
Dies wird ein Leitfaden sein, der ausschließlich auf dem basiert, was ich bisher erlebt habe. Ich werde es als Leitfaden für Anfänger beginnen.
Einfacher Leitfaden für Hades
Liste der Begriffe
Alle Steuerelementeinstellungen sind die Standardeinstellungen.
- Angriff – Linke Maustaste.
- Cast – Rechte Maustaste.
- Blutstein – Der Kristall, der für Cast verwendet wird.
- Ruf – F, kann nur verwendet werden, wenn Sie einen „Ruf“-Boon erhalten haben.
- Interagieren – E.
- Bewegung – WASD.
- Neu laden – R.
- Geschenk – G, siehe Nektar.
- Segen – B, hier kannst du auf deine aktuellen Segen klicken, um ihre Beschreibung zu sehen.
- Backstab – Angriff von hinten (verursacht 150 % Schaden).
- Artefakte – Währung, die gesammelt oder gehandelt werden kann, inklusive drei Segen, die nur während Fluchten aktiv sind.
- Andenken – Ein ausrüstbares und aufrüstbares Artefakt, das Ihnen einige Vorteile bietet.
- Höllische Waffen – Waffen.
- Dunkelheit – Kann beim MoN eingetauscht werden.
- Charons Obol – Kann bei Fluchten mit Charon eingetauscht werden, verschwindet nach deinem Tod.
- Zentaurenherz – +25 HP während Fluchten, eines der Segensartefakte, verschwindet nach deinem Tod.
- Pom of Power – Erhöht einen Segen um 1 Stufe, eines der Segen-Artefakte, verschwindet nach deinem Tod.
- Daedalus-Hammer – Versorgt dich mit einem Infernal Arms-Upgrade, einem der Segens-Artefakte, das nach deinem Tod verschwindet.
- Chthonic Keys – Können verwendet werden, um Infernal Arms und MoN freizuschalten.
- Titanenblut – Kann verwendet werden, um Infernal Arms dauerhaft zu verbessern.
- Edelsteine – Eintauschbar im HC.
- Diamant – Kann beim HC eingetauscht werden.
- Nektar – Ein Geschenk, das den olympischen Göttern, chthonischen Göttern und anderen bedeutenden Personen gegeben werden kann (das erste Geschenk verschafft Ihnen ein Andenken, mit Ausnahme von Lord Hades).
- Ambrosia – Ein Geschenk, das den oben genannten NPCs (siehe Nektar) für XXXX gegeben werden kann.
Haus des Hades und verwandte Überlieferungen
- MoN – passive Fähigkeiten, die im Mirror of Nights in deiner Kammer erlangt und verbessert werden können.
- HC – Hausunternehmer, wo Sie Edelsteine ausgeben können, um Hausrenovierungen zu erhalten.
- TFL – Ziele, die erfüllt werden können, um Belohnungen zu erhalten, können gefunden werden, nachdem Sie Ihrer Kammer beim Hausunternehmer die Dekoration „Die Schicksalsliste“ hinzugefügt haben (kostet 20 Edelsteine – XXXX).
- Codex – Besitz C, hier finden Sie Lore-bezogene Informationen und wie man sie erhält, z. B. die Götter des Olymp, Feinde, Waffen.
- Tartarus – Der Bereich, in dem Sie zuerst starten, vor dem ersten Boss.
- Asphodel – Das Gebiet nach dem ersten Boss (Megaera oder ihre Schwestern).
- Elysium – Das Gebiet nach dem zweiten Boss (Lernaean Bone Hydra).
- Der Tempel von Styx – Das Gebiet nach dem dritten Boss (Theseus und Asterius), Charon, bietet eine Reihe von Segen, Poms, Diamanten usw. zu hohen Preisen (Obol). Du musst durch Tunnel gehen, um einen Sack davon zu finden XXXX für Cerberus. Wenn Sie vergiftet werden, verwenden Sie die kleinen Brunnen, um zu heilen, was während des Kampfes möglich ist!
- XXXX – Der Bereich nach dem vierten Boss (Hades).
Höllische Waffen
Ein paar Dinge, die ich erklären möchte, bevor wir beginnen. Der Schaden basiert auf einem Frontalangriff, ein Angriff von hinten (Backstab) beträgt standardmäßig 150%. Einige Angriffe können nicht von hinten stechen, aber ich lasse Sie selbst herausfinden, welche. Jeder Schaden von ___ % basiert ebenfalls auf einem Frontalangriff.
Stygische Klinge (Stygius)
- Entsperrt:Standard
- Schaden:20
- Reichweite:kurz
- Normaler Angriff:3-Stufen-Combo, 100 % – 125 % – 150 % Schaden
- Normaler Angriff Backstab:3-Stufen-Combo, 150 % – 150 % – 225 % Schaden
- Spezial:Nova Smash, AoE, 250 % Schaden
Ewiger Speer (Varatha)
- Entsperrt:XXXX-Schlüssel
- Schaden:20
- Bereich:kurz – mittel – lang
- Normaler Angriff:3-Stufen-Combo, 100 % – 150 % – 150 % Schaden
- Normaler Angriff Backstab:3-Stufen-Combo, 150 % – 225 % – 225 % Schaden
- Spezial:Spin Attack, AoE aufladbar, max. 500 % Schaden
Schild des Chaos (Aegis)
- Entsperrt:6 Schlüssel
- Schaden:25
- Reichweite:kurz
- Normaler Angriff:Rückstoß
- Normaler Angriff Backstab:Rückstoß, 150 % Schaden
- Normaler Angriff Halten:verteidigen, XXXX Schadensreduzierung
- Normaler Angriff Halten – Loslassen:Bull Rush, 200 % Schaden bei voller Aufladung
- Spezial:Wurf, Homing, Fernkampf, 60 % Schaden
Herzsuchender Bogen (Coronacht)
- Entsperrt:6 Schlüssel
- Schaden:50 (Normaler Angriff, voll aufgeladen)
- Bereich:mittel – lang
- Normaler Angriff:Aufladbar, wenn im richtigen Moment ausgelöst, 120 % Schaden
- Normaler Angriff Backstab:Aufladbar 150 % Schaden, wenn im richtigen Moment losgelassen 180 % Schaden
- Spezial:Volley Fire, Frontal Cone AoE, 9 Pfeile, die jeweils 20 % Schaden verursachen
Adamant Rail (Exagryph)
- Entsperrt:8 Tasten
- Schaden:10
- Bereich:mittel – lang
- Normaler Angriff:standardmäßig 12 Kugeln Munition, 100 % Schaden
- Normaler Angriff Backstab:Standardmäßig 12 Kugeln Munition, 150 % Schaden
- Spezial:Bombardieren, Kreis-AoE, 600 % Schaden
- Neu laden:R zum manuellen Neuladen oder automatischen Neuladen, wenn der Clip leer ist. Dauert ca. 1 Sek.
