ATLAS:Das ultimative Survival-MMO – plus Singleplayer – mit bis zu 40.000 gleichzeitigen Spielern im großen Stil. Begeben Sie sich in einer der größten Spielwelten aller Zeiten auf eine unendliche Reise voller Piraterie und Segeln, Erkundung und Kriegsführung, Rollenspiel-Fortschritt, Siedlungsaufbau und mehr!
Befehl | Beschreibung |
Cheats aktivieren | Meldet Sie als Administrator an |
setcheatplayer true/false | aktiviert/deaktiviert das Cheat-Menü |
showmyadminmanager | Zeigt den Admin-Manager Ihres Atlas-Servers |
Cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck | Setzt die Steam-ID der Person auf die Whitelist |
Cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck | Entfernt den Personen-Whitelist-Eintrag |
Cheat SetMessageOfTheDay | Legt eine Nachricht des Tages fest, die erscheint, wenn Leute dem Server beitreten |
Cheat Broadcast | Sendet eine Nachricht an alle auf dem Server und erzwingt das Öffnen ihres Chatfensters |
Gott betrügen | Aktiviert den Gottmodus, du kannst nicht sterben, außer du kannst noch ertrinken |
Schummelfliege | Erlaubt Ihnen zu fliegen |
Cheat-Walk | Deaktiviert das Fliegen und lässt dich wieder laufen |
Cheat-Teleportation | Teleportiert dich zu den Koordinaten 0 0 0 (X Y Z) |
Slomo 5 betrügen | Ändert die Geschwindigkeit auf dem Server, z. B. Spielerbewegung, verwenden Sie Slomo 1, um zur normalen Geschwindigkeit zurückzukehren |
nur Spieler betrügen | Friert absolut alles außer Spielern ein, das schließt sogar das Handwerk ein |
Geist betrügen | Schaltet noclip ein, du kannst durch Wände und Objekte gehen |
Forcetame betrügen | Zähmt das Biest sofort, du kannst es sogar ohne Sattel reiten |
Cheat addexperience 1000 0 0 | Gibt dir 1000xp, du kannst den Wert ändern und wenn du die zweite 0 in eine 1 änderst, werden die XP unter deinem Tribe geteilt |
Give-Ressourcen betrügen | Gibt dir 50 aller Ressourcen |
infinitestats betrügen | Gibt Ihnen unendlichen Hunger, Ausdauer und unendliche Munition |
Cheatlistenspieler | Zeigt eine Liste aller Spieler auf dem Server mit ihrer SteamID |
Cheat Kickplayer | Kickt die Person vom Server |
banplayer | Bannt den Benutzer vom Server |
entbanne Spieler | Entsperrt den Benutzer vom Server |
Cheat-Schadensziel | Fügt der Kreatur, auf die du zielst, Schaden zu *kaputt* |
Cheat Allenemies zerstören | Zerstört alle Feinde, sie respawnen schließlich (zerstört auch Schiffe) |
betrug mich | Fügt sich selbst x Schaden zu |
Togglegun | Schaltet die Sichtbarkeit Ihrer aktuell ausgerüsteten Waffe/Ihres aktuell ausgerüsteten Werkzeugs um |
Cheat settimeofday | Ändert die Tageszeit, zum Beispiel cheat settimeofday 12:00 |
Cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0 | Erlaubt dir, dich zu Koordinaten zu teleportieren |
saveworld betrügen | Speichert den aktuellen Weltzustand |
Schummeln beenden | Verlässt die aktuelle Welt, nach dem Speichern zum sicheren Herunterfahren verwenden |
cheat execsetleeping true/false | Versetzt deinen Charakter in den Schlaf/weckt ihn auf |
Cheat-Feindunsichtbar wahr/falsch | Bringt alle Kreaturen dazu, dich zu ignorieren, selbst wenn du sie angreifst |
zerstöre alle | zerstört alle Objekte/Kreaturen eines Klassennamens, siehe Kreaturen- oder Gegenstandsliste für spezifische Klassennamen, funktioniert auch mit Strukturen |
Schummelbeschwörung | Beschwört eine Kreatur an deinem Standort. Dieser Befehl kann auch verwendet werden, um Strukturen zu beschwören, Strukturen werden je nach Blickrichtung des Spielers gedreht |
cheat giveitemnum | Gibt dir einen Gegenstand, Beispiel admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gibt dir eine einfache Pistole und admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gibt dir eine Aszendent einfache Pistole |
Givetome betrügen | Macht jede Struktur/Kreatur, die Sie gerade betrachten, zu Ihrer eigenen |
Stat fps | Zeigt Ihre fps und Latenz, nutzbar für jedermann. Befehle müssen hierfür nicht aktiviert werden |
Liste aller Spawn-Befehle in Atlas.
