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Pants 03’)
- additem(‘Pants 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Pants 04’)
- additem(‘Skellige Informal Pants 01’)
- additem(‘Skellige Informal Pants 02’)
- additem(‘Beginning Pants’)
- additem(‘Wild Hunt pants 01’)
- additem(‘Yennefers Gown’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots three’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots four’)
- additem(‘Boots 01 q2’)
- additem(‘Boots 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Boots 01’)
- additem(‘Boots zero12’)
- additem(‘Boots 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Boots 02’)
- additem(‘Boots 022’)
- additem(‘Boots 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Boots 03’)
- additem(‘Boots 032’)
- additem(‘Boots 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Boots 04’)
- additem(‘Boots 05’)
- additem(‘Boots 06’)
- additem(‘Boots 07_crafted’)
- additem(‘Boots 07’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots three’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots four’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 01_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 01’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 02_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 02’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 03_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 03’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 04_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 04’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 05’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 06’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 07_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 07’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 08_crafted’)
- additem(‘Heavy boots 08’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots three’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots four’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardian informal footwear’)
- additem(‘Radovid boots 01’)
- additem(‘Skellige informal footwear’)
- additem(‘Beginning Boots’)
Feline Witcher Gear
- additem(‘Lynx Armor’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor 3’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots 3’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots 5’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves 3’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves 5’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants 3’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants 5’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword 3’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword 3’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx School Crossbow’)
- additem(‘Lynx Armor schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx Boots schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx Gloves schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx Pants schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword schematic’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword schematic’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Lynx School Crossbow schematic
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part1’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part2’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part3’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part4’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part5’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part6’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part7’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part8’)
- additem(‘th1003_map_lynx_upgrade1a’)
- additem(‘th1003_map_lynx_upgrade1b’)
- additem(‘th1003_map_lynx_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th1003_map_lynx_upgrade3’)
Ursine Witcher Gear
- additem(‘Bear Armor’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor 3’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor 4’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots 3’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots 4’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots 5’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves 3’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves 4’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves 5’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants 1’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants 2’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants 3’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants 4’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants 5’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword 1’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword 2’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword 3’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword 4’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword 1’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword 2’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword 3’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword 4’)
- additem(‘Bear School Crossbow’)
- additem(‘Bear Armor schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Bear Boots schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Bear Gloves schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Bear Pants schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword schematic’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword schematic’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Bear School Crossbow schematic’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part1’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part2’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part3’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part4’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part5’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part6’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part7’)
- additem(‘th1007_map_bear_upgrade1a’)
- additem(‘th1007_map_bear_upgrade1b’)
- additem(‘th1007_map_bear_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th1007_map_bear_upgrade3’)
Wolven Witcher Gear
- additem(‘Wolf Armor’)
- additem(‘Wolf Armor 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf Armor 2’)
- additem(‘Wolf Armor 3’)
- additem(‘Wolf Armor 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf Boots 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf Boots 2’)
- additem(‘Wolf Boots 3’)
- additem(‘Wolf Boots 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf Boots 5’)
- additem(‘Wolf Gloves 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf Gloves 2’)
- additem(‘Wolf Gloves 3’)
- additem(‘Wolf Gloves 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf Gloves 5’)
- additem(‘Wolf Pants 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf Pants 2’)
- additem(‘Wolf Pants 3’)
- additem(‘Wolf Pants 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf Pants 5’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword 2’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword 3’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword 2’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword 3’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword 4’)
- additem(‘Wold Armor schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Jacket Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Jacket Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Jacket Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Jacket Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf Boots schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Boots Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Boots Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Boots Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Boots Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf Gloves schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Gloves Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Gloves Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Gloves Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Gloves Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf Pants schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Pants Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Pants Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Pants Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Wolf Pants Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword schematic’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Wolf School silver sword Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword schematic’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Wolf School steel sword Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘th1009_journal_wolf_part1a’)
- additem(‘th1009_journal_wolf_part2a’)
- additem(‘th1009_journal_wolf_part3a’)
- additem(‘th1009_journal_wolf_part4’)
- additem(‘th1009_map_wolf_upgrade1a’)
- additem(‘th1009_map_wolf_upgrade1b’)
- additem(‘th1009_map_wolf_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th1009_map_wolf_upgrade2b’)
Griffin Witcher Gear
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor 3’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots 3’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots 5’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves 3’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves 5’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants 3’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants 5’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword 3’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword 1’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword 2’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword 3’)
- additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Armor schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Boots schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Gloves schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘Gryphon Pants schematic’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 1’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 2’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 3’)
- additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 4’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part1’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part2’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part3’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part4’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part5’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part6’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part7’)
- additem(‘th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade1a’)
- additem(‘th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade1b’)
- additem(‘th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade3’)
Armor and Weapon Repair Kit IDs
- additem(‘armor_repair_kit_1’)
- additem(‘armor_repair_kit_2’)
- additem(‘armor_repair_kit_3’)
- additem(‘weapon_repair_kit_1’)
- additem(‘weapon_repair_kit_2’)
- additem(‘weapon_repair_kit_3’)
Food and Drink IDs
- additem(‘Alcohest’)
- additem(‘Apple juice’)
- additem(‘Apple’)
- additem(‘Baked apple’)
- additem(‘Baked potato’)
- additem(‘Banana’)
- additem(‘Beauclair White’)
- additem(‘Bell pepper’)
- additem(‘Blueberries’)
- additem(‘Bottled water’)
- additem(‘Bread’)
- additem(‘Bun’)
- additem(‘Burned bread’)
- additem(‘Burned bun’)
- additem(‘Butter Bandalura’)
- additem(‘Candy’)
- additem(‘Cheese’)
- additem(‘Cherry cordia’)
- additem(‘Cherry Cordial’)
- additem(‘Chicken leg’)
- additem(‘Chicken sandwich’)
- additem(‘Chicken’)
- additem(‘Chips’)
- additem(‘Cows milk’)
- additem(‘Cucumber’)
- additem(‘Dijkstra Dry’)
- additem(‘Dried fruit and nuts’)
- additem(‘Dried fruit’)
- additem(‘Dwarven spirit’)
- additem(‘Egg’)
- additem(‘Empty bottle’)
- additem(‘Erveluce’)
- additem(‘Est Est’)
- additem(‘Fish’)
- additem(‘Fondue’)
- additem(‘Free nilfgaardian lemon’)
- additem(‘Free roasted chicken leg’)
- additem(‘Fried fish’)
- additem(‘Fried meat’)
- additem(‘Goats milk’)
- additem(‘Grapes’)
- additem(‘Grilled chicken sandwich’)
- additem(‘Grilled pork’)
- additem(‘Gutted fish’)
- additem(‘Ham sandwich’)
- additem(‘Honeycomb’)
- additem(‘Kaedwenian Stout’)
- additem(‘Local pepper vodka’)
- additem(‘Mahakam Spirit’)
- additem(‘Mandrake cordial’)
- additem(‘Mettina Rose’)
- additem(‘Mushroom’)
- additem(‘Mutton curry’)
- additem(‘Mutton leg’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardian Lemon’)
- additem(‘Olive’)
- additem(‘Onion’)
- additem(‘Pear’)
- additem(‘Pepper’)
- additem(‘Plum’)
- additem(‘Pork’)
- additem(‘Potatoes’)
- additem(‘Raspberries’)
- additem(‘Raspberry juice’)
- additem(‘Raw meat’)
- additem(‘Redanian Herbal’)
- additem(‘Redanian Lager’)
- additem(‘Rivian Kriek’)
- additem(‘Roasted chicken leg’)
- additem(‘Roasted chicken’)
- additem(‘Strawberries’)
- additem(‘Temerian Rye’)
- additem(‘Tirnalia potion’)
- additem(‘Toffee’)
- additem(‘Very good honey’)
- additem(‘Vinegar’)
- additem(‘Viziman Champion’)
- additem(‘White Gull 1’)
- additem(‘Wolf liver’)
Runes and Glyph IDs
- additem(‘Dazhbog rune rare’)
- additem(‘Dazhbog rune’)
- additem(‘Devana rune rare’)
- additem(‘Devana rune’)
- additem(‘Elemental rune rare’)
- additem(‘Elemental rune’)
- additem(‘Forgotten soul rare’)
- additem(‘Forgotten soul’)
- additem(‘Glyph aard greater’)
- additem(‘Glyph aard lesser’)
- additem(‘Glyph aard’)
- additem(‘Glyph axii greater’)
- additem(‘Glyph axii lesser’)
- additem(‘Glyph axii’)
- additem(‘Glyph igni greater’)
- additem(‘Glyph igni lesser’)
- additem(‘Glyph igni’)
- additem(‘Glyph quen greater’)
- additem(‘Glyph quen lesser’)
- additem(‘Glyph quen’)
- additem(‘Glyph yrden greater’)
- additem(‘Glyph yrden lesser’)
- additem(‘Glyph yrden’)
- additem(‘Morana rune rare’)
- additem(‘Morana rune’)
- additem(‘Perun rune rare’)
- additem(‘Perun rune’)
- additem(‘Philosophers stone rare’)
- additem(‘Philosophers stone’)
- additem(‘Phosphorescent crystal rare’)
- additem(‘Phosphorescent crystal’)
- additem(‘Rune dazhbog greater’)
- additem(‘Rune dazhbog lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune dazhbog’)
- additem(‘Rune devana greater’)
- additem(‘Rune devana lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune devana’)
- additem(‘Rune elemental greater’)
- additem(‘Rune elemental lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune elemental’)
- additem(‘Rune morana greater’)
- additem(‘Rune morana lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune morana’)
- additem(‘Rune perun greater’)
- additem(‘Rune perun lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune perun’)
- additem(‘Rune quentin greater’)
- additem(‘Rune quentin lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune quentin’)
- additem(‘Rune stribog greater’)
- additem(‘Rune stribog lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune stribog’)
- additem(‘Rune svarog greater’)
- additem(‘Rune svarog lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune svarog’)
- additem(‘Rune triglav greater’)
- additem(‘Rune triglav lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune triglav’)
- additem(‘Rune veles greater’)
- additem(‘Rune veles lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune veles’)
- additem(‘Rune zoria greater’)
- additem(‘Rune zoria lesser’)
- additem(‘Rune zoria’)
- additem(‘Shattered core rare’)
- additem(‘Shattered core’)
- additem(‘Stribog rune rare’)
- additem(‘Stribog rune’)
- additem(‘Svarog rune rare’)
- additem(‘Svarog rune’)
- additem(‘Triglav rune rare’)
- additem(‘Triglav rune’)
- additem(‘Veles rune rare’)
- additem(‘Veles rune’)
- additem(‘Zoria rune rare’)
- additem(‘Zoria rune’)
Crafting Items and Alchemy Ingredient IDs
- additem(‘Aether’)
- additem(‘Albedo’)
- additem(‘Alchemical paste’)
- additem(‘Alchemists powder’)
- additem(‘Alghoul bone marrow’)
- additem(‘Alghoul claw’)
- additem(‘Amber dust’)
- additem(‘Amber flawless’)
- additem(‘Amber fossil’)
- additem(‘Amber’)
- additem(‘Amethyst dust’)
- additem(‘Amethyst flawless’)
- additem(‘Amethyst’)
- additem(‘Arachas eyes’)
- additem(‘Arachas venom’)
- additem(‘Ashes’)
- additem(‘Axe head’)
- additem(‘Bag of grain’)
- additem(‘Bag of weed’)
- additem(‘Bandalur butter knife’)
- additem(‘Basilisk plate’)
- additem(‘Basilisk venom’)
- additem(‘Bear fat’)
- additem(‘Bear pelt’)
- additem(‘Berserker pelt’)
- additem(‘Black pearl dust’)
- additem(‘Black pearl’)
- additem(‘Blasting powder’)
- additem(‘Blunt axe’)
- additem(‘Blunt pickaxe’)
- additem(‘Book’)
- additem(‘Bottle’)
- additem(‘Broken paddle’)
- additem(‘Broken rakes’)
- additem(‘Calcium equum’)
- additem(‘Candelabra’)
