Der Letzte von uns Teil 1 ist ein Remake des Spiels The Last of Us aus dem Jahr 2013, das das Gameplay überarbeitet und seine Zugänglichkeitsoptionen erweitert. Es beinhaltet auch verbesserte Kämpfe und Erkundungen, verbesserte Aspekte wie das Schießen und die Qualität von Waffen wie Ellies Bogen. Es ist ein Action-Adventure-Spiel, das von Naughty Dog entwickelt und im September 2022 veröffentlicht wurde.
Das Remake bleibt dem Original treu und lässt die Spieler die unvergessliche Erzählung von Joel und Ellie noch einmal erleben. Darüber hinaus erhalten die Spieler im Prequel-Kapitel „Left Behind“ einen Einblick in das Leben von Ellie und Riley. Und wie bei einem Remake zu erwarten, gibt es eine aktualisierte Liste der Trophäen, die im Laufe des Spiels freigeschaltet werden können.
So schalten Sie alle Trophäen und Erfolge frei

Bevor Sie versuchen, die Trophäen freizuschalten, sollten Sie Folgendes beachten:
- Trophäenführerstufen: Es gibt vier Stufen von freischaltbaren Trophäen im Spiel; Platin, Gold, Silber und Bronze. Diese geben die Seltenheit jeder Errungenschaft an, wobei die Platin-Stufe am schwierigsten und Bronze am einfachsten freizuschalten ist.
- Multiplayer Mercy: Im Gegensatz zum Original hat das Remake keinen Multiplayer-Modus. Daher können alle Trophäen innerhalb der Einzelspieler-Kampagne freigeschaltet werden.
- Kapitelauswahl ist dein Freund: Alle Trophäen, die Sie möglicherweise verpasst haben, können leicht mit der Kapitelauswahloption gefunden werden.
- Schwierigkeitseinstellungen: Alle Trophäen können auf jedem Schwierigkeitsgrad freigeschaltet werden. Wir empfehlen, auf „Sehr leicht“ zu spielen, wenn Sie alle Erfolge so schnell wie möglich freischalten möchten.
- Schäbe sind wichtig: Es ist wichtig, immer mindestens ein Shiv bei sich zu haben, um die Master of Unlocking-Trophäe freizuschalten. Das Spielen im Schwierigkeitsgrad „Sehr leicht“ kann dies erheblich erleichtern.
Trophäe/Erfolg | Anforderungen zum Freischalten | Rarität |
Es kann nicht umsonst sein | Dies ist eine Platin-Trophäe, die erst freigeschaltet werden kann, wenn Sie alle anderen Trophäen freigeschaltet haben in The Last of Us Teil 1. | Platin |
Egal was | Schließen Sie The Last of Us auf einem beliebigen Schwierigkeitsgrad ab . Wenn Sie mit diesem Abschnitt Schwierigkeiten haben, können Ihre Zugänglichkeitsoptionen ihn erheblich vereinfachen. | Gold |
Nicht gehen | Schließen Sie das Prequel-Kapitel "Zurückgelassen" ab , in jeder Schwierigkeitsstufe. Auch hier können Ihnen Ihre Zugänglichkeitsoptionen helfen. | Gold |
Suche nach dem Licht | Eines der wichtigsten Sammlerstücke des Spiels, finde alle 30 Glühwürmchen-Anhänger um diese Trophäe freizuschalten. | Gold |
Aushalten und überleben | Ein weiteres Sammlerstück, insgesamt 13 Comics muss aufgehoben werden, um diese Trophäe freizuschalten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Comic-Locations-Guide. | Gold |
Chroniken | Insgesamt 97 Notizen und Artefakte müssen im Hauptspiel und im Prequel-Kapitel gesammelt werden. They can be collected naturally as the story progresses. Although, some are a bit difficult to find and will require you to use Chapter Selection to retrieve them. | Gold |
Getting to Know You | This trophy can be unlocked by engaging/interacting with objects or people in specific locations. There are 54 optional conversations you will need to engage in throughout the main game and Left Behind; more information can be found in our optional conversation guide. | Gold |
That’s all I got | Ellie will tell six jokes throughout the main game and Left Behind. Unlocking these will require you to wait or trigger her dialogue. If you use Chapter Select to unlock these, they will also be listed as Optional Conversations instead of jokes. Furthermore, the trophy tracker will only update the last three jokes as it only lists three instead of all six. | Gold |
Something to Fight For | These collectibles grant you perks such as gear upgrades, stronger healing, and better melee weapons. A total of 12 Training Manuals must be collected for this trophy. The locations are detailed in our Training Manual guide. | Silver |
Combat Ready | To unlock this trophy, you only need to fully upgrade one weapon via the workbench . The revolver is the easiest weapon to upgrade, requiring 155 scraps (found behind Shiv doors). However, any weapon can be upgraded and will usually happen naturally throughout the game if you do not ignore scrap collection. | Silver |
Master of Unlocking | Open 13 Shiv Doors in the main game to unlock this achievement. These rooms will often contain supplies or other collectibles. Always keep at least one shiv on you since it consumes one for every door you shiv open. | Silver |
Prepared For the Worst | Interact will all 11 workbenches in the game to unlock this trophy. The Workbenches are where you can upgrade your weapons. | Silver |
