Ein Leitfaden zur wunderbaren Welt der Kampfmittel und all der Bang-Bang-Pew-Pews, die in Sandstorm enthalten sind.
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Ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie zweifellos darauf erpicht sind, mit den Füßen voran in den Sandkasten zu springen und Ungläubige im Namen der Gottheit zu töten, an die Sie Ihre täglichen Gebete richten, aber es gibt ein paar Grundlagen, die behandelt werden müssen, bevor Sie dies tun können .
Wie Sie zweifellos gesehen haben, kann die Auswahl an Kampfmitteln, die im Spiel angeboten werden, etwas überwältigend sein. Wie können Sie bei so vielen Waffen und Sprengstoffen zur Auswahl wissen, was für welche Situation am besten geeignet ist? Zu Ihrem Glück habe ich diesen Leitfaden erstellt, damit Sie eine gute Vorstellung davon bekommen, welche Waffen in welcher Situation am besten geeignet sind. Letztendlich liegt es an Ihnen, einen zu finden, mit dem Sie sich in jedem Spielstil am wohlsten fühlen, aber im Moment können wir Ihnen zumindest einen kleinen Schubs in die richtige Richtung geben.
In Zeiten der Verzweiflung müssen Sie möglicherweise auf eine Seitenwaffe zurückgreifen. Wenn dir die Munition ausgeht und ein Feind deine Position drängt, wirst du feststellen, dass es klüger ist, zu deiner Seitenwaffe zu wechseln, als das Risiko einzugehen, in zwei Hälften gehackt zu werden, während du wie ein Esel an deinen Magazinen herumfummelst.
Handfeuerwaffen können in zwei Kategorien eingeteilt werden:.9 mm und .45 ACP.
0,9 mm
Die 0,9-mm-Kategorie ist für diejenigen gedacht, die es bevorzugen, ein großes Feuervolumen genau nach unten zu bringen. .9-mm-Seitenwaffen haben im Allgemeinen einen geringen Rückstoß und eine hohe Kapazität, obwohl sie tendenziell einen geringeren Schaden verursachen als die .45-ACP-Waffen.
Makarow: Warum würdest du dieses Ding überhaupt benutzen? Wieso den? Für diejenigen, die ihre letzten Punkte für diesen superguten Schalldämpfer für ihre AK ausgegeben haben, anstatt praktisch zu sein. Dieses russische Stück Müll hält 9 Patronen, einschließlich einer in der Kammer, kostet keinen Vorrat und bringt Sie garantiert um, wenn Sie versuchen, es zu benutzen. Im Ernst, mach weiter und versuche es. Kann auf den Feind geworfen werden, was nur unwesentlich effektiver ist, als ihn tatsächlich damit zu erschießen. Sollte mit einem erweiterten Magazin ausgestattet sein, aber seien wir ehrlich, wenn Sie dieses Ding verwenden, haben Sie wahrscheinlich nicht einmal einen Punkt mehr, den Sie für erweiterte Magazine ausgeben können.
Tariq: Wenn Sie ein begrenztes Budget haben und zu prätentiös sind, um den Makarov zu benutzen, sich aber immer noch genug hassen, um nicht den Hi-Power zu wählen. Die Tariq ist eine ♥ Hadji-Kopie des Vorgängers der Beretta 92FS und in fast jeder Hinsicht unterlegen. Mit einer Kapazität von 9 Runden, einschließlich einer in der Kammer, ist dieses Ding in jeder Hinsicht so ziemlich der Makarov, außer dass Sie einen Punkt für die Waffe selbst ausgegeben haben, anstatt sie kostenlos zu bekommen. Gute Arbeit, viel Geld. Kommt mit einer Beilage Falafel und etwas Hummus. Kostet 1 Vorrat.