- additem(‘Candle’)
- additem(‘Casket’)
- additem(‘Cave Troll liver’)
- additem(‘Chain’)
- additem(‘Child doll’)
- additem(‘Chitin scale’)
- additem(‘Coal’)
- additem(‘Cockatrice egg’)
- additem(‘Cockatrice maw’)
- additem(‘Cotton’)
- additem(‘Cow hide’)
- additem(‘Crystalized essence’)
- additem(‘Cyclops eye’)
- additem(‘Czart hide’)
- additem(‘Dark iron ingot’)
- additem(‘Dark iron ore’)
- additem(‘Dark iron plate’)
- additem(‘Dark steel ingot’)
- additem(‘Dark steel plate’)
- additem(‘Deer hide’)
- additem(‘Diamond dust’)
- additem(‘Diamond flawless’)
- additem(‘Diamond’)
- additem(‘Dog tallow’)
- additem(‘Draconide leather’)
- additem(‘Dragon scales’)
- additem(‘Drowned dead tongue’)
- additem(‘Drowner brain’)
- additem(‘Drum’)
- additem(‘Ducal water’)
- additem(‘Dwimeritium chains’)
- additem(‘Dwimeritium shackles’)
- additem(‘Dwimeryte ingot’)
- additem(‘Dwimeryte ore’)
- additem(‘Dwimeryte plate’)
- additem(‘Dye’)
- additem(‘Ekimma epidermis’)
- additem(‘Elemental essence’)
- additem(‘Emerald dust’)
- additem(‘Emerald flawless’)
- additem(‘Emerald’)
- additem(‘Empty vial’)
- additem(‘Endriag chitin plates’)
- additem(‘Endriag embryo’)
- additem(‘Endriag heart’)
- additem(‘Erynie eye’)
- additem(‘Feather’)
- additem(‘Fiber’)
- additem(‘Fiend eye’)
- additem(‘Fifth essence’)
- additem(‘Fishing net’)
- additem(‘Fishing rod’)
- additem(‘Fisstech’)
- additem(‘Flask’)
- additem(‘Flowers’)
- additem(‘Flute_junk’)
- additem(‘Fogling teeth’)
- additem(‘Forktail plate’)
- additem(‘Fox pelt’)
- additem(‘Fur square’)
- additem(‘Gargoyle dust’)
- additem(‘Gargoyle heart’)
- additem(‘Ghoul blood’)
- additem(‘Glamarye’)
- additem(‘Glass’)
- additem(‘Glowing ingot’)
- additem(‘Glowing ore’)
- additem(‘Glyph infusion greater’)
- additem(‘Glyph infusion lesser’)
- additem(‘Goat hide’)
- additem(‘Goblet’)
- additem(‘Gold candelabra’)
- additem(‘Gold diamond necklace’)
- additem(‘Gold diamond ring’)
- additem(‘Gold mineral’)
- additem(‘Gold ore’)
- additem(‘Gold pearl necklace’)
- additem(‘Gold ring’)
- additem(‘Gold ruby ring’)
- additem(‘Gold sapphire necklace’)
- additem(‘Gold sapphire ring’)
- additem(‘Golden casket’)
- additem(‘Golden mug’)
- additem(‘Golden platter’)
- additem(‘Golem heart’)
- additem(‘Grave Hag ear’)
- additem(‘Greater Rotfiend blood’)
- additem(‘Gryphon egg’)
- additem(‘Gryphon feathers’)
- additem(‘Haft’)
- additem(‘Hag teeth’)
- additem(‘Hardened leather’)
- additem(‘Hardened timber’)
- additem(‘Harpy egg’)
- additem(‘Harpy feathers’)
- additem(‘Harpy talon’)
- additem(‘Horse hide’)
- additem(‘Hydragenum’)
- additem(‘Infused crystal’)
- additem(‘Infused dust’)
- additem(‘Infused shard’)
- additem(‘Inkwell’)
- additem(‘Iron ingot’)
- additem(‘Iron Lamp’)
- additem(‘Iron oil candle’)
- additem(‘Iron ore’)
- additem(‘Jar’)
- additem(‘Jug’)
- additem(‘Jumping rope’)
- additem(‘Ladle’)
- additem(‘Lamia lock of hair’)
- additem(‘Lead ore’)
- additem(‘Leather squares’)
- additem(‘Leather straps’)
- additem(‘Leather’)
- additem(‘Leshy resin’)
- additem(‘Linen’)
- additem(‘Lunar shards’)
- additem(‘Lute’)
- additem(‘Melitele figurine’)
- additem(‘Meteorite ingot’)
- additem(‘Meteorite ore’)
- additem(‘Meteorite plate’)
- additem(‘Meteorite silver ingot’)
- additem(‘Meteorite silver plate’)
- additem(‘Monstrous blood’)
- additem(‘Monstrous bone’)
- additem(‘Monstrous brain’)
- additem(‘Monstrous claw’)
- additem(‘Monstrous dust’)
- additem(‘Monstrous ear’)
- additem(‘Monstrous egg’)
- additem(‘Monstrous essence’)
- additem(‘Monstrous eye’)
- additem(‘Monstrous feather’)
- additem(‘Monstrous hair’)
- additem(‘Monstrous heart’)
- additem(‘Monstrous hide’)
- additem(‘Monstrous liver’)
- additem(‘Monstrous plate’)
- additem(‘Monstrous saliva’)
- additem(‘Monstrous tongue’)
- additem(‘Monstrous tooth’)
- additem(‘Mug’)
- additem(‘Nails’)
- additem(‘Necrophage skin’)
- additem(‘Nekker blood’)
- additem(‘Nekker claw’)
- additem(‘Nekker eye’)
- additem(‘Nekker heart’)
- additem(‘Nekker warrior liver’)
- additem(‘Nightwraith dark essence’)
- additem(‘Nightwraiths hair’)
- additem(‘Nigredo’)
- additem(‘Nilfgaardian special forces insignia’)
- additem(‘Noonwraith light essence’)
- additem(‘Note’)
- additem(‘Oil’)
- additem(‘Old bear skin’)
- additem(‘Old goat skin’)
- additem(‘Old rusty breadknife’)
- additem(‘Old sheep skin’)
- additem(‘Optima mater’)
- additem(‘Ornate silver shield replica’)
- additem(‘Ornate silver sword replica’)
- additem(‘Parchment’)
- additem(‘Patchwork vest’)
- additem(‘Pearl’)
- additem(‘Perfume’)
- additem(‘Phosphorus’)
- additem(‘Pickaxe head’)
- additem(‘Pig hide’)
- additem(‘Platter’)
- additem(‘Powdered pearl’)
- additem(‘Pure silver’)
- additem(‘Quebrith’)
- additem(‘Quicksilver solution’)
- additem(‘Rabbit pelt’)
- additem(‘Razor’)
- additem(‘Rebis’)
- additem(‘Redanian special forces insignia’)
- additem(‘Resin’)
- additem(‘Rope’)
- additem(‘Rotfiend blood’)
- additem(‘Rotten meat’)
- additem(‘Rubedo’)
- additem(‘Ruby dust’)
- additem(‘Ruby flawless’)
- additem(‘Ruby’)
- additem(‘Runestone greater’)
- additem(‘Runestone lesser’)
- additem(‘Rusty hammer head’)
- additem(‘Salt pepper shaker’)
- additem(‘Saltpetre’)
- additem(‘Sap’)
- additem(‘Sapphire dust’)
- additem(‘Sapphire flawless’)
- additem(‘Sapphire’)
- additem(‘Scoiatael trophies’)
- additem(‘Seashell’)
- additem(‘Shell’)
- additem(‘Silk’)
- additem(‘Silver amber necklace’)
- additem(‘Silver amber ring’)
- additem(‘Silver candelabra’)
- additem(‘Silver casket’)
- additem(‘Silver emerald necklace’)
- additem(‘Silver emerald ring’)
- additem(‘Silver ingot’)
- additem(‘Silver mineral’)
- additem(‘Silver mug’)
- additem(‘Silver ore’)
- additem(‘Silver pantaloons’)
- additem(‘Silver plate’)
- additem(‘Silver platter’)
- additem(‘Silver ruby necklace’)
- additem(‘Silver sapphire ring’)
- additem(‘Silver teapot’)
- additem(‘Silverware’)
- additem(‘Siren vocal cords’)
- additem(‘Skull’)
- additem(‘Smithing tools dwarven’)
- additem(‘Smithing tools elven’)
- additem(‘Smithing tools gnomish’)
- additem(‘Smithing tools’)
- additem(‘Smoking pipe’)
- additem(‘Specter dust’)
- additem(‘Stammelfords dust’)
- additem(‘Steel ingot’)
- additem(‘Steel plate’)
- additem(‘String’)
- additem(‘Sulfur’)
- additem(‘Temerian special forces insignia’)
- additem(‘Thread’)
- additem(‘Timber’)
- additem(‘Troll skin’)
- additem(‘Twine’)
- additem(‘Valuable fossil’)
- additem(‘Vampire fang’)
- additem(‘Vampire saliva’)
- additem(‘Venom extract’)
- additem(‘Vermilion’)
- additem(‘Vitriol’)
- additem(‘Voodoo doll’)
- additem(‘Water essence’)
- additem(‘Water Hag teeth’)
- additem(‘Wax’)
- additem(‘Werewolf pelt’)
- additem(‘Werewolf saliva’)
- additem(‘Whetstone dwarven’)
- additem(‘Whetstone elven’)
- additem(‘Whetstone gnomish’)
- additem(‘Whetstone’)
- additem(‘White bear pelt’)
- additem(‘White wolf pelt’)
- additem(‘Wine stone’)
- additem(‘Wire rope’)
- additem(‘Wire’)
- additem(‘Wolf pelt’)
- additem(‘Wooden rung rope ladder’)
- additem(‘Worn leather pelt’)
- additem(‘Wraith essence’)
- additem(‘Wyvern egg’)
- additem(‘Wyvern plate’)
Mutagen IDs
- additem(‘Ancient Leshy mutagen’)
- additem(‘Arachas mutagen’)
- additem(‘Basilisk mutagen’)
- additem(‘Cockatrice mutagen’)
- additem(‘Czart mutagen’)
- additem(‘Dao mutagen’)
- additem(‘Doppler mutagen’)
- additem(‘Ekimma mutagen’)
- additem(‘Fiend mutagen’)
- additem(‘Fogling 1 mutagen’)
- additem(‘Fogling 2 mutagen’)
- additem(‘Forktail mutagen’)
- additem(‘Grave Hag mutagen’)
- additem(‘Greater mutagen blue’)
- additem(‘Greater mutagen green’)
- additem(‘Greater mutagen red’)
- additem(‘Gryphon mutagen’)
- additem(‘Katakan mutagen’)
- additem(‘Lamia mutagen’)
- additem(‘Leshy mutagen’)
- additem(‘Lesser mutagen blue’)
- additem(‘Lesser mutagen green’)
- additem(‘Lesser mutagen red’)
- additem(‘Mutagen blue’)
- additem(‘Mutagen green’)
- additem(‘Mutagen red’)
- additem(‘Nekker Warrior mutagen’)
- additem(‘Nightwraith mutagen’)
- additem(‘Noonwraith mutagen’)
- additem(‘Succubus mutagen’)
- additem(‘Troll mutagen’)
- additem(‘Volcanic Gryphon mutagen’)
- additem(‘Water Hag mutagen’)
- additem(‘Werewolf mutagen’)
- additem(‘Wraith mutagen’)
- additem(‘Wyvern mutagen’)
Alchemy Potions:
- additem(‘Black Blood 1’)
- additem(‘Black Blood 2’)
- additem(‘Black Blood three’)
- additem(‘Blizzard 1’)
- additem(‘Blizzard 2’)
- additem(‘Blizzard three’)
- additem(‘Cat 1’)
- additem(‘Cat 2’)
- additem(‘Cat three’)
- additem(‘Clearing Potion’)
- additem(‘Full Moon 1’)
- additem(‘Full Moon 2’)
- additem(‘Full Moon three’)
- additem(‘Golden Oriole 1’)
- additem(‘Golden Oriole 2’)
- additem(‘Golden Oriole three’)
- additem(‘Killer Whale 1’)
- additem(‘Maribor Forest 1’)
- additem(‘Maribor Forest 2’)
- additem(‘Maribor Forest three’)
- additem(‘Petri Philtre 1’)
- additem(‘Petri Philtre 2’)
- additem(‘Petri Philtre three’)
- additem(‘Pheromone Potion Bear 1’)
- additem(‘Pheromone Potion Drowner 1’)
- additem(‘Pheromone Potion Nekker 1’)
- additem(‘Pops Antidote’)
- additem(‘Swallow 1’)
- additem(‘Swallow 2’)
- additem(‘Swallow three’)
- additem(‘Tawny Owl 1’)
- additem(‘Tawny Owl 2’)
- additem(‘Tawny Owl three’)
- additem(‘Thunderbolt 1’)
- additem(‘Thunderbolt 2’)
- additem(‘Thunderbolt three’)
- additem(‘Trial Potion Package’)
- additem(‘Village drink’)
- additem(‘White Honey 1’)
- additem(‘White Honey 2’)
- additem(‘White Honey three’)
- additem(‘White Raffards Decoction 1’)
- additem(‘White Raffards Decoction 2’)
- additem(‘White Raffards Decoction three’)
Alchemy Oils:
- additem(‘Beast Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Beast Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Beast Oil three’)
- additem(‘Cursed Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Cursed Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Cursed Oil three’)
- additem(‘Draconide Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Draconide Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Draconide Oil three’)
- additem(‘Hanged Man Venom 1’)
- additem(‘Hanged Man Venom 2’)
- additem(‘Hanged Man Venom three’)
- additem(‘Hybrid Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Hybrid Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Hybrid Oil three’)
- additem(‘Insectoid Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Insectoid Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Insectoid Oil three’)
- additem(‘Magicals Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Magicals Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Magicals Oil three’)
- additem(‘Necrophage Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Necrophage Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Necrophage Oil three’)
- additem(‘Ogre Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Ogre Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Ogre Oil three’)
- additem(‘Relic Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Relic Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Relic Oil three’)
- additem(‘Specter Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Specter Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Specter Oil three’)
- additem(‘Vampire Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Vampire Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Vampire Oil three’)
- additem(‘Alkali Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Alkali Bomb 2’)
- additem(‘Alkali Bomb three’)
- additem(‘Dancing Star 1’)
- additem(‘Dancing Star 2’)
- additem(‘Dancing Star three’)
- additem(‘Devils Puffball 1’)
- additem(‘Devils Puffball 2’)
- additem(‘Devils Puffball three’)
- additem(‘Dragons Dream 1’)
- additem(‘Dragons Dream 2’)
- additem(‘Dragons Dream three’)
- additem(‘Dwimeritium Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Dwimeritium Bomb 2’)
- additem(‘Dwimeritium Bomb three’)
- additem(‘Fungi Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Glue Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Grapeshot 1’)
- additem(‘Grapeshot 2’)
- additem(‘Grapeshot three’)
- additem(‘Salt Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Samum 1’)
- additem(‘Samum 2’)
- additem(‘Samum three’)
- additem(‘Shrapnel Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Silver Mud Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Silver Mud Bomb 2’)
- additem(‘Silver Mud Bomb three’)
- additem(‘Snow Ball’)
- additem(‘Tutorial Bomb’)
- additem(‘Virus Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘White Frost 1’)
- additem(‘White Frost 2’)
- additem(‘White Frost three’)
Alchemy Recipes:
- additem(‘Recipe for Bear Pheromone Potion 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Black Blood 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Black Blood 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Black Blood three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Blizzard 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Blizzard 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Blizzard three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Cat 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Cat 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Cat three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Czart Lure’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Drowner Pheromone Potion 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Full Moon 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Full Moon 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Full Moon three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Golden Oriole 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Golden Oriole 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Golden Oriole three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Killer Whale 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Maribor Forest 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Maribor Forest 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Maribor Forest three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Nekker Pheromone Potion 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Petris Philtre 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Petris Philtre 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Petris Philtre three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Pops Antidote’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Swallow 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Swallow 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Swallow three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Tawny Owl 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Tawny Owl 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Tawny Owl three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Thunderbolt 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Thunderbolt 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Thunderbolt three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Trial Potion Package’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Honey 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Honey 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Honey three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Raffards Decoction 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Raffards Decoction 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Raffards Decoction three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Beast Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Beast Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Beast Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Cursed Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Cursed Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Cursed Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Hanged Man Venom 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Hanged Man Venom 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Hanged Man Venom three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Hybrid Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Hybrid Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Hybrid Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Insectoid Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Insectoid Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Insectoid Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Magicals Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Magicals Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Magicals Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Necrophage Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Necrophage Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Necrophage Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Specter Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Specter Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Specter Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Vampire Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Vampire Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Vampire Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Draconide Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Draconide Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Draconide Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Ogre Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Ogre Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Ogre Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Relic Oil 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Relic Oil 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Relic Oil three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dancing Star 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dancing Star 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dancing Star three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Devils Puffball 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Devils Puffball 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Devils Puffball three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dragons Dream 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dragons Dream 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dragons Dream three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dwimeritium Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dwimeritium Bomb 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Dwimeritium Bomb three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Fungi Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Glue Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Grapeshot 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Grapeshot 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Grapeshot three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Salt Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Samum 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Samum 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Samum three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Shrapnel Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Silver Mud Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Silver Mud Bomb 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Silver Mud Bomb three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Virus Bomb 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Frost 1’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Frost 2’)