- Struktur Cheat Box – Cheat GFI Cheatbox 1 0 0
- Farb-Cheat-Box – gfi colorbox 1 0 0 betrügen
- Goldmünze Cheat GFI-Münze 100 0 0
- Mythos betrügt GFI Mark 100 0 0
- Kohle (Basis) Cheat gfi Kohle_Basis 100 0 0
- Anthrazit (Kohle) cheat gfi anthrazit 100 0 0
- Graphit (Kohle) cheat gfi graphit 100 0 0
- Braunkohle (Kohle) Cheat gfi Braunkohle 100 0 0
- Nitre (Kohle) cheat gfi nitre 100 0 0
- Schwefel (Kohle) Cheat gfi Kohle_Schwefel 100 0 0
- Koralle (Kohle) Cheat GFI Koralle 100 0 0
- Brain Coral (Kohle) betrügt gfi brain 100 0 0
- Feuerkoralle (Kohle) cheat gfi coral_fire 100 0 0
- Kristall (Basis) Cheat gfi crystal_base 100 0 0
- Calcit (Kristall) Cheat gfi Calcit 100 0 0
- Herkimer (Kristall) cheat gfi herkimer 100 0 0
- Perle (Kristall) cheat gfi crystal_pearl 100 0 0
- Quarz (Kristall) betrügt gfi Quarz 100 0 0
- Tellurit (Kristall) Cheat GFI Tellurit 100 0 0
- Amethyst (Kristall) cheat gfi amethyst 100 0 0
- Fasern (Basis) betrügen gfi fibres_base 100 0 0
- Bambus (Fasern) Cheat gfi Bambus 100 0 0
- Baumwolle (Fasern) cheat gfi cotton 100 0 0
- Hanf (Fasern) cheat gfi Hanf 100 0 0
- Jute (Fasern) cheat gfi jute 100 0 0
- Algen (Fasern) cheat gfi seaweed 100 0 0
- Seide (Fasern) cheat gfi fibres_silk 100 0 0
- Stroh (Fasern) Cheat gfi Stroh 100 0 0
- Salve (Fasern) cheat gfi salve 100 0 0
- Flint (Base) cheat gfi flint_base 100 0 0
- Achat (Flint) cheat gfi agate 100 0 0
- Basalt (Flint) cheat gfi basalt 100 0 0
- Chalcedon (Flint) cheat gfi Chalcedon 100 0 0
- Chert (Flint) cheat gfi chert 100 0 0
- Obsidian (Flint) cheat gfi flint_obsidian 100 0 0
- Radiolarit (Flint) Cheat gfi Radiolarit 100 0 0
- Gem (Basis) Cheat gfi gem_base 100 0 0
- Diamant (Edelstein) cheat gfi diamond 100 0 0
- Smaragd (Edelstein) Cheat GFI Smaragd 100 0 0
- Granat (Edelstein) Cheat GFI Granat 100 0 0
- Opal (Edelstein) cheat gfi opal 100 0 0
- Rubin (Edelstein) Cheat GFI Rubin 100 0 0
- Sonnenstein (Gem) Cheat GFI Sonnenstein 100 0 0
- Hide (Base) cheat gfi hide_base 100 0 0
- Pelz (Hide) Cheat gfi hide_fur 100 0 0
- Haar (Hide) Cheat gfi hide_hair 100 0 0
- Leder (Hide) cheat gfi hide_leather 100 0 0
- Pelt (Hide) cheat gfi hide_pelt 100 0 0
- Skin (Hide)-Cheat gfi hide_skin 100 0 0
- Fleece (Hide) Cheat gfi hide_wool 100 0 0
- Keratanoid (Basis) cheat gfi keratanoid_base 100 0 0
- Knochen (Keratanoid) cheat gfi keratanoid_bone 100 0 0
- Panzer (Keratanoid) Cheat GFI Panzer 100 0 0
- Chitin (Keratanoid) cheat gfi keratanoid_chitin 100 0 0
- Rückstände (Keratanoid) betrügen gfi-Rückstände 100 0 0
- Scale (Keratanoid) Cheat GFI Scale 100 0 0
- Shell (Keratanoid) Cheat GFI Shell 100 0 0
- Metall (Basis) Cheat gfi metal_base 100 0 0
- Kobalt (Metall) Cheat gfi metal_cobalt 100 0 0
- Kupfer (Metall) cheat gfi metal_copper 100 0 0
- Iridium (Metall) cheat gfi metal_iridium 100 0 0
- Eisen (Metall) betrügt gfi metal_iron 100 0 0
- Silber (Metall) Cheat gfi metal_silver 100 0 0
- Tin (Metal) betrügt gfi metal_tin 100 0 0
- Öl (Basis) cheat gfi oil_base 100 0 0
- Blubber (Öl) cheat gfi blubber 100 0 0
- Rohöl (Öl) betrüge gfi Rohöl 100 0 0
