Overwatch 2 hat für fast jeden in seiner umfangreichen und spaltenden Liste von 35 Helden bedeutende Änderungen gebracht. Während die Änderungen an den Charakteren schon genug Aufruhr sind, legt der Übergang zu fünf-gegen-fünf-Matches eine viel größere Betonung auf die Rollen, wodurch jeder das Gefühl hat, entscheidend für das Ergebnis zu sein.
Egal, ob Sie ein Damage-, Tank- oder Support-Hauptmann sind, die Verantwortung Ihrer Rolle ist viel bedeutender als die letzten paar Saisons des Originalspiels. In jeder Rolle stehen viele Helden zur Auswahl, die endlose Debatten und Gespräche darüber führen, wer der Beste und der Schlechteste ist. Einige Helden stehen jedoch aus dem einen oder anderen Grund über anderen, was sie zur üblichen Wahl für Spieler macht.

Es gibt zehn Panzer in Overwatch 2, die alle einzigartige Fähigkeiten und Spielstile bieten, um ihr Team zum Sieg zu führen. Panzer sind die Führer des Rudels und es wird erwartet, dass sie Schaden absorbieren und ihrem Team helfen, Platz zu schaffen und Kontrollpunkte oder Ziele kontrollieren. Einige sind jedoch weitaus besser als andere, und einige haben Schwierigkeiten, die Dinge ins Rollen zu bringen. Die Reihenfolge unten geht vom besten zum schlechtesten, und wir haben unsere Gründe für ihre Platzierung angegeben.

Zarya ist der beste Panzer in Overwatch 2 mit einem beträchtlichen Vorsprung, nur von D.Va bestritten, die sie kontert. Nicht nur ihre Partikel- und Projektionsbarrieren machen sie zu einer der besten Verteidigungsoptionen im Spiel, aber ihre Partikelkanone platziert sie fest an der Spitze, was den Schaden angeht Ausgang. Ihre Fähigkeit, das Team mit gemildertem und verursachtem Schaden zu führen zeigt, wie unmöglich es sein kann, sie aufzuhalten oder zu unterbrechen.
Der einzige Nachteil bezüglich Zarya ist ihre Mobilität was nicht so toll ist. Die aktuelle Meta des Spiels dreht sich um ein unglaublich schnelles Spiel und Zaryas träge Bewegungen können zurückkommen, um sie zu beißen, abhängig von der Zusammensetzung des anderen Teams. Aber selbst dann wird es schwierig sein, Zarya auszuschalten, was sie als besten Tank in Overwatch 2 festigt.

Wie bereits erwähnt, D.Va ist die einzige im gleichen Stadion wie Zarya, ist aber nicht ganz auf ihrem Niveau, da Zarya ihr kontert, da ihre Partikelkanone in der Lage ist, D.Vas Verteidigungsmatrix zu durchdringen. Das ist jedoch nur die halbe Miete, denn D.Vas Mobilität geht durch die Decke So kann sie die Karte mit Leichtigkeit durchqueren. Ihre Mobilität und Fähigkeit, viel Schaden zu verursachen und verteidige ihr Team machen Sie sie zur klaren Wahl Nummer zwei.
D.Va war schon immer eine beliebte und starke Figur, aber in Overwatch 2 ist sie auf einer anderen Ebene und sie ist eine der besten Wahlen für Karten und Modi, die die Mobilität fördern oder schnelle Bewegungen bevorzugen. Außerdem wurde für Overwatch 2 D.Vas Abklingzeit für ihre Mikroraketen verringert und ihre Verteidigungsmatrix kann länger verwendet werden, Dadurch kann sie sowohl offensiv als auch defensiv eine Bedrohung darstellen.

