Bei so vielen Helden, aus denen man in League of Pantheons wählen kann, kann es schwierig sein, ein stabiles Team aus nur fünf Helden zu bilden. Aus diesem Grund haben wir basierend auf unserer Erfahrung unsere eigene Rangliste zusammengestellt, um Ihnen bei der Auswahl von Helden zu helfen, die für Sie kämpfen.
Ein paar Hinweise, bevor wir beginnen:Wie alle Ranglisten ist diese subjektiv . Es ist nicht das letzte Wort darüber, wen man verwenden oder wen man vermeiden sollte. Um Ihnen zu helfen, fundiertere Entscheidungen zu treffen, haben wir Heldenstatistiken und -fertigkeiten sowie deren Effekte und Multiplikatoren eingefügt, die aus dem Spiel selbst stammen.

Für die Zwecke dieser Liga der Pantheons-Rangliste verwenden wir Helden auf ihrer maximalen Stufe aus der Bibliothek – daher werden Fähigkeitsmultiplikatoren immer auf ihrer höchsten Stufe sein. Wir werden auch nur 5-Sterne-Helden bewerten, die auf Stufe 255 begrenzt werden können, da ihre Statistiken alle Helden mit geringerer Seltenheit bei weitem überschatten. Diese Helden sind auch viel stärker, da sie 4 Fähigkeiten haben, was ihre Kampffähigkeiten stark verbessert.
Wir haben uns auch die Freiheit genommen, Helden nach ihrer Rolle zu kategorisieren – Krieger, Magier, Tanker und Unterstützer . Hoffentlich hilft Ihnen das dabei, Helden zu finden, die Sie für jede Rolle mögen.
Nachdem wir euch nun kurz vorgestellt haben, wie unsere Rangliste der Liga der Pantheons aufgebaut ist, fangen wir mit der eigentlichen Rangliste an!
Liste der Kriegerstufen

Element :Dunkel
Angriff: 38415
Verteidigung: 1796
PS: 180381
Geschwindigkeit: 1552
- Geistersturm
(Auslöser:Runde 1, Abklingzeit:2 Runden)
Fügt allen Feinden 104 % physischen Schaden zu und trifft sie 2 Runden lang mit dem Todeszeichen-Debuff, wodurch ihre Verringerung des physischen Schadens um 20 % verringert wird. Feinde erleiden durch diese Fertigkeit 5 % mehr Schaden für jeden Debuff, den sie haben.
- Netherschnitter
ATK + 40 %, HP + 20 %, Crit-Rate + 15 %.
- Massakersense
(Auslöser:Runde 2, Abklingzeit:4 Runden)
Hel exekutiert die hintere Reihe des Feindes mit ihrer Sense und fügt ihnen bei 2 Treffern (320 % + verlorene HP des Ziels %) * 1,46 zu. Wenn die Gesundheit eines Feindes unter 30 % fällt (selbst wenn es vom ersten Hieb stammt), tötet ihn der zweite Treffer sofort. Mit dieser Fertigkeit verursachter Schaden durchdringt Schilde, ignoriert DEF und Schadensteilungseffekte und ist auf 400 % von Hels ATK begrenzt.
- Geistertransformation
Hels normale Angriffe haben eine Chance von 60 %, ihrem Ziel ein 2-Runden-Todeszeichen zu verpassen. Immer wenn ein Feind mit Todesmal stirbt, werden Hel und ihre Verbündeten um 120 % ihrer ATK geheilt.
Die Königin von Helheim ist ein großartiger Held auf dem Schlachtfeld. Geistersturm hat einen niedrigen Multiplikator, aber es trifft alle Feinde UND belegt jeden von ihnen mit einem Malus von 20 % auf physischen Schaden, was sie besonders anfällig für eine Massakersense macht weiterverfolgen.
Verwandt: League of Pantheons Anfängerleitfaden:Tipps, Tricks und Strategien, um mächtige Helden zu beschwören und deine Feinde zu überlisten
Sie ist auch nicht egoistisch – Hels Debuffs heilen ihre Gruppe um 120 % ihrer ATK, was sie dazu anregt, sie zu stärken und Feinde mit ihrem Hinrichtungsangriff zu erledigen. Zufälligerweise macht ihr Kit sie zu einer perfekten Unterstützung für ihren Bruder Fenrir. Schade, dass Jormungand ein Magier ist – ich würde gerne eine Party mit allen 3 veranstalten.

Element :Dunkel
Angriff: 38443
Verteidigung: 1790
PS: 182821
Geschwindigkeit: 1545
- Dunkle Klaue
(Auslöser:Runde 1, Abklingzeit:2 Runden)
Fügt Gegnern in der ersten Reihe insgesamt 450 % physischen Schaden zu. Jeder Feind kann durch diese Fertigkeit nicht mehr als 300 % Schaden erleiden. Hat eine Chance von 40 %, 2 Runden lang einen Fluch zuzufügen. Verfluchte Einheiten erleiden 30 % der ATK des Zaubernden als Schaden, wenn der Fluch endet.
- Verfluchte Schuppen
ATK + 40 %, HP + 20 %, Crit-Rate + 15 %.
- Dunkle Gestalt
Wenn Nidhoggs HP unter 50 % fällt, verliert er alle Debuffs, heilt sich um 20 % seiner maximalen HP, erhält einen 30 % ANG-Buff und einen 20 % Magieschaden-Resistenz-Buff und wird immun gegen Kontrollzauber. Dark Claw hat in diesem Zustand keine Abklingzeit und sein Name wird in Doomsday Impact geändert. Alle dunklen Verbündeten erhalten außerdem einen Schadensbonus von 15 %. Dunkle Gestalt hält 4 Runden lang an und kann nicht gebannt und nur einmal pro Kampf ausgelöst werden.
- Fluch-Invasion
Nidhoggs Angriffe haben eine Chance von 70 %, einen Buff auf seinem Ziel in einen Fluch umzuwandeln. Verfluchte Feinde erleiden jetzt 5 % mehr Schaden durch Nidhogg für jeden Fluchstapel, den sie haben, bis zu 25 %.
Dieser dunkle Drache dient als weiterer mächtiger Frontliner. Im Gegensatz zu Hel, die entschieden zuschlägt und ihre Verbündeten durch ihre mächtigen, allzielgerichteten Debuffs stärkt, stürzt sich Nidhogg einfach mit schlagkräftigen Fähigkeiten in die feindlichen Reihen. Dunkle Form verstärkt seine Fähigkeiten noch weiter, während er seinen Verbündeten in einem dunkel zentrierten Team hilft. Fluch-Invasion wäre erstaunlich genug, wenn es nur Buff-Entfernung wäre, aber es ist Buff-Konvertierung in Debuffs , die auch eine tickende Zeitbombe auf Feinde legen. Nidhogg ist in praktisch jeder Hinsicht eine erstaunliche Einheit.

