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Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord Anfängerleitfaden:Tipps, Cheats und Strategien zur einfachen Eroberung von Dungeons

Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord ist der brandneue mobile Titel des koreanischen Mobile-Gaming-Unternehmens Cat Lab, der auf iOS- und Android-Plattformen verfügbar ist. Wie frühere Veröffentlichungen von Cat Lab können Sie davon ausgehen, dass Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord Ihnen von Beginn Ihres Abenteuers an ein einzigartiges Erlebnis bietet.

So einfach und geradlinig das Spiel scheint, gepaart mit seiner Cartoon-Grafik im Retro-Stil, man würde leicht annehmen, dass es so einfach ist, wie es aussieht. Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord ist jedoch vollgepackt mit vielen Herausforderungen, die weit darüber hinausgehen, nur einen Helden zu haben, der stark genug ist, da eine Strategie vom Aufbau deines Charakters bis hin zur Nutzung von Ressourcen im Kampf einen langen Weg zurücklegt.

Allein die Prämisse des Abenteuers lässt erkennen, dass Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord ein einzigartiges Erlebnis für selbst erfahrene und erfahrene RPG-Spieler bietet. Der Held beginnt damit, den Overlord zu besiegen, aber auf Kosten seines Fleisches und seines Wesens bis auf bloße Knochen. Deine Suche beginnt, während du dich durch Dungeons kämpfst, Monsterteile sammelst und ausrüstest, um Fleisch zu bekommen, jedes mit seinen eigenen einzigartigen Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten.

Zu Beginn Ihres Abenteuers in Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord wird wirklich nicht viel Tutorial angeboten. Um ehrlich zu sein, Sie können Fortschritte machen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie Ihre Karten im Spiel ausspielen. Wenn Sie Ihre Reise gerade erst begonnen haben und Ihren Helden stärken und jede Herausforderung meistern möchten, dann suchen Sie nicht weiter. Unser Anfängerleitfaden zu Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord bietet alle Tipps, Tricks und Strategien, die du brauchst, um jedes Monster zu besiegen, das dir in den Weg kommt!

1. Bereiten Sie sich auf verschiedene Arten von Dungeon Runs vor

Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord versetzt Sie in die Rolle eines Kriegers, dessen maximale Kraft auf einer Suche durch Dungeons mit unbekanntem Ende nicht realisiert wird. Angesichts dieses Szenarios können Sie davon ausgehen, dass Sie viel Schleifen benötigen, um weiter voranzukommen. Jeder Dungeon hat 10 Level und Sie müssen das zehnte Level abschließen, um zu den nächsten Dungeon-Levels zu gelangen, und es wird nicht lange dauern, bis Sie den Untergang erleben, bevor Sie den Dungeon beenden.

Vor diesem Hintergrund ist man sich sicher, dass man nicht alle 10 Level eines Dungeons auf Anhieb abschließen wird, manchmal auch nicht beim zweiten oder n-ten Mal. Es ist offensichtlich, dass Sie bei jedem Schritt Ressourcen anhäufen und Ihren Helden stärken müssen, da jeder neue Satz von Dungeon-Levels mit Sicherheit herausfordernder ist als der vorherige.

Was Sie zuerst berücksichtigen müssen, ist, dass Sie grundsätzlich 2 Arten von Dungeon-Runs durchführen müssen. Die ersten und häufigeren Läufe sind wie Versorgungs- oder Farmläufe, bei denen es Ihr Ziel ist, einfach Goldmünzen und Ausrüstung zu verdienen, um Ihren Charakter stärker zu machen. Die zweite Art von Lauf zielt darauf ab, das zehnte Level zu meistern. Hier können Sie zusätzliche Ressourcen wie Tränke ausgeben und sich mehr auf den eigentlichen Kampf konzentrieren.

