Ein 18. Geburtstag soll ein glücklicher Anlass sein … außer für Sie, ein namenloses Waisenkind im Waisenhaus Blooming Hearts. Schweren Herzens packst du deine Koffer und machst dich bereit, alleine in die Welt aufzubrechen…
Aber warte! Was ist das? Dein Onkel Mort schickt jemanden zum Waisenhaus Blooming Hearts und bittet dich, ihm bei seinen Ermittlungen zu helfen?

Sicher warum nicht? Was ist das Schlimmste, was passieren könnte?
Der neue Handy-Titel Puzzle Adventure von Pixel Federation Games kombiniert das klassische Point-and-Click-Gameplay von Mystery-Spielen mit hinterhältigen Rätseln und intuitivem Erkundungs-Gameplay. Als namenloser Kumpel deines neuen Onkels Mort wirst du übernatürliche Verbrechen aufklären und mystische Schätze ausgraben, während du dir bei der Supernatural Detective Agency einen Namen machst.

Wie bereits erwähnt, ist das Gameplay sehr intuitiv, aber wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, festzustecken, haben wir einen umfassenden Anfängerleitfaden zusammengestellt, der neuen Spielern hilft, die Welt von Puzzle Adventure zu analysieren, sowie einige Tipps und Tricks, wenn Sie nur können. scheine keinen Weg zum Fortschritt zu finden.
Als neuer Söldner deines Onkels Mort wirst du dich ihm und seiner Assistentin Keisi anschließen, um übernatürliche Geheimnisse zu lösen, was hauptsächlich darin besteht, vor der Polizei davonzulaufen und die Wahrheit herauszuschnüffeln, in dieser Reihenfolge.

Ermittlungen sind das Fleisch des Spiels, und obwohl sie sehr intuitiv sind, finden Sie hier einen Überblick darüber, was Sie von ihnen erwarten können.

Das grundlegende Ziel jeder Phase wird Ihnen normalerweise durch Dialog oder Darstellung mitgeteilt. Während dies das einzige Ziel ist, das Sie erreichen müssen, um ein Level abzuschließen, müssen Sie viele Rätsel lösen – einige einfach, andere trickreich – um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen und Schätze zu sammeln.
Unten auf Ihrem Bildschirm werden Ihre Ziele aufgeführt für die aktuelle Etappe. Technisch gesehen müssen Sie nur die Ziele erfüllen, um ein Level abzuschließen, aber wo bleibt da der Spaß?
Wenn Sie genauer sehen möchten, was genau Sie tun müssen, um die Ziele zu erreichen, können Sie auf die Symbole auf dem unteren Bildschirm tippen.

Blöcke sind die häufigsten Hindernisse, die Sie bei Ihren paranormalen Untersuchungen finden werden. Tippen Sie einfach auf einen Block, um ihn zu zerstören. Blöcke kosten Energie, um sie zu zerstören. Im Allgemeinen gilt:Je fester der Block (z. B. Stein oder Gras), desto mehr Energie wird zum Brechen benötigt.

Schaltflächen sind eine der primären Mechaniken in Stadien. Knöpfe sind immer mit einem anderen Teil verbunden – sei es ein rotierendes Rohr, eine Plattform oder eine andere Art von Schalter. Das Drücken einer Taste kostet zwar Ausdauer, aber Sie sollten auf jeden Fall mehrmals auf eine Taste drücken, um zu sehen, was genau sie bewirkt. Sie können beispielsweise feststellen, dass es eine Plattform in eine unerwartete Richtung bewegen kann.
Zum Beispiel löst im letzten Raum der Basiliskenhöhle ein Knopf die Bewegung des Wassereinlassrohrs in entweder Rohrnetz 1, 2 oder 3 aus. Durch Antippen des Knopfs bewegt sich das Rohr in der Reihenfolge 1-2-3-2 -1 und so weiter. Experimentieren ist der Schlüssel, besonders wenn ein Objekt, das durch eine Schaltfläche bewegt wird, mehrere mögliche Richtungen hat.

