Leitfaden für Schurken, der darauf basiert, das Banditenlager abzudecken, eine Familie zu gründen und andere Dynastien um jeden Penny zu betrügen, den sie jemals verdienen. Konzentriert sich auf das frühe Spiel bis hin zum Bürger.
Schurken sind zu schwach!
Ich habe mehrere Beschwerden darüber gesehen, dass Schurken zu schwach sind, dass sie einfach nicht so gut abschneiden wie Handwerker und Bauern. Nun, ich muss sagen, ich habe festgestellt, dass die Schurken im mittleren bis späten Spiel die stärkste Klasse sind, obwohl sie etwas langsamer sind, wenn sie die ersten vier Ränge erklimmen, wenn Sie als armer Gefährte beginnen. Schurken sind auch die beste Klasse im Kampf, und Schurkendiener sind die besten Schergen im Kampf. Selbst der pazifistischste Hinterwäldlerbauer wird irgendwann ein paar Ränge von Rogue für die Kampfboni aufheben wollen, und der Geschicklichkeitsbonus gilt derzeit für alle Vasallen sowie Familienmitglieder. Dies trägt direkt zu ihrer Vasallenherstellung und Transportgeschwindigkeit bei; Es ist im Grunde ein kostenloses Level.
Beachten Sie, dass einige Teile dieses Handbuchs für jeden Charakter gelten, nicht nur für Schurken; Jeder Charakter profitiert zum Beispiel davon, zu Beginn Blumensträuße zu machen, eine Frau zu bekommen und sofort ein oder zwei Kinder zu zeugen. Nimm was du kannst und vergib den Rest!
Von Lumpen
Ich habe Sie also überzeugt, einen Schurken zu würfeln, und Sie starren auf den Charaktererstellungsbildschirm. Bevor Ihr Spiel überhaupt beginnt, empfehle ich Ihnen, sich einen Moment Zeit zu nehmen und Ihre Statistiken zu betrachten.
Ich belasse die meisten Stats im Allgemeinen auf dem Standardwert von 3, aber da ich mich auf Diplomatie konzentriere und eine lustige Bande von Narren führe, verschiebe ich einen Punkt von Stärke zu Charisma. Das verbessert meine Chancen, bei meinem ersten Versuch zu heiraten, und wenn du nicht viel Hinterhalt und Attentate machen willst, ist Stärke nicht so wichtig.
Ich sollte jedoch anmerken, dass es einen anderen Weg gibt, Schurken zu spielen, denn auf diese andere Weise würde ich stattdessen einen Punkt von Intelligenz zu Charisma verschieben. Dies ist besser, wenn Sie vorhaben, viel Schlägerei zu machen und sich ein paar Schädel einzuschlagen. Das wird Ihnen später Kulanzprobleme bereiten, aber zum Glück sind Ihre treuen Diener allesamt Experten darin, Kulanzprobleme zu lösen … auf die eine oder andere Weise.
Vergiss nicht Maxim 16:Dein Name ist in der Munde anderer. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es Zähne hat! Und sobald du einen scharfen Namen, einen scharfen Haarschnitt und ein schickes Outfit hast, bist du bereit für die Schnittszene.
Das Intro-Video ist für mich fehlerhaft, also überspringe ich es immer, aber ob Sie es sich ansehen oder nicht, wir kommen zu Ihren ersten Momenten als Poor Fellow. Jetzt ist ein guter Zeitpunkt, um ein paar Mal auf die Minustaste [ – ] zu drücken und das Spiel auf Slo-Mo zu verlangsamen, damit Sie sich Zeit nehmen und Bilanz ziehen können. Die Anpassung der Spielgeschwindigkeit ist, zumindest im Einzelspielermodus, Ihr bester Freund, da sie es Ihnen ermöglicht, auf Situationen zu reagieren, die sich möglicherweise sehr schnell entwickeln und eine Menge Klicks erfordern, um sich darum zu kümmern.
Als armer Kerl hättest du mit 3000 Münzen, ein paar Lumpen und einem Haus anfangen sollen. Aber warte! In deinem Haus sind einige Blumen. Das erste, was Sie tun möchten, ist, hineinzuschauen und ein paar Blumensträuße für die Dame zu basteln, die Sie in Kürze auf die dunkle Seite verführen werden.