Anhand Ihrer Leistung in den Versorgungs- oder Farmläufen sollten Sie erkennen können, ob Sie bereit sind, den Dungeon zu räumen. Wenn Sie es bis zum zehnten Level schaffen, ohne zu heilen oder irgendeine Art von Trank zu verwenden, können Sie den Boss am Ende wahrscheinlich besiegen, nachdem Sie einige Heilgegenstände oder so ausgegeben haben. Für den Anfang ist dies die Strategie, die wir empfehlen. Wenn Sie sich von Anfang an etwas aggressiver fühlen und etwas überfordert sind von der Fülle an Ressourcen, die Sie zu haben glauben, dann packen Sie eine volle Tasche mit Heil- und Stärkungstränken, selbst wenn Sie vor dem zehnten Level Probleme haben.

Natürlich sorgt jeder Dungeon-Run dafür, dass Sie etwas davon haben. Monster lassen zufällig Teile fallen, die du ausrüsten kannst, sowie Goldmünzen, die du für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen benötigst. Dies garantiert im Wesentlichen, dass Ihr Held bei jedem weiteren Durchlauf in demselben Dungeon eine bessere Leistung erbringen kann, vorausgesetzt, Sie verwenden die Goldmünzen und Fleischteile, die Sie finden.

In Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord sind viele zufällige Elemente involviert, vor allem, wenn es um jeden Dungeon-Run geht, an dem Sie teilnehmen. Monster erscheinen zufällig und obwohl es zunächst nicht offensichtlich ist, wird es nach Ihnen leicht erkennbar sein Gehe durch höhere Dungeons und begegne mehr Feindtypen. Bestimmte Monster lassen bestimmte Fleischteile fallen und da jedes Monsterteil unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten bietet, werden Sie nach dem Gangwechsel meistens unterschiedliche Buffs haben.

Monster-Drops folgen natürlich auch den Drop-Raten und das Erreichen höherer Levels bedeutet nicht unbedingt garantiert bessere Drops. Auch wenn auf dem Heldensymbol in der unteren linken Ecke des Startbildschirms ein roter Punkt angezeigt wird, der auf eine bessere Ausrüstung hinweist, die Sie ausrüsten können, wird es zahlreiche Fälle geben, in denen ein vollständiger Dungeon-Durchlauf Ihnen keine bessere Ausrüstung einbringt.

Tatsächlich kannst du auch bei einem Dungeonrun umkommen, ohne ein einziges Stück Fleisch zu schnappen, aber das sollte in Ordnung sein, da es immer Goldmünzen von jedem Monster gibt, das du tötest.

2. Aktiviere regelmäßig kostenlose Buffs aus dem Shop

Der Hybridkrieger kann sicherlich aus eigener Kraft und mit der Hilfe seines treuen leuchtenden Begleiters durch die Dungeons vorankommen. Mit Hilfe der kostenlosen Buffs, die Sie über den Store aktivieren können, werden Dungeon-Runs jedoch viel einfacher. Sie können den Laden über sein Symbol oben links auf dem Bildschirm überprüfen und es gibt 4 kostenlose Buffs, die Sie unter der Registerkarte „Gegenstände“ aktivieren können.

Der Angriffs-Buff, der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeits-Buff, der Golderwerbs-Buff und die automatische Handschuh-Angriffsfunktion können jeweils durch das Ausgeben von Edelsteinen aktiviert werden. Da Edelsteine ​​eine Premium-Währung sind, die nicht so einfach zu erwerben ist wie Goldmünzen, entscheiden Sie sich natürlich dafür, die Buffs kostenlos zu kaufen, indem Sie pro Instanz eine 5- bis 30-sekündige Videoanzeige abspielen.

Jeder Buff bleibt 10 Minuten lang aktiv und das Beste daran ist, dass der Timer nur läuft, wenn Sie sich im Dungeon oder in einem anderen Kampf befinden. Als Nachteil können Sie jedoch nicht denselben Buff stapeln und müssen warten, bis jeder seine Wirkung verliert, bevor Sie zum Laden zurückkehren, um sie erneut zu aktivieren.

