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Spiel-FAQ + Problemlösungen
Was ist Innere Kraft?
In MIR4 ist Innere Kraft eine Funktion für Charakter-Upgrades, bei der Energie verwendet wird, um die Inner Force Loci des Charakters zu trainieren.
Die drei Arten von Inner Force, die mit Folianten freigeschaltet werden können, sind Muscle Strength Manual, Nine Yin Manual und Nine Yang Manual. Jede Art von Inner Force besteht aus 4 Inner Force Loci, die separat trainiert werden können.
- Energie kann auf verschiedene Arten gewonnen werden, darunter Meditation, PK und das Abschließen von Quests.
- Wenn Sie Ihre innere Kraft auf höhere Ebenen befördern, steigt die Menge an Energie, die für das Training benötigt wird.
Verworrene innere Kraft
- Dies kann vorkommen, wenn das Inner Force Locus-Training fehlschlägt.
- Und du kannst Innere Kraft nicht trainieren, während Tangled Inner Force aktiv ist.
- Wenn Sie einen Inner Force Locus auf eine bestimmte Stufe aufsteigen lassen, können Sie sein Level-Limit durch Inner Force Promotion erhöhen.
Was sind Missionen?
In MIR4 bestehen Missionen aus Missionen und Anfragen, die einmalige Quests mit ihren eigenen Hintergrundgeschichten und täglich wiederholbare Quests beinhalten.
- Die verfügbaren Missionstypen sind Field, Elite, Labyrinth und Valley. Es gibt normale Missionen und wiederholbare Missionen, und bis zu 10 Missionen können gleichzeitig durchgeführt (registriert) werden.
- Anfragen werden durch Gespräche mit bestimmten NPCs erworben. Sie können eine Anfrage nach der anderen ausführen und eine laufende Anfrage über Änderungsanfrage ändern.
Was sind Aufgaben?
In MIR4 bestehen Aufgaben aus täglichen Aufgaben und Erfolgen.
Tägliche Aufgaben
- Tägliche Aufgaben sind Aufgaben, die Sie jeden Tag erledigen können. Es gibt eine Belohnung für jede Aufgabe sowie eine Gesamtbelohnung für das Abschließen einer bestimmten Anzahl von täglichen Aufgaben.
Aufgaben werden täglich um 04:00 Uhr zurückgesetzt.
- Erfolge bestehen aus Abenteuern, Upgrades und Herausforderungen. Es gibt kein Zeitlimit und Sie erhalten Belohnungen, wenn Sie jeden Erfolg abschließen.
Ich kann keine Anfragen und Mysterien annehmen.
- Bestimmte Mysterien und Anfragen haben Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen, bevor Sie sie annehmen können.
- Bei Anfragen können Sie die Anforderungen jedoch anhand von Hinweisen überprüfen.
Wann kann ich den Namen eines gelöschten Charakters verwenden?
- Nachdem Sie einen Charakter gelöscht haben, können Sie den Namen des gelöschten Charakters wie unten gezeigt verwenden.
- Nach dem Löschen eines Charakters kann der Name des gelöschten Charakters nach Ablauf der 3-tägigen (72-stündigen) Schonfrist wieder verwendet werden.
Ich möchte den Kamerawinkel ändern.
- Sie können auf das Kamerasymbol oben links auf dem Spielbildschirm klicken, um den Kamerawinkel auf Nah, Fern oder Manuell zu ändern.
Mein Charakter steckt im Gelände fest und kann sich nicht bewegen oder springen.
- Tippen Sie auf [Menü]> [Notausstieg], um Ihren Charakter zum Schloss Bicheon zu teleportieren, oder verwenden Sie eine Schnellreise-Schriftrolle/Sprungrolle, um sich in ein anderes Gebiet zu bewegen.
Ich führe eine Anfrage aus, aber die Schaltfläche „Verschieben“ wird als „Auto-Verschieben nicht verfügbar“ angezeigt und ich kann Auto-Verschieben nicht verwenden.
- Einige Anfragen erfordern, dass Sie persönlich hingehen und sie annehmen. Überprüfe die Hinweise und akzeptiere die Anfragen entsprechend.
Wenn mein Charakter stirbt, bewegt er sich automatisch dorthin zurück, wo er gestorben ist.
- Wenn „Automatische Rückkehr nach dem Tod“ eingeschaltet ist, kehrt dein Charakter an den Ort zurück, an dem er gestorben ist.
- Wenn Sie dies nicht möchten, klicken Sie auf [Menü]> [System]> [Spiel] und schalten Sie die Option „Automatische Rückkehr nach Tod“ aus.