Da Sie wahrscheinlich in einem abgelegenen Dorf begonnen haben, sollten Sie auf die Kompassrose unten rechts klicken und sich orientieren. You want to find the closest city entrance with some buildable space near it. The closer you put your Rogue Camp to the city, the more likely your knaves are to build your rep in the busy city districts, netting you better reputation, more reputation and more coin. Start building the camp while you’re arranging flowers. They build fast and you only need one or two; you can sell the rest of the stuff in the house after your date.
To More Rags
Now that you have a strategically placed camp nicely on the way and a couple flowers for your next heartbreak, you’ll want to pick a date. Preferably choose someone not too far away, who is younger than 20 to maximize fertility. You can often find a level 5+ mate, even at that age, but you don’t want to wander the breadth of the map to find the perfect candidate. After all, there’s a chance they’ll just laugh at your feeble attempts at romance.
You might want to stop at a church along the way and adopt an orphan or two, especially if you have a lot of years per turn (like the default 4). This will give you a leg up in a couple years, but it is definitely a long-term investment.
You may notice that you have a percent chance to succeed at each dating action, and for many actions that percent chance goes up as your date likes you better. If you get turned down, don’t worry too much; just do a stealth->perform action to give the bruise a chance to fade, and then try again. Once you’ve started an affair, use the flowers as they are a high-percent, high-reward action that will move things along quickly.
Once your mate is at 100% attitude towards you, it’s time to get married. They should have at least a 90% chance to accept. Most likely, they’ll accept. There’s a short cutscene, and then your mate teleports to your house, ready to consummate the marriage. You’ll have to walk there, unfortunately, and then you’ll see a new action in the social panel:make baby. You can only use it when both you and your mate are in the same house, and as you get older and make more children the percent chance of it succeeding diminishes quickly.
While your main characters are busy growing the family, it’s time to consider that rogue camp. It should have finished building by now, or at least be close to done. You’ll want to immediately hire all the employees you can and set them to perform, and then if you have at least 800 coin you’ll want to go to addons->more workers, add two more workers, click addons again to close it, and hire another two workers. You should now have a total of six. Set all of them to juggling. This is a slower way to gain coins, but it has two advantages:it’s generally completely legal everywhere, and everybody loves a troupe of performers. They’ll gradually improve your reputation all over the map, which will be a powerful tool for later.
The Turn
OK, so everything is ticking along, and this is generally the point where players start deciding rogues are boring and underpowered. Your jugglers are juggling all over the map, you’ve got a baby in the oven and while you’re not losing money, things are going kind of…slowly. Ready to heat things up a bit? It’s time for our first swindle.
At this point if you’ve been following along you have a rogue camp with 6 employees, and if you couldn’t afford six employees, don’t worry; just sell the flowers and cloth in your house and maybe do a bit of a dance outside the market and you should have enough. Our trick works best with a full house.
Open the Book of Dynasties (Center top, leftmost icon, looks like a shield) and start hunting for our mark. We’re looking for preferably someone with a rogue camp, but at this stage almost anyone will do. Click their faction leader, look in the bottom left for the diplomacy action and open a trade with them.
At this point, you’ve sunk 1240 coins into building the camp, plus 300 for upgrades, plus 1200 for workers. Your total cost is 2740 coins, and you can’t accept any trade worth less than that or you’ll quickly wind up broke. The value of your business in trade is….7840! That means you can afford to trade your band of knaves for practically any other business, plus every penny your mark has, plus an alliance, and they’ll be grateful for the opportunity.
This is very important:By default, when you demand coins, the checkbox next to the coins is NOT CHECKED. You need to check it yourself before you wreck yourself. Also, don’t accept less than a thousand coins and a business, or three thousand coins in cash. If your mark doesn’t have that much, you’ll need to find someone else.
You’ll want to open up the buildings quick-access tab and check out your new business to make sure your employees all get the memo that they’re under new management. They sometimes get confused, especially transporters. Just send the dimwits home and reset their route and they’ll figure it out.
If you trade for a business you aren’t proficient in, that’s totally fine; just hire as many employees as you can in it, get the employee addons, hire transporters, and then sell the newly refurbished business to a dynasty that hasn’t built anything yet….again, for every penny they’ve got.
This scheme packs a triple whammy:not only are you giving yourself a vital infusion of raw cash just at the moment when you are most poor, but you are looting your competitors and, because they don’t understand how to use the power of knavery properly, stunting their long-term growth. They will begin ambushing all and sundry, becoming universally hated…but as long as you have that alliance you and your minions are protected and you don’t have to worry about them.
