Sie haben Persona 5 Royal vollständig ausgegeben im Gespräch mit Sae Niijima , eine der Detectives im Fall gegen die Phantomdiebe, aber überraschenderweise hat sie auch einen Palast. Die ältere Schwester von Makoto und Ihre letzte Chance, sich der Polizei zu erklären, nimmt Saes Palast die Form eines Casinos an – der aus dem Intro des Spiels.
Sie haben bereits das jüngere Niijima-Geschwister in Ihrem Team, also ist Ihr Neuzugang für diesen Palast Goro Akechi, der Detektivprinz, der dir bisher eine echte Nervensäge war. Wenn Sie Hilfe bei Sae’s Casino suchen, sind wir für Sie da.
In diesem Leitfaden konzentrieren wir uns ausschließlich auf den Dungeon selbst und nicht auf die Vorgänge außerhalb des Metaversums. Dieser Leitfaden führt Sie von Ihrem ersten Schritt in den Palast bis hin zum Bosskampf. Wir haben außerdem Anleitungen, wie man die Boss-Schatten in jedem Palast besiegt, sowie eine vollständige Komplettlösung für Will Seeds.
Vorläufige Informationen

Saes Palast nimmt die Form eines Kasinos im Gerichtsgebäude in Tokio an, um zu zeigen, wie sie ihren Job als Sieg oder Niederlage betrachtet, und das Thema zieht sich durch den gesamten Dungeon. Sie sollten zwischen Level 50-60 sein für das reibungsloseste Segeln durch diesen Ort, und es ist immer wichtig, die Confidant-Rangliste Ihres Teamkollegen zu verbessern, um ihm auch Bonusfähigkeiten zu verleihen.
Wie immer beim Dungeon-Crawling in diesem Spiel, nimm dir etwas Zeit, um nach deinen Teamkollegen und Jokers Personas zu sehen . Der Samtraum sollte zu diesem Zeitpunkt voll von Fusionen sein, die Sie vornehmen können, um den Schadensausstoß von Joker zu maximieren, also bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden.
Bei so vielen unterschiedlichen Affinitäten und Schwächen in den Schatten für diesen Palast ist es schwierig, einen Phantomdieb den anderen vorzuziehen, da sie alle Fähigkeiten haben werden, die weh tun können. Aus diesem Grund liegt Ihre Party weitgehend bei Ihnen. Erwähnenswert ist, dass Akechi Ihr erster einfacher Zugang zu Segens- und Fluchangriffen ist, und dies sind die beiden Elemente mit den größten Schwachstellen für die Schatten. Akechi ist eine gute Wahl, um mit diesen fertig zu werden, aber achten Sie auch auf die Anzahl der Schatten, die diese Angriffe zunichte machen, und verwenden Sie jemand anderen, um damit fertig zu werden.
Wie bei Madarame ist es nicht möglich, diesen Dungeon an einem Tag abzuschließen . Die Geschichte zwingt Sie nach einer Weile zurück in die reale Welt, da Sie Sae brauchen, um Sie vor Gericht zu sehen, um über den zweiten Stock hinausgehen zu können. Denken Sie daran, wenn Sie den Zeitplan für November planen.
Tabellenschlüssel | |
Str | Dieser Schatten ist stark gegen dieses Element und die Angriffe verursachen weniger Schaden. |
Woche | Dieser Schatten ist schwach gegenüber diesem Element und die Angriffe verursachen mehr Schaden. |
Rep | Dieser Schatten wird Angriffe dieser Art abwehren und den Schaden umkehren auf dich. |
Null | Dieser Schatten hebt Angriffe dieser Art auf und sie verursachen keinen Schaden zum Schatten. |
Drn | Dieser Schatten gewinnt durch Angriffe dieser Art Gesundheit und er heilt der Schatten. |
- | Dieser Angriff verursacht normalen Schaden zum Schatten. |
Schatten | Ebene | Arcana | Affinitäten und Schwächen | |||||||||
Phys | Pistole | Feuer | Eis | Elec | Wind | Psio | Nuke | Segen | Fluch | |||
Orlow | 30 | Stärke | Str | Str | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Woche |
Einhorn | 39 | Glaube | - | - | - | Null | - | - | Str | - | Null | Woche |
Kikuri-Hime | 40 | Priesterin | - | - | Woche | - | - | Null | - | - | Repräsentant | - |
Macht | 41 | Gerechtigkeit | - | - | - | - | - | Str | - | - | Null | Woche |
Kushinada-Hime | 42 | Liebhaber | - | - | - | Woche | - | - | - | Woche | Repräsentant | - |
Ose | 42 | Dummkopf | - | Str | Str | - | - | - | - | - | Woche | Null |
Königin Mab | 43 | Magier | - | - | Null | - | Str | Wek | - | - | - | - |
Valkyrie | 44 | Strength | - | Str | Wek | Rep | - | - | - | - | Nul | - |
Rangda | 48 | Magician | Rep | Rep | Nul | - | Wek | - | - | - | Wek | Nul |
Jatayu | 51 | Hanged Man | - | - | - | Str | - | Rep | - | Wek | Str | - |
Norn | 52 | Fortune | - | - | - | - | Rep | Drn | - | - | Str | - |
Skadi | 53 | Priestess | - | - | - | Rep | - | - | - | - | - | Nul |
Ganesha | 53 | Sun | Str | Str | - | - | - | Drn | Wek | - | - | - |
Koh-i-Noor is the Treasure Demon for this palace . You've definitely become familiar by now, so catch it for fusing or defeat it for a payday.
Shadow | Level | Affinities And Weaknesses | |||||||||
Phys | Gun | Fire | Ice | Elec | Wind | Psio | Nuke | Bless | Curse | ||
Queen Mab | 43 | - | - | Nul | - | Str | Wek | - | - | - | - |
Ose | 45 | Str | Str | Str | Str | Str | Str | Str | Str | - | Nul |
Rangda | 48 | Rep | Rep | Nul | - | Wek | - | - | - | Wek | Nul |
Baal | ? | - | - | Str | - | - | Drn | - | Wek | Str | - |
Jatayu | 51 | - | - | - | Str | - | Rep | - | Wek | Str | - |
Norn | 52 | - | - | Str | - | - | Drn | - | Wek | Str | - |
Ganesha | 52 | Str | Str | - | - | - | Drn | Wek | - | - | - |
Thor | 53 | - | - | - | - | Drn | - | - | - | - | - |
Nebiros | 54 | - | - | - | - | - | Str | Wek | - | Wek | Rep |
Raja Naga | 55 | - | - | - | - | Nul | - | - | - | - | - |
Staff-Only Area