- Fisch (Öl) cheat gfi oil_fish 100 0 0
- Mineral (Öl) cheat gfi mineral 100 0 0
- Naptha (Öl) cheat gfi naptha 100 0 0
- Schieferöl (OliveOil) cheat gfi oil_olive 100 0 0
- Salt (Base) Cheat GFI Konservierungsmittel 100 0 0
- FlakeSalt (Salz) cheat gfi flakesalt 100 0 0
- Jod (Salz) Cheat gfi Jod 100 0 0
- KalaNamak (Salz) cheat gfi kalanamak 100 0 0
- PinkSalt (Salt) cheat gfi pinksalt 100 0 0
- RockSalt (Salt) betrügt gfi rocksalt 100 0 0
- SeaSalt (Salz) cheat gfi seasalt 100 0 0
- Sap (Basis) Cheat gfi sap_base 100 0 0
- Honey (Sap) Cheat gfi sap_honey 100 0 0
- Gum (Sap) Cheat GFI Latex 100 0 0
- Nektar (Sap) Cheat gfi Nektar 100 0 0
- Resin (Sap) cheat gfi resin 100 0 0
- Sirup (Sap) Cheat GFI Sirup 100 0 0
- Zucker (Saft) betrügen GFI-Wachs 100 0 0
- Stein (Basis) Cheat gfi stone_base 100 0 0
- Coquina (Stein) cheat gfi coquina 100 0 0
- Granit (Stein) Cheat gfi Granit 100 0 0
- Kalkstein (Stone) cheat gfi limestone 100 0 0
- Marmor (Stein) Cheat GFI Marmor 100 0 0
- Sandstein (Stein) Cheat gfi Sandstein 100 0 0
- Schiefer (Stein) Cheat gfi stone_slate 100 0 0
- Thatch (Basis) Cheat gfi thatch_base 100 0 0
- Rinde (Stroh) cheat gfi bark 100 0 0
- Wedel (Stroh) Cheat GFI Wedel 100 0 0
- Reed (Stroh) cheat gfi reed 100 0 0
- Root (Thatch) betrügt gfi root 100 0 0
- Rush (Thatch) betrügt gfi thatch_rush 100 0 0
- Zweig (Stroh) Cheat GFI Zweig 100 0 0
- Holz (Basis) Cheat gfi wood_base 100 0 0
- Asche (Holz) cheat gfi ash 100 0 0
- Zeder (Holz) cheat gfi Zeder 100 0 0
- Tanne (Holz) cheat gfi wood_fir 100 0 0
- Eisenholz (Wood) cheat gfi ironwood 100 0 0
- Eiche (Holz) Cheat gfi Eiche 100 0 0
- Kiefer (Holz) cheat gfi pine 100 0 0
- Pappel (Holz) Cheat gfi Pappel 100 0 0
Veredelte Ressourcen
- Sprengpulver cheat gfi blasting 100 0 0
- Biopaste cheat gfi organicpaste 100 0 0
- Bio-Paste (Koralle) cheat gfi pulverisierte Koralle 100 0 0
- Feuergel cheat gfi firegel 100 0 0
- Schießpulver Cheat GFI Schießpulver 100 0 0
- Einkochsalz cheat gfi einkochsalz 100 0 0
- Legierungs-Cheat gfi ingot_base 100 0 0
- Kobaltbarren (Legierung) cheat gfi cobalt 100 0 0
- Kupferbarren (Legierung) Cheat gfi Kupfer 100 0 0
- Iridium Barren (Legierung) Cheat gfi Iridium 100 0 0
- Eisenbarren (Legierung) Cheat gfi Eisen 100 0 0
- Silberbarren (Legierung) Cheat gfi ingot_silver 100 0 0
- Zinnbarren (Legierung) betrügen gfi ingot_tin 100 0 0
- Ale-Cheat gfi consumable_ale 1 0 0
- Jac’s Beef Buns betrügt gfi beefbuns 1 0 0
- Beerentee cheat gfi berrytea 1 0 0
- Amys Bubble N'Squeak Cheat gfi consumable_bubblensqueak 1 0 0
- Coltons Selleriesuppe cheat gfi celerysoup 1 0 0
- Gekochter Fisch cheat gfi cookedfish 1 0 0
- Gekochtes Fleisch cheat gfi cookmeat 1 0 0
- Creme Brulee von Jat betrügt gfi cremebrulee 1 0 0
- Drake’s Dark Draft cheat gfi darkdraft 1 0 0
- Dragon’s Tongue Delight Cheat gfi dragonstongue 1 0 0
- Lucys Fish 'n Chips betrügen GFI Fishnchips 1 0 0
- Grog-Cheat gfi grog 1 0 0
- Hardtack Cheat GFI Hardtack 1 0 0
- Heißer Kakao-Cheat gfi hotchocolate 1 0 0
- Monarch's Cake cheat gfi monarchscake 1 0 0