Orissa ist die klare Nummer drei für Tanks aufgrund ihrer Unfähigkeit zu sterben. Nun, sie kann es technisch gesehen, aber es ist einfach eine echte Herausforderung, dies zu erreichen. Vorher würde Orisas Fähigkeit "Festigen" jeden Schaden außer Kopfschüssen annullieren Ermöglichen Sie einem Scharfschützen des feindlichen Teams die Chance, sie in einem letzten verzweifelten Versuch, sie auszuschalten, in den Kopf zu schlagen. Jetzt verursachen selbst Kopfschüsse keinen Schaden mehr, was sie wirklich unaufhaltsam macht bei der Verwendung von Fortify und Terra Surge.
Außerdem ihr Augmented Fusion Driver verursacht jetzt 2-fachen Schaden bei Kopfschüssen, So kann sie monströsen Schaden anrichten und gleichzeitig die Dinge defensiv festhalten. Ihr ein großer Nachteil ist ihre Mobilität oder deren Fehlen. Osiras Mobilität ist viel schlechter als die von Zarya und nicht einmal im selben Gespräch wie die von D.Va weshalb wir sie unter die beiden gestellt haben. Sie ist immer noch eine solide Wahl, aber Zarya ist der bessere Panzer mit geringer Mobilität und D.Va ist der ultimative Panzer.

Sigma ist ein weiterer hervorragender Panzer in Overwatch 2 mit phänomenaler Schadensbegrenzung mit seiner Fähigkeit, einfallende Projektile in Schilde zu verwandeln mit seinem Kinetischen Griff Fähigkeit. Sein Experimenteller Schild kann auch ein großer Spielveränderer sein, wenn er strategisch und richtig eingesetzt wird und das deckt nicht einmal seinen Schadensausstoß, der ebenfalls sehr stark ist.
Mit einer soliden Teamzusammensetzung um ihn herum ragt Sigma in der schnelllebigen Natur von Overwatch 2 heraus. Seine Fähigkeit, matschige Ziele mit einem Treffer zu treffen mit seiner Kombination Akkretion + Hypersphären platziert ihn fest in den Top 5. Auch wenn Sigma nicht über die defensiven Fähigkeiten eines Zarya oder Orisa verfügt, kann er sich dennoch behaupten und wird das Team nicht nach unten ziehen, wenn er ausgewählt und in den richtigen Händen ist.

In Bezug auf Panzer, die mit einer organisierten Teamzusammensetzung gedeihen, Winston ist eine ausgezeichnete Option für die "Tauch"-Komposition, ein sehr starker Spielstil in Overwatch 2. Sein Barrier Projector gibt ihm und seinem Team einen erheblichen Vorteil in kritischen Situationen, wie ein Ziel zu verteidigen oder die Ultimates des gegnerischen Teams zu blockieren. Außerdem seine Tesla Canon kann nicht von D.Vas Verteidigungsmatrix absorbiert werden was ihn zu einer soliden Gegenwahl macht.
Obwohl Winston ein Gegenspieler zu einem der besten Tanks im Spiel ist, braucht er immer noch eine auf Tauchgänge ausgerichtete Teamzusammensetzung um sich herum, um etwas in Gang zu bringen. Selbst dann scheitert Winston immer noch in mehreren Bereichen, in denen die anderen Helden hervorragend sind, und platziert ihn bequem auf dem fünften Platz. Trotzdem ist es nicht schlecht, unter die ersten fünf zu kommen, und er ist immer noch ein brauchbarer Held für Overwatch 2.

Abrissbirne wurde immer danach beurteilt, wie gut der Spieler einsetzen kann seine Greifklaue, Rolle und Pfahlramme um die Opposition zu stören und zu verärgern. Außerdem seine Fähigkeit, sich zusätzliche Gesundheit zu gewähren mit Adaptivem Schild und Sprengstoffe über den Boden streuen mit seinem Minefield Ultimate macht ihn zu einer Bedrohung, mit der man fertig werden muss, wenn er in kompetenten Händen ist.
Daher ist die Rangfolge von Wrecking Ball natürlich kompliziert, da er exzellent und sogar einer der besten Picks gegen bestimmte Comps oder in entscheidenden Situationen sein kann aber Sie müssen wissen, wie man sie richtig spielt. Die Fähigkeitsobergrenze für Wrecking Ball ist relativ hoch, besonders im Vergleich zu den Helden, die derzeit in den Top 5 sind. Infolgedessen liegt er als sechstbester Panzer knapp außerhalb der Top 5.

