Puzzle- und Achievement-Guide für Nancy Drew:Midnight in Salem. Warnung:Spoiler voraus.
So erhalten Sie alle Erfolge und lösen Rätsel
Teil 1:Österreich
- Beginnen Sie damit, Richter Sewalls unter dem weißen Tuch auf der rechten Seite des Raums zu finden.
- Untersuchen Sie die rechte Seite des Schreibtischs, um den versteckten Schlüssel zu finden.
- Gehe in dein Inventar und untersuche den Schlüssel, erweitere den Schlüssel.
- Untersuchen Sie das hölzerne Verlangen in der Mitte des Schreibtischs und klicken Sie auf den Laternenteil der Schnitzerei, um die verborgene Schublade zu enthüllen.
- Benutze den Schlüssel an der versteckten Schublade.
- Löse das einfache Labyrinth, um die Schublade mit dem Entschuldigungsbuch darin zu öffnen.
Sobald Sie das Entschuldigungsbuch gefunden haben, müssen Sie Dr. Hirst aus dem Raum folgen, dann wird Nancy bemerken, dass jemand versucht, das Entschuldigungsbuch zu stehlen, und wird dann dem Dieb nachjagen. Folge dem Dieb, bis du ihn im Wald findest. Sobald du den AW-Schlüssel aufhebst, den der Dieb fallen gelassen hat, erhältst du den „AW“-Erfolg.
Teil 2:Salem Tag 1
Creepy Message Achievement
Schauen Sie in den Mülleimer im Wohnzimmer der Parry, um ein zerrissenes Stück Papier zu finden, setzen Sie das Stück wieder zusammen, um den Erfolg zu erhalten.
Egged Achievement
Um das buchstäbliche Osterei in diesem Spiel zu finden, schauen Sie mit der Maus auf die Basis der Pflanze neben dem Mülleimer, wo Sie die zerrissene Notiz gefunden haben. Sie sollten dort ein leuchtend orangefarbenes Ei sehen. Untersuchen Sie es, um den Erfolg zu erhalten.
Olivias Hexentour
Die Hexentour besteht aus sieben Orten in der Stadt:2 befinden sich im Museum, 1 auf dem Stadtplatz und die letzten 4 auf dem Friedhof. Alle diese Stellen sind mit einem Raben markiert.
- Salem Sinkholes (Town Square):Dieser ist wahrscheinlich am schwierigsten zu finden, daher habe ich zur Hilfe ein Bild seiner Position angehängt.
- Gedenkschild für die angeklagte Hexe (Museum):Dies ist das Schild an der Wand, das dem Geschenk am nächsten ist.
- Shop im Museum Salem.
- Statue einer puritanischen Frau (Museum).
- Kleine Freiheitsstatue (Friedhofsmitte).
- Das Grab von Richterin Hathorne (Friedhof).
- Hausschild Hathorne (Friedhof).
- Unmarkierte Gräber (Friedhof neben Engelsstatue).
Wenn du Olivias Hexentour beendest, erhältst du den Erfolg „Willkommen in Salem“.
Um mit Richter Danforth zu sprechen, müssen Sie eine Büroklammer von Alicia Cole besorgen und das Schloss an seiner Tür knacken. Drücken Sie die Stifte in dieser Reihenfolge ein:
Hinweis: Es gibt einen Fehler, der dazu führen kann, dass dieses Rätsel als schwarzer Bildschirm erscheint. Ich persönlich hatte dieses Problem und mein einziger Rat ist, die Musiklautstärke ganz herunterzudrehen und Tonsignale zu verwenden, um festzustellen, wann Sie alle Pins vollständig haben eingeschoben. Wenn jemand eine Lösung für diesen Fehler gefunden hat, lass es mich bitte wissen!
Wenn Sie die Hexentour beendet und mit dem Richter gesprochen haben, gehen Sie zurück zum Parry House und sprechen Sie mit allen dort. Wenn Sie damit fertig sind, gehen Sie zum Hawthorne House, um Lauren Holt zu treffen. Sie wird dich zu sich nach Hause einladen, um mit ihr zu reden. Sobald Nancy mit ihr gesprochen hat, wird Nancy gehen und eine gruselige Zwischensequenz wird abgespielt. Sobald diese Zwischensequenz vorbei ist, erhältst du die Errungenschaft „Fluch, nicht Dunkelheit“.
