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Eine Quick &Dirty-Anleitung zu allen Charakteren in Jump Force

Jump Force ist gerade erschienen! Es ist ein ziemlich schlechtes Videospiel, aber mach dir darüber keine Sorgen. Stattdessen sollten Sie sich Gedanken darüber machen, wer zum Teufel all die Charaktere in diesem Spiel sind. Wenn Sie Ihrer Manga-Geschichte nicht auf den Grund gehen, werden Sie möglicherweise aus der Bahn geworfen, wenn Sie zum ersten Mal in das Spiel einsteigen. Naru-wer? Marschall. D was? Wenn Sie Ihre Gaaras nicht von Ihren Gokus unterscheiden können, ärgern Sie sich nicht. Die Anime-Armada hier bei TheSixthAxis – in diesem Fall ich und Jason Coles – haben einen makellosen Leitfaden für jeden Charakter zusammengestellt, der in dem massiven Manga-Crossover-Kämpfer vorkommt. Jason und ich wissen jedoch, dass Sie ein unerschrockener Leser unterwegs sind, also haben wir unser Bestes getan, um die Beschreibungen so knapp und kurz wie möglich zu halten. Los geht's!!

Jäger x Jäger

Gon Freecs

Gon ist der Sohn eines berühmten Jägers und ein typischer naiver, aber handlanger Charakter. Er hat ein reines Herz und eine starke Faust (das sagt man jetzt). Irgendwann verliert er so sehr die Beherrschung, dass er sich gewaltsam altern lässt und dann seinen abgetrennten Arm benutzt, um eine böse Ameise zu töten. Das ist eine echte Sache, die passiert. Gott, ich liebe diesen Anime so sehr!

Killua Zoldyck

Killua ist ein Kontrapunkt zu Gon. Er ist immer noch ein guter Junge, aber er ist auch ein ausgebildeter Attentäter aus einer Familie ausgebildeter Attentäter. Er kann seine Fingernägel zu Klauen verlängern und jemandem das Herz herausreißen, was ihn zu einem guten Attentäter macht. Er kann auch Strom erzeugen und sich mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit fortbewegen. Was. A. Chef.


Kurapika ist ein sehr wütender Junge und hat ein Faible für Ketten. Im Anime leckt und streichelt er Ketten, um seine Kraft zu beherrschen. Er hat eine echte Wut auf eine Gruppe von Mördern, die seinen Clan abgeschlachtet haben, also will er Rache. Er hat auch kühle rote Augen, wenn er wütend ist.

Hisoka Morow

Ich liebe Hisoka so sehr, dass ich (Jason) ein Chibi-Tattoo von ihm auf meinem Bein bekommen habe! Er ist ein gruseliger, psychopathischer Clown, der auf starke Kämpfer steht und Worte wie „lecker“ verwendet. Er ist auch ein ziemlicher Zauberer und macht coole Zaubertricks wie, äh, eine Karte aus seinem Arm zu ziehen und Menschen mit Münzen zu töten. Anime.


Yugi Moto mit Dark Magician und Girl and Slifer

Yugi Boy ist ein kleiner Junge, der von einem altägyptischen Geist besessen ist, der ihn größer macht, und was zum Teufel schreibe ich überhaupt? Er fordert auch gerne Menschen zu Spielen heraus, die sie zu ewigem Leiden verurteilen. Es sei denn, wir sprechen über Anime Yugi, wo er nur sehr dramatische Kartenspiele spielt und komische Haare hat.



Ach komm schon. Es ist Goku.


Wütender Goku.


„Nicht einmal meine endgültige Form“ Goku.


Grüner Son-Goku.


„Nicht einmal meine endgültige Form“, grüner Son-Goku.


Zeitreisender, schwertschwingender Sohn des wütenden Goku.

