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League of Pantheons Anfängerleitfaden:Tipps, Tricks und Strategien, um mächtige Helden zu beschwören und deine Feinde zu überlisten

Als neuer Beschwörer in der Welt der Liga der Pantheons , besteht Ihre Aufgabe darin, Verträge mit himmlischen, übernatürlichen Wesen zu schließen. Diese Helden verleihen dir ihre Macht und bringen dir Ruhm und Reichtum auf dem Schlachtfeld. Zusammen mit deinen Gefährten kannst du die Geheimnisse im Herzen der Welt lüften und jeden Feind besiegen, der sich dir in den Weg stellt!

Ein weiterer Eintrag im Auto-Battler-Genre, League of Pantheons, ist einfach, aber charmant mit einer Ästhetik im Anime-Stil. Eine einfache, aber süchtig machende Gameplay-Schleife dient dazu, Sie in Ihre Helden zu investieren, und eine optimierte Mechanik bedeutet, dass alle Informationen, die Sie benötigen, nur einen Knopfdruck entfernt sind. League of Pantheons ist sowohl im Google Play Store als auch im App Store erhältlich.

Anders als viele Auto-Battler verwendet League of Pantheons im Kampf ein rundenbasiertes System. Dieses System bedeutet, dass League of Pantheons im Vergleich zu anderen ähnlichen Spielen andere Nuancen und Spielstile aufweist – obwohl es im Kern immer noch einfach und leicht genug für jeden ist, es zu erlernen. Für diejenigen, die jedoch nach einem zusätzlichen Vorteil suchen oder sich etwas verloren fühlen, haben wir einen umfassenden League of Pantheons-Anfängerleitfaden zusammengestellt um Ihnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern.


Helden sind das Herz und die Seele des Spiels, daher wird es Ihnen sehr helfen, Ihre Helden in- und auswendig kennenzulernen. Sie brauchen sowohl edle als auch bescheidene Helden, um die Herausforderungen auf Ihrem Weg zu meistern. Versammelt aus den Reihen mythischer Halbgötter und höherer Wesen, bringt jeder Held etwas auf den Tisch, und Sie sollten so viele von ihnen wie möglich versammeln.

Mehr Helden bekommen

Wie die meisten mobilen RPGs verwendet League of Pantheons ein Gacha-System, um neue Helden zu rollen. Derzeit gibt es drei Möglichkeiten, Helden zu beschwören.

Einfache Beschwörung erfordert Einfache Beschwörungsschriftrollen. Diese Schriftrollen können mit Gold im Elfenladen gekauft werden. Die Tatsache, dass Sie sie mit Gold kaufen können, bedeutet jedoch, dass Sie wirklich nicht erwarten sollten, etwas Auffälliges von diesem Gacha zu bekommen. Einfache Beschwörungen werden aus dem gesamten Pool von Heroes gezogen, von 1 Stern bis zu 5 Sternen.

Auf dem Papier bedeutet dies, dass Sie mit dieser Methode Elite-Helden erhalten können. In der Praxis werden Sie viele Helden mit geringer Seltenheit bekommen. Und auf der positiven Seite waren die Entwickler so freundlich, die Preise zu veröffentlichen.

Verwandt: Rangliste der League of Pantheons:Ein vollständiger Leitfaden zu den besten Helden im Spiel

Für einfache Beschwörungen sind es 53 % für 1 Stern, 36 % für 2 Sterne, 9,1 % für 3 Sterne, 1,5 % für 4 Sterne und 0,4 % für 5 Sterne. Auf der positiven Seite ist Gold nicht schwer zu bekommen und man erhält gelegentlich kostenlose Basisbeschwörungen – Überprüfen Sie das Banner, um zu sehen, ob Sie einen Gratiszug einlösen können.

Große Beschwörung oder Erweiterte Beschwörung verwendet eine der seltenen erweiterten Beschwörungsschriftrollen oder häufiger Edelsteine, um Helden aus einem engeren Pool zu ziehen. Und dieser engere Pool ist ziemlich gut – Fortgeschrittene Beschwörung zieht nur 3 – 5-Sterne-Helden an, mit einer Chance von 80 %/15 %/5 % für 3/4/5-Sterne-Helden. Andererseits können Sie diese Schriftrollen nicht kaufen, da sie normalerweise als Fortschrittsbelohnungen vergeben werden. Es kostet 220 Edelsteine ​​pro Ziehung an diesem Banner oder 2000 Edelsteine ​​für 10 Ziehungen. Sie wissen, was zu tun ist.

