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Karriereleitfaden für EVE Echoes:So werden Sie der beste Pilot in Ihrer gewählten Karriere

EVE Echoes hat mit seiner riesigen offenen Welt und der Fülle an Spielinhalten, die es beim Start bietet, groß angefangen. Man kann zwar mit Sicherheit sagen, dass die meisten, wenn nicht alle Spieler noch alles erkunden müssen, was EVE Echoes zu bieten hat, aber es ist sicher, dass das Spiel nur noch größer werden kann. Da die Spieler die Wirtschaft und Umwelt in New Eden ständig gestalten und ihr Wachstum im Laufe der Zeit beeinflussen, muss jeder Spieler die Entwicklungen ständig im Auge behalten, um seinen stetigen Fortschritt und sein Überleben sicherzustellen.

Während die allgemeine Atmosphäre für begeisterte Enthusiasten wie ein Wettlauf an die Spitze erscheinen mag, gibt es immer noch viel Platz für Gelegenheitsspieler, sich zu engagieren und in der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Umgebung von EVE Echoes zu schwelgen. Da es viele Funktionen und Konzepte zu kennen und zu verstehen gibt und eine Menge Inhalte und Aktivitäten, die jeder Spieler aus erster Hand erleben sollte, erfordert die Zeit und Mühe, die Sie für Ihre interstellare Reise aufwenden müssen, mehr als die übliche Menge, die erwartet wird die meisten anderen Handyspiele.

Die Zeit, die Sie in EVE Echoes verbringen, wirkt sich direkt auf die Menge an Währungen aus, die Sie verdienen, sowie auf die Geschwindigkeit, mit der sich Ihr Pilotenstatus verbessert. Dennoch gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten, Gewinne zu erzielen, und zu wissen, welche die beste für Sie ist, ist ein entscheidendes Wissen, das Sie so schnell wie möglich erwerben sollten.

Wenn Sie gerade erst mit dem Spielen von EVE Echoes begonnen haben und sich ohne viel Ordnung durch die umfangreichen Inhalte und Funktionen wühlen, empfehlen wir Ihnen dringend, zuerst unseren Leitfaden für Anfänger zu lesen. Unser EVE Echoes-Anfängerleitfaden bietet die grundlegendsten Tipps und Strategien, um Sie relativ einfach und effizient durch die Anfangsphase Ihres galaktischen Abenteuers in New Eden zu führen. Da kein einzelnes Handbuch ausreicht, um alle Inhalte des Spiels abzudecken, sollten Sie vielleicht unser EVE Echoes-Handbuch für Fortgeschrittene für zusätzliche Tipps und Strategien lesen.

Ihre gewählte Karriere in EVE Echoes steht im Mittelpunkt Ihres Fortschritts auf Ihrer Reise. Wenn Sie anfangen, an einer Vielzahl von Quests teilzunehmen, sollte es Ihnen helfen, eine genauere Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, welche Art von Beruf Sie wählen sollten. Zum einen steht es Ihnen frei, ein Allround-Pilot zu werden, der Kopfgelder vernichtet, wertvolle Erze abbaut, verschiedene Module erstellt, Lieferungen durchführt und sogar Waren verkauft. In Bezug auf Fertigkeitspunkte, Trainingszeit und Ressourcenbeschränkungen ist es jedoch der beste Weg, sich auf einen bestimmten Arbeitsbereich zu konzentrieren und alle Anstrengungen darauf zu verwenden, insbesondere in den letzten Phasen Ihres Karrierefortschritts.

Es gibt praktisch keine Begrenzung in der Anzahl der Fähigkeitspunkte, die Sie sammeln können, um Trainingseinheiten zu beschleunigen. Die zum sofortigen Upgraden einer Fertigkeit erforderlichen Fertigkeitspunkte werden jedoch Ihren Vorrat an Fertigkeitspunkten schnell aufbrauchen, und Sie müssen immer noch viel Wartezeit auf die restlichen anderen Fertigkeiten aufwenden. Mit zunehmender Upgrade-Stufe der Fertigkeit wird die Wartezeit exponentiell länger und damit auch die Kosten für die Beschleunigung des Prozesses. Abgesehen davon, dass Sie echtes Geld ausgeben, wird die Gesamtzahl der Stunden, die Sie benötigen würden, um alle Fähigkeiten in den 3 wichtigsten Berufswahlen zu maximieren, bis zu mehreren Jahren betragen.