Ruroni Kenshin

Himura Kenshin

Ein entzückender Samurai, der die stumpfe Seite seines Schwertes benutzt, weil er aufgehört hat, Menschen verletzen zu wollen. Dies geschah nach einer langen Zeit, in der alle getötet wurden die Menschen. Er wandert im Grunde herum und schlägt Menschen mit einem rückwärtsgerichteten Schwert, weil er sich schlecht fühlt wegen all der Dinge, die sein Schöpfer getan hat.

Shishio Makioto

Ehrlich gesagt habe ich diese Serie nie gesehen. Dieser Typ ist aus irgendeinem Grund mit Verbänden bedeckt. Anscheinend hat er Himura Kenshin als Attentäter abgelöst, wurde aber mit Öl bedeckt und wurde dann zu einem wütenden Verbandsjungen. Sicher.



AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsta ist die Hauptfigur in einer Show rund um Zauberer. This means he was either going to be a badass magician or completely useless. He’s the latter. Spoilers:it doesn’t matter because his lack of magic makes him special because of swords or something. Also, he screams a lot.


Naruto Uzumaki

Boruto’s dad is an orphan whose mother died protecting him from a demon fox which his dad then sealed in his stomach. He has whiskers because of this and is good at making friends and getting up and winning when he shouldn’t be able to. So, he’s an anime character basically.

Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke is an edgelord who other people just don’t get. He is also from a clan that was murdered by his older brother because they were evil, but he didn’t know that. He spent a large amount of time trying to kill his brother, then stole his eyes. So, he uses his eyes now. Does nobody who writes manga know anything about biology?

Kakashi Hataki

Kakashi is hot as hell and horny too. He reads dirty books round children, but is somehow a role model despite this. He has the ability to copy any technique he sees and never takes his mask off. There’s a fairly funny episode in the original series based around this. Of course, it was kind of wasted due to being a filler episode in a show that was nearly half filler episodes.

Kaguya Otsutsuki

Kaguya ate a magic fruit and this somehow created ninjas. Meanwhile, the best I can hope for is an avocado that is ripe. Not too ripe, just the right amount. This window lasts about five minutes and it is stupid. I could have had a mortgage if it wasn’t for damn avocados but nooooo, I had to be a vegan. Stupid fluffy cows. Too cute.

Anyway, Kaguya is probably analogous to Eve or something.


Gaara is also an emo, but he carved the word love into his own forehead using magic sand because his dad is a douche-canoe. He has a magic racoon in his stomach and doesn’t sleep because otherwise the racoon will take over. He eventually finds love and adopts a kid. Plus, him and Rock Lee have one of the best fights in anime history. Wait, why isn’t Rock Lee in this game?

Boruto Uzumaki

Now Boruto is Naruto’s son, but not the Naruto in this game who is about ten years too young to have had him. Instead he is his son when Naruto is the ninja president. He has great power apparently, but instead of showing that in the anime we just had a “bring your kid to work” day. You’d think they would have learned from Naruto, wouldn’t you?

One Piece

Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy is a plucky, energetic anime protagonist with a heart of gold and an eternally in-season straw sun hat. He ate a cursed fruit and got crazy powers from it, which is something that happens all the time in One Piece. That zesty fruit gave him Mr. Fantastic style body stretching abilities and he’s used them over the course of 933 manga chapters and 872 anime episodes to beat up baddies and track down treasure so he can become king of the pirates.


Sanji is a tall and handsome blonde guy who kicks real good and cooks even good-er. He’s part of Luffy’s pirate crew, and has a penchant for smoking cigarettes (or lollipops, if you watched the anime on 4Kids.) He’s also crown prince to a giant kingdom or something, but don’t worry about that.

Marshall D. Teach

There have been a million bad guys in One Piece, but Marshall Mathers over here is the biggest and baddest one. He goes by the name Blackbeard, and yes, there’s also a Whitebeard who he murdered in a giant pirate war. Blackbeard gets to have two Devil Fruit powers, but nobody else gets to! It’s unfair I’m telling my mom.