Sticky Fingers | Unlock this trophy by opening all four safes found within the main game. They can only be opened with a combination code that you will be able to find on an artifact close by. The location and combination codes for each safe can be found in our safes guide. | Silver |
Sharpest Tool in the Shed | Find five Workbench Tools throughout the main game. The tools will help you upgrade your weapons to higher levels at Workbench locations. They appear in red toolboxes , are not tracked in Chapter Select, and can be easy to miss. More details are available in our workbench tool guide. | Silver |
Build Em Up, Break Em Down | You will need to upgrade each of your melee weapons and then break them by killing an enemy to unlock this achievement. Encounter Select can help you collect and break any melee weapons you may have missed in your first playthrough. | Silver |
Fallen Firefly | You only need to collect one Firefly Pendant to unlock this achievement. This achievement will be unlocked naturally as you progress through the game. | Bronze |
Self Help | Collect one Training Manual to unlock this trophy. | Bronze |
Savage Starlight Fan | You only need to collect one Comic to unlock this trophy. | Bronze |
Geared Up | You will need to craft six specific items to unlock this trophy. The items you will need to craft are a health kit, a Molotov, a shiv, a bomb, a smoke bomb, and a melee upgrade. | Bronze |
In Memorium | This trophy can be unlocked at the end of Bill’s Town. After arriving at a house with a vehicle, go to the back room. There will be a note that you can pick up. Give it to Bill, who will throw it on the ground. Once he does this, you can pick it up. The note and interaction both count as collectibles. | Bronze |
Lights Out | This trophy can be attained at the end of Pittsburgh when you have to go through the hunter checkpoint. Stealth kill one of the first two guards while Henry kills the other. Then, sneak behind the barriers clockwise to avoid the searchlight. Wait until the hunter nearby moves away, then sneak in and turn the generator off. | Bronze |
Waterlogged | This trophy can be unlocked in the Sewers in The Suburbs Chapter . Once inside the Sewers, there will be a room full of water. In the middle of the room, you will find a contraption. Help Ellie cross the water by retrieving a wooden pallet, as she will need to turn on the generator. Once you have helped her across, immediately swim towards the contraption to climb on. Once the generator is turned on, the contraption will move while Sam and Henry are still on board, by which point you should have boarded it as well. | Bronze |
Left Hanging | After raising the dam gate to cross the water and helping Ellie at the beginning of Tommy’s Dam, she will ask for a high five. Ignore her request and keep moving. | Bronze |
Who’s A Good Boy? | After going across the top of the dam in Tommy’s tour, you will see Buckley the dog chewing on a ball outside the next building you have to enter. Interact with him to unlock this trophy. | Bronze |
Nobody’s Perfect | Once you enter Raja’s arcade in the Fun and Games Chapter of Left Behind, go to the back, and on your left, you will find the Jak X racing machine . Interact with the game and watch the cut scene to unlock the trophy. You will not be able to unlock this trophy if you interact with the Turning Arcade Machine first , as the game will advance. | Bronze |
Brick Master | Riley will challenge you to a brick-throwing contest in the Mallrats Chapter of Left Behind . The goal is to break all seven windows on the blue car. Make sure to aim carefully as you move around the vehicle counter-clockwise, and you should beat her. | Bronze |
Angel Knives | Once you reach Raja’s Arcade in the Fun and Games Chapter of Left behind, find and interact with The Turning Arcade machine to your right. This will trigger an imaginary fight with Black Fang in which you will be presented with a sequence of quick time events. Don't rush; you're given a decent amount of time to complete it. | Bronze |
Skillz | Win the water gun fight against Riley after Raja’s Arcade . It will be a best-out-of-three match, so you only need to win two rounds. Load your water gun while looking for Riley. Sneaking behind the shelves and waiting for Riley to come to you is the easiest way to achieve your goal. | Bronze |
Live Bait | In the Enemy of My Enemy Chapter of Left Behind, there will be several occasions where humans and infected are in one room. Throw a brick or bottle between them to cause a fight and wait for a hunter to be killed. While unlocking this trophy can be done in any encounter after the first, the easiest method is after you go through the ventilation shafts. | Bronze |
NEXT:The Last Of Us Part 1:Left Behind - Collectible Location Guide