Damit werden Sie erleben, dass Sie einen Dungeon-Run ertragen müssen, wobei der letzte Teil der Reise keine Buffs hat. Einen Dungeon aufzugeben ist keine Option, da die verbleibende Zeit jedes Buffs vor dem Betreten des Dungeons ebenfalls zurückgesetzt wird.

3. Bereite deinen Helden vor jedem Dungeon Run vor

Every dungeon run you engage in normally nets you more gold and some new pieces of flesh. As you clear the tenth level of each dungeon and move on to the next set, the amount of gold you receive per run increases and the range of the levels of gears you can grab also increase. While you may not always secure better flesh parts as we mentioned earlier, the gold you amass should, more often than not, still leave you with enough to enhance your character.

Every bit of enhancement you invest in your hero contributes positively to your subsequent performance in each dungeon run and, as such, you should make it a habit to strengthen your hero before going on another trip to the dungeon.

For starters, consider switching to better flesh parts if there are whenever you see the red dot indicator on the hero icon. At the same time, be sure to purchase some enhancement on both attack and HP or either of them.

As a beginner, you would naturally be inclined to equip monster parts that have the best stats, as indicated by the green up arrow on the flesh tab. As you highlight a slot on your hero, you can see available parts you can equip at the right side.

While stats are evidently important, though, you should also consider the passive boosts that each part contains. If the difference in stats are not that much and the part with the lower stat has better buffs for your taste, then you should go for it.

Each monster you encounter and obtain parts from has unique attributes. These traits typically include a resistance to a certain element as well as various passive boosts. You can see all the passive abilities that your hybrid flesh contains at the lower part of the “Flesh” tab as well as the home screen.

Each part also follows a rarity system and a level, which makes it a little more complicated to choose the best one to equip from among a number of choices with varying rarity grades and levels. Just the same, be sure to look into what each part can give you as you can later on narrow down choices when you are able to craft your own flesh parts.

Under the “Enhance” tab of the hero menu, you can see basic stats of your hero as well as his hybrid meter, which tells you respective resistances from fire, water, and earth. This will help you make decisive adjustments on flesh part choices especially when going against a boss having a specific elemental affinity.

Using gold coins, you can enhance your hero’s attack stats and HP. Doing so using gems provide a separate set of levels but, again, at this point gems are best used for more important investments. You can choose to purchase enhancement by 10s or even by 100s so long as you can afford it. While you are very much free to invest however you like, we recommend keeping a balanced investment strategy.

As costs of enhancement goes up based on its level, you will technically be able to purchase more upgrades by keeping both attack and HP enhancements at par with one another.

4. Dismantle Flesh Parts To Earn Crafting Materials

With auto battle and all buffs activated, each dungeon run takes only a couple of minutes or so to end. In just a few minutes, you can find yourself unable to obtain additional flesh parts due to having a full inventory.

You can always opt to consider automatically dismantling inferior parts before the start of a dungeon run, but then if you want to ensure that no flesh parts are discarded that could be better than what you have equipped, then the choice is to dismantle them back at home.

The dismantle option can be found at the last tab of the hero menu and you should regularly visit it to ensure that you always have ample free space in your bag. Flesh parts dismantled earns you crafting materials that you can use to create flesh parts of specific monsters as well as potions to aid you in challenging battles.

Every monster part you dismantle also contributes to the research journal that you can access via the “Log” icon at the upper right side of the screen. Progress is determined by percentages and once you have dismantled enough parts of the specific monster, you can start crafting its parts given that you have the necessary amount of the crafting materials needed.

Keep in mind that while crafting flesh parts are specific to the monster you chose, the actual part will be randomized. More often than not, though, the parts you receive are better than the ones you can obtain through the current dungeon you are engaging. Completing a dungeon also increases the level of parts you can craft, which is always higher than the ones you typically obtain from monsters you kill.

