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WWE:Champions Tipps, Cheats &Strategieleitfaden:14 Tipps, die Sie kennen müssen

WWE:Champions von Scopely wurde erst kürzlich für iOS- und Android-Geräte veröffentlicht, und im Gegensatz zur offiziellen kostenpflichtigen App WWE 2K von 2K Sports vor ein paar Jahren ist dies kein aktionsbasiertes Kampfspiel. Es ist ein kostenloses Puzzlespiel, bei dem Wrestler aus Ihrer Liste von WWE-Superstars in einer Vielzahl von Spielmodi gegen andere antreten, und wenn wir Puzzlespiel sagen, meinen wir 3-Gewinnt-Puzzles. Aber verwechseln Sie dies nicht mit einer weiteren lockeren Version von Candy Crush Saga mit grundlegender Mechanik und wenigen Wendungen, wenn überhaupt. Die Matches, die Sie in diesem Spiel machen, ermöglichen es Ihren Wrestlern, Moves auf ihre Gegner loszulassen, und wenn es um die Wrestler geht, die Sie freischalten können, ist dieses Spiel vollgepackt mit WWE-Superstars aus der Neuzeit und aus früheren Jahrzehnten.

Egal, ob Sie ein Profi-Wrestling-Fan sind oder nicht, dies ist ein Match-3-Spiel, das jeden ansprechen sollte, der die Keksausstecher-Titel in diesem Genre satt hat, und diejenigen, die möchten, dass Match-3-Titel fortgeschrittenere strategische Entscheidungen und Level-Ups beinhalten , Buffs, De-Buffs und alle Arten von RPG-Mechaniken. Das macht dieses Spiel viel ausgefeilter als die meisten anderen in diesem Genre, aber all diese High-End-Mechaniken müssen Sie nicht wie ein Stone Cold Stunner oder RKO treffen. Lesen Sie weiter, denn wir bringen Ihnen jetzt einen exklusiven WWE:Champions-Strategieleitfaden mit allen Tipps und Tricks, die Sie vom Anfänger bis zum fortgeschrittenen Spieler benötigen.

1. Spezielle Teile funktionieren anders

Ein wesentlicher Unterschied zwischen diesem Spiel und anderen 3-Gewinnt-Titeln ist die Tatsache, dass Sie nicht wie gewohnt spezielle Teile erstellen, wenn Sie mehr als drei Edelsteine ​​​​der gleichen Art kombinieren. Ebenso wird kein spezielles Stück erstellt, wenn Sie in einer T-Form, einer L-Form oder so weiter passen. Stattdessen löscht ein passender Vierling die gesamte Reihe oder Spalte, und ein passender Fünfer würde zu einer Wild Card führen – dies bedeutet einen zusätzlichen Zug für Ihren Wrestler.

Nichtsdestotrotz gibt es verschiedene Spezialstücke, die erstellt werden können, aber anstelle von großen Edelsteinkombinationen werden sie hauptsächlich durch das Entfesseln von Signaturbewegungen erstellt. Achten Sie darauf, auf ein spezielles Stück zu tippen, wenn es erstellt wird, um zu sehen, was es tut, oder um zu sehen, was es mit Ihnen macht; Normalerweise sind dies Buffs oder De-Buffs, die den Effekt des Kombinierens bestimmter farbiger Edelsteine ​​​​verbessern bzw. neutralisieren können, bis diese Edelsteine ​​​​zerbrochen sind.

2. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit

Glücklicherweise gibt es in diesem Spiel einige Match-3-Mechaniken, die in WWE:Champions immer noch Bestand haben. Und einer davon wäre die Tatsache, dass Sie immer noch keine zeitlichen Grenzen haben, wenn es darum geht, Züge zu machen. Studieren Sie das Brett sorgfältig, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die bestmögliche Übereinstimmung erzielen, und achten Sie nicht auf die vorgeschlagenen Übereinstimmungen des Spiels, es sei denn, Sie sind wirklich ratlos – oft gibt es etwas Besseres, das Sie kombinieren können.

Tippen Sie außerdem auf einen beliebigen farbigen Edelstein, um zu sehen, wie viel Schaden das Brechen eines von ihnen verursachen kann – diese Werte sind je nach Wrestler unterschiedlich. Wenn Sie also zwei mögliche Matches von drei auf dem Brett haben, wählen Sie dasjenige, das am meisten bewirkt Schaden. Sie haben alle Zeit der Welt dafür, also stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nichts überstürzen!

3. Konzentriere dich auf einen Wrestler pro Klasse

Sie werden die Münzen, die Sie verdienen, verwenden, um Ihre Wrestler zu verbessern, und verschiedenfarbige TP-Poster (Talentpunkte), um ihre Bewegungen zu verbessern. Aber es wird Zeiten geben, in denen es schwierig ist, Poster für eine bestimmte Farbe zu sammeln, und Münzen können sehr schnell aufgebraucht sein, wenn Sie daran arbeiten, Ihre Wrestler besser zu machen. Dennoch ist es notwendig, dass Sie mindestens einen Wrestler pro Klasse ausreichend gelevelt haben, damit Sie immer jemanden mit einem Klassenvorteil gegenüber Ihrem Gegner haben. Wir werden das im nächsten Tipp erklären, also lies weiter für eine ausführlichere Erklärung des Unterrichts.