Element :Wind
Angriff: 35815
Verteidigung: 1640
PS: 168778
Geschwindigkeit: 1506
- Wolfsseele erwacht
(Auslöser:Runde 1, Abklingzeit:4 Runden)
Fenrir erhält den Status einer Wolfsseele, wodurch er +30 % kritische Treffer und +25 % Schadensreduzierung erhält. Er erhält außerdem Immunität gegen alle Kontrollzauber für 2 Runden und alle Debuffs für 1 Runde. Die Wolfsseele kann nicht gebannt werden. Diese Fertigkeit wird immer zuerst ausgelöst.
- Wolfgott-Talent
ATK + 40 %, HP + 20 %, Crit-Rate + 15 %.
- Sturmschwert
(Auslöser:Runde 2, Abklingzeit:4 Runden)
Trifft Gegner in der ersten Reihe mit 150 % * 3 physischem Schaden. Für jeweils 3 Wutstapel, die Fenrir bei der Aktivierung von Storm Sword hatte, führt Fenrir einen zusätzlichen Hieb bis zu einem Maximum von 2 aus. Der letzte Angriff fügt außerdem 2 Gegnern in der Nähe Flächenschaden zu. Nachdem diese Fertigkeit gewirkt wurde, verliert Fenrir alle Wutausbrüche.
- Wut des Wolfsgottes
Jedes Mal, wenn Fenrir von einem feindlichen Helden angegriffen wird, erhält er 1 Stapel Wut. Wut erhöht Fenrirs ATK um 3 % pro Stapel bis zu einer Obergrenze von 10 Stapeln. Wut kann nicht gebannt werden.
Fenrir ist ein Krieger, der aufgrund seines Widerstands gegen Massenkontrolle schwer zu besiegen ist. Gleichzeitig erlauben ihm seine Wutstapel, seinen Schaden zu erhöhen und ihn dann mit seinem Sturmschwert in einem mächtigen Ausbruch zu entfesseln . Fenrir wird anfangs etwas Babysitting brauchen, aber wie jeder Carry beginnt er, nicht nur sein Gewicht zu ziehen, sondern auch das seines Teams, sobald Sie seine Fähigkeit freischalten, Wutstapel zu gewinnen.

Element :Wind
Angriff: 36171
Verteidigung: 1635
PS: 165432
Geschwindigkeit: 1503
- Raserei-Überfall
(Auslöser:Runde 1, Abklingzeit:4 Runden)
Fügt 2 zufälligen Gegnern in der mittleren und hinteren Reihe 209 % physischen Schaden zu, mit einer Chance von 59 %, 1 Runde lang zum Schweigen zu bringen. Fügt Magiern 30 % mehr Schaden zu.
- Flügel des Sturms
ATK + 40 %, Crit-Rate + 20 %.
- Tödliches Urteil
(Auslöser:Runde 2, Abklingzeit:4 Runden)
Fügt dem Feind mit den wenigsten HP 374 % physischen Schaden zu. Der Schaden wird um 25 % erhöht, wenn die HP des Ziels 40 % oder weniger beträgt. Wenn sie tödlich ist, heilt sich Sphinx um 25 % ihrer maximalen HP.
- Reich des Windes
Wenn Sphinx unter all deinen Helden an erster Stelle steht, erhalten ihre Fähigkeiten +25 % Schaden und +15 % kritische Trefferquote. Wenn nicht, treffen die Angriffe von Sphinx ein anderes zufälliges Ziel mit 80 % ihres Schadens.
Sphinx ist ein ausgezeichneter Attentäter, der sich hervorragend im Scharfschützen von Magiern auszeichnet. Eine weitere Hilfe ist ihr Passiv, das die Leistung ihrer aktiven Fähigkeiten erheblich verbessert, wenn sie sich zuerst bewegt, oder Multi-Targeting, wenn sie es nicht tut. Das macht Sphinx zu einer sehr anpassungsfähigen Heldin, die entweder als Haupt-DPS des Teams (insbesondere gegen Magier) oder als unterstützende Nukerin mit ihrem +1-Targeting punkten kann.
Dunkler Lord

Element :Dunkel
Angriff: 38078
Verteidigung: 1799
PS: 182246
Geschwindigkeit: 1545
- Massakerhieb
(Auslöser:Runde 1, Abklingzeit:4 Runden)
Fügt allen Gegnern in den vorderen und mittleren Reihen 245 % physischen Schaden zu und fügt ihnen 2 Runden lang Bluten zu.
- Fluch der Dunkelheit
ATK + 40 %, HP + 20 %, Crit-Rate + 15 %.
- Teufelsklingentanz
(Auslöser:Runde 2, Abklingzeit:4 Runden)
Darklord trifft einen Gegner in der Nähe dreimal und verursacht 518 % Schaden mit einer Chance von 50 %, ihn zu schwächen, wodurch das Ziel seinen nächsten Zug verliert. Wenn dies einen Feind tötet, trifft Darklord ein anderes Ziel mit 50 % ATK.
- Gemetzelherz
+20 % Schaden an Panzern. +30 % Schaden an Feinden mit weniger als 40 % HP.
Dieser massige Rohling macht nur eine Sache – aber er macht diese Sache außerordentlich gut. Mit einem der höchsten, wenn nicht sogar dem höchsten Schadensmultiplikator im Spiel, ist Darklord ein offensives Monster, das seine schwachen Feinde einen nach dem anderen ausschaltet, bis nichts mehr übrig ist. Sein Gemetzelherz arbeitet mit seinem Teufelsklingentanz zusammen , wodurch Darklord selbst die robustesten Tanks mit Leichtigkeit durchfressen kann.
Tanz der Teufelsklinge hilft Darklord auch dabei, sich durch Teams zu rollen, und gibt ihm eine weitere Chance auf 50 % der Fertigkeit, falls sein erster Zauber tödlich sein sollte. Darklord sollte idealerweise mit Helden gepaart werden, die seinen bereits beeindruckenden Angriff verstärken können, oder mit anderen Helden wie Hel, die physisch basierten Teams eine unschätzbare Unterstützung bieten.

