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NBA 2K20 – Die besten Abzeichen, die Sie in Meine Karriere verdienen können

Andere NBA 2K20-Anleitungen:

  • Schließfachcodes / kostenlose VC-Punkte (wo Sie Codes finden).
  • Leitfaden für Abzeichen (Abschluss/Schießen/Spielaufbau/Verteidigung).
  • So passen Sie Viertellängen in MyCareer an.
  • Rep-Belohnungen / MeinREP-Fortschrittsleitfaden.
  • So scannen Sie Ihr Gesicht (iOS/Android).
  • Wie man den besten MyPlayer-Build erstellt.

Im MyCareer-Modus von NBA 2K20 verdienst du Abzeichen für deinen erstellten Spieler, indem du dich in einer von vier Kategorien auszeichnest:Finishing, Shooting, Playmaking und Defending/Rebounding.

Früher musste man in früheren Spielen den Ball stehlen, um sich ein Taschendieb-Abzeichen zu verdienen. Aber in NBA 2K20 können Sie sich das Taschendiebstahl-Abzeichen verdienen, indem Sie sich einfach beim Verteidigen/Abprallen auszeichnen. Sie haben dann die Freiheit, Ihr Abzeichen jeder Fähigkeit in dieser Kategorie zuzuweisen.

Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre erstellten Charaktere mehr als zuvor personalisieren. Und es erlaubt Ihnen auch, eine Fähigkeit zu verfeinern, in der Sie von Natur aus vielleicht nicht gut sind. Früher war es fast unmöglich, ein Taschendieb-Abzeichen zu verdienen, wenn Sie MyCareer mit einer niedrigen Steal-Bewertung begonnen haben. Jetzt kannst du zurückprallen und dir den Weg zum Abzeichen versperren, ohne auch nur einmal stehlen zu müssen.

Hier sind die unverzichtbaren Abzeichen für jede der fünf Basketballpositionen:Point Guard, Shooting Guard, Small Forward, Power Forward und Center.

Point Guard

Traditionell bringt der Point Guard den Ball auf den Boden, ruft das Spiel an und bedroht den Perimeter. Ihre Abzeichen sollten diese Stärken in den Kategorien Schießen und Spielaufbau ausspielen.

Glitzernder Finisher

Als Point Guard wirst du kleiner und weniger stark sein als die meisten anderen Spieler auf dem Parkett. Slithery Finisher ermöglicht es Ihnen, physischen Kontakt zu vermeiden, wenn Sie zur Felge fahren


Ankle Breaker ist ein Schlüsselabzeichen und erhöht die Chancen Ihres Point Guards, Ihren Verteidiger zu verlieren, und schafft Raum für Ihren Schuss.


Als Point Guard wirst du viele Assists sammeln. Und das Dimer-Abzeichen, das den kurzen Prozentsatz von Personen, zu denen Sie passen, erhöht, wird die Chancen Ihrer Teamkollegen optimal nutzen.


Perfekt, um den gegnerischen Point Guard einzuschüchtern, wenn er den Ball auf den Boden bringt, ermöglicht Pick Pocket Ihnen, Steals zu versuchen, ohne das gefürchtete Reach-In-Foul zu erleiden.


Mit diesem Abzeichen können Sie den Ball besser halten, wenn Sie in die Farbe fahren und nicht gestrippt werden möchten.

Shooting Guard

Als Shooting Guard kommen Sie von den Bildschirmen, um einen offenen Blick auf den Korb zu werfen. Die meisten Shooting Guards haben hervorragende Schussprozentsätze von allen Punkten auf dem Boden.

Fangen und schießen

This badge will increase your shot accuracy right after catching a pass. This is perfect for coming off screens and pulling up at the 3-point line.

Space Creator

Perfect for James Harden -esque stepback moves, the Space Creator makes it easier to get an open look when the defender is already on top of you.

Quick Draw

Quick Draw increases the speed at which you can pull of a jumpshot. This is perfect for when you crossover your defender or come off a a screen, allowing you get off a shot before the hand goes up in your face.