- Pork Pie Cheat GFI Porkpie 1 0 0
- Debbys Pudding Cheat GFI Pudding 1 0 0
- Reaper's Regard betrügt gfi reapersregard 1 0 0
- Alex’s Rosemary Chicken cheat gfi rosemarychicken 1 0 0
- Navins Shrunken Head Stew cheat gfi shrunkenstew 1 0 0
- Song of the Sea cheat gfi songofthesea 1 0 0
- Roberts Spiced Rum cheat gfi spicedrum 1 0 0
- Isos Spicy Roll Cheat gfi spiceroll 1 0 0
- Steven's Stuffed &Baked Fish cheat gfi stuffedbakedfish 1 0 0
- Tara’s Nosti Treat Cheat gfi taranostitreat 1 0 0
- Delikatessen-Cheat gfi Delikatesse 1 0 0
- Undenkable Delikatesse cheat gfi undinkabledelicacy 1 0 0
- Huhn-Ei-Cheat-GFI-Huhn 1 0 0
- Befruchtetes Hühnerei cheat gfi chicken_fertilized 1 0 0
- Crow Egg Cheat GFI Krähe 1 0 0
- Befruchtetes Krähenei cheat gfi crow_fertilized 1 0 0
- Mockatoo (Papagei) Ei Cheat GFI Parrot 1 0 0
- Befruchtetes Mockatoo (Papagei) Ei cheat gfi parrot_fertilized 1 0 0
- Möwenei betrügen gfi Möwe 1 0 0
- Befruchtetes Möwenei cheat gfi seagull_fertilized 1 0 0
- Cooked Prime Animal Meat cheat gfi cookprimeanimal 1 0 0
- Cooked Prime Fish Meat Cheat GFI CookedPrimefish 1 0 0
- Gesalzener Fisch betrügt gfi gesalzener Fisch 1 0 0
- Gesalzenes Fleisch cheat gfi gesalzenes Fleisch 1 0 0
- Fisch Fleisch cheat gfi meat_fish 1 0 0
- Prime Fish Meat cheat gfi primefish 1 0 0
- Tierfleisch cheat gfi animal 1 0 0
- Prime Animal Meat-Cheat gfi primeanimal 1 0 0
- Regenwürmer betrügen GFI-Wurm 1 0 0
- Marrow Cheat gfi meat_marrow 1 0 0
- Beans betrügen GFI Beans 1 0 0
- Rüben-Cheat gfi Rüben 1 0 0
- Cactus Cheat GFI Cactus 1 0 0
- Kichererbsen betrügen gfi Kichererbsen 1 0 0
- Essbares Grün betrügt gfi ediblegreens 1 0 0
- Mais-Cheat gfi Mais 1 0 0
- Zwiebel cheat gfi onion 1 0 0
- Pfeffer-Cheat gfi Pfeffer 1 0 0
- Kartoffel Cheat GFI Kartoffel 1 0 0
- Reis-Cheat gfi Reis 1 0 0
- Rüben-Cheat gfi Rübe 1 0 0
- Weizen Cheat gfi Weizen 1 0 0
- Veggie Seed-Cheat gfi seed_base 1 0 0
- Bohnensamen-Cheat gfi beans_seed 1 0 0
- Rübensamen-Cheat gfi beet_seed 1 0 0
- Cactus Seed cheat gfi cactus_seed 1 0 0
- Karottensamen-Cheat gfi carrot_seed 1 0 0
- Kichererbsensamen betrügen gfi chickpeas_seed 1 0 0
- Chilisamen-Cheat gfi chilli_seed 1 0 0
- Essbarer Grünsamen-Cheat gfi ediblegreens_seed 1 0 0
- Maissamen-Cheat gfi maize_seed 1 0 0
- Zwiebelsamen-Cheat gfi onion_seed 1 0 0
- Pfeffersamen-Cheat gfi pepper_seed 1 0 0
- Kartoffelsamen-Cheat gfi Potato_seed 1 0 0
- Reissamen-Cheat gfi rice_seed 1 0 0
- Rübensamen-Cheat gfi turnip_seed 1 0 0
- Weizensamen betrügen gfi wheat_seed 1 0 0
- Wasserleitungssystem Cheat gfi pipe_water_stone 1 0 0
- Stone Water Reservoir Cheat gfi waterreservoir_stone 1 0 0
- Kleiner Cropplot-Cheat gfi cropplot_s 1 0 0
- Large Crop Plot cheat gfi cropplot_l 1 0 0
- Dünger-Cheat gfifertilizer_compost 1 0 0
Gegenstände (Waffe)
- Steinschloss-Cheat-GFI-Pistole 1 0 0
- Einfacher Bullet-Cheat gfi bullet 1 0 0
- Donnerbüchse Cheat gfi Donnerbüchse 1 0 0
- Simple Shot Cheat GFI Schrotflinte 1 0 0
- Carbine Cheat GFI Scharfschützengewehr 1 0 0
- Minni Ball betrügt gfi minni 1 0 0
Strukturen (Gebäude)