Element :Feuer
Angriff: 35436
Verteidigung: 1668
PS: 168558
Speed: 1462
- Sword Dance
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 128% physical damage to enemies in the front and middle rows with a 90% chance to inflict burn for 3 turns. Against tanks, Sword Dance deals up to 10% of their max HP as bonus damage but not exceeding 1000% of Valkyrie’s ATK.
- Determination
HP + 40%, ATK + 20%, SPD + 15. Enemies attacking Valkyrie have an 80% chance to be burned for 2 turns.
- Heroic Slash
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Hits the enemy with the lowest HP twice for a total of 374% physical damage. If that enemy is afflicted with burn or red hot, this skill has a 100% critical hit rate, +20% crit damage, and 50% life steal.
- Flame Soul
+20% damage versus enemies with burn or red hot. Valkyrie’s normal attacks will prioritize enemies with those status ailments.
Valkyrie is a respectable damage dealer on her own, with a 2/3 field nuke that also adds a hefty DOT on hit enemies. And unlike some other heroes, Valkyrie is perfectly capable of inflicting the status ailments that would benefit her most. The fact that you both get her for free and get a slight stat boosting skin further helps Valkyrie’s case, and she’ll likely find her way into many teams for the foreseeable future.

Element :Light
Attack: 37409
Defense: 1798
HP: 182499
Speed: 1572
- Punishment of God
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 230% physical damage to an enemy in the front row. This skill ignores 40% of the target’s DEF and has 30% life steal. Targets affected by conductive or electric shock take 25% more damage from this skill.
- Raging Thunder
ATK + 35%, Crit DMG + 20%, Crit rate + 10%. Thor cannot take more than 30% of his max HP as damage from attacks.
- Thunder Pursuit
60% chance to follow an attack with a lightning strike that deals 120% damage.
- Skywrath
Whenever he is struck, Thor counters with an empowered normal attack at 120% physical damage factor.
The thunder god Thor is a warrior who can both deal and take hefty amounts of damage. Raging Thunder ensures that Thor can’t be nuked down, while Skywrath punishes enemies that attack him. He’s also got a defense-piercing, life stealing active skill, helping Thor deal damage while remaining on the field. All in all, not a bad hero.

Element :Fire
Attack: 35436
Defense: 1668
HP: 168558
Speed: 1503
- Assassinate
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 259% physical damage to the enemy with the highest ATK. Steals 25% of their ATK for 2 turns. The ATK steal buff/debuff cannot be dispelled.
- Holy Blood
ATK + 40%, Crit rate + 15%, SPD + 30.
- Fel Blade
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Strikes the row with the most enemies, dealing 206% physical damage to each of them. Has a 90% chance to inflict a 2 turn burn and a 25% chance to confuse foes for 2 turns. Confused foes will use normal attacks on random targets, including their allies.
- Infidelity
Loki has +30% crit rate when attacking enemies with burn or red hot. Fel Blade deals 20% more damage to supports and also has a 50% chance to silence them for 2 turns.
The god of mischief and general jackassery brings his bag of tricks with him to the battlefield. At first glance, Loki is a standard damage dealer, but it’s his attack stealing abilities that really make him shine, as it not only helps push Loki’s damage higher, but also mitigates incoming damage from the enemy team’s strongest unit.
Fel Blade is a mixed bag of debuffs that range from annoying at worst to absolutely devastating at best. While he’s not the most consistent of heroes, Loki sees use as an anti-carry pick and for messing up your enemy’s strategies.

Element :Fire
Attack: 35479
Defense: 1664
HP: 168855
Speed: 1465
- Spear Combo
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Hits a target 5 times for a total of 231% physical damage. Each hit has a 40% chance to inflict burn for 2 turns. +20% damage against supports.
- Red Silk
ATK + 40%, HP + 20%, Crit rate +15%.
- Demonic
If Nezha’s HP drops below 60%, all his dispellable debuffs are removed, he gains +30% ATK, +10% crit rate, and +20% crit damage. Nezha is also immune to all control spells while Demonic is active, and Spear Combo’s cooldown is ignored and its base damage is increased to 281%. Demonic lasts for 4 turns and can only trigger once per battle.
- Samadhi Fire
The damage that enemies take from burn and red hot is increased by 15% of Nezha’s ATK.
Nezha is essentially defined by his Demonic passive skill, which grants him substantial buffs and a zero cooldown nuke. However strong Demonic may be, it can’t dispel every debuff, particularly those tagged as “cannot be dispelled”. Still, Nezha is a decent addition to any team, but thrives as the leader of a burn-baed composition.

Element :Fire
Attack: 35556
Defense: 1671
HP: 168785
Speed: 1462
- Blade of Judgment
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 246% physical damage to the enemy with the highest ATK. Has a 50% chance to inflict silence for 1 turn.
- Blessing of the Sun
ATK + 35%, HP + 15%, Crit DMG + 10%.
- Wrath of Justice
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 374% physical damage to one enemy in the front row. Against enemies that have the burn or red hot status effects, this skill has +20% crit rate and critical damage.
- Flaming Swords
+30% damage versus supports.
Seraph has a bit of everything under her belt, but what’s important to her is the first strike – she needs that 50% silence to proc to really make a big difference. The 50% proc chance means that half the time, Blade of Judgment will just do its nuke damage with no other effect. And let’s face it – there are other, better turn 1 nukers out there.
Not helping Seraph’s case is that while she benefits from burn or red hot, she has no way to inflict those ailments on her own, and the boost from having those ailments is negligible. Seraph’s not bad, but she’s woefully overshadowed and has a kit that lacks coherence or any real punch.

Max level: 255
Element :Wind
Attack: 36111
Defense: 1636
HP: 165409
Speed: 1503
- Sunder
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 260% damage to a target in front, with a 50% chance to inflict armor break for 2 turns. Also reduces that target’s control resistance by 10% for 2 turns.
- Shadow Blade
ATK + 35%, Crit rate +15%, SPD + 10.
- Soul Slayer
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 374% physical damage to a random enemy in the mid or back rows, with a +20% chance to crit. Targets killed by this effect cannot be revived.
- Merciless
Crit damage + 15%.
Aensland is…well. Her skills aren’t bad, but they don’t have any particular coherence, and while armor break inflicts a hefty 30% defense debuff, it doesn’t proc all the time. Besides, there are better armor breakers. Soul Slayer’s no revival effect is better on paper than in practice. Aensland’s passives are very nice, but again, they give her no coherence.

