Eine Liste aller Errungenschaften, ihrer Anforderungen und einige Tipps, wie man sie erhält.
So erhalten Sie alle Erfolge
Geschichte &Enderfolge
Diese sind größtenteils selbsterklärend.
Zeit, diesen Ort aufzuräumen!!
- Beende den Prolog.
Kein Land für alte Orks
- Besiege den Level-1-Boss.
Belohnungstitel Orc Slayer.
Slimy und das Gehirn
- Besiege den Level-2-Boss.
Belohnungstitel Monstertöter.
Das wahre Alpha von Fort Ganon
- Besiege den Level-3-Boss.
Belohnungstitel Alpha Slayer.
Der Berg, der geht
- Besiege den Level-4-Boss.
Belohnungstitel Giant Slayer.
Das Wort unfähig kommt nirgendwo in meinen persönlichen Aufzeichnungen vor!!!
- Besiege den letzten Boss.
Belohnungstitel Captain Slayer.
Ein neues Kapitel
- Erreiche 0 Bestellungen.
Belohnungstitel Eine Enttäuschung.
Es gibt 4 Varianten:
- B:Korruption>=30
- C:Level 5 in Anarchie und mindestens einmal gegen Gobriel verloren
- D:Erlass der Stufe 3 „Ausbildung zur Unterdrückung von Aufständen für Wachen“
- A:Standard, wenn keiner der oben genannten Punkte zutrifft
Glückliches Leben
- Erreiche das H.-Ende.
Belohnungstitel Technisch jungfräuliche Braut oder reinweiß gefärbte Braut.
Erfülltes Versprechen
- Erreiche das E. Ende.
Belohnungstitel Heilige Kaiserin.
Beende das Spiel mit…
Stellen Sie für die ersten 5 sicher, dass Sie die Edikte erhalten, die das Wachstum für diesen Wert erhöhen, und versuchen Sie, sich an die Fähigkeiten zu halten, die mit diesem Wert verbunden sind.
Überwältigende Macht ist König!
- Schaffe das Spiel mit Stärkeleveln, die um 15 oder mehr höher sind als alle anderen Statistiken.
Passt gut zu einem kampforientierten S-Build.
- Erlasse:Krafttraining 1-5, [Ohrringe] Träne
- Skills:(Head) Strike, Slam, C*ck Kick
- Titles:Discipline of Strength, Doctrine of Strength, Subjugates Through Brute Feet
Technique is Supreme
- Beat the game with Dexterity Levels higher than all other stats by 15 or more.
Fits with a counterattack build, or a more sex focused S build.
- Edicts:Dexterity Training 1-5, [Earrings] Lioness
- Skills:(Arm) Slash, Cleave, Counterattacks, Counter Stance, most sex skills
- Titles:Discipline of Dexterity, Doctrine of Dexterity, Titty F*ck Savant
First Strike =Victory
- Beat the game with Agility Levels higher than all other stats by 15 or more.
- Edicts:Agility Training 1-5, [Earrings] Cheetah
- Skills:(Leg) Thrust, Skewer, Evade, Cautious Stance
- Titles:Discipline of Agility, Doctrine of Agility, Like a Bird, Like a Dancer, Light as a Feather
Best Offense is a Strong Defense
- Beat the game with Endurance Levels higher than all other stats by 15 or more.
Fits well with a Sex-only M build.
- Edicts:Endurance Training 1-5, [Earrings] Heart
- Skills:Taking Pleasure Damage, Taking Hits, Swallow/Creampie (, Defensive Stance)
- Titles:Discipline of Endurance, Doctrine of Endurance, Freeloading Drunk, Softcore Masochist, Kinky Masochist
Warp Reality with Iron Will
- Beat the game with Mind Levels higher than all other stats by 15 or more.
- Edicts:Mind Training 1-5
- Skills:Suppress/Release Desire, Ki, Focus, Healing Thoughts, Mind over Matter, See/Hear/Speak No Evil, Resist Orgasm, Reality Marble, Eye of the Mind, etc
- Titles:Discipline of Mind, Doctrine of Mind, Grand Order
I’m sorry for being a masochist
- Beat the game with 12 or more levels of Masochism over Sadism.
Things that give masochism:
- Talking Orgasms
- Get spanked A lot
- Get defeated A lot (see any defeat scene)
- Get knockdown from no stamina.
- Get tripped
- Eat a lot of different peoples ass.
- Karryn using Rimjob.
- Karryn used as a Urinal (defeat 2)
- Karryn f*cked While Tied. (defeat 3)
- Karryn f*cked in the pillory. (defeat 4)
- Karryn sucking on fingers.
- Karryn getting Facialed.
- Start with +2 At Character Creation.
Call me your Queen!
