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Gang Clash Guide:Tipps, Cheats &Tricks, um deine Gegner zu besiegen

Hast du dich jemals gefragt, wie es wäre, Teil eines Bandenkriegs zu sein, aber du wolltest nicht verletzt werden? Gang Clash könnte die perfekte Lösung für Sie sein. Dieses neue Handyspiel gibt dir die Verantwortung für deine eigene Bande. Das Gameplay in Gang Clash ist ziemlich einfach. Du triffst eine gegnerische Bande auf der Straße, beginnst den Kampf und siehst dann zu, wie sich alle prügeln, bis eine der Banden ausgelöscht ist.

Natürlich ist es Ihr Ziel, die gegnerische Bande auszulöschen. Dazu musst du stärker sein als sie. Einfach mehr Leute in deiner Bande zu haben, funktioniert normalerweise in den frühen Levels des Spiels. Sie werden jedoch schnell feststellen, dass Zahlen nicht alles sind. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Einheiten und zu wissen, wie man sie strategisch einsetzt, wird Ihnen helfen, zu gewinnen. In unserem Gang Clash-Leitfaden findest du Tipps, Cheats und Tricks, um zu lernen, wie du jeden Kampf gewinnst!

1. Streben Sie nach Perfektion

Bevor Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Kämpfen" klicken, achten Sie auf die Leiste darüber sowie auf den Schieberegler, der sich hin und her bewegt. Wenn Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Kämpfen“ tippen, stoppt der Schieberegler, und wo er stoppt, kann darüber entscheiden, ob Sie einen Kämpfer gewinnen oder verlieren. Sie werden feststellen, dass die Leiste drei Farben hat:Rot, Orange und Gelb. Je näher sich der Schieberegler an der Mitte des roten Bereichs befindet, desto stärker wird die Moral Ihrer Bande sein. Wenn Sie den Schieberegler versehentlich über der gelben Zone anhalten, schlurfen Ihre Gangmitglieder einfach auf der Straße herum und warten darauf, zu Brei geschlagen zu werden.

Die bestmögliche Position zum Stoppen des Schiebers ist genau in der Mitte des roten Bereichs. Sie wissen, dass Sie es richtig getroffen haben, wenn das Wort „Perfekt“ auf dem Bildschirm erscheint. Jeder Punkt in der roten Zone, der nicht die Mitte ist, gibt Ihnen „Awesome“. Der orangefarbene Bereich gibt Ihnen entweder „Großartig“ oder „Gut“, je nachdem, wie nahe Sie dem roten Bereich sind. Die gelbe Zone gibt Ihnen ein „Oops“. Unnötig zu erwähnen, dass das Ziel darin besteht, in jeder Runde immer ein „Perfekt“ zu treffen. Es erfordert ein wenig Übung, aber sobald Sie es beherrschen, werden Kämpfe viel einfacher.

2. Immer neue Einheiten kaufen

Am Ende jeder Runde haben Sie die Möglichkeit, zusätzliche Einheiten zu kaufen, indem Sie auf die mittlere Schaltfläche am unteren Bildschirmrand tippen. Sie müssen Gold ausgeben, um neue Einheiten zu kaufen, und die Kosten steigen nach jeder Beschwörung. Das Ergebnis jeder Beschwörung ist zufällig, aber Sie haben oft die Wahl zwischen zwei Einheiten. Die erste Option ist nur eine zufällige Einheit, die Sie sofort beanspruchen können. Die zweite Option ist eine Einheit, die Sie benötigen, oder eine aktualisierte. Sie müssen sich eine Videowerbung ansehen, um die zweite Option in Anspruch zu nehmen.

Sobald Sie Ihr gesamtes aktuelles Geld für den Kauf von Einheiten aufgebraucht haben, ändert sich die Schaltfläche "Kaufen" in ein Werbeangebot, das Ihnen eine weitere Einheit kostenlos zur Verfügung stellt, wenn Sie sich ein Video ansehen. Denken Sie jedoch daran, dass Sie dieses Angebot nicht erhalten können, wenn es in Ihrem Team keine freien Slots gibt. Kaufen Sie immer am Ende jeder Runde neue Einheiten, um die kostenlose Einheit zu beanspruchen und sicherzustellen, dass Sie für die nächsten Levels stark genug sind.

3. Wie man bessere Einheiten freischaltet

Wenn Sie mit Gang Clash beginnen, ist die einzige Einheit, die Sie kaufen können, der Hooligan. To unlock better units, all you have to do is keep progressing. As you reach milestone levels, new units will be unlocked. Unfortunately, you don’t automatically get those new units. They are only added to the pool of potential units that you can acquire when summoning. New unit types are usually better than old ones, so if you are given a choice between two 1-star units, and one of them is newer, always choose the new one.

4. Combine Duplicate Units

When you pick up one of your units, you will probably notice they have a star rating. You can increase their star rating by combining them with identical units. For example, you can combine two 1-star Hooligans to create a single 2-star Hooligan. You will notice that the two Hooligans will now occupy a single slot on your team. You can then combine two 2-star Hooligans to create a 3-star Hooligan with four of them occupying a single slot.

Once you have two 3-star Hooligans, combining them will result in four Hooligans with a white crown. You can keep combining your units until the stars are maxed out. When you pick up a unit, all other units will be greyed out except for those identical to the one you are holding. This makes it easier to see if there are any units that you can combine.