Element :Dark
Attack: 38055
Defense: 1797
HP: 182329
Speed: 1545
- Netherworld Sanction
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 210% physical damage to 2 random enemies in the mid and back rows. Has a 50% chance to stun 1 of them for 2 turns.
- Will of Hades
HP + 40%, ATK + 20%, Crit rate +15%.
- Requiem of Soul
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 374% physical damage to the enemy with the least HP. Stunned targets take 30% more damage from this skill. Targets killed by this skill cannot be revived.
- God of the Dead
Whenever a non-summoned hero dies, Hades heals for 10% of his max HP and increases his damage by 15%. If multiple heroes die from a single attack, that still counts as 1 death. This bonus infinitely and cannot be dispelled. If Hades is killed then revived, he keeps all his God of the Dead stacks when he returns to battle.
Hades is visually impressive, and that’s about it. In theory, you could stack his God of the Dead bonusesby sacrificing heroes (do not do this) or killing enemies (do this). However, the fact that he can only gain 1 stack at a time, even from a full-party nuke, is really what kills his efficiency as a damage dealer.
To get the most out of Hades, you’ll need to pick off your enemies one by one, while they won’t be bound by the same restraints. The rest of Hades’s kit is likewise unimpressive, a “cannot be revived” thing that’s meh and a 50% chance to stun a whopping 1 of its targets on a 4 turn cooldown. Even if it’s a 2 turn stun, I would much rather have a 1 turn stun on 2 targets.
Mage Tier List

Element :Water
Attack: 33766
Defense: 1714
HP: 168708
Speed: 1448
- Cold Snap
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 103% magic damage to all enemies. Has a 60% chance to slow and inflict a -15% ATK debuff for 2 turns.
- Light of Wisdom
ATK + 40%, HP + 20%, Control +10%.
- Touch of Frost
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 132% magic damage to all enemies, with a 40% chance to inflict a 2 turn freeze. Chance raised to 60% for slowed enemies.
- Absolute Zero
Inflicts an undispellable -8% SPD debuff for 2 turns against all enemies at the start of combat. Illsya deals 40% more damage against frozen enemies.
Illsya has an impressive array of debuffs, disables, and further ways to capitalize on those disables. First off, Illsya helps by inflicting slows and attack debuffs, which are both equally important for keeping your heroes alive. Her second active skill is incredible for disrupting enemy plays; seriously, a party-wide 40% freeze chance is among the best mass disables you’re going to get.
Illsya’s freeze power is further boosted by her passive stat boost which increases control power, as well as a flat increase to freeze chance if she hits slowed targets. Not only does freeze shut down an enemy for 2 turns, but Illsya also does 40% more damage against frozen targets. This ice is definitely very nice.

Element :Light
Attack: 36566
Defense: 1763
HP: 178615
Speed: 1587
- Lightning Field
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 127% magic damage to all enemies. 50% chance to inflict conductive for 3 turns. Units with conductive take 15% of Zeus’s ATK as extra damage every time they get hit.
- Zeus’s Will
ATK + 40%, HP + 20%, SPD + 30.
- Lightning Storm
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 150% magic damage to all enemies, with a 25% chance to inflict a 2 turn paralysis. Chance raised to 45% for enemies with conductive or electric shock. Paralyzed units are forced to skip their turn.
- Scourge Thunder
Lightning Storm also has a 60% chance to inflict seal for 2 turns. Sealed units cannot deal critical hits, and their passive skills are disabled.
The king of Olympus uses his mighty thunderbolts to inflict powerful, lingering damage on his foes. Conductive is a fun little debuff that causes enemies to take extra damage any time they get hit; timed right, this alone can push the battle in your favor.
Paralyze is a more efficient freeze that doesn’t break from attacks, but the low proc chance makes it unreliable. Seal, however, is a nifty status ailment that disables passives, wreaking havoc on heroes who are reliant on their triggered passives to really get going.

Element :Light
Attack: 36633
Defense: 1763
HP: 178598
Speed: 1587
- Magic Notes
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 198% magic damage to the 2 enemies with the highest ATK and causes them to take 10% more magic damage for 2 turns. Gives Venus 2 turns of the equilibrium notes buff, causing her to reflect 30% of any damage she takes. Equilibrium notes does not protect against instant kill effects.
- Bestow Goddess
ATK + 40%, HP + 20%, Crit rate +15%.
- Butterfly Melody
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 751% magic damage split among enemies; the less targets there are, the more damage they will take, capped at 4x of Venus’s ATK. 30% chance to inflict a 2 turn blind.
- Light Chord
Venus gains 20% crit damage and ATK. Light allies, except Venus herself, gain 10% ATK. This buff lasts until the end of battle and cannot be dispelled.
Th goddess of love (among other things) has an amazing nuke through her Butterfly Melody skill, which deals a whopping 751% damage and divides this damage based on how many enemies there are left – with 3 enemies left, this can very well serve as a one-hit kill. The rest of her kit is nice – Magic Notes sets up her nuke, and Light Chord allows her to serve as a passive support in light-based compositions. Also, she’s pink. She’s very pink.

Element :Water
Attack: 35417
Defense: 1715
HP: 168752
Speed: 1501
- Python Strike
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 150% magic damage to all enemies. Targets with more than 60% HP take 30% extra damage from this skill. 50% chance to inflict -10% critical rate for 2 turns.
- Ocean Guardian
ATK + 40%, HP + 20%, SPD + 15.
- Snake Support
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 220% magic damage to 2 enemies with a 55% chance to freeze them for 2 turns. Jormungand gains a 2 turn shield, with health equal to 30% of the damage inflicted by this skill.
- Blue Heart
At the start of each turn, gives Jormungand a 1 turn buff depending on her remaining HP. If she has 30% or more HP, she gains +20% crit rate; otherwise, she gains +30% ATK.
Jormungand has a healthy bit of everthing that keeps her in the fight, leading to a very solid A-tier spot on this list. Party-wide nukes, disables, self-shields, and an adaptive buff are all in Jormungand’s arsenal, allowing her to perform well in almost any situation. Oh, and did I mention she’s free? Just keep playing and you’ll get her.

Element :Wind
Attack: 35522
Defense: 1610
HP: 162457
Speed: 1520
- Magic Pinecone
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 3-5 hits, each of which deals 108% magic damage. The first pinecone will target supports. 28% chance to inflict alienate for 2 turns. Alienate causes a unit to spend its turn using a normal attack on all its allies.
- Ancient Tree
ATK + 40%, HP + 20%, Control +10%.
- Squirrel Blast
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 150% magic damage to all enemies and steals 1 buff from 3 of them, chosen at random. 30% chance to deal 1.3 times more damage.
- Nimble Gale
Gives Ratatoski a buff depending on if she’s faster than the enemy with the highest SPD. If she is, she gains 15% dodge for 1 turn; otherwise, she gains 8% SPD for 1 turn. These buffs cannot be dispelled.
The feisty squirrel Ratatoski (that’s not a typo, that’s her name in the game) wins no awards for sheer damage. What she brings to the table is disruption, and a hell of a lot of it. Her unique alienate status not only shuts an enemy down, but also causes them to attack their own team for 2 turns, which is particularly devastating if it procs on a high ATK hero.
Just like Loki, Ratatoski steals buffs, except this time, she targets all enemies, stealing 1 buff from 3 of them at random. Her Nimble Gale passive helps Ratatoski keep on top of things, giving her an adaptive speed or dodge buff based on the speed of her foes. With her wide array of disruptive plays, Ratatoski can easily fit into any team.

