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Property Brothers Home Design Anfängerleitfaden:Tipps, Tricks und Strategien, um mehr Geld zu verdienen und schneller voranzukommen

Storm8 Studios ist eines der am längsten bestehenden Unternehmen für mobile Spiele. Als Pionier in der Mobile-Gaming-Branche hat sich Storm8 Studios seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2009 mit den zahlreichen Hit-Titeln unter seiner breiten Angebotsliste, gepaart mit weitgehend positiven Bewertungen seiner Spiele sowohl von Android- als auch von iOS-Nutzern, einen respektablen Ruf erworben. Fashion Story, Home Design Makeover und Restaurant Story 2 sind nur drei der neun von Storm8 Studios veröffentlichten Spiele, die allein im Google Play Store die Marke von 10 Millionen Downloads überschritten haben.

Die meisten Spiele des Unternehmens erhalten eine durchschnittliche Bewertung von mehr als 4 Sternen und viele davon finden gute Plätze in den Top-Ten-Listen der Spiele in mehr als 10 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt. Alles in allem ist es keine Überraschung, neue Titel von Storm8 Studios zu finden, die sowohl von Fans als auch von neueren Spielern unterstützt werden, die nach lustigen, einzigartigen Spielen suchen, mit denen sie ihre Zeit verbringen können.

Basierend auf der preisgekrönten kanadischen Reality-TV-Show Property Brothers, ist Property Brothers Home Design das neueste Spiel von Storm8 Studios, das sowohl für Android- als auch für iOS-Plattformen erhältlich ist. Als großartige Mischung aus Innendesign-Simulation und Puzzle ist Property Brothers Home Design sowohl ein gemächliches Spiel, das Sie in Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielen können, als auch Herausforderungen durch einzigartige Puzzles zwischen den Dekorationsphasen. Nur etwas mehr als einen Monat nach seiner Veröffentlichung hat das Spiel allein im Google Play Store bereits über hunderttausend Installationen erzielt und erhält weiterhin überwiegend positive Bewertungen von Spielern, die es gespielt haben. Wenn Sie eine Leidenschaft für Innenarchitektur und Dekoration sowie ein Händchen für Match-Puzzles haben, dann sollten Sie Property Brothers Home Design unbedingt ausprobieren.

Treten Sie ein in die Welt der Hausrenovierungsbranche und helfen Sie den Immobilienexperten und Zwillingsbrüdern Jonathan Scott und Drew Scott, die einzigartigen und aufregenden Renovierungsanforderungen verschiedener Kunden zu übernehmen. There’s a wide variety of choices on how to stylize each home and even more combinations of furniture and fixtures to perfectly suit your unique taste of design. As demolishing old furniture and purchasing new ones cost money, you need to earn every bit of money for the renovations and what better way to do that than to engage in a series of match 3 puzzle games (which actually only require you to match 2 tiles).

The first full renovation you will work through serves as the entire tutorial in the game that you will need. The actual renovation activities are easy and holds no pressure at all but what you would have to keep working on is actually doing well in the puzzle mini games to earn more money to finish the renovation. Once you head on towards the first official renovation challenge, the amount of money you can earn can somewhat be delimited by an in-game stamina. Despite that, it replenishes pretty quickly so in general, you can still very much progress through the game based on how much time you can spend playing each puzzle. In order to earn more money faster and progress quicker, be sure to read our Property Brothers Home Design beginner’s guide for tips, cheats and strategies.

1. Take As Much Time As You Need

One of the usual pressures that increase the challenge of successfully completing match 3 puzzles is the time limit within which you have to decide on choosing your move. Even without it, though, most players will potentially be inclined to race through the puzzles as fast they can so they can claim the money needed to get back into the renovations. In a way, it’s not all that bad as finishing more puzzles means earning more money. On the other hand, the higher level of challenges on later levels will hardly be accomplished by random turns and clicks.

Without much planning ahead on which moves you will make first, you can easily end up running out of turns and ultimately fail the stage. As much as that would be alright during the tutorial level, your very limited stamina will decrease for each failure to complete puzzle games later on.

As such, the best way to go as a beginner is to take things slow and plan a bit ahead before initiating any move on the match 3 puzzle game. While it may be generally suitable to start matching tiles at the bottom of the pile to initiate movement on the upper tiles, numerous unique mechanics in Property Brothers Home Design‘s puzzle game makes it so that it is difficult to apply any general rule that cuts across all variants of the puzzles you will encounter. What you should make a habit, therefore, is to take note of specific rules applicable to the current puzzle and mentally look into the effects of the move you are about to make, before actually making them.

Although taking a little more time before initiating any move on match 3 puzzle will take longer for you to earn money for renovations, ensuring you accomplish each one, in effect, will hasten your money-earning run. As you grow more familiar with all possible mechanics applicable to various puzzles, then you will naturally be accustomed to this and grow to decide and play much faster even with some planning and analysis involved in every move.

