Dieser Leitfaden behandelt nicht wirklich alles, was es in ROTR gibt, meistens nur die Dinge, die ich sehr nützlich finde, hauptsächlich Quests und wie man sie abschließt, aber so oder so, hoffentlich finden Sie es nützlich!
Was sind Rotwiener?
Was sind Rotwiener, sagst du?
Nun, Rotwiener sind der häufigste Feind, dem Sie in ROTR begegnen werden. Sie sind untote Sosigs, die mit „Fleischkernen“ durchdrungen sind, die beim Tod aus ihren Körpern fallen können. Sie tragen verrostete Nahkampfwaffen und haben normalerweise eine blasse, gelblich-grüne Farbe. Im Gegensatz zu normalen Sosigs bluten sie nicht so leicht und laufen mit nach hinten geneigtem Kopf, was Kopfschüsse erschwert, wenn sie auf Sie zukommen. Sie in die unteren Körperteile zu schießen, ist jedoch eine zuverlässige Methode, um sie zu verlangsamen oder zu betäuben. Sie können nicht sehr gut sehen, was bedeutet, dass Sie normalerweise mit klassischer Tarnung an ihnen vorbeilaufen können, obwohl ihr Gehör extrem gut ist. Wenn Sie also zu laut sind, bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, vor einer potenziellen Horde davonzulaufen. Die häufigsten Rotwiener sind ziemlich leicht zu töten, da sie meistens ungepanzert sind und praktisch allem gegenüber schwach sind, was man ihnen entgegenwerfen kann. Es gibt jedoch einige Varianten, die Ihnen Probleme bereiten können:
- Floater: Hellblaue Rotwiener, die etwas wie Fischer gekleidet sind. Sie tragen rostige Paddel und Speere, die sie auf dich werfen, bevor sie die Lücke schließen, um anzugreifen. Genau wie gewöhnliche Rotwiener sind sie jedoch ziemlich matschig und leicht zu töten, entweder mit einem guten Schwertschwung oder mit ein paar guten Schüssen. Lässt Schimmelkerne beim Tod fallen.
- Hamfisters und Beefkickers: Schnelle Rotwiener in roter bzw. grüner Fußballausrüstung. Sie tragen normalerweise verrostete Beile und ihre Rüstung kann Nahkampfangriffe stoppen, und gelegentlich können ihre Helme ein oder zwei Kugeln aufhalten. Ihre Beine sind jedoch offen für Angriffe und unter ihrer Rüstung sind sie immer noch größtenteils matschig. Sie können beim Tod Zippy Cores fallen lassen.
- Stich: Ein Sosig/Rotwiener, der stark einem Kaktus ähnelt, mit grüner Haut und mit Stacheln bedeckt. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Rotwieners versuchen sie ständig, Abstand zu halten, indem sie mit ihrer speziellen „Prick Gun“ Kaktusstacheln auf Sie feuern. Sie sind auch resistent gegen Schusswaffen, aber Feuer und Nahkampf sind ihre Schwächen, was bedeutet, dass es ein Kinderspiel sein wird, sie zu zerhacken, wenn Sie die Lücke mit einer ziemlich starken Nahkampfwaffe schließen können. Sie lassen beim Tod Stachelkerne fallen.
- Bohrer: Wahrscheinlich einer der gefährlichsten Rotwiener im frühen Spiel, sind sie schwer gepanzert mit Tier-3-Rüstung und Bergbauhelmen mit Gesichtsmasken aus Metall. Sie sind praktisch immun gegen Feuer- und Explosionsschaden, obwohl eine Schwachstelle in Form ihres Halses vorliegt, wo Sie sie erschießen oder hacken können, um sie auszuschalten. Sie sind mit rostigen Spitzhacken und rostigen Presslufthämmern bewaffnet und lassen beim Tod leckere Kerne fallen.