Ich habe Clanwährungen als Belohnung für eine Clanspende erhalten, aber ich weiß nicht, wo sie sind.
- Als Clanspende erhaltene Clanwährungen werden dir per Post zugeschickt.
Ich kann Fast Travel nicht verwenden.
- Du kannst die Schnellreise nicht nutzen, wenn du keine Schnellreiserolle in der Tasche hast.
Wo kann ich Tränke kaufen?
- Du kannst Tränke von Tränkeladen-NSCs in jedem Dorf kaufen. Die Standorte der Trankladen-NSCs werden auf der Karte angezeigt.
Ich weiß nicht, wie man seltene blaue Drachenschuppen/Leder/Hörner verwendet.
- Du kannst Ausrüstung herstellen, indem du einen Blue Dragon Craftsman NPC aufsuchst, den es in jedem Dorf gibt.
Ich möchte Darksteel erhalten.
- [Schwarzmarkt] -> [Ressourcen] und kaufe sie mit Gold.
- Du kannst Darksteel durch Bergbau im Valley, in der Darksteel Chamber im Magic Square und im Secret Peak erhalten.
- Du kannst auch auf [Shop] -> [Schwarzmarkt] -> [Ressourcen] klicken und sie mit Gold kaufen.
Wo kann ich Darksteel abbauen?
- Du kannst sie in Magic Square, Secret Peak und Valleys abbauen.
Wie wird Darksteel verkauft?
- Gwon Chuyoung” im Schloss Bicheon. Klicken Sie auf [Shop] -> [Schwarzmarkt] -> [Verpackung] und Sie können Verpackungsmaterialien mit Gold kaufen.
- Du kannst deinen Darksteel auf dem Markt verkaufen, nachdem du ihn beim NPC „
Gwon Chuyoung“ in Bicheon Castle verpackt hast. - Klicken Sie auf [Shop] -> [Schwarzmarkt] -> [Verpackung] und Sie können Verpackungsmaterialien mit Gold kaufen.
Ich möchte die maximale Menge an Darksteel erhöhen, die ich haben kann.
- Du kannst dein Darksteel-Limit unter [Conquest] → [Forge] erhöhen.
Ist es möglich, in die gewünschte Richtung auszuweichen?
- Verwende die Tasten W/S/A/D [Standardeinstellungen] auf einem PC oder dem Touchpad, um die gewünschte Richtung auszuwählen und auszuweichen.
Bis zu wie vielen Stunden kann Vigor in Rechnung gestellt werden?
- Sie kann durch Sammeln, Abbauen und Meditieren auf bis zu 3 Stunden aufgeladen werden, oder auf bis zu 3 Tage, wenn eine Kraftpille verwendet wird.
Ich möchte meinen Titel hinzufügen oder ändern.
- [Schwarzmarkt]> [Bequemlichkeit] und dann ein ID-Abzeichen kaufen, um einen Titel hinzuzufügen/zu ändern. Der Kauf eines Ausweises kostet 200 Gold.
- Klicken Sie auf [Shop]> [Schwarzmarkt]> [Komfort] und kaufen Sie dann ein ID-Abzeichen, um einen Titel hinzuzufügen/zu ändern.
- Der Kauf eines Ausweises kostet 200 Gold.
Kann ich weitere Koops machen, selbst nachdem ich alle Kooperationszähler aufgebraucht habe?
- Wenn du keine Kooperationszähler mehr hast, kannst du stattdessen Dragon Jades für die Zusammenarbeit verwenden.
Wann wird der Kooperationszähler wieder aufgeladen?
- 1 Kooperationszähler wird alle 30 Minuten aufgeladen und es können bis zu 24 gesammelt werden.
Ich habe Bonusartikel mit der Aufschrift „Lucky“ erhalten.
- Lucky Drops ermöglichen es Ihnen, zusätzlich zu den Standard-Drops Bonusgegenstände zu erhalten.
Es ist schwierig, Artikel einzeln zum Kombinieren zu registrieren.
- [Herstellen]> [Kombinieren] und wähle die zu kombinierenden Gegenstände aus. Wenn Sie dann auf die Note klicken, die Sie kombinieren möchten, wird die Schaltfläche Automatisch zuweisen aktiviert.
- Klicken Sie auf [Menü]> [Herstellen]> [Kombinieren] und wählen Sie die zu kombinierenden Gegenstände aus. Wenn Sie dann auf die Note klicken, die Sie kombinieren möchten, wird die Schaltfläche Automatisch zuweisen aktiviert.
Ich kann einen Geist nicht mit denselben Geisterschätzen ausstatten.
- Du kannst einen Geist nicht mit denselben Geisterschätzen ausstatten.