Upgrade von Aspekten der höllischen Waffen
- Zagreus-Aspekt – Zusätzliche Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit
- Niveau/Kosten Stufe 1 – +10 % zusätzliche Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit / 1 Titanenblut
- Niveau/Kosten Stufe 2 – XXXX % zusätzliche Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit / XXXX Titanenblut
- Nemesis-Aspekt – Für 3 Sek. nach deiner Spezialkraft kann dein Angriff kritischen Schaden verursachen
- Vorteil/Kosten Stufe 1 – +15 % Bonus auf kritische Trefferchance / 1 Titanenblut
- Level 2 Vorteil/Kosten – XXXX % Bonus auf kritische Trefferchance / XXXX Titanenblut
- Poseidon-Aspekt – Dein Spezial entfernt Blutstein von Feinden
- Stufe 1 Vorteil/Kosten – +10 % Zauberschaden / 2 Titanenblut
- Vorteil/Kosten Stufe 2 – XXXX % Zauberschaden / XXXX Titanenblut
- Verborgener Aspekt
- Zagreus-Aspekt – Zusätzliche Spezialgeschwindigkeit und -reichweite
- Stufe 1 Vorteil/Kosten – +30 % Bonus-Spezialgeschwindigkeit und -reichweite / 1 Titanenblut
- Stufe 2 Vorteil/Kosten – XXXX % Bonus-Spezialgeschwindigkeit und -reichweite / XXXX Titanenblut
- Achilles-Aspekt – für 3 Sek. Nach deinem Spezial kannst du deinen Speer mit Raging Rush zurückholen
- Spezial schickt den Speer nicht mehr zu dir zurück, stattdessen lässt dich die erneute Verwendung von Spezial zu deinem Speer stürmen, wodurch die Stärke der nächsten 2 Angriffe / Zauber erhöht wird.
- Vorteil/Kosten Stufe 1 – +50 % Post-Rush-Bonusschaden / 1 Titanenblut
- Stufe 2 Vorteil/Kosten – XXXX % Post-Rush-Bonusschaden / XXXX Titanenblut
- Hades-Aspekt – Dein Spin-Angriff (maximal aufgeladener normaler Angriff) wird durch Bestrafender Schwung ersetzt
- Einmal von einem Wirbelangriff getroffen, erleiden Feinde erhöhten Schaden durch Angriff und Superkraft
- Stufe 1 Vorteil/Kosten – +30 % Bestrafungs-Bonusschaden / 2 Titanenblut
- Stufe 2 Vorteil/Kosten – XXXX % Bestrafender Bonusschaden / XXXX Titanenblut
- Verborgener Aspekt
- Zagreus-Aspekt – Schadensreduzierung
- Stufe 1 Vorteil/Kosten – +5 % Schadensreduzierung / 1 Titanenblut
- Stufe 2 Vorteil/Kosten – XXXX % Schadensreduzierung / XXXX Titanenblut
- Chaosaspekt – Nach deinem Bull Rush wirft deine nächste Spezialkraft mehrere Schilde
- Stufe 1 Vorteil/Kosten – +1 geworfene Bonusschilde / 1 Titanenblut
- Niveau/Kosten Stufe 2 – +XXXX geworfene Bonusschilde / XXXX Titanenblut
- Zeus-Aspekt – Dein Special wird durch Blitz Disc ersetzt
- Blitzscheibe verursacht schnellen Schaden und kehrt auf Befehl zurück. Angriff ist nicht deaktiviert
- Stufe 1 Vorteil/Kosten – 8 Blitzscheiben-Basisschaden pro Treffer / 2 Titanblut
- Level 2 Vorteil/Kosten – XXXX Blitz Disc Basisschaden pro Treffer / XXXX Titan Blood
- Verborgener Aspekt
- Zagreus-Aspekt – Chance auf kritische Angriffe
- Stufe 1 Vorteil/Kosten – +2 % Chance auf kritische Angriffe / 1 Titanenblut
- Stufe 2 Nutzen/Kosten – 4 % Chance auf kritische Angriffe / 1 Titanenblut
- Level 3 Nutzen/Kosten – XXXX % Chance auf kritische Angriffe / XXXX Titanenblut
- Chiron-Aspekt – Dein Special sucht automatisch den Gegner, der zuletzt von deinem Angriff getroffen wurde
- Vorteil/Kosten Stufe 1 – -3 Max. Schüsse pro Superkraft / 1 Titanenblut
- Level 2 Vorteil/Kosten – -XXXX Max Schüsse pro Spezial / XXXX Titanenblut
- Hera-Aspekt – Dein Cast lädt Bloodstone in deinen nächsten Angriff und feuert beim Aufprall
- Vorteil/Kosten Stufe 1 – 10 Sekunden Munitionsabwurfzeit / 2 Titanenblut
- Level 2 Vorteil/Kosten – XXXX Sek. Munitionsabwurfzeit / XXXX Titanenblut
- Verborgener Aspekt
- Zagreus-Aspekt – Maximale Bonusmunition
- Vorteil/Kosten Stufe 1 – XXXX Max. Munitionsbonus / 1 Titanenblut
- Level 2 Vorteil/Kosten – XXXX Max. Munitionsbonus / 1 Titanenblut
- Level 3 Nutzen/Kosten – 8 Bonus Max. Munition / 1 Titanenblut
- Stufe 4 Vorteil/Kosten – 10 Bonus Max. Munition / 1 Titanenblut
- Eris-Aspekt – Verursacht 8 Sekunden lang mehr Schaden, nachdem du die Explosion deines Superkraft absorbiert hast
- Vorteil/Kosten Stufe 1 – 12 % Bonusschaden / 1 Titanenblut
- Stufe 2 Nutzen/Kosten – 24 % Bonusschaden / 2 Titanenblut
- Hestia Aspect – Nachdem du manuell nachgeladen hast, ist dein nächster Schuss aktiviert
- Vorteil/Kosten Stufe 1 – 50 Grundschaden von Verstärkter Schuss / 2 Titanenblut
- Lvl 2 benefit/cost – XXXX Empowered Shot Base Damage / XXXX Titan Blood
- Hidden Aspect
Keepsakes are obtained through Nectar (Gift). The first time you provide a Gift to an Olympian God, Chthonic God or Others of Note they will provide you with a Keepsake.
A Keepsake can be equipped for benefits, upgrade them by meeting objectives.