In diesem Fall ist es die beste Wahl, sich als Ziel zu setzen, die Fähigkeiten in Ihrem speziellen Fachgebiet zu maximieren, anstatt Wartezeit, Isk und Fähigkeitspunkte mit einem Sammelsurium von Fähigkeiten auf niedrigem Niveau aufzuteilen, die sich über die gesamte Karriere erstrecken Auswahlmöglichkeiten.

In diesem EVE Echoes-Karriereleitfaden konzentrieren wir uns auf jeden Karriereweg, um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, der Beste oder hoffentlich zumindest einer der Besten in jedem Fachgebiet zu werden. Die Wahl zwischen der Kampf-, Industrie- und Geschäftsseite eines Piloten kann für einige Spieler in den frühen Stadien des Spiels selbst eine Herausforderung sein. Mit jeder Kategorie wird auch die Priorisierung in Bezug auf Fähigkeiten und Investitionen für jeden unterschiedlich sein. Auch in diesem Aspekt des Spiels gibt es keinen perfekten Piloten in einem bestimmten Bereich. Entscheidend ist, wie gut es Ihnen gelingt, Ihre Aktionen und Investitionen auf einen Karriereweg auszurichten, der Ihren Vorlieben und Ihrem Spielstil entspricht.

Karriere als Militärpilot

Sich in Schlachten zu engagieren und sich darauf vorzubereiten, darin gut zu sein, ist vielleicht der direkteste und geradlinigste Weg, den man als Karriere in EVE Echoes einschlagen kann. Da die ersten Stunden, die Sie bei Ihrem Tauchgang in New Eden verbringen, einige interstellare Kämpfe sowie die Teilnahme an einem Kampf nach dem anderen durch die meisten Quests und Kopfgelder beinhalten werden, werden sich die Spieler schneller an die Kampfmechanik im Spiel gewöhnen.

Auch in Bezug auf das Training und die Weiterentwicklung von Fähigkeiten wird die verfügbare Auswahl an Schulungskursen, die Sie lernen möchten, Ihre Entscheidung normalerweise nicht von einer Wahl zur anderen trennen. Militärische Fähigkeiten verbessern entweder die Leistung aller Schiffe, speichern die Industrietypen und können sich auf jeden einzelnen Waffentyp spezialisieren. Wenn Sie also eine solide Vorstellung von den Schiffen haben, die Sie haben und die Sie in Zukunft sichern möchten, legen Sie die Karte des Erlernens von Fähigkeiten fest, die Sie nehmen sollten.

Wie wir in unseren ersten Leitfäden erwähnt haben, wird das Anheben Ihres Pilotenlevels von Level 1 bis 5 viel schneller sein. Damit stehen mehr Fertigkeitspunkte zur Verfügung, die Sie für die Beschleunigung einiger Trainingseinheiten verbrauchen können. In Bezug darauf gibt es eine Einschränkung in Bezug auf die Art oder Klassifizierung von Schiffen, die Sie aufgrund der freigeschalteten Technologiestufen und natürlich Ihrer finanziellen Kapazität kaufen können. In this sense, the first 2 military ships:the frigate and the destroyer can lead to a dichotomous decision point where you can choose only one until you are capable of owning a cruiser or battleship.

There are several skills to upgrade in relation to one type of ship:command, defense, and engineering. In some cases, these skill nodes have advanced versions as well that further boost the ship type’s performance. For the destroyer type ship for example, Destroyer Command training will reduce the ships inertia modifier by 5% per level and at level 3, will boost the ship’s velocity by 8%. Destroyer Defense will boost shields by 50 per level and add 60 to armor starting at level 2. This skill will also improve the ship’s structure by 125 starting at level 4.