As far as potions go, it is always best to craft and use them only for critical battles like the end boss in the tenth level of the dungeon, boss battles, or even a tough opponent in the PvP arena. Considering that the same resource materials are needed to craft flesh parts and potions, it is best to limit usage of potions so you can craft better parts for your hero. Each potion you craft adds a counter that levels up the potion’s potency once completely filled, except for the Purify Potion, which is at max potency once you unlock it.

New potions become available for crafting once you cleared a dungeon. There is a limit as well to the potions you can carry at one time and the first 3 available in battle are randomized as well. For battles that require specific potions, it is best to keep fewer variety of potions in your bag to ensure that the one you need is available exactly when you need them.

5. Remember To Check Your Equipment And Glove Companion

On top of the Hybrid Hero being armed with monster parts that provide various passive abilities, attack and HP stats that can easily be enhanced, free buffs, and various potions to utilize in combat, Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord still has more to offer under its sleeve to further strengthen your hero. These are equipment that further boosts the hero’s stats and the different gloves that accompany you in your adventures.

One of the unique features of Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord is that you basically equip yourself with different monster body parts comparable to how conventional RPG heroes equip themselves with gears.

This may initially lead beginners to think that there are no gears arm your hero with especially since equipment cannot be obtained from dungeon runs. The hero can, however, arm himself with a weapon, shield, ring, and pendant each with its own stat boost provided as well as sub stats to unlock.

Weapons increase attack while shields increase defense. Necklaces boost critical chance while rings up critical damage. Equipment also have a rarity system, which determines the amount of boost they provide. Like flesh parts, equipment can also be dismantled to obtain enhancement materials.

Enhancement materials needed increases and enhancement success rate goes down as the enhancement level goes up. With the scarcity of resources and diminishing success probabilities, it is best to be very selective when it comes to enhancing equipment. For starters, limit them only to at least rare-grade items. Every 3 successful upgrades unlock a sub-stat for the equipment. These sub-stats are randomized as well.

Through the store within the equipment menu, you can obtain free equipment once every hour by watching a 5 to 30-second video ad. You can get common, uncommon, or rare-grade equipment with a 10% chance on the rare-grade ones. Through quests and accomplishments as well, you can obtain tickets that you can use to purchase extra ones.

There is also a premium lottery if you scroll down within the equipment store. Each purchase costs 300 gems but can net you rare, epic, or even legendary equipment. This is what we recommend you save your gems for and shift across the different equipment types once you secure at least an epic-grade gear for one equipment type.

It’s easy to assume that Dr. Hand, the glove companion you have at the start of your adventure will stay the same all throughout the journey. If you glanced upon its icon at the bottom of the home screen, then you should discover that there is an entire set of enhancement features for your companion.

Dr. Glove can have different skins, each with its own rarity grade and added perks. Each glove has benefits unlocked once you own them, and a unique buff when equipped. You can obtain different Dr. Hand skins from special boxes that you can purchase from the page for 100 gems each. These special boxes can also be earned as rewards from defeating bosses in special dungeons.

Each glove can be synthesize to make them stronger and sport a different look after obtaining enough duplicates of the skin. Each one can also be enhanced using thread and some gold. For efficiency’s sake, you should only invest in gloves that are at least rare-graded.

6. Venture Through Each Unlocked Game Mode

Although cycling between dungeon runs and various enhancement activities can already consume a lot of your free time as a result of the game’s addictive appeal, more game modes can be unlocked under the special dungeons.

One of the reasons you need to continuously strive to progress through the dungeons is that the rest of the special game modes are locked behind levels of dungeons you beat. Being able to access the extra game modes sooner means gaining opportunities to earn extra rewards sooner as well.

The first special dungeon you can unlock is the gold dungeon, which can earn you large sums of gold for all your enhancement needs. Keys are needed for each attempt and beating one unlocks a higher level. Gold dungeons are all about offensive strength and you will not be attacked by the treasure chest that you need to extinguish.

You will earn gold regardless of your performance but the best rewards come from when you successfully beat a level. Note that gold dungeon levels cycle through different elemental affinities so if you can afford to, equip a weapon that has strong damage on the treasure chest’s element.