Freunde beschwören Verwenden Sie Freundespunkte, um aus einem Pool von 2-5-Sterne-Helden zu ziehen. Die Preise betragen 35,5 % für 2 Sterne, 50 % für 3 Sterne, 13,5 % für 4 Sterne und 1 % für 5 Sterne. Diese Raten bedeuten, dass eine gute Anzahl von Helden, die Sie hier ziehen, 3-Sterne-Helden sein werden. Diese Helden sind nicht die besten, aber sie werden dir zumindest helfen, durch die Kampagne voranzukommen, damit du mehr Ressourcen erhalten kannst. Das Beste an Friend Summons ist, dass sich alle gegenseitig hinzufügen, um mehr Freundschaftspunkte zu erhalten. Es ist eine Art spielweite, stille Eintracht.

Heldensplitter kann verwendet werden, um Helden herzustellen. Diese gibt es entweder in bestimmten Heldensplittern, die dir den Helden auf ihrem Symbol geben, oder in zufälligen Splittern, mit denen du für einen zufälligen Helden dieser Seltenheit würfeln kannst. Um einen Helden herzustellen, tippe im unteren Infofeld auf Tasche und gehe dann zu Scherben.

Wenn Sie schon dabei sind, überprüfen Sie unbedingt das Profil der 5-Sterne-Helden, die Sie im Bibliotheksmenü erhalten. Um dorthin zu gelangen, gehen Sie zu Heroes und dann zur Bibliothek . Helden, die von Natur aus 5-Sterne-Helden sind, haben ein kurzes Geschwätz in ihren Profilen, aber was wir wirklich hier wollen, sind die kostenlosen 100 Edelsteine, die von ihren Lore-Seiten kommen!


Nachdem Sie Ihre Ressourcen verbraucht oder sich entschieden haben aufzuhören, weil Sie keine 5-Sterne-Helden bekommen, sollten Sie sich die Helden ansehen, die Sie haben. Auf einen Blick haben Helden 4 Grundstatistiken in ihrem Infofeld.

Angriff (das Schwert) bestimmt den Angriffsschaden eines Helden.

Verteidigung (der Schild) bestimmt die eingehende Schadensreduzierung.

Gesundheit (das Herz) ist ein Maß dafür, wie viel Schaden ein Held erleiden kann.

Geschwindigkeit (der Stiefel) bestimmt die Zugreihenfolge im Kampf.

Zusätzlich zu diesen gibt es auch mehrere detailliertere Statistiken, die Sie finden können, indem Sie auf das Fragezeichen im Statistikfeld tippen.

Crit rate and crit damage show the chance of landing a critical hit and what the damage multiplier of a critical hit are, respectively. A crit damage of 160% means that crits will be doing roughly 1.6x damage.

Control and control res represent a hero’s chance of inflicting or shunting status ailments, respectively.

Crit res is the chance to deflect a critical hit.

Hit is a hero’s base accuracy.

Dodge is the chance o avoid an attack.

Heal and healed affect outgoing and incoming heals, respectively.

DMG Bonus is a percent-based bonus to all outgoing damage. Separate from these are PDMG and MDMG , which are exclusive bonuses to either physical or magical damage dealt. On the flip side, PDMG RES and MDMG RES are a percent-based incoming damage reduction from either physical or magical sources.

Hero Skills

Every hero has a set of skills that they use in combat. Oftentimes, these skills also determine what role a hero plays in their team’s composition.

Since League of Pantheons uses a turn-based combat system, skills have cooldowns measured in turns . In addition to this, there’s also a trigger that determines what turn they will first use their skill. A hero will always use their skill on the turn of its trigger – if it says turn 1, the hero will use that skill on turn 1 if they are able to. After this, the cooldown will apply.

This system allows you to set up strategies with skill triggers in mind. Want a turn 1 overload of AOE damage? A first turn spent buffing followed by a punishing second turn? If you can envision it, a team of heroes can probably do it.


Each hero also has its own element. Each element has its own weakness, and receives 25% more damage and is 20% easier to hit with its weakness. The weakness chart has two sections:

  • Fire is strong against wind, wind is strong against water, water is strong against fire.
  • Light and dark are weak against each other.

Beefing Up Your Pantheon Of Heroes

Now that you have your hopefully shiny and raring-to-go heroes, you’ll need to make them stronger before they can embark on any great journeys.

Leveling And Advancement

Leveling and advancing heroes is by far the easiest way to make your heroes stronger. You can level heroes by feeding them Hero Exp , that bottled green stuff that constantly invades your inventory. Heroes can be leveled by going to the Heroes menu, then tapping their icon.

Heroes have a level cap that can be overcome by undergoing advancement . Advancement requires gold and Adept Stones , and gives a hero not only a level cap raise, but also a substantial boost to their stats.

Increasing Hero Stars

Increasing a hero’s number of stars grants a huge boost to their stats and powers up their skills. The catch here is that not only do heroes need a copy of themselves to increase their own star rating, but they’ll also usually need other heroes to be sacrificed . While it’s undoubtedly one of the best ways to strengthen heroes, the heavy cost of increasing a hero’s rank is something you should mull over carefully.