Name:Old Spiked Collar
Obtained:first Gift given to Cerberus
- Rank 1 / +25 HP / Default
- Rank 2 / +38 HP / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / +50 HP / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Myrmidon Bracer
Obtained:first Gift given to Achilles
- Rank 1 / -20% damage taken from the front, +10% damage taken from the back] HP / Default
- Rank 2 / -30% damage taken from the front, +10% damage taken from the back / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / -XXXX% damage taken from the front, +XXXX% damage taken from the back / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Black Shawl
Obtained:first Gift given to Nyx
- Rank 1 / Whenever you gain Darkness, restore HP for 50% of the amount / Default
- Rank 2 / Whenever you gain Darkness, restore HP for XXXX% of the amount / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Whenever you gain Darkness, restore HP for XXXX% of the amount / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Bone Hourglass
Obtained:first Gift given to Charon
- Rank 1 / Items from Well of Charon have increased durations by 3 Encounters / Default
- Rank 2 / Items from Well of Charon have increased durations by 6 Encounters / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Items from Well of Charon have increased durations by +XXXX Encounters / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Chthonic Coin Purse
Obtained:first Gift given to Hypnos
- Rank 1 / Start next Escape attempt with 100 Obol / Default
- Rank 2 / Start next Escape attempt with XXXX Obol / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Start next Escape attempt with XXXX Obol / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Harpy Feather Duster
Obtained:first Gift given to Dusa
- Rank 1 / Broken urns have a 2% chance to contain HP Recovery items / Default
- Rank 2 / Broken urns have a XXXX% chance to contain HP Recovery items / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Broken urns have a XXXX% chance to contain HP Recovery items / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Lucky Tooth
Obtained:first Gift given to Skelly
- Rank 1 / When you take lethal damage, miraculously survive with +50 HP (once per escape attempt) / Default
- Rank 2 / When you take lethal damage, miraculously survive with +100 HP (once per escape attempt) / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / When you take lethal damage, miraculously survive with +150 HP (once per escape attempt) / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Distant Memory
Obtained:first Gift given to Orpheus
- Rank 1 / Deal +10% damage to distant foes / Default
- Rank 2 / Deal +10% damage to distant foes / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Deal +10% damage to distant foes / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Owl Pendant
Obtained:first Gift given to Athena
- Rank 1 / Boon found from Athena. +10% chance to be Rare or better / Default
- Rank 2 / Boon found from Athena. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Boon found from Athena. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Thunder Signet
Obtained:first Gift given to Zeus
- Rank 1 / Boon found from Zeus. +10% chance to be Rare or better / Default
- Rank 2 / Boon found from Zeus. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Boon found from Zeus. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Conch Shell
Obtained:first Gift given to Poseidon
- Rank 1 / Boon found from Poseidon. +10% chance to be Rare or better / Default
- Rank 2 / Boon found from Poseidon. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Boon found from Poseidon. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Eternal Rose
Obtained:first Gift given to Aphrodite
- Rank 1 / Boon found from Aphrodite. +10% chance to be Rare or better / Default
- Rank 2 / Boon found from Aphrodite. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Boon found from Aphrodite. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Adamant Arrowhead
Obtained:first Gift given to Artemis
- Rank 1 / Boon found from Artemis. +10% chance to be Rare or better / Default
- Rank 2 / Boon found from Artemis. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Boon found from Artemis. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Blood-filled Vial
Obtained:first Gift given to Ares
- Rank 1 / Boon found from Ares. +10% chance to be Rare or better / Default
- Rank 2 / Boon found from Ares. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Boon found from Ares. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Overflowing Cup
Obtained:first Gift given to Dionysus
- Rank 1 / Boon found from Dionysus. +10% chance to be Rare or better / Default
- Rank 2 / Boon found from Dionysus. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Boon found from Dionysus. +XXXX% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Lambent Plume
Obtained:first Gift given to Hermes
- Rank 1 / Gain +1% Dodge chance and move speed each time you quickly clear an Encounter / Default
- Rank 2 / Gain +XXXX% Dodge chance and move speed each time you quickly clear an Encounter / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Gain +XXXX% Dodge chance and move speed each time you quickly clear an Encounter / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
Name:Cosmic Egg
Obtained:first Gift given to Chaos
- Rank 1 / Enter Chaos Gates without losing HP. Boon from Chaos +10% chance to be Rare or better / Default
- Rank 2 / Enter Chaos Gates without losing HP. Boon from Chaos +30% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 25 Encounter(s)
- Rank 3 / Enter Chaos Gates without losing HP. Boon from Chaos +40% chance to be Rare or better / Clear 50 Encounter(s)
House Contractor – Renovations
The House Contractor can be found to the right side of Lord Hades. Here you can spend Gems to obtain House Renovations.
- Name:The Lounging Area. XXXX
- Cost:1 Diamond. XXXX
- Effect:Added Chamber (House of Hades), adds the lounging area and unlocks Chef (currently interactable once), Trade and Dusa.
- Name:Urns of Lesser Value
- Cost:40 Gems
- Effect:Underworld Renovation, chambers may contain urns with 5 Obol
- Name:Urns of Greater Value
- Cost:80 Gems
- Effect:Underworld Renovation, chambers may contain urns with 10 Obol
- Name:Greater Plunder
- Cost:150 Gems
- Effect:Underworld Renovation, each Infernal Trove contains more
- Name:Brilliant Gemstones
- Cost:3 Diamonds
- Effect:Underworld Renovation, Collecting Gems also gives you +20 Obol
- Name:Fated Keys
- Cost:3 Diamonds
- Effect:Underworld Renovation, Collecting Keys also gives you +1 XXXX
- Name:Vintage Nectar
- Cost:3 Diamonds
- Effect:Underworld Renovation, Collecting Nectar also gives a random Boon +1 lvl
- Name:Alternate Exits
- Cost:2 Diamonds
- Effect:Underworld Renovation, Chambers may contain an Infernal Gate
- Name:Pitch-Black Darkness
- Cost:3 Diamonds
- Effect:Underworld Renovation, Collecting Darkness also gives you +5 HP
- Name:Asphodel Fountain Chamber.
- Cost:20 Gems.
- Effect:Added Chamber (Asphodel), restores some HP amid the searing heat.
- Name:Elysium Fountain Chamber.
- Cost:40 Gems.
- Effect:Added Chamber (Elysium), restores some HP amid the lush environs.
- Name:Azure Drapery
- Cost:10 Gems
- Effect:House Decor, Gives the drapery a hue reminiscent of the sea
- Name:Olive Drapery
- Cost:10 Gems
- Effect:House Decor, Gives the drapery a hue similar to a small, bitter fruit
- Name:Lounge Vintage Shelf
- Cost:380 Gems
- Effect:House Decor, Gives the lounge a sense of homely decency
- Name:Lounge Vintage Shelf
- Cost:5000 Gems
- Effect:House Decor, Reinforcements for the long-depleted honor bar
- Name:Scrying Pool.
- Cost:10 Gems.
- Effect:Bedroom Decor, after adding it to your Bedroom you can get information on your progress (so far only Escapes Attempted and Foes Slain).
- Name:Minor Table of The Fated List. XXXX
- Cost:20 Gems. XXXX
- Effect:Bedroom Decor, unlocks the first set of objectives for TFL.
- Name:Trojan Arms.
- Cost:200 Gems.
- Effect:Bedroom Decor, showcases broken weapons from a historic siege.
- Name:Aphrodite Wall-Scroll
- Cost:120 Gems
- Effect:Bedroom Decor, Features the goddess of love and beaty herself
- Name:Achilles Wall-Scroll
- Cost:60 Gems
- Effect:Bedroom Decor, Features a likeness of the greatest of the Greeks
- Name:Lounge Flooring.
- Cost:55 Gems.
- Effect:House Decor, repairs the unsightly damage dealt by Cerberus.
Mirror of Night
In your Chamber you will find the Mirror of Night, which is where you spend Darkness to upgrade certain passive skills.
The Fates List
The Fates List (TFL) holds a massive amount of Objectives for you to fulfill in order to receive rewards.
TFL can be unlocked via the House Contractor (HC).
Distant Relatives
- Reward:3 Nectar
- Objective:Meet the following Olympian Gods
- Zeus;
- Poseidon;
- Athena;
- Ares;
- Aphrodite;
- Artemis;
- Dionysus;
- Hermes.
Infernal Arms
- Reward:20 Gems
- Objective:Obtain (XXXXand use?) the following weapons
- Stygian Blade;
- Eternal Spear;
- Shield of Chaos;
- Heart-Seeking Bow;
- Adamant Rail.