Browning HiPower: Die Budget-Pistole, die Sie anstelle der Makarov wählen sollten. Eine Britbong-Waffe, die 14 Patronen hält, darunter eine in der Kammer, und im Gegensatz zur Makarov tatsächlich in der Lage ist, einen Feind zu töten, wenn Sie ihm in den Kopf schießen. Es ist vollkommen akzeptabel, diese Waffe ohne erweiterte Magazine zu verwenden, aber wenn Sie ein oder zwei zusätzliche Punkte haben, die Sie auf dieses Ding werfen können, dann sind erweiterte Magazine und ein Schnellziehholster definitiv zu empfehlen. Kostet 1 Vorrat.
Beretta 92FS: Diese im Land der Fleischbällchen und Lasagne hergestellte Waffe dient seit Mitte der 1980er Jahre als Waffe der Wahl für verschiedene westliche Militär- und Strafverfolgungsbehörden. Mit einer beeindruckenden Kapazität von 16 Schuss, einschließlich einer in der Kammer, dreht sich beim 92FS alles darum, in kurzer Zeit viel Blei auf ein Ziel zu bringen. Kann wie deine Mutter bei einem ersten Date gefingert werden, damit es seine gesamte Ladung innerhalb von etwa 3 Sekunden bläst. Genau wie dein Vater. Auch ohne erweiterte Magazine akzeptabel. Kostet 2 Vorräte.
Sig. P226: Wird von allen und ihrer Mutter benutzt, weil sie einmal gesehen haben, wie einige Navy Seals es in einem Film benutzt haben, und denken, dass es das Beste ist, was es je gab. Lassen Sie sich jedoch nicht täuschen, denn diese kleine belgische Handkanone ist genau, hat eine hohe Kapazität von 16 Schuss mit einer in der Kammer und trifft wie ein Muldenkipper voller Ziegelscheißhäuser. Bei nur 2 Vorräten würde ich dringend empfehlen, diese Seitenwaffe mit Ihrer Ausrüstung zu verwenden, wenn Sie der Typ sind, der große Feuermengen bevorzugt.
PF940: Lassen Sie sich nicht vom Namen täuschen, dies ist nur eine schickere Version der österreichischen Glock 17. Mit einer Magazinkapazität von 18 mit einem in der Kammer und anständiger Genauigkeit wird dieser kleine böse Junge Sie im Handumdrehen zerfetzen und dann annektieren den deutschsprachigen Teilen Ihres Heimatlandes. Die Ausrüstung kostet 3, im Gegensatz zum P226 oder 92FS, die 2 kosten und die gleiche Aufgabe genauso effektiv erledigen. Verwenden Sie es nur, wenn Sie so schnell wie möglich mehr Lebensraum benötigen.
.45 ACP
Die Schwergewichte der Kurzwaffenkategorie. Diese Waffen sind für die Leute, die Stoppkraft der Feuermenge vorziehen. Wenn Sie eine ruhige Hand haben, werden Sie wahrscheinlich die Tatsache zu schätzen wissen, dass eine .45 einen Feind mit weniger Schüssen erledigen kann als eine .9-mm-Patrone, obwohl es mit dem viel kräftigeren Rückstoß der .45 ACP-Patrone schwierig sein kann, Ihre zu behalten Zielen Sie in hitzigen Szenarien ruhig.
M1911: Die klassische amerikanische Handkanone, die von einem Schüler und Propheten Gottes selbst entworfen wurde:John Moses Browning. Dieser Welpe verteilt mit extremen Vorurteilen eine .45-Kaliber-Kugel weißglühender Freiheit auf die Feinde der Freiheit. Kostet 2 Vorräte und trifft wie ein Güterzug, obwohl die Kapazität von 8 mit einem in der Kammer Sie ein wenig überfordert machen kann, wenn Sie noch nie gut darin waren, sich selbst zu kontrollieren, bevor Sie pleite gehen.