- Auch wenn du denselben Geisterschatz auf einem anderen Geist ausrüstest, werden die Effekte nicht gestapelt.
Ich habe die Leiste "Tödliche Attacke" gefüllt, kann die Attacke aber nicht verwenden.
- Lethal Move verwendet MP wie normale Fähigkeiten.
- Du kannst es also nicht verwenden, wenn du nicht genug MP hast.
Ich kann keine einzigartigen Monster auf dem Spielfeld sehen.
- Wenn du ein einzigartiges Monster besiegst, erscheint es nach einer gewissen Zeit erneut.
- Bitte warten Sie und versuchen Sie es später erneut.
Ich möchte mein Profilbild ändern.
- [Charakter]> [Info] und tippen Sie auf das Foto unten links, um Ihr Bild zu ändern. Mit der Schaltfläche [Foto hinzufügen] können Sie Fotos von Ihrem Gerät/PC hinzufügen und als Ihr Profilbild registrieren.
- Klicken Sie auf [Menü]> [Charakter]> [Info] und tippen Sie auf das Foto unten links, um Ihr Bild zu ändern.
- Mit der Schaltfläche [Foto hinzufügen] können Sie Fotos von Ihrem Gerät/PC hinzufügen und als Ihr Profilbild registrieren.
Was ist Kilometerstand?
- [Mileage] und Sie können eine Liste der Artikel anzeigen, die mit Mileage gekauft werden können.
- Meilen sind eine Währung, die jedes Mal gesammelt wird, wenn Sie einen Artikel mit Gold kaufen.
- Klicken Sie auf [Shop]> [Mileage] und Sie können eine Liste der Artikel anzeigen, die mit Mileage gekauft werden können.
Ich möchte den Chat eines bestimmten Benutzers blockieren.
- [Linkes Zahnradsymbol]> [Blockieren] und geben Sie den Namen des zu blockierenden Charakters ein.
- Klicken Sie auf [Chat]> [Linkes Zahnradsymbol]> [Blockieren] und geben Sie den Namen des zu blockierenden Charakters ein.
Kann ich die Anzahl der kostenlosen Einträge für Raids erhöhen?
- [Tower of Victory], du erhältst zusätzliche Einträge für Raids.
- Wenn Sie [Conquest]> [Tower of Victory] befördern, erhalten Sie zusätzliche Einträge für Raids.
Muss ich für einen Raid in einer Gruppe sein?
- Du kannst einen Raid alleine versuchen, aber es wird empfohlen, in einer Gruppe zu sein.
Ich möchte die Raid-Belohnungen nach Gruppe überprüfen.
- Klicke im Raid-Ergebnisfenster auf Meine Belohnungsinfo, um die Belohnungsinformationen nach Gruppe zu prüfen.
Wann werden die Eintrittszähler für Raids und Portale zurückgesetzt?
- Die Eintrittszähler werden täglich um 4 Uhr morgens zurückgesetzt.
Ich habe die ersten klaren Belohnungen für Raid, Boss-Raid, Clan-Expedition und Clan-Raid nicht erhalten.
- Die ersten klaren Belohnungen werden an Ihre Post gesendet, anstatt in Ihre Tasche ausgegeben zu werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihr Postfach.
Mein Charakter ist während eines Raids/Boss-Raids gestorben, aber ich kann die verlorenen EXP nicht wiederherstellen.
- Du verlierst keine EXP, wenn dein Charakter während eines Raids/Boss-Raids stirbt.
Ich habe eine Raid-/Clan-Expedition abgeschlossen, aber keine „Erhältliche Belohnung“-Gegenstände erhalten.
- Das sind Gegenstände, die beim Absolvieren einer Expedition gedroppt werden können.
- Daher garantiert das Abschließen einer Expedition nicht, dass Sie sie erhalten.
Ich möchte mitten in einem Überfall gehen.
- Du kannst einen Raid mitten in einem Raid verlassen, indem du auf das Türsymbol unter der Zeitlimitanzeige drückst.
Kann ich mich mitten in einem Raid in ein anderes Gebiet bewegen?
- Du kannst dich während eines Raids nicht in ein anderes Gebiet bewegen und einige Inhalte sind ebenfalls deaktiviert.
Wie reite ich auf einem Reittier?
- Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche unter dem Kamerasymbol unten links auf dem Bildschirm.
- Drücken Sie auf einem PC den Standard-Hotkey „X“.
Wenn ich „Händler finden“ in den Quick Slot-Einstellungen verwende, erhalte ich eine Meldung, die besagt:[Es gibt keine Händler in diesem Bereich].
- Sie können die Funktion "Händler finden" nur in Gebieten mit Händlern verwenden.