When you infiltrate Sae’s palace, you’ll do so the same way you got in before. Not far from the elevator is a safe room for the main floor, so activate it and then go up the stairs into the room there. This brings you to the Staff-Only Area , where you’ll be doing the first part of your dungeon crawling to find a customer data terminal here.
Go straight until the hall forks, going right to grab a treasure chest then doubling back to go left to carry onward. This will lead you to a stairwell and a safe room, so activate this safe room. Unlock the shortcut using Third Eye to get back, then climb the stairs here to confront a shadow mini-boss, Queen Mab .
Defeat her using the affinities chart above to receive the Security Keycard . Open the door nearby into a hallway you’ve not been to yet, which has a locked door ahead that you can access using your Security Keycard.
The Security Keycard is also your ticket to Sae’s first Will Seed, the guide for which we’ve got right here.
Ahead, you’ll see a door blocked by guards, who you can try to sneak past or fight for XP. The fight will be against Valkyrie and Unicorn . After defeating them, you open the door to find another locked door, accessible with your Keycard.

Go through the vent in this newly unlocked room to get to the Ganesha mini-boss fight. It drops Member Cards upon defeat, and the team takes one (with Akechi also taking one of his own). You also receive the dungeon map here, so grab it, unlock the door behind you, then head back through the vent once again.
With this new Member Card, you can get higher up in the casino, so head back to the Main Floor elevator and use this new card to access the Members’ Floor.
Members’ Floor

When you regain control of the group, go to the Cashiers counter to learn that you’ll need to gamble to win access to the next area of the dungeon . The casino gives you 1,000 coins as seed money, and you need to find a way to turn that into 50,000 . It gives the illusion of choice for what you can play, but the dice game is the way forward .
Breaking the statues and decorations littered around the area will give coins, but no matter how many you smash, you can’t get all of them this way.
Play a few rounds of the dice game until Akechi points out that the game is rigged. If you leave the table, go left, and use Third Eye, you’ll find a vent in the room to crawl through .
Conveniently, this leads to where you can “cheat” the games yourselves . To get to the area you need, follow these quick steps.
- Go until you hit a fork in the path, then keep going straight until you hit a climbable block.
- Climb over it, continue straight, go through the door, and up the stairs here.
- Upstairs, go straight until you hit another staircase, and use it to get back down.
- Follow the path (hitting the safe room if you need to prepare for the fight you’re heading to), until you hit a room at the end of the path that leads back to the dice game.