Element :Light
Attack: 36630
Defense: 1763
HP: 178618
Speed: 1587
- Thunder Wrath
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 259% magic damage to the enemy with the highest ATK and gives them a -30% ATK debuff for 2 turns.
- Queen’s Spirit
ATK + 35%, HP + 20%, SPD + 20.
- Light of Oblivion
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 150% magic damage to all enemies with a 60% chance to dispel all buffs on them. Enemies take 5% of their max HP as damage for each buff that they lost, but capped at 350% of Hera’s ATK.
- True Thunder Wrath
Augments Thunder Wrath, causing it to also strike 2 random enemies at 60% damage.
The queen of Olympus is a fantastic unit in a game full of party and self-buffs. Not only does Hera’s Thunder Wrath deal a sizeable chunk of damage on its own, but it also slaps a meaty ATK penalty on the target, which is further boosted by Hera’s True Thunder Wrath . Special mention goes to Light of Oblivion , an already great mass dispel skill further augmented by enemy HP scaling damage.

Element :Fire
Attack: 34813
Defense: 1639
HP: 165289
Speed: 1476
- Blazing Lynx
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 110% magic damage to 3 random enemies. 72% chance to inflict a 2 turn burn.
- Solar
ATK + 35%, HP + 15%.
- Ring of Flames
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 188% magic damage to 3 random enemies. 60% chance to inflict a 2 turn blind, which reduces hit by 10%. Prioritizes enemies that have either burn or red hot.
- Flame Mastery
Damage and crit rate +30% against enemies that have either burn or red hot. Normal attacks will prioritize enemies with those ailments.
Apollo almost has what it takes to become a great mage. Unlike other burn users, he majorly capitalizes on the status with a powerful damage increase against burning targets. However, his other skills are lackluster – blind isn’t a particularly useful debuff with only 10% accuracy reduction, his nuke is lacking in raw damage, and his passive doesn’t even give a 3 stat boost . It’s like running a race and tripping at the finish line – so close, yet so far. However, he can serve as a decent filler, or even the core of a burn-centric team.

Element :Dark
Attack: 37309
Defense: 1764
HP: 178648
Speed: 1559
- Kiss of Death
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 88% magic damage to all enemies, with a 70% chance to reduce their magic damage resistance by 10%. Has a 100% chance to inflict curse, and a 25% chance to add another stack of curse. Cursed units take damage equal to 30% of the caster’s ATK after 2 turns.
- Fallen Spirit
ATK + 35%, HP + 15%.
- Curse of Doom
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 150% magic damage to all enemies, with a 20% chance to stun them. Activates all curse stacks, causing them to deal damage instantly.
- Sigil
Normal attacks deal 20% more damage and have a 60% chance to curse enemies.
Anubis’s kit is pretty lackluster, but his one saving factor is his instant curse detonation. This allows Anubis to serve as a makeshift burster, especially when used together with other curse-centric heroes like Abaddon. Other than that, he’s meh in most regards.
Magma Fiend

Element :Fire
Attack: 34743
Defense: 1637
HP: 165419
Speed: 1476
- Lava Blast
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 110% magic damage to 3 random enemies. 60% chance to inflict a 2 turn burn.
- Flame Wrath
ATK + 35%, HP + 15%.
- Doomsday Flame
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 127% magic damage to all enemies with a +60% crit rate against enemies that have burn or red hot.
- Flame Mastery
Damage +20% against enemies that have either burn or red hot. Normal attacks will prioritize enemies with those ailments.
Magma Fiend really burns my butt. It’s got a smoking design, but its kit just leaves me smoldering. It likes inflicting burns and capitalizing on them, but Magma Fiend doesn’t do anything special with those burns aside from an admittedly huge crit rate boost.
Magma Fiend could potentially see some use in a burn-centric team, but those are pretty bad in a game where front loading your damage is far more important. All in all, Magma Fiend just leaves an ashen taste in my mouth.

Element :Water
Attack: 33753
Defense: 1715
HP: 168558
Speed: 1448
- Jets of Water
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 110% magic damage to 3 random enemies, prioritizing mages. 72% chance to inflict a 2 turn backlash. Whenever a unit with backlash uses a magic attack, it takes damage equal to 20% of its ATK.
- Realm of Arcane
ATK + 35%, HP + 15%, SPD + 20.
- Squall
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 129% magic damage to all enemies. 63% chance to inflict a 3 turn backlash. Crit rate +30% against targets that already have backlash.
- Backlash ↑
Backlast effect +20%.
Merlin is in a weird spot on this tier list. When he’s good, he’s very very good. His signature backlash debuff heavily penalizes enemy magic attacks and scales off their ATK, so buff just makes things worse. But that’s the thing with Merlin – his only use case is against mages.
His damage multipliers are unimpressive, and 3 of his 4 skills are dedicated to either inflicting or improving his backlash, which does jack squat against anything that doesn’t do magic damage. Further exacerbating this problem is that backlash is not strictly a disable. Your enemy’s mages will still kill you if they’re powerful enough.

Element :Water
Attack: 33746
Defense: 1713
HP: 168645
Speed: 1448
- Frost Burst
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 162% magic damage to the row with the most enemies. Has a 65% chance to inflict really dead for 2 turns and reduce their healing effects by 40%. Really dead prevents a hero from being revived for 2 turns.
- Lichdom
HP + 35%, ATK + 15%, SPD + 20.
- Frost Breath
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 120% magic damage to all enemies. 37% chance to inflict a 2 turn freeze.
- Freezing Death
At the beginning of combat, inflicts a -50% incoming healing debuff to all enemies for 4 turns.
Mention the word “dracolich” to a D&D player and watch them shrink in fear. Dragons are mortal terrors; they have brutally high strength scores, innate magic resistance, and devastating attacks. Combine this with the cold, calculating cunning of a lich, and you have a real monster on your hands. Wyrmlich…is none of those things.
Perhaps the one redeeming factor it has is that it almost has a freeze as nice as Illsya. The base chance is close enough to be negligible (a 3% lower chance) but Wyrmlich has no way to boost these odds, making it an iffy disabler at best. Its debuffs are janky too. Reduce enemy healing? Other heroes can do that more effectively by reducing enemy health to zero instead. Some things should just stay down, and Wyrmlich is one of them.

