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Symphony of War:Die Nephilim-Saga – Tipps und Tricks für neue Spieler

Nützliche Tipps und Tricks für neue Spieler.

Tipps und Tricks für Anfänger

Der allmächtige Tilde-Schlüssel (~)

In der aktuellen Version 1.01.1 gibt es eine versteckte Geschwindigkeit schneller als „Turbo“, die passiert, wenn Sie die ~-Taste gedrückt halten.

Es erspart Ihnen enorm viel Wartezeit, wenn die KI ihre Aktionen ausführt.


Kapitel 12 Squad-Überblick

  • Gesamt:15
  • 4x Tanking Squads:Diana, Lindly, Rakusha &Warlord Tatar
  • 1x Diebstahl:Stefan
  • 2x Kavallerie:Sir Rolante und Barnabas
  • 1x Kanone:Lysander
  • 1x Drache (nicht fliegend):Abigayle
  • 4 berittene Bogenschützen-Trupps:Jules, General Bizen, Narima und Emeric
  • 2x Sanitäter:Isolde, Sybil

Kapitel 30 Truppübersicht

  • Gesamt:19
  • 3x Tanking (Kavallerie):Lindly, Tristan, Isolde
  • 2x Diebstahl:Stefan, Diana
  • 4x Kanonen:Lysander, Lt. Archibald, Warlord Tatar, General Ragavi,
  • 5x Drache (fliegend):Beatrix, Abigayle, Sybil, Emma, ​​Brom
  • 3 berittene Bogenschützen-Trupps:Jules, General Bizen, Otto
  • 2x Kavallerie:Jaromir, Sir Rolante

Das Folgende sind die generischen „Vorlagen“-Squads, die ich während meiner Kampagne verwendet habe.


Der Schlüsselfaktor ist, dass die Trupps die niedrigste Bedrohungsstufe haben sollten. Das bedeutet, dass Sie sich an Artefakte mit geringer Bedrohung halten sollten, die die Überlebensfähigkeit erhöhen (ich verwende Offiziersornat, Donars Kriegstraktat und manchmal Donari-Rüstung).

  • Die Grundkombination besteht aus 3 Fronttanks und 2 Heilern.
  • Für eine Infanterie-Version verwenden Sie eine Frontlinie von 3x Wächtern oder Paladinen (die einen Wächter haben) mit 2x Priesterinnen/Vorbildern für Heiler.
  • Für eine Kavallerie-Version haben Sie eine Frontlinie von Walküren (die mehr HP haben) mit 2 Hospitalisten.
  • Die verbleibenden 5 Einheiten sind bis zu Ihnen.
  • Wenn Sie sich Sorgen um Attentäter machen, sollten Sie eine hintere Reihe von Walküren/Paladinen oder Zenturios/Champions einsetzen. Ihre Rüstung macht den erlittenen Schaden unbedeutend.
  • Falls Sie sich Sorgen um magischen Schaden machen, wird es den erlittenen magischen Schaden drastisch reduzieren, indem Sie Einheiten die Hybris eines Kriegers verleihen oder einfach nur Walküren/Paladine einsetzen.


Hochqualifizierte Einheiten mit einer Frontlinie, die Walküren für etwas Heilung hat.

Berittene Bogenschützen-Trupps

Empfohlen:5 Reiterbögen/Räuber, 4 Bogenschützen/Kriegsbögen. Es wird eine leichte Kavalleriebewegung haben, also kann es sich 7 Felder weit bewegen und sich nach einem Angriff zurückziehen.

I don’t recommend full warbow squadrons simply because cannon serve that role, and do far more damage (one-shotting everything but frontline enemies).

Cannon Squadron

Early game:4 cannons with Giant’s Thresher (+25% damage vs larger units). The main issue with this squad is that it is very vulnerable to getting attacked, although proper positioning can keep it safe.

End-game:5 cannons, 3 paladins, 1 priestess:A cannon squad that can tank hits, and has healing. Positioning is far less relevant as a result.

Flyer Squad

Maximum AoE output with 3 dragons on the frontline, a fire mage for more AoE, and 2 healers for survival.

Cavalry Squadron

3 valkyries/knights on the frontline, 2 hospitallers, 3 fire wizards, and 1 (anything).

This squad will have cavalry mobility be able to smash anything it faces, and sufficient healing to stay healthy. The ability to attack and retreat will prevent these squads from being targeted by the AI.