4. Wie funktionieren die verschiedenen Klassen?

Alles in allem gibt es in WWE:Champions sechs Klassen mit einer Art elementarer Mechanik, die bestimmt, wer gegen den anderen stark oder schwach ist. Lila schlägt Grün, Grün schlägt Rot, Rot schlägt Blau, Blau schlägt Gelb, Gelb schlägt Schwarz, Schwarz schlägt Lila. Du kannst auf die Klasse deines Wrestlers links neben seinem Namen tippen, um leicht festzustellen, gegen welche Farbe/Klasse er stark oder schwach ist, obwohl das Spiel dich auch warnen wird, bevor du zu einem Match gehst, wenn du jemals jemanden benutzt, der schwach gegen die ist Klasse des Gegners.

Die Tipps im Spiel zeigen dir auch, was jede Klasse besser kann als die anderen. Zum Beispiel haben Showboats (gelbe Klasse, Mikrofonsymbol) höhere Lebenspunkte als andere und können ihre charakteristischen Bewegungen verwenden, um sich selbst zu heilen. Techniker (grüne Klasse, Schraubenschlüssel-Symbol) können Submission-Moves verwenden, um ihre Gegner dazu zu bringen, auszusteigen. Betrüger (lila Klasse, Kobrakopf-Symbol) stehlen die Edelsteine ​​der Gegner und wenden andere hinterhältige Taktiken an, um die Oberhand zu gewinnen.

Acrobats (blue class, wing icon) have a better chance of landing special moves. Powerhouses (red class, dumbbell icon) have especially high-damage signature moves. And lastly, Strikers (black class, fist icon) deal more damage than usual with their regular moves.

5. Focus On Matching Colored Gems Corresponding To Your Finisher

The game will make this hard for you, but it’s pretty much what you need to do to win a match quickly, get three stars, and finish with as little damage as possible. Underneath each wrestler you will see three special moves you can perform during a match – you’ve got your signature moves, and you’ve also got the Finisher on the extreme left, which, just as the name suggests, deals the most damage has the best chance of ending the match.

If your wrestler’s Finisher is designated by the color yellow, then you want to match yellow-colored gems to charge it up. Again, the board will often be set up in such a way that you’ll have a lower chance of getting yellow matches (using the example above), but at least that will give you an idea of what to focus on.

6. Only Match Loot Boxes If It Could Lead To Gem Matches

On your board, you will also see white boxes with the WWE logo on them – these are your loot boxes, and the more of them you break, the better prizes you can receive once you win the match. However, the catch here is that they only do one point of damage per box broken, which, as you may imagine, will barely cause a dent if you make a match of three.

Basically, the only time you should be breaking loot boxes is if that match leads to gem matches, if you match four, which leads to all the gems in an entire row/column getting broken, or if you match five, which gives you an extra turn. Otherwise, it’s best to let the loot just come naturally and focus on pinning your opponent ASAP, while avoiding damage.

7. Join A Faction For Quick And Easy Healing

In the world of pro wrestling, factions are groups of three or more wrestlers allied to a common cause. But in WWE Champions, factions are groups of several human players, also allied to a common cause – this time ensuring the success and progress of one another. Click on the Factions button on the bottom of your screen and choose from a list of recommended factions to join, preferably one where the other members are close enough to your level. This is important, because you can ask a faction member to heal your wrestlers, while stepping up and healing others’ wrestlers and returning the favor.

Health packs can be hard to come by, cash, as premium currency, is best saved up for better things, and it’s no joke waiting for your wrestlers to heal up automatically, as that could take a while depending on how much damage they’ve taken in their last match. So if you don’t like spending cash/using health packs or waiting hours to get your wrestlers back to 100 percent health, join a faction and reap that primary benefit.

8. Redeem Your Free Loot

Every four hours, the game will reward you with free loot, which may include TP posters, wrestler posters, health packs, coins, and maybe even some cash. You can open a briefcase filled with free loot every four hours or so, which means you should set up your notifications so that the game can remind you any time you’ve got a new briefcase to open.

9. Complete More Missions

The Missions tab on the right side of your screen will show you a list of in-game tasks you can accomplish – for example, you may be asked to win a certain number of matches with a specific wrestler, join a faction, heal someone in your faction, etc. Either way, you will get cash – the game’s premium currency – as a reward, and for every five missions you complete, you will be given a Mission Bag loaded with coins, TP posters, and other goodies that can help your progress.