In terms of investment, every offensive module in existence does not necessarily have to be on your menu. Every military ship, even within its own class, has a unique set of bonuses that apply to specific modules. As such, you should always plan ahead in terms of module purchases relative to the class of ship you own and the ones you plan on acquiring later.

As far as single player adventures and explorations are concerned, there are a lot of quests to take on that involves exterminating enemy ships and engaging bounties. In terms of ease, your performance in each quest is dependent on the class of ship you have, the modules you have installed, and the skills you have invested in. For example, a tech level 3 destroyer can accept and accomplish a tier 4 quest, even if the recommended ships are tier 4. It can be a little challenging, but a couple of Mk5 weapons on a tier 3 ship should be enough to pull you through it.

EVE Echoes is a multiplayer game that takes into account not just your progression as a lone pilot but the evolution of the corporation you belong to as well. The fleet system likewise gets you involved in quests and other undertakings that make it a lot easier to do in a group. Although you can join in anyone else’s fleet outside your corporation, the ideal way to do so banks on accomplishing feats in support of your very own group.

As a military pilot, one of your functions as a member of a corporation is to provide combat support to allies who specialize in either the industry or business side of things. Other allies may be involved in mining or transporting merchandise and can be an easy target to hostile corporations. In some cases, your presence may be requested to join fleets within the corporation to help them accomplish some tasks that will benefit the entire group.

Being in a fleet, however, makes it easy to partake in “ratting” or hunting down enemy ships in asteroid belts. The difficulty and RNG compensation for engaging in such activities vary depending on the star system’s security level. If you check the Star Chart, tapping on each dot, which represents a star system, will reveal its corresponding security level at the lower right side of the screen. A security level of 0.6 means it is completely safe and as the number goes down, the more likely that bounties will be more challenging.

The color of each dot may very well represent the security level as well, so be sure to take note of it whenever you pass through any star system. On top of the outright Isk rewards for exterminating bounties, you will also have a chance of obtaining loot corresponding to the tech level or tier of the enemy ship you have destroyed.

Industrial Pilot Career

If you have chosen to be a military pilot and focus exclusively in skills and resources that further your career, one of the early struggles you will encounter relates to finances, or Isk, specifically. Without a fleet to travel with in hunting higher grade NPC ships, it can become very difficult for you to raise Isk on your own. Currently, the trend in New Eden is that prices of ships and modules grow each day.

If you are not earning Isk enough, then it can be difficult to earn enough to purchase the higher grade modules you need or, more importantly, save enough to purchase the next level combat ship. In this sense, the ease of only engaging in combat and focusing on raw power unveils its impactful downside.

The other two choices for a pilot career, on the other hand, makes earning Isk a little easier as their function revolve around earning currencies for their labor. Both industry type and business type pilots can still engage in combat, but will be highly ineffective in the matter, which is the downside of their advantage in securing better ships.

A pilot focusing on industrial skills will specialize in mining, reprocessing ores that they mine, processing scrap metal, and manufacturing industrial ships they need as well as military ships to sell. Industrial pilots can also improve the performance of industrial ships they use and while the focus may steer towards improving actual industrial skills, it becomes necessary to compensate for an industrial ship’s lack of combat capability by upgrading its performance along with learning some industrial skills.

In terms of being selective in choosing which from among the number of available skills are to be prioritized, check the coverage of skills relative to manufacturing. Industrial pilots may gain some advantage in mining and processing, but the end result is the manufactured merchandise they can sell. As far as the actual manufacturing proficiency goes, specialization can be focused on a particular class of ship, for starters. Later on, industrial pilots can even focus on a specific faction’s ships as well.

There are some quests available that require players to mine specific ores. On top of earning extra Isk and perhaps even gathering more ores for your production needs, these quests will be relatively easier for industrial players to accomplish. Their performance in the accomplishment of these types of quests will continue to improve as well based on the skills they invest in. On the other hand, venturing on your own for areas to mine on as well as investing in planetary production can suffice to supply you a steady flow of sustainable income.

Being a member of a corporation will carry with it some noticeable advantages for industrial pilots. In a fleet, it can be a much safer task to mine for ores with fellow players in an industrial ship and more so with military ships around. There may not be much to contribute currently to the corporation as far as finances go, but the role of industry specialists will eventually be an important one for any group.