- Struktur Cheat Box – Cheat GFI Cheatbox 1 0 0
- Farb-Cheat-Box – gfi colorbox 1 0 0 betrügen
- Campfire Cheat GFI Lagerfeuer 1 0 0
- Bettbetrug gfi bed_simple 1 0 0
- Schmiede cheat gfi smithy 1 0 0
- Gerberei Cheat GFI Gerberei 1 0 0
- Loom cheat gfi loom 1 0 0
- Forge-Cheat gfi forge 1 0 0
- Mörser und Pestle betrügen GFI Pestle 1 0 0
- Wasserfass Cheat gfi Wasserfass 1 0 0
- Cooking Pot Cheat gfi Kochtopf 1 0 0
- Grill Cheat GFI Grill 1 0 0
- Bewahrungstasche Cheat gfi bag 1 0 0
- Futtertrog cheat gfi trough 1 0 0
- Wardrums betrügen gfi wardrums 1 0 0
Grundlagen des Bauens
- Strohmauer-Cheat gfi wall_thatch 1 0 0
- Strohdach-Cheat gfi roof_thatch 1 0 0
- Strohboden cheat gfi floor_thatch 1 0 0
- Strohtür-Cheat gfi door_small_thatch 1 0 0
- Strohdecke cheat gfi ceiling_thatch 1 0 0
- Wooden Chair Cheat GFI-Stuhl 1 0 0
- Holztisch cheat gfi woodtable 1 0 0
- Rope Ladder Cheat GFI-Seil 1 0 0
- Portable Strickleiter Cheat GFI Portable 1 0 0
Geheimnisse des Bauens
- Holzdach Cheat gfi roof_wood 1 0 0
- Holztür betrügen gfi door_small_wood 1 0 0
- Holzboden-Cheat gfi floor_wood 1 0 0
- Wooden Ladder betrügen GFI Ladder_static_wood 1 0 0
- Wood Pillar-Cheat gfi pillar_s_wood 1 0 0
- Holzdecke Cheat gfi ceiling_wood 1 0 0
- Wood Staircase cheat gfistair_wood 1 0 0
- Wood Wall cheat gfi wall_wood 1 0 0
- Kleines Holztor betrügen gfi gate_s_wood 1 0 0
- Small Wood Gateway betrügt gfi gateway_s_wood 1 0 0
- Large Wood Gate cheat gfi gate_l_wood 1 0 0
- Large Wood Gateway cheat gfi gateway_l_wood 1 0 0
- Wood Fence Support cheat gfi fence_support_wood 1 0 0
- Wall Hook Base cheat gfi wallhook 1 0 0
- Wood Gun Mount cheat gfi gunmount_wood 1 0 0
- Wood Cliff Platform cheat gfi cliff_wood 1 0 0
- Large Storage Box cheat gfi storage 1 0 0
- Lever cheat gfi lever 1 0 0
- Wooden Sign cheat gfi woodsign 1 0 0
- Wooden Billboard cheat gfi woodsign_l 1 0 0
- Wooden Wall Sign cheat gfi woodsign_wall 1 0 0
- Training Dummy cheat gfi dummy 1 0 0
- Wood Canvas cheat gfi canvas_wood 1 0 0
Esotery of Building
- Stone Floor cheat gfi floor_stone 1 0 0
- Stone Ceiling cheat gfi ceiling_stone 1 0 0
- Stone Wall cheat gfi wall_stone 1 0 0
- Stone Staircase cheat gfi staircase_stone 1 0 0
- Stone Pillar cheat gfi pillar_s_stone 1 0 0
- Stone Roof cheat gfi roof_stone 1 0 0
- Stone Door cheat gfi door_small_stone 1 0 0
- Small Stone Gateway cheat gfi gateway_s_stone 1 0 0
- Small Stone Gate cheat gfi gate_s_stone 1 0 0
- Large Stone Gateway cheat gfi gateway_l_stone 1 0 0
- Large Stone Gate cheat gfi gate_l_stone 1 0 0
- Lighthouse cheat gfi lighthouse 1 0 0
- Wood Elevator System cheat gfi elevator_primitive_wood 1 0 0
- Stone Fence Support cheat gfi fence_support_stone 1 0 0
- Stone Cliff Platform cheat gfi cliff_stone 1 0 0
- Taxation Bank cheat gfi taxation 1 0 0
Land Cannons
- Puckle cheat gfi PrimalItemStructure_Puckle 1 0 0
- Puckle Ammo cheat gfi puckle 1 0 0
- Mortar Ammo cheat gfi mortar 1 0 0
Couldnt find spawn command for the mortar cannon but u can find 100 mortar cannons + 100 Ammo in the cheatbox (cheat gfi cheatbox 1 0 0).