Hebel sind Schalter, die einen Ein-/Aus-Trigger in dem, womit sie verbunden sind, umschalten. Durch die meisten, wenn nicht alle Hebel läuft ein Draht in das, was sie auslösen – dies dient normalerweise als Anhaltspunkt genug, um genau herauszufinden, was das Ziehen des Hebels bewirkt.
Objekte schieben und ziehen
Bewegliche Objekte sind eines der Hindernisse, denen Sie bei Ihren Ermittlungen begegnen werden.

Diese Objekte können entweder nach vorne geschoben werden oder nach hinten gezogen . Wo ein Block geschoben oder gezogen werden kann, hängt davon ab, wo Sie sich platzieren. Wenn Sie einen Block greifen, können Sie ihn entweder in die Richtung schieben, in die Sie schauen, oder ihn zurückziehen. Meistens müssen Sie sich mehrmals neu ausrichten, um Rätsel zu lösen. Entdecke und werde kreativ!
Ökonomie der Bewegung
Jede Aktion in Puzzle Adventure verbraucht Energie, daher ist es in Ihrem eigenen Interesse, sie minimieren die Menge an Bewegung, die Sie tatsächlich ausführen.

Nicht nur das Zertrümmern von Blöcken und das Mähen von Gras kostet Ausdauer. Sogar das Umlegen von Ventilen, das Drücken von Knöpfen und das Umlegen von Schaltern beansprucht Ihre Energie , daher ist eine sorgfältige Analyse der Rätsel eines Raums, bevor Sie Energie darauf verwenden, ein guter Ansatz. This also serves as a visual clue of what to do next; for example, water valves that have water running through them will have an energy icon above them to indicate energy consumption – which means something has changed.

If you’re not sure if you can path to a particular tile, you can try tapping on it anyway – if there’s a route, the game will allow you to move there anyway . This is great for puzzles that have multiple vertical levels where it’s easy to lose track of ladders and stairs. However, if the tile flashes red, there’s no possible path to it. Try exploring and experimenting in the room some more.
Room Layout

And while we’re at it, pay careful attention to the room’s layout , particularly the height of objects as they can obscure elements that are needed to solve puzzles. Some areas can be difficult to analyze due to the amount of stuff on the screen. The very large UI on top of the screen doesn’t help, either, and neither can you rotate the camera to get a better view of your surroundings.
With all that in mind, the best way to get a feel for each room is to move the camera around and study the room from different areas .
If you’re really stuck, you’ll be able to summon a friendly, otherworldly companion (not you, Uncle Mort) to guide you towards suspicious objects.

You’ll gain access to the ghost dog in the third level, the Crystal Trail . This helpful spirit lets you suss out suspicious spots by flying to the location of hidden blocks and items that you might have missed. This doesn’t come cheap though; you can only send your ghostly familiar out once every 6 hours unless you skirt the cooldown by paying Gems .
Cat people (like me) might want to change their pet skin. You can do this by tapping the upper right button beside your experience bar. In this menu, you’ll be able to change the skin of your pet for a rather hefty sum of either coins or Gems. This is purely aesthetic, and won’t impact how your spectral friend behaves.
Stages and Stars

While I advise against needlessly spending energy, doing this does net you with stars. These stars are a rough representation of the progress you’ve achieved in each level.
Each stage has a maximum amount of stars (represented as a fraction). However, you still receive rewards just for filling the bar up.
If you have nothing better to do with your energy, it’s well worth going back to stages you’ve already completed and go for the maximum star rating as this nets you invaluable blue shards. Your progress is retained when you return to a previously-completed stage, so you don’t have to do it all from the beginning. And since these prizes are a one-time thing , I strongly urge doubling your prizes by watching the ads.
Note that you can switch stages at any time – your progress is tracked separately per stage. Just tap on the map icon in the lower left if you’d rather tackle a different investigation than the one you’re currently in.