Outfitting your heroes with equipment also provides substantial boosts to their base stats. Fortunately, all heroes use the same types of equipment, and you can just tap Equip All to give a hero the best possible equipment that no one else is using. Naturally, the higher an equipment’s rarity, the better it performs.

Note that 5 star heroes have an innate advantage here – they have one extra equipment slot that’s unlocked when they become 7 star heroes .


Like me, you might have tried to move your heroes around – and failed. This is because the open slots in your party are dependent on the formation you pick.

As your player level increases, you’ll unlock different formations. While formations don’t seem to have any passive bonus for your party, it can change how enemy targeting works and who gets hit with skills more.

Team Composition Bonuses

Certain bonuses are triggered when you have a specific number of heroes of a particular element on your team.

Verdant Power activates with multiple wind heroes. When you deploy 2/3/4/5 wind heroes, your party gains 7/11/16/22% max HP and 5/8/12/16% ATK. In addition, 5 wind heroes also gives a +3% dodge bonus.

Ocean Power draws on the abilities of water heroes. With 2/3/4/5 water heroes, your party gains 7/11/16/22% max HP and 5/8/12/16% ATK. In addition, 5 water heroes also gives a +3% control bonus.

Everflame Power imbues your party with the passion of fire. With 2/3/4/5 fire heroes, your party gains 7/11/16/22% max HP and 5/8/12/16% ATK. In addition, 5 water heroes also gives a +3% crit rate bonus.

Light Power is activated by having enough light heroes. With 1/2/3/4/5 light heroes, the party gains 4/10/15/22/30% max HP and 3/7/11/15/20% ATK. In addition, 5 light heroes also gives your heroes 3% damage reduction.

Dark Power uses dark heroes to provide potent offensive buffs. With 1/2/3/4/5 dark heroes, the party gains 4/10/15/22/30% max HP and 3/7/11/15/20% ATK. In addition, 5 dark heroes also gives your heroes 3% damage bonus.

Fusion Power triggers if you have 1 hero of each type, and gives 17% max HP and 12% ATK. Note that Fusion Power overrides Light Power and Dark Power.


Artifacts are technically party members. These sentient relics act as assistants in battle, triggering their own skills while being immune to enemy attacks. Not only do Artifacts give you an extra edge in battle, but unlocking them also gives you some Gems.

To open the Artifact menu, tap the large icon in the upper left of the screen while in the Fight menu. Alternately, you can tap Artifact in the lower info panl.

Amass Resources

With all the heroes at your disposal and so many things to do, you’ll need a stable resource base to get anything done. Luckily, there’s lots of ways to nab free stuff in League of Pantheons.

Free Gold

League of Pantheons literally gives you free gold as you play. To claim your free gold, tap the plus icon beside your gold in the upper info panel. This gold refreshes from time to time, so claim it whenever you see an exclamation point beside your gold.


The promos panel can be viewed in town, and is located in the upper part of the screen. Check this panel regularly as there are often multiple promos running at the same time – and some of them are pretty generous with the free stuff.

Passive Resource Generation

Even while you aren’t playing League of Pantheons, your heroes will continue to fight and train at whatever stage you last completed. You can collect the resources that your heroes have gathered by tapping on the chest icon on the Battle screen. Coins and treasures will overflow, letting you know that you can collect some resources. However, there’s a cap to how many resources your heroes can gather on their own. Make sure you log in and collect these resources from time to time.

Timed Rewards

You can occasionally redeem rewards just for playing – tap the small icon below your profile picture while in the Fight menu to see a list of items that are available to you.


Quests can be accessed via the Fight menu, then clicking the paper and quill near the upper part of the screen. These quests are divided into dailies, weeklies, main story, and advanced trial quests. Each of these quests rewards you with free resources, while main story quests also tend to give important items such as large lump sums of Gems, summoning scrolls, and more.

In addition to the prizes that quests themselves give, completing dailies and weeklies also fills up an activity meter . Upon reaching certain thresholds of activity points, you can tap the chests on the meter to redeem an additional reward!


The Trials button on the lower screen will take you to the Trials menu, which opens up a list of daily activities that you can complete to gain rewards.

Daily dungeons provide gold, Adept Stones, Hero Exp and even hero shards up to twice per day for free. Endless brawl is a great way to gain large quantities of Hero Exp. Plane expeditions give gold, hero shards, and Expedition Points that can be spent in the shop.


Blitzing allows you to condense hours of AFK grinding into a single button press. Whenever you blitz, the game computes the resources you would have gotten from 2 hours of free resource gathering and gives them to you instantly. Take note that random drops will still be random drops!