Teil 3:Salem Tag 2
Johnny Cakes
Beginnen Sie, indem Sie 1 Tasse Mehl, 1 Tasse Maismehl, 2 Esslöffel Zucker, 1 Esslöffel Backpulver und 1 Teelöffel Salz in die Schüssel geben. Der nächste Schritt besteht darin, 8 Unzen Milch, 0,5 Unzen Butter, 0,2 Unzen Vanille, 2 Eier und eine Prise Muskatnuss in die Schüssel zu geben. Wenn Sie die Johnny Cakes backen, drehen Sie sie um, wenn sie zu dampfen beginnen. You can make more Johnny Cakes at anytime by clicking on the kitchen counter. To get the Breakfast achievement, just make some more Johnny Cakes anytime after making the require batch at the start of day 2.
Note: Most characters in the have a special Johnny Cake that you can give them, Nancy will let you know which cakes go to who each time you finish a batch. This won’t get you an achievement, but it will get you some extra dialogue with the characters.
Luminous Infusions
Lauren’s Shop, Luminous Infusions is now open for day 2 of the game. You can get the Everyone’s Chores achievement here by helping Lauren out with making herb remedies for clients. Each herb will treat a different condition:Memory condition =sage, High blood pressure =garlic, Indigestion =cinnamon, Anxiety =chamomile, Migraines =feverfew, Nausea =ginger, and Liver condition =our lady’s thistle. Use 1 dose for slight conditions, 2 for moderate, and 3 for unbearable. If you help Lauren out enough, you will get access to aster (starwort) Note:aster will only unlock after you have found the letter explaining that Lauren is a descendant of Tituba. You can get a Truth Serum by mixing Sweet Marjoram, Aster, and Rosemary together. You can get Sweet Marjoram by unlocking Lauren’s box and Rosemary can be found on the forest path to the Hawthrone House.
The key to Lauren’s Box can be found here
Rosemary can be found here
Note: There is no achievement for making the Truth Serum, its just fun to try and force the other character to drink it.
Court House
- The passcode to the evidence room is 0815.
- The drawers that are missing evidence are drawers No. 6, No. 11, and No. 18.
Hawthrone House
- Use the crowbar on the door to make it so you can unlock the door.
- Look at the mirror in the burnt area on the lower floor, examine the leaves painted on the mirror, the look at the desk across from the mirror and examine the area that the leaves were on top of in the reflection.
Once you have alibis from every suspect in the game for both the fire and the book theft you will get the Investigate Everyone achievement.
Gather and read all the evidence for the case on day two to get the Investigate Everything achievement.
Ghost Hunting
Rotate the right dial to adjust the height of the waves, Rotate the left dial to the distance between waves. This puzzle is extremely finicky and the wave pattern you have to match is randomize each time. If you want a different pattern just exit out of the puzzle and come back to that spot. Master difficulty adds an extra layer to this puzzle where you have to flip the switch in the middle on the sensor to properly adjust the wave to match. Just be patient and carefully move your dials.
Evidence of a Fake Haunting
There are 5 piece of evidence that you need to find, 1 in the graveyard and 4 on the forest path to Hawthrone House. Find the motion sensor on the tree in the graveyard first, then find the jack o’ lantern, fog machine, burnt incense, and ropes on the forest path.
Abigail Hawthrone Woodley’s Grave:Go to Judge Sewall’s grave and examine the plant in front of it to find Olivia’s cipher wheel.
Cipher Puzzle
Match the symbols on the wheel so they match the direction on the paper. The final message is:
- Restock wands.
- Grocery shopping.
- Inventory – just do it!
- Cat maintenance.
- Get stock from L.
Solving this puzzle will get you the Get Stock From L achievement.
After this a cutscene will play and you will get the It’s Right There! achievement.
Extra:Day 2 is the first day you can complete the Happy Halloween achievement. In order to get this achievement, you have to crave 12 pumpkins and place them on candles around town. The pumpkin craving station can be found at the museum and Nancy can only carry one pumpkin at a time. The 12 candle locations are:
- The steps of the Parry House.
- The Parry Kitchen.
- The Guest Room at the Parry House.
- The steps of the courthouse.
- The counter in Luminous Infusions.
- The museum counter.
- The Statue of Roger Conant in Town Square.
- The stage in Town Square.
- The haybales in Town Square.
- Under the tree in the cemetery.