- The function is only available in areas where Shop NPCs are present.
I want to change my character’s appearance.
- You can change your character’s appearance through NPC Junghyang at the Bicheon Castle Taphouse.
- The Bicheon Castle Taphouse is in Bicheon Castle, and you can check NPC Junghyang’s location by clicking [Map]> [Bicheon Castle]> [Bicheon Castle Taphouse].
- Changing your character’s appearance at the Beauty Parlor costs 400 Gold.
I want to check my character’s status information.
- [Bag]> [+ Details] to view your character status information.
- Tap Power Score at the top left of the game screen or press [Menu]> [Bag]> [+ Details] to view your character status information.
There are characters with colored names. When are the names shown in color?
Character names are shown in different colors depending on who they are as shown below.
- Your clan members.
- Allied clan members.
- Hostile clan members.
- Characters with Bad/Evil alignment.
- Characters who attacked my character first.
My character died during combat and returned to the village, but it keeps moving to the place it died.
- [System]> [Game]> [Combat] and check whether “Auto-Return Upon Death” is ON. When this option is ON, your character auto-moves to the place it died after resurrecting in a village.
- Click [Menu]> [System]> [Game]> [Combat] and check whether “Auto-Return Upon Death” is ON.
- When this option is ON, your character auto-moves to the place it died after resurrecting in a village.
My character keeps attacking the boss monster first.
- [System]> [Game]> [Target] and change the priorities for boss and common monsters.
- Click [Menu]> [System]> [Game]> [Target] and change the priorities for boss and common monsters.
My character uses skills too often.
- [System]> [Game]> [Combat] and adjust the Skill Frequency.
- Click [Menu]> [System]> [Game]> [Combat] and adjust the Skill Frequency.
I can’t use Wayfarer Travel because an item is being ‘Unsealed’.
- Wayfarer Travel is unavailable while an Unsealing is in progress.
I get a message that says “You can’t move in the current area.” and can’t use Auto-move.
- Auto-move is not available in some areas.
- In this case, move manually or move to a different area and use Auto-move.
After dying 10 times, I can’t restore the EXP lost.
- Only up to 10 instances of lost EXP can be stored.
- If your character dies when you have 10 stored instances of lost EXP, the newly lost EXP will not be restorable.
Where can I get the Skill Tomes needed for leveling up skills after Tier 4?
- You can get the tomes from summoning, Market, Uncommon Skill Tome combining, and opening boxes.
I didn’t receive the Raid rewards because there was no space in my bag.
- When you cannot receive the Raid rewards because your bag is full, the rewards are sent to your mail.
- Please claim your rewards before they expire.
My character doesn’t use skills often enough.
- [Mission]> [System]> [Game], and change [Skill Frequency] from Normal to Always.
- Click [Menu]> [Mission]> [System]> [Game], and change [Skill Frequency] from Normal to Always.
How do I expand my bag?
- “Click [Shop]> [Black Market]> [Convenience] and you can buy Bag Expansion Ticket I, II with Copper.
- If you want more slots, you can press the + button at the bottom right and buy extra bag slots for 10 Gold each.”
My character died and some items disappeared.
- When your character dies after reaching Lv. 20, some EXP and items may be lost.
- You can recover the lost items when you return to the place of death, but there is a chance that the items are not recoverable.
How do I sort my bag in a different way?
- Clicking the (三) icon in the bag allows you to sort items by default, grade, or Power Score.
I want to rename my character.
- System and then tapping the pencil-shaped icon next to “Character Name”. Renaming a character costs 1,200 Gold. [Need a screenshot of [Menu]> [System] screen where the pencil icon is emphasized]
- You can rename your character by selecting Menu> System and then tapping the pencil-shaped icon next to “Character Name”.
- Renaming a character costs 1,200 Gold.
How can I recover my character’s Alignment?
- You can recover your character’s Alignment Points by defeating monsters.
- You gain Alignment Points for defeating monsters within 5 levels of your character, and no points are gained when the level difference with the monster exceeds 5.
How many minutes does 1 Speed-up accelerate?
- Speed-ups used for Conquest and Unsealing accelerate 1 minute per item.
I have Speed-ups, but can’t see them when I want to speed things up.
- You must use the Speed-up item to obtain a Speed-up.
- Please use the Speed-up items in your bag.
What are the servers marked as character creation restricted?
- Character creation is disabled in those servers. You would need to change servers if you want to create a character.
I don’t know how to sell the items I have.
- In the bag menu, click the Sell button at the bottom right and select the items you want to sell.
I want to withdraw a character deletion request.
- If you want to withdraw a character deletion request, you can do so by tapping the X button at the bottom left of the screen.