- additem(‘Recipe for White Frost three’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen purple’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen inexperienced’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen blue’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Larger mutagen purple’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Higher mutagen inexperienced’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Larger mutagen blue’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 1’) – Katakan
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 2’) – Arachas
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen three’) – Cockatrice
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen four’) – Archgriffin
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 5’) – Water Hag
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 6’) – Nightwraith
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 7’) – Ekimmara
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen eight’) – Chort
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 9’) – Foglet
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 10’) – Wyvern
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 11’) – Doppler
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 12’) – Troll
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 13’) – Noonwraith
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 14’) – Succubus
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 15’) – Alghoul
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 16’) – Fiend
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 17’) – Forktail
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 18’) – Grave Hag
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 19’) – Wraith
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 20’) – Earth Elemental
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 21’) – Ekhidna
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 22’) – Historic Leshen
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 23’) – Basilisk
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 24’) – Werewolf
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 25’) – Nekker Warrior
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 26’) – Leshen
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 27’) – Griffin
- additem(‘Recipe for Mutagen 28’) – Reliever
- additem(‘Recipe for Aether’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Albedo’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Hydragenum’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Nigredo’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Quebrith’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Rebis’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Rubedo’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Vermilion’)
- additem(‘Recipe for Vitriol’)
Alchemy Substances:
- additem(‘Aether’)
- additem(‘Albedo’)
- additem(‘Hydragenum’)
- additem(‘Nigredo’)
- additem(‘Quebrith’)
- additem(‘Rebis’)
- additem(‘Rubedo’)
- additem(‘Vermilion’)
- additem(‘Vitriol’)
- additem(‘Arenaria’)
Horse Items and Trophy IDs
- additem(‘Horse Bag 1’)
- additem(‘Horse Bag 2’)
- additem(‘Horse Bag 3’)
- additem(‘Horse Blinder 1’)
- additem(‘Horse Blinder 2’)
- additem(‘Horse Blinder 3’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 0’)
- additem(‘Horse Harness 0’)
- additem(‘Horse Hair 0’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 1’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 1v2’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 1v3’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 1v4’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 2’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 2v2’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 2v3’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 2v4’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 3’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 3v2’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 3v3’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 3v4’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 4’)
- additem(‘Horse skinned tail’)
- additem(‘Horse apex tail’)
- additem(‘Horse Universal Reins’)
- additem(‘Horse Cutscene Reins’)
- additem(‘DLC1 Temerian HorseBag’)
- additem(‘DLC1 Temerian HorseBlinders’)
- additem(‘DLC1 Temerian HorseSaddle’)
- additem(‘DLC5 Nilfgaardian HorseBag’)
- additem(‘DLC5 Nilfgaardian HorseBlinders’)
- additem(‘DLC5 Nilfgaardian HorseSaddle’)
- additem(‘DLC14 Skellige HorseBag’)
- additem(‘DLC14 Skellige HorseBlinders’)
- additem(‘DLC14 Skellige HorseSaddle’)
- additem(‘Ofir Horse Bag’)
- additem(‘Horse Saddle 6’)
- additem(‘Ofir Horse Blinders’)
- additem(‘Devil Saddle’)
- additem(‘mh101_cockatrice_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh102_arachas_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh103_nightwraith_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh104_ekimma_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh105_wyvern_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh106_gravehag_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh107_czart_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh108_fogling_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh201_cave_troll_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh202_nekker_warrior_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh203_water_hag_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh204_leshy_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh206_fiend_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh207_wraith_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh208_forktail_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh210_lamia_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh301_gryphon_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh302_leshy_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh303_succubus_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh304_katakan_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh305_doppler_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh306_dao_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh307_minion_trophy’)
- additem(‘mh308_noonwraith_trophy’)
- additem(‘q002_griffin_trophy’)
- additem(‘mq0003_noonwraith_trophy’)
- additem(‘Werewolf Trophy’)
- additem(‘mq1051_wyvern_trophy’)
- additem(‘sq108_griffin_trophy’)
Schematic IDs
- Meteorite silver plate schematic =additem(‘Meteorite silver plate schematic’)
- Glowing ingot schematic =additem(‘Glowing ingot schematic’)
- Dwimeryte ore schematic =additem(‘Dwimeryte ore schematic’)
- Dwimeryte plate schematic =additem(‘Dwimeryte plate schematic’)
- Infused dust schematic =additem(‘Infused dust schematic’)
- Infused crystal schematic =additem(‘Infused crystal schematic’)
- Boots 2 schematic =additem(‘Boots 2 schematic’)
- No Mans Land sword 3 schematic =additem(‘No Mans Land sword 3 schematic’)
- Scoiatael sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Scoiatael sword 2 schematic’)
- Scoiatael sword 3 schematic =additem(‘Scoiatael sword 3 schematic’)
- Novigraadan sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Novigraadan sword 1 schematic’)
- Novigraadan sword 4 schematic =additem(‘Novigraadan sword 4 schematic’)
- Heavy Boots 2 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Boots 2 schematic’)
- Heavy Boots 1 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Boots 1 schematic’)
- Pants 1 schematic =additem(‘Pants 1 schematic’)
- Heavy Pants 2 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Pants 2 schematic’)
- Short sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Short sword 1 schematic’)
- Short sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Short sword 2 schematic’)
- No Mans Land sword 1 schematic =additem(‘No Mans Land sword 1 schematic’)
- No Mans Land sword 2 schematic=additem(‘No Mans Land sword 2 schematic’)
- Bear School Crossbow schematic =additem(‘Bear School Crossbow schematic’)
- Nilfgaardian sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Nilfgaardian sword 1 schematic’)
- Light Armor 1 schematic =additem(‘Light Armor 1 schematic’)
- Skellige sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Skellige sword 2 schematic’)
- Gryphon School steel sword schematic =additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword schematic’)
- Viper Steel sword schematic =additem(‘Viper Steel sword schematic’)
- No Mans Land sword 4 schematic =additem(‘No Mans Land sword 4 schematic’)
- Nilfgaardian sword 4 schematic =additem(‘Nilfgaardian sword 4 schematic’)
- Inquisitor sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Inquisitor sword 1 schematic’)
- Bear School steel sword schematic =additem(‘Bear School steel sword schematic’)
- Inquisitor sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Inquisitor sword 2 schematic’)
- Silver sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Silver sword 1 schematic’)
- Silver sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Silver sword 2 schematic’)
- Dwarven sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Dwarven sword 1 schematic’)
- Dwarven sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Dwarven sword 2 schematic’)
- Boots 4 schematic =additem(‘Boots 4 schematic’)
- Gnomish sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Gnomish sword 2 schematic’)
- Silver sword 3 schematic =additem(‘Silver sword 3 schematic’)
- Pants 3 schematic =additem(‘Pants 3 schematic’)
- Silver sword 4 schematic =additem(‘Silver sword 4 schematic’)
- Pants 4 schematic =additem(‘Pants 4 schematic’)
- Silver sword 6 schematic =additem(‘Silver sword 6 schematic’)
- Heavy Pants 1 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Pants 1 schematic’)
- Silver sword 7 schematic =additem(‘Silver sword 7 schematic’)
- Bear School silver sword schematic =additem(‘Bear School silver sword schematic’)
- Heavy Pants 4 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Pants 4 schematic’)
- Elven silver sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Elven silver sword 2 schematic’)
- Gloves 1 schematic =additem(‘Gloves 1 schematic’)
- Dwarven silver sword 1 schematic=additem(‘Dwarven silver sword 1 schematic’)
- Gloves 2 schematic =additem(‘Gloves 2 schematic’)
- Dwarven silver sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Dwarven silver sword 2 schematic’)
- Gloves 3 schematic =additem(‘Gloves 3 schematic’)
- Gnomish silver sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Gnomish silver sword 1 schematic’)
- Gloves 4 schematic=additem(‘Gloves 4 schematic’)
- Gnomish silver sword 2 schematic =additem(‘Gnomish silver sword 2 schematic’)
- Heavy Gloves 1 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Gloves 1 schematic’)
- Heavy Gloves 2 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Gloves 2 schematic’)
- Heavy Gloves 3 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Gloves 3 schematic’)
- Heavy Gloves 4 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Gloves 4 schematic’)
- Gryphon Armor schematic =additem(‘Gryphon Armor schematic’)
- Bear Armor schematic =additem(‘Bear Armor schematic’)
- Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Rune stribog schematic =additem(‘Rune stribog schematic’)
- Rune stribog greater schematic =additem(‘Rune stribog greater schematic’)
- Rune dazhbog lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune dazhbog lesser schematic’)
- Rune dazhbog schematic =additem(‘Rune dazhbog schematic’)
- Rune dazhbog greater schematic =additem(‘Rune dazhbog greater schematic’)
- Rune devana lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune devana lesser schematic’)
- Rune devana schematic=additem(‘Rune devana schematic’)
- Rune devana greater schematic =additem(‘Rune devana greater schematic’)
- Rune zoria lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune zoria lesser schematic’)
- Rune zoria schematic =additem(‘Rune zoria schematic’)
- Rune zoria greater schematic=additem(‘Rune zoria greater schematic’)
- Rune morana lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune morana lesser schematic’)
- Rune morana schematic=additem(‘Rune morana schematic’)
- Rune morana greater schematic =additem(‘Rune morana greater schematic’)
- Rune triglav lesser schematic=additem(‘Rune triglav lesser schematic’)
- Rune triglav schematic =additem(‘Rune triglav schematic’)
- Rune triglav greater schematic =additem(‘Rune triglav greater schematic’)
- Rune svarog lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune svarog lesser schematic’)
- Rune svarog schematic =additem(‘Rune svarog schematic’)
- Rune svarog greater schematic =additem(‘Rune svarog greater schematic’)
- Rune veles lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune veles lesser schematic’)
- Rune veles schematic =additem(‘Rune veles schematic’)
- Rune veles greater schematic =additem(‘Rune veles greater schematic’)
- Rune perun lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune perun lesser schematic’)
- Rune perun schematic =additem(‘Rune perun schematic’)
- Rune perun greater schematic =additem(‘Rune perun greater schematic’)
- Rune elemental lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune elemental lesser schematic’)
- Rune elemental schematic =additem(‘Rune elemental schematic’)
- Rune elemental greater schematic=additem(‘Rune elemental greater schematic’)
- Heavy Boots 3 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Boots 3 schematic’)
- Heavy Boots 4 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Boots 4 schematic’)
- Lynx Boots schematic =additem(‘Lynx Boots schematic’)
- Lynx Gloves schematic =additem(‘Lynx Gloves schematic’)
- Lynx Pants schematic =additem(‘Lynx Pants schematic’)
- Gryphon Boots schematic =additem(‘Gryphon Boots schematic’)
- Gryphon Gloves schematic =additem(‘Gryphon Gloves schematic’)
- Gryphon Pants schematic =additem(‘Gryphon Pants schematic’)
- Bear Boots schematic =additem(‘Bear Boots schematic’)
- Bear Gloves schematic =additem(‘Bear Gloves schematic’)
- Bear Pants schematic =additem(‘Bear Pants schematic’)
- Light Armor 2 schematic=additem(‘Light Armor 2 schematic’)
- Light Armor 3 schematic=additem(‘Light Armor 3 schematic’)
- Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Arbitrator schematic =additem(‘Arbitrator schematic’)
- ArmorRepairKit_1 schematic =additem(‘ArmorRepairKit_1 schematic’)
