
Dies ist ein Leitfaden, der neuen Spielern helfen wird, indem er ihnen die Vor- und Nachteile jeder Kugel mitteilt und wann/ob sie sie für die beste Gewinnchance auswählen sollten.
Definitiver Leitfaden für alle Orbs
Stein ist der grundlegendste Kugeltyp im Spiel. Jeder Lauf beginnt mit 3 dieser bösen Jungs, 4 in Cruciaball, und Sie können mehr in der Orb-Auswahl oder durch Events bekommen. Sie können auch speziell bei bestimmten Veranstaltungen angeboten werden, also kann es gut sein, sie bei sich zu behalten.
Ihre Statistiken sind:
- 2/4> 3/6> 4/8
Keine besonderen Fähigkeiten. Im Allgemeinen möchten Sie die meisten von Ihrem Deck entfernen, es sei denn, Sie führen Orbelisk aus. Überraschenderweise nicht die schlechteste Kugel, die man bei sich haben kann.
- Stufe:D
Dies ist die andere Kugel, mit der Sie beginnen. Bei jedem Durchlauf erhältst du einen einzelnen Daggorb und es scheint seltener zu sein, mehr durch Kugelauswahl zu erhalten.
Ihre Statistiken sind:
- 1/7> 1/10> 1/13
Keine zusätzlichen Fähigkeiten.
Ihr hoher Crit-Schaden und ihr Potenzial sind gut, aber ihre nutzlose Leistung ohne einen Crit und ihre Tendenz zum Overkill machen sie in meinen Augen weniger nützlich als Steine. Außerdem fehlen Daggorbs meines Wissens irgendwelche Synergien oder besondere Ereignisse. Könnte leichter als Steine sein, aber nicht sehr auffällig.
- Stufe:F
Echt lustig. Wirklich gut. Erhalten durch Orb-Auswahl oder durch Umarmen des Blitzes in einem Event. Nimm immer, wenn du es rechtfertigen kannst.
Ihre Statistiken:
- 2/4
Kann jeden Feind treffen. Bei kritischen Treffern alle in der Spalte treffen.
- Level 2:Trifft 1 nahen Stift bei jedem getroffenen Stift.
- Level 3:Trifft jetzt 2 nahe beieinander liegende Stifte bei jedem getroffenen Stift.
Superhohes Skalierungspotential mit Relikten, obwohl etwas schlechter als Orbsium mit den Spezialfähigkeiten, kann es helfen, kritische Treffer und Erfrischungen besser zu erhalten und ist nicht schwerer. Kann gelegentlich auch mehr als einen Gegner treffen.
- Stufe:A+
Bob-Orb ist eine der interessantesten Kugeln im Spiel. Völlig nutzlos, wenn Sie keine Bombensynergie haben. Erhalten durch Kugelauswahl
- 0/0
Verwandelt jeden 8. Stift in eine Bombe.
- Level 2:Der erste getroffene Stift wird zu einer Bombe.
- Level 3:Verwandelt jeden 6. Stift in eine Bombe statt des 8.
Diese Kugel hat die beste Synergie mit Multiball im gesamten Spiel, aber was sie wirklich braucht, sind Bomben-Synergie-Relikte und etwas Grundschaden, um einen Lauf wirklich zu gewinnen. Skurril und lustig, aber nicht großartig.
- Stufe:C
Wie ein Stein, aber größer. Trifft jetzt alle Feinde und erfordert einen Orbelisk der Stufe 2, um davon in Ihrem Deck zu profitieren. Nur durch Kugelauswahl erhältlich.
Ihre Statistiken:
- 2/4> 3/5> 4/8
Durchbohrt alle Feinde. Kann nur geerdete Feinde treffen. Es ist groß und schwer.
