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Dislyte Epischer Esper-Leitfaden:Eine vollständige Beschreibung jedes epischen Espers

Willkommen zum zweiten Teil von drei unserer Dislyte Esper Guides! In diesem Leitfaden werden wir die Stärken und Schwächen der 34 epischen Esper untersuchen, die Sie derzeit im Spiel erhalten und denen Sie begegnen können. Wenn Sie es noch nicht getan haben, sehen Sie sich auch unseren Leitfaden für seltene Esper an, da er auch Beschreibungen der verschiedenen Esper-Rollen, unserer zugewiesenen Unterrollen und unserer Basisattributbereiche enthält, die in diesem Leitfaden häufig vorkommen werden. Wir haben auch einen separaten Leitfaden für legendäre Esper!

Diese Anleitung geht davon aus, dass Sie Dislyte schon seit einiger Zeit spielen und mit einigen Terminologien vertraut sind. Wenn Sie jedoch neu im Spiel sind, können Sie sich unseren Dislyte-Anfängerleitfaden ansehen!

Epische Esper-Attribute

ESPER ATK (Stufe 1) ANG (Stufe 60) HP (Stufe 1) HP (Stufe 60) DEF (Stufe 1) DEF (Stufe 60) SPD
Asenath (Nefertem) 179 810 3.478 15.679 193 874 100
Djoser (Atum) 175 794 2.660 11.996 259 1.173 95
Mona (Artemis) 279 1.255 2.147 9.680 190 860 97
Jiang Man (Meng Po) 252 1.143 2.551 11.505 190 859 106
Celine (Sirene) 193 874 3.175 14.317 201 911 104
Kara (Serket) 205 925 3.208 14.465 187 850 94
Eira (Freya) 201 911 2,985 13,462 206 926 103
Falken (Horus) 214 962 3,146 14,177 183 830 101
Lu Yi (Dayi) 263 1,185 2,607 11,749 172 781 90
Fabrice (Freyr) 172 781 3,288 14,819 214 962 100
Arcana (Hermes) 248 1,123 2,582 11,644 191 860 105
Sander (Set) 244 1,098 2,341 10,554 210 952 104
Alexa (Aphrodite) 193 874 2,835 12,783 226 1,014 102
Heng Yue (Chang'e) 197 885 3,341 15,073 186 849 91
Luo Yan (Yanluo Wang) 221 1,001 2,693 12,139 210 952 104
Chloe (Medea) 277 1,254 2,551 11,505 163 733 103
Catherine (Hela) 210 852 3,245 14,637 180 811 99
Pritzker (Mimir) 206 926 2,535 11,429 233 1,047 100
Jacob (Jormungand) 218 992 2,779 12,532 205 925 98
Ren Si (Black Tortoise) 184 831 2,607 11,749 252 1,143 98
Lin Xiao (White Tiger) 270 1,224 2,505 11,294 175 794 95
Long Mian (Ao Bing) 240 1,083 2,626 11,840 194 874 101
Lynn (Hathor) 244 1,097 2,527 11,394 197 886 99
Anesidora (Pandora) 187 850 3,353 15,118 194 874 100
Bonnie (Eris) 201 910 3,042 13,721 203 912 105
Dhalia (Calypso) 205 926 2,933 13,223 205 926 102
Taylor (Hercules) 274 1,242 2,527 11,394 168 754 95
Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei) 260 1,174 2,267 10,225 201 911 93
Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai) 186 849 2,883 12,999 229 1,032 99
Nicole (Nephthys) 193 874 2,863 12,911 224 1,013 104
Laura (Neith) 193 874 3,035 13,691 213 961 96
Meredith (Scylla) 168 754 3,511 15,832 201 910 100
Kaylee (Anuket) 258 1,172 2,530 11,413 184 831 104
Stewart (Dionysus) 252 1,143 2,568 11,580 187 850 99


Highest among Epic Espers Lowest among Epic Espers Lowest among all Espers

Epic Espers

Epic Espers don’t show up as often as Rare Espers but are more likely than Legendary Espers. They often have Average to High stats, sometimes have Excellent stats and rarely Godly Stats. Getting duplicates of them is a little tougher than Rares.

Asenath (Nefertem)

Role: Support

Sub Roles: Disabler, Healer, Buffer

Buffs: Recovery, Lotus Mark


Other Abilities: Increase AP, Removes Buffs

Captain Ability: Increase ally DEF in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 30%


High HP &SPD

Average ATK &DEF


Flower of Resentment Dancing Buds Lotus Steps
Target 1 Enemy All Allies All Allies
Damage / Heal Damage:120% (max lvl) of ATK Heal:10% of target’s max HP + 80% (max lvl) of Asenath’s ATK
Effects 60% chance to Remove Buff Recovery, 1 turn Increase AP 25%

Lotus Mark
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Each triggered Lotus Mark increases AP by 20%

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Abiding Panacea, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Adamantine, Master Grove

Asenath has the ability to boost her allies’ AP, cast a healing skill that continues until the next turn and still deal damage with a chance of dispelling buffs. Her unique Lotus Mark buff acts as a temporary shield, reducing damage taken by 50% once.

Equipping Asenath with relics like Wind Walker or any with SPD attributes lets you start the battle with her turn, allowing you to use Lotus Steps, giving everyone on your team an AP boost so they can move before your enemies. Equip her with Abiding Panacea to increase her healing efficacy or War Machine to increase her ATK since this also affects her healing amount.

Verwandt: Dislyte Tier List:A Complete Ranking of All Espers

She can work with any team but is best paired with Espers that can deploy debuffs or grant more buffs at the start of battle. She may also benefit from Espers that can dispel or remove debuffs since she will be unable to heal Diseased allies.

Djoser (Atum)

Role: Defender

Sub Roles: Nuker, Disabler, Debilitator, Buffer, Healer

Buffs: Bull Rage

Debuffs: DEF Down, Taunt

Other Abilities: Bonus Turn

Captain Ability:


High DEF (Highest among all Epic Espers)
Average HP &SPD


Brutalizer Eternal Strength (Passive) Burning Roar
Target 1 Enemy Self 1 Enemy, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:30% of ATK + 60% (max lvl) of DEF Damage:80% of ATK + 120% (max lvl) of DEF Heal:5% (max lvl) of Max HP per Bull Rage Stack
Effects 60% chance to
DEF Down, 2 turns
Stacks 1 Bull Rage
(max 10)
Taunt, 2 turns

10 Bull Rage Stacks =50% Damage increase

Uses all Bull Rages
Triggers / Cooldown Whenever Djoser is attacked 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade 10 Bull Rage =Bonus Turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

War Machine, Hades, Hammer of Thor

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Stoneveins, Master Grove

Djoser can take advantage of persistent chain-attacking enemies with his Eternal Strength passive which stacks a Bull Rage every time he is attacked. Bull Rage adds 10% DEF and 5% RESIST per stack. At 10 stacks, he gets a Bonus Turn and a 50% damage increase when using Burning Roar. With this skill, he can Taunt his enemies, making them attack only him, letting him get even more Bull Rage Stacks. He can also damage and lower his enemies’ DEF with Brutalizer.

