Das Dragon Quest-Franchise, das es seit über 3 Jahrzehnten gibt, ist nach wie vor bei RPG-Enthusiasten sowie Manga- und Anime-Liebhabern gleichermaßen beliebt, und die Spinoff-Serie Dragon Quest:The Adventure of Dai gilt als eine der meistverkauften Manga-Serien von Shonen Jump aller Zeiten, was zu einer zweiten Anime-Serienadaption sowie mehreren Videospielen führte.
Fans der Franchise können sich mit Square Enix und DeNAs Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds, das sowohl für iOS- als auch für Android-Plattformen erhältlich ist, auf ein großartiges Vergnügen freuen. Das Spiel nimmt dich mit auf einzigartige Abenteuer, die eine Mischung aus der Geschichte des Mangas sowie eine völlig neue Reise bieten.

Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds bietet eine fesselnde und fesselnde Geschichte, die sich perfekt in seinen Kunststil einfügt. Wie jedes andere Dragon Quest-Spiel machen es die intuitive Steuerung und die Grundmechaniken zu einem relativ einfachen Spiel, und sowohl Anfänger als auch Veteranen im RPG-Genre können leicht von seinem unverwechselbar süchtig machenden Gameplay süchtig werden.
Das Bahnsystem und die Third-Person-Perspektive vermitteln ein bisschen Endlos-Runner-Atmosphäre, aber die Reaktionszeiten und Entscheidungsaufrufe im Kampf bieten eine abwechslungsreichere Herausforderung. Die Strategieplanung beschränkt sich nicht nur auf den Kampf, sondern erstreckt sich auch darauf, wie du dein Team zusammenstellst, die Fähigkeiten jedes Mitglieds und seine Ausrüstung.

Trotz seines Anteils an einzigartigen Konzepten folgt Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds der üblichen Dragon Quest-Spielessenz, die es selbst Anfängern leicht macht, die grundlegenden Steuerelemente und Funktionen des Spiels gut zu verstehen. Strategische Strategien werden jedoch mit jedem Schritt vorwärts auf deiner Reise wichtiger, und der richtige Beginn deines Abenteuers kann bei jedem Schritt einen enormen Einfluss haben.
Wenn Sie gerade in die Welt von Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero's Bonds eingetaucht sind und Ihren Abenteurer und Ihre Helden so schnell wie möglich aufsteigen lassen möchten, haben wir genau das Richtige für Sie, denn unser Leitfaden für Anfänger enthält eine Fülle von Tipps. Tricks und Strategien!
1. Reroll for the Best Gears
Während Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds sicherstellt, dass jeder verfügbare Held im Spiel von den Spielern durch natürlichen Fortschritt erlangt werden kann, bleibt Abenteurern immer noch ein Gacha-System für zusätzliche Spannung und Abwechslung. Anstelle von Charakteren werden Sie in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds jedoch nach Zahnrädern suchen. Während Ausrüstung auch von deinen Abenteuern erhalten werden kann, können höherwertige nur von den Gacha-Zügen beschafft werden.
Für komplette Neulinge im Gaming ist Gacha eine Spielmechanik, die von einem Spielzeugautomatenspender abgeleitet ist, der zufällige Gegenstände ausgibt. Es wird häufig in Handyspielen als ein System verwendet, bei dem Glück und Wahrscheinlichkeit sozusagen Ihren Preis bestimmen. Gacha-Systeme in Handyspielen erfordern oft die Ausgabe von Premium-Währung, die im Vergleich zu regulärer Währung nicht so einfach zu verdienen und zu farmen ist.

Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds bietet Spielern, wie die meisten Gacha-basierten Spiele, eine Möglichkeit, mehr als genug Ressourcen zu erhalten, um zu Beginn des Abenteuers ein paar 10-fache Züge aus dem Gacha durchzuführen. Diese Gelegenheit, frühe Gacha-Würfe auszuführen, führt zu einer Art beliebtem Exploit, das wiederholt wird.
Wenn Sie zu den Uneingeweihten gehören, bezieht sich Rerolling einfach auf den Akt, Ihre erste Reihe von Gacha-Zügen zu durchlaufen. Dies bedeutet im Wesentlichen, dass Sie Ihr Abenteuer von vorne beginnen, wenn Ihre ersten Züge nicht zufriedenstellend genug sind, und den Prozess so oft wie möglich durchlaufen, bis Sie die besten Züge landen.
Dies ist natürlich nicht notwendig und Sie können in Ihrem Abenteuer immer gute Fortschritte machen, unabhängig davon, welche Ausrüstung Sie aus Ihrer ersten Gacha-Erfahrung erhalten. Wenn du zu den Spielern gehörst, die sich lieber gleich durch das Abenteuer ackern und keine Lust auf Fortschrittsrücksetzungen haben, dann kannst du diesen Teil komplett überspringen.
Rerolling bietet jedoch nicht nur für den frühen Teil Ihrer Reise einen enormen Schub, sondern auch für die Inhalte in der Mitte und am Ende des Spiels. Sie können 2- bis 4-Sterne-Zahnräder aus dem Gacha erhalten, mit geringeren Chancen auf höherwertige Gegenstände.