- ArmorRepairKit_2 schematic =additem(‘ArmorRepairKit_2 schematic’)
- ArmorRepairKit_3 schematic =additem(‘ArmorRepairKit_3 schematic’)
- Beannshie schematic =additem(‘Beannshie schematic’)
- Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Blackunicorn schematic =additem(‘Blackunicorn schematic’)
- Blasting powder schematic =additem(‘Blasting powder schematic’)
- Boots 1 schematic =additem(‘Boots 1 schematic’)
- Boots 3 schematic =additem(‘Boots 3 schematic’)
- Boots 7 schematic =additem(‘Boots 7 schematic’)
- Dark iron ingot schematic =additem(‘Dark iron ingot schematic’)
- Dark steel ingot schematic =additem(‘Dark steel ingot schematic’)
- Dark steel ingot schematic 1 =additem(‘Dark steel ingot schematic 1’)
- Dark steel plate schematic =additem(‘Dark steel plate schematic’)
- Draconide leather schematic =additem(‘Draconide leather schematic’)
- Dwimeryte ingot schematic =additem(‘Dwimeryte ingot schematic’)
- Dwimeryte ingot schematic 1 =additem(‘Dwimeryte ingot schematic 1’)
- Elven silver sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Elven silver sword 1 schematic’)
- Glyph aard greater schematic=additem(‘Glyph aard greater schematic’)
- Glyph aard lesser schematic =additem(‘Glyph aard lesser schematic’)
- Glyph aard schematic =additem(‘Glyph aard schematic’)
- Glyph axii greater schematic =additem(‘Glyph axii greater schematic’)
- Glyph axii lesser schematic =additem(‘Glyph axii lesser schematic’)
- Glyph axii schematic =additem(‘Glyph axii schematic’)
- Glyph igni lesser schematic =additem(‘Glyph igni lesser schematic’)
- Glyph igni schematic =additem(‘Glyph igni schematic’)
- Glyph infusion greater schematic =additem(‘Glyph infusion greater schematic’)
- Glyph infusion lesser schematic =additem(‘Glyph infusion lesser schematic’)
- Gnomish sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Gnomish sword 1 schematic’)
- Gryphon School silver sword schematic =additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword schematic’)
- Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Haft schematic =additem(‘Haft schematic’)
- Hardened leather schematic =additem(‘Hardened leather schematic’)
- Hardened timber schematic =additem(‘Hardened timber schematic’)
- Harpy schematic =additem(‘Harpy schematic’)
- Heavy Armor 1 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Armor 1 schematic’)
- Heavy Armor 2 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Armor 2 schematic’)
- Heavy Armor 3 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Armor 3 schematic’)
- Heavy Armor 4 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Armor 4 schematic’)
- Heavy Boots 7 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Boots 7 schematic’)
- Heavy Boots 8 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Boots 8 schematic’)
- Heavy Pants 3 schematic =additem(‘Heavy Pants 3 schematic’)
- Infused shard schematic=additem(‘Infused shard schematic’)
- Iron ingot schematic =additem(‘Iron ingot schematic’)
- Leather schematic =additem(‘Leather schematic’)
- Leather squares schematic =additem(‘Leather squares schematic’)
- Light Armor 4 schematic=additem(‘Light Armor 4 schematic’)
- Light Armor 5 schematic=additem(‘Light Armor 5 schematic’)
- Light Armor 6 schematic=additem(‘Light Armor 6 schematic’)
- Light Armor 7 schematic=additem(‘Light Armor 7 schematic’)
- Light Armor 8 schematic=additem(‘Light Armor 8 schematic’)
- Linen schematic =additem(‘Linen schematic’)
- Longclaw schematic =additem(‘Longclaw schematic’)
- Lynx Armor schematic =additem(‘Lynx Armor schematic’)
- Lynx School Crossbow schematic =additem(‘Lynx School Crossbow schematic’)
- Lynx School silver sword schematic =additem(‘Lynx School silver sword schematic’)
- Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Lynx School steel sword schematic =additem(‘Lynx School steel sword schematic’)
- Medium Armor 1 schematic =additem(‘Medium Armor 1 schematic’)
- Medium Armor 2 schematic =additem(‘Medium Armor 2 schematic’)
- Medium Armor 3 schematic =additem(‘Medium Armor 3 schematic’)
- Medium Armor 4 schematic =additem(‘Medium Armor 4 schematic’)
- Meteorite ingot schematic =additem(‘Meteorite ingot schematic’)
- Meteorite silver ingot schematic =additem(‘Meteorite silver ingot schematic’)
- Negotiator schematic =additem(‘Negotiator schematic’)
- Pants 2 schematic =additem(‘Pants 2 schematic’)
- Relic Heavy 3 schematic=additem(‘Relic Heavy 3 schematic’)
- Resin schematic =additem(‘Resin schematic’)
- Rune stribog lesser schematic =additem(‘Rune stribog lesser schematic’)
- Runestone greater schematic =additem(‘Runestone greater schematic’)
- Runestone lesser schematic =additem(‘Runestone lesser schematic’)
- Silk schematic=additem(‘Silk schematic’)
- Silver ingot schematic =additem(‘Silver ingot schematic’)
- Silver ingot schematic 1 =additem(‘Silver ingot schematic 1’)
- Silver ore schematic =additem(‘Silver ore schematic’)
- Silver plate schematic =additem(‘Silver plate schematic’)
- Skellige sword 1 schematic =additem(‘Skellige sword 1 schematic’)
- Smithing tools dwarven schematic=additem(‘Smithing tools dwarven schematic’)
- Smithing tools elven schematic =additem(‘Smithing tools elven schematic’)
- Smithing tools gnomish schematic=additem(‘Smithing tools gnomish schematic’)
- Smithing tools schematic =additem(‘Smithing tools schematic’)
- Starting Armor Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Starting Armor Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Steel ingot schematic =additem(‘Steel ingot schematic’)
- Steel ingot schematic 1 =additem(‘Steel ingot schematic 1’)
- Steel plate schematic =additem(‘Steel plate schematic’)
- String schematic =additem(‘String schematic’)
- Thread schematic =additem(‘Thread schematic’)
- Thyssen Armor schematic =additem(‘Thyssen Armor schematic’)
- Viper Silver sword schematic=additem(‘Viper Silver sword schematic’)
- WeaponRepairKit_1 schematic =additem(‘WeaponRepairKit_1 schematic’)
- WeaponRepairKit_2 schematic =additem(‘WeaponRepairKit_2 schematic’)
- WeaponRepairKit_3 schematic =additem(‘WeaponRepairKit_3 schematic’)
- Weeper schematic =additem(‘Weeper schematic’)
- Whetstone dwarven schematic =additem(‘Whetstone dwarven schematic’)
- Whetstone elven schematic =additem(‘Whetstone elven schematic’)
- Whetstone gnomish schematic =additem(‘Whetstone gnomish schematic’)
- Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 1 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 1’)
- Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 3’)
- Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 2 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 2’)
- Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 3 =additem(‘Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 3’)
Gwent Cards IDs
- gwint_card_vernon =additem(‘gwint_card_vernon’)
- gwint_card_natalis =additem(‘gwint_card_natalis’)
- gwint_card_esterad=additem(‘gwint_card_esterad’)
- gwint_card_philippa =additem(‘gwint_card_philippa’)
- gwint_card_thaler =additem(‘gwint_card_thaler’)
- gwint_card_dijkstra=additem(‘gwint_card_dijkstra’)
- gwint_card_siege_tower=additem(‘gwint_card_siege_tower’)
- gwint_card_blue_stripes=additem(‘gwint_card_blue_stripes’)
- gwint_card_crinfrid=additem(‘gwint_card_crinfrid’)
- gwint_card_crinfrid2 =additem(‘gwint_card_crinfrid2’)
- gwint_card_crinfrid3 =additem(‘gwint_card_crinfrid3’)
- gwint_card_catapult =additem(‘gwint_card_catapult’)
- gwint_card_catapult2 =additem(‘gwint_card_catapult2’)
- gwint_card_poor_infantry2 =additem(‘gwint_card_poor_infantry2’)
- gwint_card_poor_infantry3 =additem(‘gwint_card_poor_infantry3’)
- gwint_card_letho =additem(‘gwint_card_letho’)
- gwint_card_black_archer =additem(‘gwint_card_black_archer’)
- gwint_card_menno=additem(‘gwint_card_menno’)
- gwint_card_moorvran =additem(‘gwint_card_moorvran’)
- gwint_card_tibor =additem(‘gwint_card_tibor’)
- gwint_card_albrich =additem(‘gwint_card_albrich’)
- gwint_card_combat_engineer =additem(‘gwint_card_combat_engineer’)
- gwint_card_fringilla =additem(‘gwint_card_fringilla’)
- gwint_card_cynthia =additem(‘gwint_card_cynthia’)
- gwint_card_shilard =additem(‘gwint_card_shilard’)
- gwint_card_sweers =additem(‘gwint_card_sweers’)
- gwint_card_vanhemar =additem(‘gwint_card_vanhemar’)
- gwint_card_vattier =additem(‘gwint_card_vattier’)
- gwint_card_vreemde =additem(‘gwint_card_vreemde’)
- gwint_card_cahir =additem(‘gwint_card_cahir’)
- gwint_card_puttkammer =additem(‘gwint_card_puttkammer’)
- gwint_card_heavy_zerri =additem(‘gwint_card_heavy_zerri’)
- gwint_card_zerri =additem(‘gwint_card_zerri’)
- gwint_card_impera_brigade =additem(‘gwint_card_impera_brigade’)
- gwint_card_impera_brigade2 =additem(‘gwint_card_impera_brigade2’)
- gwint_card_impera_brigade3 =additem(‘gwint_card_impera_brigade3’)
- gwint_card_impera_brigade4 =additem(‘gwint_card_impera_brigade4’)
- gwint_card_archer_support2 =additem(‘gwint_card_archer_support2’)
- gwint_card_siege_support =additem(‘gwint_card_siege_support’)
- gwint_card_nausicaa2 =additem(‘gwint_card_nausicaa2’)
- gwint_card_nausicaa3 =additem(‘gwint_card_nausicaa3’)
- gwint_card_stefan =additem(‘gwint_card_stefan’)
- gwint_card_young_emissary =additem(‘gwint_card_young_emissary’)
- gwint_card_young_emissary2 =additem(‘gwint_card_young_emissary2’)
- gwint_card_eithne =additem(‘gwint_card_eithne’)
- gwint_card_saskia =additem(‘gwint_card_saskia’)
- gwint_card_yaevinn =additem(‘gwint_card_yaevinn’)
- gwint_card_toruviel =additem(‘gwint_card_toruviel’)
- gwint_card_havekar_support =additem(‘gwint_card_havekar_support’)
- gwint_card_havekar_support2 =additem(‘gwint_card_havekar_support2’)
- gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade2=additem(‘gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade2’)
- gwint_card_dol_infantry =additem(‘gwint_card_dol_infantry’)
- gwint_card_dol_infantry3 =additem(‘gwint_card_dol_infantry3’)
- gwint_card_dol_dwarf =additem(‘gwint_card_dol_dwarf’)
- gwint_card_dol_dwarf2 =additem(‘gwint_card_dol_dwarf2’)
- gwint_card_dol_dwarf3 =additem(‘gwint_card_dol_dwarf3’)
- gwint_card_mahakam3 =additem(‘gwint_card_mahakam3’)
- gwint_card_mahakam4 =additem(‘gwint_card_mahakam4’)
- gwint_card_mahakam5 =additem(‘gwint_card_mahakam5’)
- gwint_card_elf_skirmisher3 =additem(‘gwint_card_elf_skirmisher3’)
- gwint_card_vrihedd_cadet =additem(‘gwint_card_vrihedd_cadet’)
- gwint_card_dol_archer =additem(‘gwint_card_dol_archer’)
- gwint_card_havekar_nurse =additem(‘gwint_card_havekar_nurse’)
- gwint_card_havekar_nurse2 =additem(‘gwint_card_havekar_nurse2’)
- gwint_card_havekar_nurse3 =additem(‘gwint_card_havekar_nurse3’)
- gwint_card_draug =additem(‘gwint_card_draug’)
- gwint_card_kayran =additem(‘gwint_card_kayran’)
- gwint_card_imlerith =additem(‘gwint_card_imlerith’)
- gwint_card_leshen =additem(‘gwint_card_leshen’)
- gwint_card_forktail =additem(‘gwint_card_forktail’)
- gwint_card_earth_elemental =additem(‘gwint_card_earth_elemental’)
- gwint_card_fiend =additem(‘gwint_card_fiend’)
- gwint_card_plague_maiden =additem(‘gwint_card_plague_maiden’)
- gwint_card_griffin =additem(‘gwint_card_griffin’)
- gwint_card_werewolf =additem(‘gwint_card_werewolf’)
- gwint_card_botchling =additem(‘gwint_card_botchling’)
- gwint_card_frightener =additem(‘gwint_card_frightener’)
- gwint_card_endrega =additem(‘gwint_card_endrega’)
- gwint_card_harpy =additem(‘gwint_card_harpy’)
- gwint_card_cockatrice =additem(‘gwint_card_cockatrice’)
- gwint_card_gargoyle =additem(‘gwint_card_gargoyle’)
- gwint_card_celaeno_harpy =additem(‘gwint_card_celaeno_harpy’)
- gwint_card_grave_hag =additem(‘gwint_card_grave_hag’)
- gwint_card_fire_elemental =additem(‘gwint_card_fire_elemental’)
- gwint_card_fogling =additem(‘gwint_card_fogling’)
- gwint_card_wyvern=additem(‘gwint_card_wyvern’)
- gwint_card_arachas_behemoth =additem(‘gwint_card_arachas_behemoth’)
- gwint_card_arachas =additem(‘gwint_card_arachas’)
- gwint_card_arachas2 =additem(‘gwint_card_arachas2’)
- gwint_card_arachas3 =additem(‘gwint_card_arachas3’)
- gwint_card_nekker =additem(‘gwint_card_nekker’)
- gwint_card_nekker2 =additem(‘gwint_card_nekker2’)
- gwint_card_nekker3 =additem(‘gwint_card_nekker3’)
- gwint_card_ekkima=additem(‘gwint_card_ekkima’)
- gwint_card_garkain=additem(‘gwint_card_garkain’)
- gwint_card_bruxa =additem(‘gwint_card_bruxa’)
- gwint_card_katakan =additem(‘gwint_card_katakan’)
- gwint_card_ghoul =additem(‘gwint_card_ghoul’)
- gwint_card_ghoul2 =additem(‘gwint_card_ghoul2’)
- gwint_card_ghoul3 =additem(‘gwint_card_ghoul3’)
- gwint_card_geralt =additem(‘gwint_card_geralt’)
- gwint_card_vesemir =additem(‘gwint_card_vesemir’)
- gwint_card_yennefer =additem(‘gwint_card_yennefer’)
- gwint_card_ciri =additem(‘gwint_card_ciri’)
- gwint_card_dandelion =additem(‘gwint_card_dandelion’)
- gwint_card_zoltan =additem(‘gwint_card_zoltan’)
- gwint_card_emiel =additem(‘gwint_card_emiel’)
- gwint_card_villen =additem(‘gwint_card_villen’)
- gwint_card_dummy =additem(‘gwint_card_dummy’)
- gwint_card_horn =additem(‘gwint_card_horn’)
- gwint_card_scorch =additem(‘gwint_card_scorch’)
- gwint_card_frost =additem(‘gwint_card_frost’)
- gwint_card_fog =additem(‘gwint_card_fog’)
- gwint_card_clear_sky =additem(‘gwint_card_clear_sky’)
- gwint_card_archer_support =additem(‘gwint_card_archer_support’)
- gwint_card_assire =additem(‘gwint_card_assire’)
- gwint_card_avallach =additem(‘gwint_card_avallach’)
- gwint_card_ballista =additem(‘gwint_card_ballista’)
- gwint_card_ballista_officer =additem(‘gwint_card_ballista_officer’)
- gwint_card_barclay =additem(‘gwint_card_barclay’)
- gwint_card_black_archer2 =additem(‘gwint_card_black_archer2’)
- gwint_card_blue_stripes2 =additem(‘gwint_card_blue_stripes2’)
- gwint_card_blue_stripes3 =additem(‘gwint_card_blue_stripes3’)
- gwint_card_ciaran =additem(‘gwint_card_ciaran’)
- gwint_card_crone_brewess =additem(‘gwint_card_crone_brewess’)
- gwint_card_crone_weavess =additem(‘gwint_card_crone_weavess’)
- gwint_card_crone_whispess =additem(‘gwint_card_crone_whispess’)
- gwint_card_dennis =additem(‘gwint_card_dennis’)
- gwint_card_dol_infantry2 =additem(‘gwint_card_dol_infantry2’)
- gwint_card_dun_banner_medic =additem(‘gwint_card_dun_banner_medic’)
- gwint_card_elf_skirmisher =additem(‘gwint_card_elf_skirmisher’)
- gwint_card_elf_skirmisher2 =additem(‘gwint_card_elf_skirmisher2’)
- gwint_card_emhyr_bronze =additem(‘gwint_card_emhyr_bronze’)
- gwint_card_emhyr_copper =additem(‘gwint_card_emhyr_copper’)
- gwint_card_emhyr_gold =additem(‘gwint_card_emhyr_gold’)
- gwint_card_emhyr_silver =additem(‘gwint_card_emhyr_silver’)
- gwint_card_eredin_bronze =additem(‘gwint_card_eredin_bronze’)
- gwint_card_eredin_copper =additem(‘gwint_card_eredin_copper’)
- gwint_card_eredin_gold =additem(‘gwint_card_eredin_gold’)
- gwint_card_eredin_silver =additem(‘gwint_card_eredin_silver’)
- gwint_card_filavandrel =additem(‘gwint_card_filavandrel’)
- gwint_card_fleder =additem(‘gwint_card_fleder’)
- gwint_card_foltest_bronze =additem(‘gwint_card_foltest_bronze’)
- gwint_card_foltest_copper =additem(‘gwint_card_foltest_copper’)
- gwint_card_foltest_gold =additem(‘gwint_card_foltest_gold’)
- gwint_card_foltest_silver =additem(‘gwint_card_foltest_silver’)
- gwint_card_francesca_bronze =additem(‘gwint_card_francesca_bronze’)
- gwint_card_francesca_copper =additem(‘gwint_card_francesca_copper’)
- gwint_card_francesca_gold =additem(‘gwint_card_francesca_gold’)
- gwint_card_francesca_silver =additem(‘gwint_card_francesca_silver’)
- gwint_card_havekar_support3 =additem(‘gwint_card_havekar_support3’)
- gwint_card_ice_giant =additem(‘gwint_card_ice_giant’)
- gwint_card_ida =additem(‘gwint_card_ida’)
- gwint_card_iorveth =additem(‘gwint_card_iorveth’)
- gwint_card_isengrim =additem(‘gwint_card_isengrim’)
- gwint_card_kaedwen =additem(‘gwint_card_kaedwen’)
- gwint_card_kaedwen2 =additem(‘gwint_card_kaedwen2’)
- gwint_card_mahakam =additem(‘gwint_card_mahakam’)
- gwint_card_mahakam2 =additem(‘gwint_card_mahakam2’)
- gwint_card_milva =additem(‘gwint_card_milva’)
- gwint_card_morteisen =additem(‘gwint_card_morteisen’)
- gwint_card_nausicaa =additem(‘gwint_card_nausicaa’)
- gwint_card_poor_infantry =additem(‘gwint_card_poor_infantry’)
- gwint_card_rain =additem(‘gwint_card_rain’)
- gwint_card_rainfarn =additem(‘gwint_card_rainfarn’)
- gwint_card_renuald =additem(‘gwint_card_renuald’)
- gwint_card_riordain =additem(‘gwint_card_riordain’)
- gwint_card_rotten =additem(‘gwint_card_rotten’)
- gwint_card_siegfried =additem(‘gwint_card_siegfried’)
- gwint_card_stennis =additem(‘gwint_card_stennis’)
- gwint_card_triss =additem(‘gwint_card_triss’)
- gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade =additem(‘gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade’)
- gwint_card_witch_hunters =additem(‘gwint_card_witch_hunters’)
Book IDs
- activateAllGlossaryCharacters =Enables (shows) all characters in the glossary.
- activateAllGlossaryBeastiary =Enables (shows) all monsters in the glossary.