ATK is not as important to him since he has DEF-damage-converting skills so equip him with Stoneveins or any relics with DEF attributes. He is best paired with Espers with low HP since he can take the blunt of the enemies’ attacks and benefit from it in the process. However, he will need Espers that can heal him or a Hades Set which will give him lifesteal.

Verwandt: Dislyte Squad Formation Guide:Recommended Team Formations

He works best during long battles and would be useless against quick battles since he won’t have enough time to build up his stacks.

Mona (Artemis)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Healer, Buffer



Other Abilities: Bonus Turn, Takes AP

Captain Ability: Increase ally ATK by 24%


High ATK (Highest among all Epic Espers)
Good SPD
Average DEF

Low HP (Lowest among all Epic Espers)


Moonshot Hunter’s Mark Lunar Hall
Target 1 Enemy All Enemies, Self All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:130% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:70% of ATK Heal:30% (max lvl) of total damage dealt Damage:4 hits, 115% (max lvl) of ATK total
Effects Bonus Turn if enemy is killed If Critical Hit =30% Damage increase
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns 3 turns
Ascension Upgrade Takes 10% AP from each enemy

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

War Machine, Hades

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Sword Avatara

Mona can clear waves of enemies quickly with her 2 AoE skills. Her weakest point lies in her low HP, but Hunter’s Mark’s ability to heal her based on a percentage of her total damage can save her from early death. Increasing her ATK with War Machine or ATK attributes on any relic would make her deadly but Hades would significantly increase her survivability with its lifesteal.

Letting her kill low health enemies with Moonshot, granting her a bonus turn, then using Hunter’s Mark or Lunar Hall after (unless there are more low health enemies, and in that case, keep using Moonshot) is a good strategy. She is best paired with Supports that can heal her or increase her ATK or a Defender that can keep enemies from attacking her.

Jiang Man (Meng Po)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Debilitator


Debuffs: Netherbloom, Poison, Silence

Other Abilities:

Captain Ability: Increase ally ATK in Holobattle by 30%


Godly SPD (Highest among all Epic Espers)

High ATK
Average HP &DEF


Passage Flower Paths (Passive) Waters of Lethe
Target 1 Chosen Enemy + 1 Random Enemy Enemies afflicted with Netherbloom All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:80% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:3 hits, 110% (max lvl) of ATK total
Effects Netherbloom Poisons enemy afflicted with Netherbloom, 2 turns

50% chance to counterattack enemy afflicted with Netherbloom
Triggers / Cooldown See above 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Netherbloom

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

War Machine, Wind Walker

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Sword Avatara, Master Grove

Jiang Man marks her enemies with Netherblooms that work like ticking time bombs. The afflicted also gets Poisoned and will suffer a counterattack by Jiang Man if they attack her. Once attacked 5 times or dies, a marked enemy and 2 random enemies will receive damage with a chance of being Silenced. Once upgraded in Ascension, Waters of Lethe becomes more lethal as all enemies will be inflicted by her unique debuff. Target weak enemies or pair her up with Chain Strikers to trigger her Netherblooms quicker.

Using relics to increase her ATK for more damage or her SPD to let her deploy more Netherblooms would benefit this Esper. However, her biggest weakness is her average HP and DEF so equip her with relics that increase them or pair her with healing Supports and taunting Defenders. She may also have difficulty fighting against Espers that can dispel debuffs or cast Immunity.

Celine (Siren)

Role: Controller

Sub Roles: AoE, Disabler, Buffer, Dispeller

Buffs: SPD Up, DEF Up

Debuffs: Sleep

Other Abilities: Reduce AP, Removes Debuffs

Captain Ability: Increases ally ACC by 30%


Excellent SPD
Good HP
Average ATK &DEF


Serene Melody Sound of Nature Slumber
Target 1 Enemy All Allies All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:80% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 70% (max lvl) chance to
Sleep, 1 turn
Removes 1 Debuff each

SPD Up, 2 turns
Reduce AP 30% (max lvl)

70% (max lvl) chance of
Sleep, 1 turn
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade DEF Up, 1 turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine, Ocean Waves

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Master Grove

Celine’s skill set focuses on lulling her enemies to Sleep and reducing their AP while removing her allies’ debuffs and buffing them with SPD Up and DEF Up. Equipping her with Wind Walker will give her a higher chance of moving first, letting her use Slumber to disable her enemies, giving her allies time to apply buffs or attack first.

However, her skills are weak against Espers who can dispel debuffs or grant Immunity and won’t work against enemies resistant to debuffs like bosses. Another disadvantage to Sleep is AoE skills would easily wake up afflicted enemies so using single target skills and focusing on one at a time could be a good strategy, as long as you don’t wake up the dispelers.

She is best paired with Supports that have useful buffing skills to take advantage of her Sleep debuff or Fighters with low DEF or SPD that can take advantage of her buffs.

Kara (Serket)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: AoE, Disabler, Debilitator


Debuffs: SPD Down, Poison, Diseased

Other Abilities:

Captain Ability: Increases ally ACC in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 40%


Good HP
Average ATK, DEF &SPD


Scorpion Claw Deadly Toxin (Passive) Doomstroke
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:120% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:130% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 60% (max lvl) chance to
SPD Down, 2 turns
Poison, 2 turns Diseased, 2 turns
Triggers / Cooldown Everytime Kara attacks 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If already poisoned =Extend Poison by 1 turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Sword Avatara

Kara shines best in long battles. Her Deadly Toxin passive inflicts all her attacks with Poison while her Doomstroke skill inflicts the Diseased debuff which prevents her enemies from healing. A deadly combination that slowly burns away your enemies’ HP without giving them a chance to recover. Equip her with Wind Walker relics to ensure that she moves before everyone else so she can immediately use Doomstrike and inflict both Diseased and Poison on all of her enemies before they have a chance to counter it. Apollo’s Bow will give her an ACC bonus, making her debuffs more likely to affect her enemy while equipping her with Sword Avatara will let her counterattack, Poisoning her attacker in the process.

She is weak against Supporters with Immunity and buff-dispelling skills but she can be used to counter enemies with healing skills. She is best paired with Espers that have bonuses when attacking debuffed enemies.

Eira (Freya)

Role: Support (Possible Controller)

Sub Roles: AoE, Disabler, Buffer

Buffs: Brisingmen’s Watch

Debuffs: SPD Down

Other Abilities: Reduce AP, Bonus Turn

Captain Ability: Increases ally ATK by 24%


Excellent SPD

Good HP &DEF

Average ATK


Chords of Heron Divine Love Seabreeze Sonata
Target 1 Enemy All Allies All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:120% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:120% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 25% (max lvl) chance to Bonus Turn (Self) Removes all Debuffs

Reduce all Ability

Cooldowns by 1

Brisingamen’s Watch, 2 turns
SPD Down, 2 turns

Reduce AP 30%
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Resets Divine Love’s Cooldown

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Master Grove

Eira can be used against enemies that inflict a lot of debuffs and are dependent on it. Her Divine Love skill can wipe away all those debuffs from her allies while also granting bonus AP for 2 turns with her unique Brisingamen’s Watch buff. While labeled as a Support, she has potential to be a Controller with her ability to reduce AP and SPD Down with Seabreeze Sonata which pairs well with her Chords of Heron’s Bonus Turn.