Fame is indicated as a pink shield icon, and serves as a representation of your investigative prowess to the Supernatural Detective Agency. By amassing fame, you’ll unlock new stages and be able to progress further in the story.
You gain fame from completing story quests. While I haven’t encountered any branching paths while playing Puzzle Adventure, keep in mind that you really should push forward with the story at all times.
Energy Sources
If you’ve played the game for a while, you’ll notice how quickly you can burn through your energy bar. As the ghost points out during the tutorial, there’s lots of ways to gain energy so that you can keep playing.

Any time you level up, you get a large lump of sum of energy. Don’t worry about overflow either, as any extra energy gained this way will be added on top of whatever energy you have, surpassing the cap . The downside here is that you’ll no longer be regenerating energy passively, so be sure to drain your energy down to standard levels before closing the game.
Performing actions in a stage gives you experience, whether that’s breaking blocks or pursuing the objective. As a general rule of thumb, breaking blocks nets you an amount of experience equal to the amount of energy an action takes.

Be on the lookout for blue shard blocks – while they may not look like a good investment at a whopping 10 energy to break, they always drop blue shards . Blue shards are very valuable items that allow you to purchase and upgrade items that either increase your maximum energy capacity or its regeneration rate!
The materials you gather from breaking blocks and opening chests can be experimented with in the laboratory in your home menu – more on that later. You can also choose to watch an ad for quick burst of 50 energy. You can only do this once every 8 hours , and only when you don’t have energy to perform an action.
Finally – though I don’t recommend it – you can just buy energy with Gems.
Familiarize Yourself With Your Home

The home menu becomes available after completing the second level. As you might have guessed, the home serves as your base of operations and contains multiple facilities that you can visit even in the middle of an investigation to help you get a leg up on your detective work!
The Laboratory

The laboratory is where you can synthesize those random items you find while snooping around other people’s houses. Upon entering the laboratory, you’ll be presented with up to 3 recipes that you can mix from whatever you have at hand, with each recipe providing a different amount of energy. If you don’t have enough ingredients, you can also choose to buy what you’re missing with gems, though I don’t recommend doing that.
Although there’s no limit to the number of recipes you can make per day (barring the amount of ingredients you have), each time you complete a recipe, that recipe slot goes into cooldown for a little while.
Do note that you’ll need to reach certain levels to unlock new recipe slots. The second slot becomes available at level 11, while the third and final slot requires you to hit level 21.
Your Ghostly Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a very important building as itserves as your energy regeneration hub .

It’s here that you can spend your hard-earned coins and blue shards to purchase new plants that will boost your passive enery regeneration rate. However, before you tap those buttons like mad, there’s some things you should be aware of.
All players start with the Possessed Lillies , which gives a generous 15 energy per hour. But upon your first visit to the greenhouse, you’ll find that your other options in the plant shop aren’t quite as good. On top of that, you only have one extra slot for another plant.

Both the selection for your ghastly garden, as well as the number of slots, improves as you play the game and gain levels. Whenever you gain a new level, visit the greenhouse to see if you’ve unlocked a new purchaseable slot. If there is, you can shell out some coins to permanently unlock that slot for another plant. If you’re feeling rich, you can also spend Gems to skirt the level requirement for a new slot.
You can’t spam the same plant over and over, either. There’s a limited stock of each plant, so diversity is key. By buying plants that cost different resources (gold, blue shards, and Gems), you can massively increase your passive energy output.
The Garage

The garage is the rightmost building in the home screen, and serves as a counterpart to the greenhouse. Where the greenhouse increases your passive energy regeneration rate, the garage provides boosts to your maximum energy capacity. Just like greenhouse plants, diversity is key – so be sure to buy anything and everything that’s available to increase your energy cap.
Free Blue Shards
While we’re on the topic of blue shards and boosting your energy, there’s a quick and easy way to net some extra blue shards, and if you’re thinking “it’s going to be ads”, then you’re right on the money.

