Ultimativer Solo-Saga-Leitfaden
Alle Klassen sind in der Lage, solo zu spielen, aber mit einigen ist es viel einfacher, Ihren ersten Clear zu bekommen. Hier sind die Klassen, die ich empfehlen würde, und warum. Ich habe Bilder angehängt, wie ich jeden Charakter baue. Alle Builds gehen davon aus, dass Sie die Blitzaxt bauen, also sind Axt-/Blitzknoten austauschbar, wenn Sie sich für eine andere Position entscheiden. Alle Knoten mit mehreren Nummern basieren normalerweise auf Ihrem aktuellen Fortschritt. TLDR ganz unten!
Seher ist die stärkste Gesamtklasse im Spiel – zweifellos. Er hat einen der wenigen Fähigkeitsbäume, der Sie nicht dazu bringt, Knoten auszuwählen, die Sie nicht benötigen. Darüber hinaus ist sein Passiv wahnsinnig, er hat große Schadensknoten und ist immun gegen Wetterbedingungen. Was will man mehr?
Ranger ist mein persönlicher Favorit, aber wenn Sie zum ersten Mal fehlerfrei spielen wollen, würde ich gegen Ranger vorschlagen. Wenn Sie darauf bestehen, einen Bogen als primäre Schadensquelle zu verwenden, ist Ranger der richtige Weg, aber ich habe ihn nur wegen der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit gewählt. Mein Build basiert darauf, Ranger als Nahkämpfer und Speedrun zu spielen.
Krieger hat großen frühen Spielschaden und ist großartig für alle, die eine Nahkampf-/Bogen-Kombination verwenden möchten. Seine Fähigkeit, mit einem Bogen Mana aus der Ferne aufzubauen und dann in den Nahkampf zu wechseln, um es auszugeben, ist unglaublich stark (besonders wenn er einen Nahkampf mit einer Heilfähigkeit einsetzt). Als Veteran von Dark Souls kann ich das iFrame-Ausweichtalent nicht genug loben. Es gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, aggressives Af zu spielen.
Hunter ist eher eine lobende Erwähnung, da ihr Fähigkeitsbaum viel mehr auf Teamplay zugeschnitten ist. Ihre Schadensknoten sind hinter mittelmäßigen Versorgungsknoten eingeschlossen, sodass ihr im frühen Spiel kein Schaden zugefügt wird. Die einzige erlösende Eigenschaft ist ihr Talent Foreshadow, mit dem Sie interessante Punkte sehen können. Es markiert Lager, Schreine und (am wichtigsten) den Tunnel, der zum Versteck führt. Wenn Sie ständig Probleme haben, eine Brücke oder ein Versteck zu finden oder einfach nur von ♥♥♥ Kacheln betrogen werden, kann sie eine erfrischende Option sein.
- Berserker: Ich denke, dass das Stapeln ihres Passivs zu lange dauert, zumal TTK sehr kurz ist. Die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit, die es gibt, kann mit der von Seer mithalten. Sowohl ihre AOE-Explosion bei voller Wut als auch ihr Axtknoten sind beide hinter einem Feuerschadensknoten eingeschlossen, der [für meine Builds] nutzlos ist.
- Aufseher: Warden hat einen großen Nutzen und war die erste Klasse, die ich alleine abgeschlossen habe. Jetzt, da ich mich alleine auf eine Wissenschaft konzentriert habe und auf immer schnellere Clears dränge, glaube ich nicht, dass ihre Nützlichkeit notwendig ist. Ich habe sie ursprünglich für die Wegstein-Buffs und Reparaturen verwendet.
- Wächter/Wächter: Ich muss sie noch ausprobieren, weil ich kein Schildcuck bin und klare Geschwindigkeit für Solo zu wichtig ist.
TLDR:Seer stonk, zum Solo-Lernen verwenden und dann verzweigen. Ranger für Speedrunning.
Starter Kits
Villager Starter Kit
This is definitely the go-to if you’re fresh to the game, just starting solo or are having trouble living through the early game. The time saved and survivability gained by starting with full armor and a weapon is nothing to scoff at.
Feral Starter Kit
If you are comfortable with the early game Feral is an amazing choice. It drastically increases clear speed, but at the cost of survivability. If starting Feral make sure to not take on any T3 Bright Forest camps until you have 80%+ hp and at least a T2 potion. If the witch decides to target you with her delayed bomb you’re very likely going to die.
Thoughts on Other Starters
Honestly most of them don’t make sense. Cold and Heat starters are for areas you shouldn’t be in until later, and at that point you should have the mats to make enough hot/cold pots to get you through the zones (Or just play Seer lol). The same logic applies to Explorer. You don’t need a map to see where Hideout is when you won’t be doing it until right before Fenrir, and at that point you can just buy the map from the swamp Sorcerer.