Reinhardt ist ein weiterer Held, der sich großartig auszeichnet, wenn die richtige Teamzusammensetzung um ihn herum aufgebaut wird. Zum Glück Lúcio und Kiriko gelten als die Meta-Unterstützung was ihm helfen wird, einige seiner Mängel zu überwinden. Am Ende des Tages ist Reinhardt immer noch eine sehr mächtige und solide Panzeroption der hohen Schaden anrichten und sich und das Team mit Leichtigkeit davor schützen kann.
Though Reinhardt can deal large amounts of damage while maintaining a solid Damage Mitigation stat line, he will need lots of help from his Support even to be considered in the same conversation as the previous top six entries. With the new five vs. five matches, having Lúcio and Kiriko on your team will push Reinhardt to extreme heights, making him a formidable Tank to go up against.

Roadhog is very hit-or-miss in Overwatch 2, especially when considering the top-tier Tanks in the game. While he is still a decent choice in some situations, relying on his Chain Hook can be a bit challenging, especially when everything is played at a much faster pace than last season. However, the buffs and changes made to his Whole Hog Ultimate and his ability to self-heal with Take A Breather can make him a solid choice under the right circumstances.
In the grand scheme of things, Ana's Sleep Dart is still the bane of Roadhog's existence. However, Kiriko's Protection Suzu will help fight that, but they will have to be on the ball. Overall, Roadhog isn't a bad Hero by any stretch, but he is definitely a tier or two below the others mentioned thus far. You will be golden if you can build a team around Roadhog that can fight back against Ana.
Junker Queen

Junker Queen was once considered the best Tank in the game but has since received significant nerfs to her Commanding Shout ability, making her fall off drastically. In addition to one of her best abilities getting drastically nerfed, Kiriko and Zayra being considered the current meta picks in their respective roles make her Jagged Blade, Carnage, and Rampage actions borderline useless, due to their ability to nullify Junker Queen's Wound debuff.
There will be moments where Junker Queen can thrive, but the stars would almost have to align under very specific circumstances and situations. She's not the worst Tank in Overwatch 2, but she's also not even remotely close to being in the conversation as the best. Junker Queen just sort of exists.

Doomfist used to be a competent Damage Hero but has since changed roles to become a Tank and has struggled ever since making that leap. While he has excellent mobility, he fails at largely everything else, especially when up against an Ana or other Heroes with heavy CC abilities.
As it currently stands, Doomfist is not only the worst Tank in Overwatch 2 but also the worst overall Hero in the game. Even with a solid team comp around him, Doomfist can and most likely will struggle to get anything going, which is a massive bummer.
Tank Tier List
Tanks | |
S-Tier |
A-Tier |
B-Tier |
C-Tier |
D-Tier |
F-Tier |
Role Tier List Quicklinks
- Damage Tier List
- Support Tier List
- Overall Tier List
Damage Tier List

Damage Heroes in Overwatch 2 are responsible for creating plays on offense, racking up high Damage Dealt numbers, and ultimately scoring kills. All seventeen Damage-based Heroes have access to unique tools and abilities that allow them to be aggressive, strategic, or passive to achieve their goal and help their team. Much like Tanks, some excel under the current meta, and some struggle immensely. The Heroes below are ranked from best to worst.