M45: Eine modernisierte Version des M1911, die für den MARSOC-Einsatz entwickelt wurde. Kostet die gleiche Versorgung und ist in Bezug auf die Werte praktisch identisch mit dem M1911, abgesehen von der schick aussehenden Polymeroberfläche. Für diejenigen, die gerne so tun, als wären sie Bediener, während die Jungs mit dem P226 und PF940 lachend im Kreis herumlaufen, während sie tatsächlich etwas Nützliches tun, weil sie mehr als 8 Runden zum Spielen haben.
Personal Opinion:As much as I’m a massive Colt fanboy in real life I’d have to say that going with one of the high capacity .9mm handguns is the smarter choice, as most situation where you’re having to engage with a handgun anyway usually result in a headshot 90% of the time.
Assault Rifles
The assault rifle is the workhorse of any conventional modern-day army. Designed to be capable of engaging enemies at medium to close ranges, the assault rifle can be customized to fill a wide variety of roles on the battlefield.
Or you can just be a ♥ and slap a drum mag and laser sight on that ♥ and go running right onto the point where you’ll immediately get shot by a guy camping around a corner or a grenade one of your teammates threw.
There is a distinction to be made between an assault and battle rifle, so I’ll split the two into their own categories for the sake of this guide.
Assault rifles are typically shorter than battle rifles, and are usually chambered for an intermediate cartridge such as 5.56 or 5.45. A decent number of assault rifles are in the carbine configuration, and are therefore good for wasting half a magazine in close quarters to kill one enemy because you couldn’t be arsed to take an extra half second to pull up your sights.
M16A2: The second iteration of the US’s standard-issue service rifle, the M16A2 is a burst fire pea shooter that can be used to platonically tickle your enemies at medium ranges. The 5.56 cartridge is equivalent to firing a nerf dart at an enemy, and so about 10 shots will be required to put one person down at any range. It’s alright though since the capacity of the weapon is 31 rounds including one in the chamber, so you’ll be able to squeeze about 3 kills per magazine out of this thing. Like really, just pick the M4 instead because why wouldn’t you? Costs 3 points to humiliate yourself with this joke of a rifle.
M16A4: Exactly the same as the A2 except covered in picatinny rails and therefore able to take a wider variety of tacticool attachments. Also costs 3 points. Seriously just use the M4 and save yourself the trouble.
M4A1: The carbine variant of the M16 rifle, the M4A1 is a selective fire carbine that can be used both at medium and close ranges effectively. Has a 31 round capacity including one in the chamber, and has the added benefit of being able to go fully automatic so you don’t make yourself look like a complete fool in close quarters. Somehow is able to kill in one shot more reliably than both M16 variants despite firing the exact same cartridge. Has virtually zero recoil and will make up about 90% of the rifleman loadouts on either team. Costs a whopping 5 points.
Mk18 CQBR: A model of the M4A1 that has been configured primarily for close combat situations. Despite being the exact same weapon just with some different cosmetic parts, this thing somehow suffers at the same longer ranges the M4 excels at. Pretty much relegated to a submachine gun thanks to the M4, which can pretty much do the exact same job as the Mk18 and then some so why bother? Has a 31 round capacity with one in the chamber and wastes 4 supply.
G36K: Eurotrash German weapon that was designed to replace the vastly superior G3 thanks to NATO’s ♥ standardization programs. It is a toy produced by Hasbro and has a capacity of 31 nerf darts plus one in the chamber. Despite being made entirely of cheap Chinese plastic and firing the same exact 5.56 cartridge as the M4, this thing has the most inconsistent damage and recoil pattern of any of the assault rifles. One moment the weapon will kick so hard that after 2 shots you’re staring at a passing plane, and the next it will have nearly no kick at all yet the rounds will become ethereal and pass through the enemy you’re trying to have some uncivil discourse with. Also has a 2 round burst function for some reason. If you use this fire mode you’re automatically a communist and a homosexual. Costs 4 supply.
