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Scrap Mechanic – Anleitung zu allen Rezepten (Überlebensmodus)

Weitere Anleitungen für Schrottmechaniker:

  • Amateur-Überlebenstipps!
  • So aktivieren Sie Cheats (Überlebensmodus).
  • Wo man Gegenstände / Materialien findet (Überlebensmodus).
  • Transporthandbuch für Caged Man (Überlebensmodus).
  • Anleitung zum Modifizieren von Handwerksrezepten.
  • Leitfaden zur schnellen Verfeinerung.

Vergessen Sie auch ständig die benötigten Materialien für ein bestimmtes Teil? Es passiert mir die ganze Zeit. Deshalb habe ich diesen Leitfaden erstellt, damit so etwas nie wieder passieren kann.

Leitfaden für Überlebensrezepte

Mechanikerstation – Bots

Erforderliche Materialien:

  • x90 Altmetall
  • x10-Leiterplatte
  • x10-Komponenten-Kit

Erforderliche Materialien:

  • x50 Metall 2
  • x10-Leiterplatte
  • x10-Komponenten-Kit

Erforderliche Materialien:

  • x60 Metall 1
  • x5 Platine
  • x5-Komponenten-Kit

Erforderliche Materialien:

  • x50 Metall 3
  • x10-Leiterplatte
  • x10-Komponenten-Kit

Erforderliche Materialien:

  • x30 Metall 1

Hinweis: Die Mechanikerstation befindet sich irgendwo in der Nähe einer Straße. Dort kannst du all diese freundlichen Bots herstellen.

Craftingbot – Werkzeuge

Erforderliche Materialien:

  • x10 Altmetall
  • x2 Platine

Erforderliche Materialien: 

  • x10 Metall 1
  • x5 Glas
  • x3-Komponenten-Kit

Erforderliche Materialien: 

  • x20 Metall 2
  • x5 Platine
  • x5-Komponenten-Kit 

Craftingbot – Blöcke

Kartonblock x10 – Erforderlich: 

  • x5 Holzblock

Holzblock 1 x 10 – Erforderlich: 

  • x20 Holzblock

Holzblock 2 x 10 – Erforderlich:

  • x15 Holzblock 1
  • x1 Metallblock 2

Holzblock 3 x 10 – Erforderlich:

  • x15 Holzblock 2
  • x1 Metallblock 3

Metallblock 1 x 10 – Erforderlich: 

  • x15 Altmetall

Metallblock 2 x 10 – Erforderlich:

  • x15 Metallblock 1
  • x1 Glut
  • x2 Wasser

Metallblock 3 x 10 – Erforderlich: 

  • x20 Metallblock 2
  • x2 Glut
  • x4 Wasser

Betonblock 1 x 10 – Erforderlich: 

  • x10 Steinblock
  • x4 Wasser
  • x2 Chemikalie

Betonblock 2 x 10 – Erforderlich: 

  • x15 Betonblock 1
  • x2 Metallblock 2

Betonblock 3 x 10 – Erforderlich: 

  • x15 Betonblock 2
  • x2 Metallblock 2

Sandblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x5 Steinblock

Glasblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Sandblock
  • x1 Glut

Glasfliesenblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Sandblock
  • x1 Glut

Panzerglasblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Glasblock
  • x2-Netzblockierung
  • x1 Glut

Diamantplattenblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Metallblock 1

Pfadlichtblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Metallblock 1
  • x1 Platine

Extrudierter Metallblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x5 Metallblock 1

Netzblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x2 Metallblock 1

Gestanzter Stahlblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x5 Metallblock 1

Fester Netzblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x5 Metallblock 2

Raumschiffblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Metallblock 2
  • x1 Farbmunition

Steinblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Steinblock

Fliesenblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Steinblock
  •  x1 Farbmunition

Toilettenblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Steinblock
  • x1 Bienenwachs

Barriereblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  •  x10 Holzblock 1
  •  x1 Farbmunition

Teppichblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x5 Watte
  • x1 Farbmunition

Blasenplastikblock x10 – Erforderlich:

  • x5 Öl

Craftingbot – Teile


  • x5 Altmetall


  • x10 Holzblock
  • x10 Sandblock
  • x2 Karotte

Benzin x5:Erforderlich:

  • x5 Öl

Kleber – Erforderlich:

  • x3 Muschel

Wasser – Erforderlich:

  • Wassereimer (gefüllt)

Chemikalie – Erforderlich:

  • Wassereimer (gefüllt)

Paint Ammo x5 – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Blumen

Leuchtstab x4 – Erforderlich:

  • x4 Chemikalie
  • x4 ???