Her ATK is her lowest stat and may benefit from equipping relics that can increase them, but SPD is her strongest weapon and could be improved with Wind Walker. This will allow her to use her last skill before her enemies could move, giving her team an advantage in the AP Bar. She is best paired with Espers with low SPD that need her buffs.

Falken (Horus)

Role: Defender

Sub Roles: AoE, Disabler, Debilitator, Healer


Debuffs: Taunt, Eye of Horus, ATK Down

Other Abilities: Counter Attacks, Damage to Heal

Captain Ability: Increases ally C. RATE by 20%


High SPD

Good ATK &HP

Average DEF


Judgment Eye of Vengeance (Passive) Falconer
Target 1 Enemy Enemy/ies attacked by Horus All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:30% of ATK + 6% (max lvl) of max HP Damage:100% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 50% (max lvl) chance to
Taunt, 2 turns
Eye of Horus, 1 turn

Enemies marked with Eye of Horus hits ally =60% chance
of Horus counterattacking

15% chance to counterattack using Falconer
100% (max lvl) chance to ATK Down, 2 turns
Triggers / Cooldown Whenever Horus attacks 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Heal Falken 10% of his own max HP when counterattacking

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Hades, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Sword Avatara, Fiery Incandescence, Master Grove

Falken’s Eye of Vengeance passive lets him mark every enemy he attacks with Eye of Horus, giving himself a chance to counterattack them with his basic skill or with Falconer which attacks all enemies. Once upgraded in Ascension, it will heal 10% of his max HP. Once Eye of Horus expires, the carrier receives True Damage equal to 20% of total damage they received while afflicted, acting like a ticking time bomb. Unfortunately, this debuff won’t be effective against bosses.

Equipping him with Master Grove or relics with HP Attributes will make his first skill deal more damage while also increasing his survivability. Hades is also a good choice as it will heal him as he attacks. Choose Sword Avatara for higher counterattack chance or Fiery Incandescence for C. RATE. He is best paired with Espers with low HP or DEF that need protection. He may also benefit from having Healers on the team.

Lu Yi (Dayi)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Debilitator


Debuffs: Sear, Bleed

Other Abilities:

Captain Ability: Increases ally ATK in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 30%


High ATK

Average HP &DEF

Low SPD (Lowest among all Espers, tied with Zelmer)


Phoenix Arrows Unshackling (Passive) Skyshot
Target 1 Enemy Enemy/ies attacked by Lu Yi Random Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:3 hits, 55% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:9 hits, 50% (max lvl) of ATK each
Effects 40% chance to Sear, 2 turns Each attack has a 15% chance
of dealing True Damage equal to
10% of the target’s max HP (cannot exceed 100% of Lu Yi’s ATK)
60% (max lvl) chance to
Bleed, 3 turns
Triggers / Cooldown Whenever Lu Yi attacks 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Critical Hit =+ 30% trigger chance

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

War Machine, Hades

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Sword Avatara

Lu Yi is ideal to use when fighting against waves of enemies or enemies with high DEF. He can use Skyskot to greatly reduce enemies’ HP while also inflicting Bleed and his Unshackling passive gives him a chance to deal True Damage with it, ignoring DEF. His first skill also has a chance to inflict Sear.

His biggest weakness is his low SPD and could benefit from equipping relics with SPD attributes or being paired with Espers that can increase his AP or SPD. War Machine is a must for ATK increase but Hades has lifesteal that could heal him in a pinch. Fiery Incandescence is also good to have since increasing C. RATE also increases his chances to deal True Damage.

Fabrice (Freyr)

Role: Support

Sub Roles: Buffer, Healer

Buffs: Recovery, Invincibility, Immunity, ATK Up


Other Abilities: Increases AP

Captain Ability: increases ally RESIST by 30%


High HP &SPD

Good DEF



Glorious Aura Love Sonata Autumn Butterflies
Target 1 Enemy, 1 Lowest HP Ally 1 Ally 1 Ally, All Allies
Damage / Heal Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects Recovery to ally with the least HP, 1 turn Increase AP 100% (max lvl) Invincibility, 1 turn (1 Ally)

Immunity, 2 turns (All Allies)
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade ATK Up, 2 turns

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Ocean Waves

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Adamantine Set, Master Grove, Sword Avatara

Fabrice can heal with no cooldowns, increase an ally’s AP by up to 100% and buff his allies with Invincibility, Immunity and ATK Up. His basic ability not only deals damage but grants Recovery to an ally with the least health for 1 turn. When equipped with Sword Avatara, he would be able to use this more often whenever he counterattacks. His Love Sonata can boost an ally’s AP, potentially letting them move as soon as his turn ends. This can be used on a Support for emergency healing and buffs or on a Fighter to let them deliver their strong attacks, possibly killing their enemies before they attack. Autumn Butterflies on the other hand can help his allies survive team-wide attacks for a turn and team-wide debuffs for 2 turns.

Low ATK is his biggest weakness and is not a reliable damage dealer. Focus on increasing his SPD with relic attributes or a Wind Walker Set to make him reach his turns faster. Alternatively, you can equip him with Ocean waves to reduce his skills’ cooldowns.

Arcana (Hermes)

Role: Fighter (Possible Controller)

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Buffer


Debuffs: Miss Rate Up, Stun,

Other Abilities: Takes AP and shares team-wide, Takes Buffs

Captain Ability: Increases ally ATK in Point War by 30%


Godly SPD

Good ATK

Average HP &DEF


Twin Snakes Imprisonment Scouring Whip
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:120% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:2 hits, 100% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 75% (max lvl) chance to
Miss Rate Up, 2 turns
75% (max lvl) chance to
Stun, 1 turn

Takes 25% AP, shared team-wide
Takes 1 buff from each target
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Gains 30% AP per buff stolen

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Master Grove, Stoneveins

Arcana is a Fighter that can disable and damage using his attacks, inflicting Miss Rate Up and Stun debuffs while stealing enemies’ buffs for himself and AP for his team.

His weakness lies in his average HP and DEF which could make him easy to kill unless you invest in relics that can improve them like Master Grove or Stoneveins or pair him with Espers that can heal and buff him. Apollo’s Bow and Wind Walker are good picks as they will make his debuffs more likely to be inflicted and let his turn come by faster. Alternatively, you can focus on increasing his ATK with War Machine.

He is best paired with Espers that have skills that depend on debuffs and a good counter against teams that rely on buffs.

