Dieser Leitfaden hilft Ihnen dabei, Erfolge zu erzielen. Wie, wo und wie viele Menschen brauchen Sie, um sie besser und so schnell wie möglich zu bekommen.
So erhalten Sie alle Erfolge
ZPO_Maps (Ziel)
Dieser Ort enthält Informationen, die sich nur auf Kartenerfolge beziehen, sowohl für die geheimen als auch für die kumulativen.
Tot im Wasser
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Aquatica als Zombie.
Tiefes Blau
- Schließe Aquatica einmal als Überlebender ab.
Bitte schön!
- Töte als Überlebender den Zombie, der die Schlüsselkarte auf Aquatica trägt.
Kann nicht… lesen
- Stiehl als Zombie die Dokumente, bevor die Überlebenden sie auf Aquatica erhalten.
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Biotec als Zombie.
Geh zu da Choppa!
- Schließe Biotec einmal als Überlebender ab.
- Öffne als Überlebender den geheimen Bonusraum auf Biotec.
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Corpsington als Zombie.
Sicherer denn je
- Schließe Corpsington einmal als Überlebender ab.
Menschlicher Träger
- Schieben Sie als Überlebender den Generator ganz nach oben bis zum Ende auf Corpsington.
Toter Schnee
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Frozenheart als Zombie.
Fast unter Zer0
- Schließe Frozenheart einmal als Überlebender ab.
- Finde und fülle als Überlebender 50 Benzinkanister im Generator auf Frozenheart.
Schlechte Ernte
- Gewinne eine Runde bei Harvest as a Zombie.
Breite Seite einer Scheune
- Schließe Harvest einmal als Überlebender ab.
Nur ein Pizzabote
- Töte als Zombie mindestens zwei Überlebende, bevor die Notfallübertragung bei Harvest endet.
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Keretti als Zombie.
Exekutivmaßnahmen ergreifen
- Schließe Keretti einmal als Überlebender ab.
Feindliche Einheimische
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Murksville als Zombie.
Schiffsmechaniker in Teilzeit
- Schließe Murksville einmal als Überlebender ab.
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Shreddingfield als Zombie.
Ente und Decke
- Schließe Shreddingfield einmal als Überlebender ab.
Abflug auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Subway als Zombie.
- Schließe Subway einmal als Überlebender ab.
Haben Sie immer einen Plan B!
- Fliehen Sie als Überlebender über die alternative Route der U-Bahn.
Leise Kreuzfahrt
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Tanker als Zombie.
- Schließe Tanker einmal als Überlebender ab.
Mehr als ein bisschen Turbulenz
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Zomboeing als Zombie.
Neville Flynn
- Schließe Zomboeing einmal als Überlebender ab.
- Finde und liefere als Überlebender 20 Vorratskisten auf Zomboeing.
Grand Theft Auto
- Verdrahte als Überlebender den Truck 25 Mal kurz auf Zomboeing.
ZPS_Maps (Überleben)
Forceful Admittance
- Gewinne eine Runde Asyl als Zombie.
Erwiesenermaßen gesund
- Überlebe Asyl einmal als Überlebender.
Blutige Räumung
- Gewinne eine Runde bei Blackout als Zombie.
Club Zombo lebt weiter
- Überlebe Blackout einmal als Überlebender.
Brainz COMBO to Go
- Gewinne eine Runde bei Cinema as a Zombie.
Religiöser Kinobesucher
- Kino einmal als Survivor überleben.
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Clubzombo als Zombie.
Das geht aufs Haus
- Überlebe Clubzombo einmal als Überlebender.
- Zerstöre die Soundkarte im Club Zombo, während die Musik läuft.
Hätte drinnen bleiben sollen
- Gewinne eine Runde auf Survival Corpsington als Zombie.
Laufen auf Dämpfen
- Überlebe Corpsington einmal als Überlebender.
Graveyard Guardian
- Win a round on Deadend as a Zombie.
- Survive Deadend as a Survivor once.
- Find a way to activate the radio inside the church on Deadend.
New Residents
- Win a round on Haunted as a Zombie.
Moving In
- Survive Haunted as a Survivor once.
Displeased with The Management
- Win a round on Survival Keretti as a Zombie.
Second Time’s the Charm!
- Survive Keretti as a Survivor once.
- Win a round on Nightmare as a Zombie.
Lucid Dreaming
- Survive Nightmare as a Survivor once.
Claws and Ordure
- Win a round on Policestation as a Zombie.
- Survive Policestation as a Survivor once.
Organ Harvest
- Win a round on Ruralpanic as a Zombie.
Settling Down
- Survive Ruralpanic as a Survivor once.
- Win a round on Sapidcerebrum as a Zombie.
Keep LIVE!
- Survive Sapidcerebrum as a Survivor once.
- As a Survivor, destroy all the toilets in Sapid Cerebrum.
New Inmates
- Win a round on Silence as a Zombie.
Quiet Rehabilitation
- Survive Silence as a Survivor once.
Grave Encounters
- As a Survivor, be the last man standing and win the round on Silence.
Out of Service
- Win a round on Thrillvile as a Zombie.
Another Weekly Visit
- Survive Thrillvile as a Survivor once.
No Fun Allowed
- As a Zombie, do a total of 800 damage on Thrillville.
Streets of Decay
- Win a round on Survival Town as a Zombie.
Night Out
- Survive Town as a Survivor once.
Six Feet Under
- Win a round on Underground as a Zombie.
Reach for the Surface
- Survive Underground as a Survivor once.
ZPH_Map (Hardcore)
Work Hazard
- Win a round on Pithole as a Zombie.
- Survive Pithole as a Survivor once.
Various Achievements
Fighting for A Greater Cause
- Complete any official objective map for the first time.