- However, you cannot withdraw the deletion request if more than 3 days have passed since tapping the Delete Character button.
Are there grades for each Enchant option?
- Each Enchant option has a grade between D and S.
- You can check an enchanted option’s grade by its color and the letter shown next to the %.
I want to do emotes with my character.
- Press the icon at the bottom left of the game screen and click an emote of your choice.
I want to view my character’s stats in detail.
- Click the HP bar at the top left of the screen or click [Bag] → [+ Details].
Up to what level can equipment be safely enhanced?
- All weapons, armor, and accessories below +5 do not get destroyed when enhancing fails.
- Safe enhancing does not apply to Codex armor.
I want to add a friend’s character.
- Click [Menu]> [Karma] and search for the character’s name.
- Select the character name you want in the search result and add it as a friend.
- The character is added as a friend when the target accepts the friend request.
I want to unblock a blocked character.
- [Left Gear Icon]> [Block List] and tap “Unblock” next to the name of the character to unblock.
- Click [Chat]> [Left Gear Icon]> [Block List] and tap “Unblock” next to the name of the character to unblock.
If I use an enhanced equipment or equipment enchanted with options to craft a higher tier equipment, can the options be transferred?
- Enhancements and enchanted options are reset and not transferred.
Gathering/Mining/Energy Gathering Sites all have different colors. Is there any difference?
The highest grade of items you can get from gathering/mining is different.
Also, the amount of resources you can get from Energy gathering and Darksteel mining varies.
The available grades are as shown below.
- Common (Gray)
- Uncommon (Green)
- Rare (Blue)
- Epic (Red)
- Legendary (Yellow)
My clan members are requesting for support too many times.
- Tap the handshake icon at the top left of the screen to give support to everyone at once.
Can I increase the number of free entries for the Portal?
- [Millennial Tree], you gain additional entries for the Portal.
- As you promote [Conquest]> [Millennial Tree], you gain additional entries for the Portal.
I equipped Magic Stones of the same grade and type, but my Power Score is different.
- Each Magic Stone has default stats and randomly imbued stats.
- The difference in Power Score can arise from the random stats.
What happens if I enter a raid while using a Portal?
- The Portal you have been using will close and the remaining time will expire.
- It means that when the Raid ends, you will return to where you were before entering the Portal.
- The rewards obtained in the Portal will be maintained until you enter a Raid.
I have two of the same items in the bag.
- Some crafting materials, Magic Stones, and Spirit Treasures are divided into tradable and untradable items.
- Therefore, you can have two of the same items but one is marked as tradable and the other untradable.
I want to sell Energy and Darksteel in the Market.
[Black Market] and purchase a Packaging Box with Gold. Look for a Craftsman NPC in the village. Click a Craftsman NPC and craft a Wrapped Energy/Darksteel Box under Sundry. Sell the Wrapped Energy/Darksteel Box in the Market.
You can sell them by following the steps below.
- Click [Shop]> [Black Market] and purchase a Packaging Box with Gold.
- Look for a Craftsman NPC in the village.
- Click a Craftsman NPC and craft a Wrapped Energy/Darksteel Box under Sundry.
- Sell the Wrapped Energy/Darksteel Box in the Market.
Can I trade with other players?
- Direct trading between players is not supported, but you can trade through the Market.
Where can I use Clan Coins?
- You can use them by going to [Clan]> [Clan Shop].
- However, the Clan Shop must stock registered items before you can make any purchases.
I want to increase the maximum amount of Energy I can have.
- You can increase your Energy limit at [Conquest] → [Training Sanctum].
I can’t register items in the Market.
- You can register items in the Market from Lv. 40.
What do the colors shown on the map mean?
- The colors represent different hunting ground levels, and reward drop rates are greater at higher level hunting grounds.
- [Green] → [Blue] → [Red] → [Yellow]
How do I map travel?
- Clicking the area name below the default icon at the top right of the screen enables you to check the area and move there.
- If you have a Fast Travel Scroll, you can Fast Travel to the destination.
- Fast Travel is disabled in some areas.
I want to go to an Elite difficulty zone.
- On the map screen, change the difficulty from Normal to Elite and move to where you want to go.
- Elite difficulty is not available in some areas.
My Spirit Treasure’s unique effects don’t seem to trigger.
- The unique effects of some Spirit Treasures trigger at a certain chance.
- Also, you can check when an effect triggers in the status window at the top left.
I can’t remove Spirit Treasures after equipping them.
- Once equipped, Spirit Treasures cannot be removed.
- You can replace them with different Spirit Treasures, but the previously equipped treasures disappear.
Do I receive the payment for items sold in the Market right away?
- When an item is sold in the Market, you receive the payment minus the trading tax in 30 minutes.
I can’t enhance or sell my equipment.
- You cannot enhance or sell equipment that are locked.
- Select the item to enhance or sell in the bag and click Unlock.
When I try to register an item in the Market, I can’t see the item I want to register.
- Equipment and items are divided into those that can and cannot be registered in the Market.
- Items marked with the Market symbol as shown below can be registered.
I registered an item in the Market with the wrong price. Can I cancel the sale?
- Items registered in the Market can be withdrawn before they are sold.
- However, the fee paid for registering the item is not refunded.
I bought the wrong item from the Market and want to cancel the purchase.
- Purchases made from the Market cannot be canceled.
- Please consider carefully before purchasing an item.
I want to lower my equipment’s enhancement level.
- Using a Darkened Enhancement Stone on an equipment lowers its enhancement level by 1.
- You can obtain Darkened Enhancement Stones through NPC crafting, mail rewards, and Shop.
Why is Air Walk disabled for me?
- Air Walk is disabled during combat. Check if your character is currently in combat.
What is the highest level that an equipment can be enhanced to?
- You can enhance equipment to up to +12.
Is there a system for trading between accounts?
MIR4 features a Market through which players can sell items they do not need or buy items they want.
How to use the Market:
- Click Menu> Market
However, direct 1:1 trading between players is not supported.
I pressed Auto-gather, but my character doesn’t gather anything.
- Your character does not gather automatically when there is nothing to gather nearby.
- Move to another place and try again.
I don’t have enough Uncommon Enhancement Stones.
- You can obtain them from events, hunting Unique monsters, or daily missions, and can also purchase them from the Sundry Shop with Copper.
I arrived at the mission area, but can’t use Auto-move after that.
- Some missions require you to move to the area personally.
- If Auto-move is not available, remember what the mission NPC said to you and look for a hint.
I tried combining Uncommon items and failed, but didn’t earn any Mystic Incense Burner points.
- You earn Mystic Incense Burner points for each failed combining attempt using Rare or higher items.
I exited MIR4 without claiming the Daily Task rewards, but I couldn’t claim them due to the reset the following day.
- Unclaimed Daily Task rewards cannot be claimed after reset.
- So claim your rewards before it is too late.
Where can I get Ancient Coins from?
- You can get them from the Secret Peak and Magic Square, and also by completing Raids.
I skipped the outfit tutorial and didn’t get my outfit.
- [View Outfit]> [Choose Outfit]> [Choose Colors]> [Purchase].
- You can still get the outfit even if you have skipped the outfit tutorial.
- Click [Menu]> [View Outfit]> [Choose Outfit]> [Choose Colors]> [Purchase].
I mined to meet the “Number of mining” requirement for the mining Conquest promotion, but the mining counter doesn’t increase.
- Mining that yields Darksteel such as mining in Bicheon Valley does not increase the mining counter.
- Please mine in other areas.
How do I change the color of my outfit?
- Click [Menu]> [Character]> [Outfit], select an outfit to dye and then dye the outfit.
- Dyeing costs 200 Gold.
I can’t see the outfit that I purchased.
- You can show or hide character outfits.
- At the left of the Menu> Character> Outfit screen, you can view the outfit/equipment equipped by your character and tap the eye icon to show or hide the appearance.
I want to reduce the Conquest promotion time.
- You can reduce the time by using Speed-ups or requesting support from your clan members.
I received a notification mail from the Forbidden Trading Authority.
- As notified in the mail, the Forbidden Trading Authority has detected that you have made an illegal transaction.
- The mail was sent to you after a thorough investigation. If you are detected again on the same grounds and judged to be in violation after an in-depth investigation by the Operation Team, your account may be sanctioned for cash/account trading.
What is the Forbidden Trading Authority?
- It is a system that uses an AI algorithm to prevent various illegal transactions made by abusers who disrupt the in-game economy.
I meet the requirements for Expedition, but it isn’t available for me.
- Expedition begins at 9 PM every day and ends at 1 AM the following day.
- If Expedition is unavailable, check the current time.
I can’t carry out Mysteries.
- You may not have met the requirements to carry out Mysteries.
- You would need to find them out yourself and meet the necessary requirements, as MIR4 does not provide hints or walkthroughs.
- However, clicking the name of the active mystery in the Mystery menu will help you find clues for them.
My mail gift has disappeared.
- Every mail gift has an expiry date and cannot be claimed after that date.
- Therefore, please check the collection period shown in the mail/push notification and claim the items before it is too late.
Where do I use Dragon Jade?
- They are used to co-op the research of Clan Techniques.
Where can I get Dragon Jade?