10. How To Improve Your Wrestlers

As we mentioned above, it’s important that you don’t just improve your wrestlers, but also work on improving at least one per class. And there are different ways of going about this, starting with the simple process of leveling them up with coins. While it’s relatively cheap to level them up for the first few times, the cost of doing this increases progressively, which would require you to fight in as many matches as possible, may they be in the general tour, limited-time events, etc.

You should also be leveling up your wrestler’s special moves, and you can do this primarily though TP posters that correspond to the color of the special move. You can also use duplicate wrestler posters to do this. At first, I was disappointed to find out that I got a duplicate Seth Rollins NXT posters, but eventually found out that his duplicate poster also doubled as “currency” for leveling up his finisher.

You can also enhance your wrestlers should your wrestlers be leveled up to a certain point, and also have enough cash and the right kind of tokens to do so. We’ll be talking about tokens later on, but when talking about enhancement, this doesn’t necessarily increase their star rarity. Instead, it improves their star color, meaning that if you enhance a one-star bronze John Cena for the first time, that means you’re moving him up to one star and silver, not improving his rarity from one to two stars.

11. Do Not Waste Your Cash

We will explain a little later on what you should be spending your cash on, but as early as now, we should warn you that the premium currency of WWE:Champions is not to be spent frivolously. The game will often ask you if you want to spend cash to resume a match after getting pinned – do not do this, as that’s going to cost you 50 cash. I learned this the hard way when I accidentally clicked on that option. Sure, it’s going to restore a huge chunk of your health, but you’re better off losing the match and hanging on to your cash, as you’re going to need it later on.

Do not use your cash either to heal your wrestlers back to 100 percent. As we mentioned above, the best way to heal your wrestlers is arguably to join a faction and ask for your mates’ help – no need to spend cash, and no need to go through a similarly hard-earned health pack either.

12. How To Get More Wrestlers Added To Your Roster

The collection mechanic of this game is quite an interesting one, especially for longtime WWE fans who want to manage a variety of wrestlers across different eras. So how do you get more wrestlers and beef up your roster?

The first way would be to simply win more matches. Sometimes, the game will reward you with a wrestler’s poster, as often specified in the loot area. Chances are you’ll reach a point where you’ll often be getting dupes, but that’s okay, as we mentioned above – duplicate posters can help you level up finishers. And speaking of loot, the free loot briefcases available every four hours do give out wrestler posters from time to time.

You can also use your cash to buy more posters, and that’s what we were talking about when we said you should not be spending your cash frivolously. 400 cash is going to get you a guaranteed poster with up to two-star gold rarity, though if you’ve got tons of cash accumulated already, you can buy in bulk and get multiple Superstars of that rarity, or even rarer Superstars who should help you plow through the competition. Head to the Premium Superstars section under the Loot tab, and feel free to browse through the different options. Scopely does change them around quite a bit, so you might have to act quickly if you’re torn on whether to buy these higher-end posters or not.

Chips are another form of premium currency that can be used to buy wrestler posters, and likewise, you’ll need lots of ‘em to get a chance at someone of truly impressive rarity and talent. You can win chips in the various game modes, but especially in the limited-time events, which are harder than the usual tour/campaign mode matches, but offer much better rewards.

Lastly, there’s also the option to spend some real-life cash, which may be worth the try if you’ve got some spare money to burn. At the moment, Scopely is offering an Undertaker Starter Pack, which comes with The Undertaker’s “The Last Outlaw” poster, 25 TP posters each for his different special moves, 45,000 coins, a health pack, and a Backer Gift Bag. As Scopely says, that’s 700 percent extra value for your money.

13. What Do Props Do?

Props are among the items you can get for winning in this game, regardless of the mode. You can access your toolbox of props on the lower left of your screen when selecting a wrestler for a match, and choose the three props you want to bring along with you for the match. But what do they do, and when should you use them?

These props can do a variety of things, such as adding special gem pieces to the board – for example, Power of Positivity adds three random Heal gems on the board once activated, while Show of Hart, depending on its color, can charge up a move by three gems, without the need to make a match. We would recommend you only use these props when needed, such as if you’re taking a lot of damage and need the board to be filled with Protect gems to minimize the damage inflicted by your opponent. Props, after all, are consumable, meaning that if you use them once, they’re gone forever!

14. Replay Previous Matches

As you’ve found out from the tips above, you will need a lot of resources to improve your wrestlers or afford to buy new ones with your in-game currency. And that would also mean a lot of grinding. You can always go back to matches which you won with only one or two stars and replay them again with your wrestlers ideally much-improved from the time you won the match the first time.

Although you get a one-time prize in the form of props, coins, etc. after clearing a level for the first time, you can still win loot briefcases via replays. You can even replay with the intent of cracking 13 loot boxes or more, though this could mean your wrestler taking a lot of damage and taking longer to win the match, if he does go on to win.

If you complete all matches in a tour area with three stars, you will unlock the next difficulty level, and while that would require your wrestlers’ Talent levels to be even higher, the quality of rewards does improve as you move up in difficulty. Make sure to try both Hard and Hell difficulty levels once you’ve completed Normal and Hard respectively!