Not only is Sojourn the best Damage Hero in Overwatch 2, but she may very well be the best character in the game overall. She possesses exceptionally high mobility and deals excessive damage, thanks to her Railgun. Furthermore, her Disruptor Shot ensnares anyone caught inside of it, enabling her to erase threats from crucial choke points.
Due to the current meta revolving around fast-paced Heroes, Sojourn excels at pretty much any situation you throw at her, especially if you have a Kiriko or Lúcio at your side and a competent Tank on your team. There's simply no stopping Sojourn, as she has the best pokes and execution in the game at the moment.

Sombra was one of the few Heroes in Overwatch 2 to receive excessive buffs, bringing her from being a generally okay character to easily one of the best in the game. For example, her Hack ability now lasts nearly two seconds (1.75s ), and she does forty percent extra damage to Hacked targets, which is unnecessarily high. Hacked targets are also seeable through walls and objects, allowing her to relay information to her team effortlessly.
When all is said and done, Sombra may have benefitted the most from the new changes and balancing adjustments made for Overwatch 2. She can stay in encounters for much longer durations than before and can completely shut down enemy advancements by Hacking them. While she can be incredibly annoying to battle, we feel that Sojourn is slightly better due to her ability to raw damage output without the need of having to Hack or flank her opponent. Still, Sombra is barely behind her, as both are the best characters in the game at this point and time.

Genji is yet another unbelievably strong Damage Hero in the game. He is also one of the best overall characters due to the current meta's focus on high-speed and mobility Heroes. The new passive buff for all Damage Heroes grants you faster movement and reload speed upon earning an elimination, which turns Genji into an unstoppable ninja.
Thanks to his blindingly fast mobility, ability to Deflect incoming projectiles, and immense damage output, Genji can dominate in just about any situation. You cannot go wrong with any of the top-three Heroes here, as all bring something to the table that will benefit your team. While Genji may be a bit squishier than the others, his movement options make him hard to deal with if you're on the receiving end of his wrath.

While not nearly as potent as the previous three, Reaper is still an excellent DPS Hero and can snowball quite easily, thanks to the new passive buff all Damage characters receive when earning an elimination. Reaper excels at flanking his opponent and can even erase the more mid-tier Tanks, such as Wrecking Ball, Winston, and Roadhog, if he catches them off guard.
Despite being a clear tier down, Reaper is still one of the best in the role and can clinch victory with a solid flank or Ultimate placement. Additionally, snagging an elimination early in a push will allow Reaper to play much more aggressively, allowing him to showcase his true potential. Reaper should never be underestimated, especially when paired with a solid team comp.

Ashe is in a similar boat as Reaper, where she greatly improved due to the passive buff all Damage Heroes received, but is a tad lower due to her Viper being a single-shot and her inability to heavily flank or suppress her opponent without her Ultimate, B.O.B. Still, Ashe's Dynamite ability is more valuable now more than it ever was before thanks to there being far fewer shields on the field.
But, much like Reaper, Ashe can snowball quickly thanks to the new passive, which almost entirely erases our complaints about her. However, she has to work slightly harder than Reaper and much harder than the top three to get anything going, making us feel confident in her placing. Nonetheless, Ashe is still an excellent choice and won't break a team if she's on it.

Echo should be one of the best Damage Heroes in the game for all intents and purposes, but her gimmicky Ultimate and lack of a good healer while airborne makes her fall ever so slightly from the top five. She has excellent flanking and assassination potential with her Focusing Beam and incredible movement options with her Flight and Glide actions.
But, as touched on, her gimmicky Duplicate Ultimate keeps her from being truly remarkable, as users will have to at least have a solid grasp on every Hero in the game. Nothing is worse than Duplicating someone you have no clue how to play or duplicating someone you know how to play but isn't all that beneficial to you or your team at the moment. Even so, Echo is still an excellent Hero and DPS choice.

Tracer received a pretty significant nerf to her Pulse Pistols, having them deal significantly less damage. However, despite that, she is still a solid DPS pick due to her blazingly fast movement speed and ability to Blink and Recall to trip her opponents up. However, she may not be the best choice for you if you are not proficient at moving around with her abilities.
On the surface, Tracer isn't an overly challenging Hero to play, but when you consider the current meta, you will almost have to be on point with her movement to get the most out of her. Due to that, we dropped her out of the top five, but that doesn't make her unplayable by any stretch. Tracer is still one of the best in the role, especially when supported by an excellent team comp.