- You can purchase them from [Shop] → [Mileage] → [Consumable].
The description for Old Silver says I can sell them to merchants, but which merchants do I sell them to?
- Select the Old Silver in your bag and press the Sell button.
I purchased a 50-slot Bag Expansion Ticket from the Black Market, but it hasn’t been applied.
- The 50-slot Bag Expansion Tickets that you can buy from the Black Market are issued as items.
- Using a 50-slot Bag Expansion Ticket item expands the number of your bag slots.
My character died, but Request Resurrection isn’t available.
- When a character dies too often, it becomes afflicted with the Resurrection Aftereffect Debuff.
- Request Resurrection is not available while this debuff is in effect.
I want to know the source of items.
- To find out the source of an item, click the item in the bag and then click [Source].
I want to know the status of the buffs I currently have.
- Clicking the icon next to the HP gauge at the top left of the screen displays the buffs you currently have.
I want to lower the enhancement level of an item.
- You can use a Darkened Enhancement Stone to lower the enhancement level of an item by 1.
- Darkened Enhancement Stones can be purchased from the Shop using Mileage or obtained from events.
I can’t complete the Unlock Inner Force (Nine Yin Manual, Nine Yang Manual etc.) mission.
- You need both Volumes 1 and 2 of the manual required for unlocking each Inner Force.
- The volumes can be obtained by carrying out the main missions and certain requests.
I crafted the wrong item and want to undo the crafting.
- Once crafted, the item cannot be restored to its previous state.
- Please consider carefully before crafting an item.
Where can I get the books needed for unlocking Inner Force?
- The books can be obtained by carrying out the main quest and certain requests.
I accidentally enhanced an item and it got destroyed in a Great Failure. Could the item be restored?
- Items destroyed by failed enhancement cannot be restored.
- Please consider carefully before enhancing an item.
My Power Score and level are higher than other people, but it doesn’t reflect on my ranking.
- Rankings are refreshed daily at midnight.
I purchased Rare promotion materials from the Spacetime Shop, but can’t find them in the bag.
- Rare or higher grade materials are issued in boxes, and you must use those boxes to obtain promotion materials.
I want to change the settings so that I won’t see the Spirits of other users.
- Click [Menu]> [System]> [Game]> [Convenience], and tap “Display only my Spirit” under Spirit.
What is Change Deck?
- It is a function that allows you to switch out Spirits and Magic Stones according to the situation.
I’m in the middle of the story and can’t open the Menu.
- Menu is disabled in some parts of the story.
- Wait until the story ends, or tap the Leave button below the mission list at the top right of the screen to load the Menu.
The screen keeps shaking when I use a skill and it’s inconvenient.
- Click [Menu]> [System]> [Game]> [Combat] and adjust the Screen Shake Intensity.
I want to use my Copper to summon Dragon Materials, Spirit Stones, and Skill Tomes.
- Click [Shop]> [Black Market]> [Summon] to view a list of items you can summon with Copper.
I want to cancel a mission or a request that I accepted.
- Open the [Mission] window and cancel the accepted mission/request or press the X button next to the mission/request to cancel on the Mission list on the right side of the game screen.
- You can reaccept the mission/request that you canceled, but any progress made previously are not restored.
I want to recover my Alignment Points.
- You can recover your Alignment Points by defeating monsters within 5 levels of your character.
What are the ranking rewards?
- You are given bonus stats for achieving a certain ranking.
- The stats are given at the daily reset time of midnight.
I want to know when the Alignment Points increase and decrease.
Defeating a Clan Kill/Most Wanted/Wanteds List target character can increase or decrease your character’s Alignment Points as shown below.
Your Alignment Points increase when:
- You defeat a target whose alignment is Normal or higher.
Your Alignment Points decrease when:
- You defeat a target whose alignment is Normal or lower.
I don’t see my character in the rankings.
- The rankings show only the top 100 players.
- Please check your current ranking.
I need equipment for a different class to register in the server Codex. How do I get them?
- You can get equipment for other classes through other contents such as hunting and Portal.
I leveled up consistently, but didn’t get additional entries for Magic Stone/Spirit/Unseal/Portal contents.
- These contents require you to reach a certain building level for Conquest.
- Click [Menu]> [Conquest] and carry out promotions.
I entered the wrong floor of Magic Square/Secret Peak.
- You can leave by pressing the door icon below the time limit display.
- However, any time you had remaining will expire.
I want to change the Spirits to deploy according to the situation.
- Click [Menu]> [Spirit] and you can change the Spirits to deploy by changing your team.
- You can also use the Change Deck button in the game screen to change the assigned team order.
I want to add more Magic Stone slots.