- additem(‘Armor maintenance’)
- additem(‘Beasts vol 1’)
- additem(‘Beasts vol 2’)
- additem(‘Boat vol 1’)
- additem(‘Boat vol 2’)
- additem(‘Book of Arachases’)
- additem(‘Cursed Monsters vol 1’)
- additem(‘Cursed Monsters vol 2’)
- additem(‘Draconides vol 1’)
- additem(‘Draconides vol 2’)
- additem(‘flotsam_experiment’)
- additem(‘Gear improvement’)
- additem(‘Glossary Temerian Dynasty’)
- additem(‘gp_prologue_bandit_note01’)
- additem(‘gp_prologue_bandit_note02’)
- additem(‘gp_prologue_bandit_note03’)
- additem(‘gp_prologue_cultist_note01’)
- additem(‘gp_prologue_cultist_note02’)
- additem(‘Horse vol 1’)
- additem(‘Horse vol 2’)
- additem(‘Hybrid Monsters vol 1’)
- additem(‘Hybrid Monsters vol 2’)
- additem(‘Insectoids vol 1’)
- additem(‘Insectoids vol 2’)
- additem(‘Jacob of Varazze Chronicles’)
- additem(‘Journey into the mind’)
- additem(‘lore_about_the_fourth_witch’)
- additem(‘lore_aleksanders_notes’)
- additem(‘lore_an_seidhe_and_aen_elle’)
- additem(‘lore_basics_of_magic’)
- additem(‘lore_bells_of_beauclair’)
- additem(‘lore_brother_adalbert_bestiary’)
- additem(‘lore_cirilla_of_cintra’)
- additem(‘lore_conjunction_of_spheres’)
- additem(‘lore_cult_of_freyia’)
- additem(‘lore_cult_of_hemdall’)
- additem(‘lore_druids’)
- additem(‘lore_elder_blood’)
- additem(‘lore_elven_legends’)
- additem(‘lore_elven_ruins’)
- additem(‘lore_elven_sages’)
- additem(‘lore_fall_of_wyzima’)
- additem(‘lore_fate_of_temeria’)
- additem(‘lore_goetia’)
- additem(‘lore_hydromancy’)
- additem(‘lore_imperial_edict_i’)
- additem(‘lore_imperial_edict_ii’)
- additem(‘lore_inteligence_report_about_ciri’)
- additem(‘lore_journals_from_urskar_1’)
- additem(‘lore_journals_from_urskar_2’)
- additem(‘lore_journals_from_urskar_3’)
- additem(‘lore_journals_from_urskar_4’)
- additem(‘lore_journals_from_urskar_5’)
- additem(‘lore_journals_from_urskar_6’)
- additem(‘lore_journals_from_urskar_7’)
- additem(‘lore_kovir’)
- additem(‘lore_last_wish’)
- additem(‘lore_lodge_of_sorceresses’)
- additem(‘lore_monstrum’)
- additem(‘lore_naglfar_demonic_drakkar’)
- additem(‘lore_necromancy’)
- additem(‘lore_nilfgaardian_empire’)
- additem(‘lore_nilfgaardian_history_book’)
- additem(‘lore_nilfgaardian_royal_dynasty’)
- additem(‘lore_nilfgaardian_transport_orders’)
- additem(‘lore_non_humans’)
- additem(‘lore_novigrad’)
- additem(‘lore_oneiromancy’)
- additem(‘lore_oxenfurt’)
- additem(‘lore_polymorphism’)
- additem(‘lore_popiels_journal’)
- additem(‘lore_principles_of_eternal_fire’)
- additem(‘lore_prophecy_of_ithlinne’)
- additem(‘lore_radovid_propaganda_pamphlet’)
- additem(‘lore_radovids_rise_to_power’)
- additem(‘lore_ragnarok’)
- additem(‘lore_redania’)
- additem(‘lore_redanian_secret_service’)
- additem(‘lore_sands_of_zerrikania’)
- additem(‘lore_skellige_heroes_broddr’)
- additem(‘lore_skellige_heroes_grymmdjarr’)
- additem(‘lore_skellige_heroes_modolf’)
- additem(‘lore_skellige_heroes_otkell’)
- additem(‘lore_skellige_heroes_sove’)
- additem(‘lore_skellige_heroes_tyr’)
- additem(‘lore_skellige_island’)
- additem(‘lore_study_on_white_cold’)
- additem(‘lore_summit_of_loc_muinne’)
- additem(‘lore_the_great_four’)
- additem(‘lore_theory_of_spheres’)
- additem(‘lore_third_war_with_nilfgaard’)
- additem(‘lore_tyromancy’)
- additem(‘lore_unfinished_war_annals’)
- additem(‘lore_velen’)
- additem(‘lore_war_between_astrals’)
- additem(‘lore_wars_with_nilfgaard’)
- additem(‘lore_wild_hunt’)
- additem(‘lore_witch_hunters’)
- additem(‘lore_witcher_signs’)
- additem(‘lore_witchers’)
- additem(‘lore_yennefer_journals’)
- additem(‘lw_bm6_merchant_note’)
- additem(‘lw_cb17_bandits_note’)
- additem(‘lw_cp13_bandit_note’)
- additem(‘lw_cp13_refugee_note’)
- additem(‘lw_cp14_bandit_note’)
- additem(‘lw_cp14_child_note’)
- additem(‘lw_cp33_treasure_note’)
- additem(‘lw_cp36_note’)
- additem(‘lw_cp39_captains_log’)
- additem(‘lw_de_wett_note’)
- additem(‘lw_de11_note’)
- additem(‘lw_de32_treasure_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gf2_white_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr_poi_042_letter’)
- additem(‘lw_gr12_ferry_man_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr13_poppy_slaver_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr13_slaver_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr15_bandits_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr15_ghouls_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr29_bandit_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr34_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr39_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr40_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr41_note’)
- additem(‘lw_gr7_soldiers_note’)
- additem(‘lw_hs2_bandit_note’)
- additem(‘lw_hs2_scoiatael_note’)
- additem(‘lw_mp4_merchant_note’)
- additem(‘lw_prologue_fallen_soldier_letter01’)
- additem(‘lw_prologue_temerian_loot_manifest’)
- additem(‘lw_prologue_temerian_treasure_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb12_pirate_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb13_smugglers_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb14_fisherman_letter’)
- additem(‘lw_sb14_pirate_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb18_camps_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb2_base_camp_map’)
- additem(‘lw_sb2_base_camp_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb2_sunken_ships_map’)
- additem(‘lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb20_chest_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb24_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb3_camps_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sb3_giggler_note_pirates’)
- additem(‘lw_sb3_giggler_note_workers’)
- additem(‘lw_sb5_giggler_leader_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk_poi_005_treasure_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk_poi_050_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk_poi_056_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk16_village_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk25_bandits_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk25_blood_countess_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk3_ship_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk30_villager_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk31_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk32_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk38_treasure_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk4_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk41_prison_island_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk42_treasure_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk57_treasure_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk86_guards_note’)
- additem(‘lw_sk86_old_mans_note’)
- additem(‘lw_tm_underwater_dungeon_note’)
- additem(‘lw_tm12_bandit_note’)
- additem(‘lw_tm15_treasure_hunter_note’)
- additem(‘lw_tm5_villager_note’)
- additem(‘lw_tm6_note’)
- additem(‘Magical Monsters vol 1’)
- additem(‘Magical Monsters vol 2’)
- additem(‘mq1051_orders_note’)
- additem(‘Necronomicon’)
- additem(‘Necrophage vol 1’)
- additem(‘Necrophage vol 2’)
- additem(‘Nilfgard arms and tactics’)
- additem(‘noon_shadow_loot_note’)
- additem(‘Norther Kingdoms arms and tactics’)
- additem(‘Ogres vol 1’)
- additem(‘Ogres vol 2’)
- additem(‘Orders from Shilard’)
- additem(‘Poems of Gonzal de Verceo’)
- additem(‘poi_telescope_note’)
- additem(‘poi_temerian_treasure_note’)
- additem(‘Relict Monsters vol 1’)
- additem(‘Relict Monsters vol 2’)
- additem(‘sk48_splintered_ships_note’)
- additem(‘Skelige arms and tactics’)
- additem(‘Specters vol 1’)
- additem(‘Specters vol 2’)
- additem(‘Theatre Glossary vol 1’)
- additem(‘Theatre Glossary vol 2’)
- additem(‘Vampires vol 1’)
- additem(‘Vampires vol 2’)
- additem(‘Weapon maintenance’)
- additem(‘Wild Hunt’)
Notices and Contract IDs
- additem(‘br201_notice’)
- additem(‘br202_notice’)
- additem(‘br301_notice’)
- additem(‘br302_notice’)
- additem(‘cg_notice_baron’)
- additem(‘cg_notice_mousesack’)
- additem(‘cg_notice_sq306_maverick’)
- additem(‘cg_notice_stjepan’)
- additem(‘cg_notice_vivaldi’)
- additem(‘ff100_notice’)
- additem(‘ff200_notice’)
- additem(‘ff300_notice’)
- additem(‘hr101_notice’)
- additem(‘hr200_notice’)
- additem(‘item_name_mq1051_contract’)
- additem(‘item_name_mq2052_contract’)
- additem(‘item_name_mq3031_notice’)
- additem(‘item_name_sq201_werewolf_contract’)
- additem(‘item_name_sq210_notice’)
- additem(‘mh101_contract’)
- additem(‘mh102_contract’)
- additem(‘mh103_contract’)
- additem(‘mh104_contract’)
- additem(‘mh106_contract’)
- additem(‘mh107_contract’)
- additem(‘mh108_contract’)
- additem(‘mh201_contract’)
- additem(‘mh202_contract’)
- additem(‘mh203_contract’)
- additem(‘mh206_contract’)
- additem(‘mh207_contract’)
- additem(‘mh210_contract’)
- additem(‘mh401_contract’)
- additem(‘mh402_contract’)
- additem(‘mh403_contract’)
- additem(‘mh404_contract’)
- additem(‘mh405_contract’)
- additem(‘mh406_contract’)
- additem(‘mh407_contract’)
- additem(‘mh408_contract’)
- additem(‘mq0001_contract’)
- additem(‘mq0003_contract’)
- additem(‘mq1002_3012_notice’)
- additem(‘mq1006_notice’)
- additem(‘mq1011_notice’)
- additem(‘mq1013_notice’)
- additem(‘mq1016_notice’)
- additem(‘mq1022_notice’)
- additem(‘mq1043_notice’)
- additem(‘mq1050_notice’)
- additem(‘mq2001_notice_board_holmstein’)
- additem(‘mq2001_notice_board_kaer_trolde’)
- additem(‘mq2030_nithing’)
- additem(‘poi_bandit_camp_3_note’)
- additem(‘q301_notice_haunted_house’)
- additem(‘sq102_contract’)
- additem(‘sq104_werewolf’)
- additem(‘sq106_name_ekimma_contract’)
- additem(‘sq108_griffon_contract’)
- additem(‘sq204_forest_spirit_contract’)
- additem(‘sq305_notice’)
Quest Item IDs
- additem(‘cg100_barons_notes’)
- additem(‘cg300_roches_list’)
- additem(‘FeromoneBomb’)
- additem(‘lw_sb13_note’)
- additem(‘lw_temerian_soldiers_journal’)
- additem(‘mh103_girls_journal’)
- additem(‘mh103_killers_knife’)
- additem(‘mh106_hags_skulls’)
- additem(‘mh107_fiend_dung’)
- additem(‘mh207_lighthouse_keeper_letter’)
- additem(‘mh301_merc_contract’)
- additem(‘mh305_doppler_letter’)
- additem(‘mh306_mages_journal’)
- additem(‘mh306_tenant_journal’)
- additem(‘mh307_minion_lair_key’)
- additem(‘mh308_dagger’)
- additem(‘mq0002_box’)
- additem(‘mq0003_girls_diary’)
- additem(‘mq0003_ornate_bracelet’)
- additem(‘mq0004_burnt_papers’)
- additem(‘mq0004_frying_pan’)
- additem(‘mq0004_thalers_monocle’)
- additem(‘mq1001_dog_collar’)
- additem(‘mq1001_locker_diary’)
- additem(‘mq1001_locker_key’)
- additem(‘mq1002_aeramas_journal_2’)
- additem(‘mq1002_aeramas_journal’)
- additem(‘mq1002_artifact_1’)
- additem(‘mq1002_artifact_2’)
- additem(‘mq1002_artifact_3’)
- additem(‘mq1010_ring’)
- additem(‘mq1014_old_mine_journal’)
- additem(‘mq1015_hang_man_note’)
- additem(‘mq1017_nilfgaardian_letter’)
- additem(‘mq1019_oil’)
- additem(‘mq1022_paint’)
- additem(‘mq1023_fake_papers’)
- additem(‘mq1028_muggs_papers’)
- additem(‘mq1033_fight_diary’)
- additem(‘mq1036_refugee_letter’)
- additem(‘mq1050_dragon_root’)
- additem(‘mq1051_spyglass’)
- additem(‘mq1052_bandit_key’)
- additem(‘mq1052_monster_trophy’)
- additem(‘mq1053_letter_to_emhyr’)
- additem(‘mq1053_martins_notes’)
- additem(‘mq1053_report’)
- additem(‘mq1053_skull’)
- additem(‘mq1055_letters’)
- additem(‘mq1056_chain_cutter’)
- additem(‘mq2001_horn’)
- additem(‘mq2001_journal_1a’)
- additem(‘mq2001_journal_1b’)
- additem(‘mq2001_journal_1c’)
- additem(‘mq2001_journal_2a’)
- additem(‘mq2001_journal_2b’)
- additem(‘mq2001_kuilu’)
- additem(‘mq2002_sword’)
- additem(‘mq2003_bandit_journal’)
- additem(‘mq2006_key_1’)
- additem(‘mq2006_key_2’)
- additem(‘mq2006_map_1’)
- additem(‘mq2006_map_2’)
- additem(‘mq2008_journal’)
- additem(‘mq2010_lumbermill_journal_1’)
- additem(‘mq2010_lumbermill_journal_2’)
- additem(‘mq2010_lumbermill_journal_3’)
- additem(‘mq2012_letter’)
- additem(‘mq2015_kurisus_note’)
- additem(‘mq2018_lugos_note’)
- additem(‘mq2030_shawl’)
- additem(‘mq2033_captain_journal’)
- additem(‘mq2033_captain_note’)
- additem(‘mq2033_tp_stone’)
- additem(‘mq2037_dimun_directions’)
- additem(‘mq2037_drakkar_chest_key’)
- additem(‘mq2038_headsman_sword’)
- additem(‘mq2039_Honeycomb’)
- additem(‘mq2041_dexterity_token’)
- additem(‘mq2043_conviction_token’)
- additem(‘mq2048_guide_notes’)
- additem(‘mq2048_ships_logbook’)
- additem(‘mq2048_stone_medalion’)
- additem(‘mq2048_waxed_letters’)
- additem(‘mq2049_book_1’)
- additem(‘mq2049_book_2’)
- additem(‘mq2049_book_3’)
- additem(‘mq2049_book_4’)
- additem(‘mq2049_book_5’)
- additem(‘mq3002_hidden_messages_note_01’)
- additem(‘mq3002_hidden_messages_note_02’)
- additem(‘mq3002_hidden_messages_note_03’)
- additem(‘mq3012_noble_statuette’)
- additem(‘mq3012_soldier_statuette’)
- additem(‘mq3017_reds_diary’)
- additem(‘mq3026_horse_racing_leaflet’)
- additem(‘mq3026_varese_invitation’)
- additem(‘mq3027_fluff_book_1’)
- additem(‘mq3027_fluff_book_2’)
- additem(‘mq3027_fluff_book_3’)
- additem(‘mq3027_fluff_book_4’)
- additem(‘mq3027_letter’)
- additem(‘mq3027_my_manifest’)
- additem(‘mq3030_trader_documents’)
- additem(‘mq3031_mother_of_pearl’)
- additem(‘mq3032_basilisk_leather’)
- additem(‘mq3032_leather_boots’)
- additem(‘mq3035_philppa_ring’)
- additem(‘mq3035_talar_notes’)
- additem(‘mq3039_loot_chest_key’)
- additem(‘mq4001_book’)