Nun, geerdete Feinde sind derzeit keine so große Sache. Es gibt ein paar in Akt 1, keine in Akt 2 und nur wenige in Akt 3. Das bedeutet, dass dies fast ein Hit für jeden mit ziemlich gutem Schaden ist. Aber Ircicle ist in fast jeder Hinsicht besser. Bouldorb ist zu schwer, um sehr weit zu schießen, und der Magnet wirkt nicht so stark darauf. Und dass es groß ist, ändert nicht viel.
- Stufe:B
Nehmen Sie es nicht ein, es sei denn, Ihnen fehlen andere Optionen. Dies könnte die schwächste Kugel im Spiel sein. Erhalten durch Kugelauswahl.
Ihre Statistiken:
- 2/4> 3/6> 4/8
- Wendet Bramble 2> 3> 4 auf einen Treffer an.
- Brambles-Deal 6> 8> 10 ?? pro Brombeerstufe an vorbeiziehende Feinde.
Brombeersträucher verursachen keinen Schaden, das Festhalten eines Feindes ist nicht so hilfreich, da er Sie immer noch angreifen kann. Schwacher Schaden und kein Durchbohren. Ich fordere Sie auf, mir einen Fall zu suchen, bei dem Bramball Ihnen mehr als alles andere geholfen hat. Eigentlich sollte es besser sein als Stein oder Rubborb, aber sein Statuseffekt ist bestenfalls lächerlich, also behalte ich es im F-Tier.
- Stufe:F
Dunkelheit Eterball
Diese Kugel ist nur ein Stein, der Feinden einen Debuff gibt. Nicht gut. Nicht grauenhaft. Kann dich manchmal am Leben erhalten, aber kein Grund, es zu nehmen, wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass du es nicht brauchst.
Ihre Statistiken:
- 2/4> 3/6> 4/8
- Verleiht einem getroffenen Gegner Blind 2> 3> 4.
Geblendete Feinde haben eine Chance von etwas mehr als 1/3, Sie zu verfehlen. Nicht gut. Besser als ein Stein, im Gegensatz zu einigen dieser anderen Stein-Stat-Kugeln. Take it if you want.
- Tier:C.
This is the healing orb, however its healing is less beneficial than nosforbatu, despite this one only being able to be used sparingly. Obtained through orb selection. Take if you don’t like the other options, can save a run later.
Their stats:
- 1/2
Deals no damage, instead heals you based on how much damage this would’ve done.
- Level 1:removed from deck after use.
- Level 2:can used once per battle.
- Level 3:?? (haven’t gotten this yet, but I am assuming it can be used once per refresh like any other orb.)
This orb basically acts like a full heal, and is almost always better than just taking the hp.
- Tier:B
An orb that I don’t have much experience with, however the later on in the game you are, the better it becomes. Obtained through orb selection.
Their Stats:
- 0/1
Hits all enemies. Echo:15%> 30%> 45(?)%.
All in all, a good pierce option, especially when paired with orbs that can deal insane damage but lack pierce. Honestly, this might be stronger poltorbgeist and people are sleeping on it. Though it is seemingly rarer. Definitely take it if it is offered.
- Tier:S++
I have never gotten this orb. I do not know what it does, but apparently it is from the shake a tree event.
Infernorb is a decent all around orb with benefits and slightly outweigh the negatives. Obtained through orb selection or through the fireball event at the cost of 10 hp. Generally speaking take this orb if you are wanting to do a bomb build or if you are severely lacking in pierce damage and NEED bombs.
Their stats:
- 3/5> 4/7> 5/9
Very light. Detonates bombs in one hit. Deals 2 self damage when used.
The two self damage is honestly meaningless and can actually be helpful, the fact it is light is good to balance decks with heavy orbs, and the slightly above average stats are good. Short Fuse makes the bomb benefit actually worthless, but if you don’t have Short Fuse take at least one.
- Tier:B
Ircicle is honestly my favourite orb, and one of the only natural pierce options, but lacks any downside. Only obtained through orb selection.