Element :Wind
Attack: 35406
Defense: 1603
HP: 161913
Speed: 1518
- Divine Sanction
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 246% magic damage to an enemy in front, with +30% crit damage and a 100% chance to inflict lifebane for 2 turns. Units with lifebane cannot be healed by any means.
- Glory of Victory
ATK + 35%, HP + 15%.
- Starfall
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 163% magic damage to 4 random enemies. This skill does 25% more damage against enemies slower than Athena.
- Light and Order
Athena deals 25% more damage against enemies with 70% or more HP remaining. All of Athena’s attacks have a 66% chance to inflict a 2 turn armor break on enemies below 70% HP.
Like Wyrmlich, Athena attempts to disrupt enemies by denying heals. Also like Wyrmlich, that’s a dumb idea when you can just A.) floor them, or B.) inflict much more solid disruption via stuns and freezes. Yes, she has armorbreak. So does Alleria, and she’s a support. The only reason she’s a 5 star is her stats, and almost anyone can do Athena’s job better than her.
Tank Tier List

Element :Wind
Attack: 24876
Defense: 1714
HP: 189816
Speed: 1561
- Jungle Protector
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Gai’ming protects the 2 allies with the highest ATK on your field. Gai’ming takes 50% of all damage they would have taken. Both the protected allies and Gai’ming gain 15% damage reduction and a +15% control resistance buff for 2 turns.
- Master of Fate
HP + 40%, DEF + 20%, Damage resistance +10%.
- Wine of Boldness
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Gai’ming heals himself for 25% of his max HP and dispels all debuffs on him.
- Vitality
Damage resistance +15%. Attacks have a 25% chance to inflict -30% DEF for 2 turns. Gai’ming’s normal attacks are changed into Triple Hits, which deal 120% damage. Gai’ming will use Triple Hits when countering.
If you’ve read through some of the other heroes, particularly the offensive types, you’ll notice the pattern of targeting the enemy with the highest ATK. Gai’ming’s answer to that? Get in the way. This roly-poly warrior is an excellent addition to any team – damage reduction, a pseudo-taunt (50% damage reduction at 100% chance is better than a chance for nothing to happen at all), a self-heal with dispels, and debuffs to start the rest of his team’s combos.

Element :Fire
Attack: 24537
Defense: 1745
HP: 194640
Speed: 1519
- Protected Body
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Heimdall heals for 20% of his max HP and dispels all debuffs. If Heimdall overheals himself due to this heal, excess healing is converted to a 2 turn shield. Also gives Heimdall regeneration for 2 turns.
- Unyielding Guardian
HP + 40%, DEF + 20%, Damage resistance +10%. Heimdall also gains 1% damage resistance for every 3% HP he’s missing.
- Wine of Boldness
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Heimdall slashes front and mid row enemies, dealing 20% of their max HP as damage, which ignored DEF and damage resistance, but cannot crit and is not affected by damage buffs This attack has a 70% chance to inflict a 2 turn burn, and inflicts burning judgment on 1 front row enemy. Burning judgment causes a target to take 50% of any damage they deal as damage to themselves, for 1 turn.
- Dawn Guard
At the beginning of each combat round, Heimdall covers the 2 allies with the lowest HP – prioritizing the back row. This gives them the absolute aid buff, where Heimdall takes 100% of the damage they would have taken, and reduce that damage by 25%. If a shielded ally had less than 50% HP, they also gain 20% damage resistance for one turn.
Where Gai’ming shields the strong, Heimdall throws himself into harm’s way for the fragile. The keeper of Bifrost has a lot of great things going for him – a self-heal with dispels, a fixed damage attack that helps him contribute to DPS, ongoing passive damage reduction, and shielding fragile back row allies. Heimdall is a vanilla tank, but sometimes the old ways are best.

Element :Dark
Attack: 26224
Defense: 1881
HP: 209425
Speed: 1604
- Revenant Slash
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 176% to one front row enemy and curses them. Increases Abaddon’s damage resistance by 20% for 2 turns. Cursed enemies take 30% of the caster’s ATK as damage after 2 turns.
- Revenant Corpse
HP + 40%, DEF + 20%, Damage resistance +20%.
- Undead Impact
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 102% physical damage to all enemies. Has a 58% chance to to curse them and a 30% chance to stun for 2 turns.
- Cursed Body
Abaddon has an 80% chance to curse enemies that hit him.
Abaddon doesn’t tank as much as he reflects damage. His wealth of damage reduction options ensures that he’ll be protected from even the fiercest attacks, while his bevy of curses whittles away at enemies. Abaddon isn’t a traditional tank, so if you’re looking for protection for your main damagers or your supports, you’ll want someone else. But boy, is it fun to watch enemies die to him.

Element :Water
Attack: 23715
Defense: 1831
HP: 197628
Speed: 1490
- Titan Shock
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 207% damage to 1 enemy with a 60% chance to stun them. If the opponent has any warriors, Titan Shock will prioritize hitting them, and has a 100% chance to stun instead.
- God of All Gods
HP + 20%, DEF + 40%, Damage resistance +20%.
- Ancient Guardian
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Titan takes 50% of all damage that the ally with the highest ATK would take, and is dispelled of all debuffs. Both Titan and the protected ally gain 30% damage resistance and 20% control resistance.
- Counterattack
Whenever Titan is hit, he gains a stacking 2% speed buff, up to 5 times per battle. Titan also counterattacks for 130% damage whenever he is hit, which ignores dodge. If the target is a warrior, Counterattack is guaranteed to crit.
The mighty Titan is here, and is surprisingly a tank. With League of Pantheons’s heavy warrior-based compositions, landing powerful, guaranteed stuns on them is sure to be a welcome treat. Titan also has a potent shield skill which dispels and gives both him and his target a hefty 30% damage reduction buff. All in all, Titan is a solid unit.