Roronoa Zoro

Surely, One Piece wouldn’t literally just name their cool badass sword vigilante character Zoro, right? Falsch. Zoro is the cool badass sword vigilante. He actually has three swords, and swings one of ‘em around with his mouth, so he’s maybe even cooler than the actual Zoro? He’s part of the Luffy Cool Kids Pirate Gang.


Luffy had a really cool not-blood-related brother named Ace, but one day Ace died protecting Luffy. It was a huge bummer, and then this guy named Sabo found out Ace died and remembered that “oh shit I was also a really cool not-blood-related brother to Luffy!!”  So Sabo tracks down Luffy and they reminisce and fight bad guys and bond over their ridiculous hats.

Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock is a pool-cue with two balloons taped to it that charms everyone into falling in love with her instantly. When Luffy doesn’t fall for her charms at all, though, the pirate captain empress ends up falling in love with him instead! Ruh roh! Now she uses her quick-thinking and combat abilities to help Luffy in a desperate attempt to convince him to marry her.

My Hero Academia

Izuku ‘Deku’ Midoriya 

You ever see that Disney movie Sky High with the superpower high-school and Kurt Russell as a super-dad or whatever? My Hero Academia is basically that. Izuku is super into superheroes but doesn’t have any super powers at all. It’s cool though, because the most powerful hero in the world decides to give his ability to Izuku so the kid can go to superhero high-school. He also gets a wild 6-pack in like 4 months. It’s nuts. Good kid.

Yu Yu Hakusho

Yusuke Urameshi

Mister Urameshi has been through some shit. He was a crude and rude streetpunk who died in a car accident after pushing a little kid out of the way. The Grim Reaper told Yusuke that if he made some ghosts feel good he could go being not dead again, but Yusuke ends up being so good at ghost-helping that he’s turned into a spirit detective. Aaaaand then he enters a martial arts tournament and kills four evil demons and then becomes a demon and opens a ramen shop.

Younger Toguro

Toguro, or as his friends call him, Celine Dion, was the big baddie of the iconic Dark Tournament Saga in Yu Yu Hakusho. It was a fighting tournament, but like, in Hell or whatever. He’s a real mean dude that killed a lot of guys. He usually looks pretty normal, but when he releases the Spirit Cuffs he turns into the sun-dried raisin man that you see in Jump Force.


Ichigo Kurasaki

Ichigo is a normal laid-back highschooler who ends up becoming a Shinigami spirit fighter. He fights evil ghost monsters with other Shinigami people, but then they also fight Espers, and the Quincy, and Arrancar, and other Shinigami, and also Ichigo gets the powers of all of these people, and it’s a big mess. He gets sideburns eventually. Also, his name is Japanese for “strawberry”. Remember that, it’s important.

Rukia Kuchiki

Rukia is the baddest ghost girl on the planet, and don’t you ever forget that. She inadvertently drags Ichigo into the whole Shinigami Soul Society thing, and ends up showing him the ropes of soul hunting for a while. She’s calm and cool and (literally) icy, and ends up saving Ichigo as much as he saves her. I’ll never forgive Ichigo for marrying Orihime instead of Rukia but whatever. I’m fine, I don’t wanna talk about it.

Sosuke Aizen

I know that the “all according to keikaku” meme is literally from the anime Death Note, but Aizen is basically the human embodiment of that meme. He’s a trustworthy Soul Society member that ends up being the most conniving, dastardly, despicable, stupid-sexy villain ever. Every time he’s cornered, it turns out that everyone else is cornered. Every time he gets beaten, he actually just got even stronger. Some may call it “bad writing”, but I prefer to call it “bad writing, but also holy shit, haha, what?”

Renji Abarai

Renji is like Ichigo except he has big red hair and his sword is a snake. He’s hot-blooded and cocky, but when things get serious, he gets even more serious. He also trained together with Rukia when they were young Shinigami and ends up marrying her because I wasn’t there to protest the wedding. Was? Shut up. Renji is cool I guess, I dunno.