Corner Specialist

An essential badge for beyond the arc, corner specialist increases the accuracy of your three-pointers along the baseline. Make sure to adjust and apply your team’s playbook accordingly.

Pick Dodger

Pick Dodger is essential for a shooting guard on defense, who needs to weave around and break screens to guard his opponent. This is your best defense against all variations of the pick and roll.

Small Forward

The small forward is a jack of all trades. He has to be able to do a little bit of everything, but he traditionally specializes at cutting to the rim. Accordingly, a small forward’s best badges accentuate his athleticism, which is applicable to a wide variety of situations.

Quick First Step

A small forward needs to be explosive in his movement. A quick first step will ensure that your player can blow by defenders when headed towards the rim.


This badge helps the small forward to defend against explosive movement by keeping his body in front of his opponent’s. This is a great badge to have for any position, but it’s essential for a small forward.

Contact Finisher

As a small forward, you’re going to be powering your way through traffic. Contact finisher allows you to make more layup and dunks, even when making contact with defenders


Just because you can push past defenders and get the shot off doesn’t mean the defender won’t swat it out of the sky. In NBA 2K20, blocking is more effective and common than it’s ever been. You have to vary your hop steps and Euro steps to keep your opponent guessing. Acrobat will help you make your more difficult layup shots.

Relentless Finisher

Lastly, Relentless Finisher cuts down on your fatigue when you make contact with an opponent in the paint. Relentless Finisher makes y6our player durable, so that he doesn’t his limited energy with the game on the line.

Power Forward

A good Power Forward clogs up the paint, grabs offensive and defensive rebounds, and feeds the fast breaks with deep outlet passes. A power forward is historically an inside position, but concept of a stretch 4, who trails the team on the trip up the floor and pulls for a mid-range or three-pointer.


You’re going to be in the paint a whole lot, creating congestion and headaches for players who like to cut to the rim. Intimidator increases the opponent’s likelihood of missing these shots, even if they manage to power their way inside

Tireless Defender

A power forward is defensive and reactive, often doing the necessary dirty work so the team’s stars shine. A tireless defender will allow you aggressively, intensely defend your opponent without becoming fatigued.

Rebound Chaser

Grabbing rebounds is an essential part of a power forward’s job. And Rebound Chaser expands the distance at which the player can track and grab the ball mid-air.


After you grab a defensive rebound, your teammates will likely make a fast break to the other end of the floor. Use Breakstarter to up the accuracy of your deep outlet passes and score a quick assist.


The Worm was Dennis Rodman’s nickname, for his ability to weave around boxouts and grab offensive rebounds. This badge will let you do the same, and pairs well with the Putback King badge.


There’s a lot of overlap, especially in NBA 2K20, between the power forward and center positions. But whereas the power forward typically has a greater shooting ability and tends to be somewhat quicker, a center tends to be taller and more effective in the post. A lot of power forward badges are equally applicable to a decent center. Consider these badges as well.

Rim Protector

The Rim Protector badge increases your ability to block your opponents’ shots. Try to block when your opponent drives to the rim, or when he’s attempting a putback, for the best results.

Dream Shake

The center’s classic metagame is in the post, where mobility is key. Named after Hakeem “The Dream” Olajuwon, the Dream Shake badge will improve your big man’s ability to fake out his opponent while backing him down.

Brick Wall

As a center, you’ll often find yourself setting the screen for the pick and roll. The Brick Wall badge will make it harder for your defender to get around you. It will also drain your opponent’s energy, preventing him from catching your teammate who called the pick.

Pick &Roller

After setting the screen, you’ll usually charge the basket and anticipate the pass. This badge will increase your dunk and shot percentages heading into the paint.

Pro Touch

Most of your center’s field goal attempts will be either close shots or layups. The Pro Touch badge will make the required precision more forgiving; even if your layup is a little late or a little early on the release, the shot will still go in.