Chthonic Knowledge
- Reward:20 Gems
- Objective:Unlock 50 Codex EntriesXXXX
Is There No Escape?
- Reward:1000 Darkness
- Objective:XXXXEscape?
Chthonic Colleagues
- Reward:10 Keys
- Objective:Meet the following Chthonic Gods
- Alecto;
- Tisiphone;
- Primordial Chaos;
- Lord Hades;
- Nyx;
- Charon;
- Hypnos;
- Thanatos;
- Megaera.
God of the Sea
- Reward:50 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following of Poseidon’s Boons
- Tempest Strike;
- Tempest Flourish;
- Tidal Dash;
- Flood Shot;
- Poseidon’s Aid;
- Ocean’s Bounty;
- Boiling Point;
- Typhoon’s Fury;
- Breaking Wave;
- Razor Shoals;
- Second Wave.
Goddess of Love
- Reward:50 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following of Aphrodite’s Boons
- Heartbreak Strike;
- Heartbreak Flourish;
- Shatter Shot;
- Aphrodite’s Aid;
- Wave of Despair;
- Dying Lament;
- Different League;
- Life Affirmation;
- Empty Inside;
- Sweet Surrender;
- Unhealthy Fixation.
King of the Olympians
- Reward:50 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following of Zeus’ Boons
- Lightning Strike;
- Thunder Dash;
- Electric Shot;
- Thunder Flourish;
- Zeus’ Aid;
- Heaven’s Vengeance;
- Clouded Judgment;’
- Billowing Strength;
- Storm Lightning;
- Static Discharge;
- High Voltage;
- Double Strike;
- Splitting Bolt.
God of War
- Reward:50 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following of Ares’ Boons
- Curse of Agony;
- Curse of Pain;
- Blade Dash;
- Slicing Shot;
- Ares’ Aid;
- Curse of Vengeance;
- Urge to Kill;
- Battle Rage;
- Impending Doom;
- Dire Misfortune;
- Black Metal;
- Engulfing Vortex;
- Vicious Cycle.
Goddess of the Hunt
- Reward:50 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following of Artemis’ Boons
- Deadly Strike;
- Hunter Dash;
- True Shot;
- Deadly Flourish;
- Artemis’ Aid
- Quick Reload;
- Pressure Points;
- Support Fire;
- Burst Shot;
- Hunter’s Mark;
- Clean Kill;
- Hide Breaker;
- Hunter Instinct;
- Exit Wounds;
- Fully Loaded.
God of Swiftness
- Reward:50 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following of Hermes’ Boons
- Second Wind;
- Swift Strike;
- Swift Flourish;
- Quick Recovery;
- Greater Haste;
- Drift Dash;
- Flurry Cast;
- Passing Through;
- Greatest Reflex;
- Greater Evasion;
- Relative Speed;
- Greater Recall.
Goddess of Wisdom
- Reward:50 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following of Athena’s Boons
- Divine Strike;
- Divine Flourish;
- Divine Dash;
- Phalanx Shot;
- Athena’s Aid;
- Sure Footing;
- Bronze Skin;
- Holy Shield;
- Proud Bearing;
- Blinding Flash;
- Brilliant Riposte;
- Divine Protection.
God of Wine
- Reward:50 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following of Dionysus’ Boons
- Blight Strike;
- Blight Flourish;
- Nasty Dash;
- Tipsy Shot;
- Dionysus’ Aid;
- After Party;
- Positive Outlook;
- Peer Pressure;
- Numbing Sensation;
- Bad Influence;
- High Tolerance;
- Black Out.
Divine Pairings
- Reward:5 Ambrosia
- Objective:Earn the following of Duo Boons
- Scintillating Feast;
- Vengeful Mood;
- Sea Storm;
- Lightning Phalanx;
- Merciful End;
- Spent Spirit [XXXX&XXXX];
- Deadly Reversal [Artemis &Athena];
- Hunting Blades;
- Lightning Rod;
- Heart Rend;
- Curse of Longing;
- Sweet Nectar;
- Low Tolerance;
- Exclusive Access.
Primordial Boons
- Reward:20 Keys
- Objective:Earn the following of Chaos’ Boons
- Strike;
- Shot;
- Grasp;
- Soul;
- Favor;
- Affluence;
- Eclipse;
- Flourish;
- Lunge;
- Defiance.
Primordial Banes
- Reward:20 Keys
- Objective:Earn the following of Chaos’ Curses
- Pauper’s;
- Slippery;
- Maimed;
- Flayed;
- Addled;
- Caustic;
- Enshrouded;
- Excruciating;
- Abyssal;
- Atrophic;
- Slothful;
- Roiling.
The Stygian Blade
- Reward:30 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following Daedalus enchantments
- Flurry Slash;
- Super Nova;
- World Splitter;
- Piercing Wave;
- Double Nova;
- Armor Slayer;
- Doiuble Edge;
- Cruel Thrust.
The Heart-Seeking Bow
- Reward:30 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following Daedalus enchantments
- Twin Shot;
- Sniper Shot;
- Explosive Shot;
- Flurry Shot;
- Piercing Barrage;
- Perfect Shot;
- Relentless Barrage;
- Triple Shot.
The Shield of Chaos
- Reward:30 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following Daedalus enchantments
- Dashing Wallop;
- Charged Shot;
- Dread Flight;
- Explosive Return;
- Armor Shredder;
- Sudden Rush;
- Pulverizing Blow;
- Minotaur Rush.
The Eternal Spear
- Reward:30 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following Daedalus enchantments
- Extending Jab;
- Flurry Jab;
- Exploding Launcher;
- Multi Skewer;
- Armor Skewer;
- Vicious Skewer;
- Massive Spin;
- Quick Spin.
The Adamant Rail
- Reward:30 Gems
- Objective:Earn the following Daedalus enchantments
- Inescapable Blast;
- Flurry Fire;
- Spread Fire;
- Rocket Bomb;
- Triple Bomb;
- Piercing Fire;
- Infinity Chamber;
- Explosive Fire.
Wanton Ransacking
- Reward:2 Titan Blood
- Objective:Slay each of the various Wardens guarding key Chambers
- Dire Inferno-Bomber;
- Dire Burn-Flinger;
- Dire Wave-Maker;
- Dire Voidstone;
- Megagorgon;
- Dire Skull-Crusher;
- Dire Soul Catcher;
Master of Arms
- Reward:10 Titan Blood
- Objective:Escape with the following Infernal Arms equipped
- Stygian Blade;
- Eternal Spear;
- Shield of Chaos;
- Heart-Seeking Bow;
- Adamant Rail.
Close at Heart
- Reward:2 Ambrosia
- Objective:Equip the follow Keepsakes
- Old Spiker Collar;
- Myrmidon Bracer;
- Black Shawl;
- Chthonic Coin Purse;
- Harpy Feather Duster;
- Lucky Tooth;
- Bone Hourglass;
- Shattered Shackle;
- Broken Spearpoint;
- Distant Memory;
- Evergreen Acorn;
- Pierced Butterfly;
- Skull Earring;
- Owl Pendant;
- Eternal Rose;
- Adamant Arrowhead;
- Thunder Signet;
- Conch Shell;
- Blood-Filled Vial;
- Overflowing Cup;
- Lambent Plume;
- Cosmic Egg.