- additem(‘mq4002_note’)
- additem(‘mq4003_husband_ring’)
- additem(‘mq4003_letter’)
- additem(‘mq4003_siren_ring’)
- additem(‘mq4004_boy_remains’)
- additem(‘mq4005_note_1’)
- additem(‘mq4006_book’)
- additem(‘q001_academic_book’)
- additem(‘q001_bedroom_key’)
- additem(‘q001_crystal_skull’)
- additem(‘q001_letter_from_yenn’)
- additem(‘q002_yenn_notes_about_ciri’)
- additem(‘q101_candle_instruction’)
- additem(‘q101_hendrik_notes’)
- additem(‘q101_hendrik_trapdoor_key’)
- additem(‘q103_about_eve’)
- additem(‘q103_baron_dagger’)
- additem(‘q103_botch_blood’)
- additem(‘q103_curse_book’)
- additem(‘q103_incense’)
- additem(‘q103_letter_from_graden_1’)
- additem(‘q103_letter_from_graden_2’)
- additem(‘q103_love_letter’)
- additem(‘q103_medallion’)
- additem(‘q103_nilfgaardian_demand’)
- additem(‘q103_safe_conduct’)
- additem(‘q103_spinning_top’)
- additem(‘q103_talisman’)
- additem(‘q103_tamara_prayer’)
- additem(‘q103_wooden_doll’)
- additem(‘q104_aleksander_letter’)
- additem(‘q104_avallach_notes’)
- additem(‘q104_avallach_poetry’)
- additem(‘q104_cure_recipe’)
- additem(‘q104_eye_ink_recipe’)
- additem(‘q104_oillamp’)
- additem(‘q105_book_about_witches’)
- additem(‘q105_johnnys_doll’)
- additem(‘q105_marabella_receptions’)
- additem(‘q105_ravens_feather’)
- additem(‘q105_ritual_dagger’)
- additem(‘q105_soltis_ear’)
- additem(‘q105_witch_bones’)
- additem(‘q106_alexander_notes_01’)
- additem(‘q106_alexander_notes_02’)
- additem(‘q106_alexander_notes_03’)
- additem(‘q106_alexander_notes_04’)
- additem(‘q106_anabelle_remains’)
- additem(‘q106_anabelle_vial’)
- additem(‘q106_magic_communicator’)
- additem(‘q106_note_from_keira’)
- additem(‘q107_doll_anna’)
- additem(‘q107_doll1’)
- additem(‘q107_doll2’)
- additem(‘q107_doll3’)
- additem(‘q107_doll5’)
- additem(‘q107_doll6’)
- additem(‘q108_necklet’)
- additem(‘q109_popiels_formula’)
- additem(‘q110_bill_of_exchange’)
- additem(‘q111_ergot_beer’)
- additem(‘q111_falkas_coin’)
- additem(‘q111_fugas_top_key’)
- additem(‘q111_imlerith_acorn’)
- additem(‘q201_criminal’)
- additem(‘q201_mead’)
- additem(‘q201_mousesack_letter’)
- additem(‘q201_pine_cone’)
- additem(‘q201_poisoned_source’)
- additem(‘q201_skull’)
- additem(‘q201_wild_hunt_book’)
- additem(‘q201_yen_journal_1’)
- additem(‘q202_nails’)
- additem(‘q202_navigator_horn’)
- additem(‘q202_sail’)
- additem(‘q202_shackles’)
- additem(‘q203_broken_eyeofloki’)
- additem(‘q203_broksvard’)
- additem(‘q203_chest_key’)
- additem(‘q205_avallach_book’)
- additem(‘q205_gaelnos_root’)
- additem(‘q205_hvitr_universal_key’)
- additem(‘q205_mirt_green’)
- additem(‘q205_mirt_yellow’)
- additem(‘q205_swallow_green’)
- additem(‘q205_swallow_yellow’)
- additem(‘q206_arits_letter’)
- additem(‘q206_arnvalds_letter’)
- additem(‘q206_herb_mixture’)
- additem(‘q206_wine_sample’)
- additem(‘q208_heroesmead’)
- additem(‘q210_avallach_lover_notes’)
- additem(‘q210_avallach_notes_01’)
- additem(‘q210_avallach_notes_02’)
- additem(‘q210_letter_for_emhyr’)
- additem(‘q210_solarstein’)
- additem(‘q301_burdock’)
- additem(‘q301_drawing_crib’)
- additem(‘q301_drawing_oven’)
- additem(‘q301_haunted_doll’)
- additem(‘q301_magic_rat_incense’)
- additem(‘q301_rose_remembrance’)
- additem(‘q301_triss_parcel’)
- additem(‘q302_casino_register’)
- additem(‘q302_crafter_notes’)
- additem(‘q302_dijkstras_notes’)
- additem(‘q302_estate_key’)
- additem(‘q302_igor_note’)
- additem(‘q302_rico_thugs_notes’)
- additem(‘q302_ring_door_key’)
- additem(‘q302_roche_letter’)
- additem(‘q302_roche_report’)
- additem(‘q302_♥son_letter_to_radowid’)
- additem(‘q302_zdenek_contract’)
- additem(‘q303_bomb_cap’)
- additem(‘q303_bomb_fragment’)
- additem(‘q303_contact_note’)
- additem(‘q303_dudus_briefing’)
- additem(‘q303_marked_bible’)
- additem(‘q303_note_for_ciri’)
- additem(‘q303_wine_bottle’)
- additem(‘q304_ambasador_letter’)
- additem(‘q304_dandelion_ballad’)
- additem(‘q304_dandelion_diary’)
- additem(‘q304_letter_1’)
- additem(‘q304_letter_2’)
- additem(‘q304_letter_3’)
- additem(‘q304_priscilla_letter’)
- additem(‘q304_rosa_lover_letter’)
- additem(‘q305_dandelion_signet’)
- additem(‘q305_script_comedy_title1’)
- additem(‘q305_script_comedy_title2’)
- additem(‘q305_script_drama_title1’)
- additem(‘q305_script_drama_title2’)
- additem(‘q305_script_for_irina’)
- additem(‘q308_anneke_invite’)
- additem(‘q308_coroner_msg’)
- additem(‘q308_last_invite’)
- additem(‘q308_nathanel_sermon_1’)
- additem(‘q308_priscilla_invite’)
- additem(‘q308_psycho_farewell’)
- additem(‘q308_sermon_1’)
- additem(‘q308_sermon_2’)
- additem(‘q308_sermon_3’)
- additem(‘q308_sermon_4’)
- additem(‘q308_sermon_5’)
- additem(‘q308_vegelbud_invite’)
- additem(‘q308_vg_ethanol’)
- additem(‘q308_vg_guillotine’)
- additem(‘q308_vg_paraffin’)
- additem(‘q309_glejt_from_dijkstra’)
- additem(‘q309_key_letters’)
- additem(‘q309_key_orders’)
- additem(‘q309_key_piece1’)
- additem(‘q309_key_piece2’)
- additem(‘q309_key_piece3’)
- additem(‘q309_mssg_from_triss’)
- additem(‘q309_note_from_varese’)
- additem(‘q309_three_keys_combined’)
- additem(‘q309_witch_hunters_orders’)
- additem(‘q310_backdoor_key’)
- additem(‘q310_cell_key’)
- additem(‘q310_explorer_note’)
- additem(‘q310_journal_notes_1’)
- additem(‘q310_journal_notes_2’)
- additem(‘q310_lever’)
- additem(‘q310_sewer_door_key’)
- additem(‘q310_wine’)
- additem(‘q310_yen_trinket’)
- additem(‘q311_aen_elle_notes’)
- additem(‘q311_lost_diary1’)
- additem(‘q311_lost_diary2’)
- additem(‘q311_lost_diary3’)
- additem(‘q311_lost_diary4’)
- additem(‘q401_avallachs_wisp’)
- additem(‘q401_bread’)
- additem(‘q401_bucket_and_rag’)
- additem(‘q401_cheese’)
- additem(‘q401_disgusting_meal’)
- additem(‘q401_forktail_brain’)
- additem(‘q401_sausages’)
- additem(‘q401_trial_key_ingredient_a’)
- additem(‘q401_trial_key_ingredient_b’)
- additem(‘q401_trial_key_ingredient_c’)
- additem(‘q401_triss_earring’)
- additem(‘q401_yen_journal_2’)
- additem(‘q403_treaty’)
- additem(‘q504_fish’)
- additem(‘q505_gems’)
- additem(‘q505_nilf_diary_lost1’)
- additem(‘q505_nilf_diary_lost2’)
- additem(‘q505_nilf_diary_won1’)
- additem(‘quest_test_ring’)
- additem(‘scrambled_eggs’)
- additem(‘sq101_letter_from_keira’)
- additem(‘sq101_safe_goods’)
- additem(‘sq101_shipment_list’)
- additem(‘sq102_dolores_diary’)
- additem(‘sq102_huberts_diary’)
- additem(‘sq102_loose_papers’)
- additem(‘sq104_key’)
- additem(‘sq104_notes’)
- additem(‘sq106_hammond_whereabouts’)
- additem(‘sq106_manuscript’)
- additem(‘sq107_vault_key’)
- additem(‘sq108_acid_gland’)
- additem(‘sq108_smith_tools’)
- additem(‘sq201_chamber_key’)
- additem(‘sq201_cursed_jewel’)
- additem(‘sq201_padlock_key’)
- additem(‘sq201_rotten_meat’)
- additem(‘sq201_ship_manifesto’)
- additem(‘sq201_werewolf_meat’)
- additem(‘sq202_book_1’)
- additem(‘sq202_book_2’)
- additem(‘sq202_half_seal’)
- additem(‘sq204_leshy_talisman’)
- additem(‘sq204_wolf_heart’)
- additem(‘sq205_brewing_instructions’)
- additem(‘sq205_brewmasters_log’)
- additem(‘sq205_fernflower_petal’)
- additem(‘sq205_moonshine_spirit’)
- additem(‘sq205_preserved_mash’)
- additem(‘sq206_sleipnir_formula’)
- additem(‘sq206_sleipnir_ingredient’)
- additem(‘sq206_sleipnir_potion’)
- additem(‘sq207_portal_stone_blue’)
- additem(‘sq207_portal_stone_green’)
- additem(‘sq207_portal_stone_red’)
- additem(‘sq208_ashes’)
- additem(‘sq208_herbs’)
- additem(‘sq208_letter’)
- additem(‘sq208_otkell_journal’)
- additem(‘sq208_portait_brodrr’)
- additem(‘sq208_portait_otkell’)
- additem(‘sq208_portait_saemingr’)
- additem(‘sq208_portait_tyr’)
- additem(‘sq208_raghnaroog’)
- additem(‘sq210_blank_brain’)
- additem(‘sq210_burnt_heart’)
- additem(‘sq210_conch’)
- additem(‘sq210_drm_brain’)
- additem(‘sq210_gog_book’)
- additem(‘sq210_gog_brain’)
- additem(‘sq210_gog_recipe’)
- additem(‘sq210_gold_token’)
- additem(‘sq210_golems_charged_heart’)
- additem(‘sq210_golems_heart’)
- additem(‘sq302_agates’)
- additem(‘sq302_crystal’)
- additem(‘sq302_eyes’)
- additem(‘sq302_generator_2’)
- additem(‘sq302_generator_3’)
- additem(‘sq302_philippa_letter’)
- additem(‘sq303_lesser_white_honey’)
- additem(‘sq303_robbery_speech’)
- additem(‘sq304_aluminium’)
- additem(‘sq304_chemicals’)
- additem(‘sq304_ferrum_cadmiae’)
- additem(‘sq304_ledger_book’)
- additem(‘sq304_monster_trophy’)
- additem(‘sq304_smithing_mtrls’)
- additem(‘sq304_thermite’)
- additem(‘sq305_conduct’)
- additem(‘sq305_trophies’)
- additem(‘sq306_sacha_letter’)
- additem(‘sq307_cat_accessories’)
- additem(‘sq307_cattrap’)
- additem(‘sq307_flower’)
- additem(‘sq308_martin_mask’)
- additem(‘sq309_girl_notebook’)
- additem(‘sq309_iorweth_arrow’)
- additem(‘sq309_mage_letter’)
- additem(‘sq310_ledger_book’)
- additem(‘sq310_package’)
- additem(‘sq311_spy_papers’)
- additem(‘sq312_medicine’)
- additem(‘sq313_iorveth_letters’)
- additem(‘sq314_cure_recipe’)
- additem(‘sq314_cure’)
- additem(‘sq314_var_rechte_journal’)
- additem(‘sq401_old_sword’)
- additem(‘sq401_orders’)
- additem(‘sq402_aether’)
- additem(‘sq402_florence_flask_with_water’)
- additem(‘sq402_florence_flask’)
- additem(‘sq402_hydragenum’)
- additem(‘sq402_ingredient’)
- additem(‘sq402_quebrith’)
- additem(‘sq402_rebis’)
- additem(‘sq402_vitriol’)
- additem(‘th003_journal_wolf_part3’)
- additem(‘th004_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade1’)
- additem(‘th005_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th006_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade3’)
- additem(‘th007_map_wolf_gloves_upgrade1’)
- additem(‘th008_map_wolf_pants_upgrade1’)
- additem(‘th009_map_wolf_boots_upgrade1’)
- additem(‘th010_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade1’)
- additem(‘th011_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th012_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade3’)
- additem(‘th013_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade1’)
- additem(‘th014_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th015_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade3’)
- additem(‘th1001_journal_viper_part1’)
- additem(‘th1001_journal_viper_part2’)
- additem(‘th1003_ireneus_lab_key’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_cat_lady’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part1’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part2’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part3’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part4’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part5’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part6’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part7’)
- additem(‘th1003_journal_lynx_part8’)
- additem(‘th1003_map_lynx_upgrade1a’)
- additem(‘th1003_map_lynx_upgrade1b’)
- additem(‘th1003_map_lynx_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th1003_map_lynx_upgrade3’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part1’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part2’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part3’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part4’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part5’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part6’)
- additem(‘th1005_journal_gryphon_part7’)
- additem(‘th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade1a’)
- additem(‘th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade1b’)
- additem(‘th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade3’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part1’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part2’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part3’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part4’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part5’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part6’)
- additem(‘th1007_journal_bear_part7’)
- additem(‘th1007_map_bear_upgrade1a’)
- additem(‘th1007_map_bear_upgrade1b’)
- additem(‘th1007_map_bear_upgrade2’)
- additem(‘th1007_map_bear_upgrade3’)
- additem(‘th1009_journal_wolf_part1’)
- additem(‘th1009_journal_wolf_part2’)
- additem(‘vivaldis_bill_of_exchange’)
- additem(‘yennefers_omelette_fantasie’)
- additem(‘yennefers_omelette’)
NPC Spawn Codes
- spawn(‘witcher’)
- spawn(‘vesemir’)
- spawn(‘yennefer’)
- spawn(‘triss’)
- spawn(‘keira’)
- spawn(‘grenn’)
- spawn(‘cirilla’)
- spawn(‘zoltan’)
- spawn(‘sorceress’)
- spawn(‘fists’)
- spawn(‘fists_medium’)
- spawn(‘fists_hard’)
- spawn(‘defend’)
- spawn(‘shield_axe’)
- spawn(‘shield_mace’)
- spawn(‘shield_hard’)
- spawn(‘hammer2h’)
- spawn(‘hammer2h_hard’)
- spawn(‘axe2h’)
- spawn(‘halberd2h’)
- spawn(‘spear2h’)
- spawn(‘bow’)
- spawn(‘bow_hard’)
- spawn(‘sword1h’)
- spawn(‘sword1h_easy’)
- spawn(‘sword1h_hard’)
- spawn(‘sword1h_super_hard’)
- spawn(‘axe1h’)
- spawn(‘axe1h_hard’)
- spawn(‘club1h’)
- spawn(‘club1h_hard’)
- spawn(‘1hand’)
- spawn(‘1handed’)
- spawn(‘sword2h’)
- spawn(‘shortsword_hard’)
- spawn(‘bowman’)
- spawn(‘bowman_hard’)
- spawn(‘xbow’)
- spawn(‘rider’)
- spawn(‘shovel_test’)
- spawn(‘pitchfork’)
Warriors of the Wild Hunt:
- spawn(‘wildhunt_sword’)
- spawn(‘wild_hunt_axe’)
- spawn(‘wild_hunt_halberd’)
- spawn(‘wild_hunt_hammer’)
- spawn(‘wild_hunt_minion’)
- spawn(‘wild_hunt_spear’)
- spawn(‘wild_hunt_sword’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_axe’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_halberd’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_hammer’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_minion’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_spear’)