The Prestige
Depending on how many dynasties you are inclined to swindle, and what sort of deals you were able to strike, you should now have at least one alliance and a bundle of coins. If you sold your last business, you’ll want to build another rogue camp. You should have a cash reserve of at least 1200 coins if you’ve been following along, so now it’s time to go to the skill tree (top left, leftmost button) and buy our first rank upgrade.
This gives our children some activities for ages five to fourteen, and lets us drive our workers –not terribly important as our workers don’t really “produce” anything and our children are too young just yet. However, the rank upgrade also lets us build a second business.
You might not be able to build a second business immediately. After siring a child, you can send your main characters to a resource node, like a cemetary or a flower grove, and have them harvest raw materials to send to market. You want a node that’s close to your house and close to market, and you may want to invest in a carry bag or two if you do that.
Sooner or later though, it’s time to build our second rogue camp. This follows the same rules as the first one – preferably close to a city gate, set everyone to juggle rather than auto, max out your workers as quickly as possible. Now we have twelve jugglers roving from town to town telling everyone how awesome we are.
It’s not a bad idea to recall both main characters to the home and set them to “Boast about achievements” until the baby is born and it’s time to make another one. Their twelve workers should start quickly pouring in some coins thirty at a time, and the extra influence will come in handy soon.
It’s not a bad idea to consider multiclassing at this point. Trading your second camp for at least a thousand coin and a croft, craftsman’s hut or herb hut will allow you to buy the starting rank of that profession and let you get legal coins faster, at the cost of building your reputation somewhat more slowly…but at this stage coin is probably the limiting factor, so it’s well worth considering.
Thug Life
At some point, as your successful swindler prances about the marketplace boasting about how he earned his first title, the poor fellow is going to get mugged by a robber who you are not allied with. You can only ally with robbers owned by a dynasty; the only way to get an unaligned robber to stop mugging you is to buy them out, and that can be expensive.
If you don’t want to keep getting mugged every time you wander home to produce another heir, you’re going to want to stop by the market and shop in the self-defense aisle. In the Black Market section, a Shadow Dagger is cheap, effective and improves your ability to ambush, assault and rob people…not that a citizen as upstanding as you would ever stoop to such tactics. Why, you’ve got a whole team of jugglers whose sole job is to tell the world what a fine, upstanding citizen you are.
For the serious knave, nothing quite beats the deluxe model, however. The Poison Dagger is quite expensive but will handily defeat anyone not wearing City Guard Armor. It also makes it much easier to prompt business owners to contribute to the Knaves and Orphans Fund.
However, as any professional hatchetman can tell you, in your day-to-day life nothing quite beats an axe. It’s a good compromise between cost and effectiveness and since most NPC’s are minimally armed, it still gets the job done.
You’ll also want some protective clothing. An ambush specialist can do best with citizens’ garb, the better to blend into a crowd; a solicitor is better off with chainmail armor to help convince even the hardest-nosed businessmen that it’s really in their best interests to donate; and a really dedicated brawler will also want to invest in a shield to minimize downtime between runs. A politician is generally better off with a Patrician’s Garb, as influence makes the world go round and allows you to buy stat bonuses under the Ambition tree.
You may also want a blanket (under clothing) so you get sick less often as they are cheap and effective, and possibly a carry sack (under essentials) or, if you are feeling wealthy, a riding horse (not a regular horse) which will greatly increase your speed and generally makes the game a bit more pleasant. You can also look at various Luxury goods, which generally go in either the Artifact or Neck slots and give various bonuses. I am fond of guard dogs; perception contributes to disease resistance and makes you harder to rob.
All told, expect to pay at least six hundred to a thousand coins to get into fighting shape; fifteen hundred or more is not unreasonable for some heavy muscle.
If you do get sick, you can generally cure yourself with an Urgent Action at an herb hut, or if you are in a hurry you can buy herbal tea (under food), painkillers (under luxury goods), and so on for specific treatments. They may not be a hundred percent effective, however.
Finally, you’ll want at least Rogue 2 for the extra stat boost and the ability to set ambushes. The best place to set an ambush is generally near a tier-2 or tier 3 farm or estate farm, so you can rob their high-level goods on the way to market. You can also directly attack their transporter, but be aware the transporter is likely to run away.
If you are going to assassinate the other faction leaders, hold off until at after you reach rank IV. Resident; you still have more swindling to do!