- Zitronenkopf: Ein sehr gefährlicher Rotwiener mit einem leuchtend gelben Bewuchs auf dem Kopf. Sie machen schreiende Geräusche und explodieren, wenn sie sich dem Spieler nähern, was schweren Schaden anrichten und Sie in Brand setzen kann. Wenn du Abstand halten kannst, kannst du sie aus der Ferne mit Schüssen in die Luft jagen, und sie lassen beim Tod Leckere Kerne fallen.
- Spurter: Rotwiener mit Bierhut und weißem Tanktop. Sie sind ein gefährlicher Feind, dem man im Wienerton-Ruinengebiet begegnet, in dem ihr Erbrechen-Angriff leicht die Gesundheit des Spielers beeinträchtigen kann, insbesondere aus nächster Nähe. Kopfschüsse wirken möglicherweise nicht gegen sie, aber halten Sie Abstand und schicken Sie sie mit einigen gut platzierten Schüssen in die Hölle. Drop Juicy Cores on death.
- Boner: Boner stellen eine einzigartige Herausforderung dar. Sie sind im gesamten Spiel nur an einem Ort anzutreffen, nämlich in den Katakomben unter der Kirche Unserer Lieben Frau von Wienerton. Ihre Rüstung macht sie widerstandsfähig gegen alle Angriffe außer stumpfem Schaden, was bedeutet, dass Sie sich in Nahkampfreichweite begeben müssen, um gegen die untoten Gladiatoren zu kämpfen. Beim Tod lassen sie Leckere Kerne fallen.
- Pilz: Pilze sind violett leuchtende Pilze, die aus der Ferne leicht zu erkennen sind. Sie sind sehr gefährlich, besonders wenn Sie nicht die richtigen Werkzeuge haben, um sie zu bekämpfen. Genau wie Pricks halten sie Abstand und feuern Projektile auf Sie ab, obwohl sie anstelle von Stacheln explosive Pilzbrocken abfeuern. Pilze sind gegen die meisten Arten von Schaden resistent oder völlig immun, abgesehen von den leuchtenden Pusteln auf ihrem Körper, die sie leicht töten können, wenn sie getroffen werden. Sie lassen beim Tod schwere Kerne fallen.
- Schwein: Schweine sind Rotwiener, die Gasmasken und Tier-1-Rüstung tragen. Sie tragen rostige Schlagstöcke und Schilde, was es schwierig machen kann, sie frontal zu töten. Unter ihren Schilden sind sie jedoch matschig, was bedeutet, dass sie nur so gefährlich sind wie gewöhnliche Rotwiener, wenn Sie die Schilde umgehen oder sie direkt brechen können. Beim Tod lassen sie Leckere Kerne fallen.
- Die Hung: Die Hung sind Feinde, die man überall in Old Wienerton findet und die ein rostiges Beil oder eine Fackel oder beides tragen. Sie sind an der schwarzen Stofftasche zu erkennen, die auf dem Kopf getragen wird, zusammen mit den Schlingen um den Hals. Sie sind einige der gefährlichsten gemeinsamen Feinde, da sie sehr robust sind, absolut immun gegen Kopfschüsse sind und eine relativ hohe Gesundheit haben. Sie sind jedoch immer noch schwach für Beinschüsse, also sollten Sie sie besser verkrüppeln. Beim Tod lassen sie Leckere Kerne fallen.
- Alter Smokey: Ol’ Smokey ist ein schwarzer, brennender Feind, der neben The Hung in Old Wienerton zu finden ist. Sie sind resistent gegen Nahkampf und Projektile und immun gegen Feuerangriffe. Sprengstoff ist jedoch ihr Fluch, daher ist etwas mit explosiven Eigenschaften wie SWAG-12-Schrotflintenpatronen äußerst effektiv gegen sie. Sie greifen an, indem sie die Distanz verringern, bevor sie den Spieler mit ihrer Flammenwerfer-Waffe rösten. Sie lassen Burny Cores beim Tod fallen.