The PvP Arena leaves you 5 attempts daily to challenge other players to earn honor points as well as climb the ranks. You can check the stat difference between your hero and the opponent you wish to challenge. Note that you will always have an advantage in the arena since battles are not done in real time. It’s basically auto mode for both warriors and you can secure an advantage if you use potions. You can use honor points earned to exchange for different resources and items at the store.

There are 3 elemental bosses to unlock and contend with under the special dungeons as well. These boss battles are tough and have different levels as well. Beating the first level earns you a ton of rewards and unlocks the next one as well.

There are no real penalties for losing a fight with any of these bosses unless you consumed potions and still lost the battle. You cannot fight the same boss within the same level after you beat them within the day.

As a trick, consider both you and the boss’ health bars during the fight. If the boss loses HP faster than your hero does, then you can certainly win the battle. If its vice versa but the gap is not that much, then you can invest in potions for the battle. Be sure to have sufficient remaining time across all your buffs during these critical fights as well.

7. Accomplish Quests And Achievements For Extra Rewards

There are a lot of items and resources that you can earn with regular active playing but more can still be claimed by accomplishing daily quests and achievement objectives. You can access the list of quest and claim rewards through the “Quest” icon at the upper left side of the home screen.

Daily quests and achievements are segregated by different tabs. Bothe these sets of objectives directly relate to the usual activities you engage in within and outside of battles, which means that all objectives can be accomplished normally.

Daily quests are easy enough to accomplish and you can clear some objectives without even trying. Gems are up for grabs for each objective you clear so let the list serve as your guide early on and ensure that you get the most out of it on a daily basis.

Achievements, on the other hand, serve as milestones you reach and reflect your overall progression on different aspects of the game. Some of these feats take a while to accomplish and a higher level one typically replaces the task you completed. With gems as a constant reward for each achievement, it is best to take a peek into each task to identify which ones you need to work more on.

Relative to quests, there are missions that appear one at a time in your home. It may be hard to notice at first but it is right under the floor where Dr. Hand walks on. These are simple feats that earn you gems upon completion. It is best to accomplish the mission at hand and claim the gems to display the next one.

It can happen that succeeding missions will already appear accomplished if you have performed the feat prior to seeing the mission earlier in the day. Rushing between dungeon runs and enhancements can easily make you forget about these missions so make it a habit to check on it every once in a while.

8. Take Advantage Of Ad Boosts

We already went through the benefits of watching video ads in Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord early on. The first was the 10-minute buffs that can tremendously improve your performance in dungeons that extend to other game modes as well. As far as free equipment are concerned as well, playing an ad once every hour also covers a steady supply of it. Beyond these 2 valuable benefits, there are more opportunities to play video ads in the game to hasten your progression.

Given that Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord is entirely free to play, it can be expected that ads play an integral part in keeping it available for everyone to enjoy indefinitely. While claiming gems as a reward for milestones in the research journal will play ads without added benefits, the rest of the video ads you will see are totally voluntary. You can very much skip all of it, but the added incentives they carry are truly hard to ignore, especially if you are raring to progress faster in your journey.

One of the most frequent opportunity to play video ads is after completing a dungeon run. Regardless of whether you beat all 10 dungeon levels or not, you will earn gold and you can instantly triple the amount you can get if you choose to play a video ad. It can be a little difficult to notice early on but there is a reward icon at the top of the home screen.

This is an idle income of sorts that generate gold over time, regardless of whether or not you are online playing. You can instantly claim the accumulated amount of gold or triple it through playing a short ad. Once every 30 minutes as well, you can claim free gems from the store after playing a 5 to 30-second video ad.

That ends our beginner’s guide for Hybrid Warrior:Dungeon of the Overlord. Hopefully, the tips, tricks and strategies we shared with you has left you with more knowledge on how to progress through your dungeon adventures more efficiently. If you have spent some time playing the game and stumbled upon something we failed to uncover, feel free to tell us about it!