Don’t be afraid that you might end up with less units on the field. Evolved units are always stronger, making it easy for them to take on multiple low-quality units. On top of that, combining units also helps free up space for new units. Otherwise, you would be forced to purchase new slots which are more expensive than new units.

5. Positioning Is Key

Even if you have a lot of powerful units, if you don’t position them correctly, you won’t survive the higher levels of the game. Pay attention to each unit’s role. For example, Chair Throwers are ranged units that deal a lot of damage, but they are squishy. If you put them up front, they will get trampled before you can make sure of their attack power. Make sure you put melee units in front of them like the Hooligan and Big Brother. This way, they can safely attack from a distance for a while before the enemy units get to them.

You should also pay attention to where the enemy units are. There are three lanes in battle, and there are times when the enemies will only be occupying one or two lanes. When that happens, make sure you position your melee units near the side where they will most likely encounter the enemy units first. Once you have more unit options, you may want to put a few melee units at the back line for when the enemies have jumping units like Doggo. The melee units at the back can help the ranged units fend off those bad Doggos.

6. Bosses Don’t Die

Once in a while, you will encounter a single giant unit on the enemy team. You will notice that this giant doesn’t seem to go down no matter what you do. Don’t think that you are losing when this happens. Boss stages are for collecting a lot of gold. The goal is to keep beating on him until time runs out.

Of course, you also have to make sure that your units survive until the end of the time limit. If they get wiped out before the time ends, you will lose. If your units survive, you get a lot of gold because every punch your units throw will make the Boss drop coins.

7. Don’t Forget Your Talents

When you reach level 20 in Gang Clash, you will be able to unlock Talents. These are various perks that would help you in battle or give you discounts when purchasing new units. Each purchase costs gold, and the price will go up every time. You won’t be able to choose which Talent to invest in, but if you get a duplicate, that Talent gets upgraded. Since they are all useful, you can’t really go wrong in investing in Talents, but there is a way to get them for free.

Every 15 minutes, the game gives you the chance to unlock a Talent for free in exchange for watching a video advertisement. If you are diligent enough in watching ads every 15 minutes, you may never need to pay for a single Talent. Just make sure you remember to go back and watch an ad because the 15-minute timer will not start until you claim the current freebie.

8. Enter The Arena

When you reach level 40, the Arena button will appear on the left side of the screen. Tap on it to enter the Arena. The Arena is where you can challenge other gangs in order to win various rewards. Upon entering, you will see the details of three opponents, including their name, level, and the reward you will receive when you win. The list refreshes every 30 minutes, but you can refresh immediately by watching a video advertisement.

Keep in mind that these gangs are not like the ones you battle in the normal rounds. They are much stronger. That means you need to score an “Awesome” or a “Perfect” in order to take them down. Even then, you might still lose. The good news is, you can challenge them again after leveling up some more before the list refreshes.

When you win, you will receive gold or new units. The higher the level of the opponent you chose, the better the reward. You will also be given the option to claim an even better reward by watching a video advertisement. Needless to say, you should always accept the offer. Winning in the Arena is tough enough as it is, don’t waste an opportunity to get better rewards.

9. Triple Your Earnings, Here’s How

At then end of each round, you are given a reward based on the number of units you defeated. You earn gold even if you lost the round as long as you were able to take down at least one enemy. A gold multiplier will spin after the round, giving you a chance to double or triple your earnings, though there is also a chance it won’t change.

After the multiplier is done spinning, you will be able to triple the earnings once more by watching a video advertisement. That means you can earn up to 9x of the original amount if you are lucky. Always accept this offer because money is everything in this game. It helps you purchase new units, unlock slots on your team, and upgrade your Talents. The more money you have, the easier it will be to defeat your opponents.

10. Claim Your Daily Reward

Even if you don’t have time to play, make sure you at least try to log in once per day. The game gives out daily rewards for players. All you have to do is enter the game for the first time each day, and you will automatically receive your reward. You also have the option to receive a better reward by watching a video advertisement. The ad takes half a minute, so it shouldn’t be too hard to make time to upgrade your daily reward.

11. How To Get Rid Of Distractions

As with most free casual games, one problem with this game is that there are pop-up ads. They can get annoying after a while, especially when you are on a roll and you end up losing your momentum because you have to keep sitting through an ad. Unlike other games that allow you to remove ads with a single purchase, the ads-free version of this game comes in the form of a VIP subscription. It costs $7.99 weekly and $19.99 monthly.

It seems a bit steep, but you also get daily VIP units while the subscription is active. The red zone on the power bar also becomes bigger, making it easier to hit “Awesome” and “Perfect”. A 4x option will also be added to the random multiplier wheel at the end of each round.

Now, despite all that, it is understandable if you still don’t want to shell out cash for a casual game. There is a free solution. Just play the game offline, so it won’t be able to access the ads from the server. The downside for this solution is that you also won’t be able to take advantage of any of the ad offers available in game. Playing offline is probably best if you just want to pass time and play as many games as possible.

Winning a gang war takes more strategy than you think. It’s a good thing you can rely on our Gang Clash tips, cheats and tricks above to help you win every match! In case you know additional tips for the game, don’t hesitate to share them with us in the comments below!