Obwohl jeder 4-Sterne-Gegenstand sicherlich etwas zu schätzen ist, ziehen wir es vor, zuerst auf Waffen zu setzen, insbesondere auf solche, die Ihre ersten Charaktere schnell einsetzen können. In Anbetracht der Pull-Raten und -Wahrscheinlichkeiten verleiht das Sicherstellen einer 4-Sterne-Ausrüstung oder 2, bevor Sie mit Ihrem Abenteuer fortfahren, Ihrer Gruppe einen enormen Schub
Bevor Sie erneut würfeln können, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie beim Betreten des Spiels ein Gastkonto verwenden. Die erste Lerneinheit ist schnell und einfach. Sobald Sie in der Lage sind, auf eigene Faust frei zu erkunden, sollten Sie über das Symbol auf der linken Seite des Hauptbildschirms oder die Registerkarte „Veränderter Altar“ zur Geschenkbox gehen. Es gibt Vorregistrierungsgeschenke, die Sie sofort erhalten können, darunter über 6.000 blaue Edelsteine.
Da Sie 3.000 blaue Edelsteine benötigen, um einen 10-fachen Gacha-Abzug von der Schatzsuche durchzuführen, auf die Sie auf der unteren rechten Seite des Bildschirms zugreifen können, haben Sie eine ausreichende Menge, um 2 10-fache Abzüge durchzuführen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, 2 oder mehr 4-Sterne-Zahnräder von der Gacha zu erwerben, ist höchst unwahrscheinlich, aber immer noch möglich. Mindestens 2 4-Sterne-Waffen zu haben, um deine Reise zu beginnen, ist ein einfaches Ziel.

Wenn dir die Ausrüstung gefällt, die du bei deinen ersten 2 10-fachen Gacha-Zügen erhältst, dann kannst du endlich mit deinem Abenteuer fortfahren. Für die Sicherheit Ihres Reisefortschritts sollten Sie Ihren Spielfortschritt entweder mit Ihrer Gmail- oder Apple-ID verknüpfen. Sie können auf das Hauptmenü über das Symbol unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm zugreifen. Innerhalb der Menüseite können Sie nach unten scrollen, um die Schaltfläche „Konto verwalten“ zu finden, und wenn Sie darauf klicken, können Sie Ihren Spielfortschritt ganz einfach mit einem bestehenden Konto verknüpfen.
Wenn Sie andererseits mit Ihren ersten Zügen aus der Schatzsuche Pech haben, können Sie zum Hauptmenü gehen und im Fenster „Konto verwalten“ auf „Spieldaten löschen“ klicken. Dies wird Ihnen einen Neuanfang ermöglichen und Sie werden erneut die anfängliche Tutorial-Sitzung durchlaufen. Sie müssen die Geschenke erneut einfordern und 10x Gacha-Züge aus der Schatzsuche durchführen.
2. Wechseln Sie durch die verschiedenen Story-Modi
Anstatt Abenteurer einfach auf eine Hauptstory-Kampagne vorzubereiten, bietet Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds ein Trio von Story-Kampagnen mit seinem Hauptspielmodus. Der Story-Modus ist im Grunde in 3 separate Kampagnen unterteilt und anstatt sich auf eine von ihnen zu konzentrieren, empfiehlt es sich, sie zu durchlaufen und die einfachste verfügbare Quest nacheinander anzunehmen.

The Dragon Tracks erinnert an die klassische Geschichte, mit der Fans von Dragon Quest:The Adventure of Dai sehr vertraut sind, während Bonding Journey eine völlig neue Geschichte ist, die exklusiv in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds enthalten ist. Es gibt auch Charakterquests mit eigenen Episoden und Belohnungen.
Die Story-Spielmodi in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds bestehen nicht ausschließlich aus Kampfphasen. Tatsächlich handelt es sich bei etwa der Hälfte oder mehr um Episodenszenarien, in denen Sie Zwischensequenzen ansehen oder überspringen und blaue Edelsteine als Belohnung erhalten können. Sie können davon ausgehen, dass die empfohlenen Leistungsstufen von einer Episode zur nächsten steigen, aber es gibt einige Fälle, in denen sie stattdessen niedriger werden, möglicherweise weil Sie nicht in der Lage sein werden, ein vollständiges Team auf diese Mission zu nehmen.