Squad Movement Type

Directly from in-game’s “Tutorial and Info” section

Intersting Squad Examples:

  • A unit with 5 horsebows and 3 archers will have light cavalry mobility. Similarly, a unit with 5 Cavalry and 4 infantry will have cavalry movement (which can make Hospitallers worth using over Templars in certain circumstances).
  • Dragons and Horses don’t mix. If they are together in a party, it will become infantry class (5 cavalry, 2 infantry, and dragon =infantry class).
  • Cannons will similarly make a unit instantly either slow or infantry class (depending on techs).
  • If your # of dragons =# of other unit types, it will be flying. However, if 1 of the other units is a cavalry, it will become infantry class (Dragons cannot make horses fly!).
  • “Light” Classification comes from the number of light units vs heavy units. For example, this Stefan squad is “Light cavalry” because Stefan + Blademaster + 2 Raiders + Hussar =5 light units.

Unit Stats

Unit starting stats are random, but unit stat growth is fixed, which is dependent on the class of the unit, modified by the affinity of the unit (more on affinity later).

For example, Archers, Swordsmen, Spearmen, etc. all growth STR at 0.4/level, gaining 2 STR per 5 levels.

The impact of each stat is as follows:

  • STR:Improves Physical Damage and Physical Resistance.
  • MAG:Improves Healing / Magic Damage / Magic Resistance.
  • SKL:Improves Crit Chance / Dodge Chance / Deflection / Status Effect Application.
  • LDR:Only used by the squad leader, the squad’s maximum capacity is equal to his/her LDR.

Additional Notes:

In general, weapon value is combined with STR or MAG to determine damage output. However, there are exceptions, which are listed below:

  1. Gunpowder weapons and crossbows are weapon values only (but that value is very high).
  2. Dragon damage is based on the sum of their STR and MAG stats (not sure if it is affected by weapon value, but I assume so).

Class Affinity

Affinity has 2 main effects:

  1. Affects character stats.
  2. Affects hit and crit chance, depending on the weather of the turn (thus, cannot be controlled since weather is mostly random).

The effect of affinities is shown in the image below, but what you need to know is this:

  • Front-line tanks (typically Sentinels, Valkyries, and Paladins):Earth.
  • Magic-based units where HP is not an issue:Water or Dark.
  • High Skill and Str:Lightning.
  • Physical DPS:Dark or Fire.
  • Squad Leader:Light.

Finally, affinity stat changes are applied retroactively. For example, if you change from lightning to light affinity, you will see a big increase in your leadership stat, your STR and SKL will drop, etc.

Maximizing Hit Points

Unit hit points are affected by their starting class.

That is:

  • Fighters =Militia> Medic> Bowman

Example 1:Cannons

If you want high HP gunpowder units, make them from fighters or militia, ideally with earth affinity (++HP), with Water Affinity (+HP) being a good 2nd choice.

307 HP Fighter / 317 HP Militia

259 HP Medic / 200 HP Bowman

Example 2:Samurai

High HP Samurai should be made from:

  • Fighters> Spearmen> Samurai, instead of Bowmen> Archer or Horsebow> Samurai

Note:To class up these Water Affinity Samurais, I had to use “Roast beefs of strength” to raise their STR to 45+. Thus, the ideal affinity is Fire Affinity, since it doesn’t lose HP (unlike Lightning). Dark affinity is worth noting in that it provides ++STR, so you could have samurai faster, but with -HP.

366 HP Fighter / 275 HP Bowman

Earning Gold!

In SoW, there are 4 main methods to earn gold. Using these methods can allow you purchase all the mercenaries and artifacts you come across in the bazaars and markets.

The Thievery Squad

The thievery squad should be your initiator in combat.

They earn gold based on the skill of the characters in the squad, and the amount of damage the unit deals.

Best units to give thievery to:

  • Swordmaster, Scouts/Hussars, Horsebow/Raider, Lightning Wizards.
  • They should all be lightning class for maximum SKL (aka. maximum profit!).

Important characters that can benefit from thievery include:

  • Rakusha, Beatrix, Narima, General Ragavi

Named Mercenaries that can benefit include:

  • Konrad the Cold (change to lightning class, has Arcane speed which gives SKL based upon MAG stat).
  • Teriq the Wicked.

An early-game (Chapter 8) thievery squad could be the following, with 3 thieves in the mid-line.

The late-game thievery squad would look like this (only 2 Valkyries don’t have thievery):


At the end of battle, every enemy unit that has surrendered will give you 1 tech point, and a large amount of gold.

To make a surrender succeed, you need to damage/destroy the enemy morale, with 100% chance of a successful surrender if they have “Shattered” Morale.

Thus, an effective tactic is to:

  1. Attack with a party to reduce their morale.
  2. Have a 2nd party (preferably with a leader with “Silver Tongue) do a “surrender attack”

For a quick example, see:

Final tip

To maximum surrenders, you should use a party with many melee units with the overpower trait (Deals morale damage based on STR). The melee units will generally target the same enemy, reducing the number of killed enemies and leaving more alive for the surrender.