- Der rote Holzfäller: Der Rote Holzfäller ist ein Boss Rotwiener, der auf den Straßen angetroffen werden kann, die nach Wienerton führen. Sein Aussehen ist das eines Holzfällers, der roten Flanell, blaue Hosen (?) und eine rote Mütze trägt. Seine erkennbarsten Eigenschaften sind, dass er eine gegrillte Textur hat und orange leuchtet. Ein großes Beil (oder eine große Axt) schwingen Der rote Holzfäller ist aufgrund seiner hohen Gesundheit und seiner Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen praktisch alles, was auf ihn geworfen werden kann, ein extrem schwer zu beseitigender Feind. Während Sie ihn töten können, kann er respawnen. Wenn Sie ihm auf der Straße zum Büro des Abgeordneten begegnen, das eine Reihe von Bärenfallen hat, können Sie ihn in die Fallen locken, um ihn zu töten, da sie alles mit einem Schuss treffen. Wenn Sie einige Elektrowerkzeuge in die Hände bekommen, können Sie ihn auch betäuben und dann in seinen Kopf schneiden, bis er stirbt. Ansonsten kann man normalerweise einfach weglaufen, da er nicht schneller ist als ein normaler Rotwiener. Eine Taktik, die ich einmal angewandt habe, bestand darin, ihn in eine der PAC-Basen zu locken und ihn dann von den PAC Squad-Soldaten bekämpfen zu lassen. Der Rote Holzfäller lässt beim Tod einen Leckeren Kern fallen.
Was ist mit gewöhnlichen Sosigs?
Die meisten gewöhnlichen/nicht infizierten Sosigs sind freundliche NPCs, die dir Quests zum Abschließen geben können und dich mit verschiedenen Dingen belohnen, am häufigsten mit Waffen. Einige Sosigs sind jedoch auch Feinde:
- Schleicher: Skulkers sind bewaffnete Sosigs, die Camouflage, schwarze Kapuzen und NVDs tragen. Wie andere Sosig-Gegner werden sie bei Sichtkontakt schießen. Zum Glück für Sie, den Spieler, sind sie normalerweise an Orten zu finden, an denen es Rotwiener gibt, also können Sie sie einfach einander töten lassen. Man trifft sie hauptsächlich in Wienerton und Lakeside an.
- Prospektoren: Prospektoren sind Sosigs, die Wüstentarnung, Schutzbrillen, Masken und Bandanas tragen. Meiner Erfahrung nach sind sie hauptsächlich in Old Wienerton zu finden und kämpfen genau wie die Skulkers mit Rotwieners. Tatsächlich würde ich sagen, dass sie eine geringere Bedrohung darstellen als The Hung und Ol’ Smokeys, da sie nur Sosigs mit Rüstung und Waffen sind.
- Kultist: Kultisten findet man nur in den Katakomben Unserer Lieben Frau von Wienerton. Sie sind normalerweise mit rostigen mittelalterlichen Waffen bewaffnet, tragen schwarze Roben und Gesichtsmasken. I’ve never fought them, but I imagine you can just pump some lead into them to grind them up.
- Pacification Squads: Out of all the Sosig enemies, Pacification Squads(or PAC for short) are the most dangerous. They’re black Sosigs covered with grey tactical armor, and they wield some of the best guns that you can find from Sosigs, those guns being MP5Ds, Glocks, M16s, and Scouts(the rifle). Their weapons are all suppressed and have laser sights, which might actually be a benefit to the player because you’ll most likely see the red lasers before you see or hear the soldiers themselves. PAC Squads are mostly found nearby their own bases, which are found near or at the various paths leading into or out of Wienerton. I’ll add some more on PAC Squad Bases later. While the Pacification Soldiers wear armor, their faces are still unshielded, so a well-placed shot to the face is enough to stop them. Their feet are covered up, by the way, so don’t bother.
What About Weaponry? Where Can I Get That?