Rad – Erforderlich:

  • x15 Holzblock 1
  • x5 Metallblock 1
  • x6 Bienenwachs

Riesenrad – Erforderlich:

  • x40 Holzblock 1
  • x10 Metallblock 1
  • x8 Bienenwachs

Kleines Rohr kurz – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Kleines Rohr lang – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Kleiner Rohrbogen – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Kleines Rohr-T-Stück – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Kleine Rohrecke – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Kleines Vierwegerohr – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Vierwege-T-Stück für kleine Rohre – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Kleines Rohr Fünfwege – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Kleines Sechswegerohr – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Rohr kurz – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Rohr lang – Erforderlich:

  • x3 Metallblock 1

Rohrecke – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Rohrverbindung – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Ventil – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Kurzer I-Träger – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Langer I-Träger – Erforderlich:

  • x3 Metallblock 1

I-Träger-Ecke – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

I-Träger-Ende – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

I-Trägerhalter – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Toilettenpapier – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Holzblock

Waschbecken – Erforderlich:

  • x5 Metallblock 1

Klimaanlage – Erforderlich:

  • x10 Metallblock 1
  • x3 Platine

Becher – Erforderlich:

  • x1 Metallblock 1

Mannequin Boot – Required:

  • x1 Meat
  • x2 Wood Block 1
  • x1 Paint Ammo
  • x1 Bee’s Wax

Mannequin Hand – Required:

  • x2 Wood Block 1
  • x1 Paint Ammo
  • x3 Bee’s Wax

Baby Duck Statuette – Required:

  • x1 Wood Block 1
  • x1 Paint Ammo
  • x3 Bee’s Wax
  • x1 Glue

Rectangular Window – Required:

  • x5 Glass Block
  • x5 Metal Block 1

Square Window – Required:

  • x10 Glass Block
  • x10 Metal Block 1

Large Rectangular Window – Required:

  • x15 Glass Block
  • x10 Metal Block 1

Large Windshield – Required:

  • x20 Glass Block
  •  x10 Metal Block 1

Small Windshield – Required:

  • x20 Glass Block
  • x10 Metal Block 1

Traffic Cone – Required:

  • x10 Metal Block 1
  • x1 Paint Ammo

Craftingbot – Interactive

Bearing – Required:

  • x5 Scrap Metal

Switch – Required:

  • x1 Scrap Metal
  • x2 Circuit Board

Button – Required:

  • x1 Scrap Metal
  • x2 Circuit Board

Sensor 1 – Required:

  • x1 Metal Block 1
  • x1 Glass Block
  • x2 Circuit Board
  • x2 Glue

Sport Suspension 1 – Required:

  • x5 Metal Block 2
  • x2 Oil

Off-Road Suspension 1 – Required:

  • x10 Metal Block 2
  • x2 Oil

Piston 1 – Required:

  • x10 Metal Block 2
  • x2 Oil
  • x2 Circuit Board
  • x1 Component Kit

Gas Engine 1 – Required:

  • x20 Metal Block 1
  • x5 Oil
  • x5 Circuit Board
  • x3 Component Kit

Electric Engine 1 – Required:

  • x20 Metal Block 2
  • x5 Battery
  • x10 Circuit Board
  • x5 Component Kit

Driver’s Seat 1 – Required:

  • x10 Cotton Wool
  • x5 Metal Block 1
  • x3 Circuit Board
  • x1 Component Kit

Seat 1 – Required:

  • x10 Cotton Wool
  • x5 Metal Block 1
  • x2 Circuit Board

Driver’s Saddle 1 – Required:

  • x5 Cotton Wool
  • x5 Metal Block 1
  • x3 Circuit Board
  • x1 Component Kit

Saddle 1 – Required:

  • x5 Cotton Wool
  • x5 Metal Block 1
  • x2 Circuit Board

Toilet – Required:

  • x5 Metal Block 1
  • x5 Wood Block 1

Thruster 1 – Required:

  • x40 Metal Block 3
  • x10 Component Kit

Controller 1 – Required:

  • x5 Metal Block 1
  • x5 Circuit Board
  • x1 Component Kit
  • x3 Glue

Logic Gate – Required:

  • x1 Metal Block 1
  • x1 Circuit Board
  • x1 Glue

Timer – Required:

  • x2 Metal Block 1
  • x2 Circuit Board
  • x1 Glue

Radio – Required:

  • x5 Metal Block 1
  • x2 Battery
  • x4 Circuit Board
  • x1 Glue

Horn – Required:

  • x1 Metal Block 1
  • x1 Circuit Board
  • x1 Glue

Headlight – Required:

  • x1 Metal Block 1
  • x1 Glass Block
  • x2 Circuit Board
  • x1 Glue

Respawn Bed – Required:

  • x50 Wood Block 1
  • x20 Cotton Wool
  • x5 Paint Ammo

Fridge – Required:

  • x10 Metal Block 1
  • x2 Chemical
  • x5 Circuit Board
  • x2 Glue

Chest – Required:

  • x40 Metal Block 1
  • x2 Glue

Large Chest – Required:

  • x60 Metal Block 1
  • x5 Circuit Board
  • x3 Component Kit
  • x5 Glue

Vacuum Pump – Required:

  • x10 Metal Block 2
  • x5 Bee’s Wax
  • x5 Circuit Board
  • x3 Component Kit

Vacuum Pipe – Required:

  • x5 Metal Block 2
  • x10 Glass Block
  • x2 Circuit Board

Vacuum Pipe Corner – Required:

  • x5 Metal Block 2
  • x10 Glass Block
  • x2 Circuit Board

Gas Container – Required:

  • x20 Metal Block 1
  • x5 Circuit Board
  • x15 Paint Ammo
  • x2 Glue

Battery Container – Required:

  • x20 Metal Block 2
  • x10 Circuit Board
  • x15 Paint Ammo
  • x2 Glue

Water Container – Required:

  • x10 Metal Block 1
  • x10 Bee’s Wax
  • x5 Circuit Board
  • x2 Glue

Water Cannon – Required:

  • x10 Metal Block 2
  • x10 Bee’s Wax
  • x2 Component Kit

Saw Blade – Required:

  • x10 Metal Block 2
  • x20 Metal Block 1

Drill – Required:

  • x20 Metal Block 2
  • x30 Metal Block 1

Small Explosive Canister – Required:

  • x10 Gasoline
  • x6 ???
  • x5 Paint Ammo

Large Explosive Canister – Required:

  • x20 Gasoline
  • x8 ???
  • x10 Paint Ammo

Craftingbot – Plants

Potted Plant – Required:

  • x1 Flower
  • x5 Stone Block

Small Potted Plant – Required:

  • x1 Flower
  • x5 Stone Block

Potted Vine Plant – Required:

  • x1 Flower
  • x5 Stone Block
  • x2 Wood Block 1

Big Pot – Required:

  • x1 Flower
  • x10 Stone Block

Potted Seed Plant – Required:

  • x1 Flower
  • x5 Stone Block

Potted Blooming Cactus – Required:

  • x1 Flower
  • x1 Metal Block 1

Potted Cactus – Required:

  • x1 Flower
  • x1 Metal Block 1

Potted Blue Flower – Required:

  • x1 Flower
  • x1 Metal B 

Cookbot – Food

Revival Baguette – Required:

  • x1 Meat
  • x2 Milk
  • x1 Redbeet
  • x1 Tomato

Veggie Burger – Required:

  • x2 Carrot
  • x1 Redbeet
  • x1 Potato
  • x1 Tomato

Pizza Burger – Required:

  • x1 Meat
  • x2 Milk
  • x2 Potato
  • x1 Tomato

Hideout – Store

Individual fruits are not tradable. The dwarf trades only large fruit boxes. A fruit box can be exchanged for 10 fruits at the trading station using a vacuum pump.

Soil Bag x5 – Trade:

  • x1 Carrot Box

Fertilizer x10 – Trade:

  • x1 Redbeet Box

Banana Seed x5 – Trade:

  • x3 Carrot Box

Orange Seed x5 – Trade:

  • x3 Tomato Box

Blueberry Seed x5 – Trade:

  • x3 Redbeet Box

Saw Blade x1 – Trade:

  • x5 Tomato Box

Drill x1 – Trade:

  • x5 Redbeet Box

Mountable Spud Gun x1 – Trade:

  • x2 Banana Box
  • x1 Blueberry Box

Potato Ammo Container x1 – Trade:

  • x1 Tomato Box
  • x1 Redbeet Box

Spud Gun x1 – Trade:

  • x2 Orange Box
  • x2 Blueberry Box
  • x1 Dwarf 

Spud Shotgun x1 – Trade:

  • x4 Brocolie Box
  • x1 Dwarf

Spud Gattler x1 – Trade:

  • x5 Pineapple Box
  • x2 Dwarf

Garment Box [Common] – Trade:

  • x1 Orange Box
  • x1 Dwarf

Garment Box [Rare] – Trade:

  • x2 Brocolie Box
  • x2 Dwarf 