If you see an enemy here, you’re in the right spot. You’re up against Nebiros, so use our table above to win the fight quickly. Doing so rigs the dice games in the Thieves’ favor, so go back to the dice game and head to the one marked with a ! over it .
You won’t make enough to hit the goal, but continue to choose “Between 11 and 18” until the game is over .
The other gambling option you’ve got is slot machines, so head to that section of the map after you’re done with the dice game. A major difference here is that the slot room has shadows lurking about, meaning you’ll need to either be more careful navigating or prepare to earn some good XP through fights.
You’ll see colored terminals around the room. Keep them in mind as you ultimately head to the door in the west that brings you to a giant slot machine. It’s tempting to play, but you know the last game was rigged, so don’t do it yet. Instead, inspect the back of the machine . Climb up it and listen to Futaba tell you which terminals you’ll need.
Thankfully, the ones you need never change; they’ll always be the red and green terminals . Red can be found by the entrance to the slot room, while green is in the staff passageway . While searching for the green one, you’ll likely come across the second Will Seed, so use our guide if you’d like to get it.

After all is said and done with the terminals, go back to the big machine and activate it to get the last of the coins you need. Take them and head back to the Cashier in the lobby. Though, Sae knows you’re making progress and doesn’t want you to, so you’re in for another fight before you can continue. It’s against Norn from our tables above.
Defeating it feels good, but you learn afterwards that you can’t progress until you get Sae to recognize you in court in the real world . She’s in the middle of a case, so it’s as easy as showing up, but doing so requires an entire day outside the palace. Take care of it sooner than later, and you’ll be sent back into the palace again to progress to the next area.
High Limit Floor

Activate the safe room up here when you return before going to the counter to receive a map of this new area. If you want the third Will Seed, you can get it in this area by following our guide. Otherwise, go to the room at the back to learn you need to gather 100,000 coins to get across the bridge to the treasure . Again, you earn them by playing the games on this floor.
House Of Darkness
When you first arrive, you can’t afford the Battle Arena, so go for the House of Darkness to begin. Activate the safe room in there just in case you get lost ahead and go inside.
The game itself isn’t difficult, but the entire area is dark and full of shadows. Thankfully enough, Third Eye will show you where the shadows and destinations are, so make liberal use of it as you fight your way through the area.

Follow the map above - the name for the game is incredibly fitting, as you cannot see inside. The red arrow on our map is where you begin your trek through the House of Darkness.
When you reach the door at the end, it’s unfortunately locked. There’s a vent to the left, so use it to escape this area. The door in the center of the map above is your end goal, which brings you directly to a mini-boss fight with Raja Naga from our table above.
Use the shortcut it gives you back to reception, because you’ve now got enough coins to take on the next game.
Battle Arena
As the name suggests, you’re in for a series of fights here, but the tricky part is that Joker is the only Thief to take part, so be sure to prepare ahead of time . There’s a safe room in the Battle Arena, so activate it for easy access later in case you’re defeated and need to return to try again.

The fight is against a series of progressively stronger shadows, all of which are detailed in our mini-boss table above. In order, you’ll be fighting:
- Two Ganesha that use physical attacks.
- Three Rangda that use curse attacks.
- One Thor that uses Tarukaja and Megaton Raid.
Defeat them all in one shot to win the coins before going back to the manager’s floor.
Finishing Up

Sae will once again try to cheat your team, but Akechi saw it coming and knows how to counter this. Once the Thieves have accessed the treasure, Akechi has a plan for how you should proceed with formally stealing it.
You’ll be forced into the boss fight on 11/18, so use the time between finishing the palace and when you take on Shadow Sae to train your team and work on daily-life stuff. You’re reaching a pivotal turning point once you finish the fight against her in the coming days, so it’s a good time to tie up any loose ends and prepare for the final section of the game.