Sander (Set)

Role: Controller

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, Disabler,Buffer

Buffs: SPD Up

Debuffs: SPD Down, Stun

Other Abilities: Reduce AP

Captain Ability: Increase ally SPD in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 25%


Excellent SPD


Average HP


Dusts of Mazzar Corrosion Sandstorm
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy, Self 1 Enemy
Damage / Heal Damage:70% (max lvl) of ATK + 0.33% of ATK per point of SPD Damage:180% (max lvl) of ATK + 0.33% of ATK per point of SPD Damage:3 hits, 60% (max lvl) of
ATK + 0.33% of
ATK per point of SPD each
Effects 75% (max lvl) chance to
Reduce AP 30%
100% (max lvl) chance to SPD Down, 2 turns

If Critical hit =SPD Up 2 turns (Self)
50% (max lvl) chance to
Reduce AP 30%
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Final attack Stun, 1 turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Apollo’s Bow

Sander’s Stun, SPD Down &AP-reducing buffs paired with his own SPD UP buff and ability to convert SPD to ATK lets him dominate the AP Bar while delivering impressive damage. Equip him with Wind Walker for more SPD since this also partially affects his ATK. However, since the percentage of SPD to ATK conversion is low, equipping him with War Machine to increase his ATK is also a viable option. Equip him with Apollo’s Bow to increase his debuff odds or Fiery Incandescence to give him higher C. RATE.

His lowest stat is his HP which may make him easy to kill so pair him up with Healers or Defenders that can take damage for him.

Alexa (Aphrodite)

Role: Support

Sub Roles: Disabler, Buffer, Healer

Buffs: Kiss of the Nightingale

Debuffs: Miss Rate Up

Other Abilities: Balance HP Ratios, Reduce Ability Cooldowns

Captain Ability: Increase ally HP in Point War by 30%


Excellent SPD

Good HP &DEF

Average ATK


Brilliance Phantasia Kiss of the Nightingale
Target 1 Enemy All Allies 1 Ally
Damage / Heal Damage:120% (max lvl) of ATK If ally has Kiss of the Nightingale buff =
Heal:20% (max lvl) of max HP
Kiss of the Nightingale (3)

Returns 75% (max lvl) of damage received
Effects 50% (max lvl) chance to
Miss Rate Up, 2 turns
Balances all allied Esper’s HP Ratios
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Reduces all ability cooldowns by 1

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Ocean Waves

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Master Grove

Alexa’s Kiss of the Nightingale buff returns 75% damage received by the ally blessed with it as True Damage to the attacker which works on 3 attacks. Her Phantasia skill on the other hand heals any ally with her unique buff and then modifies all of her allies’ HP to balance their ratios. This skill can also reduce all ability cooldowns by 1 when upgraded in Ascension.

These skills benefit high HP allies or Defenders since they need to be attacked for her unique buff to take effect and balancing HP ratios will let them share their HP with those that have lower HP. Since her heal has a lot of conditions to take effect and is not super strong, she would still benefit from having a supplementary Healer on your team.

Equip her with Wind Walker to increase her SPD or Ocean Waves to reduce her cooldowns. Some may equip her with Abiding Panacea to increase her healing efficacy, but it may not be as useful since her heal only takes effect on allies that have her unique buff and she can only apply this buff one at a time. Master Grove is essential since her skills are reliant on high HP.

Heng Yue (Chang’e)

Role: Support

Sub Roles: Disabler, Buffer, Healer, Dispeller

Buffs: Recovery


Other Abilities: Removes Buffs, Removes Debuffs

Captain Ability: Increases ally HP by 24%


High HP
Average ATK &DEF


Silvermoon Kiss Undying Elixir (Passive) Golden Moon
Target 1 Enemy Ally with lowest HP All Allies
Damage / Heal Damage:120% (max lvl) of ATK Heal:10% (max lvl) of target’s max HP Heal:30% (max lvl) of target’s max HP + 3% per Removed Debuff
Effects 100% (max lvl) chance to Remove Buff Removes Debuff Removes Debuffs from All Allies
Triggers / Cooldown At the end of her turn 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Recovery for 2 turns if Ally has 50% or less HP

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Abiding Panacea, Wind Walker

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Adamantine, Master Grove

Heng Yue can heal and remove buffs from enemies and debuffs from allies. Her Undying Elixir passive can help your allies in a pinch, healing the one with the lowest HP at the end of her turn and removing a debuff. This skill can grant them Recovery if the ally has 50% or less HP once upgraded in Ascension. Her Golden Moon skill on the other hand targets her heal on all allies and removes all of their debuffs, giving them additional heal per removed debuff.

Damage is not her strong suit and she must be paired with hard-hitting Fighters. She is best used as a full Support, improving her healing efficacy with Abiding Panacea and equipping her with Adamantine for early battle team-wide shields. She could be a good match for Alexa as her high HP and healing skills would benefit her HP ratio balancing skill.

Luo Yan (Yanluo Wang)

Role: Support (Possible Fighter)

Sub Roles: AoE, Disabler, Debilitator, Buffer, Healer, Reviver

Buffs: Death Tome, Recovery, ATK Up

Debuffs: Diseased

Other Abilities: Reduce HP ceiling

Captain Ability: Increase ally RESIST in Point War by 40%


Excellent SPD


Average HP


Death Life Fate
Target 1 Enemy, 1 Lowest Health Ally 1 Ally All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:120%
(max lvl) of ATK

Heal:50% (max lvl) of damage dealt in attack
Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects Death Tome, Recovery &ATK Up, 2 turns

After Death Tome expires, restore lost HP to what it was when buffed
Reduce HP ceiling by 30%

70%(max lvl) chance to
Diseased, 2 turns
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl
Ascension Upgrade If ally dies during 2 turns, resurrect with 30% HP remaining.

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Ocean Waves, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Master Grove

Luo Yan’s Death Tome buff marks the current HP% of an ally and will restore them back to that point after 2 turns if they were damaged. Once upgraded in Ascension, if the ally dies, he will revive them with 30% HP. His Life skill is best used at the start of battle or just before a strong enemy or boss attacks. He can also lower all his enemies’ HP ceiling while inflicting them with Diseased, making him a nightmare for enemy healers.

Because his healing skills do not function the same way other Healers’ do, Abiding Panacea will not be effective for his build. Instead, focus on either improving his SPD with Wind Walker, lowering his cooldowns with Ocean Waves or increasing his ATK with War Machine since his first skill depends on his damage output when he heals the lowest health ally. Apollo’s Bow may also be ideal for increasing his Diseased debuff’s chances.

Since all his heals depend on some conditions to be met for them to work, pairing him with another healer may be best for your team along with a strong Fighter that deals more damage than he does.

Chloe (Medea)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Buffer


Debuffs: Buff Blocker

Other Abilities: Takes Buffs, Extends Buff Turns

Captain Ability: Increases ally ACC by 30%


Excellent SPD

High ATK
Average HP
Low DEF (Lowest among all Epic Espers)


Trending Stage of Fantasy True Warrior
Target 1 Enemy Random Enemies Random Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:2 hits, 70% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:4 hits, 75% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:5 hits, 90% (max lvl) of ATK each
Effects 50% chance to take 1 Buff from enemy If target isn’t buffed, inflict Buff Blocker, 2 turns Takes 2 Buffs from target

Each Buff on Chloe increases damage by 10%
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Extends all Buffs carried by 1 turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

War Machine, Hades

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Sword Avatara

Chloe can attack multiple times in all her skills with the ability to take buffs from her targets or inflict Buff Blocker. She is best used against enemies that grant buffs.