A Simple Job
- Reward:4 Diamonds
- Objective:Commission some House Renovation at the House Contractor
- x/15
The Useless Trinket
- Reward:2 Diamonds
- Objective:Escape with a Pact of Punishment active
Harsh Conditions
- Reward:10 Titan Blood
- Objective:Escape with the following Pacts of Punishment active
- Hard Labor;
- Lasting Consequences;
- Convenience Fee;
- Jury Summons;
- Extreme Measures;
- Calisthenics Program;
- Middle Management;
- Underworld Customs;
- Forced Overtime;
- Heightened Security;
- Budget Cuts;
- Damage Control;
- No Choice;
- Tight Deadline.
An Introduction to Boons
First of all, the available rarities from lowest to highest (usually increasing 1 Stat, which I’ll try to highlight by underlining).
- Common (white);
- Rare (blue);
- Epic (purple);
- Heroic (red);
- Duo (green).
Duo Boons can be obtained if certain conditions are met. D.h. having one of Poseidon’s and one of Zeus’ Boons could give you a Duo Boon of these two when you obtain whichever one you didn’t obtain first.
Boons come in an array of categories, below you will find the ones I’ve found so far.
Do note that obtaining a Boon in the same category but from a different God will replace the one you already had. Upon replacing one with the other, the current Boon’s Lvl will be kept!
- Attack, these are the Boons that alter your Attack [Left-Mouse Button];
- Special, these are the Boons that alter your Special [Q];
- Cast, the Boons that alter your Cast/Bloodstone [Right-Mouse Button];
- Dash, the Boons that alter your Dash Attack [Spacebar];
- Call, the Boons that grant you or alter your Call [F].
Boons that are not replaced even if you find some more in the same category:
- Hermes’ Boons, also known as the Attack – and Movement Speed Boons;
- Daedalus’ Boons, Infernal Arms Boons;
- Boons that grant any other effects than the ones mentioned above;
- Chaos’ Boons. These Boons are always accompanied by Chaos’ Curses and will only become active after completing the mentioned amount of Encounters. If done, the Curses will become inactive.
Aphrodite’s Boons – Charm &Weak
3 Sec victim deals at least 50% less damage.
Heartbreak Strike – Your Attack deals more damage and inflicts Weak
- C – Lvl 3 Attack Damage:84%
- C – Lvl 4 Attack Damage:94%
- R – Lvl 1 Attack Damage 67%
- R – Lvl 2 Attack Damage 87%
- E – Lvl 1 Attack Damage 91%
- H – Lvl 3 Attack Damage 149%
Heartbreak Flourish – Your Special deals more damage and inflicts Weak
- C – Lvl 1 Special Damage +80%
- C – Lvl 2 Special Damage +112%
- R – Lvl 1 Special Damage +115%
Aphrodite’s Aid – Your Call fires a seeking projectile that inflicts Charm
- E – Lvl 1 Charm Duration 6 Sec
- E – Lvl 1 Max Gauge Bonus 2500 damage
Wave of Despair – After you take damage, damage nearby foes and inflict Weak
- C – Lvl 1 Revenge Damage 21
- E – Lvl 1 Revenge Damage 38
Shatter Shot – Your Cast fires in a reduced-range spread pattern that inflicts Weak
- C – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 90
- R – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 99
Passion Dash – Your Dash deals damage where you started, inflicting Weak
- C – Lvl 1 Dash Damage 30
- H – Lvl 1 Dash Damage 48
Life Affirmation – Any HP chamber rewards are worth more
- C – Lvl 1 Reward Value +30%
- E – Lvl 1 Reward Value +36%
Empty Inside – Your Weak effects have a longer duration
- C – Lvl 1 Weak Duration 5 Sec
- R – Lvl 1 Weak Duration 7.5 Sec
Dying Lament – When slain, foes damage other nearby foes and inflict Weak
- C – Lvl 1 Death Area Damage 40
- R – Lvl 1 Death Area Damage 52
- E – Lvl 1 Death Area Damage 74
Different League – Resist some damage from nearby foes’ attacks
- C – Lvl 1 Reduced Damage from Foes +10%
Ares’ Boons – Blade Rift &Doom
Ares’ Boons
Curse of Agony – Your Attack inflicts Doom
- C – Lvl 1 Doom Damage 50
- C – Lvl 2 Doom Damage 83
- C – Lvl 3 Doom Damage 106
- C – Lvl 4 Doom Damage 122
Curse of Pain – Your Special inflicts Doom
- C – Lvl 1 Doom Damage 70
- E – Lvl 1 Doom Damage 132
- E – Lvl 2 Doom Damage 160
- E – Lvl 3 Doom Damage 180
- E – Lvl 4 Doom Damage 194
Curse of Vengeance – After you take damage, inflict Doom on surrounding foes
- R – Lvl 1 Doom Damage 99
- E – Lvl 1 Doom Damage 108
Blade Dash – Your Dash created a Blade Rift where you started
- C – Lvl 1 Rift Damage per Hit 5
- R – Lvl 1 Rift Damage per Hit 6
- E – Lvl 1 Rift Damage per Hit 7
- E – Lvl 1 Rift Damage per Hit 10
Ares’ Aid – Yolur Call turns you into an Impervious Blade Rift for 2,5 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Rift Damage per Hit 20
- C – Lvl 2 Rift Damage per Hit 28
- H – Lvl 2 Rift Damage per Hit 40
- H – Lvl 3 Rift Damage per Hit 46
Slicing Shot – Your Cast sends a Blade Rift hurtling ahead
- C – Lvl 1 Rift Damage per Hit 10
- R – Lvl 1 Rift Damage per Hit 11
- E – Lvl 1 Rift Damage per Hit 13
Battle Rage – After slaying a foe, your next Attack or Special deals more damage
- C – Lvl 1 Damage Bonus 100%
- R – Lvl 1 Damage Bonus 135%
- E – Lvl 1 Damage Bonus 150%
Black Metal – Your Blade Rift powers deal damage in a wider area
- C – Lvl 1 Rift Area of Effect +20%
Impending Doom – Your Doom effects deal more damage, after +0.5 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Bonus Doom Damage +60%
- C – Lvl 2 Bonus Doom Damage +80%
- R – Lvl 1 Bonus Doom Damage +65%
Dire Misfortune – Your Doom effects deal more damage when applied multiple times
- C – Lvl 1 Bonus Damage per Stack 5
Urge to Kill – Your Attack, Special and Cast deal more damage
- R – Lvl 1 Bonus Damage +100%
Vicious Cycle – Your Blade Rift effects deal more damage for each consecutive hit
- L – Lvl 1 Damage Increase per Hit +1
Artemis’ Boons – Crit
Deadly Strike – Your Attack is stronger, with +15% chance to deal Critical Damage
- C – Lvl 1 Attack Damage 20%
- R – Lvl 1 Attack Damage 28%
- R – Lvl 2 Attack Damage 36%
Deadly Flourish – Your Special is stronger with +20% chance to deal Critical Damage
- C – Lvl 1 Special Damage 40%
- C – Lvl 2 Special Damage 56%
- C – Lvl 3 Special Damage 67%
- R – Lvl 3 Special Damage 82%
True Shot – Your Cast seeks foes, with +10% chance to deal Critical Damage
- C – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 70