- In front of the unmarked graves.
- By the door to the Hawthrone House Carriage House.
Part 4:Salem Final Day
CCTV Puzzle
- 0:00 – Outside
- 0:01 – Entrance
- 0:02 – Hallway
- 0:03-0:06 – Mens Room
- 0:07 – Hallway
- 0:08-0:09 – Evidence Room
- 0:10 – Hallway
- 0:11 – Entrance
- 0:12-0:15 – Outside
Once you have solve this puzzle the Observant achievement will unlock.
Source of the Poisoning
After finishing the CCTV puzzle and finding the getaway car outside of Court House, talk to Jason to learn that the car belongs to Alicia Cole. Talk to Joe, Frank, Olivia, and Lauren to find out the what they all ate and drank the previous day. Then go to Alicia’s Desk and find a black box on her desk containing a demolition order and a waterworks map. Go into the evidence room and use the waterworks map on the larger map of Salem. Rotate the WW map and place over Hawthrone House on larger map to find the source of the Ergot poisoning. The WW map will turn orange when in the correct place
Go to Hawthrone House, examine the area on the ground in the bushes next to the carriage house and use the Rust-B-Gone to open Lauren’s water supply, remove the ergot covered wheat to get the Ergo Ergot achievement.
Use a decorative lantern from Olivia’s store on the Little Liberty statue to open the entrance to the underground passageways. This will unlock the Open Sesame achievement
Underground Passageway
Follow the direction on the phone, on amateur detective difficulty you will have a compass to help you find your way, the path is the same on both amateur and master detective. Go Forward, Left, Left, Right, Right, Forward, Left, Right, Forward, Right, Left, Right, and Forward.
At this point, Nancy and the Hardy Boys will split up. You will now be playing as Frank and will have to follow the AW carving. Go Left, Right, Left, Forward, Forward, Right, Forward, Forward.
Frank will then stop, turn around, and talk to Joe. Turn back around and go Left, Right, Forward, and Forward. Go up the stair and examine the door to talk to the person on the other side of the door. Examine the pieces on the table next to the door. Use trial and error to put the pieces of the key together. Place the key into the door to unlock it.
Hawthrone House
You are now in a secret room in Hawthrone House. On the floor of the room is a circle of pressure plates with astrological symbols on them. To solve this puzzle, you need to press Yule then Litha on the outer most ring, Leo then Taurus on the second ring, 02-02 then 10-31 third ring, and Earth then Air on the final ring. A model of the house will appear in the circle. Push in the doorway and chimney on the model and a secret compartment with a table inside will open. Push over the table and press the button to find the will. This will unlock the Family achievement.
Nancy in the Underground Passage
Back in the underground passage Nancy has found her way to Mei. Now Nancy need to find the Book of Apologies. Remove the large poster from the wall of the hideout to find a chest of drawers. start by place the drawers that are on the sides of the chest
Then use the remaining boxes to fill in the center
Master Detective Solution
- Once you have completed this puzzle on Master Detective, the achievement Master Sleuth will unlock.
- Once you have complete this puzzle, the tunnels will start to flood.
Escape the flooding tunnel to unlock the A Narrow Escape Achievement
Final Room
Talk to Mei to get a lighter, use the lighter on the lantern and candles to light up the room. Pick up old note and wooden wing from atop the barrels. Examine the AW carving, then remove the board above to find a metal tool. Use on old note on the candles next to the angel carving to unveil the secret message on the note. Use the metal tool on the correct brick to get the second wooden wing. Place both wings onto the angel carving.
Angel Puzzle
To solve this puzzle, move wing 1 all the way up, move wing 3 all the way up, move wing 4 up twice, then move wing 1 all the way up.
A lock will appear, save here, then use the AW key.
Ownership of the Hawthrone House:there are three achievements that can be gotten from the final confrontation. These are:
- Heritage:Use both the Book of Apologies and Frances Tuttle’s will to determine ownership of the Hawthrone House.
- The Book:Use only the Book of Apologies to determine ownership of the Hawthrone House.
- The Will:Use only Frances Tuttle’s will to determine ownership of the Hawthrone House.
- Reload from the save point you made before using the AW key to easily get all three.
Final Achievements
Once you have said your goodbyes to everyone and complete the game, achievement Another Case Solved will unlock. After this the last achievement, Trivia Tamer can be unlocked by correctly answering a simple trivia question.