Her biggest weakness is her low DEF, especially when immobilized, so pair her up with Defenders or Supports that can heal her. Improve her relics with HP and DEF attributes for survivability but put more focus on her ATK, C. RATE or C. DMG to make her chain attacks more effective.

She is also best paired with Espers that can buff her since her skills allow her to extend her buffs’ turns and each buff increases her damage when using her True Warrior skill.

Catherine (Hela)

Role: Support

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Buffer, Dispeller

Buffs: Standoff

Debuffs: Miss Rate Up

Other Abilities: Removes Debuffs, Increase AP, Cooldown Reset

Captain Ability:


High HP &SPD
Average ATK &DEF


Nightfall Grief Bone Pass (Passive) Underworld Presence
Target 1 Enemy All Allies All Enemies, All Allies
Damage / Heal Damage:2 hits, 65% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 50% (max lvl) chance to Miss Rate Up per hit, 2 turns Removes 1 debuff from all allies,
granting 5% AP to all allies per debuff
Standoff, 1 turn (All Allies)
Triggers / Cooldown Start of Catherine’s turn 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Cooldown resets if an ally dies during the cooldown period

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Astral Witchcraft, Wind Walker

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Adamantine, Master Grove

Catherine may not heal, but her unique skills can help you avoid death. Nightfall Grief can inflict Miss Rate Up while her Bone Pass passive will remove 1 debuff from all allies and increase their AP at the start of her turn. Underworld Presence’s Standoff buff would make all her allies unkillable, retaining at least 1 HP for 1 turn. She is best paired with Espers that depend on their HP being low to deal stronger damage like Taylor.

Her weakness lies in her average ATK &DEF, making her susceptible to dying while not contributing much on damage. Place a Healer on her team to aid her and strong Fighters to fill up her damage deficit. Adamantine, which gives all allies a shield at the start, and Astral Witchcraft, which gives debuffed allies 50 SPD, matches well with her skills. Alternatively, Wind Walker and Master Grove can improve her SPD and HP.

Pritzker (Mimir)

Role: Controller

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler


Debuffs: Stun

Other Abilities: Takes AP, Increase Cooldowns

Captain Ability: Increases ally SPD in Holobattle by 25%


High SPD
Good DEF

Average ATK &HP


Secrets of Edda Gjallarhorn (Passive) Wisdom’s Name
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy / All Enemies All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:3 hits, 110% (max lvl) of ATK total
Effects 80% (max lvl) chance to Take 30% of their AP If any target is immobilized,
all of the target’s ability cooldowns are increased by 1 turn
60% (max lvl) chance to Stun per hit, 1 turn
Triggers / Cooldown Whenever Pritzker inflicts a debuff 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If target is debuffed =Stun, 1 turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Adamantine

Pritzker renders his enemies’ 2nd and 3rd skills unusable. He not only has the ability to Stun and take enemies’ AP, he can also increase their ability cooldowns everytime he inflicts a debuff if the target is immobilized. This will put Espers with long cool downs, in a great disadvantage.

Since his Gjallarhorn passive is dependent on Pritzker inflicting a debuff, equip him with Apollo’s Bow to increase his chances and Wind Walker to speed up his turns. He may benefit from being paired with Supports that can heal or give him SPD Up and hard-hitting Fighters that can take advantage of the enemies’ inability to move or attack.

His biggest weakness are enemies that can dispel debuffs and grant Immunity to their team. Pairing him with Espers that can do the same thing can balance it out.

Jacob (Jormungand)

Role: Controller (Possible Support)

Sub Roles: AoE, Disabler, Debilitator, Buffer

Buffs: Fangs

Debuffs: Poison, Petrification

Other Abilities:

Captain Ability: Increases ally HP in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 30%




Serpentine Entoxification Dust to Dust
Target 1 Enemy All Allies All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:120% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:120% (max lvl)
of ATK

Cannot be dodged
Effects 80% (max lvl) chance to Poison, 2 turns Fangs, 2 turns

Marked allies (Fangs) has 70% (max lvl) chance of
inflicting Poison on Attacker, 1 turn
80% (max lvl) chance to Poison, 2 turns
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Poison is successful or target is already affected, inflict Petrification, 1 turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Ocean Waves

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Master Grove Set

Jacob’s Poison plays a huge role in his skill set. Entoxification grants his allies Fangs, making his allies immune to Poison and giving them a chance to retaliate with Poison for 1 turn. Once his Dust to Dust skill is upgraded in Ascension, he would be able to inflict Petrification on Poisoned enemies for 1 turn.

Since his strengths are centered around his debuffs, Apollo’s Bow will come in handy in making them more effective. However, he may not be as effective against Espers with Immunity or has the ability to dispel debuffs. Equip him with Wind Walker for more SPD or Ocean Waves for lesser cooldowns. SPD &ACC are the most important attributes to work on for this Esper.

He is best paired with Espers that have an advantage on debuffed or poisoned enemies.

Ren Si (Black Tortoise)

Role: Defender

Sub Roles: AoE, Disabler, Debilitator, Buffer, Healer

Buffs: Standoff

Debuffs: DEF Down, Taunt

Other Abilities: Cooldown Reset, Counter Attacks, Damage to Heal

Captain Ability: Increases ally DEF by 24%


High DEF
Good SPD

Average ATK &HP


Turtler Live-giver (Passive) True Warrior
Target 1 Enemy Self, Attacker All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:30% of ATK + 80% (max lvl) of DEF Damage:90% (max lvl) of DEF
Effects 70% chance to DEF Down, 2 turns Standoff, 1 turn

Reset True Warrior Cooldown

If Ren Si’s DEF is higher than target =
deals bonus damage equal to the percentage of how much higher his
DEF is compared to target’s DEF (This doesn’t need to be triggered to work)
50% chance to Taunt, 1 turn

If Ren Si’s DEF is higher than target =double chance of inflicting Taunt
Triggers / Cooldown Upon suffering a fatal injury 4 turns 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade 50% chance to counter attack + restore 30% HP

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Hades, Wind Walker

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:


Ren Si is all about DEF. Having higher DEF than his target would make his second and third skill more effective and damage-dealing. His basic skill can also lower enemies DEF. For hard-hitting enemies, if his DEF is not enough to mitigate their attacks, his passive can trigger, giving him a Standoff buff that prevents him from dying, resetting his True Warrior skill’s cooldown and even counterattack and restore HP (once upgraded in Ascension).

Stoneveins is ideal for this Esper but you could also get Hades so he can have lifesteal or Wind Walker for quick turns. Some may equip him with War Machine but it does not seem like its +30% ATK bonus would be worthwhile since he only takes 30% of his ATK for his basic attack. The same goes for attributes. You are better off focusing on DEF, HP, SPD &ACC.

He is best used against low DEF enemies and best paired with low DEF or HP allies that need defending. Disabling skills like Stun or SPD Down may be his weak spot so pairing him with Supports will be very helpful.