Es gibt auch Zwischen- und Fortgeschrittenenversionen der Kampfepisoden Dragon Tracks und Bonding Journey, die einfach verstärkte Versionen des Anfängermodus sind. Der Fortschritt auf Dragon Tracks schaltet im Wesentlichen die restlichen Features des Spiels sowie andere Episoden auf Bonding Journey frei.
Sie werden natürlich in Situationen geraten, in denen die aktuelle Gesamtleistung Ihres Teams unter dem empfohlenen Niveau für die aktuelle Phase liegt. In such cases, you can still make it through if the gap is not that big but early on, you should instead consider to switch to another game mode to earn resources and strengthen your party.

Beyond the regular drop, there are also first time completion rewards to earn on every battle stage. Take note that these first time completion rewards are dependent on the accomplishment of stage missions. Be sure to look into the targets before the battle and earn the full rating of 3 stars as much as you can.
If impossible, you can always secure a 3-star victory at a later time as what is more important as far as stamina consumption is concerned is tor progress with the story. Aside from item drops, valuable earnings also include EXP for your heroes, for the adventurer level, as well as the bond levels.
3. Do Not Always Rely On Auto Mode
The auto mode that has become prevalent on a lot of action RPGs on mobile led to a somewhat divided opinion on the feature’s existence. On one hand, it certainly makes adventuring convenient as you can simply lay back and watch as your character or characters move and act on their own with absolutely no effort from you. On the other hand, some RPG enthusiasts content that it takes playing off the board and renders the gameplay boring.
For us, however, it is all a matter of how you utilize a game’s auto mode. There is certainly no harm in using it but relying on it exclusively is certainly not the way to go. The auto mode in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds is not that bad, but it is not that great either.

The heroes move forward consistently, attacking enemies they encounter and using special skills as they become available. However, auto mode seems to lack proficiently in switching across lanes and timing attacks as well as skill activations.
It is expected of most beginners to actually feel that they are ill-equipped early on in the adventure. Auto mode can appear to perform better than complete newbies but that is definitely not the case. Even if you are a beginner, you can surely perform better than auto mode. With a bit more experience that you earn from actual combat, you are bound to improve reaction times and timing as well.
Using auto mode, you will most likely lose in battle if your team’s power level is lower than the recommended power level of the stage in question. If you choose to go with manual controls, then there is a big possibility of breaking through stages that have higher power level requirements than what your team has.

This is especially true in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds given the unique mechanics in combat. Breaking the enemy’s defense is very important to knock them back or even disable them temporarily. While luck may allow auto mode to time special attacks within the break period, you are more likely to be able to pull it off more consistently.
The timing as well that applies to ending breaks, guarding, or stepping back can be a lot better on your own compared to auto mode. These instances will not just spell the difference in efficiency between manual play and auto mode. In a lot of cases, it can be the cost of losing a battle that you can win with a little bit of effort.
4. Perform Upgrades Sparingly
Leveling up your heroes as a means to earn more power for them as well as for the team is actually something you hardly need to worry about in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds. Characters you use in combat earn sufficient EXP and you will always feel that your team grows in strength every step of the way.

Each new level reached comes with stat boosts but every hero has an initial level cap that you need to be aware of. The level cap can be increased through the “Board” feature along with other power-ups that raise the stats and power levels of each hero.
You can access the Board through the “Upgrade – Manage” icon at the lower left side of the screen. The Ally Board leads to separate boards for the other characters while the Vocation Board holds 4 distinct boards for the different roles or classes your character can take on. Boards are laid out as interconnected panels where unlocking one leads to another.

Different types of panels have different material requirements to be activated and materials can be gathered from story quests or challenges. It is important to note that you do not necessarily need to activate every panel. Each set of panels will have a rank-up panel that you should aim to activate as this will increase the hero or vocation’s level cap. The first level of the new level cap will then be key to unlocking the next set of board panels.
Most panels require materials that are standard across all boards, be it for the main hero or your allies. This will naturally lead to always needing more materials than what you already have and decision points that border on which board to invest those resources in. Focusing on one vocation as well as one ally is a good start, but there will certainly be instances when you have to utilize other vocations and allies.
What actually makes the main hero very valuable is the innate ability to switch vocations, leading to the potential of filling the gap based on the team’s differing needs in their journey. You are likely to have invested heavily enough in the hero vocation before even considering to use any of the other vocations. As a balanced build, it is a solid investment and you should continue to prioritize it over other vocations. Just the same, capping a level on one vocation or having a great need to take on a different role makes it important to have a second vocation with some level and board upgrades.