- spawn(‘witch1’)
- spawn(‘witch_1’)
- spawn(‘witch2’)
- spawn(‘witch_2’)
- spawn(‘witch3’)
- spawn(‘witch_3’)
- spawn(‘witch_q105’)
- spawn(‘eredin’)
- spawn(‘imlerith’)
- spawn(‘caranthir’)
- spawn(‘ice_giant’)
- spawn(‘icegiant’)
- spawn(‘siren’)
- spawn(‘bees’)
- spawn(‘black_troll’)
- spawn(‘blacktroll’)
- spawn(‘cave_troll’)
- spawn(‘cavetroll’)
- spawn(‘cockatrice’)
- spawn(‘troll’)
- spawn(‘troll_black’)
- spawn(‘djinn’)
- spawn(‘drowner’)
- spawn(‘ddead’)
- spawn(‘drowneddead’)
- spawn(‘drowned_dead’)
- spawn(‘nekker’)
- spawn(‘nekker_warrior’)
- spawn(‘bies’)
- spawn(‘lessog’)
- spawn(‘leszy’)
- spawn(‘leshy’)
- spawn(‘leshen’)
- spawn(‘lessun’)
- spawn(‘dao’)
- spawn(‘ifryt’)
- spawn(‘ifrit’)
- spawn(‘golem’)
- spawn(‘arachas’)
- spawn(‘arachas_armored’)
- spawn(‘armoredarachas’)
- spawn(‘arachas_poison’)
- spawn(‘poisonarachas’)
- spawn(‘poisonedarachas’)
- spawn(‘warewolf’)
- spawn(‘werewolf’)
- spawn(‘lycanthrope’)
- spawn(‘lycan’)
- spawn(‘endriaga’)
- spawn(‘endrega’)
- spawn(‘endriaga_worker’)
- spawn(‘endriaga_tailed’)
- spawn(‘endriaga_spikey’)
- spawn(‘wight’)
- spawn(‘wyvern’)
- spawn(‘basilisk’)
- spawn(‘harpy’)
- spawn(‘gryphon’)
- spawn(‘griffon’)
- spawn(‘wolf’)
- spawn(‘wolf_alpha’)
- spawn(‘wolf_white’)
- spawn(‘evil_dog’)
- spawn(‘wild_dog’)
- spawn(‘simulacrum’)
- spawn(‘erynia’)
- spawn(‘fogling’)
- spawn(‘forktail’)
- spawn(‘fugas’)
- spawn(‘gargoyle’)
- spawn(‘ghoul’)
- spawn(‘ghoul_lesser’)
- spawn(‘alghoul’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_mage’)
- spawn(‘gravehag’)
- spawn(‘miscreant’)
- spawn(‘nightwraith’)
- spawn(‘noonwraith’)
- spawn(‘pesta’)
- spawn(‘iris’)
- spawn(‘volcanic_gryphon’)
- spawn(‘wraith’)
- spawn(‘waterhag’)
- spawn(‘czart’)
- spawn(‘willo_wisp’)
- spawn(‘willowisp’)
- spawn(‘katakan’)
- spawn(‘katakan_large’)
- spawn(‘katakanlarge’)
- spawn(‘gravehag_barons_wife’)
- spawn(‘baronswife’)
- spawn(‘ekima’)
- spawn(‘ekimma’)
- spawn(‘lamia’)
- spawn(‘bear’)
- spawn(‘bear_black’)
- spawn(‘bear_berserker’)
- spawn(‘bear_grizzly’)
- spawn(‘grizzly’)
- spawn(‘bear_white’)
- spawn(‘cyclop’)
- spawn(‘cyclops’)
- spawn(‘rotfiend’)
- spawn(‘rotfiend_large’)
- spawn(‘succubus’)
- spawn(‘coronary heart’)
- spawn(‘him’)
- spawn(‘frozen_soldier’)
- spawn(‘ice_golem’)
- spawn(‘botchling’)
- spawn(‘alghoul_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘alghoul_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘alghoul_lvl3’)
- spawn(‘alghoul_mh’)
- spawn(‘arachas_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘arachas_lvl2__armored’)
- spawn(‘arachas_lvl3__poison’)
- spawn(‘arachas_mh__poison’)
- spawn(‘basilisk_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘bear_berserker_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘bear_lvl1__black’)
- spawn(‘bear_lvl2__grizzly’)
- spawn(‘bear_lvl3__white’)
- spawn(‘bies_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘bies_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘bies_mh’)
- spawn(‘black_mage_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘blood_flies’)
- spawn(‘burnedman_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘cockatrice_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘cockatrice_mh’)
- spawn(‘cyclop_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘czart_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘czart_mh’)
- spawn(‘drowner_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘drowner_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘drowner_lvl3’)
- spawn(‘drowner_lvl4__dead’)
- spawn(‘elemental_dao_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘elemental_dao_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘elemental_dao_lvl3__ice’)
- spawn(‘elemental_dao_mh’)
- spawn(‘endriaga_lvl1__worker’)
- spawn(‘endriaga_lvl2__tailed’)
- spawn(‘endriaga_lvl3__spikey’)
- spawn(‘fogling_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘fogling_lvl1__doppelganger’)
- spawn(‘fogling_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘fogling_lvl3__willowisp’)
- spawn(‘fogling_mh’)
- spawn(‘forktail_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘forktail_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘forktail_mh’)
- spawn(‘fugas_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘fugas_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘gargoyle_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘ghoul_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘ghoul_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘ghoul_lvl3’)
- spawn(‘golem_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘golem_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘golem_lvl2__ifryt’)
- spawn(‘golem_lvl3’)
- spawn(‘gryphon_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘gryphon_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘gryphon_lvl3__volcanic’)
- spawn(‘gryphon_mh__volcanic’)
- spawn(‘hag_grave_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘hag_grave_lvl1__barons_wife’)
- spawn(‘hag_grave__mh’)
- spawn(‘hag_water_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘hag_water_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘hag_water_mh’)
- spawn(‘harpy_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘harpy_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘harpy_lvl3__erynia’)
- spawn(‘lessog_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘lessog_lvl2__ancient’)
- spawn(‘lessog_mh’)
- spawn(‘nekker_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘nekker_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘nekker_lvl3__warrior’)
- spawn(‘nekker_mh__warrior’)
- spawn(‘nightwraith_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘nightwraith_lvl1__doppelganger’)
- spawn(‘nightwraith_mh’)
- spawn(‘noonwraith_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘noonwraith_lvl1__doppelganger’)
- spawn(‘noonwraith_mh’)
- spawn(‘rotfiend_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘rotfiend_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘siren_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘siren_lvl2__lamia’)
- spawn(‘siren_mh__lamia’)
- spawn(‘troll_cave_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘troll_cave_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘troll_cave_lvl3__ice’)
- spawn(‘troll_cave_mh__black’)
- spawn(‘vampire_ekima_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘vampire_ekima_mh’)
- spawn(‘vampire_katakan_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘vampire_katakan_mh’)
- spawn(‘werewolf_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘werewolf_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘werewolf_lvl3__lycan’)
- spawn(‘werewolf_lvl4__lycan’)
- spawn(‘wild_dog_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_minion_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_minion_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘wildhunt_minion_mh’)
- spawn(‘wolf_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘wolf_lvl1__summon’)
- spawn(‘wolf_lvl1__summon_were’)
- spawn(‘wolf_lvl2__alpha’)
- spawn(‘wolf_white_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘wolf_white_lvl3__alpha’)
- spawn(‘wraith_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘wraith_mh’)
- spawn(‘wyvern_lvl1’)
- spawn(‘wyvern_lvl2’)
- spawn(‘wyvern_mh’)
- spawn(‘_quest__bear_grizzly_honey’)
- spawn(‘_quest__endriaga_spiral’)
- spawn(‘_quest__fogling’)
- spawn(‘_quest__godling’)
- spawn(‘_quest__him’)
- spawn(‘_quest__miscreant’)
- spawn(‘_quest__miscreant_greater’)
- spawn(‘_quest__noonwright_pesta’)
- spawn(‘_quest__werewolf’)
- spawn(‘_quest__witch_1’)
- spawn(‘_quest__witch_2’)
- spawn(‘_quest__witch_3’)
- spawn(‘bat’)
- spawn(‘cat’)
- spawn(‘hen’)
- spawn(‘cow’)
- spawn(‘crab’)
- spawn(‘crow’)
- spawn(‘deer’)
- spawn(‘canine’)
- spawn(‘fish_kingfish’)
- spawn(‘fish_mackerel’)
- spawn(‘fish_roach’)
- spawn(‘fish_tuna’)
- spawn(‘goat’)
- spawn(‘goose’)
- spawn(‘goose_leader’)
- spawn(‘hare’)
- spawn(‘mountain_goat’)
- spawn(‘owl’)
- spawn(‘pig’)
- spawn(‘pigeon’)
- spawn(‘ram’)
- spawn(‘rat’)
- spawn(‘rooster’)
- spawn(‘seagull’)
- spawn(‘sheep’)
- spawn(‘snow_deer’)
- spawn(‘snow_rabbit’)
- spawn(‘sparrow’)
- spawn(‘swallow’)
- spawn(‘toad’)
- spawn(‘whale’)
Miscellaneous Stuff:
- spawn(‘boat’)
- spawn(‘playerHorse’)
- spawn(‘horse’)
- spawn(‘horse_manager’)
- spawn(‘poison_cloud’)
- spawn(‘rotfiend_explode’)
- spawn(‘barrel’)
- spawn(‘grapeshot’)
- spawn(‘petard’)
- spawn(‘beehive’)
- spawn(‘stand_puke’)
- spawn(‘pawelmtest’)
- spawn(‘projectile_rift’)
- spawn(‘projectile_rift2’)
- spawn(‘ground_rift’)
- spawn(‘lure_cloud’)
- spawn(‘yennefer_bubble’)
- spawn(‘yennefer_bubble_2’)
- spawn(‘yennefer_bubble_3’)
- spawn(‘denied_area’)
NPC Groups IDs
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(01)
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(02)
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(03)
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(04)
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(05)
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(06)
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(07)
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(08)
- Witcher Hunters =spawnt(09)
- Bandits =spawnt(61)
- Bandits =spawnt(63)
- Bandits =spawnt(65)
- Novigrad Guards =spawnt(64)
- Novigrad Guards =spawnt(68)
- Novigrad Guards =spawnt(70)
- Novigrad Guards =spawnt(73)
- Novigrad Guards =spawnt(75)
- Novigrad Guards =spawnt(80)
- Thugs =spawnt(67)
- Thugs =spawnt(77)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(83)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(85)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(86)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(87)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(88)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(89)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(90)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(92)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(93)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(94)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(95)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(96)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(97)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(98)
- Redanian Soldiers =spawnt(99)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(100)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(101)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(102)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(103)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(104)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(106)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(107)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(108)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(109)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(110)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(111)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(112)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(113)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(114)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(115)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(116)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(117)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(118)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(119)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(120)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(121)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(122)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(123)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(124)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(125)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(126)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(128)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(129)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(130)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(131)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(132)
- Skellige Bandits =spawnt(133)
- Wild Hunt Warriors =spawnt(134)
- Wild Hunt Warriors =spawnt(135)
- Wild Hunt Warriors =spawnt(137)
- Wild Hunt Warriors =spawnt(138)
- Wild Hunt Warriors =spawnt(139)
- Wild Hunt Warriors =spawnt(140)
Buff IDs
- +200 Attack Power, +200 Spell Power =addabl(‘DamageBuff’)
- Always Critical Hit =addabl(‘ForceCriticalHits’)
- 100% Chance of Finisher =addabl(‘ForceFinisher’)
- 100% Chance of Dismemberment =addabl(‘ForceDismemberment’)
- +1000 Vitality, +100 Stamina, Increased Stamina Regeneration =addabl(‘ConAthletic’)
- +99,800 Vitality =addabl(‘ConImmortal’)
- Increased Aim Duration =addabl(‘StatsRangedSuperLame’)
- +2% Sign Intensity (Geralt) =addabl(‘Rune veles lesser _Stats’)
- +3% Sign Intensity (Geralt) =addabl(‘Rune veles _Stats’)
- +5% Sign Intensity (Geralt) =addabl(‘Rune veles greater _Stats’)
- +1 Horse Bag (Increases Carry Weight)=addabl(‘HorseBag1’)
- +1 Horse Bag 2 (Increases Carry Weight) =addabl(‘HorseBag2’)
- +1 Horse Bag 3 (Increases Carry Weight) =addabl(‘HorseBag3’)
- Blink Ability (Ciri) =addabl(‘CiriBlink’)