Villager Starter
I always upgrade into Hersir sword as it can upgrade all the way to T2. The rightclick is great for picking off range mobs, and at T2 the whirlwind ability is great for clearing packs or bursting larger targets.
Feral Starter
I will usually follow suit with my Villager start by rushing T2 Hersir, but upgrading your mace is a great option as well – I’m just a creature of habit.
Note:If you find a swamp biome early, and are able to kill 2-3 hydras for the mats for a base lightning axe skip Hersir.
End Goal
Lightning Axe. It’s hands down the strongest overall weapon in the game. The right click does more damage than any legendary, it’s 2nd ability heals for 100 per tick at rare quality, and 200 per tick at epic and has a mini stun. Rushing the rare version is paramount as you’ll use far fewer pots and your mana pots now double has healing pots.
Upgrading armor is a tricky subject as the time invested is not always worth the marginal survivability increase. Obviously if you are having alot of trouble surviving than armor upgrades will certainly help.
Having that said when I do upgrade armor I always skip a tier. If you’re starting Villager, or Feral then making T0 armor, I would suggest skipping from T0 to T2 (blue). If you are starting Feral you can experiment with different amounts of armor, so that you retain some of Nothing to Hide’s damage boost. Experiment and see what works for you. Chest and Legs offer the most armor per piece, so if you’re starting naked those should be your 1st two upgrades. In my speed runs I start feral, and the only time I wear armor is for clearing Hideout, which is usually T2 (blue) chest and legs.
This is more of a tier list than anything as they’re acquisition is completely random. If a rune isn’t mentioned assume I think it’s not worth using/keeping.
Offensive Runes
- Nothing to Hide:If you start Feral and get a 2nd Nothing to Hide you will kill most mobs in 1-2 hits.
- Seidr Weaver:Insane. Use everyone you see.
- Pumped Up:Good, but mana abilities are very good for burst/healing. It’s value is lowered because of that.
- Far-Fetched:Good for bows, but low overall value.
- Soul Powered:You want to be spending your souls on mats, maps and upgrading town NPCs, so its value is greatly reduced.
All Epic runes are good aside from Viking Hoarder. Ragnarage is like running Feral; high risk high reward. I’d suggest not using Soul Mate as you’re the only target, and in packs you’ll be net neutral most of the time.
Defensive/Utility Runes
- Like a Dwarf:Extra armor when traversing the most dangerous areas (Hideout/Tunnel) is great.
- Lucky Loot:Good for getting mats, but relatively low value.
- Blessed Hands:Good XP boost, but XP in solo shouldn’t be an issue if you’re being efficient.
- Nott for Speed:It only has alot of value in the later days (8+), but ideally you want to clear before its value comes to fruition.
I first want to go over the mindset you should have going into a run. Map RNG is a huge factor, and having a game-plan that is realistic is very important. Let go of the idea of “if I don’t have this piece of gear by X day the run is botched”. The same applies for not finding hideout/bridge early. If you have a large portion of the map uncovered than you’re not far off.
Your priorities are objectives, not gear. Returning to base for the sole purpose of upgrading your green weapon/armor to blue is a waste of time as you will be returning to dump souls near the end of the current day (ideally). There is a small exception and that is your lightning axe, though no progress should be lost getting it. It can wait until you find the next shrine.
Lastly, treat the base like it’s floor is lava – you don’t want to be there, and when you are you want to get out as soon as possible.
Early Game – Day 1-5
- Fragment Acquisition Order (Generally):Quest=Event -> Jotunn -> Hideout
- Priorities:Quarry, Upgrading Town NPCs, Map Exploration, Quest Completion
- If at any point you have the mats for a Quarry (600 Souls, 12 Planks, 9 Stone Blocks, 6 Metal Bars) get to the nearest shrine, or port back if you won’t lose too much distance traveled since last shrine/base.
- Path in a way that you get to as many ramps as possible. The mats from wooden gates are the key to an early quarry. If Quarry is built path in a way that you’ll be on the coast of whichever land mass you’re on.
- Upgrading the Toolsmith to 3 and Weaponsmith to 4 are the most important, especially if you get silver early. Upgraded tools help alot, and a higher tier of weapon will greatly increase clear speed.
- Take note of event/Jotunn spawn locations for map info. Jotunns usually spawn at the point furthest from base.
- Most of the “Easy” difficulty quests are gopher quests. Bring fur, bring common rarity gear, etc etc. Sometimes you will get kill quests though, and those need to be picked up earlier rather than later. “Highland Pests” and “Fur Market” can give kill quests, so be lucid of those. If “Highland Pests” NPC is in a desert biome don’t attempt to complete it before you have heat-res pots. The objective is to kill goblins and they are just about everywhere, so there’s little to no time lost by waiting. “The Witch Hunt” is my go to, as you will inevitably do a T3 Bright Forest camp for your witch kill.