Treasure Hunter

This is a leader perk. If your unit perform surrenders (or enemy army kills) has Treasure Hunter, you are more likely to have items drop. They can be artifacts, or the really profitable Arena tokens.

Arena Fights

Every arena fight gives gold, XP Codex, CP Codex, and some random items.

Thus, buy the tokens in the market whenever you see them! They can also drop as a reward item from combat during battles.

Here are sample rewards from each of the 4 arena.

Bronze / Silver

Gold / Platinum

Unit Capacity Costs

Note:Squad leader’s capacity does not change from 10. A “knight captain” leader in cavalry class will still have 10 cap, rather than 8. Similarly, even if the squad leader is loyal, his capacity cost remains 10. Below is an image of Warlord Tatar, who has 10 capacity despite being loyal.

Squad Members

For squad members, their capacity costs are affected by the following factors.

Leader perks, like “Knight captain”, “Archer captain”, etc.

The squad member’s “loyalty status”

  • Mercenary =12 cap
  • Non-committal =11 cap
  • Normal =10 cap
  • Committed =9 cap
  • Loyal =8 cap

The number of units in your squad

  • 1st-5th unit:No extra cap cost
  • 6th unit:+2 cap
  • 7th unit:+4 cap
  • 8th unit:+6 cap
  • 9th unit:+8 cap

Therefore, for a 9-unit squad that is fully loyal with 0 artifacts or cap reductions, you need 94 LDR:

  • Leader &4 members:10 + 8*4 =42
  • 6th:40 + 8+2 =52
  • 7th:50 + 8 +4 =64
  • 8th:62 + 8 + 6 =78
  • 9th:76 + 8 + 8 =94

This is why having characters that are knight/archer/infantry captains, artifacts that reduce capacity, and mentorship to boost LDR on squad members are all so useful.

Increasing Unit Capacity (Aka. LDR Stat) and Loyalty

There are several key points to understanding how Leadership gain works.

The above leadership gain occurred when I stayed within the time limits of each battle, simply from clearing 5 Gaiden missions + numerous arena battles.

  • Think of Leadership as having a “Hidden” LDR XP Bar.
  • Combat and captures increase LDR XP.
  • Mentorship:A squad leader will provide LDR XP to all units in his party, until they reach [The Leader’s LDR -10]. Mentorship only applies with combat.
  • When a LDR XP bar is filled, the unit gets +1 LDR. Light affinity has a smaller LDR XP bar, while Dark has a higher one.

Loyalty (which affects unit capacity cost) functions the exact same way, except there are only 5 states:Mercenary, Uncommitted, Neutral, Committed, Loyal.

Thus, the best way to increase both leadership and loyalty is:

  1. In bronze arena, set up a unit with the lowest threat rating, which will ensure it is the target of attacks.
  2. Do you hurt the 2 archers on the map. They will constantly attack you every turn (note:the more attackers, the more XP is earned).
  3. If you wish to grind, you can farm this for as many turn as you want to maximize your LDR stats.

You can also (indirectly) increase leadership via equipping 5 artifacts:

Elegant blade, Sergeant’s Uniform, Imperial Battle Armor, Imperial War Banner, and Ataraxia


  1. Lindly (the MC) always gets some capture XP when allies perform captures, so he/she should not perform and captures.
  2. IMO, the best units to perform captures are Diana, Stefan and Jules.


Always check them out.

They are nearly identical to markets, but you have a higher chance of getting rare items and named mercenaries. They also offer Drakelings for sale, which can be grown into mighty dragons and eventually, dragon riders.

Note:You can have a maximum of 15 dragon riders (11 from bazaars + Nibbler, the mercenary Cloudrender Athelis, Azuros, and 1 “surprise” dragon rider)

There are a total of 11 chapters with bazaars, which are the following:

  • 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, and 26

AI Target Selection

There are 3 simple rules that the AI follow when it comes to targeting.

  1. The AI moves towards the closest target.
  2. If there is no path to the closest target (e.g. all your units are already surrounded by enemy units), they will choose to take the “longer” path by wrapping around. If you are aiming to get the … How? achievement for Chapter 12, it is crucial to avoid getting surrounded since enemies will march into the fort/castle, and seize your fortress base, resulting in an instant loss.
  3. If there are multiple targets in range, the AI will target the lowest threat value.

In practical terms:

  1. A squad of 5 priestesses/medics is a great archer bait in the early-game, drawing away attention from other units, due to its very low threat, and ability to heal the damage taken. However, melee attacks are generally too dangerous and will kill some priestesses/medics.
  2. The Noisy Cricket Artifact reduces the threat rating of a squad by 15%.
  3. Threat value is manipulable because some artifacts are worth a lot more than others.

Below is 4 screenshots of the exact same party, but with 4 different artifact configurations, with the threat rating ranging from 15K, 19K, 23K and 33K.