L85A2: A weapon for those nostalgic for the good old days back when those bloody wogs knew their place. Objectively the best 5.56 assault rifle in the game, it is unfortunately hogged by the advisor class on the security team. Having even less recoil than the M4 and consistently killing in 1 to 2 shots, this thing is the absolute most beastly tool to grace the battlefield. Holds 31 rounds including the one in the chamber. (Fun fact:The L85 series of weapons in real life is notoriously so ♥ that many of the British troops forced to use it consider it the worst modern rifle ever made.) Costs 5 supply and comes with a spot of tea.
QBZ-03: Chinese-made M16 copy basically. Despite firing a 5.8x42mm cartridge it is somehow still capable of scavenging magazines from 5.56 weapons and vice versa. Probably the best assault rifle available to the insurgent team, the rate of fire is about on par with the M4 and has almost no recoil whatsoever. Holds 31 rounds with one in the chamber. Use it to clown on all the people on the enemy team using M4s like a bunch of sheep, then steal their magazines to add insult to injury. Costs 5 social credits. Available only to citizens with no record of wrongthink.
VHS-2: Croatian-made bullpup rifle that slings lead like no one’s business. Has a rate of fire to rival the MP7 and kills as reliably as the M4. The only difficulty you’ll have here is that the recoil is slightly higher than that of the other 5.56 assault rifles. Couple that with the much higher rate of fire and you’re looking at a weapon that has a tendency to get away from the user like an escaped basement prisoner. Uses the same STANAG magazines as the other 5.56 weapons which puts the capacity at 31 including one in the chamber. Costs 5 points.
AKM: The Russian L85 basically. Has virtually no recoil when firing fully automatic and the rounds hit like a mule being swung at you by a crane being swung by the Incredible Hulk. One of the cheaper weapons in the game, this thing is so ridiculously good that it can be used with almost no attachments to no detriment. Fires the Russian 7.62×39 cartridge and has a capacity of 31 dead infidels including one in the chamber. Costs 3 points.
AK-74: Basically the M4 to the AKM’s L85. Pretty much the exact same weapon as the AKM except chambered in 5.45 and costing an extra point, so you might as well just pick the AKM and save that point. Capacity is 31 rounds with one in the chamber. Costs 4 supply.
Alpha AK: Everything you need to know about this gun is in the name. Take the AKM, pump it full of the super soldier serum from Captain America and slap a bunch of picatinny rails on it and you’ve got the Alpha AK. Carries 31 rounds including one in the chamber. True alpha males use this weapon with only the irons and extended magazines. Costs 4 points.
AKS-74U: The deformed mutant bastard child of the AK series, this carbine variant of the AK-74 looks ugly as sin but it can break your neck with its freakish Lenny strength. Has relatively manageable recoil and a decent rate of fire that’s nothing to write home about. Use it to tell the other team about the rabbits, George. Has a capacity of 31 rounds including one in the chamber and costs 4 supply. Never ever use the irons on this weapon unless you want women to question your virility.
Galil / SAR: The Galil and the SAR variant are the exact same weapon, so don’t ask questions. For whatever reason NWI thought it’d be a funny prank to give the Galil to the gunner class despite it being an assault rifle so that way the people who are too impatient to play gunner properly can now run in and spray at ♥ like an ♥ just like everyone else. Fires the same 5.56 round as most of the other assault rifles though to balance it out in the gunner slot it has more recoil than the ♥ing G3 and FAL. Has an integrated bipod so if you spend points on anything else to replace it you’re just asking God to send you to Hell. Is completely redundant as a weapon because most of the assault rifles can already be equipped with a bipod and drum magazine to turn them into LMGs anyway. Use if you’re insecure about your sexuality. Costs 3 points, I think.
Battle Rifles
Battle rifles can be distinguished by assault rifles by their longer length and typical use of a full-sized rifle cartridge such as .308 or 7.62 NATO. These weapons are best suited for engagements at medium ranges and tend to suffer at close range due to their higher recoil. Equip with a 4x scope to watch your bullets suddenly become ethereal.