2. Stick To The Basics

For many players who have played a couple or several match 3 games before, it’s a common achievement to actually manage to match way beyond what is necessary in one go. If the minimum required tile matches is 3, then going for a 5 or 6-tile combo is all the more satisfying. While these accomplishments can be quite rewarding in other games, it does not matter as much in Property Brothers Home Design. Although matching together greater numbers of tiles can unlock bombs, dynamites, and all sorts of explosives, not having them at the exact place you need them to be won’t be in anyway helpful.

For starters, focus exclusively on the task at hand. Whether it’s popping tiles beside a vase, breaking wooden blocks to drop down flower pots, or triggering pop-ups near pillow sacks, what’s important is getting the requirements done within the number of turns provided. It is important in this game to always remember that the puzzle game is a match 2 game. While many players may occasionally forget that you can pop tiles up just by being beside only another similarly colored one, it can spell the difference between successfully completing the stage and failing to do so.

Likewise, managing to eliminate tiles more than the usual will not in any way affect your total earnings. Earnings in Property Brothers Home Design only come from the puzzles and the amount of money you can earn from successfully completing the puzzle is based on completing the tasks plus the remaining turns you have left as you complete each level. With this, it may be okay to strive for finishing each puzzle with as few turns as possible but without necessarily rushing into each turn and likewise disregarding big moves for mere satisfaction.

3. Make The Most Out Of Unlimited Stamina

As soon as you complete renovations on the first house, which covers the tutorials in its entirety, you will be rewarded with unlimited stamina for the next first hour of your game. If you are not ready to spend most, or the entirety, of that time to run through as many puzzle games as possible, then you should altogether take a break from the game before installing the last makeover furniture or fixture on the first stage.

As stamina will be an important necessity to keep earning money, an unlimited supply of it, even for just one hour should be an opportunity to grab and make full use of. As such, once you are ready to earn lots of money from puzzle games without break, complete the tutorial, earn the unlimited stamina boost, and start playing through puzzle after puzzle to earn as much money as you can. Again, don’t rush into it much to the point of making careless mistakes that result in failure and a replay of the level. Even so, it is still better to fail at this point than when the unlimited stamina buff wears off.

4. Learn To Set Up Some Moves

As veteran match tile gamers are accustomed to, you should learn at some point to make some sort of “sacrificial” moves to set up subsequent moves to fulfill your intended effects. As the puzzle game works around differently colored tiles randomly placed on the grid, it is a common strategy to eliminate the fewer tiles first to link together the more common ones for an explosive combo. Although combos won’t in anyway affect the money you will earn at the end of the level, there will be plenty of instances where explosive tiles are necessary to get the job done. More so, the bigger the explosive the more helpful it can be on most puzzles, whether it’s destroying more vases, or chipping in more hits on the pillows.

This is actually a strategy that is not expected to be learned as easily by first time players or people who haven’t played any match 3 game before. The sooner you understand this concept and actually apply it to your game will boost your performance in succeeding levels all the better. Again, as we mentioned that you should take as much time as you need to plan your moves at the start of our guide, taking this strategy into consideration should bring you to plan and analyze a little more before actuating a planned move.

5. Fire Up Some Fireworks When Necessary

Although bigger combos and more explosive clicks won’t in anyway affect the amount of money you will earn from a level, each bomb or explosive you detonate charges up your fireworks. Fireworks work like you super special ability which destroys all tiles of you chosen color from the puzzle, enabling a good refresh of the puzzle in its entirety leaving higher chances of bigger combos to follow as well as eliminating some obstacles as well.

Unfortunately, not all levels really rely on more explosive feats to finish and in some cases, even, will make working around them a bleak possibility. You would naturally want to fill up the fireworks meter as much as you can on more open puzzles where explosives will guarantee a sweeter victory but be sure to always check beforehand how valuable their use will be at the start of each level.

Oftentimes you will find yourself choosing between going straight towards eliminating obstacles or setting up explosions and sacrificing a few turns. As the latter may prove to be an advanced strategy that should take a little more planning and analysis, be sure to study each puzzle carefully before you decide on whether you can sacrifice a few turns just to build up the necessary set up of tiles to create explosives.

6. You Can Change Furniture Designs Any Time

This may not have any impact at all to how you can earn more money in the game but it’s equally rewarding to know that as far as renovations go, you can instantly replace furniture and fixtures you have already spent on at any time. Simply click on a furniture or improvement that you have already chosen and readily select any of the 3 choices you want to consider. Every house you have completed can be visited at any time as well so you can mix and match designs whenever you feel like doing so at no cost whatsoever.

And this wraps up our Property Brothers Home Design beginner’s guide. We hope that you learned some decent tips and strategies to jumpstart your puzzle-solving and money-earning concerns of the game and we likewise hope you enjoyed reading through it. Do you have any tips of your own you would like to share with us? Don’t hesitate to share your discoveries in the comment area below!