Structures (Ship)
Planks / Gunports
- Small Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_small 1 0 0
- Medium Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_medium 1 0 0
- Large Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_large 1 0 0
- Medium Gunport cheat gfi Ship_Gunport_Wood_medium 1 0 0
- Large Gunport cheat gfi Ship_Gunport_Wood_large 1 0 0
- Small Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_small 1 0 0
- Medium Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_medium 1 0 0
- Large Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_large 1 0 0
- Small Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_small 1 0 0
- Small Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_small_weight 1 0 0
- Small Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_small_accel 1 0 0
- Medium Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_medium 1 0 0
- Medium Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_medium_weight 1 0 0
- Medium Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_medium_accel 1 0 0
- Large Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_large 1 0 0
- Large Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_large_weight 1 0 0
- Large Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_large_accel 1 0 0
Attachments and Others
- Dinghy Ship Hangar cheat gfi shiphangar_dinghy 1 0 0
- Diving Attachment cheat gfi diving 1 0 0
- Steering Wheel cheat gfi PrimalItemStructure_Ship_DriversSeat 1 0 0
- Resource Box
- Ammo Box
- Lieutenant Command Podium
Couldnt find the last 3 but u can get them from the Structure Cheatbox (Cheat gfi cheatbox 1 0 0).
Cannons / Ammo
- Ship Cannon cheat gfi shipcannon 1 0 0
- Medium Cannon Ball cheat gfi cannon 1 0 0
- Explosive Barrel cheat gfi barrel 1 0 0
- Spike Shot cheat gfi spike 1 0 0
- Bar Shot cheat gfi bar 1 0 0
- Large Cannon cheat gfi cannon_l 1 0 0
- Large Cannon Ball cheat gfi cannonball_l 1 0 0
- Swivel Gun cheat gfi swivel 1 0 0
- Grape Shot cheat gfi grapeshot 1 0 0
- CanisterShot cheat gfi canister 1 0 0
- Liquid Flame cheat gfi fire 1 0 0
- cheat ssf dinghy
- cheat ssf raft
- cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Raft/Ship_BP_Raft.Ship_BP_Raft’” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHull_BP_Raft.ShipHull_BP_Raft’” 10 true true true
Ramshackle NPC Sloop with 2x Small Speed Sail
- cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Sloop/Ship_BP_Sloop_FromNPC.Ship_BP_Sloop_FromNPC’” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSloop_BP_FromNPC.ShipHullSloop_BP_FromNPC’” 10 true true true
Sloop with 2x Small Speed Sail
- cheat ssf sloop
- cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Sloop/Ship_BP_Sloop.Ship_BP_Sloop’” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSloop_BP.ShipHullSloop_BP’” 10 true true true
Schooner with 2x Medium Speed Sail
- cheat ssf schooner
- cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Schooner/Ship_BP_Schooner.Ship_BP_Schooner’” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSchooner_BP.ShipHullSchooner_BP’” 10 true true true
Brigantine with 3x Large Speed Sail
- cheat ssf brigantine
- cheat spawnbrig
Galleon with 6x Large Speed Sail
- cheat ssf galleon
- cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Galleon/Ship_BP_Galleon.Ship_BP_Galleon’” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullGalleon_BP.ShipHullGalleon_BP’” 10 true true true
Flying Airship (Don’t Spawn on Ground or It Will Crash Your Game)
- cheat ssf steampunk
- cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Steampunk/Aircraft_BP_Steampunk.Aircraft_BP_Steampunk’” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Steampunk/ShipHull_BP_Steampunk.ShipHull_BP_Steampunk’” 10 true true true
- cheat ssf tank
- cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Tank/Tank_BP.Tank_BP’” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Tank/ShipHull_BP_Tank.ShipHull_BP_Tank’” 10 true true true
- cheat ssf zephyr
- cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Airplane/Aircraft_BP_Zephyr.Aircraft_BP_Zephyr’” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Airplane/ShipHull_BP_Hoopoe.ShipHull_BP_Hoopoe’” 10 true true true
Wild Creatures (Random Level)
Some have a chance to spawn as Alpha!