You can blitz for free once per day, and you can pay Gems for up to 3 additional blitzes. Note that Blitz attempts are shared with the Babel dungeon.


Voyages let you dispatch heroes to faraway lands in search of fame and glory. Oh, and treasure, too. These give you an additional way to farm resources while you’re away from League of Pantheons. Some voyages give gems, too, so it’s always worth sending your heroes out.

Voyages have specific requirements as to what heroes can perform them. You can see them in the lower part of the voyage screen when you select a voyage. You’ll need to fulfill all the requirements to start the voyage. A single hero can fulfill multipler requirements; for example, your starter tank Arthur is both 4 star and a water hero, so he’ll check both boxes if a voyage specifically requests for those attributes. Alternately, you can just tap Send All to automatically summon heroes from your roster that fulfill the voyage’s conditions.

Take note that heroes on a voyage are not removed from your roster . They can continue participating in stages, arena battles, and dungeons even when sent on a journey. However, they can’t do multiple voyages at a time.


If you find yourself lacking in resources to level a key hero, or have a shiny new 5 star hero that you want to boost, you can put a hero through Rebirth . Rebirth returns a hero to level 1 and refunds all the materials spent to strengthen them. You can only do this thrice per hero, so be judicious in using this function.

Rush Your Player Levels

Much of the game’s content and higher functions are locked behind higher player levels, and it’s in your best interest to cruise through the stages as quickly as possible to nab that sweet, sweet player exp.


The Arena is where you can duke it out with other players to get a higher score in the current season, which in turn gives you Gems, Arena Points, and other rewards on both a daily and a seasonal basis.

You’re given a limited amount of Arena Tickets each day, and you’ll need one ticket for each fight you want to pick. If you don’t like the opponents that the game has prepared for you, you can reroll your enemies – but this has a cooldown. Fighting enough times also fills up a reward gauge at the bottom of the Arena screen where you can redeem a chest filled with goodies!

You’ll also want to assemble a strong Defense Team to protect your own ladder rank from other players. Tap DEF Lineup on the Arena screen to assemble your defensive team.

You can spend your hard-earned Arena Points at the Arena Shop, accessible through the main Arena menu. Both random and definite hero shards are available here, so the Arena can serve as a way to acquire specific heroes.


The Babel is a dungeon with floors of increasing difficulty. While the foes here are tough, clearing each floor of the tower nets you essential resources like Adept Stones, gold, and hero exp – and the higher you go, the more prizes you get. In addition to this, you can choose to spend your Blitzes in any floor that you’ve already cleared to gain that floor’s rewards again. These Blitzes are the same ones that are used for quick resource gathering .

Free Heroes!

If new content isn’t enough of a motivation for you, you also get free 5 star heroes just for progressing through the campaign . These free 5 star heroes will serve as a worthy companions and fierce fighters and can even become the core of your team comps!

Join A Guild

League of Pantheons guilds are pretty much a requirement if you want your heroes to reach their full potential.

Guild Dungeon

Arguably the most important thing you can do in a guild, the Guild Dungeon pits you against a tough boss with a turn count limit. Don’t worry though – you still get points even if you don’t kill the boss. Participating in a guild dungeon nets you gold and participation tokens.

For an added edge, you can pay some Gems to give you and your entire guild an attack buff, which also leads to higher scores. Guild leaders and deputies additionally have the option to rally a guild in a dungeon.

You can also blitz the boss fight provided you’ve already cleared it once, either from killing the boss or via timeout. This blitz attempt is shared with other blitzes .

Guild Donations

Guild donations come in the form of either gold or Gems. Whichever currency you donate, you’ll gain some guild exp and activity points, and you can also claim a reward depending on what tier of donation you just did. Note that you can only donate once per day.

Guild Vault

The Guild Vault is where you can deposit and withdraw items. Take note that this is a shared inventory – what you put in, someone else can take out.

Guild Skills

The Guild Skill menu lets you spend your hard-earned guild participation tokens in a passive skill tree that boosts all heroes of a particular class. Each bonus is activated in sequence, from the top of the circle and proceeding in a clockwise direction.

Guild Shop

Alternately, you can spend your tokens at the Guild Shop . This shop stocks hero tokens as well as fancy, high-quality gear that you can use to give your heroes a major power boost.

Guild Activity Rewards

By tapping the button labeled Guild in your Guild Hall, you can access the guild daily quests, which will give you even more participation tokens!

Enjoy The Journey!

The road to the top is long and arduous, but it doesn’t all have to be done in one day. With a wealth of content and tons of stuff to do even as a beginner, League of Pantheons is sure to keep you entertained.

As our League of Pantheons beginner’s guide comes to an end, we wish you luck on your travels, and hope that you learned something new or picked up on something to help you as you continue playing League of Pantheons. If you have any suggestions or tips of your own to share, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment area!