Lin Xiao (White Tiger)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: AoE, Nuker, Disabler, Debilitator, Buffer

Buffs: Tiger Roar

Debuffs: Diseased, Bleed, SPD Down, DEF Down

Other Abilities: Reduce AP

Captain Ability:


High ATK
Average HP, DEF &SPD


Tiger Fist Whiplash Light of the Tiger
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy All Enemies, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:140% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:230% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:100% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 80% (max lvl) chance to Diseased, 2 turns Bleed (2), 2 turns If Critical Hit =+Bleed (2), 2 turns Tiger Roar (3) (Self)

80% (max lvl) chance to SPD Down &DEF Down, 2 turns
Triggers / Cooldown 2 turns (max lvl) 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Critical Hit =Reduce AP 30%

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Hammer of Thor, Hades, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Sword Avatara

Lin Xiao is in her best form when she lands Critical Hits. This triggers her first and second skill’s special effects such as AP Reduction or additional Bleed debuffs. Increasing her C. RATE and C. DMG with Fiery Incandescence, Hammer of Thor and relic attributes will be beneficial to her build. Alternatively, you may also equip her with War Machine for ATK, Hades for lifesteal or Sword Avatara for counterattacks.

Since many of her skills inflict debuffs, letting her debilitate her enemies and deal more damage, Supports that can dispel them or cast Immunity will make her less effective. Pair her with a Controller or prioritize dealing with Supporters first to keep them from weakening her attacks.

Long Mian (Ao Bing)

Role: Controller

Sub Roles: AoE, Disabler


Debuffs: SPD Down, Freeze

Other Abilities: Reduce AP

Captain Ability: Increase ally SPD by 20%


High SPD
Good ATK

Average HP &DEF


Stinger Hoarfrost Cold Touch
Target 1 Enemy All Enemies All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:60% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:80% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 80% (max lvl) chance to SPD Down, 2 turns 80% (max lvl) chance to Reduce AP 30% 100% (max lvl) chance to SPD Down, 2 turns + Freeze, 1 turn
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If target is affected by SPD Down =Reduce extra 30% AP

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Master Grove

Long Mian’s focus is on slowing down enemies, and even Freezing them, giving your team plenty of chances to attack before they do. Equipping him with Wind Walker and relics that have SPD attributes will ensure that he moves first and gets a chance to inflict his debuffs. Adding ACC attributes and Apollo’s Bow is a must to make his debuffs more likely to stick.

He may have a hard time against Supporters that can dispel and have Immunity so target them first and pair him with Espers with strong attacks to fully utilize his skills.

Lynn (Hathor)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, Disabler, Debilitator, Buffer, Nuker

Buffs: Immunity, Shield

Debuffs: ATK Down

Other Abilities: Remove Buff

Captain Ability: Increases ally ATK in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 30%


High SPD
Good ATK
Average HP &DEF


Dance of Fate Eye of the Goddess Ruler of Dendera
Target 1 Enemy, Self 1 Enemy 1 Enemy, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:60% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:3 hits, 200% (max lvl) of ATK total Damage:280% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects If Critical Hit =Immunity, 1 turn (Self) 60% (max lvl) chance to Remove Buff per hit

ATK Down, 2 turns upon removal of buff
Shield (absorbs damage equal to 35% of max HP), 2 turns (Self)
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Critical Hit =+30% Damage &+50% Shield Strength

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

War Machine, Hammer of Thor, Hades

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Sword Avatara

Lynn is a self-sufficient Fighter, buffing herself with Immunity and Shield while also removing her enemies’ buffs and lowering their attack. Critical hits trigger her Immunity and increase her damage and shield strength so be sure to equip her with relics that have C. RATE &C. DMG attributes.

For this, Hammer of Thor and Fiery Incandescence may be good picks as well as War Machine and Sword Avatara for extra ATK and counterattacks that could potentially trigger her Immunity if it does a crit. However, her average HP and DEF may put her at a disadvantage against hard-hitting enemies so consider those when upgrading relics or use Hades for lifesteal.

She is a versatile Fighter that can work with any team but may need Healers to keep her going.

Anesidora (Pandora)

Role: Support (Possible Fighter)

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Debilitator, Buffer

Buffs: SPD Up

Debuffs: ATK Down, Pandora’s Box, Stun

Other Abilities: Remove Buff, Bonus Turn

Captain Ability: Increases ally ACC in Point War by 40%


High HP &SPD

Average ATK &DEF


Prodigious Talent Doom Box Gift of the Gods
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy All Allies, All Enemies, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:30% of ATK + 8% (max lvl) max HP Damage:2 hits, 20% of ATK + 6% (max lvl) max HP
Effects 50% (max lvl) chance to ATK Down, 2 turns 60% (max lvl) chance to Remove 1 Buff per hit SPD Up, 2 turns (All Allies)

Gain Bonus Turn (Self)

Pandora’s Box, 2 turns (not applicable to bosses) (Enemies)
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Triggers Pandora’s Box if target is inflicted with it

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Ocean Waves

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Master Grove, Adamantine

Anesidora may be a Support, but she can deal significant damage against high HP enemies with her special debuff, Pandora’s Box. This takes effect at the start of the enemies’ 2nd turn, removing up to 50% max of current HP and Stunning them. Since this debuff takes a while to trigger (unless Doom Box is upgraded in Ascension which triggers it), it is best used early in battle, making Wind Walker and SPD attributes on relics a must have for this Esper. Master Grove and HP attributes on relics are also important as two of her skills partially rely on her max HP for her damage output.

However, her special debuff doesn’t work against bosses like Kronos, Apep and Fafnir and may also be countered by Supports that can dispel debuffs or cast Immunity. She is best paired with strong Fighters that can make up for her damage deficit.

Bonnie (Eris)

Role: Support (Possible Fighter)

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Buffer


Debuffs: Stun

Other Abilities: Lifesteal, Remove Buff, Increase AP

Captain Ability: Increases ally ATK in Point War by 30%


Godly SPD

Good HP &DEF

Average ATK


Dark Kiss Misfortuned Disputational
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy All Enemies
Damage / Heal Damage:2 hits, 60% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:4 hits, 50% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:100% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects 50% (max lvl) chance to Take 15% of their HP 40% (max lvl) chance to Stun, 1 turn 100% (max lvl) chance to Remove 1 Buff each

Team-wide +5% AP increase per removed buff
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If no buff can be removed, extend the target’s ability cooldown by 1 turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Adamantine, Apollo’s Bow, Fiery Incandescence

Bonnie can remove her enemies’ buffs and use them to increase her team’s AP. If there are no buffs to remove, Ascension would give her the ability to extend her enemies’ ability cooldowns by 1 turn. While she already has Godly SPD from the start, equipping her with Wind Walker would let her turns come by faster, letting her attack more. Adamantine, another popular choice, grants her allies a shield at the start of battle.

Her first skill grants her a chance to take a portion of her enemies’ HP, increasing her survival rate while her second skill’s Stun is a good disabler for persistent attackers. However, dealing damage is not her best trait as she only has average ATK. She is best paired with strong Fighters that she can support.