- Beat the game with 10 or more levels of Sadism over Masochism.
Things that give Sadism:
- Defeat Erect Enemies
- Kick em in the D*ck
- 100% Cockiness
- Karryn Using Handjobs
- Karryn Using Titjobs
- Karryn using P*ssy Sex
- Giving enough people Footjobs, no matter who uses it.
- Karryn Using Footjob specifically.
- Make them C*m on the Floor
- Start with +2 at Character Creation
Pure Run for Holy Empress/ Your Imperial Majesty/ Hero’s Guidelines &Incorruptible Pillar
Your Imperial Majesty
- Save first kiss and both V-cards for the Emperor in the Empress End.
Incorruptible Pillar
- Beat the game with no Corruption built up.
Pretty much all corruption comes from edicts. Notably everything on the Shopping page gives corruption, as well as all edicts that unlock side jobs.
Free Play Time♥
- Beat the game with 400+ S. Levels.
Queen of Fighters
- Beat the game with the Prisoner Fighter title equipped all game since Level 1 on Warden or Prisoner Mode without any game overs.
Rewards Queen of Fighters (warden) or Ultimate Fighter (prisoner) title.
Ultimate Imperial Secretary
- Beat the game in the first playthrough of a freshly created new save file with Emperor’s Secretary equipped all game on Warden or Prisoner Mode without any game overs.
Rewards Imperial Lady (warden) or Pride of the Empire (prisoner) title.
Note that this has to be a new save, NG+ is not allowed.
- Beat the game with the A Disappointment title equipped all game since Level 1 on Warden or Prisoner Mode without any game overs.
Rewards Redeemed (warden) or Author of a Success Story (prisoner) title.
Speed Run
- Beat the game in the first playthrough of a freshly created new save file within 50 Days on Warden or Prisoner Mode without any game overs.
Note that this has to be a new save, NG+ is not allowed.
Well this is easy.
- Enact an Edict.
Oh god……
- Obtain over ten Passives from a single battle.
Pretty easy to get if you go slut mode.
I won’t give up!
- Experience Defeat.
When you reach zero stamina &energy.
The goddess of victory now walks among you!!
- Reach 100 Cockiness.
You will get this if you keep winning battles.
My First Kiss…
- Give first kiss to someone from the prison on their lips.
If you get defeated a few times and don’t lower mouth desire, you will probably get this.
Welcome to Fort Ganon… MMM!
- Give first kiss to an outside visitor on their lips.
Be a lewd receptionist.
Sleepy Beauty
- Give first kiss to a man’s front area.
Probably safest to get this in the reception as you have more control over rejecting kisses. You can also use accessories that increase the desire requirement for kissing/lower it for bj.
Beauty and the Beast Hole
- Give first kiss to a man’s rear area.
Rogues like to do this. You can use accessories that increase the desire requirement for kissing.
Unconventional Development
- Lose back V-card first before front V-card.
Keep pssy desire below 100 until the back V-card is taken.
I’m not impressed, trash!
- Taunt an enemy.
Taunt is unlocked by the Confident Warden passive (subdue 25 enemies).
Don’t Collect, Go Directly To Jail
- Get bankrupted.
Finally, some good food
- Eat an artisan meal.
Unlocking the artisanal meal requires subjugating level 2 and unlocking the following edicts:Repair Research, Research:Prison Audit, Repair Dishwashing, Hire Dishwashers, Repair Kitchen and Mess Hall, Upgrade Kitchen Equipments, Repair Staff Lounge, Hire Chef, and finally Artisanal Meal for Chief Warden.
And stay down!
- Subdue a riot.
Orderly Prison
- Have 100 Order at the end of the day.
I look banging right?
- Have five Accessories equipped.
You need 69 Charm to equip the 5th one.
- Finish over 30 waitress side job shifts.
T-This is Karryn s-speaking…!!
- Suddenly accidentally scream loudly into the radio during the receptionist side job.
I only came here to rest…
- Have over twenty people served in the bathroom in one day.
I’m quite good at dancing♪
- Reach Dance Combo of 10 or higher in the stripper side job.
Now to find time to read them all
- Collect all four volumes of Hero’s Guidelines.
You can only get these with low S. level (1 after beating each of floor 1-4)
Night of the Living Inmates
- Beat Endless Prison Wave 15 on Prisoner Mode.
Dante’s Inferno
- Beat Endless Hell Wave 9 on Prisoner Mode.
Is this actually helpful?
- Read Yasu’s Note.
- Pet the Talking Cat.
*Chuckles* I’m in danger
- Fight a Wanted enemy with a red name.
Poor Janitor
- Leave a white mess all over the floor.
You sure that’s enough Titles?
- Known by 72 different names.