In terms of quality-of-life buffs, Pharah received some she had needed for quite some time, such as a faster reload and her Concussive Blast dealing thirty damage and launching her targets back even further than before. These changes increased her overall damage output by a considerable margin, making her one of the best mid-tier DPS threats in the game.
Unfortunately, Pharah is very situational and almost needs Mercy to truly thrive. However, Mercy is currently one of the worst Supports in the game at the moment, especially if a D.Va is on the opposing team. But, with that said, if the opposing team is running a Zarya, you may be able to get away with this devastating combo. Pharah can be a good choice, but you will need a solid comp and the proper situation.

Torbjörn is an odd case in Overwatch 2 as he doesn't necessarily blow anyone away in terms of performance, but he can shutdown Sombra, Genji, and Tracer with his Turrets and help control objectives and chokepoints with his Molten Core Ultimate.
For specific situations, Tornjörn can absolutely step up to the challenge and help secure a win, but he will almost always remain on the shelf until such moments present themselves. This isn't to say that he's a horrible Hero by any means, but he's certainly not a Hero that could carry a match or apply pressure through flanks or pokes, which is why he's positioned as low as he is.

On paper, Soldier:76's nerf to his Heavy Pulse Rifle from twenty damage per bullet to eighteen may seem relatively insignificant, but it actually impacted his overall damage output immensely. While he can still deal a lot of damage, he is nowhere near the efficiency as Sojourn, making him feel like a cheap knockoff of her you would find on Wish dot com.
Is Soldier:76 a bad Hero in Overwatch 2? No. But he's also nowhere close to being the best. You should never choose him over Sojourn if the option is there, as she does everything he can do but better. Soldier:76 won't lose you any games, but picking him over Sojourn just might.

Cassidy runs into similar issues as Soldier:76, where he does everything you need and expect him to but is outshined in every way by someone else. In this case, Ashe plays far too similarly to Cassidy but excels at her playstyle way more than he does. Cassidy isn't terrible, and his Magnetic Grenade is actually quite potent and promising, but the rest of his kit pales in comparison.
Still, Cassidy has decent movement with his Combat Roll and can catch opponents off guard with his Deadeye Ultimate, making him a solid pick in some situations. However, choosing him over Ashe is almost always the wrong decision, as she simply does it better, has a far better Ultimate, and is a much more significant threat at range.

Hanzo is another DPS Hero that received some nerfs with his Storm Arrows dropping down to sixty-five damage from seventy, but his potential to still one-shot squishy Heroes with a charged Storm Bow shot makes him a solid long-range threat. However, with the new meta focusing strongly on movement speed and mobility, Honzo does struggle a bit more than usual.
He's still a solid choice if you are competent at hitting headshots, but not overly reliable or strong in most situations. His options feel vastly limited compared to others, and he noticeably lags behind the top-tier Heroes and even most mid-tier ones.

Like Hanzo, Widowmaker is very much on a case-by-case basis and can be an incredible addition to the team if the player consistently hits headshots. The breakneck speed of the current meta will make her challenging to play well, so she's positioned toward the bottom of the tier list.
Her Grappling Hook gives her decent mobility, and her Venom Mines allow her to catch flanking opponents. Still, she needs to be on point to make any difference in a match, and that can be a challenging mountain to climb with the current gameplay meta and focus.

Mei has excellent CC options , such as slowing her targets with her Endothermic Blaster or placing large Ice Walls in choke points to block crucial pathways from her opponents temporarily. She can also deal a pretty sizable amount of damage when played right. However, with the current meta, if a D.Va or a Zarya is on the opposing team, Mei will have a rough time, and there is almost always a chance of that happening.
However, Mei can be excruciatingly annoying against the more mid-tier Tanks in the game. However, since such extreme circumstances have to be met for her to be remotely viable, she falls toward the bottom of the list regarding Damage Heroes.