Element :Wind
Attack: 24990
Defense: 1712
HP: 189799
Speed: 1561
- Divine Slash
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 142% physical damage to front and mid row enemies, with a 50% chance to taunt them for 2 turns. If a target is slower than Odin, this chance is increased to 70% for that enemy.
- Supreme Defense
HP + 35%, DEF + 15%, Dodge +5%.
- Storm of Justice
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 272% physical damage to a front row enemy. Odin gains 12% damage reduction for 2 turns.
- Realm of Supremacy
Odin has 12% damage reduction against enemies slower than him. Against faster enemies, Odin instead has +15% control resistance.
Odin’s taunt being chance-based doesn’t help his case, but the extra protection against faster enemies with their control spells is nice. However, it is still a taunt, which League of Pantheons is sorely lacking in. Odin’s damage mitigation methods are much more limited than other tanks, and while he’s not unusable, he lacks a certain stoutness that separates a good from a great tank.

Element :Fire
Attack: 24504
Defense: 1748
HP: 193636
Speed: 1518
- Frost Fire
(Trigger:Turn 1, No cooldown)
Randomly attacks all front row enemies with either flame or frost. Fire attacks deal 155% magic damage and have a 90% chance to inflict a 2 turn burn. Frost attacks deal 103% magic damage and heal Phoenix for 100% of its own ATK.
- Fire Aegis
HP + 35%, ATK + 15%, Control resistance +10%.
- Fire Rebirth
(Cooldown:15 turns)
When Phoenix is killed, it is revived with 55% of its max HP. It also gains a 30% damage resistance buff for 2 turns.
- Flame Wings
When an enemy strikes Phoenix, they gain the red hot debuff, which deals damage equal to 7% of the caster’s max HP.
Let’s go through Phoenix’s kit and point out the reasons why it shouldn’t be a tank. Frost Fire does nothing to improve its team’s survivability – no ATK debuff, no slows, no nothing. Fire Aegis gives control resistance, because Phoenix couldn’t be bothered to have dispels like most other tanks. Fire Rebirth is trying to salvage a sinking ship, and while it does give Phoenix a large damage reduction buff, it also revives at 55% HP.
Flame Wings penalizes enemies for attacking Phoenix. So overall, we’ve got a complete mess of a tank that does absolutely zero things to help its team survive, while churning out half-hearted attempts to do damage with its much lower attack stat. If your whole kit revolves around getting killed, it’s time to rethink that loadout. Let Phoenix serve as a lesson on how to not design a tank.
Support Tier List

Element :Dark
Attack: 32106
Defense: 1833
HP: 196031
Speed: 1547
- Spectral Ravens
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 179% magic damage to back row enemies. The 3 allies with the lowest HP gain a shield with health equal to 150% of the damage Pandora dealt, for 2 turns.
- Disaster Bringer
HP + 40%, ATK + 20%, SPD + 15.
- Pandora’s Box
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Pandora randomly unleashes a plague or blessing from her box. If a plague is released, all enemies take 30% magic damage and are hit with 2 debuffs from either -30% incoming healing, -20% accuracy, -30% ATK, or poison for 2 turns. If the box contains a blessing, all allies are healed for 15% of their max HP and gain a 20% ATK buff.
- Nightmare
All enemies have -20% ATK for the first 2 turns of battle. This cannot be dispelled.
Pandora’s not only cute, but she’s one of the most potent supports in the game. She not only shields allies (3 allies, at that!) but she has a 20%, undispellable attack debuff on all enemies as soon as the battle begins, greatly improving your team’s survivability especially against first turn nukes. Pandora’s Box is one of those random skills, but unlike most of them, you’ll be glad whichever result you get:all the debuffs are nasty, and she picks two of them to inflict on all enemies!
Alternately, the heal scales off the target’s max HP which can lead to better healing on tanks that can’t be reduced in any way, and that 20% ATK buff is amazing, too. Pandora has a lot of things to offer, and all of them are fantastic.
Divine High Priest

Element :Light
Attack: 31517
Defense: 1831
HP: 195767
Speed: 1574
- Bliss of Soul
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Heals all allies for 98% of DHP’s ATK and gives them the soul mark buff for 2 turns. Soul mark gives an ally 15% damage resistance. If an ally with soul mark dies, DHP gets a +15% healing effect bonus that lasts until the end of battle.
- God’s Blessing
HP + 40%, ATK + 20%, Healing effect + 10%.
- Revival
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Revives a fallen ally and heals them for 208% of DHP’s ATK. If there are no dead allies, this will instead heal the ally with the lowest HP for 270% of DHP’s ATK.
- Divine Mercy
DHP’s normal attacks heal the ally with the lowest HP for 50% of DHP’s ATK.
Divine High Priest (DHP) has the distinction of being the only unit with a generic name that is 5 star, 255 capped. It’s not just for show though – DHP has the best heals and revives in the game, bar none. Her soul marks allow her to ramp up her healing if any allies fall, letting her scale well into late battles, and her revival can also be converted into a massive heal, if things are going well for you. DHP is a solid support, if a little lacking in variety.

Element :Light
Attack: 31565
Defense: 1834
HP: 195666
Speed: 1574
- Healing Wash
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
The 4 allies with the highest ATK are cleared of all debuffs, and gain a +25% ATK and +10% crit rate buff for 2 turns. Warrior allies gain a +20% crit rate boost instead of 10%.
- Pure Heart
HP + 40%, ATK + 20%, SPD + 30.
- Holy Barrier
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Increases magic damage reduction for all allies by 15%, and gives them the soul barrier buff for 2 turns. When a unit with soul barrier takes damage, that damage is distributed evenly across all allies with soul barrier. When soul barrier is dispelled, all allies are healed for 98% of Raphael’s ATK. This buff cannot be dispelled.
- Triumph Gift
If Raphael dies, all allies are healed for 240% of her ATK. This can only trigger once per battle.
Raphael is a very proactive healer with a unique method of damage mitigation, namely damage distribution. By spreading damage evenly across the party, Raphael vastly improves your team’s longevity and lets squishy heroes survive hits that would otherwise floor them. Raphael’s Healing Wash does not actually heal any HP, but dispels her allies while also providing an impressive ATK and crit rate buff.

Element :Water
Attack: 29072
Defense: 1779
HP: 184922
Speed: 1437
- Tidal Horn
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
The 3 allies with the highest ATK are cleared of all debuffs, and gain a +25% ATK buff for 2 turns.
- Ocean Legacy
HP + 35%, ATK + 15%, Healing effect + 10%.
- Blessing of the Sea
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Revives a fallen ally and heals them for 246% of Erial’s ATK. If there are no dead allies, this will instead heal the ally with the lowest HP for 356% of Erial’s ATK.
- Tidal Echo
Tidal Horn also gives the targeted allies +20% crit for 2 turns.
Erial strikes a happy medium between DHP and Raphael. Compared to DHP, Erial has no full-on party heal, but has a more powerful revival skill with bigger multipliers on both reviva and non-revival.
Compared to Raphael, Erial targets one less ally and gives them 25% ATK; she also needs her 4 skill to fully bring out this skill’s potential, as it doesn’t give any crit bonus on its own. So who do you use? It depends on your team’s needs. All 3 of them are excellent supports.