- Don’t over-collect mats; its a waste of time. Know how many mats you need. Having a gearing plan is a big time saver.
Day 1
- Invasion:Ignore
- Event(s):None
- NPC Level(s):1
Day 2
- Invasion:Ignore
- Event(s):Jotunn Spawn. Takes 1.5-2 days to arrive at base.
- NPC Level(s):2, 1+ at 3 Ideally
Day 3
- Invasion:Ignore
- Event(s):Deer Spawn. Despawns early Day 5, so you have plenty of time.
- NPC Level(s):Weaponsmith at 4. Toolsmith at 3. Armor/Potion vendors at 2-3.
Day 4
- Invasion:Ignore if Ygg seed is around 6k souls and all NPCs are at least level 3 with 1/2 at 4.
- Event(s):Blood Moon Invasion
- NPC Level(s):Weaponsmith at 4. Everyone else at 3+.
Note:If you decide to defend make sure to not stay the entire night. 2 Explody bois and 1 Elite will spawn (2 can spawn, but its very uncommon). If anything kill the Elite and leave.
Day 5
- Event:Jotunn (Spawns at the end of the day), Prisoner Event spawn
If you aren’t boss ready Day 5 is the day to assess where you are and what you need to do. Haven’t found the bridge? Need to find and do hideout? This is the day for it.
Logic Behind Ignoring Invasion
The souls, levels, map knowledge and gear progression you gain during these early days far outweigh the amount you lose by not defending. The nights are very, very short D1-D4. Your vendors, assuming they are leveled, don’t die quickly and at most you’ll lose ~1000 souls in a night
Mid-Late Game
This is where things start to get hairy as days are shorter, and defending becomes ever more important. Using my strategy you are not set up with the supplies to build defenses quickly. If you are very behind around day 3/4 you will want to consider building a lumber mill – some foresight is required, and that comes with experience. If bridge is not built prior to Day 6 the supplies needed will now start being leeched by defensive structures. More material gathering during day cycles will likely be required. Building bridge and finishing your fragments is paramount
Day 6
- Invasion:Ignore if you have 4+ archer towers (2 at Blacksmith Entrance). Defend for some of the night if not.
- Event:None
- Build(s):Archer Towers (4+)
Day 7
- Invasion:Defend. Gate health is important.
- Event:Prisoner Despawn, Chicken Events Spawns
- Build(s):Level 1 Gates
Day 8
- Invasion:Defend. Have gate upgrades on deck. (Covered Below)
- Event:Blood Moon Invasion
- Build(s):Level 2 Gates (if possible)
Day 9
- Due to scaling Fenrir post D9 is pretty rough. You have very little time to do it, and defending becomes increasingly difficult. The next non-invasion day is Day 13, and after that it’s eternal night.
Area/Mob Specific Tips
Mob Specific
All Hydra attacks are crits (unblockable) so you have to hit kite them. Hit kiting enables you to farm out necessary mats at any level/gear. With a 1H weapon you are able to get 4 hit safely (5 if you’re in perfect time), and 3 with a 2H (as shown in the linked gif).
- Here’s an example of how to hit kite.
Hydra’s have a static attack timing with one exception. If you’re in melee range sometimes they’ll opt for a bite attack (shown below), and use their next ability faster than they normally would. If you want to keep timing with a 2H hit once, and twice with a 1H.
Trolls are fairly common in both swamp and desert biomes. Both have the same move sets, thus they are both able to be hit kited albeit in a different fashion. The same amount of hits for Hydra’s apply to Trolls.
- Here’s an example of hit kiting a Troll.
Underpass (Tunnel Leading to Area Containing Hideout)
There are 3 permutations of Underpass, but one is especially deadly if done undergeared. Right as you enter you’ll drop off a little edge and then there will be a wooden bridge going upwards. There is an elite werewolf on the platform ahead. If you approach the platform you can shoot the middle most bomb, and when you step onto the platform go to the edge and when he does his jump attack roll out of the way. He will jump off, die and all his loot will spawn on the edge. I will post a gif/vid of how it’s done very soon.
The Hideout
There are multiple rooms in Hideout that can get dicey, though mostly just the ones with the T2 Archers and/or T2 Fire Sword Humanoids. Their explosive arrows can hit up to 2700, as can getting hit by both fire tornados from the Fire Sword heavy. Bringing a bow and/or mana pots for axe throws is advised. As far as I’ve there are 3 tiles that contain them, but I will adjust this if that’s false.
This is one of the tiles. 2 of them spawn on the far side of the ramp leading to the chest. You can use the bombs in the room to blow up one, though youll have to either rush or range down the second.