Their stats:
- 2/4> 3/5> 4/6
Gets to pierce through the first peg hit. Pierces 1 enemy, but all enemies on a crit.
Like Daggorb, this is only really good on a crit, but that naturally damage is great and the only good, “Stone stats but has something else”. Never skip an Ircicle unless your deck is already too big. Having pierce in a deck is something you will never take for granted and never not need.
- Tier:A
The best healing option in the game, and sadly the least consistent damaging option. Good for self-damage synergies, the few that exist. Obtaining through orb selection. Always take one.
Their Stats:
- 1/2
Deals 15 self damage when fired, +7 per use this combat. Like Doctorb it heals instead of doing damage. And then deals damage based on the amount of missing hp you gained back.
- Level 1:deals 1x healed to targeted enemy.
- Level 2:deals 2x healed.
- Level 3:deals 2x healed to all enemies.
This is great for consistent healing and inconsistent damage. At least it is almost always a full heal, unless your skill is bad like Aliensrock.
- Tier:S
This is the most talked about orb from what I can gather. Don’t get me wrong, it is very fun and very easy to make gamebreaking, but also easy to make less than useless. Only obtained through orb selection.
Their stats:
- 1/2
Multiball 1> 2> 3.
This is the only orb currently to naturally have multiball, but oddly enough has anti-synergy with the multiball relic. The very low stats tend to become 0/0 with powerful boss relics, but even still the insane damage potential is ludicrous. However, dealing 37,950 damage to an enemy with a bit over 200 hp is kinda sad. (this actually happened to me)
Because it lacks the ability to hit multiple enemies and can trigger Red Bombs you may not want to activate, I am only putting it in S tier.
- Tier:S
This is an interesting orb that is solid in almost every build, but never game changing. Obtained through orb selection.
Their stats:
- 1/2
Gains 0.34 bonus damage per peg hit this battle. Can target enemy enemy. Can only be used once per battle.
- Level 2:bonus damage increases to 0.5 per peg hit.
- Level 3:Can be used as many times per battle as needed.
This orb scales wildly in Matryorbshka and Orbsium builds, as the peg does not need to ‘pop’ to gain the bonus damage. That being said, it is a back-up orb. It is almost always better to have one of those two orbs than to use the Memorb. But take a Memorb if you need consistency.
- Tier:B
Now this is a fun orb. Honestly, I think it gets worse as it upgrades, but it is really quite good. I say take it unless you are using a matryorbshka without glorious suffering. Obtained through orb selection.
Their Stats:
- 5/9> 7/11> 9/13
Downgrades each peg it hits by 1> 2> 3 damage. Overflow.
This orb has anti-synergy with nearly everything, but it is very good still, at least at level one. The earlier levels are actually legitimately worse. And it becomes terrible if you get the relic that gives all orbs Overflow.
- Tier:B
Orbelisk is a pure synergy orb that can cause you to rethink discarding all of your stones, or just realize the orbelisk is gimmicky at best. Obtained from the Obelisk event and orb selection.
Their stats:
- 0/0
Gets +1/+2 for each Stone in your deck. Hits all targets in a column.
- Level 2:Gets +1/+2 for each Bouldorb in your deck.
- Level 3:Gets +1/+2 for each Orbelisk in your deck.
This is actually a pretty interesting build idea, but it is so top heavy and requires deck bloat that it is terrible. Now you definitely can use Orbelisk is a winning run, but it can’t be the main focus, just extra coverage.
For scaling potential, it is better than any other orb and can get to some ludicrous damage numbers like 10/20, but that isn’t even that good.
- Tier:F
Das ist gut. Straight up good, if you can get it early enough and really work on it being the glue of your run, you can win. Obtained by giving all your orbs to the purple mirror at a cost of 5 hp.
Their Stats:
- 2/4> 3/6> 4/8
- Persist 3> 4> 5. Echo:50%.