- Ghost Ship (Can only see it at nighttime on daytime its invisible) cheat ssf ghostship
- Female NPC cheat summon HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C
- Male NPC cheat summon HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C
- Merchant Ship Ressource Vendor cheat summon CommoditySellerNPC_MerchantShip_BP_C
- Merchant Ship Cosmetics Vendor cheat summon CosmeticSellerNPC_MerchantShip_BP_C
Only Working in a Freeport
- Crew Recruiter cheat summon CrewRecruiterNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used)
- Cosmetics Vendor cheat summon CosmeticSellerNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used)
- Ferryman cheat summon FerrymanNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used)
- Ressource Trade Vendor cheat summon CommoditySellerNPC_Freeport_BP_C
- Anglerfish cheat summon Anglerfish_Character_BP_Child_C
- Bat cheat summon CaveBat_Character_BP_C
- Bear cheat summon Bear_Character_BP_C
- Cavebear cheat summon Bear_Character_BP_Cave_C
- Catfish cheat summon FreshwaterFish_Catfish_C
- Chicken cheat summon Chicken_Character_BP_Child_C
- Sea Bass cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Cod_C
- Cow cheat summon Cow_Character_BP_C
- Crocodile cheat summon Crocodile_Character_BP_C
- Crow cheat summon Crow_Character_BP_C
- Cyclops cheat summon Cyclops_Character_BP_C
- Dolphin cheat summon Dolphin_Character_BP_Child_C
- Dragon cheat summon Draco_Character_BP_C
- Eel cheat summon AtlasEel_Character_BP_C
- Elephant cheat summon Elephant_Character_BP_C
- Fire Elemental cheat summon FireElemental_Character_BP_C
- Freshwater Fish cheat summon FreshwaterFish_Character_BP_C
- Blue Whale (Gentle Whale) cheat summon GentleWhale_Character_BP_C
- Giant Ant cheat summon GiantAnt_Character_BP_C
- Giant Bee cheat summon GiantBee_Character_BP_C
- Giant Snake cheat summon GiantSnake_Character_BP_C
- Giraffe cheat summon Giraffe_Character_BP_C
- Gorgon (Medusa) cheat summon Gorgon_Character_BP_C
- Horse cheat summon Horse_Character_BP_C
- Hydra cheat summon Hydra_Character_BP_C
- Jellyfish cheat summon Jellyfish_Character_BP_C
- Kraken cheat summon Kraken_Character_BP_C (doesnt work)
- Leatherwing cheat summon Leatherwing_Character_BP_C
- Lion cheat summon Lion_Character_BP_C
- Manta Ray cheat summon MantaRay_Character_BP_C
- Marlin cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Marlin_C
- Sperm Whale (Mean Whale) cheat summon MeanWhale_Character_BP_C
- Mermaid cheat summon Mermaid_Character_BP_C
- Monkey cheat summon Monkey_Character_BP_C
- Ostrich cheat summon Ostrich_Character_BP_C
- Parrot cheat summon Parrot_Character_BP_C
- Penguin cheat summon Penguin_Character_BP_C
- Pig cheat summon Pig_Character_BP_C
- Rabbit cheat summon Rabbit_Character_BP_C
- Rattlesnake cheat summon Rattlesnake_Character_BP_C
- Razortooth cheat summon Razortooth_Character_BP_C
- Rhino cheat summon WildRhino_Character_BP_C
- Rock Elemental cheat summon RockElemental_Character_BP_C
- Saltwater Fish cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Character_BP_C
- Scorpion cheat summon GiantScorpion_Character_BP_C
- Seagull cheat summon Seagull_Character_BP_C
- Shark cheat summon Shark_Character_BP_C
- Sheep cheat summon AtlasSheep_Character_BP_C
- Shieldhorn cheat summon ShieldHorn_Character_BP_C
- Spider cheat summon Spider_Character_BP_C
- Squid cheat summon Squid_Character_BP_C
- Tiger cheat summon Tiger_Character_BP_C
- Tuna cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Tuna_C
- Turtle cheat summon GiantTurtle_Character_BP_C
- Vulture cheat summon AtlasVulture_Character_BP_C
- Wolf cheat summon Wolf_Character_BP_C
- Yeti cheat summon Yeti_Character_BP_Child_C
Tamed Creatures (Level 45)
For different level change 30 to any number you want. They get +50% level from gmsummon.