Element :Wind
Attack: 30519
Defense: 1666
HP: 177569
Speed: 1505
- Symphony of Wind
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 148% magic damage to 3 enemies. Heals the ally with the lowest HP for 270% of Pan’s ATK. Gives 2 random allies 70 SPD and 25% ATK for 1 turn. This buff does not stack.
- Nature’s Blessing
HP + 40%, ATK + 20%, Dodge + 10%.
- Hymn of Nature
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Heals all other allies for 142% of Pan’s ATK, as well as a 70 SPD and 25% ATK buff for 1 turn.
- Mark of the Woods
Pan’s attacks also inflict 1 stack of mark of the woods on his foes. Pan gains 3% ATK for each mark on the field, to a cap of 30%. Enemies with at least 3 marks take 30% increased damage from all sources.
Pan’s the man if speed is the name of your game. His buffs give a whopping +70 SPD, which helps in edging out your enemy out in the second turn’s sequence, unless somehow Pan himself goes first. Whether that first hit helps you decimate the enemy’s front ranks or mess up their support buffs is up to you.
Mark of the Woods helps Pan get in some late-turn damage, which can be enough to win. More importantly, the 3 stack penalty gives one enemy a huge incoming damage taken debuff – more than enough to utterly flatten them if they’re unprepared.

Element :Wind
Attack: 31029
Defense: 1664
HP: 172518
Speed: 1518
- Holy Deer
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
The 4 allies with the highest ATK gain 20% DEF for 2 turns; if they are wind heroes, they also gain 10% ATK. The 1 ally with the highest ATK receives the holy deer buff, which lasts for 2 turns and cannot be dispelled. Allies with holy deer are healed for 40% of their max HP if their HP goes below 40%, or are revived with 25% HP if they die. The buff is lost once either of these effects trigger.
- Hunting God
ATK + 40%, HP + 20%, SPD + 30%.
- Moon Arrows
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 135% physical damage to all enemies, with a 70% chance to inflict hunting mark. The 2 allies with the lowest HP are healed for 128% of Synthia’s ATK. Hunting marks inflict -6% damage resistance, -4% control resistance, and take extra damage from hits equal to 7% of the caster’s ATK. Marks last 2 turns and can stack up to 3 times.
- Gale Hunt
Normal attacks have a 100% chance to inflict hunting mark. Once per combat round, Synthia will also perform normal attacks on all enemies slower than her.
Synthia is a potent offensive support that also provides minor healing, and more importantly, a proactive revival buff that won’t use up her turn. Her hunting marks are amazing at breaking through enemy ranks, as they inflict both damage resistance and control resistance debuffs. Synthia is a great hero for any team that’s looking to fill their support slot with someone who can do damage while providing good backup.

Element :Light
Attack: 31627
Defense: 1831
HP: 196001
Speed: 1574
- Holy Nova
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
Deals 117% magic damage to all enemies. Has a 76% chance to inflict a 2 turn armor break, lowering DEF by 40%.
- Discipline
HP + 35%, ATK + 15%, SPD + 30.
- Battlecry
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Heals all allies for 142% of Alleria’s ATK and gives them +25% ATK for 2 turns.
- Smite
Normal attacks have a 60% chance to inflict a 3 turn armor break.
Alleria’s role is best defined as shieldbreaker. Both her first turn Holy Nova and subsequent normal attacks starting from turn 3 have a decent chance to inflict a powerful armor break debuff. Apart from that though, Alleria can’t do much aside from the odd heal here and there. Alleria’s a hybrid support, and a good one at that, but she’s nowhere near as potent as say, DHP or Raphael.

Element :Water
Attack: 29079
Defense: 1774
HP: 184911
Speed: 1506
- Love Brewing
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:4 turns)
The fastest enemy hero is hit with a 100% magic damage resistance debuff, as well as an 80% chance to be put to sleep. The ally with the lowest HP gains a shield that blocks all damage once, and all allies gain a 25% ATK buff for 2 turns.
- Dionysus
HP + 40%, ATK + 20%, Healing + 10%.
- Holy Brew Bestow
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Heals all allies for 130% of Dionysus’s ATK. Overheals from this skill will be converted into shields that last 2 turns. All allies receive the regen buff, healing them for 25% of Dionysus’s ATK per turn for 2 turns.
- Wine Ripple
Heals the ally with the lowest health for 110% of Dionysus’s ATK, and increases their critical resistance by 8% for 1 turn.
Dionysus’s first skill could use some rework – 80% is high, but not guaranteed – but the rest of its effects are solid, cementing her role as a healer/buffer. Currently, no other hero can grant the regen buff, which helps Dionysus retain her role as an over-time healer. Coincidentally, she can also create shields from her overheals, which is always welcome. And yes, her passive is named Dionysus, though she could’ve just called it “vanity”.

Element :Fire
Attack: 34780
Defense: 1635
HP: 165266
Speed: 1476
- Flame Vortex
(Trigger:Turn 1, Cooldown:2 turns)
Deals 123% magic damage to front and mid row enemies. Has an 80% chance to hit them with a +30% incoming damage debuff for 2 turns. Has a 50% chance to dispel 1 buff from each of them.
- Unyielding Will
HP + 40%, ATK + 20%, SPD + 30.
- Flame Barrier
(Trigger:Turn 2, Cooldown:4 turns)
Gives all allies a flame shield. When an ally with flame shield is struck, the attacker also receives 20% of their attack’s damage. Flame shields cannot be dispelled.
- Fire of Life
Whenever any of your heroes lands a critical hit, all your heroes are healed for 15% of that attack’s damage.
Prometheus is a toss-up. He can be excellent in a crit-centered team, throwing out free heals like candy. On the other hand, crits are still a matter of luck, making Prometheus’s performance inconsistent and weird.
Flame Barrier provides a good reflection buff but doesn’t actually improve his team’s survivability. However, his Flame Vortex is a very good skill despite its middling damage – 80% chance o make enemies hurt more, and 50% chance to strip buffs. His build will greatly depend on how you want to use him.
Play Who You Want To Play
Ultimately, the choice of who to put in your team is up to you. Sometimes we just like a character so much we don’t want to let go of them. Sometimes we can’t afford to have better heroes. The choice is entirely in your hands.
With that, our tier list for League of Pantheons comes to an end. If you have any suggestions or comments on our write-ups, let us know in the comment section below!