- R – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 84
- R – Lvl 2 Cast Damage 126
Hunter’s Mark – After dealing Critical damage, a foe near it is Marked
- C – Lvl 1 Bonus Crit Chance 30%
- C – Lvl 2 Bonus Crit Chance 42%
- E – Lvl 1 Bonus Crit Chance +57%
Quick Reload – Foes drop Bloodstone faster
- C – Lvl 1 Drop Time 10 Sec
- R – Lvl 1 Drop Time 8.33 Sec
Hunter’s Dash – Your Dash deals more damage
- E – Lvl 1 Dash Attack Damage 100%
Support Fire – After you hit with an Attack, Cast or Special, fire a seeking arrow
- C – Lvl 1 Arrow Damage 15
- C – Lvl 2 Arrow Damage 21
- R – Lvl 1 Arrow Damage 19
- E – Lvl 1 Arrow Damage 23
Hunter Instinct – Your God Gauge charges faster when you deal Critical damage
- E – Lvl 1 Faster Gauge Gain on Crit 0.35%
Artemis’ Aid – Your Call fires a seeking arrow with +35% Critical chance
- C – Lvl 1 Arrow Damage 100
- C – Lvl 2 Arrow Damage 140
- C – Lvl 3 Arrow Damage 168
- R – Lvl 1 Arrow Damage 110
- E – Lvl 2 Arrow Damage 160
Pressure Points – Any damage you deal has a chance to be Critical
- C – Lvl 1 Crit Chance +3%
- R – Lvl 1 Crit Chance +4%
- R – Lvl 2 Crit Chance +5%
- E – Lvl 1 Crit Chance +5%
Exit Wounds – Your foes take damage when your Bloodstone stuck in them is dislodged
- C – Lvl 1 Dislodge Damage 100
Clean Kill – Your Critical effects deal even more damage
- E – Lvl 1 Critical Damage +30%
Hide Breaker – Your Critical effects deal even more damage to Armor
- R – Lvl 1 Critical Damage vs. Armor +143%
Athena’s Boons – Damage Resistance &Deflect
Divine Strike – Your Attack is stronger, and can Deflect
- R – Lvl 3 Attack Damage 86%
- E – Lvl 1 Attack Damage 77%
- E – Lvl 2 Attack Damage 93%
- E – Lvl 3 Attack Damage 104%
- E – Lvl 4 Attack Damage 112%
Divine Flourish – Your Special is stronger, and can Deflect
- C – Lvl 1 Special Damage 60%
- R – Lvl 1 Special Damage 82%
Divine Dash – Your Dash deals damage and can Deflect
- R – Lvl 1 Dash Damage 22
- R – Lvl 2 Dash Damage 31
Athena’s Aid – Your Call briefly makes you Impervious and Deflect all attacks – Max Gauge Bonus x6 Sec Duration
- C – Lvl 1 Effect Duration 1 Sec
- R – Lvl 1 Effect Duration 1.1 Sec
- R – Lvl 1 Effect Duration 1.5 Sec
Sure Footing – Resist damage from Traps
- C – Lvl 1 Reduced Damage from Traps +60%
- R – Lvl 1 Reduced Damage from Traps +75%
- E – Lvl 1 Reduced Damage from Traps +90%
Bronze Skin – Resist damage from foes’ attacks
- C – Lvl 1 Reduced Damage from Foes+7%
- R – Lvl 1 Reduced Damage from Foes+14%
- E – Lvl 1 Reduced Damage from Foes+14%
Brilliant Riposte – When you Deflect attacks, it deals more damage
- C – Lvl 1 Deflect Damage +80%
- C – Lvl 2 Deflect Damage +112%
Holy Shield – After you take damage, damage nearby foes and briefly Deflect
- C – Lvl 1 Revenge Damage 30
- R – Lvl 1 Revenge Damage 42
Phalanx Shot – Your Cast damages foes in a small area, and can Deflect
- C – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 85
- R – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 102
- E – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 119
Blinding Flash – Your attacks that can Deflect also makes foes Exposed
- C – Lvl 1 Bonus Backstab Damage +50%
- E – Lvl 1 Bonus Backstab Damage +70%
Proud Bearing – You begin each Encounter with your God Gauge partly full
- C – Lvl 1 Starting Gauge 20%
Chaos’ Boons &Curses
All of Chaos’ Boons become available after surviving the indicated time of the accompanied Curse.
All Boons and Curses can me mixed together, but you will always have 1 Boon and 1 Curse at a time.
- C – Obol found is increased by +30%
- E – Obol found is increased by +75%
- C – Darkness found is increased by 126%
- R – Darkness found is increased by 202%
- E:Boons have +26% chance to be Rare or better
- C – Special +58% damage
- E – Special +65% damage
- R – +1 Bloodstone
- C – Your Dash Attack deals +53% damage
- R – Your Dash Attack deals +81% damage
- E – Your Dash Attack deals +106% damage
- C – Your Cast deals +32% damage
- R – Your Cast deals +58% damage
- C – +38 HP
- E – +65 HP
- C – Your Attack deals +33% damage
- R – Your Attack deals +55% damage
- Abyssal – For the next 3 Encounters, you take +377% damage from Traps
- Addled – For the next 4 Encounters, each time you Cast, take -4 HP
- Atrophic – For the next 3 Encounters, your HP Total is reduced by -41
- Caustic – For the next 3 Encounters, slain foes toss an Inferno-Bomb at you
- Enshrouded – For the next 4 chambers, reward previews are hidden
- Excruciating – For the next 3 Encounters, you take +42% damage
- Flayed – For the next 3 Encounters, each time you Special, take -5 HP
- Maimed – For the next 4 Encounters, -4 HP per Attack
- Pauper – For the next 4 Encounters, no Obol earned
- Roiling – For the next 3 standard Encounters, you face +67% more foes
- Slippery – For the next 3 Encounters, you cannot collect Bloodstone for 14.25 Sec
(Well of) Charon’s Boons
Charon’s Boons can be bought during an Escape at his shop (Well of Charon).
Currency:Charon’s Obol.
Duration can be increased by equipping the Keepsake “Bone Hourglass”.
Braid of Atlas
- C:Your Cast deals 30% more damage
- Duration:3 Encounters
- Cost:40 Obol
Cyclops Jerky
- C:Your Attack deals 30% more damage
- Duration:3 Encounter(s)
- Cost:40 Obol
Eye of Lamia
- C:Slain foes have a 15% chance to drop HP recovery items
- Duration:3 Encounter(s)
- Cost:25 Obol
- C:Restore 15% HP when you enter a chamber
- Duration:3 Chambers
- Cost:45 Obol
Ignited Ichor
- C:Gain 20% movement speed
- Duration:3 Encounters
- Cost:10 Obol
Kiss of Styx
- C:Replenish 1 use of Death Defiance
- Duration:Instant
- Cost:200 Obol
Life Essence
- C:Restore up to 32 HP
- Duration:Instant
- Cost:32 Obol
Light of Ixion
- C:Ensure a Chaos Gate will spawn ahead (where possible)
- Duration:XXXX
- Cost:40 Obol
Prometheus Stone
- C:Gain +1 Bloodstone
- Duration:3 Encounters
- Cost:20 Obol
Tinge of Erebus
- C:Gain 20 Darkness
- Duration:Instant
- Cost:15 Obol
Trove Tracker
- C – Ensure a Infernal Trove will spawn ahead (where possible)
- Duration:XXXX
- Cost:30 Obol
Daedalus’ Boons
Daedalus’ Boons are Weapon Boons, so depending on which weapon you’re using these will change accordingly.