G3A3: The superior piece of German engineering, the G3A3 is an absolute one-hit kill machine. The heavy 7.62×51 NATO cartridge will easily kill an enemy in one shot 90% of the time. Despite the recoil this weapon can be reasonably managed at closer ranges with the aid of a foregrip/compensator combo. Dunk on all the untermenschen with this beast of a gun. Holds 21 rounds with one in the chamber and costs 4 points.
FAL: Functionally the same as the G3A3 though with a much less impressive sound when fired. Still an absolute beast of a one-tap machine and proof that the Belgians are superior-♥ kickers. Marginally less effective in close quarters than the G3 due to a just slightly higher bit of vertical recoil. Holds 21 rounds with one in the chamber and costs 4 points.
Mk14 EBR: A modernized variant of the M14 introduced in the 1960s, this thing is the absolute definition of OP. Can be used as a submachine gun in close quarters or a sniper rifle at extreme ranges because NWI has no idea what consistency is. Despite the fact that it is categorized as a battle rifle this thing can basically be anything you want it to be. Do be advised if you plan to use it in a CQB role, as there is no extended magazine option for this weapon. The weapon holds 21 rounds including one in the chamber and has a deceptively manageable recoil despite the class it falls under. Costs 5 supply. Worth it.
Mk17 Mod 0: Basically an assault rifle that got lost and ended up at a battle rifle convention. Fires the same 7.62×51 round as the rest of the battle rifles yet is somehow incapable of functioning at longer ranges and also suffers in CQB thanks to the high recoil. It’s only available to the security advisor class so it’s not like anything of value is being lost. Use this if wearing women’s clothing makes you feel funny in a good sort of way. Holds 21 rounds including one in the chamber. Costs 3 supply.
Light Machineguns
These are the bullet hoses of the game. Their sole purpose is to flood the faces of every enemy downrange with as much lead as possible like a 20 man ♥ party. Due to their weight and the rate of fire that they’re capable of putting out, it is not advised to use these weapons from anything other than a supported position.
Also if you play gunner and pick the Galil I hope you die in a fire.
M249 SAW: The SAW (or Squad Automatic Weapon) is a US produced variant of the Belgian FN Minime. It fires 5.56 cartridges from a 200 round disintegrating link belt fed into the weapon from a metal box mounted beneath and features an integral bipod for supported firing. It’s recommended to mount the weapon’s bipod on a surface such as a railing, piece of low cover or the ground even, which will negate the weapon’s high recoil. That or you can be that ♥ who slaps a supressor and laser on his SAW and goes sprinting into a hail of fire like they’re playing breacher or something. Costs 3 supply.
M240B: The M240B is basically the SAW’s big brother. Also a US produced variant of the FN MAG, it fires 7.62×51 NATO from a 50 round disintegrating link belt which is held in a cloth pouch mounted on the weapon. (this can be upgraded to a 100 round box with extended mags) Is completely redundant as the SAW has less recoil even when unsupported, comes with 100 more rounds by default than the 240B does with extended mags and weighs far less. Use only if you’re a salty old vet nostalgic for the days of humping that ♥ up and down 12 miles of mountain in Afghanistan. Aaww yeah. Costs 4 points and your dignity.
MG3: Another German-made death dealer. This bad boy is a modernized version of the venerable MG42 machinegun fielded in World War 2. In-game it’s relegated to the same situation as the 240B because of its high rate of fire, 50 round default belt size and it’s heavy as ♥. Blows its load faster than you on a late Friday night session of Second Life. Again, just use the SAW. Costs 4 points.
PKM: Old Soviet-made machinegun that was designed to be the counter to the US’s M60. Used in their conflict in Afghanistan in the late 70’s/early 80’s, the sound of this weapon strikes fear in the hearts of goat farmers everywhere. This thing is almost as good as the SAW if not for the slight bit more recoil and weight. The one big detriment to the PKM’s case is the fact that the belts are 100 rounds shorter than the SAW’s and there is no option to increase the size. Can be used about as effectively as the SAW if you want some variety. Costs 3 supply.