- Female NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C” 30
- Male NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C” 30
Only Working for “Tameable” Creatures Others Have to Be Tamed via “Cheat Forcetame” from Wild
- Bear cheat gmsummon “Bear_Character_BP_C” 30
- Chicken cheat gmsummon “Chicken_Character_BP_Child_C” 30
- Cow cheat gmsummon “Cow_Character_BP_C” 30
- Crow cheat gmsummon “Crow_Character_BP_C” 30
- Dragon cheat gmsummon “Draco_Character_BP_C” 30
- Elephant cheat gmsummon “Elephant_Character_BP_C” 30
- Giraffe cheat gmsummon “Giraffe_Character_BP_C” 30
- Horse cheat gmsummon “Horse_Character_BP_C” 30
- Lion cheat gmsummon “Lion_Character_BP_C” 30
- Monkey cheat gmsummon “Monkey_Character_BP_C” 30
- Ostrich cheat gmsummon “Ostrich_Character_BP_C” 30
- Parrot cheat gmsummon “Parrot_Character_BP_C” 30
- Penguin cheat gmsummon “Penguin_Character_BP_C” 30
- Pig cheat gmsummon “Pig_Character_BP_C” 30
- Rabbit cheat gmsummon “Rabbit_Character_BP_C” 30
- Razortooth cheat gmsummon “Razortooth_Character_BP_C” 30
- Rhino cheat gmsummon “WildRhino_Character_BP_C” 30
- Seagull cheat gmsummon “Seagull_Character_BP_C” 30
- Sheep cheat gmsummon “AtlasSheep_Character_BP_C” 30
- Shieldhorn cheat gmsummon “ShieldHorn_Character_BP_C” 30
- Tiger cheat gmsummon “Tiger_Character_BP_C” 30
- Vulture cheat gmsummon “AtlasVulture_Character_BP_C” 30
- Wolf cheat gmsummon “Wolf_Character_BP_C” 30
- Aberrant Helmet Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_Shoppable 1 0 0
- Test Bear Saddle Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_BearSkinTest 1 0 0
- Kraken Visage Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_KrakenHat 1 0 0
- Bandana Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_CrewBandanna 1 0 0
- Eye Patch Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_EyePatch 1 0 0
- Top Hat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_TopHat 1 0 0
- Officer’s Hat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerHat 1 0 0
- Officer’s Coat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerShirt 1 0 0
- Officer’s Gloves Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerGloves 1 0 0
- Officer’s Pants Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerPants 1 0 0
- Officer’s Boots Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerBoots 1 0 0
- Color Cheatbox Cheat gfi colorbox 1 0 0 (Has 100x every Color in the game + 100x Paintbrush and 100x Spray Painter)
- Spray Painter cheat gfi spray 1 0 0
- Paintbrush cheat gfi brush 1 0 0
- Magenta Coloring cheat gfi actually 1 0 0
- ALizarin Red Coloring cheat gfi alizarin 1 0 0
- Aubergine Brown Coloring cheat gfi aubergine 1 0 0
- Black Coloring cheat gfi black 1 0 0
- cheat Blackberry Coloring cheat gfi blackberry 1 0 0
- Blackcurrant Coloring cheat gfi blackcurrant 1 0 0
- Blue Coloring cheat gfi blue 1 0 0
- Blue Whale Coloring cheat gfi bluewhale 1 0 0
- Brick Coloring cheat gfi brick 1 0 0
- Bright Red Coloring cheat gfi brightred 1 0 0
- Brown Coloring cheat gfi brown 1 0 0
- Cantaloupe Coloring cheat gfi cantaloupe 1 0 0
- Cerulean Coloring cheat gfi cerulean 1 0 0
- Chateau Green Coloring cheat gfi chateaugreen 1 0 0
- Conifer Green Coloring cheat gfi confiergreen 1 0 0
- Cyan Coloring cheat gfi cyan 1 0 0
- Dark Pink Coloring cheat gfi darkpink 1 0 0
- Forest Coloring cheat gfi forest 1 0 0
- Gold Coloring cheat gfi gold 1 0 0
- Green Coloring cheat gfi green 1 0 0
- Indigo Coloring cheat gfi indigo 1 0 0
- Light Sea Green Coloring cheat gfi lightseagreen 1 0 0
- Madang Green Coloring cheat gfi madanggreen 1 0 0
- Purple Coloring cheat gfi magenta 1 0 0
- Mango Coloring cheat gfi mango 1 0 0
- Mineral Gray Coloring cheat gfi mineralgray 1 0 0
- Mud Coloring cheat gfi mud 1 0 0
- Napa Brown Coloring cheat gfi napabrown 1 0 0
- Navy Coloring cheat gfi navy 1 0 0
- Olive Coloring cheat gfi olive 1 0 0
- Orange Coloring cheat gfi orange 1 0 0
- Orange Peel Coloring cheat gfi orangepeel 1 0 0
- Orient Blue Coloring cheat gfi orientblue 1 0 0
- Paco Brown Coloring cheat gfi pacobrown 1 0 0
- Parchment Coloring cheat gfi parchment 1 0 0
- Pink Coloring cheat gfi pink 1 0 0
- Pohutakawa Red Coloring cheat gfi pohutukawared 1 0 0
- Purple Coloring cheat gfi purple 1 0 0
- Red Coloring cheat gfi red 1 0 0
- Royalty Coloring cheat gfi royalty 1 0 0
- Selective Yellow Coloring cheat gfi selectiveyellow 1 0 0
- Shalimar Yellow Coloring cheat gfi shalimar 1 0 0
- Silver Coloring cheat gfi silver 1 0 0
- Sky Coloring cheat gfi sky 1 0 0
- Slate Coloring cheat gfi slate 1 0 0
- Snow White Coloring cheat gfi snowwhite 1 0 0
- Swamp Purple Coloring cheat gfi swampypurple 1 0 0
- Tan Coloring cheat gfi tan 1 0 0
- Tangerine Coloring cheat gfi tangerine 1 0 0
- Watercourse Green Coloring cheat gfi watercoursegreen 1 0 0
- White Coloring cheat gfi white 1 0 0
- Yellow Coloring cheat gfi yellow 1 0 0