You can find a good chunk of weaponry just by exploring the map. Sometimes you can find lockers and orange chests that contain various kinds of weapons. Some are good, some are bad. The weapon you get at the very start is a pistol chambered in .22, which is incredibly weak. Fortunately, it’s not too hard to get better ones right from the Honey Hamlet(the starting area), and I’ll go over some quests in a separate section later.
As mentioned before, weapons can be found all over the place. For example, the largely destroyed cabin near Lakeside has a chance of spawning with a weapon chest that may contain a fairly decent pistol, like an M1911. Lockers can also give you long arms(weapons that typically require two hands to effectively operate). Most lockers actually don’t have weaponry that good, but with some luck in the early ones you find, you might get something like an Uzi. Lockers in harder places of the map, such as Wienerton and Old Wienerton carry much more potent weaponry, like shotguns, semi-automatic rifles, etc.
The only place in the game where modern weaponry naturally spawns is the PAC Squad Bases, of which there are about 3, all of which are located on the paths/roads out of Wienerton. They’re all the same in nature, with various turrets to shoot at you, along with patrols of PAC soldiers, however, once you get to the very heart of the fort, you can find a deprecated building with many lockers within. These lockers contain modern weaponry, which can be incredibly helpful depending on your luck.
You can also buy weapons from the Guntopia gun store in Wienerton, from the NPC named Ralph Wienerton. He has a bunch of modern weapons he can sell you, and his quest gives you more for virtually nothing. Except for your hard effort. Anyways…you buy weapons with Meat Cores at the shops in Wienerton. It can be a bit expensive, but it’ll be worth it in the long run if you can grab a powerful gun early on, like a full-powered rifle(full-powered meaning it fires rifle caliber rounds, typically of the 7.62mm variety). So yeah, just look around for weapons, and you should get some!
There are Quests?
In ROTR, there are a number of NPCs that can give you quests, most of which require you to fetch something or to go put something in a certain place. There’s just a lot to complete in general. I’ll list off quest giving NPCs and what their quests are.
The Honey Hamlet:
Dr. Roarnart Wiener:A doctor in the Honey Hamlet, who tasks you with getting batteries to his teleportation system. This is the main quest and is required to complete the game. To make batteries, you need Meat Cores, which are dropped from Rotwieners upon their death(sometimes). Put them into the battery-making machine until all the bars are full, then press the “Science!” button to make a battery. The first teleporter is just outside the Honey Hamlet, which is the Fork in the Road Gas Station. It takes one battery. The second teleporter is at Bootlegger’s Lookout, which is a cliff area hidden away at Lakeside. This will require two batteries. Then, the Old Mine tucked away in the Southeast corner, you’ll need three batteries. Second to last, the Wienerton Ruins, this teleporter can be found near the Western Wall of the downtown area, in some ruins and behind a sign. This teleporter requires four batteries, so you better not die along the way, or else you’ll lose the batteries and your inventory and all those cores would go to waste. Finally, the last teleporter is located in Old Wienerton. It’s located West of the PAC base in the area and North of the radio tower, and this final teleporter takes five batteries. Once that’s done, talk to Roarnart, and he’ll explain that the PAC Squads have put up jammers at the bridge leading out of Wienerton, so you’ll have to go in and do some work. From there, completing the rest of the game should be fairly straight towards.
Sarah Wiener:One of the first Sosig NPCs you encounter(besides Roarnart and Tutorial Wiener), her quest is extremely easy. Go into her backyard, grab the sausage garden gnome from behind some crates, put it into the little bed, and she’ll give you garden tools to use as weapons. They’re not very good melee weapons, but they’re definitely better than nothing at all.
Dustin Wiener:Dustin is a scientist who wants to document the various herbs found in Wienerton. To do that, you’ll have to grab one of each and put them on a pedestal in his house/lab. In return, he’ll give you notes on what they do and how they can be used to make Power Up Sausages. The Ketchup Leaf, which is the most common kind of herb, is easily found in the Honey Hamlet itself. Mustard Willows are found at Lakeside and in Old Wienerton. Prickly Pickles is located in the Wienerton ruins. The Giant Blue Raspberry is found in the cemetery and outside the Southern PAC Base. And finally, the Deadly Eggplant, which is found in the Old Mines and near PAC bases.