Misc Rifles
These are the rifles that don’t fall into the category of either assault or battle rifles, nor are they exclusively sniper rifles either. Perfect for those thinking about transitioning sexes.
SKS: A self-loading Soviet-designed carbine produced in the 1950s, the SKS is actually a pretty formidable weapon. It can be used effectively at both medium and close range but only features a single-fire mode, meaning you’re gonna need to warm up those fingering skills. Since for you going out and finding some ♥ to practice on most likely isn’t an option, you can substitute any other malleable substance such as jell-o, cottage cheese, etc. Magazine capacity is 21 rounds with one in the chamber. Costs 2 supply.
Mosin Nagant: Also known as the “moist nugget” if you’ve never touched a ♥ in your life, the Mosin Nagant is a bolt-action rifle introduced pre-WW1 for the White Army of Russia. Slap a 4x scope on that ♥ and hang out in the back of the map masturbating in a bush like the pro you are. Be sure to scream at your teammates for losing the point when they all die and you’re the only one alive at the far end of the map staring at the skybox for extra points. The internal magazine holds 5 rounds and 5 only, no exceptions. Costs 2 points.
M40A1: The military version of the Remington 700 bolt action rifle. Used the exact same way as the Mosin Nagant except super tacticool looking cause of all the rails and stuff man. It’s totally ♥ing operator. Again, make sure to blame your team for everything from the back of the map for extra points. Also only holds 5 rounds. Costs 3 supply.
M82A1 CQ: Big ♥off .50 BMG anti material rifle. Used to kill armored vehicles but I guess you could use it on one person 10 feet away, sure. Extremely heavy with the most ungodly amount of recoil that could break a terminator’s arm, this thing is purely for looks and not function. Equip this to basically be an even less useful version of a Mosin/M40 user since you’ll move slower than a special-needs child trying to register than he’s not supposed to be playing in the middle of the freeway. Holds 6 rounds including one in the chamber. Costs 6 supply. No seriously, ♥ you if you pick this gun. You have no shame.
M99: Chinese copy of the M82, exact same principles apply. Also costs 6 points and holds 6 rounds with one in the chamber. Enjoy your giant, expensive ♥.
Submachine Guns
Absolute bullet hoses. These weapons are light, compact, and designed to put as much lead into a small space as possible. Generally SMGs are chambered for smaller pistol cartridges, though some are designed with unique armor defeating rounds that are basically like miniature rifle cartridges.
MP5A2: One of the earlier iterations of the now world-famous German MP5 thanks to Die Hard. This gun spits lead at a commendable rate, though the 9×19 pistol cartridge it’s chambered for tends to do less damage than a rifle round would, so expect to expend a few more shots on a target than you would normally have to. Capacity is 31 rounds with one in the chamber. Costs 3 supply.
MP5A5: Basically just the most modern variant of the MP5. Same things apply as the A2, nothing to see here now move along. Holds 31 rounds with 1 in the chamber and costs 3 points.
Uzi: The classic Israeli ♥ kicker is here to play in the sandbox, ironically fielded by a bunch of Jew-hating Arabs. Despite the .9mm cartridge and relatively low rate of fire for an SMG, this little bad boy has an extremely easy to handle recoil pattern and hits surprisingly hard. Slaughter your way to paradise then get stopped at the gate because your gun was Kosher. Holds 26 rounds with one in the chamber. Run with drum mags and laser sight for maximum effect. (fun fact, the compensator basically acts as a hybrid attachment on this gun, giving you the vertical and horizontal recoil dampening effect of a compensator and foregrip combo. I’m not sure if this has been patched out yet but seriously, try it for yourself. It’ll save you a few points for other goodies.) Costs 2 supply.