A Survivor is Born
- Survive any official survival map for the first time.
Unstoppable Claws
- As the Carrier, kill three survivors in the same life.
Born Leader
- As the Carrier, lead a group of 5 or more zombies.
Changing Sides
- After being infected, kill a survivor right after turning into a zombie.
Introduced to the Fold
- As the Carrier, infect three survivors in the same round.
It’s for Your Own Good
- As a Survivor, kill an infected survivor before he turns into a zombie.
Sharing Is Caring!
- Share a full box of ammo with a teammate needing.
For this achievement you will need to activate the voice menu in settings. Go to the Main menu -> Options / Settings -> Game options -> Keyboard, and here you need to find the voice menu #2 and bind a key to it. After entering the game with your friend, you will need to give ammo box to him. To do that, your friend will need to press the button he assigned to voice menu #2, and pick “I need ammunition!” voice line. After that, you will need to press “T” on him to give him ammo box, which will grant you the achievement.
Melee Master
- Win any round using only melee weapons (requires at least one melee kill).
Multiple Personalities
- Play a full round as every ZPS character.
For that achievement you should pick different character every full round. That means after you win/lose on a map, you should change it to the next one. You can do it like that:Main menu -> Options / Settings -> Character selection.
You Need This More than I Do!
- Share a fully loaded heavy firearm with a teammate needing.
This achievement works just like “Sharing Is Caring!”, but now your friend needs to choose “I need a weapon!” voice line, after that you need to press “G” to give him a weapon, but it needs to be a heavy weapon (Shotgun, Assault rifle, etc.).
Rest in Pieces
- Blow yourself up along with 3 zombies using an IED.
Best way to do this is to load up the map ZPO_Aquatica, there, after completing two missions, you will be taken to the security room, where C4 will be located. Get 3 friends to be zombies, throw C4 under your feet and explode them!
Feeding Frenzy
- As a Zombie, assist in killing two survivors while berserk mode.
When you play as an ordinary zombie, you will need to fill your FEED-O-METER bar, it will look like a red bar, after that you will have to press “SHIFT” and hit 2 players, and then the carrier will need to kill them or another zombie.
Game version 3.1.0
Cading Up
- As a Survivor, barricade 150 times.
Any map should work just fine on that. Take a hammer, a barricade (if you have the old version), and press RMB then LMB and then E to remove it.
- Kill 3 zombies with one single grenade. Best map for this is ZPO_Frozenheart.
- As a Survivor, play in a round where everyone is playing as Eugene and Marcus.
1$ THi$ W0Rk1n/
- Do a total of 600 damage with a keyboard.
Couch Potatoed
- As a Zombie, prop kill a survivor. Just find a red barrel and expload it near the survivor.
In Line!
- Kill 6 consecutive regular zombies by headshots with a revolver without reloading or changing weapons. Don’t shoot at the carrier, because he needs 2 shoots from revolver!
My Burning Love
- As a Zombie, set a survivor on fire.
Insatiable Hunger
- As a Zombie, kill 50 survivors with headshots.
Bought One, Got One For Free
- As a Survivor, kill 2 Zombies with a single melee swing.
This may seem like a difficult achievement, because there is a chance that you will kill one instead of two. To do this, you need to find a sledgehammer (this is the best weapon for this achievement), then make one blow to each zombie and kill them by placing them nearby.
- As a Zombie, destroy 150 breakable props. Best farm for this achievement is ZPS_Thrillvile, just turn on zombie vision on “F” and destroy all yellow objects.
Borrowed Time
- As a Survivor, delay someone’s infection with a green inoculator. Press right mouse button on your friend, while he is infected.
- Kill 3 zombies in a row through headshots with the baseball bat.
- Kill an infected survivor with a shovel.
Brainz Out Time
- Kill 30 zombies with a sledgehammer through headshots.
Food Inspector
- As the Carrier, use your spotting ability on 100 different survivors.
Press E while looking at the survivor (you need to be close to him). Repeat 100 times.
Here’s Jonny!
- Break 80 unfortunate doors.
Achievement is performed for zombies, as it’s easier for them to see which doors can be broken. Therefore, we pick the zombies, turn on the vision of the zombies by pressing “F”, look for the doors marked as red and break them.
World Traveler
- Play a full round on all of the official maps.
- As a Zombie, destroy 50 barricades. Better maps for farm ZPO_Aquatica (new version)
Special Meat
- As a Survivor, be spotted by a Carrier 45 times.
The achievement is achieved just like the “Food Inspector”, but now you are in the place of the survivor, and your friend in the place of the carrier. While your companion is farming an achievement, you just need to stand afk and enjoy the views of the map. 🙂
- As the Carrier, use ‘Roar’ ability 250 times.
This achievement is not easy, but also not difficult. All you need to do is:Revive -> Press “R” -> Die -> Repeat 250 times. The best map for this is ZPO_Aquatica. Why exactly this map? The zombies have endless lifes, after completing two missions there will be a good spawn point for zombies.
First mission:
Second mission:
After second mission. The place and the point we need:
Whitey’s Right Claw
- As a Zombie, have a total of 100 kill assists.
Dr. Salk
- As a Survivor, heal a total of 25 survivors with the white or red inoculator.
For the same achievement, the best map would be ZPO_Biotec. If you know the map well, then it will take you about 6-8 minutes (to familiarize yourself with the map, you can watch the video attached to the “Key Grip” achievement) to reach the laboratory and take from 2 to 4 inoculators, depending on your luck!
All you need is to take the inoculators, get the zombies (not to the carrier, because there is a chance that the survivor will become infected and you will not have time to use all inoculators, but if you are sure that you will succeed, then everything is fine) to hit a survivor once, and then get near the survivor and press RMB. Repeat this procedure 7-10 times and you’re done!