Bobert Wiener:Bobert is one of my favorite quest NPCs as the rewards he gives you are immediate and very useful. To help him, you need to reset his Bear Traps, which are found in various areas throughout the areas of the game. The first set is just outside the Honey Hamlet, the second is near the Spork in the Road Gas Station. The third and fourth are found near the Silo Bar and next to the Deputy’s Station just outside the North Wienerton area. For every trap you reset, he’ll reward you with a bolt action rifle, all of which are pretty useful.
Sam Wiener:Sam is a conspiracy theorist and a hardcore survivalist, who lives in “Sammerica.” He’s stocked himself up for the apocalypse, which is great because he has an ammo refill machine at his place, but unfortunately, he doesn’t have enough Survivor’s Chow. To do his quest, get the Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry varieties for him, one of each. Vanilla can be found at the Gas Station, Chocolate can be found next to Harry Wiener at Lakeside, and Strawberry consistently spawns in the basement of the Church. For everyone that you give him, you unlock a specialty ammo machine, which can give you more specialized and powerful rounds like Hollow Point and SWAG-12.
Lori Wiener:Lori is an arsonist/fire enthusiast who lives in the Spork in the Road Gas Station. She’ll task you with taking gasoline cans to her fire traps, one of which is right outside the station. The other three are at the Western, Northern, and Eastern entrances to the Wienterton Survivor’s haven. For your troubles, she’ll give you a Flare Gun HP(High Powered, meaning it can fire the more powerful shotgun shells without exploding), Dragon’s Breath Shells, a Contender 45-70, Molotovs, and Bang Snaps(which are used to make Bangers).
Deputy Terrance Wiener:Deputy Terrance is the Deputy of the Honey Hamlet, and his quest is probably one of the longer ones in the game. It requires you to complete all of the above side quests in the Honey Hamlet(not Roarnart’s quest, that’s the main quest), and in return, he’ll give you a large caliber revolver, which can be very handy with the right ammo types.
The Crossroads:
Davee Wiener:Davee is a bartender, who lives in a place called the Silo Bar. He’ll quest you with destroying the four Rotwiener Nests found throughout the game, and for each one, he’ll give you a shotgun. The Nests are tricky to kill, especially if you don’t have strong enough equipment. To kill one, you need to destroy these large, glowing nodes, which have various resistances and immunities. Once all of them are destroyed, the Nest will open up, you destroy some more nodes, and you’re done! The 1st nest is just South of the Bar, the 2nd is at Lakeside, near Bootlegger’s Cliff, the 3rd is in the Western part of Wienerton, and the 4th and last is in the Northern portions of the place. He’ll reward you with a TOZ-106, a KS-23, a KWG-1, and finally, an AA-12, along with specialty ammo dispensers.
Harry Wiener:Harry is an extreme fishing enthusiast who lives at Lakeside, in a fenced-in area near the docks. Bring one of each pie from Myra Wiener’s place, and for each one he’ll reward you with a grenade, starting with an XM84 Stun Grenade, a No.69 Impact Grenade, a Stielhandgranate, a Mk.2 Hand Grenade, and an M18 Smoke Grenade. Needless to say, they’re very powerful and quite useful to have in case there’s a large group of Rotwieners that need clearing out.
Alistair Wiener:One of my favorite quest NPCs sheerly out of how easy the quest is, and what he gives you in return. Alistair is a cultist, a member of the Illemonati that worships Jerry the Lemon, who can be found in the cemetery. He’ll task you with retrieving a golden bone found in the basement of the Church, which is fairly easy to do if you’ve cleared it out already. Go down there, then, travel all the way until you find the ladders. Go all the way down, and in the very first chamber of the catacombs, you should be able to find a golden bone. Take it with you back to the cemetery, give him the bone, and in return, he’ll give you various Medieval weapons, typically of the bladed type. They’re very powerful, especially the larger swords as they can kill most Rotwieners in a few good swings.