As far as allies go, the first 3 companions you will recruit are not bad at all. Each one has a unique set of skills and class, ensuring a cohesive team that can take on all sorts of challenges. Beyond elemental affinities that affect each unit’s performance in battle, however, some battle stages have restrictions when it comes to your team’s roster, forcing you to switch members for your teams. Because of these restrictions, you have to invest in other characters instead of focusing on the 3 you consistently use.
In any case, there are events and challenges that have no restrictions at all as to which characters you want to have on your team. You would naturally have a main team with the strongest units and that would mean the ones with the biggest investments in their boards. For the rest of the heroes you only switch in when you have to, then a regulated investment in their boards is recommended.
Keep in mind that allies that join you later than others may have boards that actually have more panels in them. This results in some characters actually having bigger potential for growth. To be safe, keep a good supply of the resource materials for when you recruit new allies. The best time to choose from among them which ones to focus on should come after you have recruited everyone.

Weapons and armors as well as soul crystals you can equip on heroes can be removed and swapped across them with ease. The kind of gears each one can equip depends on their class, making it easy as well to utilize the auto equip function. Each piece of gear can be upgraded using weapon and armor ores and have an initial level cap of 15.
Through evolution, which can be done up to 4 times, a gear’s level cap can be increased to level 35. Evolution requires sacrificing a duplicate of the specific weapon or armor, making it extra challenging to evolve 4-star weapons and armor.
As far as weapon and armor upgrades go, you should invest not only in 4-star gears but 3-star ones as well. You will come to discover that since it is easier to obtain 3-star gears, you can more easily evolve them and rank them up to become stronger than their 4-star counterparts. With limitations on resources, it will also be wise to focus on one item of each type, ensuring that every class in your party has a best set of gears for them to use in battle.

Along with weapons and armor, skills can also be obtained from your gacha pulls in the treasure hunt. These come as skill cards you can use to upgrade existing skills your heroes have. As there are no other resources needed to enhance skills that can be used for other purposes, you should not hesitate to upgrade skills as the opportunity becomes available.
5. Manage Equipped Soul Crystals Well
The Soul Crystal feature in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds is an innovative way of customizing each character. Soul crystals can be obtained from different quests and there is a separate banner for it in the treasure hunt. Although we recommend spending your initial mass of blue crystals on gears instead, you will need to invest in obtaining soul crystals at some point.

Each soul crystal comes with its own rarity grade as well and offers unique set of stats for each character. Initially, each hero will only be able to equip 1 soul crystal but higher soul bond levels will ultimately lead to being able to equip a maximum of 2 soul crystals. You can freely equip any soul crystal on any hero but the stat combinations each one provides are not as equally viable across different units.
Beyond the unique stat boosts, each soul crystal also comes with its soul type indicated by the colored crystals you see on it. Soul crystals of the same color lead to an increase in resonance, which can go all the way to 100% and a higher rate of resonance means a bigger boost in stats for the character.

Soul crystals can also be upgraded using crystal polish and instead of simply focusing upgrades on 4-star soul crystals, you should consider soul crystals that have a high resonance rate with the ones you use as well. The initial level cap of upgrades on soul crystals is 20 but you can increase it through channeling.

Channeling, however, requires soul crystal shards and gold and the former is not as easy to obtain. You can opt to convert some extra soul crystals to resources, which can include soul crystal shards.
6. Take On Event And Challenge Quests Regularly
The story modes in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds are certainly more than sufficient to fill every player’s need for action and adventure. With an in-game stamina delimiting some battles you can engage in, it is more likely that you will run out of energy quickly and will have to take long breaks from adventuring after about an hour of adventuring.
Beyond the story campaigns, however, Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds provides a couple more of game modes players can revel in and some of these do not consume stamina at all.
You can take on various challenges and event modes lodged within the “Event” icon on the main screen. Challenges help get you more of the usual resources you need to keep strengthening your characters while events are time-limited mini adventures that let you acquire unique rewards every step of the way.

We recommend prioritizing story game modes to unlock the rest of the game’s content like the challenge stages. Once you have unlocked the challenge stages, though, you should ensure that the daily stock of tickets you have for separate runs are consumed within the day. Beating a challenge stage unlocks a higher level one. Tickets, however, apply across all levels so you should push to conquer the next level difficulty as much as you can.
The Growth Trial earns your party a lot of EXP and is certainly something you would want to take on ahead of everything else within and outside the challenges. You only have 1 ticket to spend on this challenge so be sure to take on the highest challenge level you can beat.
The Equipment Upgrade Trial and Gold Acquisition Trials are also important as you will never run out of needs for either set of resources. Like the Growth Trial, you only get 1 ticket for each challenge so be sure to consume each ticket every day.