Charged Shot
- Your Bull Rush instead fires a piercing shot that deals 80 damage.
Dread Flight
- Your Special can strike up to 6 additional foes before returning.
Dashing Wallop
- Your Dash Attack deals +50% damage in a larger area.
Explosive Shot
- Your Attack deals 300% damage in an area, but charges slower.
Triple Shot
- Your Attack fires 3 shots in a spread pattern.
Twin Shot
- Your Attack fires 2 shots side-by-side, but has reduced range.
Sniper Shot
- Your Attack deals +300% damage to distant foes.
Flurry Shot
- Hold Attack to shoot rapidly, but you cannot Power Shot.
Perfect Shot
- Your Power Shot deals +100% damage.
Relentless Barrage
- Your Special fires +4 shots.
Flurry Fire
- Your Attack is faster and more accurate; gain +6 ammo capacity
Explosive Fire
- Your Attack deals damage in an area and briefly staggers foes
Piercing Fire
- Your Attack pierces foes and deals +50% damage to Armor
Spread Fire
- Your Attack is replaced with a short-range spread of 5 shots
Rocket Bomb
- Your Special is replaced with a rocket that deals 80 base damage
Triple Bomb
- You can use your Special 3 times in rapid succession
Inescapable Blast
- While firing your Special, foes in the target radius are 75% slower
Infinity Chamber
- You never have to Reload
Double Nova
- Your Special hits twice in a smaller area; no longer knocks foes away
Super Nova
- Your Special hits a wider area and deals +20% damage
Armor Slayer
- Your Attack deals +300% damage to Armor
Flurry Slash
- Hold Attack to strike rapidly, dealing 25 base damage per hit
World Splitter
- Your Attack is replaced with a big chop that deals 90 base damage
Double Edge
- Your Dash Attack hits twice and deals +30% damage
Cruel Thrust
- Your Thrust deals +200% damage and has a +40% Critical Chance
Piercing Wave
- Your Attack fires a wave that pierces foes, dealing 20 damage
Flurry Jab
- Hold Attack to strike rapidly, but you cannot Spin Attack.
Massive Spin
- Your Spin Attack deals +125% damage and hits a larger area.
Quick Spin
- Your Spin Attack charges and recovers much faster
Armor Skewer
- Your Special deals +400% damage to Armor.
Exploding Launcher
- Your Special is replaced with a shot that deals 60 damage in an area.
Vicious Skewer
- Your Special deals +50% damage; +50% Critical chance on recovery.
Multi Skewer
- Your Special bounces to up to 7 foes, dealing +30% damage for each
Dionysus’ Boons – Damage Resistance, HP &Poison
Blight Flourish – Your Special inflicts Poison
- C – Lvl 1 Poison Damage 5 (every 0.5 Sec.)
- C – Lvl 2 Poison Damage 7 (every 0.5 Sec.)
- C – Lvl 2 Poison Damage 8 (every 0.5 Sec.)
Blight Strike – Your Attack inflicts Poison
- C – Lvl 1 Poison Damage 4 (every 0.5 Sec)
- R – Lvl 1 Poison Damage 5 (every 0.5 Sec)
Nasty Dash – Your Dash inflicts Poison on foes near starting point
- C – Lvl 1 Poison Damage 10 (every 0.5 Sec)
- C – Lvl 2 Poison Damage 12 (every 0.5 Sec)
- C – Lvl 3 Poison Damage 13 (every 0.5 Sec)
- E – Lvl 1 Poison Damage 12 (every 0.5 Sec)
After Party – If your HP is low after Encounter(s), restore the threshold
- C – Lvl 1 Life Threshold 30% HP
- E – Lvl 1 Life Threshold 45% HP
Premium Vintage – Gain Max HP when you pick up Nectar. Receive 1 Nectar now
- C – Lvl 1 Max Life Gain +20
- R – Lvl 1 Max Life Gain +25
Tipsy Shot – Your Cast lobs a projectile that bursts into Festive Fog
- C – Lvl 1 Blast Damage 100
- R – Lvl 1 Blast Damage 120
- E – Lvl 1 Blast Damage 140
Positive Outlook – Take less damage while at 40% HP or below
- C – Lvl 1 Damage Resistance 10%
- E – Lvl 1 Damage Resistance 20%
Dionysus’ Aid – Your Call inflicts Poison on foes all around you for 1.5 Sec Lvl 1 Max Gauge Bonus – Duration 9 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Poison Damage 15 every 0.5 Sec
- R – Lvl 1 Poison Damage 17 every 0.5 Sec
Bad Influence – Deal more damage while 3 foes are Poison-afflicted
- C – Lvl 1 Bonus Damage 50%
- R – Lvl 1 Bonus Damage 75%
Numbing Sensation – Your Poison effects also make foes move slower
- R – Lvl 1 Speed Reduction +14%
Duo Boons
Curse of Longing
- [Aphrodite] XXXX
- [Ares] XXXX
- Your Doom effects continuously strike Weak foes
- Successive Hit Damage 25%
Deadly Reversal
- [Athena] XXXX
- [Artemis] XXXX
- After you Deflect, briefly gain +20% chance to deal Critical damage
- Effect Duration 2 Sec
Exclusive Access
- [Dionysus] XXXX
- [Poseidon] XXXX
- Any Boons you find have superior effects
- Minimum Boon Rarity Epic
Hunting Blades
- [Ares] XXXX
- Your Cast creates a faster Blade Rift that seeks the nearest foe
- Seek Duration 4.4 Sec
Lightning Rod
- [Zeus] Thunder Flourish
- Your collectible Bloodstone strike nearby foes with lightning every 1.5 Sec
- Lightning Damage 100
Merciful End
- [Ares] XXXX
- [Athena] XXXX
- Your attacks that can Deflect immediately activate Doom effects
- Doom Combo Damage 60
Scintillating Feast
- [Dionysus] Tipsy Shot
- [Zeus] Zeus’ Aid XXXX (not sure if Zeus or Poseidon as I got this one and Exclusive Access at the same time).
- Your Festive Fog effects also deal lightning damage periodically.
- Lightning Damage 80
Sea Storm
- [Poseidon] XXXX
- [Zeus] Zeus’ Aid
- Foes pushed by your knock-away effects are also struck by lightning.
- Lightning Damage 40
Spent Spirit
- [Aphrodite] XXXX
- [Athena] XXXX
- Your foes’ ranged-attack projectiles are slower
- Foe Projectile Speed Reduced by +60%
Eurydice’s Boons
Ambrosia Delight
- Up to 2 random Boons are upgraded to the next Rarity.
Pom Porridge
- Up to 4 random Boons gain +1 Lvl.
Refreshing Nectar
- The next 3 Boons you obtain have upgraded Rarity.
Godhood – Damage Resistance
Godhood isn’t a Boon that you can pick up, rather you turn it on/off in the Game’s Menu.