George Wiener:George is the foreman of the Old Mines and the only person there who hasn’t become a Rotwiener yet. He’ll tell you about the Lemonhead zombies and how they’re coming out of the mine shafts, so he wants you to destroy them with explosives so Rotwieners don’t become kamikaze. To do this, you’ll need dynamite(although I’m pretty sure most explosives will do the job just fine), which can be easily found in the cardboard boxes littered around the mines. Alternatively, you could try killing the explosive Lemonheads while they’re in front of the entrance, at least according to the H3VR wiki. A potential strategy for this entire job is to go onto the roofs of the mineshaft entrances and drop lit dynamite into the holes in the roof. That way you can avoid the Lemonheads entirely. As a reward, George gives you the Four Letter Word, a quad barreled break action shotgun, which, by hitting a switch on the left side, can allow you to fire off all four shells. It’s quite powerful for something you can get in the early to mid-game, and can be easily used up until you complete Davee’s nest quests.
Lukas Wiener:Lukas is a transfer student(presumably from Germany based on his hat and accent)who lives in a small, fenced-in house behind the first Rotwiener Nest found down the road of the Silo Bar. He tells you that he’s set up various traps throughout the map, and he needs them to be fueled up. As a reward, he’ll give you power tools. The first trap is at Lakeside, in front of the large, decrepit cabin. I believe it’s in a sub-area called the Lumbermill. There, you’ll find a number of spinning blades, which, once fueled and turned on, will slice up everything in their reach, including you! So be careful around them, I learned that the hard way. For this, you get a drill. Not great, but it’s a start. The remaining two traps are at the roads leading out of Wienerton proper, them being a trap consisting of falling logs and a bunch of Tesla coils that will shock nearby enemies. For those two, you get a Chainsaw and Circular Saw, both of which are some of the most powerful weapons you can get in ROTR. The two saws are also quite handy for killing The Red Lumberjack since they do a ton of continuous damage.
Father Giacomo Wiener:Father Giacomo is the Father of the Church, Our Lady of Wienerton. He’ll ask you to clear out the Rotwieners found in the basement, which is fairly easy with the right weapons. Once that’s done, he’ll give you free, unlimited access to the “Holy Water Fountain” which is either a Water Fountain that’s Holy or a fountain of Holy Water. Either way, it’s very useful, because if you dip your head into it, you’ll be restored to full health instantly, making Our Lady of Wienerton a great place to stop by when health is getting a bit low.
Deputy Wyatt Wiener:Wyatt is a Deputy of Wienerton, and he’ll have a long list of quests next to him, those quests being the ones I listed above. For completing them, he’ll give you a Ballistic Shield, which, even though most enemies don’t wield guns, could be very useful. There are also a bunch of Bear Traps outside his outpost, which are required to complete Bobert’s quest.
Ralph Wiener:Ralph is the owner of the Guntopia gun store, which is located in the survivor’s haven of Wienerton. He’ll ask you to get him one of each PAC Squad gun, those being the PAC Pistol, PAC SMG, PAC M16, and the PAC Scout. For every gun you give him, he’ll reward you with a gun of his own, along with Specialty Bullet dispensers. The weapons he gives you are a Desert Eagle chambered in .44 Magnum, a FiveSeven pistol, an AWM, a Tactical Melee weapon, and Hand Crank Frank, which is a portable version of the large Gatling gun emplacement found in some scenes such as Wurstworld. You can also buy a variety of modern weaponry from Ralph, such as a Full-Powered-Rifle for Meat Cores.
Josh Wiener:Josh is another store owner in Wienerton, and he’ll ask you to get him three golden figurines from the PAC Squad bases, of which there are three. For each one, he gives you a different weapon. The first is a Volcanic lever-action pistol, a Whizzbanger, and a Soseji-Kun Dakimakura. These weapons aren’t useful at all, but eh, 100% completion is 100% completion. Besides that, you can buy vintage firearms from Josh.
Mary Wiener:Mary is the owner of the General Store of Wienerton, where she sells various gun attachments. She’ll ask you to take five different batteries and put them in their respective radio towers, which are scattered across the map. Before you set out, make sure you take the backpack you can find in her shop, as it’s extremely useful for carrying the batteries and other whatnot. Also, make sure that the battery you bring to each tower is the correct one, otherwise, you’ll have wasted your time. The first is near the Wienerton Ruins, near the teleporter, two are located at opposite ends at Lakeside, one is near the defunct Post Office in North Wienerton, and the last one is located in Old Wienerton. The towers are fairly easy to see from afar due to their large size and glowing red lights, and they all have weapon lockers at the top, which might yield powerful weaponry. They’re also good safe zones in case you need a break from all the Rotwiener slaying, because only you, the player, can scale them.
Sheriff Bud Wiener:Bud is the Sheriff of Wienerton, and when you talk to him, he’ll ask you to complete the quests of the inhabitants of Wienerton, or else he might start asking the serious questions of what you plan on doing with your miniature armory of potentially illegal firearms. If you complete all the quests listed for Wienerton above, he’ll give you a WW2 era LMG, which can be an M1918 BAR, a Bren gun, a DP28, or the almighty MG-42. They’re all very powerful since they all do a good job of dispensing full-powered rifle caliber bullets.
The Secret Quest(s)
There are two secret quests in ROTR, but I’m only going to talk about one because I’m nowhere near doing the other one. Also, the first one is, in my opinion, the most useful one, the other one isn’t as useful in my opinion. The first quest involves The Red Lumberjack. To do this quest, you need three items that are found throughout the map. The first item you can find is a picture found in the basement of the Church. The picture you should be looking for is one of a Sosig dressed like The Red Lumberjack mascot, which is an in-world brand of Vienna Sausages. Take this picture with you.
The next is a receipt found in a Red Lumberjack store in Wienerton, which is easily found due to the numerous coolers inside. On the ground floor, you should find a receipt on top of a shelf. Finally, go to the Post Office and find a letter. Put all three of these items inside the mailbox outside, and wait for it to ding. Once it does, the three items should be replaced by a large box with Red Lumberjack logos printed on the front. Go back to the Wienerton Survivor Haven and locate the memorial, and place the box there. The ghost of The Red Lumberjack should appear, thanking you, before ascending to the afterlife. After that, you’ll no longer encounter The Red Lumberjack.
Allgemeine Tipps
Depending on what game mode you’re playing, having the right type of ammo is extremely important. While the effectiveness of bullets themselves don’t really change, I’m more referring to whether or not you can spawnlock magazines and whatnot. If you can, then it saves up a lot of room in your inventory. If you’re playing on limited ammo, you’ll have to be more conservative with how you carry around ammo.
You can get specialty ammo types from various NPCs in the game, whom I’ve mentioned above in the quests section. Full Metal Jacket(FMJ) is typically the standard round you get with most guns. It’s an all around bullet with no real drawbacks nor particular strengths. For Rotwiener killing purposes, Hollow Point and other anti-personal rounds are the best, as normal Armor Piercing bullets will overpenetrate and not deal a lot of damage. Those kinds of bullets are best reserved against PAC Squads and other heavily armored targets.
Make sure to explore each area you go into. There are cardboard boxes scattered all over the place, and they typically contain useful items, like weapon attachments, magazines for weapons you currently carry, and crafting materials. There’s also lockers and herbs/plants. The plants are required for Dustin’s quest, and are also needed for crafting power up sausages. Lockers, meanwhile, contain items of various quality. Ones found early game typically carry not so great melee weapons, and the occasional gun, but ones later on carry much better weapons. For example, the lockers found on Radio Towers in later areas like Wienerton ruins and Old Wienerton may yield things like shotguns and carbines. I once found an SVT-40 in Old Wienerton that way, so explore!