- As you promote [Conquest]> [Tower of Quintessence], you gain additional Magic Stone slots at certain levels.
I completed the Week 2 mission of Samarti’s Mission Scroll before it was activated, but it doesn’t show up as completed.
- Missions completed in advance before the next week begins are not accepted as being completed.
- You must carry out missions after the applicable week starts.
Is there a limit on Unseal support?
- You can receive support up to 20 times per Unsealing Box.
I want more Unsealing slots.
- As you promote [Conquest]> [Tower of Quintessence], you gain additional Unsealing slots.
I can’t see the boss’s skill effects.
- Click [Menu]> [System]> [Game]> [Convenience] and select “Show all” for Character Skill Effects.
Monsters keep returning to their original locations.
- Monsters return to their original locations when they move beyond a certain range.
How do I change a clan’s crest and name?
In MIR4, you can change a clan’s crest and name in the following steps.
How to change a clan’s crest and name:
- In MIR4, select Menu> Clan> Clan Info> Manage Clan> Change Clan Crest/Name
- Changing your clan’s crest/name costs Gold.
What are the benefits of completing a Codex?
- Each completed Codex gives your character additional stats.
- Also, the number of Codices you completed determines your Codex Progress Ranking, which grants Copper Gain/Drop Chance Boost buffs based on your ranking.
I want to check my Codex progress.
- Click [Menu]> [Codex] and tap Codex Progress to see how many you have completed so far.
I received clan currencies as a reward for clan donation, but I don’t know where they are.
- Clan currencies received for clan donation are sent to you via mail.
I registered a Codex, but my Power Score didn’t increase.
- Some Codex effects such as gain increase and chance increase do not affect your Power Score.
I want to know how to unlock advanced Clan Techniques.
- Tap a skill to find out its unlocking requirements!
I registered the wrong item in the Clan Shop.
- Unfortunately, items cannot be retrieved once registered in the Clan Shop.
- Please consider carefully before registering an item.
Some of the items that can be registered in Codices don’t drop.
- Some of items that can be registered to Codices are obtained by completing mysteries.
I want to buy items from the Clan Shop, but it’s locked.
- Clan Shop becomes available when the Trading Depot Clan Technique reaches Lv. 1.
- Also, your clan’s Leader or Elders need to register items in the Clan Shop before it can be used.
Do items registered in Codices disappear?
- Items registered in Codices disappear from your bag. Please check again before registering your item in a Codex.
How do I obtain the “Lucky” clan gifts?
- There are products available in the Shop that contain clan gift boxes.
- When you purchase a product that contains clan gift boxes, every clan member automatically receives a clan gift.
I enhanced my Codex armor and it got destroyed.
- Safe enhancing does not apply to Codex armor and the armor gets destroyed when enhancement fails regardless of its enhancement level.
What is Clan Power Score?
- It is the total of Power Scores of all clan members.
What are the benefits of Clan Support?
- The clan member who gives support receives 20 Clan Coins.
How many times can I play Repeatable Missions a day?
You can clear repeatable missions up to 30 times a day. Each repeatable mission can be cleared 3 times, up to a total of 30 times a day.
- The repeatable mission counter resets daily at 4 am.
- After clearing 30 times, rewards for any extra missions cleared can be claimed after the counter is reset.
I want to carry out Repeatable Missions automatically.
- Click [Menu]> [Mission]> [Mission], and tap the [Auto-play] button to select a repeatable mission to carry out automatically.
What is Clan Support?
- Clan support reduces the duration of resurrection aftereffect or the time needed for Unsealing or Conquest building promotion for the clan member who receive the support.
Potions are being used unnecessarily too often.
- You can change the auto-use settings for potions at [Combat Settings] → [Potion].
How do I create or disband a clan?
In MIR4, you can create or disband a clan in the following steps.
How to create a clan:
- In MIR4, select Menu> Clan> Clan Info> Create
How to disband a clan:
- In MIR4, select Menu> Clan> Clan Info> Manage Clan> Disband Clan※ When you disband your clan, you can no longer access any of the clan benefits.
After leaving a clan, my Power Score fell significantly.
- When you leave a clan, your Power Score can fall significantly as Clan Techniques no longer apply to your character.
I want to gift Gold to a clan member.
- Click [Clan]> [Warehouse]> [Distribute to Individuals] and select a clan member and the amount of Gold to give.
- But the Gold is given after a 30% fee is deducted.
I want to leave my clan.
- Click [Clan]> [Manage Clan] and tap the [Leave Clan] button.
How do I unlock the locked items in the Clan Shop?
- Items that can be registered in the Clan Shop can be unlocked by leveling up the [Trading Depot] technique.