Dhalia (Calypso)

Role: Support (Possible Controller)

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, Disabler, Buffer

Buffs: ATK Up, C. RATE Up

Debuffs: Stun, SPD Down, Freeze

Other Abilities: Increase AP

Captain Ability: Increases ally HP in Point War by 30%


Excellent SPD
Good HP &DEF

Average ATK


Sneak Attack Umbra Attack Sonic Camo
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy All Allies
Damage / Heal Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:3 hits, 50% (max lvl) of ATK each
Effects 50% (max lvl) chance to Stun, 1 turn 70% (max lvl) chance to SPD Down, 2 turns

If enemy is already afflicted with SPD Down, inflict Freeze for 1 additional turn
Increase AP 25% (max lvl)
Triggers / Cooldown 2 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade ATK Up &C. RATE Up, 2 turns

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Adamantine

Dhalia is a Support that has a potential to be a Controller with her Stun, SPD Down and Freeze. These debuffs match well with her Sonic Camo which increases all her allies’ AP. Once upgraded in Ascension, it will also grant them ATK Up, C. RATE Up. She is a good supplementary Esper for many Fighters but won’t be able to deal much damage with her average ATK. Equip her with Wind Walker for faster turns and Apollo’s Bow for higher debuff chance or Adamantine for shields for allies at the start of battle. For attributes, it is best to focus on SPD, ACC, HP &DEF.

Taylor (Hercules)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: Nuker, Disabler, Buffer

Buffs: ATK Up, C. RATE Up


Other Abilities: Bonus Turn, Removes Buffs, Prevents Revive, Reduce Cooldown

Captain Ability: Increases ally HP in Holobattle by 30%


High ATK
Average HP, DEF &SPD


Power Impact Hero’s Wrath (Passive) Soul Blast
Target 1 Enemy Self, Killed Enemies 1 Enemy, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:130% (max lvl) of ATK +5% damage per 10% HP lost Damage:270% (max lvl) of ATK (Enemy)

Damage:30% True Damage without being killed (Self)
Effects Shield, 2 turns
(Shield Strength:50% of ability’s damage)
Kill enemy =Bonus Turn

Prevents killed enemies from being revived
Removes all Buffs (1 Enemy)

ATK Up + C. RATE Up, 2 turns
Triggers / Cooldown 5 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If enemy is not killed =reduce this ability’s cooldown, 1 turn

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Sword Avatara

Taylor’s attacks get stronger the lower his HP is. For this reason, it may not be advisable to increase his HP too much so it will be easier for him to reach low HP and gain damage bonuses. Once he kills an enemy, it will grant him a bonus turn while preventing them from reviving. His Soul Blast skill is unique to most Espers since it not only deals damage to his enemy, but also deals True Damage to himself which only fuels his basic skill’s damage. His third skill also removes all buffs from the enemy and if he successfully kills them, it will grant him ATK Up &C. RATE Up.

War Machine is a must for him since ATK is what drives his skills the most along with Fiery Incandescence for C. RATE. Sword Avatara is also a good alternative, granting him counterattack.

He is best used against Espers with low HP and could benefit from SPD Ups and AP Increases from Supports. Heals won’t help his damage output so pairing him with an Esper that can cast Standoff on him like Catherine is ideal.

Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Debilitator, Buffer

Buffs: C. RATE Up

Debuffs: Sear, SPD Down, DEF Down

Other Abilities:

Captain Ability: Increases all ATK in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 30%


High ATK
Average HP, DEF &SPD


Spirit Dispel Dead End Netherworld Hurl
Target 1 Enemy All Enemies 1 Enemy, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:2 hits, 60% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:2 hits, 45% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:3 hits, 80% (max lvl) of ATK each
Effects 40% (max lvl) chance to Sear, 2 turns

If Xie Yuzhi is present, deals +5% of target’s max HP as damage (up to 60% of ATK
40% (max lvl) chance to SPD Down, 2 turns C. RATE Up, 2 turns (Self) (before attack)

DEF Down, 2 turns (Enemy)
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Xie Yuzhi is present, attack 2 more times with the same status effect

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Sword Avatara

Xie Chuyi, along with his brother Xie Yuzhi, work best when they’re together in a team as Xie Chuyi will deal more damage on his first skill and attack more times on second skill once ascended. His specialty is dealing chain attacks while debuffing his enemies with Sear, SPD Down, DEF Down and buffing himself with C. RATE Up.

Focusing on his ATK will benefit his damage output, so War Machine is a good choice along with Fiery Incandescence for C. RATE or possibly Sword Avatara for counter attacks. His skill set seems flexible enough for him to fit in any team, especially one that benefits from debuffs.

Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai)

Role: Controller

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Buffer

Buffs: SPD Up

Debuffs: Stun

Other Abilities: Reduce AP

Captain Ability: Increases ally ACC in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 40%


High SPD
Good HP &DEF
Average ATK


Soul Dispel Luck in Pairs Heaven Awaits
Target 1 Enemy (+2 Random) All Enemies 1 Enemy, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:100% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:2 hits, 45% (max lvl) of ATK each Damage:2 hits, 120% (max lvl) of ATK each
Effects 75% (max lvl) chance to Reduce 20% AP

If Xie Chuyi is present, attack 2 more random targets with same damage &status effect
40% (max lvl) chance to Stun, 1 turn SPD Up, 2 turns (Self)

1st hit:Take 10% AP

2nd hit:Increase target’s debuff durations by 1 turn
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 3 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Xie Chuyi is present, attack 2 more times with same status effect

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Sword Avatara

Xie Yuzhi, along with his brother Xie Chuyi, work best when they’re together in a team as Xie Yuzhi will attack more times on his first and second skill. His specialty is also dealing chain attacks (though less than his brother’s), reducing AP and Stunning enemies while buffing himself with SPD Up.

Focusing on SPD gives him more of an edge as a Controller, making him use his disabling skills more often so equip him with Wind Walker for SPD and Apollo’s Bow for ACC. He is best used alongside Supports or Fighters that can take full advantage of his disabling debuffs.

Nicole (Nephthys)

Role: Support (Possible Defender)

Sub Roles: AoE, Debilitator, Buffer, Healer, Reviver

Buffs: Soul Guard, Standoff, Recovery, DEF Up, Invincibility

Debuffs: Sear

Other Abilities:

Captain Ability: Increases ally HP in Point War by 30%


Excellent SPD
Good HP &DEF
Average ATK


Spiral Strike Dead Man’s Protection Spinning Wrap
Target 1 Enemy 1 Ally All Enemies, All Allies, Lowest HP Ally
Damage / Heal Damage:30% of ATK + 4.5% (max lvl) of max HP Damage:7% (max lvl) of max HP (All Enemies)
Effects 70% (max lvl) chance to Sear, 2 turns Soul Guard, 3 turns
When Soul Guard revives them
DEF Up, 2 turns + Invincibility, 1 turn (All Allies)

Soul Guard, 2 turns (Lowest HP Ally)
Triggers / Cooldown 4 turns (max lvl) 5 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade Standoff, 1 turn + Recovery 2 turns

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Ocean Waves

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Master Grove, Adamantine

Nicole’s unique buff, Soul Guard, makes her a potential Defender as Nicole takes 30% of the damage taken by the carrier and revives them with 10% of their max HP remaining if they die along with a Standoff and Recovery buff. Having the ability to also convert her HP to damage for her first and second skill, Master Grove and relics with HP attributes is important for her to have. Since her second and third skills have long cooldowns, it is essential for her to have either Wind Walker for SPD or Ocean Waves for cooldown decrease or be paired with Espers to aid her with that.

Laura (Neith)

Role: Support (Possible Defender)

Sub Roles: Disabler, Buffer

Buffs: Shield, CRIT RESIST

Debuffs: Silence

Other Abilities: Counter Attack

Captain Ability: Increases ally DEF in Point War by 30%


Average ATK


Shield Attack Shield Defense (Passive) Iron Wall
Target 1 Enemy 1 Ally All Allies
Damage / Heal Damage:20% of ATK + 5% (max lvl) of max HP
Effects 70% (max lvl) chance to Silence, 1 turn Shield, 1 turn (Shield Strength=8% (max lvl) of Laura’s max HP) Shield, 2 turns (Shield Strength =25% (max lvl) of Laura’s max HP)

CRIT RESIST, 2 turns

If target already has shield, increase Shield Strength by 25% (max lvl)
Triggers / Cooldown At the end of ally’s turn 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Shield destroyed =30% chance of counterattacking the attacker (triggered once per turn)

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Ocean Waves

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Master Grove, Adamantine, Stoneveins

Laura concentrates on protecting her allies with her Shield buff, which makes her a potential Defender. Her passive allows her to give each ally a Shield, every time their turn ends. Once upgraded in Ascension, she has a 30% chance to counterattack the attacker once their shield is destroyed.

Her shield’s strength and a portion of her first skill’s damage is reliant on her HP so Master Grove or relics with HP attributes is essential to her build. Equipping her with Wind Walker for SPD or Ocean Waves for lower cooldowns will let her cast her abilities more often. She is best paired with allies with low HP or DEF who she can defend.

Meredith (Scylla)

Role: Support

Sub Roles: Debilitator, Buffer, Healer


Debuffs: Poison

Other Abilities: Reduce HP Ceiling, Damage to Heal

Captain Ability: Increases ally HP in Ritual and Sonic Miracles by 30%


High SPD &HP (Highest among all Epic Espers)

Average DEF
Low ATK (Lowest among all Epic Espers)


Sonic Venom Sonic Shield Hand of Scylla
Target 1 Enemy 1 Ally 1 Enemy, All Allies, Allies with 80% HP or higher
Damage / Heal Damage:20% (max lvl) of ATK Heal:30% (max lvl) of max HP of target Reduce max HP by 30% (max lvl) (Cannot exceed 50% of Meredith’s own max HP) (1 Enemy)

Heal:25% (max lvl) of damage to enemy (All Allies)
Effects 70% (max lvl) chance to Poison, 2 turns DEF Up + CRIT RESIST, 2 turns SPD Up, 2 turns (Allies with 80% HP or higher)
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, Ocean Waves

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Master Grove

Meredith can heal and grant her allies DEF Up, CRIT RESIST and SPD Up while also inflicting Poison with her basic skill and reducing enemies’ max HP with her last skill. Her last skill would work well against high HP enemies. Since she bases off her HP reduction on her own HP, you’d want to increase it with Master Grove and relics with HP attributes.

She is best paired with strong, damage-dealing Fighters since she severely lacks in ATK but can greatly support her allies.

Kaylee (Anuket)

Role: Controller

Sub Roles: Chain Striker, AoE, Disabler, Buffer

Buffs: C. RATE Up

Debuffs: SPD Down, Freeze

Other Abilities: Reduce AP

Captain Ability: Increases ally C. RATE by 20%


Excellent SPD
High ATK
Average HP &DEF


Flowy Satin Criss Cross Dance of Deluge
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy All Enemies, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:110% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:3 hits, 55% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:3 hits, 45% (max lvl) of ATK
Effects If Critical Hit =Extends C. RATE Up for 1 turn 50% chance to Reduce AP 15% (max lvl) If Critical Hit =40% chance to Freeze, 1 turn

C. RATE Up, 2 turns (Self)
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Critical Hit =SPD Down, 2 turns

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Wind Walker, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Apollo’s Bow, Fiery Incandescence, Master Grove

Kaylee can increase her C. RATE and Reduce her enemies’ AP. With her Critical Hits, she will be able to extend C. RATE and inflict SPD Down and Freeze. Since her skill set is dependent on debuffs and C. RATEs, you can either equip her with Apollo’s Bow for ACC or Fiery Incandescence for more C.RATE.

You may also equip her with Wind Walker for SPD or War Machine for ATK. She seems to need a lot of good relics to increase multiple stats to make her effective so she is best paired with Supports that can fill up those gaps that relics cannot. You may need to focus on 1 or 2 stats at a time.

Stewart (Dionysus)

Role: Fighter

Sub Roles: Nuker, Disabler


Debuffs: Sleep

Other Abilities: Counterattacks

Captain Ability: Increases ally ATK by 24%



Average HP &DEF


Down Your Cups Soundly Dreams Time Vortex
Target 1 Enemy 1 Enemy 1 Enemy, Self
Damage / Heal Damage:130% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:170% (max lvl) of ATK Damage:350% (max lvl) of ATK but lose 25% of Stewart’s current HP
Effects 50% (max lvl) chance to Sleep, 1 turns If target’s HP falls below 70% after attack =Sleep, 2 turns If Critical Hit =+10% of target’s max HP as Bonus Damage (cannot exceed 200% of Stewart’s ATK)

Sleep, 1 turn (Enemy &Self)
Triggers / Cooldown 3 turns (max lvl) 4 turns (max lvl)
Ascension Upgrade If Stewart is attacked or woken up while Sleeping =Counterattack with Soundly Dreams

Recommended x4 Relic Sets:

Hammer of Thor, War Machine

Recommended x2 Relic Sets:

Fiery Incandescence, Sword Avatara

Stewart is a hard-hitting Fighter with the ability to put his enemies to sleep with each attack. Critical Hits seems to play a big role in this Esper’s build as his third skill grants him bonus damage if it crits so make sure to equip him with Hammer of Thor for C. DMG and Fiery Incandescence for C. RATE. Alternatively, you may equip him with Sword Avatara if you want him to do more counterattacks or War Machine for more ATK.

He is best paired with Supports that can buff up his ATK and C. RATE or heal him since he has average HP &DEF. However, be careful about dispelling his Sleep debuff (if upgraded in Ascension) as he may counterattack your dispeller.

And this concludes our guide for Epic Espers. We hope that this guide helped you learn what makes each Epic Esper special, what relics work best for them and what type of Espers they are best paired with. If you have learned other tips and tricks regarding the Espers discussed in this Dislyte guide, feel free to leave your discoveries in the comment section!