The remaining trials all relate to board upgrades and you only get 2 tickets each day to spend however you like across the 5 different trials. Each one provides a different set of rewards. You may want to take a peek into your priority boards first. Identifying the specific board upgrade materials you need more than others is important as boards are built in such a way that you will not be able to unlock panels just because you have the resources.
As you will need to activate panels to get to others, you should constantly take note of resources you are missing in advance and focus on stocking up on them through the proper trials.
While progressing through the main story campaigns is still what we consider as top priority, you should also spare some stamina to dedicate to progressing time-limited events. There are plenty of rewards to earn from these special events that are difficult to obtain anywhere else and you can expect the top rewards to be exclusively obtainable here as well.
Special events appear very much like story game modes, which means that there are story stages to watch after each battle stage that earns you valuable blue gems.
7. Accomplish Missions For Extra Rewards
The host of game modes available for you to revel in as you venture within the world of Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds provide an ample supply of resources. Surely enough, you will always be needing more than what you have but that is among the essences of what makes adventuring in an RPG enticing. You will constantly feel bits of improvement in your heroes and your team every step of the way but extra opportunities to earn more rewards are certainly appreciated.
Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds provides players with easy opportunities to earn extra resources through the missions feature. There are Daily Missions, Event Missions, and Normal Missions to accomplish for exclusive rewards. Beyond the extra freebies, these missions ought to be considered as a guide towards progression as well as browsing through each one’s set of targets can help you identify aspects of the game you may be missing out on.

Daily missions are expectedly the easiest of the bunch and regular gameplay, even for just a few minutes. Guarantees the fulfillment of all set objectives. All mission targets directly relate to what you would normally engage in and you will find that you can accomplish several of them without knowing the specific requirements.
You should keep an eye out for event missions as these are tied up to time-limited events. This means that you can only accomplish these missions within the duration of the event and the rewards you get from these missions are often more valuable than the rest.
Normal missions are basically achievement objectives and lines up targets aligned with standard progression. Some normal mission objectives take time to complete and that is okay. What you would want to do is to look into ones you are close to accomplishing and push for them as well as take note of the targets you have little to no progress on achieving.

Relative to missions, be sure to visit the Beginner Missions at the upper left side of the main screen. Most especially for beginners, these missions basically walk you through how you should make progress in Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds. These are essentially limited missions in the sense that it goes away once you complete all the targets but there are no time limits as to how soon you have to accomplish them.
There are 3 sets of beginner missions with 9 panels on each one. Clearing an objective in a panel earns you instant rewards and clearing the whole set grants you 3,000 blue gems, which is basically a free 10x gacha roll. Even though there are no time limits imposed on beginner missions, you should certainly pursue each target as fast as you can as earning those rewards sooner than later will tremendously boost the way you progress through your subsequent adventures.
8. Take Advantage Of Added Freebies
Daily Login Rewards are a common incentive in mobile games and is an added enticement for adventurers to regularly dive into the game. In Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds, there are even more incentives available for players who dive in on a daily basis and if you want to progress as fast as possible in your journey, then you should never miss out on any of these added perks. Some can be claimed instantly while a couple will have you play a short ad. Each one is certainly worth the small effort.

The limited stamina you have is based on your adventurer level and you will quickly realize how easy it is to deplete your stock of energy. You replenish 1 stamina every 6 minutes and there are items you can use to replenish stamina. Likewise, you can also watch a 5 to 25-second video ad to earn 10 stamina up to twice per day. You can simply tap on the “+” button beside your stamina to see ways on how to have more.

Within the treasure hunt, be sure to claim free pulls from both the soul hunt and the normal treasure hunt. Do not underestimate these free pulls as you can also obtain 4-star gears and soul crystals from these banners.
Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds also holds a Video Bonus Treasure Hunt where you can watch a short video ad to earn random resource materials 2x per day. You are likely to secure skip tickets here and you will always want to have more of these tickets when replaying stages you have already conquered.

The developers promise to provide even more content for the game via future updates, with that said, this is where we wrap up our Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai:A Hero’s Bonds beginner’s guide. We hope that you learned a great deal from our collection of tips we shared and that you can readily apply what you have learned in your adventures moving forward.
If you have chanced upon some nifty tricks in addition to what we have already covered or simply want to share your experiences with the game, be sure to drop us a line in the comments!