- Charge Ability (Ciri)=addabl(‘CiriCharge’)
- Charge Ability (Ciri)=addabl(‘Ciri_Rage’)
- +250 Vitality (Ciri) =addabl(‘Ciri_Q205’)
- +500 Vitality, +100 Attack Power (Ciri) =addabl(‘Ciri_Q305’)
- +2,000 Vitality, +500 Attack Power (Ciri)=addabl(‘Ciri_Q403’)
- +2,500 Vitality, +600 Attack Power (Ciri)=addabl(‘Ciri_Q111’)
- +2,500 Vitality, +800 Attack Power (Ciri)=addabl(‘Ciri_Q501’)
Effect Type (BuffMe) Codes
- EET_AbilityOnLowHealth =buffme(‘EET_AbilityOnLowHealth’,120)
- EET_AdrenalineDrain =buffme(‘EET_AdrenalineDrain’,120)
- EET_AirBoost =buffme(‘EET_AirBoost’,120)
- EET_AirDrain =buffme(‘EET_AirDrain’,120)
- EET_AirDrainDive =buffme(‘EET_AirDrainDive’,120)
- EET_AutoAirRegen=buffme(‘EET_AutoAirRegen’,120)
- EET_AutoEssenceRegen =buffme(‘EET_AutoEssenceRegen’,120)
- EET_AutoMoraleRegen =buffme(‘EET_AutoMoraleRegen’,120)
- EET_AutoPanicRegen =buffme(‘EET_AutoPanicRegen’,120)
- EET_AutoStaminaRegen =buffme(‘EET_AutoStaminaRegen’,120)
- EET_AutoSwimmingStaminaRegen =buffme(‘EET_AutoSwimmingStaminaRegen’,120)
- EET_AutoVitalityRegen =buffme(‘EET_AutoVitalityRegen’,120)
- EET_AxiiGuardMe =buffme(‘EET_AxiiGuardMe’,120)
- EET_BattleTrance =buffme(‘EET_BattleTrance’,120)
- EET_BlackBlood =buffme(‘EET_BlackBlood’,120)
- EET_Bleeding=buffme(‘EET_Bleeding’,120)
- EET_BleedingTracking =buffme(‘EET_BleedingTracking’,120)
- EET_Blindness =buffme(‘EET_Blindness’,120)
- EET_Blizzard =buffme(‘EET_Blizzard’,120)
- EET_BoostedEssenceRegen =buffme(‘EET_BoostedEssenceRegen’,120)
- EET_BoostedStaminaRegen =buffme(‘EET_BoostedStaminaRegen’,120)
- EET_Burning =buffme(‘EET_Burning’,120)
- EET_Cat =buffme(‘EET_Cat’,120)
- EET_Choking =buffme(‘EET_Choking’,120)
- EET_Confusion =buffme(‘EET_Confusion’,120)
- EET_CounterStrikeHit =buffme(‘EET_CounterStrikeHit’,120)
- EET_DoTHPRegenReduce =buffme(‘EET_DoTHPRegenReduce’,120)
- EET_DoppelgangerEssenceRegen =buffme(‘EET_DoppelgangerEssenceRegen’,120)
- EET_Drowning =buffme(‘EET_Drowning’,120)
- EET_Drunkenness =buffme(‘EET_Drunkenness’,120)
- EET_Edible =buffme(‘EET_Edible’,120)
- EET_EnhancedArmor =buffme(‘EET_EnhancedArmor’,120)
- EET_EnhancedWeapon =buffme(‘EET_EnhancedWeapon’,120)
- EET_Fact =buffme(‘EET_Fact’,120)
- EET_FireAura=buffme(‘EET_FireAura’,120)
- EET_Frozen =buffme(‘EET_Frozen’,120)
- EET_FullMoon =buffme(‘EET_FullMoon’,120)
- EET_GoldenOriole =buffme(‘EET_GoldenOriole’,120)
- EET_HeavyKnockdown =buffme(‘EET_HeavyKnockdown’,120)
- EET_Hypnotized =buffme(‘EET_Hypnotized’,120)
- EET_IgnorePain =buffme(‘EET_IgnorePain’,120)
- EET_Immobilized =buffme(‘EET_Immobilized’,120)
- EET_KillerWhale =buffme(‘EET_KillerWhale’,120)
- EET_Knockdown =buffme(‘EET_Knockdown’,120)
- EET_KnockdownTypeApplicator =buffme(‘EET_KnockdownTypeApplicator’,120)
- EET_LongStagger =buffme(‘EET_LongStagger’,120)
- EET_LowHealth =buffme(‘EET_LowHealth’,120)
- EET_MariborForest=buffme(‘EET_MariborForest’,120)
- EET_Mutagen01 (Katakan) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen01’,120)
- EET_Mutagen02 (Arachas) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen02’,120)
- EET_Mutagen03 (Cockatrice)=buffme(‘EET_Mutagen03’,120)
- EET_Mutagen04 (Archgriffin) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen04’,120)
- EET_Mutagen05 (Water Hag) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen05’,120)
- EET_Mutagen06 (Nightwraith) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen06’,120)
- EET_Mutagen07 (Ekimmara) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen07’,120)
- EET_Mutagen08 (Chort)=buffme(‘EET_Mutagen08’,120)
- EET_Mutagen09 (Foglet) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen09’,120)
- EET_Mutagen10 (Wyvern) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen10’,120)
- EET_Mutagen11 (Doppler) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen11’,120)
- EET_Mutagen12 (Troll) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen12’,120)
- EET_Mutagen13 (Noonwraith) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen13’,120)
- EET_Mutagen14 (Succubus)=buffme(‘EET_Mutagen14’,120)
- EET_Mutagen15 (Alghoul) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen15’,120)
- EET_Mutagen16 (Fiend) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen16’,120)
- EET_Mutagen17 (Forktail) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen17’,120)
- EET_Mutagen18 (Grave Hag) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen18’,120)
- EET_Mutagen19 (Wraith) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen19’,120)
- EET_Mutagen20 (Earth Elemental) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen20’,120)
- EET_Mutagen21 (Ekhidna) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen21’,120)
- EET_Mutagen22 (Ancient Leshen) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen22’,120)
- EET_Mutagen23 (Basilisk) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen23’,120)
- EET_Mutagen24 (Werewolf) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen24’,120)
- EET_Mutagen25 (Nekker Warrior) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen25’,120)
- EET_Mutagen26 (Leshen) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen26’,120)
- EET_Mutagen27 (Griffin) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen27’,120)
- EET_Mutagen28 (Reliever) =buffme(‘EET_Mutagen28’,120)
- EET_OverEncumbered =buffme(‘EET_OverEncumbered’,120)
- EET_Paralyzed =buffme(‘EET_Paralyzed’,120)
- EET_PetriPhiltre =buffme(‘EET_PetriPhiltre’,120)
- EET_PheromoneBear =buffme(‘EET_PheromoneBear’,120)
- EET_PheromoneDrowner =buffme(‘EET_PheromoneDrowner’,120)
- EET_PheromoneNekker=buffme(‘EET_PheromoneNekker’,120)
- EET_Poison =buffme(‘EET_Poison’,120)
- EET_PoisonCritical=buffme(‘EET_PoisonCritical’,120)
- EET_Pull=buffme(‘EET_Pull’,120)
- EET_Ragdoll =buffme(‘EET_Ragdoll’,120)
- EET_ShrineAard =buffme(‘EET_ShrineAard’,120)
- EET_ShrineAxii =buffme(‘EET_ShrineAxii’,120)
- EET_ShrineIgni =buffme(‘EET_ShrineIgni’,120)
- EET_ShrineQuen =buffme(‘EET_ShrineQuen’,120)
- EET_ShrineYrden =buffme(‘EET_ShrineYrden’,120)
- EET_SilverDust =buffme(‘EET_SilverDust’,120)
- EET_Slowdown =buffme(‘EET_Slowdown’,120)
- EET_SlowdownAxii=buffme(‘EET_SlowdownAxii’,120)
- EET_SlowdownFrost =buffme(‘EET_SlowdownFrost’,120)
- EET_Snowstorm =buffme(‘EET_Snowstorm’,120)
- EET_SnowstormQ403 =buffme(‘EET_SnowstormQ403’,120)
- EET_Stagger =buffme(‘EET_Stagger’,120)
- EET_StaggerAura =buffme(‘EET_StaggerAura’,120)
- EET_StaminaDrain=buffme(‘EET_StaminaDrain’,120)
- EET_StaminaDrainSwimming=buffme(‘EET_StaminaDrainSwimming’,120)
- EET_Swallow =buffme(‘EET_Swallow’,120)
- EET_Swarm =buffme(‘EET_Swarm’,120)
- EET_TawnyOwl =buffme(‘EET_TawnyOwl’,120)
- EET_Thunderbolt =buffme(‘EET_Thunderbolt’,120)
- EET_Toxicity =buffme(‘EET_Toxicity’,120)
- EET_Undefined =buffme(‘EET_Undefined’,120)
- EET_Unused1=buffme(‘EET_Unused1’,120)
- EET_Unused2 =buffme(‘EET_Unused2’,120)
- EET_VitalityDrain =buffme(‘EET_VitalityDrain’,120)
- EET_WeatherBonus =buffme(‘EET_WeatherBonus’,120)
- EET_WellFed =buffme(‘EET_WellFed’,120)
- EET_WellHydrated=buffme(‘EET_WellHydrated’,120)
- EET_WhiteHoney =buffme(‘EET_WhiteHoney’,120)
- EET_WhiteRaffardDecoction =buffme(‘EET_WhiteRaffardDecoction’,120)
- EET_WitchHypnotized =buffme(‘EET_WitchHypnotized’,120)
- EET_WraithBlindness =buffme(‘EET_WraithBlindness’,120)
- EET_YrdenHealthDrain =buffme(‘EET_YrdenHealthDrain’,120)
Skill IDs
learnskill(‘x’) – you learn x skill, you must type skill name instead of x (list is below). Example:learnskill(‘alchemy_s1’) command will unlock first alchemy skill.
Skill List:
- sword_2 =learnskill(‘sword_2’)
- sword_5 =learnskill(‘sword_5’)
- sword_s1=learnskill(‘sword_s1’)
- sword_s2 =learnskill(‘sword_s2’)
- sword_s3=learnskill(‘sword_s3’)
- sword_s4 =learnskill(‘sword_s4’)
- sword_s5=learnskill(‘sword_s5’)
- sword_s6=learnskill(‘sword_s6’)
- sword_s7 =learnskill(‘sword_s7’)
- sword_s8=learnskill(‘sword_s8’)
- sword_s9=learnskill(‘sword_s9’)
- sword_s10 =learnskill(‘sword_s10’)
- sword_s11 =learnskill(‘sword_s11’)
- sword_s12 =learnskill(‘sword_s12’)
- sword_s13 =learnskill(‘sword_s13’)
- sword_s15 =learnskill(‘sword_s15’)
- sword_s16 =learnskill(‘sword_s16’)
- sword_s17 =learnskill(‘sword_s17’)
- sword_s18 =learnskill(‘sword_s18’)
- sword_s19 =learnskill(‘sword_s19’)
- sword_s20 =learnskill(‘sword_s20’)
- sword_s21 =learnskill(‘sword_s21’)
- magic_1 =learnskill(‘magic_1’)
- magic_2 =learnskill(‘magic_2’)
- magic_3 =learnskill(‘magic_3’)
- magic_4 =learnskill(‘magic_4’)
- magic_5 =learnskill(‘magic_5’)
- magic_s1 =learnskill(‘magic_s1’)
- magic_s2 =learnskill(‘magic_s2’)
- magic_s3 =learnskill(‘magic_s3’)
- magic_s4=learnskill(‘magic_s4’)
- magic_s5=learnskill(‘magic_s5’)
- magic_s6 =learnskill(‘magic_s6’)
- magic_s7 =learnskill(‘magic_s7’)
- magic_s8=learnskill(‘magic_s8’)
- magic_s9=learnskill(‘magic_s9’)
- magic_s10 =learnskill(‘magic_s10’)
- magic_s11 =learnskill(‘magic_s11’)
- magic_s12 =learnskill(‘magic_s12’)
- magic_s13 =learnskill(‘magic_s13’)
- magic_s14 =learnskill(‘magic_s14’)
- magic_s15 =learnskill(‘magic_s15’)
- magic_s16 =learnskill(‘magic_s16’)
- magic_s17 =learnskill(‘magic_s17’)
- magic_s18 =learnskill(‘magic_s18’)
- magic_s19 =learnskill(‘magic_s19’)
- magic_s20 =learnskill(‘magic_s20’)
- alchemy_s1 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s1’)
- alchemy_s2 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s2’)
- alchemy_s3 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s3’)
- alchemy_s4 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s4’)
- alchemy_s5 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s5’)
- alchemy_s6 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s6’)
- alchemy_s7 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s7’)
- alchemy_s8 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s8’)
- alchemy_s9 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s9’)
- alchemy_s10 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s10’)
- alchemy_s11 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s11’)
- alchemy_s12 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s12’)
- alchemy_s13 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s13’)
- alchemy_s14 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s14’)
- alchemy_s15 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s15’)
- alchemy_s16 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s16’)
- alchemy_s17 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s17’)
- alchemy_s18 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s18’)
- alchemy_s19 =learnskill(‘alchemy_s19’)
- perk_1 =learnskill(‘perk_1’)
- perk_1_day_ability =learnskill(‘perk_1_day_ability’)
- perk_1_night_ability =learnskill(‘perk_1_night_ability’)
- perk_2 =learnskill(‘perk_2’)
- perk_3 =learnskill(‘perk_3’)
- perk_4 =learnskill(‘perk_4’)
- perk_5 =learnskill(‘perk_5’)
- perk_6 =learnskill(‘perk_6’)
- perk_7 =learnskill(‘perk_7’)
- perk_10 =learnskill(‘perk_10’)
- perk_11 =learnskill(‘perk_11’)
- perk_12 =learnskill(‘perk_12’)
Weather Type IDs
- stoprain – Stops rain
- makeitrain – Storm
Default Climate:
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Rain)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Snow)
- changeweather(WT_Blizzard)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
Island Mist:
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
Kaer Morhen:
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Vesemir_burial_hour_3_30)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_Blizzard)
- changeweather(WT_Battle)
- changeweather(WT_Battle_Forest)
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_Snow)
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Rain)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds_Fog)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Blizzard)
- changeweather(WT_Wild_Hunt)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_q501_Blizzard)
- changeweather(WT_q501_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_q501_Blizzard2)
- changeweather(WT_lessun_forest)
- changeweather(WT_q501_fight_ship_18_00)
- changeweather(WT_q501_storm_arena)
Template Spiral:
- changeweather(Spiral_Eternal_Cold)
- changeweather(Spiral_Aen_Elle)
- changeweather(Spiral_Desert)
- changeweather(Spiral_Dark_Valley)
- changeweather(Clear)
- changeweather(Winter Epilog)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
Developer commands
- addbolts
- addarmor
- addarmor2
- addbooks
- addboots
- addcharacterdecorations
- addcraft
- addcraftedboots
- addcraftedranged
- addcraftedsilver
- addcraftedsilverrelic
- addcraftedsteel
- addcraftedsteelrelic
- addcraftingingre
- addCraftingItem
- addcrossbows
- adddrinks
- addfood
- addgloves
- addherbs
- additemalchemy
- additemcrafting
- additemfood
- additemleather
- additemmetals
- additemmonstrous
- additemrunesupgrades
- additemsprecious
- addjunk
- addjunk2
- addkeys
- addlore
- addlore2
- addmiscaddhorseitems
- addmutageningredients
- addmutagenrecipes
- addmutagens
- addpants
- addquestitems
- addquestitems2
- addquestitems3
- addrecipesbombs
- addrecipesoils
- addrecipespotions
- addrecipespotions2
- addschematicsarmor
- addschematicsbolts
- addschematicsboots
- addschematicscomponents
- addschematicsgloves
- addschematicspants
- addschematicsupgrades
- addsets
- addsilverswords
- addsilverswords2
- addsteelswords
- addsteelswords2
- addtreasurehuntitems
- addtrophies
- addupgrades
- addvaluables
- addwolfdlc
- learnallschematics