In a nutshell, Junkrat is capable of dishing out staggeringly high damage, but that's unfortunately not the entire story. Junkrat struggles hard in the current meta, especially when a Zarya or D.Va is on the field. While he can flank pretty well, he doesn't quite have the mobility to make it viable, making it more situational than anything.
With the right team comp on both sides, Junkrat can thrive, but he will more than likely always fall short, making him hard to recommend. While not the worst DPS in the game, he certainly isn't the best or even the best of the mid-tier either.

Bastion would have been a bit higher pre-bug fix, but not by much. He's overall not a horrible Hero, he needs to be in very specific situations to shine, and those situations rarely ever happen. Bastion's Configuration:Assault mode is by far his most viable and high-damaging form, but he also has an abnormally large hitbox, making him an easy target and more susceptible to CCs.
While not the worst DPS, Bastion having to rely on specific configurations to deliver his damage hold him back drastically, especially when he's such an easy target to kill. Like with every Hero, the right team comp and situation can showcase Bastion's potential, but that requires far more effort than most other Heroes.

Symmetra, by far, has the slowest TTK (time-to-kill ) out of the entire cast of Damage Heroes in Overwatch 2, placing her firmly at the bottom. She must now land all three of her Sentry Turrets to slow her opponent instead of two. Mix that with the new meta, and you have a recipe for disaster.
While her Photon Projector can rack up a decent amount of damage, Symmetra is still outclassed by every single DPS Hero in the game. She can only thrive in a very niche and specific scenario. Though not quite as bad as Doomfist, she's still somewhat disappointing in the first season of Overwatch 2.
Damage Tier List
Damage | |
S-Tier |
A-Tier |
B-Tier |
C-Tier |
D-Tier |
F-Tier |
Role Tier List Quicklinks
- Tank Tier List
- Support Tier List
- Overall Tier List
Support Tier List

Support Heroes are the lifeline and structure of any good team composition, thanks to their ability to provide healing, buffs, and crucial benefits to their allies to help achieve victory. Despite this role's importance, there are only eight Support Heroes in Overwatch 2. Still, almost all of them are excellent at providing much-needed utility to help turn the tides of battle or keep dominating the opposition. But, as the other two roles covered, some Heroes are drastically better than others, which we listed from best to worst below.

As hinted at numerous times, Kiriko is the best Support Hero in Overwatch 2 due partly to her ability to nullify CCs with her Protection Suzu, use Swift Step to dive or escape, and rack up tons of damage with her Kunai. Furthermore, her Kitsune Rush Ultimate increases the movement, attack, and cooldown speed for all allies that follow its path, making for some frightening team compositions.
While it will take a bit of time to get used to consistently hitting her Kunai, it's more than worth the time and effort, as her utilities make her the best Support in the game by a considerable margin. Being part of the new meta and the latest character to join the roster means you will see lots of her, so be prepared to learn how to counter or play as Kiriko.

Lúcio remains the king of Support in Overwatch 2, thanks to his ability to increase everyone's movement speed for an all-out charge or top-off everyone's health at a moment's notice. He's hard to kill and can even eliminate squishy targets, making him a must-pick alongside Kiriko to ensure no one ever dies on your team.
Not much has changed with Lúcio in Overwatch 2, but the new meta empowers his playstyle even more than it used to, making him naturally much stronger this time around. Keep in mind he was already outstanding in the original Overwatch. Being able to aggressively push with your teammates while providing unreal amounts of damage and healing is the name of Lúcio's game.