Beyond manufacturing ships for personal use or for sale, industrial type pilots can also aid in their corporation in general by supplying ships for the corporation’s use. It could lead to mutual benefits in some cases, but will definitely benefit you in every instance.

Business Pilot Career

With ratting being a great source of income for combat pilots and mining or production serving as viable sources of income for industrial pilots, the presupposed expertise of business type pilots in trading equates well enough to both income-generation activities. While a career in business and trading is definitely not for everyone, it is possible to earn more income from it than any other activity in EVE Echoes.

Business type pilots will also have to balance between enhancing industrial ships and upgrading skills related to earning profits. Boosting factors related to profits also mean reducing costs associated with doing business such as handling fees, insurance costs, and taxes. As far as trading is concerned having more personal contracts and corporation contracts is important so prioritizing the upgrade of associated skills in trade is crucial.

Like industrial type pilots, business pilots can also improve on their planetary production, as well as ore reprocessing and scrap metal processing. While upgrading expertise relative to these skills may come in handy as a source of main or extra income, prioritizing skills unique to your career choice is a more suitable alternative.

With reduced costs and more contracts to handle, business enthusiasts will profit more from simple cargo delivery jobs as well. Delivery systems allow for players to take on transportation jobs from one location to another and in contrast with actually delivering goods yourself, business type pilots can also take advantage of this feature on the other side of the fence. If a more profitable venture is available, then pursuing that rather than the transportation business is the better option.

In terms of specializing in trades, purchasing an item at a lower price and selling it for profit is the basic idea behind the craft. An effective business trader should be well aware of current market trends and be able to predict potential behavior of future trends as well. At the time of this writing, for example, selling prices of ships and modules continue to rise. Taking advantage of this trend will be highly beneficial to business type pilots. There will be risks involved in each and every transaction but being able to take risks is an important trait every successful business person should possess.

Knowing the current market trends and prices to raise the chances and amounts of potential profits is not enough. Analyzing supply and demand ratio for specific products is important as well. Although every bit of item you purchase for the purpose of reselling will most likely be sold, what you would want initially is to have a fast enough turnover rate to ensure that you have sufficient funds rolling to continuously make purchases.

Another constant decision points to plan ahead for is the time within which you can afford to hold an item for sale. While going for a quick acquisition and disposal of merchandise is what we would recommend for beginners, some trends in price hikes will surely make it more viable to hold on to some of your properties. In any case, sticking with low-risk, fast income transactions are best to start beefing up your capital. Once you have secure a huge enough amount of money to roll, then that should be the time to gamble away at longer-term trades.

Business type pilots are equally important for corporations especially when it comes to raising assets. While corporation members tasked for military work may potentially dominate in numbers early on, the need for the corporation itself to have financial sources other than taxes will be much more challenging to replace or attract in the event that the current ones disappear.

As far as legit or ethical careers in EVE Echoes are concerned, the potential sources of profits fall within the 3 career paths in the game. If you have spent a lot of time through various contents of the game and have entered into a lot of transactions, however, you may have encountered an infamous alternative to profit-generation.

The scale and complexity of EVE Echoes leaves a lot of ajar doors for scamming and if you are not careful about the details of every transaction you partake in, you may wind up being on the receiving end of a con or swindle. A lot of these malicious operations revolve around contracts so before dealing with contracts, be especially careful with its details.

Up front, there are some very noticeable signs of bad deals in the market like overpriced merchandise and so. Survival in EVE Echoes, however, will stretch its meaning to include not just continuing to earn profits and avoiding dangerous encounters. It is important to be wary early on and as much as there is much to explore and enjoy in EVE Echoes, there will always be a lot of things to watch out for as well.

That sums up all we have for you on our EVE Echoes career guide. Hopefully, you will find the best one for you or rediscover something else early on to shift to. There are still a lot of aspects in the game we have yet to delve in as well so if you have relative experiences to the topics we discussed in this guide and would want to share your thoughts and opinions, feel free to drop us comment down below!