MP7: An absolute unit of an SMG. This little German bullet hose can spit rounds at a rate that would make a hooker with a big mouthful blush. It’s chambered for the unique 4.6x30mm cartridge which is designed to defeat armor, giving it a much higher degree of penetration than the 9mm SMGs on offer. Used primarily by kids who wanna look “uber operator” when they run into a room and spray the place down with hot, phallic lead. Most attempts to do this just end up in the user blowing their load in 2 seconds to kill one guy then realizing there’s still 3 more people in the room and getting gangbanged. Magazine capacity is by default 21 rounds with one in the chamber. If you run this thing with anything other than extended mags then you’re just beyond help. Costs 4 supply.
Explosives and Misc Equipment
The stuff that makes big bangs and helps support your team in various other ways. Be sure to be that guy who equips smoke grenades on co-op and ♥ all your teammates off when they get aimbotted through the smoke cloud. I’m gonna go ahead and break these down into different categories.
M203 / GP-25 / AG36: Underbarrel-mounted high velocity suppository launchers. Can be used to launch either high explosive rounds to kill the enemy in hard to reach places or smoke rounds to ♥ off your teammates by shooting them right where they’re standing. Holds one shot before needing to reload. Counted as an attachment so explosive costs 3 supply and smoke 2.
AT4: A one-shot Johnny tube packed full of bangin’ goodness. Use this puppy to put the hurt on whoever looks at you funny from inside a vehicle. Costs 3 supply.
RPG-7: Does exactly the same thing as the AT4 but can be reloaded, though for whatever reason you can’t pack a second round even with a heavy ammo carrier. Costs 4 supply.
Panzerfaust 3: See above, just German. Costs 3 supply.
M3 MAAWS: See above, just Swedish. Costs 4 supply. Seriously there’s no point to having 4 different rocket launchers in this game when they all do the exact same thing.
M67 Fragmentation Grenade: Marginally more powerful than an M80 firecracker, throw it at people you wanna startle. Make sure you pull the pin first. Can be thrown overhand with left mouse or underhand with right, though it’s a 50/50 chance whether your character is gonna limp wrist it like a ♥ or yeet that ♥er 5 miles like Drew Brees. The opposite mouse button can be used to release the spoon and cook the grenade before throwing. Costs 2 points.
F1 Fragmentation Grenade: Marginally mo- wait we just did this joke didn’t we? 2 supply again. You will never ever kill anyone with a grenade unless it lands right in their mouth.
M84 Flashbang: Ooooh, pretty liiiiights…. 1 supply.
Molotov: For the folks that loved to spam firebats in Starcraft. Use it to block doorways and destroy caches. 2 supply.
AN-M14 Incendiary: See above. Does more damage than the molotov but only burns for about a fraction of the time and doesn’t blanket as large an area. 2 supply.
M83 Smoke: Used to block enemy sightlines in competitive and ♥ off your teammates in coop with a thick cloud of smoke. 1 supply.
C4: I mean what do you think it does? It blows ♥ up. You’re guaranteed to try and throw one of these through a window then blow yourself up when it bounces off the sill just an inch short of going in. 3 supply.
IED: Ghetto C4. Use it to jihad the infidels. Same principles apply as above. 3 supply.
Binoculars: Available only to commanders. Used to spy through the neighbor’s windows while she’s showering and call Dominos for another large all meat with a side order of cheese bread. Comes equipped automatically for the commander role.
Radio: Automatically equipped only for observers. Used by submissive observers to place fire support orders when their big daddy dom commander tells them to.
Vehicle Mines: These don’t exist. They’re just a myth. No one uses them.
Gas Mask: Use so you don’t have the smell the guy next to you’s ♥. 1 point for security, free for insurgents.
In Conclusion
I hope you found this guide to be at least semi-helpful in your quest to be the greatest. Now go unlock you some fingerless Oakleys and tiger stripe camo and get operatin’ there, High Speed.