Ana has one of the best utilities as a Support, allowing her to increase her teammate's damage with her Nano Boost Ultimate, which will push most of the S-Tier DPS Heroes into S+ territory. Her ability to prevent the opposing team from receiving heals is incredibly helpful. It makes her a consistent threat in most situations, but her Sleep Dart can be hard to utilize now, thanks to Kiriko and D.Va being part of the meta.
Overall, Ana is only considered weak against a dive composition, especially when a D.Va and Kiriko are present. She is an excellent pick against Zarya and remains one of the best Support Heroes in the game, even if she isn't as good as Kiriko or Lúcio. Her kit is just too dominant and consistently good to rule out.

Baptiste is the most-buffed Support Hero in Overwatch 2 and deals significantly more damage than he ever did before this season. His Regenerative Burst ability was also buffed, allowing him to fight back against some of the more dive-heavy team comps. Baptiste is also an excellent Support when going up against a Zarya but can struggle against D.Va, which is why he falls just shy of the others ranked.
Still, even when a D.Va is present on the other team, Baptiste can be a solid choice depending on the rest of the team's composition and yours. But he will shine the brightest against the more stationary Tanks in the game. He may not be the best, but he's in the conversation, even if he falls short in a few key areas.

Moira is an excellent Support Hero if you're running a dive composition, as she can deal severe damage while keeping her teammates topped up jederzeit. While D.Va can and will use Defense Matrix to eliminate her Biotic Orbs, Moira will excel against most other Tanks and show why she's still one of the best Supports in the game.
She may not have the mobility or buffs you'd like to see, but she makes up for that with her damage and healing abilities. Her only downside is that she can struggle outside of a dive comp, placing her just below the others as they can more or less handle any situation thrown at them. Regardless, Moira is still solid and worthy of your time.

Brigitte is still an incredibly strong Support with excellent healing properties, thanks to her Repair Pack, and has a few decent CC options that allow her to push enemies back to help create space for her teammates. Her Shield Barrier also lets her temporarily take some pressure away from her Tank to help them reposition or focus a distracted target.
However, that same Shield Barrier often has opponents single her out, making it very hard for her to stay alive against a dive-heavy comp. She's still an excellent Support overall but can often struggle against the vast majority of S-Tier Heroes in the game due to how strong they are at the moment.

Zenyatta's Orb of Harmony has been slightly nerfed for Overwatch 2, making him heal his teammates for a bit less than usual, making him feel a bit weaker than other Supports. This, paired with the current dive meta, has put him between a rock and a hard place. He's still a decent Support but can get eliminated in the blink of an eye by a diving Genji, D.Va, Kiriko, etc.
While Zenyatta can absolutely still be played at a high level, he will have to work much harder at it than most other Supports, which is not ideal. He's still viable in some situations and can dominate when paired with Kiriko, but don't expect him to carry as she can.

Mercy has gained extra mobility in Overwatch 2 but is still the weakest Support Hero of the bunch. While she's an excellent healer for Pharah and Echo - and a small handful of other Heroes - she ultimately falls short compared to the other Supports in the game. The new meta just makes it hard for her to thrive like she once used to, allowing solid comps to bully her.
She has her time and place, but in most situations, you would much rather any of the other Supports be in your corner as they will offer a much more consistent ratio of dealing damage and healing their allies. However, she is considerably more fun to play in Overwatch 2, and we can see her improving over time and rising back to the top.
Support Tier List
Support | |
S-Tier |
A-Tier |
B-Tier |
C-Tier |
D-Tier |
F-Tier |
Role Tier List Quicklinks
- Tank Tier List
- Damage Tier List
- Overall Tier List
Overwatch 2 Tier List

The table below is the compilement of all roles into one, giving you an overview of where every character stands amongst one another. To better understand why a Hero is placed in a specific tier, please check out their corresponding role's section to find a detailed explanation!
All Roles/Heroes | |
S-Tier |
A-Tier |
B-Tier |
C-Tier |
D-Tier |
F-Tier |
Role Tier List Quicklinks
- Tank Tier List
- Damage Tier List
- Support Tier List