Menu (ESC) – Settings – God Mode (tick box to turn it on).
What Godhood does is give you 20% Damage Resistance.
Every time you die this amount is increased by 2%.
Hermes’ Boons – Speed
Greater Haste
- C – Lvl 1 Movement Speed +20%
- E – Lvl 1 Movement Speed +40%
Greatest Reflex
- C – Lvl 1 Dash +1 in a row
- R – Lvl 1 Dash +2 in a row
Greater Evasion
- C – Lvl 1 Dodge Chance +15%
Drift Dash – After you Dash, increases movement speed for 0.6 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Movement Speed +100%
- R – Lvl 1 Movement Speed +100% for 0.8 Sec
Swift Strike
- C – Lvl 1 Attack Speed +12%
- E – Lvl 1 Attack Speed +30%
Swift Flourish
- C – Lvl 1 Special Speed +12%
- E – Lvl 1 Special Speed +30%
Quick Recovery – After you take damage, quickly Dash to recover lost HP
- C – Lvl 1 Lost HP recovered 20%
- R – Lvl 1 Lost HP recovered 30%
- E – Lvl 1 Lost HP recovered 40%
Passing Through – Running into foes makes them slower for 3 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Slower foes 20%
- R – Lvl 1 Slower foes 25%
Flurry Cast – Improved Cast Speed, hold to fire in rapid succession.
- C – Cast Speed +20%
Second Wind – After using Call, gain Dodge chance and Move Speed for 5 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Bonus Dodge Chance &Move Speed +30%
Patroclus’ Boons
Kiss of Styx Premium
- Replenish all uses of Death Defiance.
HydraLite Gold
- For the next 5 chambers, restore 30% HP when you enter a chamber.
Cyclops Jerky Select
- For the next 10 Encounters, your Attack deals 40% more damage.
Poseidon’s Boons – Artifacts &Knockback
Flood Shot – Your Cast damages foes in an area and knocks them away.
- R – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 72
- E – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 84
- E – Lvl 2 Cast Damage 120
- E – Lvl 3 Cast Damage 145
Poseidon’s Aid – Your Call makes you surge into foes while Impervious for 1,2 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Impact Damage 250
- C – Lvl 1 Max Gauge Bonus 7.2 Sec
- R – Lvl 1 Impact Damage 300
- R – Lvl 1 Max Gauge Bonus 7.2 Sec
Ocean’s Bounty – Any Gems, Darkness and Obol chamber rewards are worth more
- C – Lvl 1 Reward Value +50%
- R – Lvl 1 Reward Value +55%
Sunken Treasure – Gain a random assortment of Gems, Darkness, Obol and HP
- C – 5 items (Darkness x10 / Gems x5)
- R – 6 Items (Darkness x10 / Gems x5 / Food x10)
- E – 8 items (Darkness x12x2 / Gems x5x3 / Food x5x2 / Nectar x1
Tempest Strike – Your Attack deals more damage and knocks foes away
- C – Lvl 1 Attack Damage +30%
- R – Lvl 1 Attack Damage +40%
- R – Lvl 2 Attack Damage +52%
- R – Lvl 3 Attack Damage +60%
- E – Lvl 1 Attack Damage +56%
- E – Lvl 3 Attack Damage +79%
- H – Lvl 3 Attack Damage +91%
Tempest Flourish – Your Special deals more damage and knocks foes away
- C – Lvl 1 Special Damage +70%
- R – Lvl 1 Special Damage +91%
Tidal Dash – Your Dash damages foes in an area and knocks them away
- C – Lvl 1 Dash Damage 35
- C – Lvl 2 Dash Damage 56
- C – Lvl 3 Dash Damage 71
- R – Lvl 1 Dash Damage 42
- E – Lvl 1 Dash Damage 49
- E – Lvl 2 Dash Damage 70
Breaking Wave – Slamming foes into barriers creates a watery blast in the area
- C – Lvl 1 Blast Damage 100
Typhoon’s Fury – You deal more damage when slamming foes into barriers
- C – Lvl 1 Slam Damage +200%
- R – Lvl 1 Slam Damage +250%
Razor Shoals – Your knock-away effects also Rupture foes
- C – Lvl 1 Rupture Damage 5 every 0.2 Sec
- E – Lvl 1 Rupture Damage 10 every 0.2 Sec
Boiling Point – Your God Gauge charges faster when you take damage
- E – Lvl 1 Faster Gauge Gain when Hit +60%
Sisyphus’ Boons
- Grants HP
- Grants +25 Darkness
Charon’s Obol
- Grants Obol
Zeus’ Boons – Lightning Damage
Lightning Strike – Your Attack emits chain-lightning when you damage a foe
- C – Lvl 1 Lightning Damage 10
- R – Lvl 1 Lightning Damage 13
- R – Lvl 2 Lightning Damage XXXX
- R – Lvl 3 Lightning Damage 20
- R – Lvl 4 Lightning Damage 22
- E – Lvl 1 Lightning Damage 15
Thunder Flourish – Your Special causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foes
- C – Lvl 1 Bolt Damage 30
- C – Lvl 2 Bolt Damage 42
- C – Lvl 3 Bolt Damage 50
- C – Lvl 4 Bolt Damage 56
- R – Lvl 1 Bolt Damage 38
Thunder Dash – Your Dash causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foes
- C – Lvl 1 Bolt Damage 10
- R – Lvl 1 Bolt Damage 13
- E – Lvl 1 Bolt Damage 17
- E – Lvl 2 Bolt Damage 23
Zeus’ Aid – Your Call makes lightning strike nearby foes repeatedly for 1.5 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Lightning Damage 60
- C – Lvl 1 Max Gauge Bonus 9 Sec Duration
- C – Lvl 2 Lightning Damage 84
- C – Lvl 3 Lightning Damage 101
- R – Lvl 1 Lightning Damage 72
- E – Lvl 1 Lightning Damage 84
- E – Lvl 2 Lightning Damage 108
Electric Shot – Your Cast is a burst of chain-lightning that bounces between foes
- C – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 60
- R – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 72
- E – Lvl 1 Cast Damage 84
Heaven’s Vengeance – After you take damage, your foe is struck by lightning
- C – Lvl 1 Revenge Damage 80
- R – Lvl 1 Revenge Damage 105
- R – Lvl 2 Revenge Damage 153
- E – Lvl 1 Revenge Damage 157
Static Discharge – Your lightning effects also make foes Jolted
- C – Lvl 1 Jolt Damage 60
- C – Lvl 2 Jolt Damage 96
- R – Lvl 1 Jolt Damage 87
- E – Lvl 1 Jolt Damage 110
High Voltage – Your lightning bolt effects deal damage in a larger area
- C – Lvl 1 Bolt Area of Effect +60%
- R – Lvl 1 Bolt Area of Effect +72%
- E – Lvl 1 Bolt Area of Effect +84%
Double Strike – Your lightning bolt effects have a chance to strike twice
- C – Lvl 1 Strike Chance +25%
- C – Lvl 2 Strike Chance +35%
Clouded Judgment – Your God Gauge charges faster when you deal or take damage
- E – Lvl 1 Faster Gauge Gain +14%
Billowing Strength – After using Call, you deal more damage for 5 Sec
- C – Lvl 1 Bonus Damage +30%