Go to the shop and tap the Offer Taste. This will guide you to a menu where you can opt to watch a 30 second ad for some blue shards. This is only available once a day, so be sure to do this whenever you log in.
The Museum
The museum is where you can view your artefacts – completed or not. Coincidentally, it’s also where you can redeem rewards for completing artefacts.

The museum also offers off-hand hints as to where you can find artefacts. In the image above, you’ll notice the text “Found Family” at the bottom – meaning that these artefacts can be found in stages that belong to the Found Family chapter. If you’d prefer more direct clues, you can tap on the silhouettes of artefacts you haven’t completed and the game will helpfully point you towards what stages those pieces are located in.
The Rewards Board

The rewards board is at the leftmost of your home menu, near the police car.
This board is where you claim your daily login reward, which I highly suggest you pay close attention to as the rewards get better with each login , culminating in 10 Gems at 28 days.
The rewards board also details achievements that you can complete for a burst of resources, ranging from coins to Gems. Each achievement has multiple levels denoted by the stars on top of each progress bar, and the rewards (and requirements) increase each time you complete the achievement.

Once an achievement has been completed, you have to return to the rewards board to claim it…or, if you’re so inclined, you can watch an ad to double your gains.
Search For Hidden Treasure
What kind of puzzle and exploration game would be bereft of treasure? Puzzle Adventure has a lot of hidden goodies stashed away in each level, and it takes a curious mind and a persistent attitude to sniff them out.
Levels in Puzzle Adventure can also contain chests laden with goodies to help you in your investigation. In general, there are two kinds of chests – red ones that give a smaller payout, and blue ones where you can double your gains by watching an ad.

As your playtime is limited by your energy, it’s worthwhile to watch these ads. Not only will you be able to get more coins for your trouble, but you’ll also earn much more blue shards.
If you thought that there might be hidden goodies in this game, you’d be right.

While exploring in stages, be on the lookout for things with a blue glow. A scanner-like glow indicates items that can be interacted with – and will also highlight items that can be picked up for bonus resources . All switches and items for quests will be glowing this way, but it’s worth your while to prolong your investigation – particularly in suspicious rooms – as you can find coins, items, chests, and most importantly, Gems lying around.

You can find bonuses even if you’re just pushing the objective. Some puzzle rooms can have alternative solutions which can uncover unexpected treasures. Still other bonuses are hiding in plain sight, and will require attention and an observant eye to unearth. Once you’ve found your goodies, I’d highly suggest watching the ads, especially when opening blue chests – those are one-time things, after all.

Artefact pieces can be found in stages – some are hidden in plain sight, others require a dedicated sussing out. As I mentioned in the museum section, you can get a clue in which chapters the artefact pieces are located. These mystical treasures are very much worth seeking out as they give a very hefty payout of resources, but only when completed.
To help you assemble get started with assembling your first artefact, the Necronomicon Page, I’ll list the locations of the 2 pieces.
The first piece of the Necronomicon Page is found in the Crystal Trail. You’ll need to cut grass and blocks to find a side path, where the artefact piece will be resting on a pedestal.
The second half is found in the Basilisk’s Lair, hidden in plain sight on the left part of the first room.
Ads and Doubling
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m going to repeat this line one more time:double your rewards via ads whenever you can. Most of the rewards that you can double are one-time payoffs, so seize the opportunity to double them as you won’t get the chance to do so again.
Enjoy The Journey
In games like Puzzle Adventure, every step of your investigations is a treat, and you need to savor the journey, rather than the destination.

With that, our Puzzle Adventure beginner’s guide comes to an end. We hope you learned something from our guide to help you get past those oh-so-tricky levels. If you have anything you’d like to add, or if we missed something, let us know in the comment area below!