This has the potential to be the best orb in the game, however it is held back by a few things. One:no piercing. Two:You have to give up all orbs you have, which is a good thing early on. Three:Echo isn’t great on it’s own, it needs a more powerful orb to help it start the damage train easier.
- Tier:A
This is a fun orb I don’t see too many people talking about. It is only obtained through orb selection, but it is so good. Always take it if you can.
Their stats:
- 1/2
It is heavy and gets heavier the more you upgrade. Hits pegs a number of additional times equal to its level.
Orbsium might actually be stronger than Matryorbshka, it has the same stats, similar scaling potential, better synergies, and hits any enemy selected, rather than just the first enemy. It is also helpful in bomb synergies as it explodes bombs in one hit due to technically hitting the bombs 2-4 times.
The main gimmick here is that it hits pegs multiple times, which is instant rewards with Glorious SuffeRing, rather than needing refreshes like most orbs. Still there is the issue of single target damage, and the damage can’t even be put through as overkill.
- Tier:S
The only thing I know about this orb is that it exists. I never got the event that gives it to you and it just seems like an unupgradeable stone. Please tell me that this actually does.
Their Stats:
- 2/4.
Does not upgrade.
This is probably the most powerful orb in the game right now. Honestly I have been sleeping on it before now. Obtained through orb selection.
Their stats:
- 1/2> 2/3> 3/4
Passes through pegs while moving up (still hits them). Hits all enemies.
If you think Matryorbshka is broken, look at Polterobgeist. It has the same stats but instead of having multiball it hits all enemies, which is so useful. Now it isn’t an auto-win, you need support for it damagewise, but holy it is good. Too bad it is mostly outclassed by Echorb.
- Tier:S+
This orb is an oddity. It has the potential of near unlimited damage potential on certain levels, but generally will be near worthless. Funny though it may seem. Obtained through orb selection.
Their stats:
- 1/2
Refresh the board every 6 pegs hit.
- Level 2:Refreshes the board on discard.
- Level 3:??
Very useful to have one of these in a run, especially level 2+, but there are better orbs. It is like a safety net if your refreshes are impossible to hit.
- Tier:B
The weirdest and hardest to utilize orb. Completely rng. Take it if you lack refreshorb or refresh relics. Obtained through orb selection.
Their Stats:
- 2/5> 3/7> 4/9
Shuffle crits and refreshs every 5> 4> 3 pegs hit. Shuffles crits and refresh when discarded.
In my mind this is just a worse version of refreshorb. Although the higher than normal damage is appreciated, although for some unknown reason it got nerfed. Out of every orb in the game this one got a damage nerf, used to be a 2/6 i think.
- Tier:C-
What this orb lacks in gimmicks, special flair, or any zing, it makes up for in technical utility. Don’t pick it, it is only an ever so slightly better stone. Obtained in Orb Selection.
Their Stats:
- 2/4> 3/6> 4/8
Extra bouncy!
Bouncing more than normal can be helpful. Other than that it is literally just a stone without the benefits of literally being a stone.
- Tier:D
Splatorb is an interesting orb. Not too great, but does a lot of stuff right. Take it if you don’t have one already. Obtained through orb selection.
Their Stats:
- 2/4> 3/6> 4/8
Applies rubber slime to every 5> 4> 3 pegs hit. Rubber slimed pegs are durable and extra bouncy. I am pretty sure multiple sources of durable do not stack.
I love having a splatorb and I think it is very helpful in the longhaul. Not great on its own but can help other orbs out just a tad. Later on in the game it isn’t great.
- Tier:B
This is a decent option. Honestly, not my go to choice but can be helpful. Take it if you have orbsium or matryorbshka. Obtained through orb selection.
Their Stats:
- 2/4
Upgrades each peg it hits by 1> 2> 3 damage.
This works really nicely with Gift That Keeps Giving or Glorious SuffeRing. Synergizes with most top-tier orbs. Itself is fairly weak and slow however.
- Tier:B