Saint Seiya

Pegasus Seiya

Saint Seiya is like Sailor Moon or Power Rangers. Five colour-coordinated teens wear matching armor and use flashy attacks to defeat the bad guy of the week and save the world from the Baddest Guy. Pegasus Seiya is the Red Ranger of the Seiyas, leading them in all their Greek-y mystical kung-fu battles. Sometimes while listening to Bowling For Soup.

Dragon Shiryu

Dragon Shiryu is the cool, mature, Garnier shampoo model of the group. His ferocity in battle is matched only by the volume of his hair and the sparkle of his eyes. He has incredible defensive abilities thanks to the properties of his Dragon Bronze armor and his well-defined pecs. Dragon Shiryu can get it .

Fist of the North Star


You know Mad Max? Fist of the North Star is basically kung fu Mad Max, and Kenshiro is Max except his shotgun is replaced by head-exploding five finger death punches. Kenshiro is a tortured soul who wanders the wasteland searching for answers and those in need. When he fights he screams “ATATATATATATA!”, which is what I do whenever I’m trying to swat flies in my kitchen.

City Hunter

Ryo Saeba

Ryo Saeba is like Leslie Nielsen from The Naked Gun, except even hotter. He’s a ridiculous, goofy nutjob of a private detective who’s constantly hitting on chicks and taking jobs from beautiful women, which is wild cause he’s married to a kickass lady named Kaori Makimura who owns a bazooka and a 100 gigaton mallet. Still, when the going gets tough, he manages to get serious and pull off some pretty badass stuff.

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

Jotaro Kujo

Try to stick with me here:Jotaro Kujo is a no nonsense highshchooler who goes to Egypt with his grandpa, his grandpa’s cool black friend, a creepy art kid, and a French guy, to track down the adoptive brother of Jotaro’s great great grandfather who is now an evil flamboyant vampire that used a cursed bow &arrow to give dozens of people super-powered imaginary friends. Also, Jotaro has one because he’s technically related to Dio thanks to that time Dio grafted his severed head onto Jotaro’s great great grandfather’s body, but then Jotaro’s mom also gets a crazy imaginary friend and she’s too weak to handle it so Jotaro and the cool guys have to kill Dio to undo the family’s imaginary friend curse and save Jotaro’s mom.

Dio Brando

Yeah, so Dio is really into Black Sabbath and likes Pepsi and has a big purple heart above his crotch. That’s all you need to know.

Dragon Quest:The Adventure of Dai


Yeah, I know, Dragon Quest is a video game series, alright? You think I don’t know that? There’s like fifty of those freaking games, you think that’s news to me? You think I don’t got the dirt on one of the biggest JRPG franchises in the world? Well I do.

Anyway, they also made a manga. Dai is from the manga.

Death Note

Light Yagami

Light isn’t actually playable in Jump Force, he only shows up in cutscenes. Which is total crap. Wanna know why? Cause Bandai Namco was scared . They were too big baby coward-brained to put Light Yagami, the dude with a notebook that instantly kills people , into the roster of playable characters. So instead, anime Zac Efron over here just watches the carnage from afar, watching shmucks like Naruto and Little Naruto duke it out with wimpy rubbish like fists when Light can just write a name and literally end the life of the person who that name belongs to.

Spike Chunsoft, y’all are weak for this one. Shameful.

So there you have it! Every single character in the Jump Force roster, thoroughly and exhaustively explained and introduced. Unfortunately, this guide won’t be so comprehensive once the first of nine DLC characters start coming out. Thankfully DLC pack 1 doesn’t drop until May, so by that time either nobody will care about this game anymore and we won’t have to bother updating the article, or we’ll all just be dead and gone! Maybe a little bit of both? Who knows!

In 2019, we’re expanding the type of media we cover by taking a dive into the world of anime. Expect articles and reviews about anime series that have a history of video game adaptations, potentially even covering stand out Japanese animation that isn’t related to video games at all.
