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Vorwarnung – Ultimativer grundlegender Leitfaden

Definitiver Leitfaden zu den Grundlagen

Die wahren Grundlagen

Beginnen Sie im Zelt

Schnappen Sie sich Ihre Gegenstände aus Ihrem leuchtenden Rucksack. 3-Artikel-Limit. Du hast deinen Helm schon immer auf.

Überprüfen Sie die Ziele

Öffne das Grab

Gold schnappen/Ziel schnappen/Mumie identifizieren

Öffnen Sie die innere Kammer

Hauptartikel holen. Wenn alle Hände voll sind, wird der aktuell gehaltene Gegenstand fallen gelassen.

Finde den blauen Hebel, der zufällig an einer Wand erscheint.

Entkomme der Mumie und gehe zum Fahrzeug. Muss auf lebende Überlebende warten. Sie können den Artikel im Auto abgeben.



Computer:Überlieferungen und Gegenstände anzeigen

Badezimmer:Aussehen im Spiegel ändern

Gefundene Schmuckstücke

Seltene Statuen, die Sie gefunden haben (Testen:Wenn dies Gegenstände vom Host oder eigene zeigt.)

Gegenstände:Glänzendes Spielzeug

Dies sind alle Elemente und was sie tun / erkennen. Beim Tod verlierst du keine Items. Weitere Informationen zu Zielen/Beweisen finden Sie im Leitfaden.

Fotokamera:Machen Sie Fotos von verschiedenen Dingen

Kompass:Richtungen/Magnetische Verzerrung. Kann auf dem Boden liegen und Drehungen erkennen

Blitzlicht:Beleuchtung/elektronische Störungen


Handfunkgerät:Melodien/Mama ablenken (Test)



Feuerzeug:Fackel/Wandfackel (Test zum Verbrennen der Mumie)

Metalldetektor:Wird verwendet, um nach metallischen Objekten zu suchen

Erkennt:Wandfackel/Andere Spieler/Statuen/Gold/Fallböden/Mumien identifizieren?/(Testen)

Radarsensor:Erkennt auf Radarkarte (Test)

Radar System:Improves info shown(Testing)

Smart Watch:Better voice in game


Torch:Light/Set mummy ablaze

Objectives:Earn That EXP

These are some of the objective that appear and how to complete them. It will give you a sound if done right and updates your tasks under L. For photo shots, needs to be decent.

Retrieve the relic of the mejai

1. Get to inner chamber

2. Get to car and drop item close to backend

3. Leave friends behind

Gold:Find the various piles on floor/inside sarcophagus laying on floor.

Doesn’t count for hidden treasure room/hidden room/ gold in coffins

Lore Pages:Blue and looks like scroll

Capture proof of the mejai’s existence:Snap a pic of him.

Shadow form doesn’t count!

Photograph the inner tomb sacrophagus:Open the main door and snap a pic

Gather evidence of preserved remains:Snap a pic of a mummy; Moving or still

Take a picture of the hidden treasury:Snap a pic of inside

Verify reports of past explorations:Snap a pic of a skeleton. 4 spots to find him.

Middle of room pit

Spike Trap Room

Spike Trap Gap

Prisoner Room

Snap a shot of a royal mummy:Blue and Gold

Picture of hieroglyphics:Snap a pic

Hidden objective:Serious…You figure this out, DM me.

Starting Tent:Whats That Do

Whats in the tent and what it does.

Your Starting bag:Unless item share is on, its only yours to touch.

Radar:View what happening. Yellow Square:Starting area. Arrows are players(Testing)

Picture Screen:View everyone’s photos, only shows most recent

Objective Screen:Have to select to view objectives

Levers:Were Do They Go

So far I’ve found 3 different levers. All levers can be either on a wall, behind a burn pillar, or even in the inner chamber. Single player once toggled good. Multiplayer, sync flipping.

Blue Lever:Open the entrance

Blue Lever Inside:Can be anywhere (Testing early detection)

Prisoner/Man Tied:Opens the room to prisoner.

Closed Eye/Line of beads:Opens the hidden treasure room

This shows the level inside the inner chamber

Behind a burn pillar

All leads to the treasure room, a wall will lift up. You can early detect it by looking at the radar and noticing a room that long but you can’t walk in.

Traps:Rock Fall, You Die

These are the various traps I’ve encountered. (Lots of testing still)(Also Damage numbers)

Boulder #1:Gold in path of boulder. Run in and then out to dodge.

Boulder #2:Just run by

Swing Trap:Sometimes has levers. Just wait to pass (Testing)

Floor Spikes:Has gold/Levers/Dead explorer

The room is made up of 16 spaces of spikes. Metal detector is used to get by. Otherwise you walk slowly and if it spikes you, don’t go that way. With the metal detector, its hard to detect while standing without the upgrades. Just crouch and it will show better.

Good to walk

Bad to Walk. Doesn’t Matter how much red dots, any is bad.

There are spikes in other places, if I find something of interest, I’ll upload.

Rooms:So Many

Don’t know if any rooms symbolize anything yet, just gonna list the ones I’ve found.

Not gonna relist traps or other rooms in guide.

Stairs:Starting Room

Prisoner Room:Need lever to access, has gold/dead explorer)

Big Coffin Room

Royal Coffin Room

Room with monkey

Large Red Pillar

Room with pit in middle

Statue Facing Corner

Statues Facing Away

Many Coffin Room

Treasure Across Pit:Not sure how to pass

Prison Room

Evidence For Mummy:Choose Your Mummymon

These are the difference evidence in game to identify the mummy.

These [] are what it might sound like text

Destruction – Breaking of pots [Breaking sound]

Extinguished Flames – Hear a whoosh and blows out flames [Hard Wind sound] NOT! to be confused with torches just going out.

Reanimation – Moving mummies.

Magnetic Distortion – Gurgling sound [Gurgling/Gameboard spinner] Have your compass out and it will spin around a few times. (Testing leaving on floor)

Voices – Talking [Ancient words of scary (Hey) (Whispering)]

Radar Detection – (Testing)

Tremors – [Shaking sounds] Similar to when you first open the door

Disturbed Tombs – Open/closes tombs on there own (Testing)

Radioactivity – Use Geiger counter (Testing)

Metallic Signature – Metal Detector goes off without metal present(Testing)

Footsteps – [Quick Running Sounds] These footsteps are louder then normal ones

Electronic Disturbances – Turns Lights on/off on headlamp/Flashlight (Testing Other devices)

Tips for Mummies Here:

